Dictation on the topic: "Communications". Dictation on the topic: "Adverbial participles" Participial phrase dictation

Summary of a Russian language lesson in 7th grade

Dictation on the topic “Communications”

Wonderful night

On this night miracles come uninvited. Late in the evening, calming down by the window, you clearly feel that someone is making its way to the house. Opening the window, you touch the bluish-silver snowflakes falling from the sky and say: “Hello, New Year!”

Whispers, rustles, mysterious chimes are signs of an approaching charming fairy tale.

The moon lights up in the sky, snow flies off the roofs, and the blizzard swirling under the window seems to envelop you from head to toe. Forgetting about time, about the holiday, you close your eyes and fall into a sweet sleep. You dream that you, having taken off from the ground, are flying over a sleepy town, a snow-covered forest, a small river covered with an ice shell. Having flown to the starry sky and taken off a bright star, you attach it to your chest.

In the morning, waking up with a light heart and a joyful smile, you remember an extraordinary meeting with a miracle.

(121 words)

(According to A. Illuminatorskaya)


1. Syntactic analysis of sentences.

Having flown to the starry sky and taken off a bright star, you attach it to your chest.

2. Carry out a morphemic analysis of the gerund.

Having settled down, woken up

3. Indicate the type of participles in the text.

Option I:

Perfect participles.

Option II:

Imperfect participle.

1. The mountain is overgrown with thin and tall fir trees, like hedgehog needles.

2. The slopes of the mountains opened up, as if a book had unfolded, on the fold of which the silver ribbon of the river shone like a bookmark.

3. The less cluttered the apartment, the more air there is in it, the easier it is for its inhabitants to breathe.

4. There is no need for treasure if there is harmony in the family.

5. Proverbs and sayings always have not only a direct, but also a figurative meaning.

6. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

7. Near the carts, under the carts and further away from the carts - Cossacks scattered on the grass were visible everywhere.

8. The last one, Vanya, I didn’t even notice at first: he was lying on the ground, quietly huddled under the angular matting, and only occasionally stuck his light brown curly head out from under it.

Appendix 3


Dictation 1. Topic “Communion”

The thunderstorm left an unforgettable, indelible impression in the village. It started in the evening. The bright dawn, not yet covered by the black approaching cloud, illuminated our bedroom with pink light. Through the windows, which had not yet been closed for the night, the room was filled with surprisingly fresh, slightly humid air. Suddenly a terrible thunderclap shook the whole house, and rain began to pour down, which did not stop for about an hour. The windows were not curtained. Lightning, unprecedented in beauty and brightness, was constantly visible through them. The peals of thunder, which did not stop for a minute, shackled us and kept us in a state of incessant fear. It seemed that some force would demolish our house, which stood on a high bank and was not protected from the winds.

When my fright had passed, I fell asleep quietly in my crib, which was unmade for the night due to the commotion caused by the thunderstorm.

In the morning nothing resembled yesterday's bad weather. The sun was shining brightly, the grass that had not dried out after the rain sparkled, the birds were bursting with emotion.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the participles and participial phrases found in the text as parts of the sentence.

(Predicate: not curtained.

Definitions: unforgettable, indelible; not yet covered by a black approaching cloud; not yet closed for the night; did not stop for about an hour; unprecedented in beauty and brightness; not silent for a minute; incessant; standing on a high bank and unprotected from the winds; not sleeping at night because of the confusion caused by the thunderstorm; not dry after the rain.)

Option I: not dry;

Option II: not closed.

Dictation 2. Topics “Communion” and “Communion”

After drinking a cup of tea, Natasha sighed noisily, threw her braid over her shoulder and began reading a book with a yellow cover. The mother, trying not to make noise with the dishes while pouring tea, listened to the girl’s smooth speech. But soon, tired of following the story, she began to examine the guests.

Pavel sat next to Natasha. He was the most beautiful of all. Natasha, bending low over the book, often straightened her hair that had slipped down onto her temples. Tossing her head and not lowering her voice, she said something of herself, without looking at the book, her eyes affectionately sliding over the faces of her listeners.

The Little Russian leaned his broad chest onto the corner of the table, squinting his eyes, trying to see the tangled ends of his mustache. Vyesovshchikov sat upright, resting his palms on his knees... Without blinking his eyes, he stubbornly looked at his face, reflected in the shiny copper of the samovar. Little Fedya, listening to the reading, silently moved his lips, as if repeating to himself the words of the book. And his comrade bent over, putting his elbows on his knees, and smiled thoughtfully. The room felt somehow especially good.

(M. Gorky)

Grammar tasks

Option I: tired;

Option II: leaning over.

Option I: waving;

Option II: resting.

Dictation 3. Topics “Communion” and “Communion”

Departure of geese

Leaves fell from the trees, and gardeners began to bury grapevines in the ground. It was then that wild geese flew over the village. They had a long, difficult journey to make, and they flew slowly, maintaining formation. In the morning and afternoon, in the coldish clear blue of the sky, dark dots of flocks of geese flying south were visible and loud cackling was heard. Sometimes a gust of headwind knocked down young geese flying behind. They broke the line of formation, and the old leader, slowing down his measured flight, called them with a sharp, guttural cry. They returned to their places, and the flock flew on.

And yet, it happened that an exhausted old goose remained on a lake or somewhere in shallow water. It was difficult for her to keep up with the flock, and she flew alone, often dropping to the ground and resting from the flight. Having rested a little, she tried to catch up with the flock, flapping her wings heavily.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the gerunds and participial phrases found in the text as parts of the sentence.

2. Do a word-formation analysis of words and an analysis of words by composition.

Option I: enduring;

Option II: slowing down

3. Make a morphological analysis of words.

Option I: going down;

Option II: resting.

Dictation 4. Topics “Communion” and “Communion”

Night adventure

At the beginning of the summer holidays, my friend and I decided to take a short trip in a rubber boat. Without saying anything to anyone, we quickly got ready to set off and by nightfall we were on the river bank. The silence of the night, interrupted by some sharp bird cry, the damp, piercing air - all this had a bad effect on us.

For several minutes we hesitated, but then we resolutely entered the boat, pushed away from the shore, and the boat floated downstream. At first it was scary to drive along an unfamiliar river, but gradually we got used to it and boldly looked forward.

We floated slowly down the river, almost without using the oars. The moon appeared from behind the clouds, illuminating all the surroundings with its mysterious brilliance. Somewhere a nightingale clicked, followed by another. We admired the nightingale's singing and completely forgot about the boat. Suddenly, having bumped into something, it capsized, and we found ourselves waist-deep in water. Having collected our things that were floating along the river, we climbed ashore, pulled out the ill-fated boat, lit a fire and until the morning we warmed ourselves, dried ourselves and discussed the night's adventure.

(154 words)

Dictation 5. Topic “Adverb”

The Mystery of Ball Lightning

The nature of ordinary lightning was unraveled a long time ago. Scientists have had less luck with ball lightning. Its origin is still unclear. Typically, ball lightning appears in the form of a fireball floating in the air or a rapidly flying ball of fire. Often, for unknown reasons, an explosion occurs. But she can disappear calmly, throwing sparks out of herself.

Ball lightning has long attracted attention due to the unusual nature of its behavior.

Firstly, it does not rise up in the surrounding cold air, and secondly, it retains its shape and moves. It can hover above the ground or move parallel. The temperature in ball lightning does not rise very high. It is much lower than that at which ordinary air glows.

What is the mystery of ball lightning? Scientists have yet to answer this question.

Grammar tasks

1. Do a word-formation analysis of words and an analysis of words by composition.

Option I: for a long time;

Option II: often.

2. Make a morphological analysis of words.

Option I: less (from the 2nd sentence);

Option II: unclear (from the 3rd sentence).

Current page: 5 (book has 5 pages in total)

Appendix 3

Dictation 1. Topic “Communion”


The thunderstorm left an unforgettable, indelible impression in the village. It started in the evening. The bright dawn, not yet covered by the black approaching cloud, illuminated our bedroom with pink light. Through the windows, which had not yet been closed for the night, the room was filled with surprisingly fresh, slightly humid air. Suddenly a terrible thunderclap shook the whole house, and rain began to pour down, which did not stop for about an hour. The windows were not curtained. Lightning, unprecedented in beauty and brightness, was constantly visible through them. The peals of thunder, which did not stop for a minute, shackled us and kept us in a state of incessant fear. It seemed that some force would demolish our house, which stood on a high bank and was not protected from the winds.

When my fright had passed, I fell asleep quietly in my crib, which was unmade for the night due to the commotion caused by the thunderstorm.

In the morning nothing resembled yesterday's bad weather. The sun was shining brightly, the grass that had not dried out after the rain sparkled, the birds were bursting with emotion.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the participles and participial phrases found in the text as parts of the sentence.

(Predicate: not curtained.

Definitions: unforgettable, indelible; not yet covered by a black approaching cloud; not yet closed for the night; did not stop for about an hour; unprecedented in beauty and brightness; not silent for a minute; incessant; standing on a high bank and unprotected from the winds; not sleeping at night because of the confusion caused by the thunderstorm; not dry after the rain.)

Option I: not dry;

Option II: not closed.

Dictation 2. Topics “Communion” and “Communion”

After drinking a cup of tea, Natasha sighed noisily, threw her braid over her shoulder and began reading a book with a yellow cover. The mother, trying not to make noise with the dishes while pouring tea, listened to the girl’s smooth speech. But soon, tired of following the story, she began to examine the guests.

Pavel sat next to Natasha. He was the most beautiful of all. Natasha, bending low over the book, often straightened her hair that had slipped down onto her temples. Tossing her head and not lowering her voice, she said something of herself, without looking at the book, her eyes affectionately sliding over the faces of her listeners.

The Little Russian leaned his broad chest onto the corner of the table, squinting his eyes, trying to see the tangled ends of his mustache. Vyesovshchikov sat upright, resting his palms on his knees... Without blinking his eyes, he stubbornly looked at his face, reflected in the shiny copper of the samovar. Little Fedya, listening to the reading, silently moved his lips, as if repeating to himself the words of the book. And his comrade bent over, putting his elbows on his knees, and smiled thoughtfully. The room felt somehow especially good.

(M. Gorky)

Grammar tasks

Option I: tired;

Option II: leaning over.

Option I: waving;

Option II: resting.

Dictation 3. Topics “Communion” and “Communion”

Departure of geese

Leaves fell from the trees, and gardeners began to bury grapevines in the ground. It was then that wild geese flew over the village. They had a long, difficult journey to make, and they flew slowly, maintaining formation. In the morning and afternoon, in the coldish clear blue of the sky, dark dots of flocks of geese flying south were visible and loud cackling was heard. Sometimes a gust of headwind knocked down young geese flying behind. They broke the line of formation, and the old leader, slowing down his measured flight, called them with a sharp, guttural cry. They returned to their places, and the flock flew on.

And yet, it happened that an exhausted old goose remained on a lake or somewhere in shallow water. It was difficult for her to keep up with the flock, and she flew alone, often dropping to the ground and resting from the flight. Having rested a little, she tried to catch up with the flock, flapping her wings heavily.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the gerunds and participial phrases found in the text as parts of the sentence.

2. Do a word-formation analysis of words and an analysis of words by composition.

Option I: enduring;

Option II: slowing down

3. Make a morphological analysis of words.

Option I: going down;

Option II: resting.

Dictation 4. Topics “Communion” and “Communion”

Night adventure

At the beginning of the summer holidays, my friend and I decided to take a short trip in a rubber boat. Without saying anything to anyone, we quickly got ready to set off and by nightfall we were on the river bank. The silence of the night, interrupted by some sharp bird cry, the damp, piercing air - all this had a bad effect on us.

For several minutes we hesitated, but then we resolutely entered the boat, pushed away from the shore, and the boat floated downstream. At first it was scary to drive along an unfamiliar river, but gradually we got used to it and boldly looked forward.

We floated slowly down the river, almost without using the oars. The moon appeared from behind the clouds, illuminating all the surroundings with its mysterious brilliance. Somewhere a nightingale clicked, followed by another. We admired the nightingale's singing and completely forgot about the boat. Suddenly, having bumped into something, it capsized, and we found ourselves waist-deep in water. Having collected our things that were floating along the river, we climbed ashore, pulled out the ill-fated boat, lit a fire and until the morning we warmed ourselves, dried ourselves and discussed the night's adventure.

(154 words)

Dictation 5. Topic “Adverb”

The Mystery of Ball Lightning

The nature of ordinary lightning was unraveled a long time ago. Scientists have had less luck with ball lightning. Its origin is still unclear. Typically, ball lightning appears in the form of a fireball floating in the air or a rapidly flying ball of fire. Often, for unknown reasons, an explosion occurs. But she can disappear calmly, throwing sparks out of herself.

Ball lightning has long attracted attention due to the unusual nature of its behavior.

Firstly, it does not rise up in the surrounding cold air, and secondly, it retains its shape and moves. It can hover above the ground or move parallel. The temperature in ball lightning does not rise very high. It is much lower than that at which ordinary air glows.

What is the mystery of ball lightning? Scientists have yet to answer this question.

Grammar tasks

1. Do a word-formation analysis of words and an analysis of words by composition.

Option I: for a long time;

Option II: often.

2. Make a morphological analysis of words.

Option I: less (from the 2nd sentence);

Option II: unclear (from the 3rd sentence).

A comment. Less– adverb in comparative degree; dont clear– a short adjective, as it depends on a noun (origin(what?) dont clear).

3. Parse the sentences.

Option I: Typically, ball lightning appears in the form of a fireball floating in the air or a rapidly flying ball of fire.

Option II: Firstly, it does not rise up in the surrounding cold air, and secondly, it retains its shape and moves.

Dictation 6. Topics “Preposition”, “Union”, “Particle”

I took a long walk along the cliffs above the sea and lay down in a reed chair on the balcony.

The night bottomlessness of the sky is overflowing with multi-colored stars hanging in it, and among them the transparent and also full of stars Milky Way airy gray, leaning with two unequal smokes to the southern horizon, starless and therefore almost black. The balcony opens onto a garden strewn with pebbles, sparse and low growing. The night sea opens from the balcony. Pale, milky-mirrored, motionless, silent. It’s as if the stars are silent too. And the monotonous crystal ringing, not interrupted for a second, stands throughout this silent night world, like some kind of ringing dream...

A special, pre-dawn peace also reigned throughout that huge human nest called the city. Silently and somehow differently than during the day, the multi-window houses with their numerous inhabitants stood.

(According to I. Bunin)

Grammar tasks

1. Title the text.

2. Perform a morphological analysis of a preposition, conjunction, particle (optional).

Dictation 7. Final

My friends, getting into the palace confectionery is a very tempting thing. Fat people knew a lot about food. Moreover, the case was exceptional. Grand breakfast! You can imagine what interesting work the palace chefs and pastry chefs were doing today.

Flying into the candy store, the seller felt horror and delight at the same time. This is probably how a wasp is horrified and delighted when it flies onto a cake displayed on the window by a carefree housewife.

He flew for one minute, he didn’t have time to see anything properly. At first it seemed to him that he had found himself in some amazing aviary, where the multi-colored precious birds of the southern countries were busy singing and whistling, hissing and crackling. And the next moment he thought that this was not a poultry house, but a fruit stand, full of tropical fruits, crushed, oozing, filled with their own juice. A sweet, dizzying fragrance filled his nose; the heat and stuffiness stole his throat.

(133 words)

(Y. Olesha)

Grammar task

1. Title the text.

2. Parse the sentences.

Option I: 1st sentence of the third paragraph;

Option II: last sentence of the third paragraph.

Appendix 4

Presentation 1

The hospitality of the Zhitkov family amazed me. It was expressed not in some sugary greetings, but in generous and inexhaustible hospitality. Some silent, smelling of shag, obviously hungry people came, and without any questioning they were seated with their family at a long table covered with oilcloth and fed what the family ate. And her food was simple, without gourmet quirks: porridge, fried mackerel, boiled beef. Usually they dined in silence and even seemed sullenly, but at tea they became more sociable, and then heated debates arose about Leo Tolstoy and populism.

In addition to literature, the Zhitkov family loved mathematics, astronomy, and physics. I vaguely remember some electrical appliances in Stepan Vasilyevich’s office. I remember the mathematics textbooks he compiled; they lay in a pile in his office.

I was very surprised by the relationship that existed between Stepan Vasilyevich and his son Boris: it was a relationship between two adults, equal people. Boris was given complete freedom, he did whatever he wanted - his parents were so convinced that he would not use their trust for evil. And indeed, he himself told me that he never lied to them about anything.

I had never seen such a family before, and only then, several years later, did I become convinced that, in essence, it was a very typical Russian intelligentsia working family for that time, scrupulously honest, alien to any falsehood, strict towards any untruth. I vividly remember with what admiration I, a thirteen-year-old boy, absorbed its atmosphere.

(According to K. Chukovsky)


1. Title the text.

2. Answer the question: “Why did Chukovsky like the Zhitkov family?”

Presentation 2

In the very center of Moscow there are remote corners that have preserved the scent of antiquity, where you can only hear the extraneous noise of large streets, where passers-by are rare, and all-knowing taxi drivers scratch their heads, remembering where such an embankment is located. And from this quiet embankment the Kremlin is not visible only because it is not covered by the walls of high-rise buildings.

Once upon a time there were salt warehouses here, then utility rooms for one of the very first power plants in the capital, now long inactive. Now there is a computer center here, one of the largest in the city. And it serves mainly power engineers, helps them manage energy systems spread throughout our vast country with its thousand-kilometer high-voltage lines, uniquely gigantic stations, with its diverse consumers in the form of industrial cities and small villages.

The former salt warehouses are now jealously maintained at the correct temperature. Intelligent machines are capricious - they respond to the slightest cooling and warming. There are usually a lot of people milling around the cars. Most of them are programmers. Everyone has unresolved urgent questions, everyone hopes that the machine will explain them.

(152 words)

(According to V. Tendryakov)


1. Title the text.

2. Tell about one of the corners of your hometown.

Exposition 3

I met Tuzik in July.

The nights were warm, and I learned to sleep on the grass, in a sack. Not in a sleeping bag, but in a regular potato bag. For some reason, “Pichugin” was written on the bag. Of course, I washed the bag before sleeping in it, but I couldn’t get the inscription off.

And so I once slept under the fir trees in a “Pichugin” bag.

The morning had already come, the sun rose over the gardens and dachas, but I did not wake up, and I had an absurd dream. It's as if some barber is lathering my cheeks to shave them. The hairdresser did his job too stubbornly, so I opened my eyes.

I saw a scary “hairdresser”.

Above me hung a black and shaggy dog's face with yellow eyes and an open mouth in which sugar fangs were visible. This dog stuck out his tongue and licked my face.

I screamed, jumped to my feet, but immediately fell, getting tangled in the bag, and the “barber” jumped on me and affectionately hit me in the chest with his cast-iron paws.

“This is a gift for you! – Akim Ilyich shouted from somewhere to the side. “Call me Tuzik!”

I have never spat so much as I did that morning, and I have never washed myself so furiously. And while I was washing my face, the gift - Tuzik - jumped at me and eventually knocked the soap out of my hands. He was so happy to meet, as if we had known each other before.

(202 words)

(According to Yu. Koval)


1. Title the text.

2. Tell one of your own funny stories.

Keys to tests

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Appendix 2. Dictations

1. Dictation on the topic “Communion”


The thunderstorm left an unforgettable, indelible impression injealous. It started in the evening. Bright dawn, not yet covered by blackthe approaching cloud illuminated our bedroom with pink light.Through the windows, not yet closed for the night, the room was filled with surprise.very fresh, slightly humid air. Suddenly a terrible thunderthe blow shook the whole house, and rain poured down, which did not stop for abouthours. The windows were not curtained. Through them were constantly visiblelightning, unprecedented in beauty and brightness. Not silent for a momentFor a minute the peals of thunder shackled us and kept us in a state of incessant fear. It seemed like some force would demolish our house,standing on a high bank and not protected from the winds.

When my fright passed, I quietly fell asleep in my crib, notlaid down for the night due to the turmoil caused by the thunderstorm - ""

In the morning nothing resembled yesterday's bad weather. Shined brightlythe sun, the grass that had not dried out after the rain sparkled, the the bird's excess of feelings.

(136 words)

Grammar task

1. Underline the participles and participles found in the text
phrases as members of a sentence.

(Predicate: not curtained.

Definitions: unforgettable, indelible; I'm not tightening it up yet melting into a black approaching cloud; not yet closed for the night;did not stop for about an hour; unprecedented in beauty and brightness;not silent for a minute; incessant; standing onhigh bank and unprotected from the winds; not made bednoah for the night due to the confusion caused by the thunderstorm; not dry after rain.)


1st option - no dried out, 2nd option - no closed.

2. Dictation on the topics “Communion” and “Communion”

After drinking a cup of tea, Natasha sighed noisily and threw her braidover her shoulder and began to read a book with a yellow cover. Mother tryingdon’t make noise with the dishes while pouring tea, listen to the smooth speechgirls. But soon, tired of following the story, she began to watch the guests. Pavel sat next to Natasha. He was the most beautiful of all. Natasha,bending low over the book, she often straightened thewhiskey hair. Shaking her head and not lowering her voice, she saidsomething from myself, without looking at the book, gently sliding my eyes over faces listeners.

The Little Russian leaned his broad chest onto the corner of the table, squinted his eyes,trying to examine the tattered ends of his mustache. Vyesovshchikov sat upright, resting his palms on his knees... Without blinking his eyes, he stubbornly looked at his face, reflected in the shiny copper itself.Vara. Little Fedya, listening to the reading, silently moved his lips,repeating exactly the words of the book to himself. And his comrade bent over,placing his elbows on his knees and smiling thoughtfully. There was somehow especially good.

(145 words) (A. M. Gorky) Grammar tasks

1. Underline the gerunds and gerunds found in the text private phrases as members of a sentence.

2. Do word-formation analysis of words and word analysis by composition:

1st option -tired, 2nd option - leaning over.

3. Make a morphological analysis of words:

1st option - waving, 2nd option - resting.

3. Dictation on the topics “Communion” and “Communion”

Departure geese

Leaves fell from the trees, and gardeners began to buryI love grapevines. It was then that wildgeese They had a long, difficult journey to make, and they flew slowly, maintaining formation. In the morning and afternoon, in the coldish clear blue of the sky, dark dots of flying aircraft were visible.south of flocks of geese and loud cackling was heard. Sometimes a rushthe headwind knocked down young geese flying from behind. They're scrapline of formation, and the old leader, slowing down his measured flight, calledtheir sharp, guttural cry. They returned to their places and the flock flew on.

And yet, it happened that on a lake or somewhere in shallow water I was leftThe old goose was exhausted. It was difficult for her to keep up with the pack,and she flew alone, often dropping to the ground and resting from the flight. Having rested a little, she tried to catch up with the flock, flapping heavily wings.

(128 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the gerunds and gerunds found in the text private phrases as members of a sentence.

2. Do word-formation analysis of words and word analysis by composition:

1st option - enduring 2nd option - slowing down

3. Make a morphological analysis of words:

1st option - going down, 2nd option - resting.

4. Dictation on the topics “Communion” and “Communion”

Night adventure

INAt the beginning of the summer holidays, my friend and I decided to take a short trip in a rubber boat. Don't tell anyone anythingHead, we quickly got ready to set off and by nightfall we were on the river bank.The silence of the night, interrupted by some sharp bird cry,moist, penetrating air - all this has a bad effect came at us.

For several minutes we hesitated, but then we resolutely entered the boat, pushed away from the shore, and the boat floated downstream. At first it was scary to drive along an unfamiliar river, but gradually we got used to it and were already boldly looking forward.

We floated slowly down the river, hardly working our weight.lami. The moon appeared from behind the clouds, illuminating all the surroundings with its mysterious brilliance. Somewhere a nightingale clicked, followed by another.We admired the nightingale's singing and completely forgot about the boat.Suddenly, having bumped into something, it toppled over, and we found ourselveswaist-deep in water. Having collected our things that were floating along the river, we got outashore, pulled out the ill-fated boat, lit a fire and until the morningwarmed up, dried out and discussed the night's adventure.

(154 words)

5. Dictation on the topics “Preposition” and “Union”

I took a long walk along the cliffs above the sea and lay down in the mouse chair on the balcony.

The bottomless night sky is overflowing with colorful hangingwith stars in it, and among them the transparent and also airy graythe Milky Way full of stars, I bow with two unequal smokestowards the southern horizon, starless and therefore almost black.The balcony opens onto a garden strewn with pebbles, sparse and low growing.The night sea opens from the balcony. Pale, milky-mirrored,it is motionless, silent. It’s as if the stars are silent too. And monotonous, neitherfor a second the uninterrupted crystal ringing stands in all thissilent night world, like some ringing dream...

A special, pre-dawn peace also reigned in all that vastnom human nest, which is called the city. Silently and somehow differently than during the day, the multi-window houses with their many numerous inhabitants.

(119 words) (According to I.A. Bunin)Grammar tasks

1. Title the text.

2. Perform a morphological analysis of the preposition and conjunction (according to choice).

6. Final dictation Demographic transition

The growth of our planet's population is a serious problem. She's fortouches upon the deepest problems of history, sensitive issuesnature of man and society, values ​​and beliefs approvedcenturies-old traditions. Establishing rapportwaiting for the humanities and exact sciences is absolutely necessarywhen studying society. Humanity, being an open system, has not yet exhausted its resources.

The future cannot be predicted without understanding the developments in the past,which through the present is inextricably linked with the future. When speechis about huge periods of time and all the people inhabiting the planet, the question involuntarily arises, why is this important for everyonefrom U.S. Phenomena of history that are large in scale inevitablyaffect everyone's life. Currently rapidchanges the world is going through a demographic transition - transforminga phenomenon never before experienced by mankind.

The number of humanity is many orders of magnitude greater than the numberlaziness of comparable animal species. In living naturegiving information from generation to generation and disseminating itoccurs genetically within a population. Only humanhas the ability to transmit information through socialinheritance. Information interaction related to speechand consciousness as social phenomena expressed in cultural termstour, technology and science, determines the dynamics of human development along the entire path of its development.

In the year one thousand seven hundred the number of inhabitants on Earth was tentimes less than today, and over the past three hundred years it has happenedtripling. Every day the world's population grows by two hundred and fifty thousand people, and almost all of this growth is accounted forto developing countries. These growth rates are characterized asa population explosion that could shake the planet. HoweverIn recent years, the population has stabilized. Uchedata predict the replacement of quantitative growth with qualitative ones forms of human development.

(244 words) (According to SP. Kapitsa)7. Final dictation

Bon appetit!

We get true pleasure from lunch or dinner ifWe eat slowly, at a beautifully set table, observing the rules mental rules of etiquette.

If the soup is hot, do not blow into the plate or spoon trying tocool it down. Stir the soup lightly with a spoon and wait until itwill cool down. When there is very little soup left, slightly lifting the plate with your left hand and tilting it away from you, carefully finish it.

Meat dishes require the help of a knife.and forks. We hold the fork in the left hand, the knife in the right, slightly correcting the pieces cut off one by one. Whole piece of meatIt is not customary to cut immediately. We can do without a knife if the dish, for example,cutlets or fish, easily dismembered with a fork.

No matter how many knives and forks are on the table, start with the first one.washing devices farthest from the plate. As new ones are submitted dishes, change the knives and forks used.

If you interrupt for a while, but do not finish your meal, put down the knifeand a fork crosswise on a plate. The fork is placed with the convex sideup, knife tip to the left. When you finish eating, don’t move away from youplate, and place the knife and fork on it parallel to each other,returning them with their handles to the right. The fork should have its tines facing up.

The bread is taken by hand and placed on a plate, especially for himintended. Bread is eaten by breaking off small pieces. juices.

After stirring tea or coffee, do not leave the spoon in the cup, butlive on a saucer. You should also avoid dipping cookies into drinks.

You probably care what your friends think of you.and acquaintances after meeting at the table, will they want to inviteyou back to yourself. Good manners speak first of all about yourrespect for the society in which you are located.

(263 words)

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When writing a section Test dictations in the Russian language, grade 7, on the topic: Participles materials used from books:

  • “Dictations in the Russian language” E.A. Vlodavskaya To the textbook M.T. Baranova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova and others. “Russian language. 7th grade"

Time and people have left little of the spacious farmstead that once lay here. Here and there her remains peeked out to the surface like foundation stones that had settled over time. The alder forest, pushing aside the farm field, approached the yard itself. There is nothing left of the well. The water, finding itself unneeded, dried up. In place of the hut that stood here, a wild pear tree stretched towards the light. From the road there was nothing to indicate the former estate. Only a lonely linden tree, perched near the former gate, alone and ugly, held several more powerful branches.

For some reason, birds flying from the forest never landed on its branches. The crows remembered something, sensing the spirit of misfortune in the mutilated tree, a sign of long-standing trouble. And only a thin young mountain ash, throwing out a few leaves into the light, seemed like a guest from another world in the middle of a courtyard overgrown with grass. Everything here belonged to the past. And only human memory, turning the past into the present, connects the present with the future.

(According to V. Bykov)

(134 words)

Grammar tasks
  1. Perform a morphological analysis of the participle from the first sentence and the gerund from the last sentence.
  2. Sort out the words according to their composition: just a few(leaflets), in mutilated(tree).

Childhood tree

In the pre-war years, I spent every summer at my grandfather’s house, leaving the village at the end of August. I was terribly worried that the Chegem grapes were just beginning to brown. Descending from Chegem, we saw that on the way down the grapes were becoming blacker and riper with every step. When the grapes began to turn pink on the trees of Chegem, I walked with my head up and peered into the pinking bunches, sometimes mistaking last year’s withered leaf for a blackened bunch of grapes.

One day I finally noticed that the grapes hanging from one of the upper branches were almost ripe.

With great difficulty I reached the first branch. Having sat astride her, he began to figure out what to do next. The bunches captivated the eye: pink, red, black and purple, already ripening. But getting to them was still not easy. You had to go to the end of the branch and there, grabbing a bunch of grapes, pull it towards you.

(According to F. Iskander)

Grammar tasks
  1. Parse the highlighted sentences.
  2. In the first paragraph, in all complex sentences, underline the grammatical basics and indicate the conjunction.
  3. From the last paragraph, write down one participle and a gerund and analyze it morphologically.
  4. Write down the verbs with -TSYA and -TSYA, explain the spelling.

Ice drift

The ice moves carefully every spring, but ice drift is always an event of the day. Hearing a scream, you quickly run to the bridge, as if a murder or robbery is being committed there.

Hanging over the railing, you look at the river, and suddenly disappointment! You expected a crash and rumble, but you hear nothing except a dull, monotonous noise, similar to distant thunder. Instead of breaking, collisions and a friendly onslaught, you see serenely lying, motionless piles of broken ice, filling the entire river from bank to bank. The surface of the river is blasted and agitated. Not a drop of water is visible, just ice, ice, ice.

The icy hills stand still, but you feel dizzy. It seems that the bridge and the public are going somewhere. Here is one large ice floe, resting against its side, for a long time does not allow the bridge to run away from it. The ice floes look sad and dejected. They seem to realize that they are being driven from their homes somewhere far away to the terrible Volga. There they, having seen enough horrors, will turn into nothing.

(According to A.P. Chekhov)

Grammar tasks
  1. Parse the highlighted sentences.
  2. Underline the participial and adverbial phrases and indicate the words to which they refer.
  3. Write down from the text the words with the spelling “Consolid and separate spelling of NOT-NI in different parts of speech.”
  4. Perform a morphological and morphemic (by composition) analysis of any participle and gerund.

At dawn

When I woke up, I couldn’t figure out where I was for a long time.

Above me, like a giant tent, spread the blue sky, across which a sparkling cloud quietly floated and melted. Throwing my head back, I could see a dark wooden church above, looking at me from a high cliff.. Not far from me stood some unfamiliar hut, and a river splashed at my very feet. Its mysterious banks stood listening to the rustle of the river.

When at dawn I laid down here to wait for the steamer, the water was still far away, behind the old boat. Now the river was splashing almost to my feet.

The river surged. The fast streams ran, pushing, circling, curling up into funnels and developing again. The river, which was in earnest, greatly disturbed everyone who was waiting for the crossing. But the transportation was carried out as usual. The voices of people thundered and echoed over the river.
Soon the long-awaited steamer appeared, blinking lights pale at dawn. The sun had long been gilding the tops of the coastal forests, and I, sleepless, sat on the upper deck and admired the new corners that the beautiful river generously opened up to me.

(According to V. Korolenko)

Grammar tasks
  1. From the last paragraph, write down the words in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: “If a prefix is ​​followed by a voiceless consonant, then at the end of it is written a letter denoting a voiceless consonant, and if a voiced consonant, then a letter denoting a voiced consonant.”
  2. From the second paragraph, write down a word with an alternating vowel in the root and a word with an unpronounceable consonant and sort them out according to their composition.
  3. Find the active participles of the present and past tense in the text and indicate the formative suffixes in them.


A newcomer, a llama, was placed in the carriage where the cage with the pelicans was located.

Petka did not have enough space with the pony, so the poor fellow spent the entire journey adapting to the life of his strange neighbors - the pelicans. He felt stuffy in a simple freight car. When they brought a bucket of water in which the fish washed for the pelicans were swimming, Petka joyfully reached for it. The pelicans, frightened and indignant, flapping their grayish-white wings, rushed at Petka. Sometimes he got it badly, but more often the scandal ended happily. The pelicans knocked over the bucket, starting to swim, and showered Petka with a whole fountain of splashes. He didn’t yawn and first took an unexpected shower, and then took a bath for himself in the dirty puddle flowing out of the pelican’s cage.

After swimming, Petka, raising his head, looked at his pelican neighbors. After a little time, it turned out that Petka has a very sociable character. Being very inquisitive, he now walked freely behind the scenes of the circus and, not forgetting the pelicans, made more and more new acquaintances.

Because Petka felt like a master everywhere and behaved solidly and strictly, he was jokingly dubbed the Commandant.

Petka got used to the new nickname and responded to it. When someone began to bother him, he, looking arrogantly with his dark blue eyes, angrily pressed his ears back and rewarded the offender with a delicious spit.

(According to N. Durova)

Grammar tasks
  1. Parse the highlighted sentence.
  2. Identify the morphemes in the words: brought, unexpected, flowing, ended.
  3. Graphically explain the punctuation in the last sentence.
  4. Write out the indeclinable noun and possessive adjective from the text.
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