Fig tree description. Tree of paradise - fig. Useful properties and contraindications

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There are many lovers of sweet and dried figs in the world. They resemble dried fruits and are used as sweet substitutes. But little is known about the plant itself. Where does it grow and what is it useful for? How to dry figs and is it possible to lose weight by eating the sweet fruit? How to select and preserve wine berries? Let’s expand our “cognitive horizons” about this most interesting plant.

Where does the miracle tree grow?

This deciduous fruit tree loves subtropical climates. It inhabits areas of the Mediterranean, and its origin is associated with India. Cultivated in a number of countries with suitable climatic conditions.

Fig is a common name, and according to the botanical classification it is Fig tree, Sap tree or Wine berry, which belongs to the genus Ficus and belongs to the Mulberry family.

The tree grows up to 10-12 m and lives 200 years. But the most important thing is that it gives us delicious and unusual fruits. They are oblong, pear-shaped, their weight is from 30 to 70 g. The shape, color and color of the fruit depends on the variety.
Most often on the shelves we see yellow, green with a yellow tint and dark blue figs. On the outside they are covered with a thin skin with small fibers, on the inside they are juicy, tasty and aromatic, filled with seeds - nuts.

For your information

The plant begins to bear fruit at the age of 2-3, and a good harvest is obtained from 7-9 years. Fruiting occurs twice a year, with one tree producing from 70 to 90 fruits.

Smakovnitsa is an unpretentious crop. She feels great even in poor and depleted areas. It is resistant to drought, and some varieties tolerate low (down to -20C) temperatures. The plant rarely gets sick, and pests “bypass it”. It is classified as monoecious: inflorescences are formed on female and male trees.

In nature, fruits are formed thanks to blastophagous wasps. Females lay eggs in male inflorescences. Newly born wasps fly to the scent of female flowers. When insects get into them, they leave pollen entangled in the fibers on the body. Thanks to this unusual behavior of blastophages, the fruit is set.

Useful properties of figs

The fig fruit is not just tasty, it contains a lot of substances necessary for the body. It contains a vitamin and mineral cocktail:

  • vitamins C, A, group B, carotene, E, PP;
  • up to 5% pectins;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • cellulose;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • up to 30% sugars;
  • about 1% organic acids.

Although figs are sweet due to their high sugar content, they are low in calories: only 49 kcal per 100 g of product. Dried wine berries contain more sugars, so the calorie content is slightly higher - 95 kcal per 100 g.

Dried fruits are quite nutritious and contain 4.5 g of protein, 1.4 g of fat, 64 g of carbohydrates. Their the nutritional value is 255 kcal. At proper drying The vitamin and mineral composition is preserved, but organic acids are destroyed. The concentration of other useful components becomes higher due to a decrease in fetal weight.

Useful to know

We most often use dried fruits, since fresh ones do not tolerate transportation well. They are supplied unripe or dried. Unripe fruits contain caustic milky juice, which makes them unfit for consumption. Fresh (ripe), canned and dried figs are suitable for food.

Use of figs in folk medicine

Due to its unique composition, wine berries have not been ignored by traditional healers. Official medicine also does not deny its therapeutic effects on the body. Figs are characterized by a diuretic and mild laxative effect, with an expectorant and enveloping effect. It is a good antiseptic with anti-inflammatory properties.

It finds application in folk medicine:

  • as a source of vitamins for vitamin deficiencies, after injuries or illnesses;
  • recovery vital energy after physical and nervous stress;
  • to strengthen bones due to the presence of phosphorus and calcium;
  • in the treatment of colds and coughs;
  • in cardiovascular therapy to strengthen the heart muscle and increase vascular elasticity due to the potassium content;
  • for the prevention of the gastrointestinal tract: a mild laxative effect helps normalize metabolism in the intestine;
  • for some diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • to restore male potency, against sexual impotence;
  • as a prophylactic against reduced immunity and to prevent possible pathologies.

Interesting fact: Scientists from Japan have found that latex juice from figs has an antitumor effect. A medicine has been made based on it and is being tested. Similar developments are being carried out in other countries.

Figs are recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Wine berry contains iron, treats (prevents) anemia in the mother and fetus, which is important for its normal development. Normalizes hormonal background in the expectant mother and eliminates problems associated with bowel movements. Enhances lactation and prevents mastopathy when breastfeeding, saturating milk with useful substances.

How to lose weight “on figs”?

If you are overweight or obese, it is not advisable to consume dried fruits that contain a lot of sugars. But when eaten in small quantities, they bring a feeling of fullness for a long time, so they can occasionally be included in the menu for obese people.

Fresh figs are low in calories and help you lose extra pounds. Some ladies spend fasting days“on figs”, using 100 g of dried fruits, 1 kg of any fruit and 500 g of vegetables per day.

Weight loss is possible thanks to such qualities of the fig fruit as a laxative effect and fiber content, which actively removes waste and toxins with regular bowel movements.

But do not forget that figs contain a lot of sugar.

In what cases are figs prohibited?

There are not many contraindications for eating wine berries, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with it either. 3-4 fruits per day are enough to replenish the body with vitamins and minerals.
Fig about you in the literal sense of this fruit is for people suffering from diseases:

  • stomach: ulcer or gastritis in the acute stage;
  • gout;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity or overweight;
  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.

During pregnancy, figs are contraindicated only if the woman is gaining weight too quickly. All restrictions imposed on figs are associated with the content of a significant amount of sugar in the fruit.

Growing figs in the middle zone

Gardeners have developed the practice of obtaining exotic fruits in the Moscow region and Leningrad region. The fig tree tolerates frost, sometimes freezes slightly, and recovers well. But winter shelter is still desirable. The problem is the short growing season, during which it is impossible to obtain a harvest.

In the middle zone, the fruits do not have enough time to ripen on the tree, and when artificially ripened in boxes, they lose their taste, so figs are often grown as ornamental plant.

You can get figs if you plant a tree in a container (tub, container) and in the fall bring it to a loggia, greenhouse or greenhouse under glass. A warm microclimate lasts here for a long time and the differences between day and night temperatures are not so significant. For the winter, the tub with the plant is placed in a cool place and watered 1-2 times per season.

Figs are plants that do not require special care:

  • tolerates the cold season well;
  • quickly recovers from winter freezing;
  • withstands dry soil, but requires a lot of moisture to form a crop;
  • grows in open sunny places, protected from the wind.

For planting and replanting, compost and sand are added to the soil to make the soil loose and permeable. Planting is carried out in the spring before the start of growth processes, but after frosts. To preserve varietal qualities, it is best to propagate figs using cuttings, layering and root suckers, which grow faster and enter the fruiting period.

The process of obtaining layering is quite simple: the lower branch is bent to the ground, pinned and buried. After 2 months, the cuttings form roots and can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent place. Already in the third year it will begin to bear fruit.

Growing a young fig tree in a closed container guarantees bountiful harvests. This is due to limited growth of the root system. Even in the southern regions, the planting hole is covered from the inside with boards, thick polyethylene or other auxiliary material to prevent the roots from growing.

To form an open crown, a pruning procedure is carried out:

  • in early spring, during the dormant period, remove old, damaged branches that thicken the crown, shorten the longest of them;
  • in summer, young shoots above 5-6 leaves are shortened;
  • In autumn, all unripe fruits (breba) are cut off.

Sometimes, for decorative purposes, the crown is shaped like a fan. So the tree looks exotic, but requires support. Figs tolerate pruning well and practically do not get sick, continuing to grow.

The best varieties of figs for the middle zone

Fig trees are naturally pollinated by blastophagous wasps, which are not found in our latitudes, so it is preferable to use self-fertile varieties.

  1. Dalmatian or white fig is a small tree with large green fruits and red, sweet and sour pulp inside. It is highly frost-resistant, but belongs to late varieties, so in the fall all unripe brebs are removed from it.
  2. Kadota forms round pear-shaped fruits weighing up to 60 g, which are distinguished by a sweet taste. Transports well and is suitable for any processing.
  3. Brunswick is characterized by elongated fruits covered with greenish-green skin. Characterized by early fruiting.
  4. Brown Turkey belongs to a new generation of varieties with high cold resistance and good yield. The fruits are dark brown in color.
  5. Tiger figs or panaches are an old French variety. The fruits have an exotic appearance: a combination of yellow-green stripes. The flesh is bright red with a sweet strawberry flavor.

Varieties such as Crimean black, Nikitsky fragrant, White Adriatic, Chicago hardy and a number of ancient French varieties that grow and bear fruit well in the southern regions of Russia.

Choosing quality figs

It is quite difficult to buy good fresh fruits, since wine berries can be stored for a short time. Ripe fruit is stored in cool conditions for 10-13 days, which is an extremely short period of time for transportation and sale. Therefore, dried fruits are a good alternative.

It is more profitable for producers to transport and sell unripe figs, which ripen during transportation and do not absorb enough sugars, remaining hard and tasteless.

Qualities that should be assessed when choosing fresh fruits:

  • the smell should not be sour, this indicates that the fruit has fermented;
  • the surface is hard and elastic;
  • soft and wet figs are overexposed and begin to rot;
  • hard ones are unripe and tasteless;
  • color is not a sign of quality, as it depends on the variety.

After purchasing, it is advisable to consume figs as soon as possible. It can only “last” in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Freezing fresh fruit helps out, as it preserves all the valuable qualities of the wine berry. You can freeze figs for 12 months, but after defrosting, eat them immediately, within 1-2 hours maximum.

How to preserve wine berries?

To keep figs happy throughout the winter, you can make jam from them. You can see the detailed recipe and cooking sequence

Another option for winter consumption is self-dried figs, which can be stored well for up to 10 months. The drying process is simple and involves the following steps:

  1. Rinse and dry the fruits by spreading a kitchen towel or cloth. You should not rub them so as not to damage the delicate skin.
  2. Cut into halves or quarters for faster drying.
  3. In warm climates, place the sliced ​​figs in a shaded, drafty area. Cover with gauze from flies, wasps and other insects.
  4. In the northern regions, place it on a wire rack so that there is airflow from above and below and place it in a home dryer, setting the temperature to +65C. Drying time is approximately 6-8 hours.

Properly dried fruit has a brown tint, when pressed it is elastic and significantly decreases in size. If, when cutting, no juice comes out at the cut site, then the figs are dried and ready for storage. Sometimes appears on the surface white coating, which is formed by released sugars.

Figs are a unique and unusual crop that gives us not only tasty and useful fruits, but also an exotic plant, which, with the right approach, is cultivated in northern latitudes. And if it is not always possible to obtain fruits, then this pays off with the decorative appearance of the subtropical tree.

In September in Yalta, restaurant " Van Gogh“holds a festival of figs and walnuts (by the way, the combination of these products in jam is very healthy and tasty).

Fig, also known as fig, fig tree, fig tree and wineberry, is a subtropical plant. Asia Minor is considered its homeland. Many people are interested in where this exotic fruit grows. In Russia, it can be found in great abundance in the Caucasus and Crimea. In addition to its interesting and unusual taste, figs have many beneficial properties that are recognized even by official medicine.


The fig tree is one of the most ancient plants in the world. It was first mentioned in the Bible. Adam and Eve covered their nakedness with its leaves. Figs were originally grown in Arabia. Later it entered the culture of Egypt, Syria, etc. In Rus', the fig tree appeared only in the 17th century, where it received one of its names - fig.

There are several types of figs - all of them are useful for humans

Fig is a tree with light bark and hard, alternate leaves. Surprisingly, all fig trees are divided into male and female. And their pollination is unusual and occurs with the help of black wasps - blastophages. The pollination process itself is very labor-intensive.

Fig fruits are pear-shaped. They are juicy and sweet, the pulp with small grains inside. Figs are consumed both fresh and dried. It is used in cooking to make jams and desserts. But its main feature is the presence of useful properties.

Useful properties and contraindications

There are a huge number of oriental fruits useful vitamins and microelements. Such as potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium, phosphorus and iron. In terms of potassium content, it is second only to nuts. The beneficial properties of figs include:

  • Antipyretic, diaphoretic, diuretic and slightly laxative effect.
  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels.

Figs can relieve pain and relieve fever

  • Prevention of blood clots.
  • Antioxidant action.
  • Replenishing sugar in the body.

Attention! It is worth noting that fresh fruits are very low in calories (only 50 kcal per 100 g), unlike dried ones.

  • Reducing pain during menstruation in women.
  • Moderate consumption of figs during pregnancy has a positive effect on the expectant mother’s digestion and the baby’s teeth.

Figs are best consumed fresh: the fruits do not last long

In addition to its positive properties, figs are contraindicated in some cases.

  • Gout can cause you to avoid figs due to the oxalic acid content in them.
  • If you have kidney stones and digestive problems, you will also have to give up this tasty delicacy.

Attention! Dried fruits are very high in calories. Those who are watching their figure should limit their consumption or reduce it to a minimum.

  • Diabetes mellitus is one of the main reasons for refusing the fig tree.

Folk recipes

Figs are used in many folk recipes. One of the most effective is based on the antipyretic effect of the plant.

Recipe for reducing fever. Several fruits are boiled in 0.5 liters of milk, then it is cooled and taken orally. This decoction not only acts as an antipyretic, but also eliminates cough. It should be taken four times a day warm.

Mild laxative recipe. Take the same amount of raisins for half a glass of figs. Add a pinch of ground ginger and nutmeg. Raisins and figs are finely chopped and mixed with spices. Roll the sausage and cut into 1 cm wheels. For constipation, you should eat 2 pieces of fruit sausage.

Figs are a useful plant that has many medicinal properties. Another positive effect is its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It perfectly tones the body, restoring lost strength. Quenches the feeling of hunger. Helps reduce fever and relieve constipation. Has antitumor and bactericidal effects.

About the properties of figs: video

Benefits of figs: photo

Figs are considered to be one of the most ancient plants cultivated by humans. His Latin name translated as "Carian". It is given by the name of the area in Asia Minor - mountainous Caria, which is presumably the birthplace of this plant.

Figs have many other names given to them by ordinary people: fig, wineberry, fig tree, fig tree. It is distinguished from many other plants by its flowering characteristics. How do figs bloom? We'll tell you further.

Initially, the ancient Arabians began to grow figs. Subsequently, their experience was adopted by the peoples of Egypt, Phenicia and Syria, and then by the ancient Greeks.

This is what ripening figs look like (photo)

The sweet fig fruits were highly valued for their nutritional value and could be stored dried. for a long time, and during periods of crop failure, grains came out on top in demand.

For a long time, Ficus Carian was the only known genus in European countries.

It was brought to America at the end of the 16th century; it became known in Russia only in the 18th century. under the modified name "fig".

Currently, figs are grown in countries with warm tropical and subtropical climates:

Carian ficus is highly valued as a fruit bearer due to its high nutritional value and abundance of yield. Plants live a very long time by human standards - the oldest specimens are more than 150 years old.

The plant is a light-loving plant; sufficient lighting is the main condition for fruiting. Figs also require a warm, humid climate to grow well.

Under natural conditions, fig trees reach a height of 10 m. Their trunks are covered with light gray smooth bark. The hard, large leaves have several separate lobes.

The fruit is an infructescence consisting of many drupes. The fruits are pear-shaped and may differ in color depending on the variety:

  • green;
  • reddish;
  • yellow;
  • yellow-green;
  • purple;
  • black and purple.

Unripe fruits are poisonous, so only fully ripe fruits should be collected.

About fig blossoms

This is what pruning fig branches looks like (photo)

The peculiarity of figs is that not all of their specimens bear fruit, and flowering does not occur in the sense in which we are accustomed to understanding it.

Back in the time of the world-famous botanist Carl Linnaeus, other scientists allegedly discovered two types of figs, which later turned out to be two sexes of the same plant: female and male.

Thanks to this discovery, it became clear that the fig is a dioecious plant.

On female plants, fig inflorescences (syconium) are formed - flowers with long or short columns. On male specimens - caprifigs - smaller inflorescences are formed. Both inflorescences develop through the growth of the axis into an oval-spherical formation, hollow inside and having a small hole at the top.

Currently, several self-pollinating varieties of figs have been bred, but this plant is mainly pollinated by a special type of wasp called blastophagous.

Fertilized female blastophages penetrate into the inflorescences of male fig plants. Then it lays eggs there and flies out through the hole at the top of the inflorescence. The larvae that emerge from the eggs live and feed on substances obtained from the inflorescence itself.

Pollination of figs occurs due to the fact that, in search of a place to lay eggs, a female blastophage can enter the female inflorescence.

Pollen from the caprifig, remaining on its body and legs, falls on the female flowers, thereby pollinating them. Thus, blastophages and figs cannot exist without each other: insects feed and live in the inflorescences of the plant, which in turn bears fruit only thanks to their pollination activities.

How to get a high yield of figs

Figs prefer warm climates, but can also be successful in northern regions. To survive wintering, trees growing in open ground, cover during frosts. It is also practiced to grow figs in greenhouse conditions.

Fig pulp (photo)

Most fig varieties bloom twice a year. The first harvest ripens in late spring - early summer from inflorescences formed in the fall of the previous year, the second - in the fall from the ovaries of the current season.

Typically, spring-ripening fruits in cold climates do not have time to ripen completely and have poor taste, so gardeners remove them to speed up the ripening of the main crop.

Special cold-resistant varieties have been bred for cultivation in the northern regions.

While watching the video you will learn about fig propagation.

Thus, figs, which many people associate with a warm southern climate, are quite possible to grow in the middle zone. If planting and care conditions are met, fruits can be obtained.

Attention, super FLIGHT!


Figs (wineberry, fig tree, fig tree) grows in the tropics and its fruits are often used to prepare healthy dietary dishes. The fruits of the fig tree are rich in organic acids, proteins, fats and sugar. What are the benefits of figs for weight loss? First of all, it is rich in gallic and syringic acids, which improve metabolism. gastrointestinal tract.

Since this fruit has beneficial properties and is very tasty, it is dried, eaten fresh, and compotes and canned goods are prepared from it. The fruit can be stored for quite a long time, and its taste does not deteriorate.

Another interesting fact is that this fruit is actively used in folk medicine. If they preferred to treat with its help only in its homeland, now it is used in domestic spaces. For example, fig decoctions are excellent for lowering fever. You can soak the fruits either in water or in milk, which is more popular with children.

Fresh figs with their beneficial properties have also found their use as natural medicines for the treatment of gastrointestinal and kidney diseases. It is a simple and useful diuretic that has no side effects. The fruit is very rich in potassium, which has a positive effect on cardiac activity. The fruit is useful for hypertension and venous insufficiency. Figs also have a dual property: it thins the blood, which helps resolve blood clots. But it is contraindicated for people with hemophilia for precisely this reason.

Figs have beneficial properties that are valuable in the treatment of constipation, spleen and liver diseases. But you should not use it if there are inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.


This fruit most often comes to our table in the form of a dried light yellow product. This natural sweetness has up to 6 percent protein of the total mass of the individual fruit, as well as up to 60 percent sugar. Beneficial features dried figs are such that their fruit sugar is very easily and simply absorbed by the body. But this product can be considered high in calories, so it is not advisable to consume it on a strict diet.

Figs contain a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating a little fig will make you feel full, and if you eat a little bit of it regularly, you will be able to improve the functioning of your rectum. Among the beneficial properties of dried figs is their richness in vitamins and microelements, for example, potassium, which cannot always be obtained from other foods. It contains a lot of pectin, which benefits joints and bones. Figs are also an excellent antioxidant.

The properties of dried figs are such that they can be safely recommended to pregnant women. It can be consumed either raw or dried, but be careful as it does have laxative properties. This is why it is not recommended to consume figs before a trip or a business meeting.

This fetus is contraindicated for gestational age diabetes mellitus due to high sugar content. In particular, pregnant women with this diagnosis need to be careful with this product. Although it’s hard to deny yourself such delicious joys.

Figs are a solitary plant and cannot be combined with other dried fruits. If you decide to cook compote with figs and, say, dried apples, be prepared for your stomach to swell. It’s better to just eat a couple of handfuls of healthy figs.


Any product has both useful and harmful property and contraindication. Let's talk about the oriental sweetness - dried figs, as well as its harm and benefits for our body. Firstly, its use gives a lot of energy. It is not at all necessary to drink a can of energy drink; you can buy dried figs at the store for consumption.

Secondly, figs are very useful in hot weather. If you want something sweet, you can eat a couple of handfuls of this fruit - it does not cause thirst as actively as other dried fruits. Thirdly, the benefit of figs, and not the harm, is that it can be used as an additional remedy by people with disorders of gastric secretion. It helps the liver and kidneys function. If a sore throat occurs, figs can be brewed with hot milk for frequent consumption. It moisturizes the throat and mouth well, soothes coughs, and reduces pain in the throat and nasopharynx. Decoctions with this fruit can be a good way to bring down the temperature. In particular, this medicine is popular with young children who do not even like linden tea.

But in large quantities Figs cause intestinal upset. However, what product will not cause it if you eat, say, a bucket of harmless pears? If you overdo it with figs, it will cause a lot of swelling. By the way, it is advisable to consume figs in morning time, then there will be no problems with abdominal pain.

Usually only 100 grams of figs per day is enough, more is not recommended. But figs can not only be beneficial, but also harmful. For example, if the small or large intestine is inflamed, large quantity fiber in this fruit can greatly irritate the walls of this section of the gastrointestinal tract.

Additionally, it should not be used when peptic ulcer, as well as diabetes. Of course, there are different forms of this disease, but you should not buy a bag of figs without consulting a doctor. The high sugar content there can play a cruel joke on you.


If you love figs, you may be wondering how the wonderful and delicious fig fruit is grown. This is a tropical plant, so it is natural that it loves warmth. But this plant is completely undemanding when it comes to soil moisture and its composition. Can grow in sandy soil, moist soil and so on

For better selection and faster harvesting, figs are propagated by cuttings, root suckers and seeds. Therefore, even here the plant does not cause any trouble to those who grow it. It is better to propagate it by cuttings before the leaves begin to bloom, although the fig will not say a word against it if this is done in late spring or early summer. You need to wait until the cuttings have at least three or four buds.

When it comes to growing fig plants, it is still important to follow some propagation technology. You need to make an oblique cut just below the bud, 1-1.5 centimeters is enough. And the even top cut should be about a centimeter higher than it. To ensure that cuttings take root more actively, several longitudinal scratches are always made on the cuttings. After keeping the finished cuttings for about 6 hours in a cool, dry room to dry milky juice on sections, it must be placed in a heteroauxin solution for 12 hours. Next they are planted in a pot.

Growing fig plants must be done responsibly. It is advisable to water it all the time, making sure that the cuttings do not dry out. But you won’t be able to try the fruits in the year of planting: figs begin to bear fruit only in the second year. But there will always be exotic, sweet and healthy fruits on the table.


Suppose you came to the store to buy yourself some figs, but you don't know what they look like? Or, for example, you have seen beautiful fruits in pictures or in oriental bazaars, and you want to know what they are called. Then it’s better to find photos of fig fruits on the Internet. These are light yellow fruits with shiny skin. Yes, it does not look the most presentable, but its beneficial properties and excellent taste will make you forget about its appearance.

But you won’t recognize the plant itself in life until it is “introduced” to you. For example, not everyone understands how figs can even have fruits, since there are no flowers on the “branches” that we are used to. In fact, they exist, they are simply located in the cortex. They look like small caves on tree trunks. Therefore, many people think that the fruits appear on their own, as if some wizard waved a magic wand.

In the photo, the fig fruits are small pears up to 6 centimeters in length. Their diameter is small - up to 4 centimeters. But you can find quite a lot of varieties of figs. Sometimes it can be greenish-white and sometimes purple-brown. If you are offered such fresh fruits, do not be afraid - they are quite edible and very tasty.

When the fruits ripen, their color changes, and it depends on the plant variety. By the way, local residents, in whose countries figs are not at all uncommon, say that it is best to wait until the fruits crack directly on the trees. Then, according to them, they become the most delicious.

It is impossible to tell from a photo of simple-looking figs how healthy this product is. It is rich in amino acids, proteins, trace elements and vitamins. To maintain the activity of the cardiac system, it is enough to consume at least 100 grams of this product per day. It's all about the high potassium content in fresh and dried figs.

It is also an excellent antipyretic, helps get rid of colds, and improves the condition of flu patients. Children love decoctions from it: it reduces fever well, relieves sore throats and softens coughs, and tastes better than any medicine. True, people on a diet should not eat it (obese people, especially those who have a degree of obesity), as well as diabetics. The fact is that dried fruits contain up to 70 percent sugar. Quite often this dried fruit is recommended for pregnant women.

Photo of fig fruit and plant

Fig tree, Smyrna berry, wine berry - the subtropical tree Ficus carica, from the same genus that includes evergreen indoor ficuses, which are not at all similar to them. It is grown in the Middle East, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Italy, Greece, Portugal - wherever the climate is subtropical or simply warm enough. Humanity has mastered F. carica in Asia Minor, in the area of ​​​​Caria, after which it is named in Latin. The fig tree has served humanity for 5 thousand years, and has left bright, significant traces in the history of civilization.

A noble plant from ancient times

This is the same fig tree that the Bible talks about in the description of the paradise life of Adam and Eve (“fig leaf”) and in the parable of the barren tree. It is also mentioned in the Koran; one of the suras is called “The Fig Tree”. Buddhists believe that Enlightenment, which made Prince Gautama Buddha, descended on him under the sacred Ficus - a tree of the same genus, albeit with inedible fruits. In Ancient Hellas, these fruits, along with grapes, were among the main foodstuffs; at festivals in honor of the god Dionysius, they were placed in baskets as a sign of fertility and joy.

To describe the intricacies of flowering and fruit formation of figs - an absolutely unique plant - there is a complex system of terms applied exclusively to the genus Ficus. Trees are divided into male and female, that is, it is dioecious. Three times a year, siconium inflorescences grow in the leaf axils on short stems. They are shaped like a pear with a hole in the top, the flowers are located inside. Hence the misconception that the fig tree does not bloom.

On male trees in siconiums, flowers with stamens are well developed, and the pistils in female flowers are shortened; these inflorescences are called prophymes. On female trees, on the contrary, the staminate flowers are reduced, and the pistillate flowers are full-fledged, these are figs, and the fruits obtained from them are also called.

All inflorescences of the first generation in the season are called prophygs; they are formed in April; at this time, mainly male trees bloom, that is, most prophygs are caprifigs, but among them there are also a few female ones on the corresponding trees. The second generation - mammoni, blooms in summer, this time there are much more female inflorescences, and it produces the main harvest. Then, at the end of September, the male trees form a mamme generation, which naturally does not bear fruit.

In the photo there is a fig tree

The complex flowering cycle of F.carica was formed for a reason; it is ideally suited to life cycle the wasp Blastophaga psenes, with which this plant has a close symbiosis. Females of tiny insects, 1–2 mm in size, emerge from the inflorescences only to find new ones. Males generally exist only inside caprifigs and do not even have wings. And females don’t fly well, they don’t need it. In the spring, overwintered fertilized blastophages enter the male inflorescences of the first, spring generation, lay eggs in the ovaries of inferior female flowers and die.

From the laid eggs, males first develop, they help the females emerge from the ovaries, fertilize them, and die. The females lay eggs, the cycle repeats, by the time the new females are ripe for oviposition, pistillate inflorescences have already formed on the female plants, awaiting pollination. The wasp, emerging from the syconium, is all covered with pollen, which is in abundance in the male inflorescence.

In search of a place for oviposition, the insect tries to develop inflorescences on female trees, but it fails because the ovaries of female flowers are not suitable for this. Instead, pollination occurs necessary for the plant in order for the inflorescence to develop into a full-fledged fruit.

When the female manages to find one of the few male inflorescences on the corresponding tree, she lays eggs, and the second generation of wasps emerges from them. They no longer have to look for male flowers for a long time, because by the time they mature, siconiums of the mamme generation, consisting only of male inflorescences, bloom. Females of the third generation overwinter inside syconiums on a tree or on the ground and begin the next symbiotic cycle in the spring.

Fig photo

IN good conditions The fig tree grows like a tree and can reach a height of more than 10 meters. This happens, for example, in a river valley, on slightly alkaline soil, with low humidity, in warmth, or in the garden, with constant, not very abundant watering and fertilizing with fertilizers. If all this is missing, then the tree is not tall. It can also grow in the form of a bush - for example, when growing back after frost, or, if it is formed this way intentionally - when grown in trenches or indoors.

This remarkably adaptable plant loves water but is drought tolerant; prefers subtropical humidity, but also tolerates dry air well. The fig tree is completely undemanding to the soil, although it is responsive to fertilizers and loosening, at the same time it grows in the mountains between stones, in rock crevices, on a very thin layer of infertile soil. It loves sunlight, but grows well in shade, although this affects the quality of the harvest. A well-kept garden produces 10–20 tons of fruit per hectare.

Some varieties freeze at - 5°C, others can withstand - 10°C; frost resistance is good for a subtropical crop. In cold areas, bushes are covered for the winter; for this purpose they are grown in trenches. This plant could move to more northern regions; this is only prevented by the heat-loving nature of the wasp, without which most varieties of fig trees cannot do so.

Figs in the photo

The situation was partially corrected by breeders, creating forms that satisfactorily bear fruit without pollination; they are good where, due to the cool climate, symbiont wasps cannot live, and also for keeping in a room, as a fruit and ornamental plant. Lush trees no more than 3 m high, with lobed exotic leaves, really look very impressive indoors. It is best to keep the indoor fig on a well-lit windowsill, water it moderately, and put it in a cool room for the winter, because this plant is deciduous and requires winter dormancy.

Tender, sweet wine berry, a treasure trove of nutrients

So, what we call the fruit of a fig tree is, in fact, its fruit, which is also turned inside out, so that many small fruits are located inside. Tender, juicy pulp develops from the axis of the inflorescence; on the outside it is covered with a thin skin with fine pubescence, giving roughness. The taste is very sweet, sometimes with sourness, with a specific taste.

The fruit probably received the name “wine berry” because it spoils very quickly; fermentation processes begin within a day after picking. Therefore, no matter how tasty fresh fruits are, they have to be quickly processed into jams, preserves, marmalade, marshmallows, compotes or dried. The main producers of figs - Turkey, Italy and Greece - supply them to the market mainly in processed or dried form.

Video about the benefits of figs

The calorie content and sugar content in wineberries, especially dried ones, are so high that they give a noticeable surge of energy and a feeling of satiety. The soldiers of Alexander the Great always carried them with them. In terms of iron content, this fruit surpasses even an apple; in terms of potassium, it is second only to nuts. There is calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, a rich set of vitamins (C, B, PP), and a lot of healthy plant fiber.

Abundance useful substances Smyrna berry has a beneficial effect on the entire body - on the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, stomach, it is useful for anemia, reduces blood clotting, has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, decoctions with milk are excellent folk remedy for a cold. Contraindicated for gout and diabetes.

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