Is there a plant called Veronica? Ground cover speedwell. Planting and methods of propagation

An unpretentious, attractive plant, Veronica, is known for its medicinal properties. It relieves inflammation well, stimulates digestion, pacifies pain, and saturates the body with vitamins. In ornamental gardening, speedwell is valued for its delicate blooms in blue tones and the flower's low maintenance requirements. Some types of speedwells are excellent honey plants.


The genus Veronica (Veronica) includes about 300 species of plants belonging to the Plantain family. These are annual or perennial herbaceous plants, widely distributed throughout the world in areas with temperate and cold climates.


Veronica has a creeping branched rhizome, straight, single or branched stems, often creeping along the ground. There are species with pubescent stems and foliage. The height of plants can be only a few centimeters (tiny speedwell), and reach one and a half meters (long-leaved speedwell). There are species - subshrubs.

Veronica flowers in various shades of blue and blue, less often - white and Pink colour, collected in spike-shaped, umbellate or paniculate inflorescences.


Several varieties of veronica are popular in ornamental gardening. Below you can see photos of Veronica flowers.

Veronica Koloskovaya. A common perennial variety of speedwell, growing in our country along forest edges, in meadows and fields. The height of the Veronica stems reaches 40 cm, the tops are crowned with dense inflorescences - spikelets and tassels, up to 12 cm long. The flowers are small, bright blue, white or pink. Speedwell begins to bloom in June, flowering lasts up to 1.5 months. The plant has not only decorative qualities, but is also medicinal. Interesting varieties:

Veronica officinalis. Herbaceous perennial, up to 20 cm high, with light green foliage. The flowers are pale blue, collected in racemes. Blooms from June to autumn.

Speedwell threadlike. A ground cover perennial that forms a spectacular green carpet with small blue and white simple flowers. The plant grows well in the shade, on poor rocky soil. An ideal flower for a rock garden or rock garden.

Attention! It grows very quickly, overwhelming neighboring plants. Without proper supervision, it quickly becomes a weed!

Veronica is big. Plant with erect stems, up to 70 cm in height. The flowers are bright blue, located in apical racemes. Blooms in May, possible re-blooming at the end of summer. Requires tying stems to supports and pruning faded shoots. Varieties:

Veronica Armenian. A low-growing variety suitable for rock gardens. The pubescent bushes of Veronica form dense turf, with blue or lilac fragrant flowers. Flowering occurs in June.

Veronica gray. The lush bush grows up to 40 cm in height. The leaves are silvery-green, densely covered with hairs. The inflorescences are long racemes, consisting of a large number of small blue flowers. Blooms in the second half of summer.

Veronica prostrate. A low-growing variety of plant that forms a dense carpet of grayish-green foliage. The flower stalks of the plant are raised, covered with simple flowers of delicate shades (blue, purple). Varieties with white flowers (Alba) and pink (Rosa) have been bred. Veronica is winter-hardy and undemanding to soil.

Growing conditions

Veronica grows well in sunny areas, but also tolerates shade. Low-growing varieties (Veronica filamentosa) are planted in the trunks of trees and shrubs, where they feel good and bloom profusely. In addition to their decorative role, ground covers act as natural mulch, protecting the earth from drying out and overheating.

Flowers are not picky about soils and easily adapt to poor sandstones and heavy clay. You should only avoid waterlogged places with stagnation of spring melt water. In this case, the roots of the perennial may rot. It is advisable to add drainage (crushed stone, sand) to such soil and arrange grooves to drain water.

Caring for Veronica consists of providing watering during the flowering period and trimming faded flower stalks.
Veronica is rarely affected by pests and diseases.

You can notice on it or other pests that are being dealt with folk remedies(infusion of garlic, onion peel or celandine) or chemicals(Intavir).

For the winter, the plants are not covered, only the above-ground part is cut off at ground level.


Veronica is propagated by seeds, root division and cuttings.

It is convenient to sow seeds before winter in October. The bed is prepared from loose soil (with a large proportion of sand), free from weeds.

Spring sowing of Veronica is possible after mandatory cold treatment of the seeds (stratification). Veronica seeds are placed in a damp cloth and placed in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment, for a month to a month and a half. Afterwards, the seeds are placed in seedling boxes in loose soil made from a mixture of sand, peat and garden soil. Small seeds are not buried, but only lightly sprinkled with soil.

Veronica seedlings are watered moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. The temperature is maintained at +16 +18 degrees. Young plants are planted in the ground in May, with the onset of warm weather. Veronica will bloom in the second year.

Cuttings are prepared in the summer by cutting off the upper parts of the stems. The branches are dipped cut into Kornevin and placed on a prepared bed with loose soil. The plantings are shaded and covered with a mini greenhouse (film on the arches or cut plastic bottles for each cutting). Caring for cuttings consists of watering, airing, and loosening the soil. The seedlings are transferred to a permanent location next spring.

Veronica is propagated by dividing the bush in the spring, when the plant has just begun to grow after winter hibernation. The bush is carefully dug up and divided into parts using a sharp knife or shovel. The division must contain at least 3 stem primordia. Rhizomes are planted without deepening the growth buds. The distance between plants should be from 25 to 50 cm, depending on the variety.

Speedwell filamentous is easy to plant by simply cutting off and digging up the rooted parts of the plant. Its creeping stems form roots in the axils of the leaves, which cling to the soil, thus the plant grows in breadth. Layings take root quickly in a new place.

Application of Veronica

Veronica officinalis, in addition to being attractive appearance, rich in vitamins and other useful substances. Its infusions are used to gargle for sore throats, and decoctions are drunk for diseases of the kidneys and gall bladder. Externally, veronica infusions are used to treat fungus, ulcers, and eczema.

Young veronica leaves are used for food, as a seasoning for meat and fish, and in salads. They taste like watercress.

Other types of veronica also have medicinal properties, although to a lesser extent. The plant is collected for medicinal purposes in early summer. The raw materials are dried in the shade at a temperature of +40 degrees (electric dryers can be used).

Veronica longifolia is an excellent honey plant. It can be planted in an orchard to attract bees.

In ornamental gardening, tall varieties of speedwell are used as vertical accents in mixed flower beds, planted in separate groups on the lawn, and used to decorate building walls or fences. The plants look beautiful planted as a hedge along the path.

In mixed plantings, the bright “candles” of blooming veronica look harmonious with large grains, cereals, echinacea, etc. Veronica varieties with blue and purple inflorescences are ideally combined with white and yellow flowers.

Low-growing speedwell is planted on alpine hills, it is used to decorate retaining walls, planted directly in the cracks between stones. Veronica is irreplaceable in rocky gardens.

Possessing tenacious and branched roots, Veronica “holds” the soil well; it is used to plant slopes and banks of reservoirs. Looks good thread speedwell in a flowerpot or flowerpot, its long shoots, strewn with flowers, hang beautifully from the pot.

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The winter-hardy and attractive Veronica plant decorates many gardens in Russia. It is often grown for decorative purposes, and sometimes used as medicine. More than 500 species of crops were bred for cultivation on the plots, among which there are perennials and annuals, and each species, in turn, is represented by several varieties. Our article will tell you about planting veronica and caring for it.

Speedwell belongs to the Podorozhnikov family, although it also has characteristics of nettles and bluebells. In a flowerbed or lawn, the collection of these plants looks like a continuous carpet, which is why they are often chosen as a background for flower arrangements, diluted with brighter spots.

The root system of speedwell varies depending on the species. Roots can be:

  • thread-like and located in the surface layers of the soil;
  • thick, penetrating deep into the soil;
  • mesh, covering a large area underground.

Perennial flowers of Veronica, as a rule, have a strong root system that tolerates frost well. Thin roots are found in annual varieties.

The stem of the crop is quite tall and dense, cylindrical in shape. There are species with erect stems, and there are also those that creep along the ground. The decorative properties of veronica depend on the stems. It should be noted that the above-ground part of the plants is quite strong, the interweaving of branches is so strong that it is almost impossible to pull out part of the bush with your hands.

As for the foliage, it has external signs nettle: oval shape and carved edges, slight hairiness. True, veronica leaves do not leave burns on the body. Most species have bright green foliage, but sometimes there are varieties with a grayish tint.

The wildflower Veronica in nature exists mainly in blue color. But cultivated plants come in other shades: lilac, white, soft blue, purple. The inflorescence of the plant has the appearance of a spikelet, densely covered with small bell-shaped flowers. They do not all bloom at once; flowering begins at the bottom of the stem and moves upward. Because of this, Veronica blooms for quite a long time. While seeds are already forming at the bottom of the spikelet, its top is still covered with flowers.

Garden species of the Veronica flower come from wild-growing analogues, therefore they are very hardy, but also have good decorative properties.

Types and varieties of Veronica flower

There are about 500 plant species, but gardeners choose the following popular options:

  1. Veronica dubravnaya is a perennial crop with a hairy stem and small rounded leaves. The foliage reaches 3 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. It blooms with relatively large flowers of a rich blue hue. The bush reaches a height of 40 cm, has a creeping root system with thin roots. Grown mainly in Siberia.
  2. Veronica officinalis is also a perennial. It blooms with blue, sometimes pink spikelets. Flowering is long-lasting, so the crop decorates the flowerbed throughout the whole summer. It has medicinal properties, for which it deserves its name.
  3. Veronica arvensis can be grown as an annual or biennial. This herbaceous variety reaches a maximum height of 30 cm. The color of the flowers is white or blue, the flowers themselves are small. This species often grows on mountain slopes or in fields; the flowering period occurs in May-June. Field speedwell also has medicinal properties; it is used to treat rhinitis, laryngitis, cough and some dermatological diseases.
  4. Veronica filamentous is a low-growing perennial, up to 5 cm in height. The thin stems of this variety spread along the ground like a carpet. Its foliage is round, bright green, and blooms in pale blue or white. Flowering duration is 2.5-3 months - from April to June.
  5. Veronica big is a tall species with a thick rhizome. Its stems reach a height of 70 cm. The foliage is pubescent at the bottom and smooth at the top. The color of the buds is bright blue. Very frost-resistant. This species is represented by the following varieties: True Blue, Miffy Blue, Schirly Blue.
  6. Veronica gentian is often found in Crimea, in the countries Central Asia and in the Caucasus. It has a small amount of foliage and blooms with white, light blue flowers. Its popular varieties: Variegata, Tessington White.
  7. Speedwell - this species grows in the Caucasus and Russia, as well as in Asian countries and the Mediterranean. Its color range is quite extensive and varied, represented in shades from white to purple. Popular varieties of this species: Romilly Purple, Blue Peter, Barcarolla, Red Fox, Heidekind, Rotfishes, Icicle and White Icicle.

Veronica flower, photo:

Features of growing the Veronica flower

The culture has many advantages, which is why it is popular among gardeners. In addition to its rich range of colors, the plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and ease of care. Here are the main rules for growing this crop:

  1. Veronica loves the sun. It is better for her to set up a flowerbed in well-lit parts of the garden, where people will fall from morning to evening. Sun rays. It will be able to grow in the shade, but it will not bloom so beautifully and will lose its decorative effect.
  2. Watering plants directly depends on the variety. When planting a specific species on your site, become familiar with how much water it will require for irrigation and how often you will have to irrigate the bushes. As a rule, creeping herbaceous varieties require regular watering; in dry conditions they stop blooming and eventually die altogether. But species with an erect, tall stem cope with drought and hot weather more easily.
  3. It is advisable to feed Veronica if you want to get beautiful, abundant flowering. Organic fertilizers are applied to the flowerbed in liquid form, doing this during budding or flowering. Wild species do well without fertilizing if they grow in sufficiently nutritious soil.
  4. Veronica varieties with erect stems need a garter, otherwise the wind will bend them to the ground, or even break them altogether. For garter, you can use willow rods or pickets.
  5. Perennial species are prepared for wintering by cutting off the above-ground part. The roots are covered with peat, spruce branches, leaves or humus.

Veronica flower propagation

Seed method of propagation of Veronica flower

Veronica flower is often propagated by seeds. They are sown in late autumn. With this method, flowering can be expected only after 2 years. Sometimes sowing is carried out in the spring, but then the seeds should be stratified. Stratification and germination of seeds occurs as follows:

  1. Prepare the seeds as early as February. Moisten them with water, wrap them in a wet cloth and put them in a bag. Place in the refrigerator for about a month.
  2. In March, grains can be planted as seedlings in cups or containers. Prepare a nutrient substrate, plant grains every 5 cm or one in each small glass.
  3. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil on top and lightly moisten them with a spray bottle.
  4. Cover the containers with film and wait for the sprouts to sprout. As soon as they appear, remove the film and move the container with seedlings to a light windowsill.
  5. Water regularly as the soil dries out. Please note that containers or cups must have drainage.
  6. Veronica sprouts can be transplanted into the flowerbed when they have 8-10 leaves.

If you plant seeds in the fall, then this can be done immediately in open ground, and stratification is not needed in this case.

Propagation of the Veronica flower by dividing the bush

By dividing the bush it is convenient to propagate the crop to preserve varietal characteristics and to obtain rapid flowering. Buds appear on new plants already in the first year after planting. To obtain cuttings, select a large bush, cut off several sprouts along with part of the rhizome with a shovel or knife. Parts of the bush are transplanted to a new location and covered with film for 10 days. Then the film is removed. Veronica is propagated in this way in the absence of flowering, that is, in spring or autumn.

Transplanting Veronica flowers with cuttings

Cuttings are cut from large healthy specimens; the length of such sprouts should be approximately 10 cm. The cuttings are placed in water until germination, to which root can be added to speed up this process.

When the roots appear, the sprouts can be immediately transferred to the flowerbed. You can germinate cuttings immediately in the soil, but before doing this you still need to keep them in the root for several hours, and choose a nutritious soil. They also need to be covered with film until they settle into the ground.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in August, and the plant blooms the next year.

Diseases and pests of Veronica flower

Caring for Veronica includes preventive and therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating pests. Here are the dangers that such a plant may face:

  1. An area that is too wet or a long stay in the shade sometimes leads to the appearance of false powdery mildew. It looks like a gray coating on the foliage. They fight this problem with a fungicidal solution using Fitosporin, Alirin-B, Gamair.
  2. Sometimes the crop is infected by the ring spot virus. You can only get rid of it together with the infected plant. Then the entire flowerbed must be treated with nematicides. This virus is spread by nematodes that live in the soil.
  3. The plant can also be attacked by caterpillars. They feed on leaves and shoots, and to get rid of the caterpillars, you need to warm the soil, weed it in time and take a short break from watering.
  4. If the speedwell is attacked by moths, cutworms or long-whiskered moths, you can treat the flowerbed with insecticides.

Veronica, planting and care. Video

Veronica is a herbaceous ground cover plant that blooms with small flowers collected in inflorescences. There are annual and perennial forms, as well as subshrubs. Refers to medicinal plants. It is unpretentious and grows well. Veronica is planted in mixborders, borders, carpet plantings, among stones, near buildings, ponds, etc. Suitable partners for her are: bellflower, primrose, sedum, carnation, nivnyak, etc. Perennial varieties of speedwell are usually grown in gardens.

Conditions necessary for growing veronica

1) Plot. A sunny area with regular garden soil is suitable for growing veronica. Some species prefer rocky areas. Moisture-loving plants include Virginia veronica, gentian speedwell and longleaf speedwell. Drought-resistant varieties include mountain varieties of speedwells: spikelet, gravelly, etc.
2) Reproduction. Veronica is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings. Seeds are sown directly in open ground before winter. The bush is divided in early spring or at the end of summer, cutting off the above-ground part of the plant.
3) Caring for Veronica includes:

  • pruning faded shoots;
  • moderate watering.

Shelter for the winter is usually not required.
4) Diseases and pests. Veronica is one of those plants that are rarely affected by diseases and pests.
Veronica varieties:
1. Veronica officinalis - a plant with creeping shoots about 30 cm in height. It blooms in May-June with small blue flowers.
2. Veronica dubravnaya - a plant with creeping shoots, reaching a height of up to 40 cm, blooming in June-July with light blue flowers.
3. Veronica filamentous - low unpretentious plant with thin stems growing to about 5 cm in height. The flowers are white or blue. Capable of filling everything around.
4. Veronica creeping - a very fast-growing, unpretentious plant with shoots up to 15 cm high. It can displace surrounding plantings.
5. Veronica latifolia is a fairly tall plant, reaching up to 50 cm, with large inflorescences.
6. Veronica spica is a plant with shoots reaching a height of up to 40 cm. Flowers are pink, white, blue or purple, collected in long beautiful inflorescences.
7. Veronica is large - has high stems that rise above the ground up to 70 cm. It blooms with bright blue flowers collected in racemes.

Perhaps many people have come across this flower in a meadow or forest clearing. Veronica plant is quite cute, has inflorescences of bluish or blue shades. Due to the fact that certain species are often found in nature, they cannot be found in garden plots.

It is considered a fairly famous plant, varieties of which can be seen in different parts of the world. This is explained by its unpretentiousness and its resistance to dry periods, which makes it possible to survive in many climatic zones.

The flower does not make any special demands on the soil composition; it feels equally comfortable on sand, clay and even swamp soil. At first, the plant was considered an adornment of mountains and forests; a little later it began to be used as decorative flowers.

As soon as Veronica became a cultivated plant, it was taken as the basis for breeding new varieties used in gardening. Mankind has known the flower for a long time, as it is considered a plant with medicinal properties.

Most beautiful view flower – Veronica Bolshaya. This is a perennial that forms thick shoots, the height of which reaches fifty and sometimes seventy centimeters. On them are placed opposite leaves, their jagged shapes reminiscent of testicles.

The sparsely planted plant forms darkish bushes with its shoots that resemble domes. With the end of spring and until the very middle summer season the top of such a bush is painted bright blue. It's blossoming a large number of flowers whose diameter does not exceed one and a half centimeters. Because of the beautiful appearance of the inflorescences, it is often called Royal Veronica.

The most famous varieties

From the huge number of popular types of flowers, the following plants can be distinguished:


It grows in wooded areas. Distinctive features are low-growing stems that spread like a carpet.. They have pale green leaves and purple inflorescences.


The main habitat is mountainous areas. Looks like low thickets covered with inflorescences of blue and pink shades. This variety is demanding in terms of care. It is difficult to tolerate drought and can freeze in winter.


It is found in Siberia, the Caucasus Mountains, and European countries. A low-growing perennial plant that produces serrated leaves that remain green during the winter season.. Veronica oakberry blooms in blue, blue and even pink shades.


The look is quite unique. His features– short stature, small leaves, inflorescences of lilac and blue shades. This variety is quite whimsical; only experienced gardeners are engaged in its cultivation;


Low growing perennial. Forms creeping stems covered with numerous foliage. In winter, without snow cover, it can freeze.

Planting and care

Although the flower is unpretentious, it requires moderate watering. Excessive moisture can cause its death.. Caring for the flower is not difficult; any soil is suitable for planting.

It feels most comfortable at a temperature range of 14 to 20 degrees Celsius.

There are a considerable number of varieties known that can grow well in the dry season. Plants need water most in the spring, before flowering begins.. By the time the first inflorescences open, watering must be stopped.

Pruning is done after the flower has faded. This measure will be an excellent stimulant for the formation of young foliage.

Veronica reproduces in several ways:

  • division of rhizomes;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

When growing such a flower, gardeners give preference to a suitable option.

Sowing is carried out in the fall. But it is also possible to sow in the spring, if the seed fund is first stratified.

Cuttings are recommended to be done in summer. By this time, young stems are being prepared. They are then placed in soil or water to allow roots to form. After this, the seedlings are allowed to be transferred to open ground.

Dividing the rhizome is the most popular method of propagating Veronica.. The fact is that it does not involve costs, and the survival rate is high. This type of breeding is recommended in spring or autumn.

To begin with, the stems are removed and the bush is dug up. The roots are cut with a knife or spatula.

Divide the bush into equal parts so that there are at least three shoots on the first root. Having completed the procedure, it is necessary to immediately plant it in the ground.

Useful qualities

The medicinal properties of the plant have been known since ancient times. Veronica has long been used as a remedy to cure various diseases.

Of particular value are the tops of the stems with leaves and inflorescences.. Harvesting is carried out with the onset of summer, when flowering is at its peak. Drying time must be reduced to a minimum, for which purpose it is created temperature regime at forty degrees. This allows you to reduce losses and preserve the color shade. If everything is done correctly, then Veronica will save healing properties during two years.

Besides, used as an ornamental plant to decorate the garden area.

Veronica is grown today in any type of soil composition. But the plant feels best on loamy soil. It requires a sufficient amount of light, although shaded areas are suitable for breeding.

Veronica is unlike most famous people ornamental plants. It is known to experienced flower growers for its medicinal properties, and therefore the use of this plant allows one to refuse medical help and pharmaceutical drugs. However, Veronica is still of greatest interest to lovers of gardening and floriculture, because it is often used by them for decorative purposes.

Today, there are a large number of different varieties and types of veronica, which opens up opportunities for its use in landscape design. All that is required from the gardener is choose the right variety and place it correctly in the flowerbed to enjoy the flowering of Veronica every season.

General information about the plant

Veronica is a very common plant, the varieties of which are presented in different countries peace. This can be explained by its unpretentiousness and drought resistance, which is why it manages to survive in any climatic conditions. The plant is undemanding to soil, so it feels comfortable as on sandy and clayey, and on loose and swampy soil. At first it adorned forests, fields and mountains, but after a while it began to be used for decorative purposes for growing in flower beds.

When speedwell became a cultivated plant, it served as the basis for the development of new varieties adapted for ornamental gardening.

However, a person became acquainted with creeping veronica a long time ago, and at that time it was of value to him because of its medicinal properties. There are several hypotheses about the origin of the name Veronica. Perhaps this is due to the Greek word, which translates as “little oak,” or the Latin, which translates to “real medicine” or “genuine plant.” There is also a version that it received its name in honor of Saint Veronica.

The genus of this plant is quite numerous and includes more than 300 species. But at the same time, it has very few representatives that can be used for growing in the garden.

However, the varieties bred for such purposes are very unpretentious in care and cultivation. After all, Veronica not only successfully withstands any weather vagaries, but also blooms for quite a long time and can grow into various forms. Moreover, among them there are varieties that are most often used for decorative purposes:

Veronica officinalis

Veronica Stellera

  • under natural conditions, this variety is most common in China and Japan;
  • being a low-growing plant, it can grow up to 25 cm, the top is decorated with inflorescences;
  • during the growing season it forms straight erect stems with pubescence. The characteristic shape of the leaves is ovate with a jagged edge, reaching 3 cm in length;
  • has shortened inflorescences resembling spikelets. In the first weeks of flowering, the spike is dense, but subsequently becomes looser;
  • during flowering of this variety, flowers are formed that have a blue or purple tint;
  • flowering begins in July and continues until autumn;

Veronica creeping

Growing Veronica

Even with all the unpretentiousness of this plant, caring for Veronica in winter should include moderate watering, since otherwise there is a danger of its death due to waterlogging. Caring for this flower is not so difficult, since you can use any soil. Veronica feels most comfortable at a temperature of 14-20 degrees.

There are many varieties that can grow well in dry periods of summer. The need for moisture is highest in the spring, before the flowering period. At the moment when the first flowers begin to open, watering is reduced. When the last perennial Veronica flower withers, the above-ground part of the plant is pruned. This measure will stimulate the formation of new young leaves. Therefore, this procedure allows you to ensure the aesthetics of the plant throughout the spring-summer period and autumn.

Reproduction methods

To obtain new Veronica plants, you can use following methods reproduction:

  • rhizome division;
  • cuttings;
  • sowing seeds.

As a rule, when growing speedwell, gardeners give preference to the method that suits them best. It is best to sow seeds in a permanent place in the fall. However, you can do this in the spring, but first you will have to carry out the operation of hardening the planting material - stratification. The most favorable moment for cuttings is in the summer. Here it is necessary prepare young stem tips. Subsequently, they are placed in rooting soil or water to stimulate the root formation process. At the moment when the plants have formed a well-developed root system, they can be transplanted into open ground.

However, most often, new veronica bushes are obtained by dividing the rhizome. The popularity of this method is due not only to the minimum time spent, but also to the highest percentage of survival in a new place. It is recommended to do this in spring or early autumn. First, you need to remove the ground stems, after which the perennial plant is dug up. To carry out the operation of dividing the rhizome, you can use a knife or shovel. It is important to divide the plants into equal parts so that the first cut root contains at least 3 shoots. Upon completion of division, it is important to immediately transplant to a new location.

Useful properties and uses of veronica

Many centuries ago, people learned about the medicinal properties of Veronica creeping. That's why it was used in ancient times for the treatment of various diseases. The plant has not lost this quality modern world, where it continues to be actively used in folk medicine.

It should be remembered that the tops of plants with leaves and flowers are valuable for treating diseases.

They are harvested at the beginning of summer - at the very peak of flowering. It is very important to minimize drying time, so this operation is carried out at high temperature- 40 degrees. This minimizes flower loss and preserves the natural color of the plant. After proper drying, the plants retain their medicinal properties for 2 years. After this period they become useless.


Although many novice gardeners may be unfamiliar with the Veronica plant, it is a fairly popular plant, and not only among flower lovers. The fact is that people became acquainted with it many centuries ago, when they learned about its medicinal properties. Therefore, it was originally used in medicine to treat many ailments.

In modern conditions, creeping speedwell has found another use - for decorating various elements landscape design . That is why speedwell can be found so often in the garden. Due to the high unpretentiousness of Veronica, it can be grown in almost any area. The easiest way to do this is by propagating it by cuttings, which guarantee high survival rate.

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