How to surprise a guy every day. Birthday of a loved one: how to surprise. Possible gift options for husband

Surprises refresh relationships. This is one of the sweetest ways to show your husband how much you love him. In addition, unexpected actions add variety to dull everyday life and make life more interesting and brighter. How to surprise your husband? There are many specific methods, it all depends on imagination, desire and the means at your disposal. But there are also general principles that make a surprise a surprise.

You can book a table in a restaurant if you are going to celebrate the anniversary of your acquaintance, etc.;

You can consider the option of preparing a vocal or dance number. This is in case you have such talents. Perhaps even involve your friends in such a production, if among them there is someone who plays the guitar or sings.

And when he returns home, give him such a party - a surprise. An easier option is to contact an art agency that can organize a party with numbers and other entertainment;

You can contact an agency or organize a holiday yourself for you and your lover in a club or on some public territory;

Play roulette. Go to the casino. Just do it together so that you can follow the progress of the game and stop the man in time. But look at the look of such entertainment so that it does not backfire on you, since men who are too gambling do not control themselves and can get hooked!

Buy tickets to a game of his favorite sports team or a concert of his favorite band or performer;

Try to make a surprise for your husband with your own hands or an entertaining surprise - a practical joke. You don’t have to knit something or cross-stitch his name, it could even be a poem;

You can go on a trip or go out of town. Men are very interested in savage holidays with extreme conditions. When you decide to go with tents somewhere far outside the city, where there is beautiful nature, where Fresh air, sea, river or lake, only you will be nearby; however, make sure that such a vacation appeals to your loved one, and he would like to spend time like this;

You can have a romantic dinner somewhere on the roof of a high-rise building. Warning: This is only for warm seasons to prevent the roof from being slippery;

Cook something unusual, especially if your husband cooks. Of course, this will indeed be a good surprise.

In the end, I would still like to say that, probably, the best surprise for a guy would be the invitation of his friends, whom he had not seen for a long time, but really wanted to.

But the situations developed in such a way that he did not find time for them or tried to spend time with you in order to please you or not to offend you. The main rule of surprise is to use something that your loved one loves very much. A well-planned and prepared surprise with your love will be the most pleasant thing you can do.

The guarantee of the effect of any surprise is originality. A romantic card for Valentine's Day or eau de toilette for Defender of the Fatherland Day is, of course, very nice.

But such gifts cannot be called a surprise - your boyfriend expects something similar from you, he will not be surprised by these signs of attention. Here's another situation for you as an example.

He is late at work, which he warns about in advance by phone. Returning home, the guy quite logically assumes that you are already asleep - after all, he honestly said that it was useless to wait for him before midnight today.

Your favorite workaholic is already in the mood for a quick snack with a cold dinner, when suddenly, opening the door with the key, he finds himself... in a restaurant. Mysterious twilight, candles, delicious food and you are all so beautiful with a promising languid look. That's what we call a surprise.

The main component of any surprise is the effect of surprise. Then the surprise surprises, delights and makes you smile. Let's say your husband is an avid football fan. And disputes over what to give preference to – your TV series or its match – are a common thing for you.

You do not hide your contempt for the adults who are chasing the ball around the field in a crowd. He is sure that the stadium is the last place you would want to be on a free evening.

And suddenly... one day you surprise your husband - two tickets to the match. Not only will this in itself shock him to the core. You will also demonstrate your sincere interest in the game by demonstrating amazing knowledge of the names and functions of players. This, of course, will require preparation, but the game is worth the candle.

Speaking about how to surprise your husband, it would be unfair to ignore such a powerful technique as playing with contrasts. A sharp transition from one emotion to the completely opposite will make the surprise truly unforgettable. But this will take some time to prepare.

For example, you agreed to go to a party with your friends whom he does not know. A long trip to the other end of the city, then a half-hour walk along unfamiliar streets past garbage dumps and marginalized individuals in the pouring rain - and finally, you are at the right entrance.

But what is it? No one answers the intercom call. Your attempts to reach your friends by phone are also fruitless. Have you gotten something wrong again? The guy is tired, he starts to get angry, and suddenly a man with a dog accidentally comes out of the entrance. You slip inside, go up to the desired floor - for some reason the door of that same apartment is ajar.

The man is wary - something is wrong here. You boldly go inside, he follows you, and there... There can be many options - from classic candles to decorating a room in the style of a horror movie. This is something closer to someone. Such a surprise for your husband, for example, can be timed to coincide with the anniversary of some of your dates - your wedding day, the day of your first kiss, the day you met, etc.

It's nice to receive surprises. Making them is probably even more enjoyable. Surprise your loved one as often as possible, you will see - he will not remain in debt. And then, to paraphrase famous expression, we can say with confidence that the boat of your relationship will never break on the rock of everyday life. Routine and gray everyday life are not scary for you - you yourself will make your life interesting.

How to please your husband in bed

Do you only make love in the missionary position? So look through the Kama Sutra. The book of love will tell you a lot and even show you. You will see what surprised eyes your man will have.

For a change, go to your nearest erotic goods store. There are a lot of different things sold there. For example, erotic costumes. Few people know that they are very exciting for men, but the main thing is to choose one special one.

If you know your man's hidden fantasies, it will be easier to surprise your husband. And if not, then use your imagination. When your husband comes home, wait until he takes a shower. In the meantime, prepare everything you need for the theme evening.

To surprise your husband, learn to dance a striptease. To do this, it is not at all necessary to install a pole in the middle of the room, just take a chair. In order for your dance to work, try rehearsing it at home while your husband is away. Turn on beautiful music, wear seductive lingerie and surprise your husband with your ability to move beautifully. Believe me, he will certainly appreciate it.

Make an appointment with him. Play the mini-game. So he comes home from work, and you are no longer there. On the table, instead of dinner, there is a note with the place and time of the meeting. Hold the meeting in a hotel room. For this purpose, buy completely new underwear that is not typical for you.

Change your image in sex. This surprise for my husband always works. Men admit that when their woman changes, a feeling of change is created and there is no desire to go to the left at all.

In order to find a way to surprise a man, you need, first of all, to know what your man loves and what he expects from you. Believe me, the more often you surprise your man, the more interested he will be in you.

How nice it is to surprise your husband

Surprising your husband will not be so easy, but it will be quite easy. Remember how it all started for you, and to which he reacted with surprise. And it is with these actions that you can surprise him;

You shouldn’t surprise your husband with a specific date. You can do this every day. Send a message declaring your love, order his favorite song on the radio for him, change the decor in the room a little. Even such small little things will make your husband pay attention to you;

Always remain mysterious. Perform all your feminine tasks separately from your husband;

Keep him off guard. An unexpected visit to work or even maybe a kiss during a quarrel. The most important thing is to surprise and not let him think that he knows you and your behavior in a given situation very well;

Spend your weekend differently. It doesn't have to be the same every time. On one weekend, go to the theater, on others, take the whole family out into nature. All this will be interesting not only for both of you, but also for your children. After all, they feel well and notice all the changes in your relationship;

Diversify your knowledge of sex. After all, for every family this is an integral honor in relationships. This could be new underwear, or maybe watching an erotic film before sex, etc.;

To surprise your husband, change in external terms. Hairstyle, clothes, makeup - changes are always interesting. But there is no need to radically solve this problem. The main thing is that it suits you. Then you also need to show yourself to people... And it is precisely this kind of change that will not leave your loved one unnoticed, and it will become much more interesting for him to live with you. He might even want to change something about himself.

It is especially pleasant to do different things for your loved one when you are on the rise of your love.

22 Feb 2018

Sadly, over time, any passion subsides, and family gray everyday life, everyday life and boredom turn relationships into routine. To strengthen a marriage, it is necessary to introduce notes of diversity, passion, to saturate the life of your loved one and your own with bright colors and new emotions.

Show attention to him and his interests

Many girls, thinking about how to surprise a man, often make the mistake of trying to make a surprise that would be pleasant for her. In other words, when making a decision, we do not always have an idea of ​​what our husband really wants.

If a girl loves a spa, bathhouse or sauna, this does not mean that such procedures are acceptable for a young man. Therefore, before you arrange something magical, you need to make sure whether the man will really appreciate your efforts, whether it will bring him joy or, conversely, disappointment.

How to find out your partner's preferences? Everything is simple here. Have an unobtrusive conversation with him about his desires and dreams. Try suggesting some interesting idea and see his reaction.

If you still can’t figure out how to surprise a guy, you can take the advice of his friends or relatives. You shouldn’t get stuck on your fantasies and dreams, as they can fundamentally diverge from the desires of your chosen one.

Another way to find out “what he breathes” is to listen carefully. The other day, your man complained about being tired from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and that he wouldn’t mind relaxing outside the city. Amazing. You can safely use this information and organize a weekend in nature. He accidentally mentioned his favorite band, whose performance will soon be held in your city. This is a good reason to please your beloved guy.

Praise your significant other more often, because it is very important for a man to understand that he is valued and respected.

Even small signs of attention after a hard day at work can bring a smile and give you the opportunity to feel the care of a loved one.

Give a sexy surprise

It is unlikely that any man will react with indifference to an intimate surprise. How to surprise a guy in bed? Here you will have to show all your fantasy and imagination. According to experienced ladies, just one passionate evening is enough to rekindle the old passion.

To begin with, you can organize a romantic dinner by candlelight, and then everything will go according to plan. Erotic massage, costumed sex game or home-grown striptease. It doesn’t hurt to find out how your spouse feels about such events, so as not to look funny or ridiculous in front of your loved one.

If you are convinced that such an initiative will be received with joy by your partner, you can immediately begin implementing your plans.

Prepare an unexpected gift

Giving a gift is a great way to do something nice. How to surprise your beloved man with a gift? Pay attention to his area of ​​interests and hobbies.

If your spouse likes music, then a CD with his favorite artist is a great idea. Can he play the guitar? Then he will definitely appreciate a set of high-quality strings or beautiful picks.

Let's consider what gifts can surprise a man:

  • a book with your autograph and oath of allegiance;
  • poems you have invented dedicated to him;
  • T-shirt with your portraits;
  • a photo album or collage with his best images;
  • evening with a magnificent dinner in a luxurious hotel.

There are many options, but it is you who can choose the best gift for your loved one. If you don’t know how to surprise your beloved man for no reason, give him a present on Monday and his mood will last the whole week.

You need to give gifts not only with material things, but also with emotions, which are always so lacking.

Change your image and appearance

There is another proven option on how to surprise your husband: dramatic changes in your appearance. In this case, it is not enough to just get a haircut or extend your nails. It’s unlikely that most men pay attention to such little things.

Therefore, to impress him, you will have to make some effort. An unsurpassed effect can be achieved in the following way:

  • change your hairstyle, become blonde if you are a brunette (or vice versa);
  • buy yourself a new perfume that emphasizes femininity;
  • change your everyday home outfit;
  • get a tattoo with his initials;
  • get a piercing;
  • braid dreadlocks.

It is very important not to overdo it with changes in appearance, so as not to look like a caricature.

Organize a delicious dinner

As you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Although this wisdom is quite old, modern young housewives often forget about it. They complain that they already spend too much time in the kitchen. But in vain! Let's face it, how often do you have a romantic dinner?

How can you surprise your loved one in this case? It is better to create an unforgettable atmosphere at home rather than go to a restaurant. Take care of a delicious dinner using new original recipes or improved favorite dish husband Amaze him with a true masterpiece. And don't forget about the delicious dessert.

Remember that this is not a simple meal, but a wonderful and bright event, so show tenderness and care. Over dinner, it will be nice to remember the first film you saw together in the cinema, and then watch a romantic comedy.

You can arrange a theme evening. Prepare foreign dishes. Play appropriate music. It’s good if you can get hold of traditional national outfits.

Throw a party with his friends

How can you surprise your boyfriend so that he not only has a good rest, but also understands that you respect his personal space and interests.

A friends night is perfect for this idea. Is your chosen one a fan of a football club and does not miss a single match? Organize men's get-togethers. Beer, shrimp, chips and light snacks will please not only your loved one, but also his friends. You can book a table for them at a sports bar.

You shouldn’t limit your spouse’s time and call endlessly. Let your husband rest peacefully among his friends. After all, you wanted to give him a surprise, not spoil it.

Organize unusual leisure time

If your lover enjoys cooking, take part in a master class together. This interesting idea in the future it can develop into a joint hobby.

Is your chosen one a born Sherlock Holmes who loves secrets, riddles and logic puzzles? Surprise your beloved man and organize a real quest for him at home. Prepare notes with clues and hide them throughout the apartment, and at the end make a final surprise.

You can arrange a “Humor Day” for a guy not only on April 1st. Prepare a funny breakfast, arrange a soap bubble show in the bathroom.

Love is a very fragile feeling. So that throughout your married life it does not fade away, but only becomes warmer, it is necessary to care for it, nourishing it. kind words, kind attitude, kisses and spend more time together, arranging original dates. It can be anything:

  • romantic trip to nature;
  • going to the cinema, hockey or football match;
  • boat trips;
  • journey.

Show attention and care to your soulmate, and then you will certainly be able to give him the most unique surprise in the world.

A long intimate relationship with one person can simply become boring if there is no variety in it. To prevent this and maintain the brightness of feelings and the strength of desire, you just need to learn how to present your loved one with pleasant surprises in bed.

How to surprise your loved one in bed

How to surprise a man in bed: simple ways

If you don’t have the money for a luxury hotel where you could spend an unforgettable night, or the desire to buy sexy outfits and special toys, use what is given to you by nature. A private dance can be an excellent option: you can quickly and easily learn seductive movements using special video lessons, and then demonstrate your skills to your loved one.

You can try to learn strip dancing or choose belly dancing. One way or another, preference should be given to sensual movements that will excite your man

To surprise your loved one in bed, you can learn the basics of erotic massage. This option is especially appropriate if a man is tired and not too inclined towards lovemaking. By gently kneading his body and paying special attention to the erogenous zones, you will give him the opportunity to rest, recuperate, forget about problems and relax. A gentle massage, gradually turning into lovemaking, will certainly pleasantly surprise your partner.

Break habits. If you only have sex in the bedroom in the evenings, why not do it in the living room during the day? Let sex be spontaneous, unexpected - it will certainly surprise a man.

Costumes, toys and other nice things

Don’t think that you have managed to learn all of your lover’s erogenous zones. When you've had enough time to make love for a long time, try looking for them again. You can stroke the body with your fingers, a soft brush, or even your hair, carefully watching the man's reaction. This way one can even find those erogenous zones that he himself did not know about.

There is no need to focus on just one place. Stroking the back between the shoulder blades, biting the earlobes or gentle touches on the lower back can be very pleasant for a man.

A great way to surprise a man in bed is to wear a sexy costume and wig. Some men love the idea of ​​making love to a mysterious stranger dressed in a very revealing and original outfit. Such a simple technique can give intimate relationships a special edge.

And finally, try to fulfill your partner's sexual fantasies. Men often prefer to remain silent about them, but if you manage to find out something, use this knowledge. Do not hesitate to use special toys - they often allow you to diversify sex and make it more exciting and enjoyable.

Statistics say that 85% of men consider good sex to be one of the most important factors for a strong marriage. Many people know from their own experience that after 3-4 years of marriage, intimate relationships subside. For some, there is nothing wrong with this and they are happy to enjoy a new, calmer and more romantic period in their lives. For others, this becomes a problem and spouses begin to look for satisfaction of their sexual desires on the side. So that the fire of love is as bright as in the first months life together, it wouldn’t hurt to know how to surprise a man in bed. And experts are sure that this is not at all difficult to do.

How to surprise your loved one in bed?

Typically, spouses very quickly adapt to each other's biorhythms; lovemaking usually happens on certain days or times. To add variety to your sex life, simply breaking this unofficial schedule is enough.

  • Try also to awaken the dormant hunter instinct in a man. Having won you once, your husband has calmed down and therefore behaves somewhat passively. However, as soon as you show even a little resistance, his interest will awaken again. Therefore, you should not be afraid to play a little cat and mouse with your loved one - he will again be able to feel like the conqueror of your heart.
  • Every man probably has his own secret fantasies, try to unobtrusively find out about them and the answer to the question “how to surprise your husband in bed"will be found - the effect of unexpectedly bringing your secret dreams to life cannot be compared with anything.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment, among which role-playing games come first. And according to sexologists, this way to revive former passion is one of the most effective.
  • And there is something else that will drive any man crazy. Excellent control of the intimate muscles will bring unforgettable pleasure to your loved one, and it will also be useful for the woman herself, for example, during childbirth and pregnancy. You shouldn’t do this kind of training on your own; it’s better to turn to specialists in this matter.

First of all, change yourself!

But to take advantage of these tips, a woman will most likely have to change herself a little. After several years spent together, it’s time to leave all restraints and behave freely and relaxed in bed - only in this way will the experiments be successful and your sex life interesting and vibrant. Men love confident women, but at the same time they want to be in charge of a woman, teach them and take care of them. Let your loved one call the shots sometimes, but take control from time to time.

4 scenarios for sex games

  1. Among the various sexual games Last but not least are games with clothes. A man may never admit it, but sometimes he would like to be a victim. A woman’s aggressive behavior excites them, so feel free to take the initiative into your own hands, grab him by the belt and don’t let your loved one go down until the climax.
  2. You can also undress your husband yourself, starting with a T-shirt. After removing it over your head, pull it back so as to secure your partner’s hands behind his back. Having had enough of the caresses of open areas of the body, you can continue undressing further.
  3. Pants are also a great item to ignite passion. Having removed the top part of your clothes, you can slowly begin to unbutton your trousers, all the while kissing the man. There is already a question abouthow to surprise a man in bedIt’s not worth it - with your pressure and caresses you will defeat him on the spot.
  4. By undressing in front of a man, boldly looking into his eyes, you will awaken incredible passion in him. And then act according to the circumstances. For example, you can hug him from behind, press your entire naked body against him and caress all accessible parts of the body, including his main erogenous zone.

As soon as you feel that the relationship has become monotonous and stable, take action immediately. Be affectionate, gentle, confident and don’t be afraid of surprises and experiments and excellent sex life you and your loved one are guaranteed.

How to surprise a man in bed: Video

Representatives of the opposite sex are no less romantic and sometimes modestly and silently expect a surprise from their beloved, one that they will not be able to forget about for a long time.

How can you surprise him? Expensive watch? Or maybe give a tie to match your new suit?

Everything is much simpler! Surprise your loved one in bed. After all, men have long committed crazy things and were ready to die in a duel for the sake of a night with their only one.

The main thing is not to forget about the following:

1) Spontaneity.

Your man, like no one else, knows everything about your sexual biorhythm. This, unfortunately, often leads to predictability in sex. Therefore, let’s make a rule for ourselves: “It’s not sex that should adapt to everyday life, but our everyday life should adapt to sex.”

2) Be unavailable.

A man is a hunter and conqueror by nature. He is used to getting his way, and in sex this manifests itself more than ever, and any attempts at resistance lead to even greater excitability. But you shouldn’t give in to his captivity right away, because the predator loves to play with its prey.

3) Gift wrapping.

We are used to giving gifts in bright, eye-catching and intriguing gift packaging. Multi-colored paper, painted bags and bows are ready to be offered to you in souvenir shops. Our gift also needs to be beautifully presented. There is no need to spend half the day in front of the mirror, applying kilograms of cosmetics and sleep all night on curlers. Decorate your body with a chain at the waist or playful jewelry on the chest, a red bow tied on the buttocks or other feminine “things”, this will delight your man!

4) Experiment.

It's no secret that every man has secret desires that they imagine in their sexual fantasies, but not every woman will decide on his proposals. Perhaps we should try his sexual inventions? But you shouldn’t inform him after the fact, do it yourself during the process, let the initiative for the dizzying act come from you.

5) Romance by candlelight.

Another way to pleasantly surprise your loved one is to create a romantic atmosphere. Whatever place you choose for your cozy nest, be it a bath or a sleeping bed, the main thing is to create the necessary, relaxing atmosphere. Here you can use candles and aroma lamps, the main thing is that the smell is not harsh and does not distract from the process - the ideal option is ylang-ylang, patchouli or sandalwood. Light music and rose petals, the whisper of your beloved in your ear, and your man will be smitten!

Even the best and most stable relationships can become boring and uninteresting. If you have just such a moment and want to add variety, then you should take the initiative into your own hands and figure out how to surprise your beloved man with non-standard actions in bed. Experimenting will help reignite the fire, which will take the relationship to the next level.

What kind of women do men like in bed?

Of course, it is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Some men like chubby girls, while others prefer thin ladies. It's a matter of taste here. However, if a male representative is going to sleep with you, it means that he definitely likes you. But no matter how attractive his partner may be, no man will like a young lady who has a complex and is constrained in bed. Therefore, to understand how to win a man in bed, you need to be confident and relaxed.

If speak about role playing games, then sexologists claim that, according to statistics, 80% of men would like to see their chosen one in the form of a nurse, a schoolgirl or a policeman. This is a good reason to go to a sex shop and buy the right outfit to surprise your lover.

How to pleasantly surprise your beloved man in bed?

As you know, men love novelty and variety in intimate relationships. To prevent a loved one from looking for new sensations in someone else’s bed, a woman needs to understand that this male need must be satisfied. Moreover, for such efforts, she herself will be pleasantly rewarded.

To figure out how you can surprise your beloved man in bed, you need to approach this issue individually. Before preparing any experiment, you should make sure that your partner will be willing to to evaluate it. For example, if he returns home tired after 12 hours of physical work, then he is unlikely to be in a playful mood, but rather will be happy about a delicious dinner. Now, if the man is rested and not hungry, then you can and even need to prepare some kind of surprise.

For example, prepare some delicious dishes, create a romantic atmosphere, light candles. Dress nicely and don't forget sexy lingerie. Instead of standard foreplay, you can start caresses right in the kitchen. If sexual intercourse usually took place in the bedroom, then the man will definitely like such an initiative on your part.

How to surprise your husband in bed: some practical tips

One of the main aspects that makes a relationship stronger is sex. Here are the basic tips for maintaining a husband's interest in his beloved wife.

If a woman is in love, intuition awakens in her, thanks to which she can subtly feel the needs of a man in bed and realize them. But, unfortunately, such feelings can become dull over the years. It becomes problematic to surprise your loved one after several years of marriage. To avoid this, first try to keep yourself in shape so that a man can admire you.

Don’t forget, before it comes to bed, a man will love with his eyes.

Take care of your appearance and additional attributes that will help create a romantic atmosphere and also surprise a man.

How to become more attractive in the eyes of your partner?

Even if you are far from each other, you can bring joy to your loved one, surprise him or remind him of your love in various ways:

  • romantic gift: sweets, T-shirt, original keychain, computer mouse or heart-shaped flash drive;
  • love letter: write to him all the good things that you think about him and your relationship, maybe in verse, attach a beautiful picture;
  • if a man spends a lot of time driving, order him a song on the radio;
  • if you decide to have an erotic photo shoot, such a gift can hit the heart;
  • contact the party organization service and order an original surprise for your loved one;
  • top up his phone balance, it’s not a big deal, but it’s nice;
  • Using a webcam, dine alone in a romantic setting by candlelight.

How to surprise a man on his birthday?

  • give him what he has long dreamed of, equipment or items for his hobby: for an athlete - a racket or a surfboard, for a billiards lover - an original cue, for a guitarist, strings and a set of picks are suitable as a gift, such a gift will pleasantly surprise you;
  • invite just the two of you for a horse ride;
  • please your man with a new romantic dance that you learned especially for his birthday;
  • invite an active man to jump on the Jolie Jumper, you’ll probably surprise him greatly;
  • give him a Balinese massage, especially focus on the feet, this procedure is soothing and relaxing;
  • give a certificate for the “Wines of France” master class;
  • invite a man to a buggy race;
  • give a medal of a real man.

How to surprise a man on February 23

How to surprise a guy with a kiss

All guys love to kiss, and every girl wants to kiss her beloved young man so that he likes it. Kisses can be different, it can be a friendly kiss on the cheek, it can be passionate, or it can be tender, bashful. But truly surprising your boyfriend with a kiss is not easy.

What secrets do you have in your arsenal?

  • An unexpected kiss. The simplest solution to surprise your man. Quickly get closer and touch his lips with your lips. Hold there for a few seconds, then slowly pull away from him and say something gentle. Guys love initiative, so this kiss will be very impressive.
  • Kiss the back of the neck. Usually this kiss is actively used by guys, but believe me, they also like it when they are kissed on the neck! Discreetly approach the guy from behind and lightly hug him. Direct your hot breath into his ear. After that, kiss him softly on the neck, and when he turns around, smile. The best way to surprise a guy with a kiss.
  • Cold kiss. Almost every girl has such lip glosses, “with a chill”. Before the meeting, paint your lips with this gloss and kiss your loved one. He will be very surprised to feel a slight coldness on his lips after the kiss.
  • Delicious kiss. Buy yourself a strawberry or cherry flavored lipstick and invite your boyfriend to “taste” your lips when you meet. No guy has ever refused such an offer!
  • Romantic kiss. This kiss requires a special atmosphere. When you are standing somewhere on the roof of a high-rise building at night or in a less extreme but romantic place - look meaningfully into your boyfriend's eyes, take his hands, press your whole body and kiss him slowly! Your boyfriend will be very happy about such an initiative!

Experiment with kisses, the main thing is to avoid routine and monotony in this regard, and then the guy will never dodge your kisses!

If for some reason you do not want to dance a striptease for your husband, then dance a belly dance for him - this dance is taught in any oriental dance school.

Some women are embarrassed to dance such dances in front of their husbands because of several folds on the stomach and cellulite on the buttocks, but believe me, this is not the main thing for a man. The main thing in dance is not your figure, but your eyes and the energy that comes from you. But if you are still embarrassed about your figure, then you can cover your small tummy with some kind of beautiful outfit, besides, you can dim the light, then you can relax and dance an amazing dance for your husband.

Surprise your man in bed with sexy games

Everyone loves to be kissed and gently caressed. It happens that when a couple has been together for a long time, the partners forget about these pleasant little things and, while having sex, immediately get down to business. Show more tenderness and passion, and the man will be surprised. Try playing with him, teasing him, and then “surrender” to him. Don't be shy about showing your man how much you enjoy his caresses.

An obvious opponent of football, who prefers “snotty” TV series to long-awaited matches, is guaranteed to surprise a man with donated tickets to the game of his favorite team. Prepare in advance for watching together so that you become not just a boring companion to the stadium, but an interesting conversationalist and an ardent fan.

You can surprise your soul mate with ordinary feminine cunning. For example, when your man goes with friends to the bathhouse or fishing, just don’t “nasty” him on the phone with the question “when will you be home?” Let him rest and enjoy his personal space. And if the “party” will take place within the walls of your home, for example, while watching a long-awaited match, leaving your territory, prepare some goodies for the male company or at least sandwiches. Believe me, your loved one will be envied not only by his friends, but also by himself.

A wife is a faithful female friend who will understand and forgive everything and provide life.

A mother is an amazing symbol of forgiveness and care, who will wipe away your snot without further ado and support you in difficult times.

Your own underwear

In addition to the ways to surprise your partner described above, there are many more tricks. You can arrange a home movie show by choosing a good erotic film to watch, or look through magazines of a similar nature together. Try to take turns reading the once sensational “Emmanuelle” aloud to each other; perhaps excerpts from the book will ignite your imagination so much that you will immediately want to repeat what you read.

Some girls indulge in caresses in public places, offer to make love in an elevator, car or in the bathroom of a nightclub, practice various sex techniques, whisper about their desires to a young man while meeting with friends, send unambiguous messages all day long describing what exactly waiting for your loved one upon returning home. This, naturally, has a beneficial effect on the intimate relationships of a young couple, since it does not allow them to get bored and brings a certain spice and piquancy to them.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together: every new day of routine brings the relationship to nothing. The easiest way to overcome monotony and everyday life is in bed - this is where men least expect variety over time.

Husbands get used to new dishes, hairstyles or ideas, but they associate passionate intimacy and initiative with the romantic candy-bouquet period. So get ready unusual surprise! Our “15 ways to surprise your loved one in bed” will help with this.

Let's start with the most difficult option, when you need to surprise your husband in bed. You have been together with him for several years, the romance has disappeared somewhere, jokes about “family duty” no longer seem funny. At this stage, half of the women experience complete immersion in everyday life with an absolute lack of interest in intimate life. The other half is tormented by attacks of jealousy and thoughts of a possible mistress. Both are wrong - there should be contact in bed, and it should be passionate, unexpected and of high quality. And, if possible, with his legal wife. It's time for the first portion of scenarios on how to surprise your loved one in bed.

Change yourself and your behavior

If not 100%, then at least 99.8%. The methods are not important - new underwear, hairstyle and lipstick, watching an adult movie or a glass of wine. Leave your fears and complexes at the door, forget about the two extra pounds and far-fetched taboos. For the first time, turn on the light yourself, undress your husband and yourself, get down on your knees... The rest will be told by your instincts. 100% surprise guaranteed!

Of course, if in ordinary life you are an energetic leader, on the contrary, turn on the “nun” mode. Don’t rush to show initiative, take your time, show your desire not with loud screams, but with barely audible sighs. A man will never miss an opportunity to teach you something new and take you under his wing.

Beautiful packaging

The world will not collapse into the abyss if once every couple of months you spend part of the family budget on not very important thing into the house, and for new erotic lingerie. You can be sure: your beloved husband will be surprised and appreciate such an acquisition. Just choose an outfit in accordance with his tastes - lovers of older women are unlikely to appreciate the outfit of a lively high school girl.

Dream out loud about your loved one

This will surprise him very much. But do it carefully and only if you really agree with this scenario. A man can agree! But, in any case, after such frank fantasies, a stormy night is guaranteed for you.

You can pick up several thematic videos - they will only warm up the unbridled male thoughts.

Away with customs

If you are used to doing this late at night, when the children have fallen asleep, you have prepared breakfast, and he has watched football, then at least once break the usual course of things. Wake up your loved one half an hour earlier with a blowjob, unexpectedly go into your husband’s shower, pester him in the kitchen while the children are watching cartoons... There are a lot of options, no need to be shy!

Do some wumbling

In your spare time, do wumbling or read a couple of books about it. New knowledge and skills will never be superfluous - your husband will definitely appreciate your efforts in the bedroom. Stronger muscles will provide an enchanting ending for both of you, and knowledge of the most common erogenous zones and all sorts of “forbidden tricks” will add the missing spice to lovemaking.

If you are planning to surprise not your husband, but your beloved young man, consider yourself lucky. Intimate relationships have not yet been elevated to the rank of everyday life, you have not tried many poses, scenarios and ideas. Therefore, start small so that your energetic energy does not scare off your potential gentleman.

New is well forgotten old

Although the ancients classified many poses as standard, they will definitely be new to you. Therefore, be sure to stock up on the Kama Sutra - fortunately, the presence of mobile applications does not oblige you to carry an attention-grabbing book with you. You can even start mastering new poses by studying a treatise on love together, because this way you can not only practice, but also understand the preferences of your loved one.

Changing places

Romance on silk sheets remains a classic, but it should be diluted from time to time with something more piquant. The back seat of a car, a shower, the last row of a cinema, a morning beach, a bench in a secluded corner of the park - choose what you like. There is only one important caveat: your intimate experiments should not traumatize the psyche of children, grandmothers with dogs and random passers-by. And it’s better not to catch the eye of your parents, because acquaintance in such conditions is unlikely to be included in the plans of both of you.

Minor variations

Leaving global experiments for the future, when you get to know your young man better, try to add to your love games small changes to surprise your loved one. Rhythm or unexpected movements, music or complete silence, intimate twilight or absolute darkness - changes in any factor change perception beyond recognition. Slightly change the usual course of events or the set of caresses, but do not confront your partner with a fact; let your loved one remain in sweet ignorance until the very end.

Erotic massage

In the case when your skills are limited to intuitive movements on the back or watching a few video tutorials, try to put as much eroticism into the process as possible. And reduce the massage itself to a minimum. The fact is that soft stroking movements without knowing certain points are more likely to cause general relaxation and drowsiness, rather than wild desire.

Therefore, use a trick - put on beautiful lingerie, stroke not only your loved one, but also yourself, so that the massage session does not drag on for long and ends in a delightful continuation.

Fire of Desires

Romantic evenings with candles, rose petals and champagne are not such a hackneyed theme. Much has been written and said about them, but most people living today have never received such a surprise. Don’t be afraid to go too far – your boyfriend will definitely be surprised and appreciate such a manifestation of love and tenderness.

Play inaccessible

When a man already considers you his, it's time to surprise him and make him a little jealous, doubting your devotion. But do not practice this method with a jealous or insecure young man: the first will throw a scandal, and the second will be offended and decide that your relationship is over.

Change yourself "there"

To surprise your beloved man, you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort. Just change your intimate hairstyle a little during your next shower. Of course, you can do something more radical: get a piercing or get a tattoo, but, unfortunately, only a few men will appreciate such an extravagant step.

Dance for him

The language of movements surprises representatives of the opposite sex on a par with “dirty words”, and perhaps more. Of course, for this type of seduction you will have to practice a little under the guidance of a specialist. Your state of mind is also important: not a single super technique can hide your inner stiffness and embarrassment.

If self-confidence allows you to expand the boundaries of what is permitted, combine a private dance with stripping. Do everything slowly and sensually, maintaining eye contact with your partner for at least 60% of the dance. Don't let your loved one touch you - this way the continuation in bed will resemble an explosion.

Unusual toys

We are, of course, not talking about a radio-controlled model. There are more interesting toys in the adult store - they will help add a touch of novelty to your relationship. Do not take huge sets or devices completely unknown to you from the very beginning, you will get to them in the process. Start with banal handcuffs or blindfolds, and then your man himself will tell you which toys will surprise and interest him.

Lessons of inspiration

To bring all of the above into reality, you must believe in yourself, realize your own attractiveness and femininity. “Adult films,” self-activities (from yoga to massage), and a variety of cosmetic procedures can help increase self-esteem and find peace of mind.

Remember the only rule - only a girl who is desirable to herself can be desirable. Therefore, love yourself! The age of general embarrassment, missionary position and intimate relationships for the sake of children is long gone, so don’t lag behind. You’re trying for yourself and your significant other - you can’t get by with just borscht.

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How to show a man that you care about him and what kind of romantic actions they value? We asked men and they shared ways to melt their hearts.

“A few months before my 28th birthday, Lena secretly learned to play the guitar from me. Just to play my favorite song on my birthday, from Aquarium. I was speechless, I couldn’t believe that she spent so much effort for me.”
Boris, 29

“My girlfriend knows that I am passionate about cars and value my car very much. Once, when we were at the dacha, while I was sleeping, she completely washed it and even perfumed it a little. Her smell appeared there until the end of autumn, when the interior became very hot. And he reminded me of her.”
Kirill, 24

“My friend once took me sledding down a hill. I don’t know why, but I still remember this as the most romantic moment in our relationship.”
Roman, 23

“On our first date, I casually mentioned that I couldn’t find a rare album with Van Gogh’s paintings anywhere. When we celebrated our first anniversary, Anya, completely unexpectedly for me, gave me that very album. And by that time I was completely desperate to find him!”
Roman, 42

“I sometimes have to work from home until late at night. In such cases, my wife always brings me a saucer of ice cream when she goes to bed. At this moment I feel such tenderness for her..."
Kirill, 30

“Masha once recorded a very touching message, burned it onto a CD and discreetly inserted the disc into the radio in the car. I listened to it on the way to work and could hardly work all day, thinking about her.”
Leonid, 27

“One of the sweetest moments was when she brought me my favorite chocolate cake...for breakfast!”
Stas, 23

“When we celebrated the second anniversary of our meeting, Tanya read aloud to me a private post from her blog, which she wrote after our first date. It was so passionate and frank that I would probably have been scared if I had known about it two years ago. And now this is perhaps the most touching thing I have ever heard.”
Alexey, 28

“One day Katya greeted me with an unexpectedly passionate and long kiss: she wrapped her arms around my neck, raised her leg, everything - as if she had not seen me for a year or more. I was very flattered by her enthusiasm.”
Igor, 29

“Last year, without any formal reason, my girlfriend gave me an album where the history of our relationship was outlined day by day: with pasted photographs, newspaper clippings, and so on - I can’t remember everything. But I didn’t even know that I meant so much to her.”
Victor, 26

“One night Masha pulled me out into the yard and encouraged me to climb over the fence together into the fenced playground to ride on the swings. Stupid. But I fell in love again."
Danya, 23

“Before our third date, Sveta insisted that only she decide what we would do that evening. I prepared for the worst. What I didn’t expect was to go on a date to my favorite pub, and then play shooting games online and eat pizza together at my house until one in the morning. I couldn’t even dream of such a date!”
Dima, 22

"Last Valentine's Day, my girlfriend gave me a piece of paper with the phrase 'I love you' written in 15 different languages."
Nikolay, 26

“I’m not a very impressionable person, but still I completely melted when my common-law wife gave me a bouquet of roses... And not all at once. I found one next to me on the pillow when I woke up. The second one was in the bathroom when I went to shave. The third is in the kitchen, and so on.”
Mikhail, 39

“She shamelessly flatters me. Just. Nothing turns you on like a girl who hugs you and compliments you.”
Tolya, 36

“A girl at the gym, with whom I never expected to be in a relationship, once left a note in the pocket of my bag that said, 'You're cute.' Now we live together, and I still keep this note in my wallet.”
Vladimir, 25

“My girlfriend amazed me by giving me a pair of new, very comfortable slippers in my size. I don’t know how she knew that I would never have bought them for myself.”
Sergey, 34

“My wife saved an old tape recording of me singing a song with a guitar in the company of our mutual friends. But then we hadn’t even met yet! It’s nice to think that even then she liked me.”
Vadim, 40

“Nastya masterfully comes up with different funny nicknames for me, and new ones almost every day. This is not for everyone, of course. But it touches me when she calls me, say, Drakoshik.”
Evgeniy, 28

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