Why do you dream about robbing someone else’s apartment? “Dream Interpretation Robbery of an apartment dreamed of why you dream of Robbery of an apartment in a dream. Participate in such a crime

Robbery or theft is always very unpleasant, even if such events happen in a dream. If you dreamed that your apartment was robbed, this is not a very good sign, foreshadowing losses, minor troubles and problems in relationships with loved ones.

What if you dream about your apartment being robbed?

If an apartment is robbed in a dream, serious trouble awaits the sleeper in reality. The meaning of this dream can be interpreted in different ways. Some experts believe that such visions indicate the loss of some material assets in real life. Perhaps one of the family members will lose a good job or will not be able to complete a major project. Also, a dream can be a harbinger of major waste.

For a young single man, such a vision is very symbolic. It indicates that a man spends too much money on women who do not value him at all and view him solely as a sponsor.

Seeing your own apartment being stolen in a dream means quarreling with one of your family members in reality. Most likely, something will change in the relationship between the spouses; they will no longer trust each other. Such a vision can also portend separation or betrayal. The cause of the conflict will be the infidelity of the husband or wife.

A dream about an apartment being robbed should not be taken seriously if such an event actually happened in the recent past to the dreamer himself or someone he knew. In this case, the vision is only a reflection of unpleasant memories.

If the dreamer watched in his nightmare how someone took a very valuable thing out of the apartment, in real life he will have to communicate with not very honest people. Perhaps one of his friends will betray him, which will hurt the sleeper’s pride.

A dream in which the dreamer’s apartment is robbed by one of his friends is considered very unfavorable. Such a vision clearly indicates that the sleeper should be more selective in choosing friends. You don't need to trust everyone you meet with your deepest secrets.

Seeing your own apartment being robbed in a dream and not experiencing any strong emotions means being overly passive in real life. A person should think about his behavior. Perhaps he too often tries to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of his relatives or colleagues.

If the dreamer tries in a dream to find those who robbed his apartment in order to take revenge, most likely he is behaving too aggressively in reality. This prevents him from communicating with colleagues, friends and the opposite sex.

What does it portend?

It is also important what exactly the thieves took away. If we are talking about family jewelry, then in real life the dreamer will have to sort things out with relatives and even, possibly, fight for an inheritance. If the robbers took the money, you should expect trouble at work.

Seeing your own apartment robbed and without a front door is a bad sign. The vision portends failures, illnesses, and major troubles.

If a person in his dream enters an apartment just at the moment when there are robbers in it and fights them off, this means that in reality he will have to face a series of obstacles, but the dreamer will successfully overcome everything.

If in a dream a person sees his apartment being robbed and many witnesses were present, the nightmare foreshadows condemnation from the public. People will start spreading gossip about his family. Perhaps you should take a closer look at your surroundings. Among your acquaintances there may be ill-wishers, who will become the cause of many troubles and misfortunes.

Seeing your apartment robbed in a dream is a bad sign. But such a nightmare can foreshadow not only material losses, but also family quarrels, troubles, as well as betrayal from very close people or work colleagues.

Anyone can become a victim of a robbery in real life, but what could it mean in a dream in which thieves break into a house?

There can be many interpretations, so it is necessary to pay attention to details and nuances - they will help to create a complete picture of what to expect in the future.

Most modern dream books agree on only one thing - such a dream most often foreshadows trouble, but there are also positive meanings, because everything depends on the context.

A correct and timely interpretation will help you adequately prepare for any changes in real life.

What does robbery in a dream mean?

Usually a robbery is dreamed of for various events in life, for example:

  • you witnessed a robbery I - very soon you will get rid of evil attacks from ill-wishers;
  • in a dream you are the one being robbed– soon you will find yourself in a difficult situation from which you will have to find a way out for a long time;
  • thieves broke into your house- you will quarrel with your other half, even divorce is possible;
  • you yourself are directly involved in the raid– through your fault, another person will find himself in a difficult life situation;

you were caught committing theft and are going to be tried– the goal you are currently striving for does not justify the means to which you have to resort.

Why do you dream about apartment robbery?

Modern dream book apartment robbery interprets in a negative way. Such a dream symbolizes emotional secrecy and inner fear of a person.

There are also more detailed interpretations:

  • if you dream about your apartment being robbed– your self-esteem is too low, you also have fear of other people, you remain aloof and are afraid to start new relationships;
  • when you dreamed that a stranger’s apartment was robbed– you are very offended and disappointed with someone;
  • be a thief yourself penetrating into houses - trouble awaits you, you will probably stand up for your close friend, for which you will pay with your own well-being;
  • you were caught trying to break into someone else's home- an unpleasant situation at work for which you will be blamed.

If you dreamed that your apartment was robbed

Unconfident and withdrawn people often dream of apartment robbery.

The dreamer is too complex, he is afraid to show feelings and does not trust strangers. You need to become more open, don’t be afraid to meet new people and try to let interesting people into your life.

If you learn to trust your loved ones and are not afraid to turn to them for help if necessary, all current problems will be successfully resolved and life will improve.

What does a bank robbery mean in dreams?

  • If in a dream you see that thieves robbed a bank- this means that in real life you may have difficulties with your superiors. You may have to look for a new job.
  • If in a dream you personally took money out of the bank and tried to escape from the police down the street - relationships with people close to you will deteriorate sharply.
  • If you dreamed that you were the main robber leading a gang infiltrating a bank - this may mean ingratitude on the part of a person to whom you have provided a significant service. You may commit a wrong and rash act that you will greatly regret.
  • Running away from bank robbers in a dream– conflict with your significant other. Probably a loved one is offended by you. For a successful businessman, a dream in which he robs a bank can predict the imminent conclusion of a profitable deal.

Robbery of a house and car in a dream

If you have witnessed such a crime and you had to see how thieves robbed the apartment, which means you are too fixated on your own problems.

Seeing a robber sneaking down the street- a good sign, it promises you great achievements in your professional activities.

Thieves stole your car during the daytime- new acquaintances await you, your friends have stolen your car - there will be betrayal, your vehicle is stolen at night - troubles at work. Also prepare for family troubles and quarrels with your partner.

If the car was stolen by people in uniform- expect problems with your superiors.

Why do you dream about a store robbery?

If you had to see in a dream how thieves got into the store- significant financial profit awaits you soon. You can sell something profitably, receive a bonus at work, or simply receive a substantial amount of money as a gift.

If a store robbery- the work of your hands, be careful and save your money, beware of scammers.

I dreamed of a jewelry store robbery- to unexpected wealth, easy money.

If the thieves used weapons– cardinal changes in life await you, and not necessarily pleasant ones.

Unsuccessful apartment robbery

The dream book gives the following interpretation of the dream: your plans are not destined to come true, financial losses and disappointments in your immediate environment are possible.

If a woman had such a dream, she should not have affairs on the side, as everything could end badly for her.

If a girl sees that a thief- her beloved, it’s worth taking a closer look at him. Most likely, he is a deceiver, and treason is also possible.

Seeing your apartment in a dream foretells cash receipts.

Changing your apartment for another means betrayal in love.

Someone else's apartment means that the person with whom you are in an intimate relationship is cheating or intends to cheat on you with your closest friend.

If in a dream you rent an apartment, in reality this foreshadows a wedding.

Not having an apartment means you will become interested in a dangerous business, tempted by big profits.

If someone is arrested in your apartment, this is a sign of surprises and surprises.

Taking on a tenant for your apartment is a sign that you will be included in the Don Juan list of your admirer.

If a tenant moves out of the apartment without paying you, you are in for trouble with men due to financial settlements.

Finding yourself in the hallway of someone else's apartment, waiting until the owner deigns to come out to you, is to be humiliated in reality.

Seeing yourself in someone else's bedroom means the jealousy of your husband or lover.

To dream of a rich and tastefully furnished apartment with an office and a large library - such a dream foretells that your desire to live better will be realized.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Apartment

Having it in good condition and with decent furnishings in a dream means that your business will go well.

Finding a new apartment or changing it in a dream is a sign of a change in occupation;

Renting an apartment in a dream means starting a new business;

Giving a “corner” to someone in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business;

Paying rent in a dream is a sign of retribution for something. Sometimes such a dream means separation from a loved one and deep emotional experiences.

Accepting rent in a dream is a sign that the past will remind you of itself. Sometimes such a dream means that you will have to do something that you left long ago.

It is possible that after such a dream you will meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time and who repents of his mistakes.

See interpretation: tenant, house, dwelling.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you dreamed that your apartment was robbed, then remember your feelings about this, dream books recommend. Another thing you should pay attention to when interpreting what a home robbery means in a dream is what kind of participation you took in it, and in general, whether the home robbed in the dream belonged to you.

Miller's explanation

Gustav Miller, in his dream interpreter, interprets the plot of burglaries from the point of view of the psycho-emotional state of the dreamer. If you are agitated by a robbery, this means that you are an unbalanced and weak-willed person, says Miller’s dream book.

Did you dream that you remembered the face of a robber? The interpretation of the dream in this case can have two versions: if the robber is familiar to you, then this is a sign of a clash with him in reality, but to see a stranger taking away property from the apartment is a sign that you need to correct all the mistakes you have made previously, otherwise you will be in trouble .

Family quarrels await you

A dream in which you yourself robbed an apartment that belongs to you in order to get insurance speaks of quarrels and conflicts in the family, Longo’s dream book suggests. You shouldn’t “tempt” Fate and your household in the coming days; there is a possibility of a huge scandal and even divorce.

But the Eastern Dream Book assures that when interpreting why you dream of a house robbery, you should take into account your attitude to what is happening. If you were nervous and cried when you learned about this, then various minor troubles await you. In a dream, did you calmly accept the news that your apartment was robbed? This means that troubles will pass you by.

Face internal contradictions

In the coming days, you will be worried about your own conscience and sense of justice - this is how dream books explain a dream plot in which you learned that you had robbed the apartment of a stranger.

And if in a dream you took a direct part in robbing someone else’s “living space,” then in reality you must control your actions so as not to screw things up, exhausted by remorse for previous misdeeds, the Gypsy interpreter suggests.

To defend your own positions

Explaining why you dream about a plot in which you were told that the apartment of a friend, relative or good friend was robbed, dream books claim that this is a signal that you will defend your interests. Someone or something will force you to go “on the warpath” to restore justice.

Do you dream that a friend asked you to rob another friend's house? In real life, you will have to prove to your comrades that you are not involved in their conflict, that you do not support one more than the other.

Such a dream often signifies a change in your life. It can be global, changing the usual way of life, in which absolutely everything will be new.

Often, a dream in which your apartment was robbed and everything was taken away is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of dizzying changes in your life, great love and infatuation that will completely change your existence.

To understand why and before what you had such a dream, pay attention to what exactly was taken out of your apartment. This is how the dream book interprets such a dream in various situations.

Someone else's place of residence

This dream means news about this person and changes in his life. If your neighbor, relative, boyfriend or girlfriend has been completely robbed, wait for news about its owner. Often robbery means someone leaving for another world or getting married, older children getting married and leaving their father's house.

In some situations, a dream in which an apartment was robbed means that one of its members will leave it for a long time. For example, he will go to college in another city and move there permanently, join the army or end up in prison.

The dream book writes that such a dream also means the death of a sick person or a misfortune that can take a person’s life and a house without him will really seem empty to you, as if it had really been robbed.

With thieves who scatter things in someone else's house, take away jewelry and you see them from the street? Such a dream means outside interference in someone else’s life and the fact that people in it do not control the situation.

If in a dream you managed to catch and detain those who robbed an apartment in a dream, you will be able to stop the situation or do a good deed for this person.

The dream book writes that if you notice a familiar person among the thieves, then such a dream means that he is weaving some kind of intrigue against you personally or these people.

Why do you dream about stopping him? This is a favorable sign that predicts a good combination of circumstances for you. It is possible that the dreamer will be able to convince people not to take part in a risky or even very dangerous business or will bring the fraudster to light.

Why dream of robbing the apartment of your relatives, acquaintances or just strangers? The dream book interprets this dream as envy or deprivation.

It is possible that they were able to get what you would like to buy, but were not given to you or became unfairly successful.

Why steal in such a dream? There is no need to guess too much here, since with your bad actions you restore self-esteem and self-esteem.

TO ? This dream often shows the fear of such an action and the fact that a large profit or acquisition awaits you soon.

The modern dream book writes that such a plot means dizzying changes, for example, a change of place of residence, marriage, seeing off in the army or even prison.

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