Why do you dream about a guitar with broken strings? “Why do you dream of a guitar in a dream? If you see a Guitar in a dream, what does it mean? Danilova's erotic dream book

The sound of a guitar in your home means peace.

I had a dream 😴

Regular 0 Nightmare 0

2 Dream Interpretation 2012

Seeing a guitar in a dream means:

Guitar - harmony in relation to a larger whole (also its absence).

Playing is an external component of harmony (disharmony).

Listening, seeing is the internal component of harmony (disharmony).

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

3 Dream Interpretation 2012

Playing the guitar in a dream means a romantic adventure. Perhaps you will meet a person with whom you will have tender feelings.

A dream in which you watch or listen to someone else play the guitar suggests that you are jealous of the relationships of your friends. You should look less at how others live and try to arrange own life.

4 Gypsy dream book

Dreaming with a guitar means:

Seeing or hearing someone playing the guitar means you will be happy with your loved one.

If in a dream you play the guitar yourself, beware of people who can deceive you.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


5 Dream book of E. Ericson

Guitar dream meaning:

What does Guitar mean in a dream - a love affair. It's easy to play the guitar in front of other people - a fun party. Playing alone is a delayed event. Listening to others play means being enchanted.

6 Danilova's erotic dream book

If you see yourself playing the guitar in a dream, this promises excellent prospects in the field of love, you will find yourself in a cheerful society where you will meet great love.

Young girls who heard a guitar playing in a dream should in the near future resist flattery and persuasion from obsessive fans.

7 Modern dream book

A dream in which you play the guitar means a fun time and serious courtship.

If you have a family, harmony will reign in it.

If a girl sees an upset or broken guitar in a dream, such a dream foreshadows disappointment in love.

If in a dream a woman hears the sounds of a guitar, she must find the strength to resist flattery and persuasion, so as not to succumb to temptation, which is fraught with charming evil.

For a man, such a dream predicts that he will have serious troubles and will probably lose his head due to the tricks of beautiful seductive women.

Hearing a virtuoso playing the bass guitar in a dream means you will be the center of attention of gossipers and envious people.

Buying a bass guitar means you have to make a serious choice.

If you dreamed that a bass guitar was making unpleasant, sharp sounds, this dream indicates your dissatisfaction with your position.

In a dream, performing a solo on the bass guitar - some action of yours will bring you fame. For a young girl, such a dream promises many fans.

Seeing a bass guitar without strings in a dream means you will make an unsuccessful attempt to reconcile or make amends to a loved one.

After sleeping, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. You should wash your face without touching your eyes.

8 Combined dream book

Guitar in a dream means:

Hear in a dream good game on the bass guitar - you will be at the epicenter of attention of various envious people.

Buying a bass guitar in a store means you will have to make a difficult choice.

If you dreamed that a bass guitar was making incorrect and false sounds, this dream speaks of your desire to change your position in society.

In a dream, performing a solo number on the bass guitar - your actions will bring you popularity.

For a young woman or girl, such a dream foreshadows many fans.

To dream of a bass guitar with no strings - you will make an unsuccessful attempt in trying on with friends or loved ones.

9 Slavic dream book

Guitar is a romantic and dangerous hobby. A lion.

10 Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Guitar - a pleasant acquaintance awaits you, which can lead to marriage or friendship for life. Imagine the sounds of a guitar, mentally sing to the guitar. If you know how to play, do it in reality.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

11 Dream book of Nina Grishina

Why does a woman dream about a guitar:

A guitar, hearing it or playing it means grieving about something that was in your hands, but you did not take advantage of the opportunity.

Guitar and violin - in dreams symbolize a woman, female body and the desires it evokes.

12 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

Seeing a guitar in a dream means:

Guitar is a symbol of a woman. Bodies, love relationships.

13 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

A dream with a guitar in the dream book is interpreted as:

What does Guitar mean in a dream? 1. A guitar melody in a dream can predict a new romance or the need to be careful. If the dreamer plays the guitar himself, he will try to become a more creative person. 2. Any musical instrument is characterized by the need for rest and relaxation, as well as life harmony. 3. We yearn for spiritual harmony.

14 Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Dreaming with a guitar means:

Playing a 12-string guitar in a dream means that you have made the wrong choice, and there is a person next to you whom you do not love.

Hearing in a dream how someone plays a 12-string guitar and is terribly out of tune means that in 3 years you will have the opportunity to radically change your life, so for now you need to come to terms with the current situation and try to calm down internally.

If in a dream you like how a person unknown to you plays a 12-string guitar, after 3 weeks you will ask for forgiveness from your loved ones.

If in a dream you play a seven-string guitar and enjoy the sounds that you yourself extract from this musical instrument, in a short time you will go on a visit and meet a person there.

For a woman to see in a dream how a man sings serenades to her and plays a seven-string guitar - to career growth. However, if she does not like music, then on the way to success she will have to fight with male rivals and withstand difficult conditions. Year - if in a dream you add up the numbers that make up this or that year and get a seven, then your life will soon become like a kaleidoscope, there will be an equal amount of everything in it - joy, sadness, anxiety, and pleasure. Pay attention to the year itself - it is in it that important information for you is hidden: what happened this year? If you dream that you and someone together are adding up the numbers of a certain year and getting the number “7”, then in 7 weeks you will go on a tour abroad, and most likely not alone, but in a pleasant company.

For students to see themselves adding up the numbers of the year and getting a “7” - to new worries. If they can easily do calculations in a dream and everything works out as if by itself, then the worries will be pleasant and will give students true pleasure. Perhaps they will feast and enjoy freedom and youth in every possible way. But if in a dream it is very difficult for them to count, then in reality this means a difficult session or a quarrel with the dean.

If in a dream you play the bass guitar and clearly see all four strings, in reality they will approach you with an immodest offer. Pay attention to the person who starts this conversation with you: even if you refuse him, he will still strive for his goal and will not spare any money or time to achieve his goal. Be careful, control yourself and try not to appear alone anywhere for 4 weeks. This warning is especially important for young people under the age of majority, as they risk becoming involved in a criminal organization or being sexually assaulted.

If in a dream you see a quartet playing a fashionable tune, and the bass guitar of one of the group members catches your eye, this indicates that you have stopped taking care of yourself and have allowed laziness to overcome you. In the next 4 days, guests will come to you, and if you do not meet them in full dress, you are unlikely to find yourself in a month at a party, which may become fateful for you. This advice applies equally to men and women.

15 Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Guitar dream meaning:

a love adventure involving danger for lovers.

16 Dream book of the future

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a guitar:

The guitar is a very favorable sign: you will unexpectedly find yourself in an interesting society, where you will meet great love; this dream can also mean a long period of calm balance in your home.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

17 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

What a guitar might mean in a dream:

Guitar - for a sad evening.

18 Online dream book

Guitar in a dream means:

According to the dream book, seeing your guitar in a dream is a sign that you need to take more careful care of yourself.

If the instrument in your dream is not yours, you will have a date with your old love.

If you dreamed that you were playing it, you would have a great time with like-minded people.

If in a dream you hear others playing, you will fight hypocrites.

If you dream of music that is extremely pleasant to you, something very unusual will happen to you, your emotions will go through the roof.

Heard an unprofessional game in a dream - someone is trying to invade your personal space.

A dream in which you saw a bass guitar warns that all your attempts to improve relations with your family will be in vain.

If you dream that you are busy purchasing it, you will be required to make a very responsible decision.

Presenting it to someone in a dream means family well-being awaits you, someone will tell you something good.

I dreamed of a guitar that had fallen into disrepair - now everything is fine with you, but very soon you will be upset.

If her strings are broken in a dream, your relationship with your loved one will exhaust itself, and this will greatly annoy you.

If you dream that you broke it, a serious quarrel awaits you.

A dream in which you are busy tuning a guitar warns that you need to understand yourself, this is the only way your life can improve.

A broken guitar in a dream is a negative omen, warning that a happy time is coming to an end and that some problems will have to be solved.

Playing the guitar is an invitation to a party, an exhibition, some kind of social event, at which it is quite possible to meet your future husband.

19 Russian dream book

If a girl dreams of a guitar, it means:

Guitar - for fun.

Playing the guitar means unpleasant news

20 Azar's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about a guitar:

Love affair

A dream seen by a church person on a holiday can come true no later than half of the next day. They say: “A holiday nap is until lunch,” but on Friday it is “valid” all day. Whoever cries in a dream will laugh in reality.

21 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a guitar in a dream means:

If a young man sees in a dream how he plays the guitar, although in reality he does not know how to play, this means courting a capricious girl.

22 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation of a dream about a guitar:

Guitar - a dangerous love journey

23 Jewish dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a guitar:

You dreamed of a Guitar - Breaking the strings on a guitar means deciding to break off relations with a person you have long wanted to stop communicating with. Playing the guitar means an interesting conversation.

You should never sleep along the floorboards (only dead people are placed along the floor), but you should definitely make your bed across the boards.

24 Housewife's Dream Interpretation

A guitar in a dream predicts:

Guitar - love relationship. A guitar with broken strings is love that brings tears and sadness.

25 Dream interpretation horoscope

Why do you dream about Guitar:

Guitar - a hasty and passionate romance awaits you.

26 French dream book

  • You enjoy another person's playing and see how quickly and skillfully he plucks the six strings of a guitar with his fingers, then wait 33 days later for an official notification that will mix up all your plans and make you worry.
  • You dream of a guitar; if a person plays for a long time in a dream, then the period of uncertainty will last you 6 weeks; if the player plays only a little, then after 15 days everything will be over and you will return to your previous state of peace.
  • If in a dream you watch children or adults who do not know how to play the guitar, then they will soon demand a report, oral or written, and you will find yourself in a difficult situation: 24 days ago you promised to provide this information, but you simply forgot it done, but you won’t be able to write the required report in one sitting, since this is a long and painstaking task.
  • You see how all 6 strings of a guitar break, then in reality you will have to make an offer if you are a man, or accept it if you are a lady. Advice to women: do not rush to agree on Saturday; an offer made on this day does not carry a sincere feeling, but a selfish calculation. However, if you are asked to marry 6, 15 or 24, then you can safely say “yes”, and your marriage will be happy and long. Advice to men: if you want to check what your marriage will be like, then invite your chosen one to set an hour for conversation, and then look at what number she said: if it is divisible by “6”, then you will be happy with this woman, she is exactly ta. Who have you been looking for all your life? If she chose a different time, then this only means that you don’t know each other very well yet.
  • In a dream, you yourself broke all 6 strings on the guitar, then in life you cannot get rid of your complexes. Carry out an “internal cleansing” and free yourself from suffering, 6 of your many inferiority complexes are false.

27 Freud's Dream Interpretation

The guitar, like most musical instruments, is a symbol of the feminine, but as such rarely has an independent meaning.

28 Small dream book

If in a dream you play the guitar, then in reality pleasant activities await you. For a girl to see an upset or broken guitar in a dream means that she will be disappointed in love. If a woman hears the sound of guitar strings plucked in a dream, then she should be very careful and not give in to sweet speeches, after which only bitterness may remain. For a man, such a dream means that he risks losing his head because of a woman whom rumor has dubbed “fatal.”

29 Dream book for a bitch

Guitar - peace, comfort and well-being in the home.

Play the guitar - you will soon meet your great love.

A guitar with broken strings - love and joy will be replaced by short separations and sadness.

30 Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Guitar:

Seeing yourself with a guitar in your hands or playing the guitar is a favorable sign: you will unexpectedly find yourself in a new society, where you will meet your great love.

If a young lady sees a guitar with broken strings, this means that the joys of love will suddenly give way to sadness and tears.

Having heard a guitar being played in a dream, she must in reality confront insincerity and flattery, behind which lies danger for her.

A dream about a guitar warns a man against frivolous hobby.

This dream can also mean a long period of calm balance in your home.

31 Historical women's dream book

32 Dream book alphabetically

Hearing a guitar being played in a dream means you will be flattered, but behind this you will be able to discern insincerity and envy. Playing the guitar and singing to it in a dream means you will be invited to an interesting society, where you will meet a person who will give you his love, and you will reciprocate his love.

A broken guitar is not a good sign, indicating that short-lived joy will be replaced by sadness and tears. Buying a guitar - beware of fleeting connections. Giving means pleasant news from afar, peace and quiet in the house.

33 Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

A pleasant acquaintance awaits you, which can lead to marriage or friendship for life. Play the guitar - you will spend several hours in pleasant company; listening to the guitar play is an unexpected acquaintance while visiting your friends. Singing serenades with a guitar - light flirting will turn into a long relationship. A guitar with broken strings is the end of a bachelor's life.

Imagine the sounds of a guitar, mentally sing to the guitar. If you know how to play, do it in reality.

34 Dream book of the 20th century

The image of a guitar in a dream: symbolizes your emotional experiences, and the strings of this instrument are the strings of your soul.

Beautiful guitar music in a dream, if it touches your heartstrings: it indicates that you are standing on the threshold of interesting events to which you will not remain indifferent.

False notes: often indicate that someone is trying to rudely get under your skin.

Sometimes, however, this means that you yourself admit some insincerity.

A broken string: a sign of a mental crisis. Often such dreams foreshadow a breakup with a loved one.

Tuning a guitar in a dream: a signal that you need to put your feelings and thoughts in order, otherwise things won’t go well for you.

35 Rommel's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Guitar:

Seeing a guitar is a fulfillment of desires, an expensive pleasure, a dangerous love adventure.

Playing the guitar means success in love.

Seeing others play is a sign of failure in love.

Hearing the sounds of a guitar for a man is some kind of temptation, a warning about persecution by an insignificant woman.

A broken guitar with broken strings symbolizes a broken heart and separation.

36 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you dream about your guitar, you are extremely careless about your health! It makes direct sense to reconsider this issue in a positive direction. Get diagnosed.

37 Dream book for girls

Playing the guitar is an unexpected romantic encounter.

A guitar with broken strings is treason.

You probably love to sing: “heart! You don’t want peace!” but why pull the strings so hard?

38 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were playing the guitar, you will be mired in intrigue at work.

In a dream, you listened to someone playing the guitar - you may find yourself drawn into other people's intrigues.

You dreamed that you broke a guitar - soon you will have to participate in a major scandal.

Buying a guitar - you will bring trouble on your own head.

39 Dream book of lovers

If you dream that you are playing the guitar, this means that you will communicate with interesting people, among whom you may meet your loved one. However, if a girl dreams of a guitar with broken strings, this symbolizes unsuccessful love, tears and loneliness. If she hears the sounds of a guitar in a dream, she should be careful: it is very likely that her admirer is being a hypocrite and deceiving her. In beautiful words he may be covering up his own selfish goals. If a man dreams about a guitar, he is in for a hobby that will not end in anything serious.

40 Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Why do you dream about Guitar:

  • Guitar - guitar - to a pleasant acquaintance, which can develop into a romance, and then into marriage. Imagine that you are in a pleasant company where someone plays the guitar very well. You sit among the other guests and listen in fascination - after all, your favorite melody is playing, and in a wonderful performance. But then the guitarist finishes playing this melody and begins to sing a romance or serenade with the guitar. You sit closer and sing along with him in a low voice.
  • A guitar melody can predict a new romance or the need to be careful.
  • If the dreamer plays the guitar himself, he will try to become a more creative person. Any musical instrument is characterized by the need for rest and relaxation, as well as life harmony. We yearn for spiritual harmony.

41 Historical women's dream book

  • Guitar - a guitar with broken strings - love that brings tears and sadness.
  • Breaking the strings of a guitar means deciding to break off relations with a person you have long wanted to stop communicating with.
  • Playing the guitar means an interesting conversation.
  • It's easy to play the guitar in front of other people - a fun party.
  • Playing the guitar alone in a dream is a postponed event.
  • Listening to others play means being enchanted.
  • You see a guitar in a store - for a long time no unpleasant surprises will disturb the calm flow of your life; Contentment and peace are the two states in which you will predominantly remain.
  • It's like you're playing a guitar - for a young man or girl it's good dream; you will find yourself in a society you have never been to before; here you will meet a person with whom you will be bound by love for the rest of your life, you will understand that you are made for each other.
  • The girl sees that one string of the guitar is broken - this is a warning dream; love pleasures, of course, are good and desirable, but one should not indulge in them without measure, because even through caresses one can find tears.
  • The girl hears the pleasant sounds of the guitar - in reality, this girl will have to listen to the unpleasant - a lie; If a girl, due to her soft character, does not expose the liar, then her name will be in danger.
  • The man seems to be hearing music played on a guitar - the hobby he will experience is nothing serious; You should not reassure a person, so as not to rudely disappoint him later and create trouble for yourself.

42 ABC of dream interpretation

  • Guitar - guitar - fulfillment of desires.
  • Playing a 12-string guitar means that you have made the wrong choice and there is a person next to you whom you do not like.
  • Hearing someone play a 12-string guitar and be terribly out of tune means that in 3 years you will have the opportunity to radically change your life, so for now you need to come to terms with the current situation and try to calm down internally.
  • If in a dream you like how a person unknown to you plays a 12-string guitar, then after 3 weeks you will ask for forgiveness from your loved ones.
  • In a dream, you play a seven-string guitar and enjoy the sounds that you yourself extract from this musical instrument, then after a short time you will go on a visit and there you will meet a person whom you have not seen for 16 years. Perhaps this meeting will force you to urgently change all your plans for the next six months.
  • For a woman to see a man serenading her and playing a seven-string guitar is a sign of career growth. However, if she does not like music, then on the way to success she will have to fight with male rivals and withstand difficult conditions. Year - if in a dream you add up the numbers that make up this or that year and get a seven, then your life will soon become like a kaleidoscope, there will be an equal amount of everything in it - joy, sadness, anxiety, and pleasure. Pay attention to the year itself - it is in it that important information for you is hidden: what happened this year?
  • Dreaming of a guitar in a dream, you play a six-string guitar, although in life you don’t know how to play it, means that a person will soon appear in your life for whose sake you will quarrel with everyone around you and refuse a good job.
  • If in a dream you are good at playing the six-string guitar and you enjoy the music that you skillfully play, then this person will truly be worth making all these sacrifices for the opportunity to be with him.
  • If you can barely handle a six-string guitar and all you get is a pathetic rattle, then you will do something stupid, your new friend It’s clearly not worth it for you to quarrel with the whole world and yourself for his sake.

43 Historical women's dream book

  • Guitar - guitar? The instrument is a symbol of a love adventure in reality, a small but very pleasant affair. You are likely to meet a person ahead who will make your heart beat faster. Most likely, such a romance will be short-lived and will not have a serious continuation. But, it guarantees you moments of pleasure and good memories.
  • If you dream of a guitar in a store, the dream is ambiguous. In the near future, you will experience some kind of love adventure. But on the other hand, the guitar warns that it will be dangerous. Perhaps your chosen one or chosen one will not be free - and then revenge from your angry spouse awaits you. Maybe, on the contrary, you are the one who has a partner or spouse who finds out about everything and will not forgive you. Whether it is worth embarking on such adventures and risking your family happiness - decide for yourself. In general, the guitar is a frivolous instrument.

44 Historical women's dream book

  • If you dreamed that you were playing the guitar - soon you will be destined to experience romantic feelings when meeting the opposite sex.
  • Hearing or seeing someone playing the guitar indicates that deep down in your soul you envy the existing relationships of someone you know and are worried about what is going on in your life. intimate life things are not going so smoothly. Do not despair, because each of us is the architect of our own happiness.
  • You play the guitar, sing romances - the dream predicts that you will soon meet your great love. And this will probably happen in some big and fun company.
  • Dreaming of a young guitar unmarried woman or a girl - the image predicts great success for her with the opposite sex. The only difficulty that awaits you is to be able to deal with all your fans and resist flattery and persuasion on their part. And they may be too intrusive.

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about playing the guitar, it means that soon you will be destined to experience romantic feelings when meeting the opposite sex. Hearing or seeing someone playing the guitar in a dream indicates that deep down you envy the existing relationships of someone you know and are worried that things are not going so smoothly in your intimate life. Do not despair, because each of us is the architect of our own happiness.

Why do you dream about a guitar?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

hear - (for her) a warning, temptation, (for him) pursued by a worthless woman; playing - fortunately with a loved one; broken - to separation, disappointment in love.

I dreamed about a guitar

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself with a guitar in your hands or playing the guitar is a favorable sign: you will unexpectedly find yourself in a new interesting society, where you will meet your great love. If a young lady sees a guitar with broken strings, this means that the joys of love will suddenly give way to sadness and tears. Having heard a guitar being played in a dream, she must in reality confront insincerity and flattery, behind which lies danger for her. A dream about a guitar warns a man against frivolous hobby. This dream can also mean a long period of calm balance in your home.

Why do you dream about music?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

secret ridicule (for a woman); listening to music is good news; music (in concert) - beautiful - for sick people to recover; you sing or play yourself - grief, tears.

The meaning of a dream about music

according to Freud's dream book

In general, music in a dream has a good meaning, especially if you liked it and got great pleasure from it. Such a dream suggests that everything is harmonious in your life, you can call yourself happy man. You are full of optimism and faith in the future, confident that you can do anything. So, if in a dream you heard pleasant melodic music and it was well known to you, then such a dream portends you a return to the past. Moreover, you will be sure that there is nothing good in this for you, and only after you return to places and people you have known for a long time, will you understand how wrong you were. Hearing sharp music in a dream that makes you excited means that in the future you will have to do something that you absolutely do not want to do, but it will be necessary. Then you will regret what happened for a long time. Playing music on an instrument yourself - you will get tired of playing second violin, you will decide to take the initiative into your own hands and will not regret it at all. You will be able to experience new sensations that were completely unfamiliar to you until now.

Seeing music in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

If the musical background is pleasant for everyone present, interpersonal relationships You get along well with those around you. If you don’t like someone’s music, this is a signal to avoid these people. If a love song or hard rock comes on, then you won’t be confused, you know what to do. Musical background in dreams is a common phenomenon. We are used to the fact that music on television or in films sets the tone of the scene and defines the character. The process of composing music in a dream is interesting. This can tell you a lot, especially if you consider the emotions that accompany this process, which, in turn, will help you decipher the meaning of the images.

Without dreams, our world would not be so harmonious. We wouldn't have learned much new things, we wouldn't have gone to trip around the world, would not have met their loved ones and relatives. Dreams allow us to experience a variety of events and experience a lot of new emotions.

A bunch of musical instruments was created by man. Almost every one of them - harp, clarinet, piano - can bring beautiful melodies to our ears. All of them have the power to touch the deepest strings of our soul.

The guitar is an instrument without which it is difficult to imagine meeting close friends or going out into nature. Playing a guitar can unite, ignite, and give both joy and sadness.

To find out what a guitar means in dreams, it is important to pay attention to the symbolism of this image. As the dream book says, a guitar is a symbol of harmony in your life. But this image may give you a surprise, so you should pay special attention to the interpretation of such a dream.

So, it is important to analyze the dream in which you were lucky enough to see a guitar in detail and with special attention. Here are the nuances that must be taken into account when drawing up an interpretation:

  • What kind of guitar was it?
  • What tune was playing?
  • Who played?
  • What did you do?

What instrument?

In order to find out what a guitar means in a dream, it is important to remember what this instrument was like. Seeing a small ukulele means that lightness and fun will come into your life. And your friends, who always remember and care about you, will bring them to you.

An ordinary acoustic instrument indicates that everything in your life will soon go smoothly. You will regain faith in yourself and your life, and your problems will gradually begin to resolve. As the modern dream book says, a guitar is a symbol of a new harmonious stage in your life.

Seeing an electric guitar in a dream means that a strong and courageous person will soon appear in your life. He will become your reliable assistant and support in all your affairs. You just need to be a weak and defenseless woman who gives a man room for achievement.

If you dreamed of a guitar that was broken, smashed, like after a concert, then such a vision suggests that wild fun awaits you. But be vigilant, otherwise you may not feel well the next day, so try to control yourself and not get too caught up in the whirlpool of events.

If you dreamed of a broken or out of tune guitar, then this indicates that some frustration awaits you in real life. You may be overcome by a feeling of sadness or melancholy, the main thing is not to give in to it and try to maintain good spirits.

  • So, the melodic and calm playing of the guitar indicates that a wonderful, homely and cozy evening with your family awaits you.
  • Familiar, popular melodies that you can easily hum predict that you will meet old friends.
  • A fiery Spanish game, with a cheerful rhythm and strong melodies, promises you a meeting with a bright man.
  • Heavy rock indicates that you have a stormy week ahead. Events will follow each other like a hurricane, you just need to try to keep up with this fast rhythm.
  • Seeing someone playing something awkward on an instrument suggests that your future is not yet determined and only you can decide what it will be like.

Who performed what?

When understanding what a guitar means in dreams, it is extremely important to remember who played it. If you dreamed of your spouse playing the guitar, then this is considered a good sign. Your husband makes every effort to make you the happiest person on earth.

Seeing your boss play the guitar means you are very lucky. You work under the supervision of a person who is able to build an excellent management system in his company.

If you dreamed that you played an instrument and were good at it, then such a vision speaks of one thing - it’s time for you to realize your talents. You shouldn’t waste your life on something you don’t like; it’s better to invest all your energy and resources into your dream business.

If a girl dreamed that a young man was playing her, this means that a romantic adventure awaits her soon. A dream in which a guitar was in the hands of a man always predicts something good.

Seeing a stranger playing in a vision means that good fortune will soon smile on you. But if the stranger played poorly and was clearly out of tune, then you will face some difficulties in communicating with people.

It is also important to remember what you did in such a vision.

  • If the guitar playing was so bright that you decided to follow fiery rhythms, then this means that you are an open and free person, fortune favors you.
  • Singing with a guitar means that an evening of memories awaits you, which will bring back the happy moments of your life.
  • If you just remained silent and listened to how the playing of the instrument takes you somewhere into another dimension, then such a vision predicts a quick rest and a contemplative mood for you.

Dreaming means being in contact with the universe. Open up to the world, and it will answer you in kind; it will communicate with you through beautiful and amazing dreams, in which the playing of different instruments will sound.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Why do you dream about Guitar?

  • A guitar, hearing it or playing it means grieving about something that was in your hands, but you did not take advantage of the opportunity.
  • Guitar and violin - in dreams symbolize a woman, the female body and the desires caused by it.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

See a guitar in a dream

  • Seeing yourself with a guitar in your hands or playing the guitar is a favorable sign: you will unexpectedly find yourself in a new interesting society, where you will meet your great love.
  • But a guitar with broken strings foreshadows the end of love, tears and worries.
  • For a man, a dream about a guitar foreshadows a frivolous hobby.
  • If in a dream you heard someone playing a guitar, then in reality you will have to resist insincerity and flattery.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Guitar?

  • Seeing or hearing someone playing the guitar means you will be happy with your loved one. If in a dream you play the guitar yourself, beware of people who can deceive you.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern women's dream book

See a guitar in a dream

  • Playing the guitar means having a pleasant time. For a girl to see an upset or broken guitar is a sign of disappointment in love. If a woman hears the plucking of guitar strings, she should be very careful and not give in to sweet speeches, after which only the bitterness of loss will remain.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Guitar

  • Seeing yourself with a guitar in your hands or playing the guitar is a favorable sign: you will unexpectedly find yourself in a new interesting society, where you will meet your great love.
  • If a young lady sees a guitar with broken strings, this means that the joys of love will suddenly give way to sadness and tears.
  • Having heard a guitar being played in a dream, she must in reality confront insincerity and flattery, behind which lies danger for her.
  • A dream about a guitar warns a man against frivolous hobby.
  • This dream can also mean a long period of calm balance in your home.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Guitar

  • If you dreamed about playing the guitar, it means that soon you will be destined to experience romantic feelings when meeting the opposite sex.
  • Hearing or seeing someone playing the guitar in a dream indicates that deep down you envy the existing relationships of someone you know and are worried that things are not going so smoothly in your intimate life. Do not despair, because each of us is the architect of our own happiness.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Guitar

  • If in a dream you play the guitar, then in reality pleasant activities await you. For a girl to see an upset or broken guitar in a dream means that she will be disappointed in love. If a woman hears the sound of guitar strings plucked in a dream, then she should be very careful and not give in to sweet speeches, after which only bitterness may remain. For a man, such a dream means that he risks losing his head because of a woman whom rumor has dubbed “fatal.”

Dream Interpretation: Numerological Dream Book of Pythagoras

Why do you dream about Guitar?

  • See in detail “Twelve-string guitar”, “Bass guitar”, “Six-string guitar”, “Seven-string guitar”

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

See a guitar in a dream

  • receive a gift, love affair

Dream Interpretation: Erotic Dream Book of Danilova

Why do you dream about Guitar?

  • If you see yourself playing the guitar in a dream, this promises excellent prospects in the field of love - you will find yourself in a cheerful society where you will meet great love. Young girls who heard a guitar playing in a dream should in the near future resist flattery and persuasion from obsessive fans.

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Playing the guitar in a dream means a romantic adventure.

Perhaps you will meet a person with whom you will have tender feelings.

A dream in which you watch or listen to someone else play the guitar suggests that you are jealous of the relationships of your acquaintances.

You should look less at how others live and try to arrange your own life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

What does the dream Guitar mean?

Seeing yourself with a guitar in your hands or playing the guitar is a favorable sign: you will unexpectedly find yourself in a new interesting society, where you will meet your great love.

If a young lady sees a guitar with broken strings, this means that the joys of love will suddenly give way to sadness and tears.

Having heard a guitar being played in a dream, she must in reality confront insincerity and flattery, behind which lies danger for her.

A dream about a guitar warns a man against frivolous hobby.

This dream can also mean a long period of calm balance in your home.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do Guitar dreams mean?

Hearing a guitar being played in a dream means you will be flattered, but behind this you will be able to discern insincerity and envy. Playing the guitar and singing to it in a dream means you will be invited to an interesting society, where you will meet a person who will give you his love, and you will reciprocate his love.

A broken guitar is not a good sign, indicating that short-lived joy will be replaced by sadness and tears. Buying a guitar - beware of fleeting connections. Giving means pleasant news from afar, peace and quiet in the house.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream about Guitar

If a young man sees in a dream how he plays the guitar, although in reality he does not know how to play, it means courting a capricious girl.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Dreams

Meaning of dreams Guitar

Seeing or hearing someone playing the guitar means you will be happy with your loved one.

If in a dream you play the guitar yourself, beware of people who can deceive you.

Guitar - the sounds of a guitar foreshadow happy life with a loved man.

If you play the instrument yourself, take a closer look at the people around you, deception is possible.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Interpretation of sleep Guitar

Playing the guitar is an unexpected romantic encounter.

A guitar with broken strings is treason.

You probably love to sing: “heart! You don’t want peace!” but why pull the strings so hard?

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for girls

What does a guitar predict in a dream?

If you dream about your guitar, you are extremely careless about your health! It makes direct sense to reconsider this issue in a positive direction. Get diagnosed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

What does it mean to see a guitar in a dream?

Seeing yourself with a guitar in your hands or playing the guitar is a favorable sign: you will unexpectedly find yourself in a new, interesting society, where you will meet your great love.

But a guitar with broken strings foreshadows the end of love, tears and worries.

For a man, a dream about a guitar foreshadows a frivolous hobby.

If in a dream you heard someone playing a guitar, then in reality you will have to resist insincerity and flattery. This dream also means that deep down you envy the existing relationships of someone you know and worry that things are not going so smoothly in your intimate life. Don't despair, everything will work out.

If you dreamed that you were playing the guitar, then you will soon experience romantic feelings.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Guitar

If you see yourself playing the guitar in a dream, this promises excellent prospects in the field of love - you will find yourself in a cheerful society where you will meet great love. Young girls who heard a guitar playing in a dream should in the near future resist flattery and persuasion from obsessive fans.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

What does the dream Guitar predict?

playing a guitar heard in a dream means sadness and sorrow. If a ruler or boss hears the sound of a guitar in a dream, it means that he listens to the words and advice of a liar.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Dream meaning Guitar

Seeing a guitar is a fulfillment of desires, an expensive pleasure, a dangerous love adventure.

Playing the guitar means success in love.

Seeing others play is a sign of failure in love.

Hearing the sounds of a guitar for a man is some kind of temptation, a warning about persecution by an insignificant woman.

A broken guitar with broken strings symbolizes a broken heart and separation.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Dream prediction Guitar

If you dream that you are playing the guitar, this means that you will communicate with interesting people, among whom you may meet your loved one.

However, if a girl dreams of a guitar with broken strings, it symbolizes failed love, tears and loneliness. If she hears the sounds of a guitar in a dream, she should be careful: it is very likely that her admirer is being a hypocrite and deceiving her. With beautiful words, he may be covering up his selfish goals.

If a man dreams about a guitar, he will have a hobby that will not end in anything serious.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Why do you dream about Guitar?

Seeing yourself with a guitar in your hands or playing the guitar is a favorable sign: you will unexpectedly find yourself in a new interesting society, where you will meet your great love. Hearing a guitar being played means resistance to insincerity and flattery. Also, such a dream can mean a long period of calm balance in your home.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Seeing a Guitar in a dream

A pleasant acquaintance awaits you, which can lead to marriage or friendship for life. Play the guitar - you will spend several hours in pleasant company; listening to the guitar play is an unexpected acquaintance while visiting your friends. Singing serenades with a guitar - light flirting will turn into a long relationship. A guitar with broken strings is the end of a bachelor's life.

Imagine the sounds of a guitar, mentally sing to the guitar. If you know how to play, do it in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from
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