How to get rid of candida mushrooms. Candidiasis: causes, symptoms, herbal treatment. Recurrent urinary tract infections

Candida is a fungus that affects humans. Thrush, white tongue, psoriasis, fungal skin lesions are the scourge of humanity.

Candida Nutrition Source– this is white flour, white sugar and yeast. If you remove all foods containing white refined sugar, white flour and yeast, you will deprive candida of nutrition. And there will already be less of it in the body, because... she will have nothing to eat.

Italian doctor Tulio Simancini, who treats cancer with soda, shows videos and photographs that show that, indeed, tissues are affected by candida, that fungi grow, causing total acidification of the body, a decline in immunity. That they form colonies that the body encapsulates. This is how tumors appear.

Candida produces a lot of acids, poisons, and toxins. Poisoning of the body with waste products of candida causes weakness, nausea and headaches. And soda kills her. Mushrooms cannot withstand an alkaline environment. That's why different doctors Soda baths and soda drinking are recommended.

The prakshalan series kills candida very powerfully - this is a yogic cleansing. Salt water washes out the small and large intestines very well. And it is the large intestine that Candida covers with its layer.

In general, Candida lives in the intestines and helps digest food. This is a normal fungus, everyone has it. And when a person starts consuming antibiotics, white flour, white sugar, yeast - these four things give a tremendous growth to candida. It begins to creep into the fabric. Candida spores even get into the blood. Candida causes joint problems, muscle weakness, fibromyalgia, i.e. constant weakness. It releases a bunch of toxins.

It controls your taste preferences. You go into a store, and when you pass the section where there is white flour, white sugar, you begin to crave condensed milk, chocolate, and buns. It is Candida that makes you crave these foods.

Watch films about yeast. There is a movie called Thermophilic Yeast. It talks about how thermophilic yeast is related to the growth of candida.

Thermophilic yeast white flour, white sugar, yeast, antibiotics, fortify food with alkaline nutrition. Eat fresh food, fruits, vegetables, greens. Eat right and there will be no candida. Switch to foods that candida can't eat - greens, fruits, vegetables, organic foods - and it will die off.

But cleaning always aggravates illnesses. If you start to cleanse the body, then there is a crisis. You will feel worse. You need to remember this.

Doctors describe that the process of dying off of candida causes weakness, nausea, a colossal crisis, the adenoids may become inflamed, and problems with the joints may begin. And doctors write that you can’t eat flour or sweets for six months, and you need to use natural antifungal drugs. This is the only way to completely cleanse yourself of candida.

Mushrooms are the hardest to remove. And now try not touching white flour and sugar for several months, how difficult it will be. However, after following these recommendations, you will not want to eat sweets and starchy foods later. Because there is no candida that needs these products.

Today, Candida fungus is one of the most common infections that poses a danger to both adults and children.

These microorganisms affect almost all organs in the body., disrupting their functioning.

The development of fungus is indicated characteristic symptoms, if detected, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

After all, getting rid of it in the first stages is much easier than when Candida spores affect neighboring tissues and organs, and also penetrate into deeper layers.

Therapy is carried out with various medications and folk remedies, but you should not self-medicate to avoid all sorts of complications.

What is Candida fungus?

Candida is a genus of fungal yeast

These microorganisms live in every person, but when exposed to internal or external factors, they begin to actively multiply, penetrating into deep tissues.

The most common are:

  1. Candida Robusta.
  2. Candida Stellatoidea.
  3. Candida Albicans.

Forms and stages

Candidiasis can occur in several forms and stages:

  • smooth skin;
  • skin folds;
  • chronic;
  • generalized;
  • oral cavity;
  • corners of the mouth;
  • urogenital;
  • candidal cheilitis;
  • candidal paronychia;
  • candidal onychia.

Reasons for appearance

Common causes of yeast development in the human body:

  1. A pathogenic microorganism is often affects a person whose immune defense is weakened long-term use antibiotics or other strong medications.
  2. Reduced protective properties of the immune system in humans suffering from diseases of chronic etiology or AIDS.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. The disease often develops with impaired metabolism.
  5. The fungus is dangerous for people who eat a lot of sweets and processed foods, refusing fresh vegetables and fruits.
  6. This bacterium affects organs during significant hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, during treatment with hormonal drugs, or when taking oral contraceptives.
  7. Yeast fungus is often diagnosed in people who wear tight synthetic underwear because they do not allow the body to breathe, creating favorable conditions for the development of this pathology.
  8. Mycosis can develop as a result of vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis.
  9. The bacterium penetrates into a depleted body much more easily.
  10. Disruption of the composition of normal intestinal microflora.
  11. Hidden infection.
  12. The presence of various damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  13. Frequent stressful situations.
  14. A sharp change in climatic conditions.
  15. Long-term residence in an area with poor ecology.

How is it transmitted?

This yeast-like fungus can be transmitted in several ways:

  • when using other people's personal hygiene items;
  • through the blood of an infected person through transfusion or contact;
  • in close contact with homeless animals;
  • when eating poorly washed food;
  • in swimming pools, baths and saunas.


Symptoms of the development of candidiasis (they can be seen in the photo on the Internet) begin to appear after any shift in the internal balance of the body, after which the fungus begins to multiply at an active pace.

In addition to a general deterioration in health, an infected person experiences the following phenomena:

  1. Abdominal bloating, which causes increased gas production.
  2. Defecation disorder.
  3. Frequent abdominal pain of varying degrees.
  4. Whitish discharge from the genitals.
  5. Redness of the skin and mucous membrane.
  6. Active skin erosion different parts bodies.
  7. Increased body temperature.
  8. Deterioration in general health.

Attention! Other symptoms of this disease may also appear. They depend on which parts of the body are affected by the infection, at what stage the pathology occurs, as well as on a number of other features.

In men

Candidiasis in men manifests itself as follows:

  • the occurrence of severe itching and burning in the foreskin, as well as the glans penis;
  • the surface of the glans penis and foreskin becomes covered with red spots;
  • A cheesy coating appears on the genitals white– the most common symptom;
  • sexual intercourse may cause pain;
  • the process of urination causes pain and discomfort;
  • When urinating, a white mass resembling semen is released.

These symptoms should not be neglected by delaying treatment.. After all, timely therapy will allow you to quickly get rid of the manifestations of pathology and avoid complications.

Among women

This pathology in women can manifest itself with different symptoms:

  1. There is constant itching and burning in the vulva area;
  2. A white cheesy substance is released from the vagina;
  3. The labia become red;
  4. Severe swelling of the labia;
  5. Unpleasant discomfort occurs when urinating;
  6. Pain during sexual intercourse.

Attention! In many cases, thrush is accompanied by herpes, chlamydia or ureaplasmosis. In this regard, doctors have difficulty diagnosing candidiasis, as well as accurately determining the type of pathogen.

In children

Candida fungus in young children is accompanied by a number of signs, the presence of which requires an examination to confirm mycosis of certain organs.

Characteristic symptoms of this disease:

  • body temperature rises;
  • the mucous membrane in the mouth is covered with a layer of white cheesy mass;
  • itching of the skin;
  • burning in the genital area;
  • the appearance on the body of erosions and pimples containing clear or cloudy liquid.

In addition, there are other signs of candidiasis that cause a general deterioration in the condition of the entire body and disrupt the functions of organs and systems.


To effectively treat candidiasis, it is first necessary to diagnose and determine which environment contributes to the development of pathology.

The study includes:


It can be quite difficult to get rid of Candida fungus, which has affected the mucous membrane of organs and skin, because the infection lives in different conditions and may change, become immune to drugs, continue to reproduce after a course of therapy.

Treatment for mycosis includes:

  • following a special diet;
  • taking antifungal and probiotic agents;
  • reception essential minerals and vitamins;
  • compliance healthy image life;
  • avoidance of stressful situations.


Various medications can destroy candidiasis:

Medicines for external use are no less effective than systemic drugs.

Therefore, treatment should begin with complex therapy using local drugs, supplemented with bacterial medications from competing bacteria, restoratives, immunotherapy and physiotherapy.

Local medicines

If the body is covered with ulcers, erosions, pimples and other marks that are a manifestation of the development of mycosis, then doctors recommend undergoing local therapy.

After all, if the pills have an effect on everything internal organs, That creams, ointments, vaginal suppositories and infusions affect only the affected areas of the skin, effectively eliminating the manifestations of mycosis.

Local therapy is prescribed to treat fungus of the nails, skin, scalp, and vagina.

Attention! Before using any topical medications, you should consult with your doctor, who will help you choose the most effective medications that do not cause side effects.


When actively multiplying, yeast fungi have a toxic effect on the human body, therefore experts advise to follow a diet, which will help remove the infection and prevent further relapses.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the affected organism, trying to ensure that each product is suitable for both taste and beneficial properties.

To begin with, you should exclude the following foods from your daily diet:

The following foods must be present in the diet of a person suffering from candidiasis:

  1. Freshly squeezed fruit juices.
  2. Fresh vegetables and fruits with low sugar levels.
  3. Various greens.
  4. Purified water.
  5. Natural products containing beneficial probiotics.

Important! Compliance with the principles dietary nutrition will help restore beneficial intestinal microflora. In addition, the mold will not receive nutrients that promote the proliferation of the fungus, and this will prevent relapses in the development of pathology.

Folk recipes

Various types of fungi can help get rid of Candida fungus. folk remedies, which are recommended for use in complex therapy with medications:


A person can prevent the development of the disease by following a few simple rules for prevention:

Candida is a type of yeast that affects almost every part of the body., internal organs and mucous membranes. The disease has many different symptoms that worsen a person’s general well-being and cause complications.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to preventive measures, as well as undergo a timely examination by a doctor. Thus, a person will get rid of already developing mycosis and prevent relapses in the future.

How to get rid of candidiasis? It is believed to primarily affect women. But, in fact, the disease can affect both men and children, and even pets!

The culprit of the fungal infection is candida albicans, also known as thrush - a yeast fungal infection. When the amount of candida begins to grow too quickly, health problems arise (for example, thrush, which plagues both adults and infants).

Candida fungus can spread throughout the body, affecting the skin, throat, oral cavity, blood, genitals.

Signs of infection

You can recognize the presence of a fungal (yeast) infection (candidiasis) by the following signs:

  • the skin and hands react by changing color and structure, becoming rougher, hardening;
  • pursues chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia;
  • the digestive system reacts to infection with constipation, diarrhea, bloating;
  • autoimmune diseases appear;
  • difficulty concentrating, memory deteriorates;
  • with candidiasis, skin problems appear: rashes, urticaria, psoriasis;
  • the mood changes sharply, the person experiences anxiety, irritability, and depression develops;
  • vaginal infections, rectal itching are disturbing;
  • are intensifying seasonal allergies, itching appears in the ears;
  • the craving for sweets and starchy foods increases.

If one or more signs of candidiasis (thrush) are detected, it makes sense to discuss the condition and method of treatment with a specialist. This condition may indicate the presence of a fungus in the body.

To fight infection you need to:

Menu adjustments

Anyone can adjust their diet to treat candidiasis:


Stop eating refined carbohydrates and sugar. Such products feed pathogenic bacteria and candida fungi (thrush). In addition, sugar is addictive and, at first, giving it up will cause irritability, mood swings, and headaches.

You need to change your diet gradually, first eliminating pure sugar, then sweets, White bread, white flour pasta, baked goods, ketchup and other sauces containing hidden sugar.

It is also necessary to avoid starchy vegetables (potatoes, beets, corn, peas, legumes) and dairy products (due to the presence of lactose).


Minimize the amount of alcohol. Most of these drinks do not contain sugar, but they do contain calories (and “empty” ones).
Sweet cocktails (margaritas, pina coladas and the like) pose a danger; sugar is added to the calories.

Even worse is to mix strong alcohol with carbonated drinks (especially sweet ones). For patients with candidiasis, such cocktails are the strictest prohibition. You can replace cocktails with a small amount of red wine or strong alcohol (without sugar or aromatic additives).


Include probiotics in your menu. They are necessary for the treatment and restoration of the digestive system. Probiotics will improve the health of the intestines by populating them with beneficial organisms and destroy hostile bacteria, slowing down the rate of spread of candidiasis infection.

Probiotics are effective:

  1. for the prevention and treatment of candidiasis, vaginal and urinary tract infections;
  2. relief of cold and flu symptoms;
  3. in the treatment of diarrhea (especially if the condition is caused by the use of antibiotics).

The necessary substances are acidophilus lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and Saccharomycetes boulardii.
A good source of probiotics is natural yogurt or kefir; the main thing is to make sure that the product does not contain sugar.


Along with probiotics, they also contain beneficial bacteria that suppress candidiasis.
Some people will like a drink made with kombucha or kimchi, while others will prefer more familiar food - sauerkraut and barrel tomatoes.


Add fiber to your diet. Fiber cleanses the digestive tract, capturing harmful microorganisms, toxins and mycotoxins (formed during the life of fungi), bacteria, removing them from the intestines.

An additional benefit of consuming fiber will be weight loss - such foods are digested more slowly, which means the body stays full longer and less food is consumed.

The most useful fibers contain: asparagus, cucumbers, eggplants, artichokes, cabbage, spinach, rutabaga, avocado, lettuce, onions, olives, tomatoes. There is also fiber in whole grain cereals - oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, and quinoa seeds.


When treating candidiasis, you should pay attention to the medications you take contraception. They increase estrogen levels, which makes the body more prone to yeast infections. It is necessary to consult with a specialist about the possibility of taking certain medications, taking into account the existing problem.

The same goes for antibiotics. They kill absolutely all bacteria and can cause stomach upset and skin rashes. Try not to use antibiotics for mild treatment colds, during treatment viral infections their effectiveness is also questionable.

Supplements to help fight yeast infections, including candida:

  • caprylic acid – found in coconut oil, has antifungal properties, reducing the ability of yeast to reproduce;
  • L-glutamine – strengthens the intestinal walls, preventing pathogenic bacteria from destroying them, improves immunity;
  • aloe vera – kills yeast-like fungi, soothes itching and irritation, contains enzymes with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Vitamin C – inhibits the growth of fungi, kills harmful bacteria in the intestines and vagina, providing an acidic environment.

Knowing which foods serve as triggers for this type of fungus, you can exclude them from the diet and deprive pathogenic fungi of “feeding”, coping with the infection faster and more effectively.

What is Candida fungus and how to fight it 06.07.2016 06:21

Fungal disease is a widespread disease whose main cause is the food we eat and drink. When making a diagnosis, doctors proceed from large quantity symptoms characteristic of this disease, and as a result, the patient is prescribed a whole list of medications. But in fact, this is not at all necessary. If you follow some rules, you can get rid of this fungal infection on your own.

And the very first thing you need to start with is carrying out a simple home test for the presence of a fungal infection in your body. The test will be described below.

What is Candida fungus?

Candida Ablicans is a yeast-like fungus that usually lives in the intestines among other microorganisms that inhabit it, called intestinal flora. If the quantitative balance of these microorganisms is disrupted, candida begins to multiply uncontrollably, causing an infection.
The following reasons can disrupt this delicate balance and cause excessive proliferation of fungus in the intestines: taking antibiotics, birth control pills, steroids, sugary foods, products containing yeast, alcohol, gluten, dairy products, drinks containing caffeine, vinegar (except apple cider vinegar) and refined sugar. If your body is overloaded with heavy metals, then this only complicates the problem, since it rejects the good bacteria that are supposed to keep the number of bad bacteria under control.

Studies show that, with varying degrees of damage, 80% of people suffer from an excess amount of fungus. This causes a variety of problems from arthritic pain to cancer, so it is extremely important to identify and treat the problem of fungal infection as early as possible.

Symptoms of the presence of fungus.

There are many and different symptoms, so fungus is a disease with many faces. But the main symptoms can still be identified:

Problems with digestion of food, which is accompanied by gas formation, belching, constipation, diarrhea.
- Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, difficulty focusing.
- Skin problems: eczema, psoriasis, rashes, urticaria
- Lack of energy (chronic)
- Severe joint or muscle pain, arthritis.
- Fungal diseases on skin and nails
- Irritability, anxiety, depression and sudden mood swings.
- Stomach pain
- Prostatitis
- Severe seasonal allergies
- Problems with the ear, nose and throat.
- Excess weight, with a concentration of fat deposits in the abdominal area.
- Constant craving for sweets
- Coated tongue

Symptoms of candida usually occur after taking medications, toxicosis caused by heavy metals (found in metal fillings, for example), eating too many sugary refined foods, drinking alcohol, and chronic or sudden stress.

How to cure fungus.

To overcome this infection, you need to stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and restore the balance of intestinal microflora. The simplest and most necessary thing to do is to exclude from your diet grains, starch, sugar, alcohol, yeast, vinegar (except apple cider vinegar) and other foods that interfere with the normal absorption of food.
Then you need to introduce more probiotic foods and drinks to help restore the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut and suppress fungal growth.
It is very important to eat more greens, acidic fruits, and anti-fungal foods and herbs such as garlic.

Is it possible to check for fungus without testing?

Yes, there is a simple test, the results of which, together with the symptoms indicated above, can give a fairly accurate analysis of your condition.

So, in the morning, first thing as soon as you wake up, on an empty stomach, fill a clean glass with clean water (bottled) room temperature. Then collect some saliva in your mouth and spit into a glass of water. Then come back every 15 minutes for an hour or so and watch what happens to your spit.

If there is a fungal problem, you will see strings (like legs) going down into the glass from a stain of saliva floating on the surface. Or if “cloudy” saliva settles to the bottom of the glass, or if cloudy spots hang in the water - all this indicates the presence of fungus.

If within an hour no strings have appeared, and a stain of saliva still floats on the surface, then most likely you do not have problems with the fungus. In another case, especially if you also have the above symptoms, this will mean serious problems with excessively rapid growth of fungus in your body. This means you urgently need to pull yourself together and change your lifestyle.
No medicine will cure you of this fungus; after a temporary improvement, this problem will return, so the only way to recovery is to change your lifestyle and diet.

Take fungus seriously.

Candida is an insidious disease. Due to the fact that there are so many symptoms to identify this problem, millions of people take thousands of medications for the same problem. But no medicine can cure fungus; only a balanced and natural approach to treatment can bring success. But first, at least pass the test described above.

What foods help get rid of fungus?

Fortunately, experts believe that fungus can be cured by changing your diet. Here are the products with the most pronounced antifungal properties.

  • Garlic is the most powerful antifungal product, which contains the substance allicin. Introduce garlic into your diet and this will be the first step in defeating candida. Keep in mind that when cooking garlic (any thermal effect) destroys allicin, so it is better to eat garlic raw.
  • Oregano (oregano) - contains antimicrobial substances called carvacrol and thymol, which can kill fungus. Other herbs and spices also have antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects: black pepper, clover, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, basil, rosemary and dill.
  • Cold pressed oils. Organic coconut oil is one of the most powerful anti-fungal oils. Active substances contained in this oil are lauric acid, caprylic and capric acids. Avocado oil and olive oil contain antifungal components - phenols. Flaxseed oil is rich in oleic fatty acid (Omega 9), which improves immunity and helps the body control the proliferation of candida.
  • Herbal teas. This is another very good way to get rid of a fungal infection. Herbal teas help restore beneficial microflora. Particularly noteworthy are cinnamon tea, chaga tea, mint tea, ginger tea and licorice root tea.
  • Insoluble dietary fiber - fiber. Eating fiber will help remove toxins released by the fungus from the body and improve digestion. Include gluten-free grains in your diet, such as buckwheat, millet and oats.
  • Nuts and seeds. Certain types of nuts and seeds can inhibit the growth of fungus. These foods include flax seeds, pecans, hazelnuts and walnuts.

- a common disease caused by a fungus of the genus Candida.

Almost all doctors include in complex therapy, along with medicines, therapeutic nutrition. Treatment and diet must go in parallel.

We'll tell you about 10 foods that naturally fight candida.

Treatment of candidiasis

1. Apple cider vinegar

Organic Apple vinegar- effective medicine for the treatment of thrush. It contains natural enzymes that help slow the growth of Candida and changes the environment for it to grow. Vinegar can be used to treat thrush in the mouth, skin, intestines, and vaginal infections. It is necessary to carefully select apple cider vinegar before purchasing. For best results, choose unfiltered and unpasteurized.

To treat thrush in the mouth, you need to dilute 2 tsp. vinegar with 8 tsp. water and rinse for a couple of minutes. The procedure is carried out three times a day until the symptoms disappear. For thrush on the skin, baths are used: two glasses of vinegar in a bath of warm water. Water should cover all affected areas. Take a bath for half an hour, once a day, until symptoms subside.

When treating thrush in the intestines, prepare a drink. 2 tbsp. l. vinegar per 8 tbsp. l. water, drink twice a day. When treating vaginal thrush, take the bath described above or douching. Vinegar is diluted 1:1 and doused with an Esmarch mug twice a day.

2. Sauerkraut

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3. Non-starchy vegetables

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During the diet, starchy vegetables should be excluded; the most preferable are tomatoes, cucumbers, rutabaga, and onions. They can be eaten both raw and baked. Green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid, which is very often recommended by doctors in the treatment of thrush.

4. Coconut oil

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Organic coconut oil contains substances with antifungal properties known as cyprilic acid and lauric acid. These acids inhibit the growth of candida by closing holes in the yeast cell walls and causing them to die. Coconut oil also helps cleanse the body of toxins that accumulate as a result of yeast breakdown.

You can use coconut oil internally and externally. You can cook with it or just take 1 tsp, gradually reaching 3 tbsp. l. For intravaginal treatment, use a tampon soaked in warm oil.

Products for candidiasis

5. Garlic

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Garlic is included in the rating of 10 products that replace antibiotics. It contains allicin, a sulfur-containing compound with natural antifungal properties. This product can kill an entire fungal colony in a short time - in fact, candida will not be able to survive if garlic is present.

If you love garlic, then it will not be a problem for you how to consume it. 2 cloves per day are enough to fight the disease. If you are not a fan of garlic, then you can take it in capsules; the garlic will begin to dissolve in the intestines, which will also prevent the smell. When treating vaginal thrush, use cotton-gauze swabs soaked in an infusion of garlic and douching with an infusion of garlic.

6. Oil and flax seeds

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Flaxseed oil and flax seeds are very effective in treating thrush. They definitely need to be included in your diet. Half a tablespoon of flaxseed oil twice a day will be enough. For the seeds you need to make an infusion. Pour 300 ml of boiling water into a thermos for a tablespoon of seeds. The next day the infusion is ready. Drink the infusion throughout the day. Course of treatment until symptoms disappear completely.

7. Fermented milk products

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If you have thrush, you can and should consume fermented milk products, which contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Kefir, yogurt, unsweetened yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese - will give a positive effect for thrush. Fermented milk products inhibit the activity of pathogenic flora, thereby providing a healing effect. During treatment, you can also consume milk, as long as it has undergone enzymatic treatment.

8. Spices

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As active agent Spices such as cinnamon, bay leaf, and cloves are very good for fighting candidiasis. Cinnamon damages yeast cells, depriving them of their natural properties and eventually causing them to die. The use of clove oil as an antifungal agent has been repeatedly supported by research. Phytoncides contained in bay leaf, help remove toxins and waste from the body and help quickly get rid of thrush.

9. Bone broth

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Broth has long been used in folk medicine. It perfectly restores intestinal microflora and functions digestive tract. Bone broth contains minerals in an easily digestible form and the amino acid glycine, which stimulates the synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Also, the broth contains the equally important amino acid glutamine and collagen. All this improves the growth and development of intestinal microflora, creating a favorable environment for beneficial bacteria.

10. Olive oil

© svetlanafoote

Olive oil contains oleic acid, which causes strong antifungal effects and stimulates the human body's immune response to thrush bacteria. Oil is also a source fatty acids Omega-3 and polyphenols, two components that strengthen the body's defenses and fight Candida fungus.

The decisive factor in the treatment of candidiasis is a yeast-free diet and the inclusion in the diet of protein, low-fat foods, as well as foods rich in probiotics.

Foods to Avoid

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First of all, these are sugar, smoked meats, fatty and pickled foods. As well as alcohol, which increases acidity in the intestines and stomach. The use should be avoided simple carbohydrates, because it is a breeding ground for candida.

In practice, the method of dietary treatment comes down to the main task - normalizing the acidic and alkaline environment, which is destructive for many harmful microorganisms, including Candida fungi. The diet for the treatment of thrush should be followed for three months and after the symptoms disappear. Be healthy.

Tests for candidiasis

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