Fortune telling tarot cards three for work. Fortune telling with Tarot cards for job search “Parachute”

With the help of various cards, you can make a schedule for work in order to know how a person will move up the career ladder, how relationships with colleagues will develop. You can complete this layout yourself and for free.

On Tarot cards

Fortune telling on Tarot cards for a career shows what awaits the fortuneteller in the professional field, his achievements and failures, and also predicts possible income.

1 card

Fortune telling for a job using 1 card is performed as follows:

  1. Preparatory stage. First you need to prepare a deck of Tarot cards for fortune telling. To do this, you need to keep it under your pillow for 3 days and not give it to anyone.
  2. On the day of the ritual, the person must be alone in the room. It is recommended to meditate for 10 minutes, mentally scrolling through the question of interest.
  3. Then you need to shuffle the deck.

The first image pulled out is the answer to the question posed.

For example, a rolled Jester promises a job in show business. Also means criminal business and frequent job changes. A person is frivolous about money and his work responsibilities, which can cause poverty and unfulfillment.

Online layout for work “One card”

Focus on fortune telling, think about work, about what interests you, ask the cards mentally, approximately: what is happening at work, what to expect from this work, why something is not working out, etc., take out a card that you like and look at the interpretation - it will show the reason, the basis of the “working” situation or the trend of its development.

Click the left mouse button to select the map.

Turn on your intuition, compare the interpretation and successful fortune-telling.

3 cards

The layout of three cards for work will help to characterize the environment and situation at work, predict financial success or failure.

The fortuneteller asks the deck a question that interests him, regarding his career or business, and then lays out 3 cards face down in one row.

The first will show the reasons that led to the current situation at work or in business. The second characterizes the state of affairs. The third will tell you what will happen, what actions need to be taken to influence the future in the professional sphere.

For example, if the first image is a Jester, the second is a Magician, and the third is a Priestess, then this situation can be interpreted as follows: the person was frivolous with money or got involved with crime, which led to a number of unpleasant events. Now your own business is not developing or there are obstacles to moving up the career ladder. To resolve this situation, it is recommended to attend advanced training courses or business training.

Online layout for work “Three cards”

Choose 3 cards: the first one will show what happened in the past at work and is reflected now; the second card will explain the situation “now”; the third will tell you what will happen at work in the near future.

Focus on fortune telling, think about work, the “work situation”, formulate a question mentally, approximately: “What can I expect from this “work” in the future?”, “Why is this happening at work...?” and so on.

Compare the meanings of the drawn cards for your situation and successful fortune telling.

To repeat fortune telling, reload the page.

And be sure to watch this video:

Lenormand layout for business


Click on the Start button in the lower right corner:

On paper maps

This alignment will show whether there will be success in business, what problematic situations you will have to face, what should be done, what are the prospects.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards is performed as follows:

  1. The fortuneteller is left alone and in complete silence.
  2. He shuffles the deck, mentally asking his question, and lays out the cards in the following order: the first 2 are placed on top, then the third and fourth are placed below, then the fifth and sixth, and at the very bottom - the seventh. They should all be face down.
  3. All cards are turned over and interpreted in turn:
    • No. 1 - shows a person’s willingness or unwillingness to make risky decisions;
    • No. 2 - characterizes activity and diligence in solving current problems;
    • No. 3 - indicates whether you can rely on partners;
    • No. 4 - interpreted as demand for the services or goods provided by your company;
    • No. 5 - shows upcoming unforeseen expenses and losses;
    • No. 6 - predicts whether a given business will be profitable or unprofitable;
    • No. 7 - indicates further prospects in the financial sector.

Before you get a new job, you can complete the “Getting a Job” schedule. The fortuneteller asks a question about employment prospects, shuffles the deck and lays out the cards in this order:

  1. The first 3 images are placed on top: 1 - will show what the chances are of getting the desired position, 2 - this is the personality of the fortuneteller as an employee, 3 - the person will be a useful or useless employee.
  2. Below are the fourth and fifth. They characterize working conditions and wage levels.
  3. Then comes the sixth and seventh - what mood will reign in the team.
  4. The 8th image represents problems and obstacles that will have to be faced, and the 9th image represents career opportunities.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards

Gypsy fortune telling on cards for work helps you learn about your purpose and possible difficulties on your professional path.

Layout on 10 gypsy cards:

  1. At night, on the waxing Moon, you need to light 10 church candles.
  2. Shuffle the deck and lay out 10 cards face down.
  3. The first row should contain 1 card, the remaining rows include 3 each, for a total of 4 tiers.


  • The first row is what worries the fortuneteller.
  • The second row is the reasons and events that led to the current situation at work.
  • The third row shows how the situation will develop in the near future.
  • The fourth row is what the consequences will be.
    • For example, the Fool warns a person against making rash decisions and actions that will lead to additional expenses.
    • Shawkhani is a symbol of energy and foresight. If she finds herself in the 3rd row, then it is necessary to act actively, and you cannot deceive your partners, the business must be honest. If Shevkhani is in an inverted position, this means failures in business, deception on the part of colleagues.
    • Paridai - shows that some information is being hidden from a person. It is recommended to develop intuition.
    • Javelle - predicts success and prosperity. The business will be profitable, and career growth will be rapid.
    • Baron - promises high achievements and honors. Inverted means undervalued by management, unfulfilled ambitions.
    • A blacksmith means big profits and good work.
    • Hermit - a person must deeply understand everything, otherwise there is a chance of suffering from ignorance and secret enemies.
    • Wheel of fate - troubling problems are coming to an end, favorable development of plans and projects. In an inverted position - lack of strength, the machinations of enemies, many obstacles to achieving the goal.

On playing cards

For fortune telling about finding a job and good luck in business, you can use a deck of 36 cards.

In order for the prediction to be more accurate, it is recommended to carry it out at night during the waxing Moon.


  1. Lay out a white tablecloth on a flat surface
  2. Light a church candle nearby.
  3. Mentally repeat the question of interest 9 times.
  4. Take a recently purchased deck and shuffle it.
  5. Place any 9 cards in one line.

Interpretation of the result of fortune telling for success on classic cards:

  1. All dropped cards are spades. Finding work or business partners will be slow.
  2. All cards are crossed. There will be a lot of trouble and fuss. If fortune telling concerns finding a job, then it is recommended to take a closer look at the civil service.
  3. Worms. A career is built thanks to acquaintances and friends.
  4. Diamonds. Expect an increase in income.
  5. 4 aces. The fortuneteller will be able to find his dream job or get the desired promotion.
  6. 4 kings. All endeavors will be profitable.
  7. 4 ladies. The person will work in a stressful environment. Constant gossip and rumors are likely.
  8. 4 jacks. Money will be earned with difficulty.
  9. 4 tens. Additional income will appear in the near future.
  10. 4 nines. An office romance is possible.
  11. 4 eights. In order to achieve results, you will have to work hard.
  12. 4 sevens. A business trip or success in conducting international business is possible.
  13. 4 sixes. Difficulties and troubles await the fortuneteller at work. Monotonous work will be dumped on him, and he will have to wait several years for a promotion. Owning your own business will not bring you much income.

If the cards from the presented combinations do not fall out, then the deck should be shuffled again. A total of 9 attempts are allowed; if the described combinations do not appear, then fortune telling should be postponed for a couple of days.

Online fortune telling

To find out about work, own business and money matters, ask the Oracle. Virtual online fortune telling is available on our website; you just need to ask the Oracle a question and get an answer:

There are few people in our country who can live without working. Some cannot live without work, because they really will not have anything to live on. Others will die of boredom if they don’t jump up every morning and run to work. Pensioners would like to work, but no one will hire them; there is not enough work for young people. But, be that as it may, a person needs a job. It is needed precisely for self-realization and self-affirmation. Needed for constant communication with a large number of people.

Everyone needs a job. And for those who have just graduated from school and are taking their first steps into adulthood. And for those who have already lived a little and want to achieve something. In our difficult, crisis times, getting a good job is one of the most ardent desires of the majority of the working population. Wanting to know their job prospects, people turn to Tarot cards to get a clear answer.

The very concept of “unemployed” appeared in our country relatively recently. Apparently life was bad for people in those days when there was an advertisement on every pole offering a job, and they had a choice. At that time, only those who did not want to work were unemployed. For everyone else, the chances of getting a job were excellent. It may not have been a highly paid job, but it was there. Now, when a person needs a job, he has to deal with such a thing as being in demand. Yes, you have a profession that is needed in private business, which means you have a job. If you don't have the right profession, stay at home. It is enough to go to any site where online fortune telling is performed.

Features of the “Getting a Job” layout

The scenario for getting a job considers such important aspects for you as the existence of the possibility of getting a job in general in a given region. Then your decision to apply for a job is reviewed.

Several cards from the layout will tell you about the possible conditions of the proposed job and salary. The Tarot card layout does not oblige you to anything. You will only receive a certain direction in which to move in your search for work. You will get the opportunity to learn about how your relationships with co-workers might develop, as well as other nuances of your stay at a new job. One of the issues no less important than employment itself is the question of possible earnings. Cards can answer this question too. The scenario will consider the prospects for your career growth and income generation.

The state of being suspended in the air during the job search process is very similar to the feeling when jumping with a parachute: there is confidence in the landing, but it is not known how soft the landing will be; gusts of wind interfere with the control of the parachute and can blow it to the side. Roughly the same thing happens when looking for a job: a decision may be made in favor of another candidate, unforeseen obstacles may arise, or, on the contrary, circumstances will turn out very well in your favor!

The online Tarot “Parachute” layout for job search prospects will be useful if you are thinking about changing jobs, regardless of whether you are currently working or not. Fortune telling with cards takes into account all factors of success in finding a job: the result of your own actions, the participation of other people, the influence of planned and unforeseen circumstances.

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

Scheme and interpretation of Tarot cards for finding a job “Parachute”

Card 1 – The result of your actions in your job search
Card 2 – The result of other people’s participation in the job search (is it worth involving them)
Map 3 – How the job search process will go
Map 4 – How unforeseen factors will manifest themselves in the job search
Map 5 – Overall result and job search prospects

So, focus and... look at the schedule!

The result of your actions in your job search

The “Empress” card is the fruitful force of Nature itself, eternally giving birth to new life. Fertility. Awareness and successful fulfillment of desires in all material and household matters. Implementation and development of long-nurtured ideas. Guardianship and female care in marriage, career, friendship. Safe procreation. The presence of an influential patroness in the life.

The result of the participation of other people in the job search (whether it is worth involving them)

You see the Ten of Pentacles - a symbol of spiritual and material wealth, wisdom, happy well-being, achieved in the absence of haste. The onset of a stable period in life, not overshadowed by financial problems. Success, growth of wealth, inheritance. Prosperous family. Passing on traditions and family values. Complete immersion in your chosen business. Absorption in the prosperity and security of the current moment.

How will the job search process go?

The “Emperor” card you have been dealt indicates will and logic prevailing over feelings, secular power and authority, the desire for protection, stability, security; control over circumstances. Wisdom, maturity. This is the Master, the Ruler of the World, ready to defend his possessions and not afraid to keep power in his hands. This is a strong, influential, ambitious person. The desire to control everything and everyone, the readiness to fight for this opportunity.

How unexpected factors will manifest themselves in the job search

You have been dealt the Ace of Wands. It represents emerging opportunities, a chance for self-development, strength, growth, life scope, dynamics, courage, liveliness, creativity. Determination and enterprise as a means to achieve the maximum in a tense struggle. Income, inheritance. Strengthening moral principles, beliefs and will. Decency, anticipation of new things.

Overall result and job search prospects

You got the King of Cups, personifying a charming, deeply feeling man, attentive, gentle. Meek and caring, ready to help, fair, benevolent and aesthetic. Reliable and honest. Scientist, lawyer. Attractive, kind, indulgent, loving family. Also - wealth, distant connections, trust in instincts and instincts, interest. The need to express one's feelings through art.

I recently changed my job. The management at my old job has changed and they are inviting me to come back. Should I return or stay at my new job? Cards: Judgment, Horseman of Cups, Eight of Swords.

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Hello! I currently work as an administrator in a chain of pastry cafes. I'm not very happy about the promotion. I really, really want change. Will it be possible to change your occupation to a more profitable and promising one?! An acquaintance also wants to help with this.... in general, are there any chances for changes in the workers? Anastasia 07/31/96 4:30

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Good day. Today I was forced to sign a dismissal agreement by agreement of the parties. The management is not great, but the social package and stability plus the team is good. I held on as best I could. I'm terribly worried whether I will be able to find a decent job in the near future. Please help me with the interpretation. Past Five of Wands. The present empress. Future Ace of Swords. Thank you in advance.

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Good evening. There is some negativity towards me at work, I can’t understand the reason. The year got off to a bad start. Question: Do they want to replace me with another employee? Thank you.

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I forgot to write the schedule. The answer is the following. 1.You have been dealt a card - the Ten of Wands. 2. You got a card - the King of Wands. 3. You got a card - the Eight of Swords. Thank you.

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I asked the question whether I should stay at this job, they have been feeding me breakfast for 2 weeks now, everything that has happened is yes... the past is -7 cups - so, in the present there is a jester, and in the future an empress, but why bring it to the point of a jester? If possible get away from them

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New job, fourth month. The situation is difficult for me, personal relationships are not working out, I make a lot of mistakes (I note that, in my opinion, these mistakes are not as bad as the noise that arises. I compare it with the assessment of the work of colleagues) the salary does not live up to expectations. I asked what awaits me at this job. Answer: in the past the jack of cups, now the emperor, in the future a star. This is a good deal, isn't it? or did I ask the question incorrectly? the description seems too optimistic given the current situation

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In the past, mistakes were made on your part due to an incorrect assessment of the situation, but now there is a process of alignment, streamlining, organizing the process and adaptation. The future promises you development and favorable results from today’s work on the situation and on yourself.
It is important to follow this path to the end, not to give up and not to despair.
Good luck!

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If you get three Cards: the Five of Wands, the Moon and the Star - how will things work out at work?

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Hello, can I stay at this job, do I need to change it, I got 7 swords, 6 denarii, 2 cups

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Not a single question arises in our heads just like that) if it comes to you, then life is giving you hints on where to move next, what to do. Open your heart and listen) and regarding the cards in the layout: perhaps the question arose due to the fact that at your work they don’t really like honest relationships. There may be gossip behind your back, or they pass off your successes as their own, or they pass off their mistakes as yours. 6 denarii tells us that now the situation will level out, and your work will be appreciated, perhaps they will appreciate your experience and recommend you as a mentor for a new employee. In the future, in this work, you will have an excellent team and very close relationships between colleagues, but you should not expect money, a career or new projects. It’s even possible to have an affair with a colleague

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Greetings tarot readers! An outside opinion is needed. There are 2 people, presumably both are magical. There is a conflict between them. We need to find out what everyone is like as a practitioner at the moment. In general, the Devil became the significator of the situation. Further on the guy - Jester, PAGE OF PENTACLES, ACE OF PENTACLES, girl - ACE OF SWORDS, DEATH, TEMPERANCE. The guy is rumored to be practicing the World Championships, the girl is unknown for sure. Not really a question about work, but almost

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If I needed a magician’s help in solving a situation, then of course the girl would give such an answer. She is able to clearly see the situation and correct it. A guy in magic is more for the excitement and money. If you want to learn magic, go to a guy

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Please help me decipher the cards. What awaits me at work? First Queen of Wands, this is the past
Present-Queen of Swords
The future is 9 of cups.

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Hello. Help me fight. I have long wanted to start my own business (retrain for another profession). Dropped out: Priest, Five Denariev, Judgment. Thank you in advance.

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You need a good teacher in this matter (or complete good courses that are rated in your chosen environment). Don’t waste money on your studies; you may have to save money and limit yourself in some way. But the efforts will pay off, it's worth it. First of all, you will like it. You will do “your” business. Perhaps this will become a family business in the future.

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Hello! I'm tired of incomprehensible intrigues at work and it seems they will never end!!! Explain in simple terms what will happen. Please. Thank you.
You got a card - Three of Cups.

Present, now at work, in working relationships:
Herald card, Jack of WandsYou are dealt a card - Jack of Wands.

Near future at work, in work relationships:
card Horseman of WandsYou are dealt a card - Horseman of Wands.

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Hello. Please tell me whether I should change my job or not, and whether I can keep my job. Thank you

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Hello, tell me about the drawn cards, please. The manager at work changes, a new one comes. I asked how my relationship with him would develop? Sun-3 of Wands-Strength
Thank you in advance!

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Hello! I feel so bad that I wasn’t getting a job. Again, my colleagues complained about me. I’m so nervous, I can’t control myself, I swear right away, I raise my voice. I’m always in construction somewhere, for a month or 3 months, I work and they immediately fire me. It’s like there’s always a black streak. Today they called to give me another chance. Will they definitely get you a job or what? Please tell me

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Dear Raya, your condition is determined by your behavior in your social environment. You feel bad because you think - “I’m somehow not like that, I’m bad, I don’t know how to communicate.” It is quite possible that you lack communication skills, but this does not mean at all that you are bad or have a bad streak in life. A sober assessment of the current situation, awareness of your feelings and the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue with colleagues will help you. Coming to a new team, a person goes through a period of adaptation. This period lasts differently for everyone. During this period, people study each other. Due to the lack of information about a person and the motives of his behavior, misunderstandings and conflicts are possible. So don’t worry, the situation is completely fixable, and one might say it is common in modern working conditions. I am a psychologist, you can write to me, I will try to help you. On a voluntary basis.

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Forget-me-not, hello. I have a similar situation. I need help. I will be glad to receive your response.

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Hello. I haven't been in for a long time...
Priest-5 of Swords-Lovers.

Intrigue, blow... While I was on vacation. I found out by chance..What are the prospects? Is it worth "sorting things out"? Briefly, while I was on vacation, they started looking for a replacement for me. Personally, I didn’t even think about leaving. I found out by chance, because... I received a subscription letter.

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Dear tarot readers, good afternoon! Please help me with the interpretation of the answer to the question: “Will my daughter find a job before the end of the year? Will she be self-realized?” Cards dropped: 3 of Swords, King of Swords; Lady Denariev.

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Dear Tarologists, good evening!
Please help me understand the schedule. I am actively searching for my favorite job, but we won’t meet again. There are offers at the moment, but they are temporary, unpromising, and drive me into such hopelessness. What are my prospects?
1 Strength
2 Ten of Cups
3 Priest

Thank you

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