Interesting facts about the world of The Elder Scrolls and its development. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Character Creation Biographies of Skyrim characters

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Total characters - 154

Aventus Aretino

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An Imperial boy, an orphan of ten years old. When his mother died, leaving him alone, Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak sent Aventus to Riften's Noble Orphanage, run by Grelod the Good. Because of Grelod's bad attitude towards him and all the other children, he ran away from the orphanage, promising to kill the old woman. Hiding in the house of his deceased parents in Windhelm. Tries to perform the Dark Sacrament ritual on Grelod.

Agronak gro-Malog

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Arena Champion. He was nicknamed the Gray Prince because, in his own words, he is only half orc.


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A Khajiit, a member of the Thieves Guild (with the rank of "Brigadier") and one of the three informants whom main character, sent by Kai Cosades, should ask about the Nerevarine cult and the Sixth House. But before passing on the information to the hero, Addhiranirr will ask to get rid of the agent of the Imperial Chancellery, the Imperial Duvianus Platorius, who is preventing her from conducting illegal trade in artifacts.

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Daedric princess, whose sphere is dawn and sunset, the magic of the interregnum of twilight. She is also known as Moon Shadow, Mother of the Rose and Queen of the Night Sky and the forerunner of Sotha Strength. She is one of the few Daedric Princes considered "good" by mortal standards, and is supposedly more caring for her followers than other Daedric Princes. The feelings of her fans, their love for her and for themselves are important to her. She is also one of the few Daedric Princes to consistently maintain a female image and be perceived as such.


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Aicantar is an Altmer, nephew of the court magician Markarth Colcelmo, as well as his assistant.

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Airileth is the housecarl of Jarl Balgruuf the Elder, a Dunmer. Lives in Dragon's Reach.

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Black dragon, the main antagonist of TES5:Skyrim. His nickname "World Eater" comes from Nordic myths, which describe him as a terrible, furious firestorm that destroyed the previous world so that this one could begin.


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One of the Living Gods of the Tribunal Temple. Sometimes she is called Ayem - after the name of the letter “A” of the Daedric alphabet.

According to Temple doctrine, its forerunner is the goddess Boethea, from the old Dunmer religion.

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Ancano is an Altmer mage, an agent of the Thalmor, living in the College of Winterhold, where he is located as an “adviser”, or rather, an overseer over the archmage Savos Aren and the rest of the members of the educational institution.

Aranea Ienith

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Aranea Ienith is a Dunmer priestess of Azura. She is the last of the remaining priests of this Goddess in Skyrim.

Argis the Bulwark

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Possible candidate for joining the Blades. He is a housecarl in Markarth and lives in Vlindrel Hall.

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Master Arion is perhaps the most open-minded and progressive member of House Telvanni, which is likely due to his relatively young age. His home, Tel Vos, is literally an amalgamation of classical Telvanni and Imperial architecture and culture. He is not shy about doing business with the Imperials and the Empire, which is also not typical for Telvanni.

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Teaches Dovahkiin the art of using the Voice and acts as a representative of the Greybeards, the only one of the four capable of speaking safely. Right hand Paarthurnaxa and the one who took it upon himself to diligently guard the Throat of the World.

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The head of the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim. Does not honor the dogmas of the Brotherhood, does not respect the Mother of the Night. Married to the werewolf Arnbjorn.

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Dunmer. He is a member of the Companions Guild and lives in the city of Whiterun, in the ancient Companions Hall, Jorrvaskr.

Balgruuf the Greater

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Jarl of the Whiterun Domain. He enjoys the love and respect of his own subjects, as he shows genuine concern for the inhabitants of his domain, often makes unofficial appearances “with the people,” thanks to which he knows many of his subjects by name. He gained fame as a noble and balanced man, able to cope with any difficulties that may arise in the management of his lands.

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Male Redguard and youngest member of the Order of Blades in last years Third Era.

Borgakh the Steel Heart

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An orc warrior from the Mor Kazgur fortress, the daughter of the local leader Larak and his sister Bagrak.


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Prince of Intrigue. Its sphere is deception and secret conspiracies, plans for murder, assassination attempts, betrayal and overthrow of power. Comes in various sexual guises. It is acceptable to use any gender in the description. It is also equally acceptable to call him Boethae. According to the Dunmer, he is the ancestor god of the Chimers. The traditional image of Boethiah is a warrior with a huge ax in his hand (an image with a sword is also found).

Brelyna Maryon

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Brelina Marion is a Dunmer mage, originally a student at the College of Winterhold, a pretty, proud and very cunning woman.


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Brynjolf is a Nord and a member of the Skyrim Thieves Guild, based in Riften. Thanks to his patronage, you can become a full member of the guild, but for this the hero needs to prove himself.


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This mage becomes Dovahkiin's housecarl after he becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch.


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Valerika (daughter of Coldharbour) is the wife of the leader of the Volkihar clan of vampires, Harkon.

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Vex is a young imperial woman and an important member of the Thieves Guild. He spends all his time in the Ragged Flask tavern in the sewer tunnels of Riften, called the Rat Hole in the city. Vex has built a reputation for herself as a tough girl who knows how to get things done, which is why she is often told that she is short on time.


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Princess Daedra, whose sphere is nightmares and torture. The plane is the nightmare realm of Quagmere, where bad omens come from. Quagmere is an ever-changing world, it may be similar to any of the planes of Oblivion and none, but all its illusions are the essence of nightmares. This Daedric Prince is most often depicted as a woman wearing a luxurious dress and holding a staff in his left hand.

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Viarmo is an Altmer living in Solitude. He is the director of the College of Bards. Divides his time between teaching, running the college, and organizing one of the city's annual festivals, the Burning of King Olaf.

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Warrior-poet and one of the Living Gods of the Vvardenfell Tribunal.

Born human, became a god after experiments with the Heart of Lorkhan.

Arch-Curate Vyrthur

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Character in The expansion Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard. The head of the temple of Auri-El - the Good Land and the main shrine of the snow elf religion - at the moment known as the Forgotten Valley. He is one of two non-degraded snow elves known to this time.

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Vilkas is a Nord warrior, a member of the Circle of Companions and, accordingly, a werewolf. He has a twin brother named Farkas. Vilkas and Farkas have never seen their father and mother, but they don't care.

Wuunferth the Unliving

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Court mage in the service of Ulfric Stormcloak. Lives on the second floor royal palace Windhelm

Gallus Desidenius

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Character in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The main character will meet the ghost of Gall in the Twilight Tomb, when he, as Nightingale, will return the Skeleton Key to the Black Lake at the request of two other members of the revived triad, Karliah and Brynjolf.

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Gelebor is a knight-paladin of the temple of Auri-El and one of two snow elves known in 4E 201 (the other is his brother, Vicar Virthur) who retained their intelligence, appearance and vision, unlike the rest of his people.

General Tullius

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Commander of the Imperial Legion in Skyrim. Originally from Cyrodiil. He was appointed military governor of Skyrim with the main task of suppressing the Stormcloak rebellion. Tullius can be found in Solitude, in the Dark Castle, discussing with Legate Rikke the strategy for the further actions of the Imperial Legion. He can accept Dovahkiin into the Legion and is one of the quest givers when completing the Civil War quest line for the Empire.

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One of the oldest members of House Telvanni, Lord Mage of the Telvanni Council and Archmagister of the House. Gothren is a rather reserved and conservative old Dunmer who lives in his own city - Tel Arun, in the tower of the same name. He is constantly guarded by two Dremora bodyguards. In the Council, his opinion is expressed by the Voice of Mallam Rion.

Arrogant. He is extremely unfriendly towards foreigners and change, which is why he pursues an overly isolated policy, even compared to other Telvanni. Also, being the Archmagister of the House, he clings to power very tightly. This greatly affects relations with some other Mage Lords, for example, Arion, although, for the most part, everyone else does not care about him.

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Gregor becomes Dovahkiin's housecarl after he becomes Thane of Dawnstar. You can find him in the White Hall.

Dagoth Ur

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Dagoth Ur (originally Lord Vorin Dagoth, in the circles of the Tribunal Temple is called the Devil, Ashlanders and Vivec called him Sharmat) - the head of the Great House of Dagoth. One of Nerevar Indoril's best friends and advisors. According to some accounts, he was killed at the end of the War of the First Council, but after some time, traces of his activities reappear in Tamriel.

Delvin Mallory

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An elderly Breton, one of the important members of the Thieves Guild. He is one of the most famous buyers of stolen goods in Skyrim, generously paying for the rarest finds that other thieves deliver to him. Found in the Wild Flask


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Absolutely all existing information about him (with the exception of his name) was obtained from Sheogorath's replicas and books on the Shivering Isles, and therefore may be false. His sphere is order and conservatism. His plan is called the Plan of Order. Jyggalag was allegedly turned into the God of Madness by the other Daedric Princes out of fear of his power.

Grandmaster of the Order of Blades at the end of the Third Era. Participated in the suppression of the Oblivion Crisis - the battle for Bruma, the battle for the Imperial City.

Divayth Fyr

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Famous long-lived, sorcerer and wizard, member and Lord Mage of the Great House of Telvanni. Author of the book “Witchcraft is not necromancy!” By birth, the Chimer are one of the oldest inhabitants of Tamriel (about 4000 years old).

His residence is the Tel Fyr Tower, located on one of the islands off the eastern coast of Vvardenfell, in Zafirbel Bay. Under the tower is the Corprusarium - the only institution on the mainland for patients with corprus. Divayth Fir has been studying this disease for a long time and has achieved some success.


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Dovahkiin is a character in The Elder Scrolls universe, the last Dragonborn 200 years after the fall of the Septims.

Dram Bero

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Advisor to House Hlaalu and author of Seizing Fortune by the Hand. He can be found in Vivec, St. Olms Quarter, Plaza, Haunted House. Bero participates in several House Hlaalu quests and in the main quest, during which he must earn his support in order to become a House Hlaalu mentor. Bero is one of the least corrupt leaders of Hlaalu: he avoids banditry, murder, and theft.

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A sorceress and one of the Mage Lords of the Great House Telvanni. Lives in Tel More, east of Vos, in the Upper Tower.

Dratha practices necromancy and is the oldest member of House Telvanni on Vvardenfell (after Divayth Fyr, of course). Like most other high-ranking Telvanni, Dratha is a proponent of isolating the House from the rest of the world.

Almost five years after its first release, the gigantic, amazing Skyrim created waves of pleasure that we still happily ride today. Its world remains one of the most detailed and meticulously crafted in video games, its AI systems making you feel connected to the characters and their real-life wants and needs. The mighty Dovahkiin entices you to go on an adventure, because he is the only one capable of competing with the characters of Tolkien himself.

Yes, this is a truly powerful development team that was able to be the first to create a game with its own “dragon language”, not to mention sophisticated methods of execution and murder. They've bolstered this with patches that give us extra bells and whistles, and an endless quest log that keeps you playing for days before you realize you've been drawn into this world.

In 2015 Bethesda trying to promote "Fallout 4", and there's no mention of Skyrim II/Elder Scrolls VI yet. However, there are many stories about The Elder Scrolls Skyrim that are worth telling you.

10. The Skyrim theme was sung by 30 people at the same time, and the song was overdubbed three times

Powerful, epic, inviting to battle and daring, the theme of Skyrim sounds as if an entire army of warriors is roaring in the vocals.

In fact, 30 people sang the main vocals, then this recording was overdubbed two more times, creating the effect of a huge squad of fighters preparing for battle.

9. Paarthurnax and Mario were voiced by the same person

Charles Martinet, responsible for Mario's shrill "It's Me!" voice, also voiced the powerful and divine Paarthurnax for Bethesda.

Unfortunately, when you encounter an ancient dragon, you won't hear him say "It's me, Paarthurnax!", but you will now look at him differently.

8. The language “Fus Ro Dah” was invented by Adam Adamovich, who died in 2012

The creator of some of Bethesda's most celebrated work as a concept artist, including Fallout 3, Adam passed away in 2012. But his work will be remembered not only for the visual styles for Fallout 3 and Skyrim, but also for the Draconic writing.

Does everyone have a tattoo that says "Fus Ro Dah"? Then you have Adamowicz to thank.

7. Bethesda gave a child named Dovahkiin free games for life

Before Bethesda took home its "Coolest Developers Ever" award again in 2015 (thanks to loyal fans sending thousands of bottle caps of free copies of Fallout 4), they first decided to honor the couple who named their child after a Skyrim hero on release day.

Yes, Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer was born on 11/11/11, his parents are Eric and Megan. And Bethesda offered free games for life to those who named their child that. They were also given a whole mountain of accessories, which they are still collecting.

6. Skyrim has 70 actors who recorded more than 60 thousand lines of dialogue

To give life to heroes, you need to spend a lot of time. Many other developers, when it comes to lines, simply repeat existing lines from many characters. But Skyrim excelled in this regard.

They hired over 70 actors to record various lines, resulting in the game having over 60,000 lines in total, including repetitions of the iconic "I took an arrow to the knee" line.

5. Voice of Winnie the Pooh and Taz (from Looney Tunes) in the game

Another moment that proves how brilliant and versatile the actor's voice can be. Jim Cummings not only owns a pleasant voice Winnie the Pooh from the cartoon, but the insanely waving tongue of the Tasmanian Devil (Taz). It was he who voiced many of the old characters in Skyrim that can be found in the game.

4. Skyrim's map isn't actually Bethesda's biggest.

While the level of detail and precision in Skyrim is unparalleled, Bethesda already outdid itself in 1996 when measured by square miles in the game world.

Their second creation, The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, covers 62,394 square miles, 4,000 times larger than Skyrim.

3. We Almost Got Game of Thrones

Even before the HBO series aired, its creators thought it would be a good idea to tie the episodes into the game.

Todd Howard mentioned that the team decided to adapt their material to fit their style, but then decided against it, even though they fully believed in Skyrim. They decided that they could create/continue their mythology. Todd said they were "close" to getting it right. Ultimately, we should be glad that the creators decided to stick to their style.

2. Emil Pagliarulo wrote the famous phrase “I took an arrow to the knee”

The now legendary phrase “I used to, but then I took an arrow to the knee” was taken from the novel “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss.

But Kotaku, in an interview with Todd Howard, revealed that the line was written by Pagliarulo to make the guards feel more human.

1. Skyrim is the only Western game to score all 40 points in Famitsu

Eastern markets are considered incredibly unresponsive to Western game design. That's why Xbox never caught on with them, and shooters there are considered a young market. This is also why, even though The Elder Scrolls games are the best RPGs, they don't compare to Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter or Final Fantasy when it comes to sales.

Yet these cultural differences could not withstand the authority of Skyrim, and such a famous magazine as Famitsu (a Japanese gaming magazine) awarded it a full 40/40, placing Skyrim on par with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Metal Gear Solid" and "Dragon Quest IX".

How many hours have you played Skyrim? Leave your comments below! And also don’t forget to share the article with your friends!

| Date: 2018-09-23 14:14


Back in 2015, one beautiful (or not so) morning, I received a new question on the “ask me” server from a certain clan member whose name I forgot, or did not want to remember.. So, the question sounded like this: “what character in Skyrim appeals to you? Interest Ask, is not it? I never answered it due to my great laziness and faded passion for Skyrim.

And now, after 3 years, I finally decided to think about this and involve my clan members. After all, it’s interesting to find out which characters and for what qualities, properties and emotions you fell in love with.

I answer after 3 years:


A ten-year-old vampire girl from the Dark Brotherhood, killing men in dark night alleys. But appearances are deceiving; vampirism helped her maintain her youth. By the way, Babette was born back in the Third Era - a hundred years before the Oblivion Crisis. Now she is about three hundred years old.

Babettes game ~By Mullina


The embodiment of Nordic culture. Of course, the famous Nordic hero, whom you can meet in Sovngarde (if you still deign to complete the main quest: "D). It was Ysgramor who led the first people to Tamriel and founded the legendary Saarthal, became the First Harbinger of the Five Hundred Companions and took revenge on the elves for the Night Tears (read gaming literature). In the game there is the happiness of taking possession of the legendary items of Ysgramor - the ax of Wuuthrad, and the shield. And the soup spoon, which is very much a fork. The Nordic heroes were harsh.

Sil Vesul

Creator of the Mythical Dawn Museum in Dawnstar. It was a special meeting for me, after many days spent in Cyrodiil, protecting Tamriel from the same Mythic Dawn. Some kind of magic was filled in this room; when you go there, you can’t help but catch flashbacks and remember the past times of the Imperial Province. just WOW.


Once an evil dragon, Alduin's younger brother and son of Akatosh himself. One of the most ancient dragons, now lives on High Hrothgar and is the leader-teacher of the Greybeards, a real philosopher who loves to chat that Dovahkiin himself will feel the hard way, and at the same time learn something new from him, screaming, for example. (For-e-Bal already - this is dragon if anything).


In my opinion, he is the most colorful companion, he can sing a song and dance, especially when several opponents are hanging on you. If you killed him, then it was in vain, although sometimes his phrases make you want to hit him in the head with an axe.


An Altmer mage, an agent of the Thalmor, residing in the College of Winterhold. The first character whose face makes you want to give him an e-point. Just look at his phrase: “I think about many important things and you are not among them.”

Aela the Huntress

Fap content, first love. A true Nordic warrior, strong and brave. He is one of the members of the Companions and also a werewolf. Aela is an ardent fan of the Prince of the Hunt, Hircine, and the only one from the circle of Companions who will not want to get rid of the bestial essence, considering it not a curse, but a blessing. Would you prefer Hircine's The Great Hunt to Sovngarde?

~By Sciamano240

Gormlaith Golden Hilt

Even though I am a Dunmer at heart, the warlike Nords are so sexy. And once again my eye fell on the fiery, bright-haired Gormlaith, who fought in the War of the Dragons. The first time he is encountered in a temporary rift and dies at the hands and sharp fangs of Alduin. Later you can meet her in Sovngarde, as befits true heroes, and stay there with her forever..


The first meeting with her was intriguing, sitting on a closet, a hood hiding her face, her legs crossed. And now she introduces you to Dark Brotherhood. In the end, he causes hostility due to disrespect for the Mother of the Night and failure to read the dogmas of the Dark Brotherhood.


"Skyrim is teeming with giants, flying lizards and two-legged cat people... are you surprised by a talking dog? Yes. I spoke. And I will continue to speak, by the way."
- at the first meeting with Dovahkiin.

Indeed, at the first meeting, a talking dog surprises. During the quest, it turns out that Barbas belongs to the Daedric Prince Clavicus Vile. And here, perhaps, everything becomes clear. Barbas himself said that he was once a Redguard and a Scamp, and his name was not Barbas at all...


I knew his name long before the events of Skyrim, from in-game books, so meeting him was special. And that first battle at the Throat of the World was beautiful and fascinating.

M"Ike Liar

It was a pleasure to meet this Easter Khajiit in any part of TES. His phrases are always eloquent, and many of them are a direct justification of the developers for not
introduced gaming features.


The main character's first meat. No comments.

~By Vandrell


Dunmer mage from the Great House of Telvanni, known from TES III: Morrowind. One of Tamriel's long-lived residents is definitely my respect.

Ulfric Stormcloak

I admit, my first playthrough was as a Nord, and I naturally supported the Stormcloaks. To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the northerners. Of course, a charismatic and controversial character, no one can say with certainty who he really was. A true hero of Skyrim, or a Thalmor spy?

Ulfric Stormcloak sketch
~By Aihito

Ebony Warrior

Perhaps one of the best warriors in Tamriel. He was looking for someone who could defeat him, because Sovnagrd was waiting. However, he came across Dovahkiin. The last words of the warrior: “Finally... Sovngarde.”


Anyone who has played Oblivion will remember this master alchemist from Skingrad, obsessed with the Roots of Nirn. This time, after a couple of centuries, fate brought him to Skyrim, to the Black Reach, where the mer found a rare copy of the Scarlet Root of Nirn. I was very surprised to find his corpse riddled with Dwemer arrows. Yeah, it's a sad end for a Cyrodiilian. Although, it is worth noting that his life was worthy, because after himself he left his Scientific research and acquired knowledge. Thank you.

Septimius Segonius

Another scientist, but already a little crazy from the influence of the Elder Scrolls (be careful). there was a certain charm in his crazy speeches, and the voice acting was mesmerizing, and the atmosphere in his cave was truly mysterious (who knows, suddenly the Heart of Lorkhan himself could be in an unknown casket! At least that’s what he thought), but the scientist died, was killed scientist. Killed by the hands of Hermaeus Mora, or rather by his claws. Ironic, since Septimius was a faithful servant of the Prince of Fate...


The same one-eyed Dunmer who met us on the ship in TES III: Morrowind with the phrase: “What a sleepyhead, even yesterday’s storm didn’t wake you up...”

Years later, during the Oblivion Crisis, Jiub moved to Kvatch, where he was sent to Cairn Soul by the wards of Mehrunes Dagon. It is in Cairn that Dovahkiin meets the soul of Jiub, an unexpected meeting, isn't it? By the way, during his lifetime, the Dunmer became famous for clearing Morrowind of the Rock Riders, for which he received the title of “Saint”.


The main Deity of the Nords, the living God of the Nine, although unplayable, naturally, deserves mention in every possible way. After all, it was the ban on the worship of Talos by the Thalmor that was the apogee in the person of the Nords and the genesis Civil War in Skyrim.

Skyrim - Shrine of Talos
~By Michal Kus


I don’t have any attachment to the characters, I can only highlight the most memorable ones. Surely M"ike Liar, the Easter character of the series, with ambiguous speeches. But the whole point is to find it. J'zargo And Cicero, the most colorful companions, it’s always fun to listen to their funny comments while traveling, and Cicero always arranges fierce game, at the same time, the Khajiit, in my opinion, is the best companion among all in terms of his combat skills and maximum level, he can literally to reach the maximum, and that costs a lot. And of course, Hermaeus Mora And Kodlak White Mane, the most charismatic and respectable characters. Wise men who share their wealth life experience, although in the case of Herma, as he himself says, “for any knowledge you have to pay a certain price.” Well, damn it, this is the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Harbinger of the Companions!

M"aiq the Liar (The Elder Scrolls)
~By RomanDubina


Aela the Huntress- “first love”, charming, gives interesting quests.

Cicero- walking charisma that changes opinions from extremely negative to extremely positive.

Paarthurnax- the best and noblest of dragons, a memorable encounter.

Yordis Sword Maiden- fap content in ebonite.

Babette- pusho loli.


Firstly Earl Balgruuf for his loyalty, respect for traditions, even when the question of joining one faction or another arises, he more or less maintains neutrality, giving maximum preference to his possessions. He also does not leave villages in trouble under the protection of other jarls, the same Riverwood. Respecting traditions, Balgruuf is considered an expert in this area; for the first time he explained in detail about Dovahkiins, greybeards, even the story of how he himself once climbed Great Hrothgar. In diplomatic terms, the jarl is very sophisticated, if it were up to me, I would even choose him as the king of Skyrim, since I very much agree with his opinion regarding the Thalmor. In general, Jarl Balgruuf, a candidate from the people, no comments are needed here, but what kind of speech did he have when defending Whiterun from the Storm Brothers, wow.

Secondly Paarthurnax, well, what player wouldn’t like a wise dragon mentor on the path of Dovahkiin? Once the savior of humanity during the time of dragon oppression. I think for the mighty dragon, the brother of the DESTOR OF WORLDS HIMSELF, there is no better trait than compassion for his smaller brothers. Not during one playthrough did I decide to kill him, because “my admiration” for this character.

~By TheRisingSoul

Third Ralof, well, here, actually, whose life in Skyrim did not begin with the phrase “LIVED WITHOUT FEAR, AND DIED WITHOUT FEAR.”

Gelebor I also consider the Dawnguard from the dlc to be a worthy character. The last of the majestic race of snow elves is the thousand-year-old guardian of Auriel's bow, which I think is a cool idea. The only one who did not succumb to the curse of the Falmer, and I think this is worthy of respect.


Paarthurnax- for the fact that he is the Leader of the Greybeards, his qualities: He is wise, eloquent and, like all dragons, loves philosophical questions and reflections. Over many centuries, he comprehended the Path of the Voice and was able to take control of his essence.

Ulfric Stormcloak- For the qualities of the war and for the fact that he values ​​​​his people, here is his remark - “I fight for those who died in my arms far from home. For their wives and children, whose names were whispered by my soldiers as they died.”

Mirak- I remember that he is a very arrogant person. Seeks to gain power and knowledge. He considers himself superior to all other creatures and does not hide it at all. And the fact that he is a very talented fighter. He is excellent with both sword and magic.


Cicero- crazy, charismatic, loyal to the mother of the night, not very good as a companion, but well written as a character. The nameless storm brother who is the first to be executed in Helgen, “My ancestors smile at me, the Imperials, and yours smile at you?” The best phrase, it’s a pity that he was executed.

TES Skyrim Cicero
~By ZVilka

Sapphire- a tragic fate, an interesting quest on Samerset is associated with it.

Kodlak white mane- he wanted to be cured, he led his Companions to independence, he always said that he was not in charge, he was simply instructing, the best.

Ligatte Ricky- a Nord who was with the imperials, but at the same time supported her people, fought for what she thought was right. I would have continued, but I haven’t played for a long time, I don’t remember everyone well.


Cicero. Because he is a complete buffoon, all his phrases are funny, plus he is a pretty good companion, and in general a colorful character.


I like Serana. In my opinion, she has a rather tragic story and it’s somehow difficult not to get involved and help.

Serana (The Elder Scrolls V)
~By Junifer

Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak. Spy or not, he is fighting for what is right. And in general I just like him.

Babette from the dark brotherhood. An ancient vampire in the body of a little girl is powerful.

Visara from the same dark brotherhood. He seems to me to be as good an Argonian as possible for a killer.

Also I like Septimius. Yes, he’s crazy, but in some ways he’s quite cute. It was very sad when he was killed.

And lastly of course Talos. Of course, in Skyrim he is simply a deity, and he is declared heresy... but if you remember his history, then this at least deserves respect. And don’t give a damn about the Dominion, he’s the best god. Especially for the true children of Skyrim!


Ulfric Stormcloak. Face parts, key person. I remember it for its localization, racist sentiments, thirst for power and a certain aura of mystery. I have a negative attitude towards him, because I do not approve of his actions.

Lydia. Good example the most mediocre character. Already on the second playthrough you want to put her head on a pike.

Ralof. Local Jiub. Immerses you in the color of the province with the phrases “Sovngarde is waiting” and “the last thought of the Nord.”

Ralph of Riverwood
~By xZehna

Cicero. Possessed jester. But in reality, not everything is as simple as it seems. It affects everyone differently, some are crazy about it, while others are irritated by it. A useful companion, but it’s a pity there is no “silent” mode.

Isolde. One of the few characters who can evoke quite bright feelings. It's some kind of magic. Something like this.


If we talk about favorite characters, it’s difficult to choose. Perhaps my favorites are Brynjolf And Cicero. The first is an ordinary guild thief who is not interested in power, not interested in anything special. For him, there is only his guild, his family, for which he is ready to risk everything (even rush to kill the previous head, or join a dubious gang of songbirds). Well, he, of course, does not ignore the opportunity to steal something.

Cicero I like him for his character and devotion to the old Tenets of the Brotherhood, plus his complete madness, which makes him one of the most charismatic characters in the game, and his wonderful lines that can simply be parsed into great quotes


For this I have to say that I don’t remember a single Skyrim character that I liked to the point of squealing with delight and memorizing phrases. Except that the guards in the cities are all positive guys. But it seems one of them stole my sweet roll.

In general, I value the notorious characters rather for their intelligence, honor and conscience...

1) Therefore, at the top of the list of favorites I will put General Tullius- the most beautiful man in this madhouse. Honest, courageous, not stupid, not ashamed to admit his mistakes. The only negative is that it may underestimate the enemy, judging by the fact that the rebels have a chance to win a senseless fratricidal war.

2) Augur of Dunlane- everything is elementary here - it is as close as possible to the ideal form from the point of view of the universe. It doesn't bother anyone and the color is nice.

3) Next - Hadvar, at least cut it, nice fellow. He helped the protagonist escape from Helgen and easily brought him to his house. Someday Hadvar will become a good replacement for Tullius, although I am sure there is no shortage of such guys in the imperial army.

4) Speaking of empire, Titus Meade II- according to the data provided in the game, he also gives the impression of a person worthy of all respect. I didn't want to kill him at all.

5) Urag gro-Shub- librarian of Arcaneum, because of his excessive grumpiness and gray hair, he seems as ancient as the tail of a dinosaur. However, he does not cause hostility due to the lack of (carefully hides?) narcissism. I completely share his reverent attitude towards books and acquiring new knowledge.

6) Headless horseman- simply because I love fireflies. And it’s also more fun to prance around the expanses of night Skyrim with him.

That's all, I guess. The rest of the likes are a nice addition, like the Horseman, there is no point in listing them.


Serana, no matter how infuriating and annoying she may be, with her phrase: “Yes. Do you need something?” I especially liked her in the English localization of the game, her pleasant voice. For some reason, the character himself resembles Celine from the Underworld film series. And as a companion, she is quite strong with her magic and passion for raising minions. And of course Erandur, where would we be without the dark elves? I really liked the story of the Dunmer, who in the past worshiped Namira, and in the present became a servant of Mara. An elf trying to atone for the evil that he brought while serving the Daedric Lady.


I have two favorite characters in Skyrim, male and female.

I'll start with Serans. I know it's corny, but it's not because she's just a pretty vampire. I consider her a deep character, because, firstly, whose other story is written in such detail? I mean, in terms of emotions, which is emphasized by the dialogues with her, where she expresses her feelings about the ongoing plot. And secondly, in games it is very rarely possible to create a female vampire character in a way that doesn’t vulgarize everything, or so that it’s not a set of banal gothic clichés. Even where there is a cliché about “I’m not evil, I’m not like my father, I didn’t want this,” etc. - it doesn’t look cranberry, she wants to believe it. Those clichés that are used do not look annoying and fit very organically into what is happening.

And my second favorite character is Mirak. I won’t go into so much detail about it, because I’ve played very little Dragonborn, but I really like its concept. This is the personification of the GG, who, instead of the main quest to save the world, went to do whatever he wanted. + I really like the theme of Apocrypha, because Hermaeus Mora is my favorite Daedra, so I like the fact that he drew his powers from there.

~By Selanne


The most mentioned Skyrim characters according to the TES clan:

1. Cicero(7 mentions)

2. Paarthurnax / Ulfric Stormcloak (4)

3. Babette, Serana (3)

4. Aela the Huntress, Lydia, Septimius Segonius, Talos, Mirak, Ralof, Mike Liar(2)


Characters appearing in different parts series The Elder Scrolls. Apparently, an enormous amount of research was carried out: since the game does not directly report such things, the author of the collection had to read a ton of notes and diaries to compile biographical pictures of the heroes. Here are some of them.


“Wake up, sleepyhead, we have already sailed to Morrowind” - you probably remember this phrase and the character who says it. The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind begins with this small dialogue, when in the hold of the ship the dark elf Jiub is interested in the name of your hero. In Oblivion, Jiub is mentioned with the prefix “Saint” - while the player character was busy with his prophetic affairs, the elf smoked all the cliff racers from the island of Vvanderfell.

The re-encounter with Jiub occurs in the Dawnguard DLC for The Elder Scrolls 5:. His soul wanders lonely around the Soul Cairn location.

Fun fact: Jiub is the only Dark Elf in , voiced by an actor who worked on the Dunmer dub in Morrowind.


In Oblivion, Sinderion researched nirnroot, a plant that makes a distinctive sound that makes it easy to spot. Sinderion's corpse can be found in the Blackreach catacombs, where a scientist has descended in search of rarer botanical species. Apparently, in addition to them, Sinderion also found Falmer with Dwemer robots.

Emperor Uriel VII

The only character who remained alive from the first part to the fourth was Emperor Uriel Septim, whose death becomes the key event in the plot of Oblivion.

The main character of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

This goes against the canon of The Elder Scrolls series, but in this game you meet the character you played as in Oblivion.

During the adventure "Mad Mind", the protagonist of Skyrim meets Sheogorath, the god of madness. In the process, he tells a lot of interesting things, from which an observant player familiar with the previous parts of the series will notice a number of interesting hints.

At the end of the DLC The Shivering Isles for Oblivion, the hero takes the throne of Sheogorath and becomes the new mad god. That is…

At the beginning of the game, you should choose the race and gender of your character, then decide on his/her appearance. The process of character generation in Skyrim has become simpler in comparison with previous games in the series: there are no classes, no birth signs (instead, you can choose the patronage of one of them), attributes such as strength, dexterity, intelligence, etc. also abolished (only health, magic and stamina remained). In addition, there is also no opportunity to correct anything in your character after completing training; whoever you blind from the beginning is who you will play...


Traditionally, there are ten races to choose from: Altmer (High Elves), Argonians, Bosmer (Wood Elves), Bretons, Dunmer (Dark Elves), Imperials, Khajiit, Nords, Orcs and Redguards. The character's race determines the receipt:

  • bonuses to the initial values ​​of skills,
  • special abilities and talents (can be used once per day).

Note: the choice of race and gender of the character will not significantly affect the gameplay later.

Altmer or High Elves

Natives of the mysterious Summerset Isle, the High Elves are the most magically gifted of all ten races. By calling upon the power of the Highborne, they can quickly replenish magic (once per day).

  • +10 to skill: Illusion
  • +5 to skills: Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Enchantment
  • Abilities: High Origin (+50 Magic)
  • Talents: Magic regeneration (magic is restored faster within 60 sec.)


Intelligent reptiles are able to breathe underwater and are not susceptible to disease. They are well adapted to life in the dangerous swamps of Black Marsh and can quickly restore their health by turning to the sacred Hist tree.

  • +10 to skill: Hacking
  • +5 to skills: Pickpocket, Stealth, Light Armor, Alteration, Recovery
  • Abilities: Disease Resistance 50%, Water Breathing
  • Talents: Hist Bark (Argonian restores health 10 times faster for 60 sec)

Bosmer or Wood Elves

The inhabitants of the forests of Western Valenwood have long had a reputation as cunning thieves, scouts and unsurpassed shooters. They have an innate resistance to poisons and diseases, and they also know how to subjugate animals to their will, forcing them to fight on their side.

  • +10 to skill: Shooting
  • +5 to skills: Stealth, Hacking, Pickpocketing, Light armor, Alchemy
  • Abilities: Resistance to poisons and diseases 50%
  • Talents: Order a creature (the animal becomes an ally of the Bosmer for 60 sec)


All Bretons have a spark of natural magical talent, each of them boasts the ability to resist magic, and "Dragon Skin" allows them to absorb spells. The Bretons are particularly adept at spellcasting.

  • +10 to skill: Witchcraft
  • +5 to skills: Illusion, Recovery, Speech, Alchemy, Alteration
  • Abilities: Magic Resistance 25%
  • Talents: Dragon Skin (Breton absorbs some hostile spells for 60 sec.)

Dunmer or Dark Elves

Dark elves specialize in the magic of destruction and they are very good at it, in addition, the Dunmer are distinguished by their developed stealth skills. They are born with resistance to fire and the ability to surround themselves with protective fire.

  • +10 to skill: Destruction
  • +5 to skills: Illusion, Alteration, Stealth, Light Armor, Alchemy
  • Abilities: Fire Resistance 50%
  • Talents: Ancestral Wrath (Dunmer surrounds himself with fire, causing damage to enemies who approach him)


Cyrodiilians have always been drawn to diplomacy and trade, so they somehow manage to find a little more gold everywhere than others. They are skilled with weapons and magic, and the "Voice of the Emperor" allows them to calm their opponents.

  • +10 to skill: Recovery
  • +5 to skills: Destruction, Enchantment, One-handed weapon, Blocking, Heavy armor
  • Abilities: Imperial Luck ( large quantity found gold)
  • Talents: Voice of the Emperor (the imperial calms nearby human opponents for 60 sec.)


Natives of Elsweyr, Khajiit are smart, very fast and agile, and naturally have the gift of stealth, making them excellent thieves. All Khajiit can see in the dark and deliver deadly blows with their claws.

  • +10 to skill: Stealth
  • +5 to skills: Hacking, Pickpocketing, Alchemy, Shooting, One-handed weapons
  • Abilities: Khajiit Claws (claws deal additional damage in unarmed combat)
  • Talents: Night vision (Khajiit sees perfectly in the dark)


Tall and fair-haired, Nords are distinguished by their strength and endurance. Their military talents (especially in handling two-handed weapons) and insensitivity to cold are well known.

  • +10 to skill: Two-handed weapon
  • +5 to skills: Blocking, Light armor, One-handed weapons, Blacksmithing, Speech
  • Abilities: Cold Resistance 50%
  • Talents: Battle cry (hearing this cry causes enemies to flee for 30 seconds)


Native to the Wrothgarian Mountains and Dragontail, orcs are skilled blacksmiths. Heavily armored Orc warriors are some of the finest soldiers in the Empire, and their berserker rage makes them even more fearsome.

  • +10 to skill: Heavy armor
  • +5 to skills: Blocking, Enchanting, One-handed weapons, Smithing, Two-handed weapons
  • Talents: Berserker's Rage (the orc takes half damage and deals double damage for 60 sec.)


The Hammerfell Redguards are rightfully considered the best warriors in Tamriel; they are distinguished by their strong physique, have an innate resistance to poisons, and outbursts of uncontrollable rage help them in battle.

  • +10 to skill: One-handed weapon
  • +5 to skills: Alteration, Shooting, Blocking, Destruction, Smithing
  • Abilities: Poison Resistance 50%
  • Talents: Battle Fury (Redguards restore stamina 10 times faster over 60 sec.)

Stones-symbols of the celestial constellations of Tamriel

As you travel through Skyrim, in its various corners you can find thirteen special stones, each of which is associated with one of the celestial constellations of Tamriel. Almost certainly, the first you will see are these three stones - Warrior, Mage and Thief, located on the way from Helgen to Riverwood. Your character can take the patronage of one of these stones and, thereby, gain the effect of increasing the growth rate of military, magical or thief skills. Subsequently, having found other standing stones, it will be possible to change the patronage - this is not forbidden to do at any time, you just need to remember that you cannot get more than one effect at the same time, so you will have to focus on blessing one stone, the most valuable for your hero.

The Warrior Stone
  • Effect: All military skills (shooting, one-handed and two-handed weapons, heavy armor, blocking and blacksmithing) grow 20% faster.
The Mage Stone
  • Effect: All magical skills (alteration, conjuration, destruction, illusion, restoration and enchantment) grow 20% faster.
  • Location: On the way from Helgen to Riverwood.
The Thief Stone
  • Effect: All thieves' skills (stealth, hacking, pickpocketing, light armor, alchemy and eloquence) grow 20% faster.
  • Location: On the way from Helgen to Riverwood.
The Apprentice Stone
  • Effect: the speed of magic recovery is doubled (+100% to magic regeneration), but at the same time the vulnerability to magic is also doubled (+100% to magic vulnerability).
  • Location: Between Morthal and Solitude.
The Atronach Stone
  • Effect: permanent increase in magic by 50 units, 50% chance of absorbing spells, magic is restored twice as slow.
  • Location: south of Windhelm.
The Lady Stone
  • Effect: the speed of health and stamina recovery increases by 25%.
  • Location: North of Falkreath.
The Lord Stone
  • Effect: Magic resistance increases by 25%, 50 units are added to damage resistance.
  • Location: East of Morthal.
The Lover Stone
  • Effect: All skills grow 15% faster.
  • Location: East of Markarth.
The Ritual Stone
  • Effect: once a day you can raise all the dead in the area so that they fight for you for 200 seconds.
  • Location: East of Whiterun.
The Serpent Stone
  • Effect: once a day you can paralyze an enemy for 5 seconds. and inflict 25 damage on him. damage
  • Location: East of Winterhold.
The Shadow Stone
  • Effect: once a day you can cast invisibility on yourself for 60 seconds.
  • Location: south of Riften.
The Steed Stone
  • Effect: equipped armor does not give penalties to movement speed, carrying capacity increases by 100 units.
  • Location: West of Solitude.
The Tower Stone
  • Effect: You can open one expert-level lock once a day.
  • Location: Between Dawnstar and Winterhold.

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