How to get the secret out of a lock. How to replace the lock cylinder on the front door. How to replace the front door lock cylinder

The question of replacing a lock sooner or later arises for almost any owner of an apartment or office. This happens when it fails due to a breakdown or loss of the key, due to the end of its service life, or when the tenant changes. In most cases, the door lock cylinder is replaced, which is much easier than installing a new locking mechanism.

What is a lock cylinder?

The mechanism responsible for the secrecy of the lock is called the cylinder, core or secret. It is she who is responsible for security, the possibility of unauthorized opening and penetration of uninvited guests into the premises. A key is inserted into the cylinder and turned. At the same time, the pins inside it line up in a certain combination, and the lock opens. Incorrectly aligned pins, or pins, will not allow the locking bolt to move, and the door, in this case, will remain closed.

In modern cylinder designs, pins are replaced with washers, rotating blocks or movable probes. But regardless of the filling, the secrecy of the lock cylinder will depend on the number of components and the accuracy of their manufacture.

Not all existing locking mechanisms installed on entrance doors have the ability to be partially replaced; some locks have to be removed entirely. For example, code (lever) mechanisms are integrated directly into the lock body, so replacing the door lock cylinder in this case is impossible; you will have to remove it and insert a new one.

There are several types of the most popular locks for entrance doors:

  • cylinder;
  • disk;
  • cruciform;
  • pin;
  • especially complex.

Locks for entrance doors can be overhead or more reliable - mortise, with a locking system with a key on both sides or having a turntable on the inside instead of a key. They are also divided into upper and lower, only with a locking function and with additional fixation using a latch. The material and number of combinations of the secret depends on:

  • reliability and ability to resist mechanical stress;
  • wear resistance;
  • inadmissibility of key matching.

The door lock cylinder is manufactured in three security levels:

  • low – from 100 to 10 thousand combinations. Made from low-strength materials with a simple key profile;
  • average – from 5 to 50 thousand combinations. It has a complex opening mechanism, but the quality of workmanship is not always the best;
  • the highest - from 100 thousand combinations to infinity. The manufacturing materials are of high quality, and the assembly accuracy is high.

Each of the locking mechanisms has its own design features, which determine the process and the possibility of replacing its cylinder.

Cylinder locks

A similar design of locks appeared in the mid-19th century. Due to their simplicity and ease of use, cylinder mechanisms quickly became widespread and are still the most popular today.

Cylinder locking mechanisms are manufactured to the European DIN standard or the RIM standard, which is now produced in small quantities. DIN cylinders from different manufacturers are practically interchangeable. Their choice depends on the thickness of the door leaf and the location of the fastening screw in relation to the inner and outer plane of the door.

Cylinders can be divided:

  • to the "key-turn" system. From the inside, the door opens using a rotary handle (turntable), which can be easily felt in the dark in case of an emergency or if the room is filled with smoke during a fire. This type of door lock cylinder has a movable cam that transmits movement to the bolts. As a rule, its position requires adjustment to the site;
  • to the key-key system. The door leaf opens on both sides using a key. Such a secret is convenient when it is necessary to lock the door so that children or sick elderly people do not open it from the inside. In addition, the internal key inserted into the keyhole can be used as additional protection. It will be impossible to open the door from the outside;
  • per half cylinder. The door can only be opened from the outside. A half-cylinder is installed on doors in rooms where there is no likelihood of people being present. These could be small utility rooms or special buildings, for example, a weapons room;
  • to a mechanism with a gear. The transmission of movement from the key to the bolt occurs more smoothly through a gear, the number of teeth of which depends on the model and manufacturer.

It should be noted that the process of replacing such a cylinder with a gear is complex, and only a specialist can help in this matter. To install a new cylinder, it is necessary to dismantle the entire lock with a similar mechanism.

RIM standard cylinders are not found on sale as often as in Soviet time, and modern mechanisms from European manufacturers are not particularly popular. In this regard, secrets for them are quite difficult to find. Their design resembles a half-cylinder of the DIN standard, with a difference in the method of fastening - the models in question are overhead.

DIY cylinder replacement

You can remove the unnecessary door lock cylinder and then put a new one in its place yourself. The process itself will take 15-20 minutes, no more. And the tools you will need:

  • construction tape;
  • crosshead screwdriver.

First you need to find a screw that serves as a fastener for the cylinder in the overall lock mechanism. As a rule, it is located on the lock plate at the end of the door leaf. Its location can be symmetrical or asymmetrical relative to the thickness of the door, which depends on the model and manufacturer of the locking mechanism. By rotating the screwdriver counterclockwise, the screw is completely unscrewed and the cylinder is removed.

If the cylinder begins to move, but continues to “sit” in the socket, you need to insert the key into the cylinder and turn it a few degrees in a clockwise direction.

Now you should pull the mechanism towards you or press on it from the opposite side. The cylinder will easily come out of its socket. The fact is that a movable cam or a flag present in its design can interfere with the release of the cylinder, and turning the key will hide the cam in the cylinder body.

It is necessary to measure the total thickness of the door leaf along with the upholstery or insulation, if additional door cladding was performed. In the absence of any changes, you can focus on the dimensions of the removed cylinder, which, of course, is easier. In order to determine which door lock cylinder you need to purchase, you also need to measure the diameter of the removed cylinder.

Don't forget about the location of the fixing screw! It can be located either in the middle of the end or located closer to one of its sides. Moreover, in an asymmetrical position, you should remember which of the distances is smaller - to the outer or to the inner surface of the door.

It would be more correct to take the removed cylinder with you when purchasing a lock cylinder. But if this is not possible, you should focus on accurate measurements. The color of the new mechanism will also play an important role in the choice, otherwise it will not look aesthetically pleasing on the door leaf.

The purchased cylinder is installed in place of the previous cylinder and secured with a screw. The main thing here is to clearly get into the hole intended for fastening it. Slightly moving the lock in the plane of the lock and simultaneously attaching it to the fastening element will help cope with this task. The key, in this case, must be fixed in closed position. After this, the lock is checked for functionality, first when open door, and then - with it closed.

The opening and closing of the lock should be smooth and silent.

Disc locks

The main difference between these mechanisms and other cylinder locks is their design: instead of pins or pins, there are movable disks that align when the locking mechanism is opened at a certain angle. The key has a semicircular cross-section with cuts located on it corresponding to the position of the disks.

A design feature of the disc lock cylinder is the possibility of replacing it only with a “related” cylinder. But purchasing it is currently difficult due to the fact that finding a cylinder for a disc lock is quite difficult. That's why the best option will be a complete replacement of the locking mechanism.

Cross locks

Such lock designs use pins that line up along four edges inside the cylinder when the key is turned. Phillips cylinders have many combinations, but the lock can be easily opened using a Phillips screwdriver.

Pin locks

Pin cylinder lock cylinders are produced for two types of keys:

  • English;
  • perforated.

In the first case, the lock is not particularly reliable, and the second can only be opened by drilling the cylinder or knocking it out, which is quite difficult and time-consuming. The lock core is replaced using the technology described above.

Particularly complex locks

Manufacturers are constantly working to improve locks, primarily their secrets. Modern technologies allow us to make unique mechanisms that are quite reliable and durable. By purchasing high-quality products from world-famous brands, you can avoid the procedure of replacing the door lock cylinder. But this need may arise if one of the household or office workers loses the key.

Particularly complex locking mechanisms use:

  • armor inserts;
  • titanium case;
  • more than a million combinations;
  • pins made of refractory metal;
  • floating elements on the key.

It is impossible to find a key for such a lock, but replacing the cylinder is quite possible. True, it will be quite expensive.

The lock cylinder of the front door breaks very often. In addition, in many cases, intruders enter homes by breaking into this element of the lock structure. It is quite possible to replace the larva with your own hands. It is very important to follow the instructions so that the result is a reliable and safe system. Today we will look in detail at how to properly install the cylinder in the front door lock.

When is replacement needed?

Many users are interested in what situations they cannot do without installing a new lock cylinder. Let's look at all the cases in which the above work will be required.

  • The locks and cylinder of the front door must be changed if you have purchased a more modern and improved door leaf. In many cases, the frame and the sash itself are made without a locking mechanism, so you will need to select all the components yourself.

  • If you have lost your keys, the cylinder and the lock as a whole will need to be replaced as soon as possible. Even if you have duplicates, the working mechanism will still need to be dismantled and replaced. You should act in the same way if you have lost all your keys, but in this case you need to act even faster - your home will be in danger as long as the old lock remains on the front door.

  • If the entire locking system is broken, it will need to be replaced. Such problems are usually caused by the use of low-quality materials in the manufacture of the lock, as well as its improper operation.

  • If the existing lock and cylinder are not the most reliable and cannot provide your home with a sufficient level of security, then it is better to replace them with more advanced designs. Thus, you will more effectively protect the apartment or a private house from intruders.

  • If you try to break into it, the larva will also need to be replaced, and as soon as possible. Sometimes not only the components of the locking device are changed, but also the handles on the bar, as well as the door frame. If repairing a door lock turns out to be too complicated, then it is better to entrust it to specialists.

  • When transferring an apartment to new owners, it is also better to change the lock cylinder in order to provide housing good protection from possible hacking.

How to choose?

Before you go to the store to purchase a suitable lock cylinder, you should understand what types of these elements exist in order to ultimately choose the optimal product.

The secret of the locking device varies according to the class of complexity. There are one-sided and two-sided options. If we are talking about one-sided products, then in them the larva is located in the very door lock. It can only be opened in one-way mode. If your front door has a double-sided secret, then the cylinder in it will be unlocked both from the inside and from the outside. These processes are carried out using a key and a handle.

Such locking mechanisms usually have a certain number of return springs. Pins for them are also divided into several types:

  • code ones that are affected by the key;
  • locking, which are equipped with special locking mechanisms.

Based on the location of the lock cylinder, the following types of mechanisms are distinguished:

  • single-row and double-row;
  • three-row;
  • four-row;
  • conically located;
  • equipped with rotating pins.

Based on the type of mechanism, the lock cylinder can be divided into the following subtypes:

  • secrets with disk-type mechanisms;
  • secrets with cross-shaped pins;
  • larvae with a special pin mechanism.

The most popular and widespread versions of locking mechanisms are produced with cylinders whose size does not exceed 60 cm. If we are talking about high-quality Italian products, then in them this part reaches a mark of 70 cm.

Lock cylinders can vary in level of secrecy:

  • low – in such models the lock has no more than 10 thousand options;
  • medium – when there are about 50 thousand options;
  • high – when the lock design has over 100 thousand options.

Knowing about the types of larvae and their mechanisms, you will need to take into account the following important criteria when choosing a suitable product.

  • Size. When choosing a lock, it is very important to pay attention to its dimensional parameters. The new mechanism must correspond to the old one, otherwise it will most likely be impossible to install it. If you decide not just to replace the cylinder, but to completely change the lock, then you will need to find out about the thickness of the door leaf. The length of the larva will depend on this value.
  • Price, manufacturer. Don't buy too cheap parts. It is advisable to turn to high quality foreign products. Of course, they will cost more, but they will last longer and will not fail in the first months of regular use.
  • Model and modification. It is extremely important to take into account that the gap between the end and the hole should not differ from the previous design of the lock.
  • Key. Usually standard cylinders come complete with a set of keys. Experts recommend purchasing options that come with the optimal number of unlocking devices (so that there are enough for all family members).
  • Product color. In most situations, buy larvae that match the color of the castle itself.

Required Tools

Having selected the parts suitable for the lock, you should prepare for their installation. To do this, you will need to stock up on a number of tools and devices that will simplify the task and allow you to get a good result in the end.

You will need:

  • roulette;
  • screwdrivers;
  • new larva.

Try to use only high-quality tools and functional parts. Only with such components will all procedures be as simple and problem-free as possible.

Installation diagram

As mentioned above, it is quite possible to install the lock cylinder, as well as the lock itself, in the front door with your own hands. Carrying out such work cannot be called too difficult - even a beginner who has not previously encountered such matters can handle it on his own. However, it is better to act in accordance with the instructions and not neglect any of the stages. Otherwise, your home will not be protected well enough.

Now let's take a closer look at the main stages of installing a new closed lock, and then a brand new cylinder.

  • First you need to determine what kind of lock is on your front door. In addition, it will be necessary to find out whether it has a deadbolt, how many turns it locks and how it closes from the inside.
  • The next step will be marking. Measure 1 meter from the floor surface. Mark it on the side of the front door that meets the jamb.
  • Next, try on the body of the product against the exposed strip and set the corresponding mark at the bottom. It is recommended to use a surface thicknesser, arranging its strips in accordance with the distance corresponding to the level of thickness of the mechanism that you are going to install.
  • Now apply a certain number of perpendicular stripes running in the central part of the end base. In this case, the thicknesser should be tightly applied to the end part when you make the markings. Don't forget about the location of the well.
  • Select a suitable drill bit (to drill a suitable hole). It should be of such a size that the spindle fits into the prepared hole without hindrance.
  • Next, start drilling according to the mark on the front side. A hole for the keyhole is made in the same way. Try to do everything as carefully as possible so as not to damage the front door.

  • The space for the body component is made using a drill of the same thickness. To prevent it from being too deep, it is recommended to wrap the drill with electrical tape. This way you will make a kind of depth mark.
  • Having drilled all the necessary holes, clear out with your own hands what will go under the nest, using a chisel and a hammer.
  • Now you can insert the housing. Secure it using screws. Install the spindle and handles.

The next step is to secure the overlay.

  • Place a point on the jamb in the area where the door tongue will be located. This should be done with the canvas slightly open.
  • Then secure the pads. Transfer their meanings to the jamb.
  • Create a niche using a chisel and a hole for screws. Then you can attach the cover itself.

Now let's look at how to replace the larva. If your home is protected by a cylinder lock, then you should know that it is almost impossible to invent a master key for it, but you can repair it without problems if necessary. If such systems break down, there is no need to immediately run for new ones. It is enough to replace the larva in them. To do this, you will first need to remove it from the structure:

  • First you need to remove the end plate of the system;
  • you will need to remove the screw in the center, and with it the securing cylinder (the second part is removed using a key);
  • if you have lost the key, you will not be able to do without a drill;
  • with the dismantled larva you should go to outlet, where a sales consultant can select a similar model for you;
  • secure the acquired core in the lock of the iron entrance door, using a key;
  • fix the core using the central screw;
  • The end plate of the lock is installed on top of this structure.

The part responsible for the secrecy of the castle is popularly called the larva. And sometimes, if the locking device fails or the key is lost, there may be a need to replace it. Today we will tell you how to replace the cylinder and lock in metal door with your own hands. This can be done in several ways, which will be discussed below.

How to replace the cylinder in an iron door?

Castle repair

If there is an accident with a locking device on an expensive system, be prepared to fork out money to repair it. In this case, it is better and cheaper to purchase a new one. But if the damage is not serious, then you can try changing the filling. Before starting work, think about whether you can do it yourself, or whether it is better to contact a specialist.

When making repairs, you may need to replace any of the lock components on your metal front door. It could be:

  • cylinder;
  • secrecy mechanism;
  • accessories;
  • or other element.

However, some parts are not available for sale individually. Also, do not try to repair locks from a Chinese manufacturer.

Main stages

Replacing the closing device with your own hands is possible. To do this, you should first decide what kind of lock you have installed. You should also know:

  • does it have a bolt;
  • how many revolutions it registers;
  • and how it is locked from the inside.


  1. Separate the meter from the floor, marking it from the side of the entrance metal door that meets the jamb, as shown in the photo;
  2. Place the body of the device against the line and draw a mark on the bottom. For everything to go smoothly, use a thicknesser, spreading its bars to a distance corresponding to the thickness of the mechanism you plan to install;
  3. Draw several lines perpendicularly through the center of the end. The thickness gauge should fit snugly against the door end when you mark the device parameters. Be aware of the location of the well;
  4. It is very important to choose the right drill bit. It should be of such a size that the spindle fits freely into the hole made;
  5. You need to start drilling according to the mark on the front side. The hole for the well is made in the same way. Do everything carefully, as the slightest mistake can lead to damage to the metal door.

Replacing the mechanism

  1. The recess for the body is made with a drill identical in thickness to it. To prevent it from being too deep, we recommend sticking electrical tape on the drill, thereby marking the depth, as shown in the photo;
  2. After drilling the holes, clean the one intended for the socket with your own hands using a chisel and hammer;
  3. It's time to insert the body, secure with screws and attach the spindle and handles as shown in the video.

Trim fastener

  1. Place a mark on the jamb in the place where the tongue of the locked front door will be located. This should be done with the door closed;
  2. After this, install the overlays and enter their parameters on the jamb;
  3. Using a chisel, carefully make a niche and recesses for the screws, after securing the overlay.

Changing the larva

The cylinder lock was invented by the British back in the last century. It is impossible to select a master key for this type of device, but repairing it is simple. If it breaks, do not rush to throw it away and run to the store for a new one.

It is cylindrical devices that are the most popular and are in great demand among buyers choosing a device for metal entrance doors. If the lock breaks or the key is lost, you can simply replace the cylinder.

This part of the cylindrical device is secret. Finding the key in the well from the inside or outside causes the larva to fixate. If it breaks, it is easy to replace it. In addition, they are universal, as they are interchangeable for products from different manufacturers.

Repair of larva

Unfortunately, the complexity of the lock does not guarantee its durability and long service life. There is always a possibility of failure, which will lead to the need to replace the cylinder.

For repairs, first of all you will need to get the larva:

  • remove the end plate of the device;
  • unscrew the central screw and the fixing cylinder;
  • the latter is removed using a key. If the key is lost, you will have to use a drill;
  • with the larva removed, go to the store, where specialists will help you choose an identical one;
  • insert the purchased core into the existing lock using a key;
  • fix it with the central screw;
  • The removed end lock plate is screwed on top.

Then you should test the operation of the device with the door open. During subsequent use, you should handle the lock carefully, lubricate it periodically and not allow it to become clogged.

Let's sum it up

In order not to disassemble the door, you can try to replace the lock with a similar one. This is the easiest and most inexpensive method, but it is not always available. If your door has a mortise lock and you can’t find an analogue, then be prepared that you will have to work hard. The nesting holes will need to be moved or enlarged. You may have to cut new ones.

Exist different types locks installed on entrance doors. The most common today are cylinder locks. The operation and secrecy of such a lock is ensured by an internal mechanism, popularly called a larva.

If the cylinder lock fails, there is no need to replace it completely. Only the lock cylinder can be replaced. After dismantling, the failed mechanism is easily replaced with a new one.

We take out the cylinder with the key

Regardless of the condition of the lock cylinder, the pin should be visible from it. It is this that ensures the movement of the lock bolt. To dismantle the larva you will need your original key. It is inserted into the lock and turned slightly. The pin is hidden in the larva, and after that it can be pulled out.

The sequence of work will look like this:

  • the protective cover and the handle, if it is located on this strip, are removed from the door;
  • Unscrew the screw holding the cylinder in the lock. It is located at the end of the door under the lock tongue;
  • The key is inserted into the lock and turned little by little, while applying pressure to the cylinder. As soon as the pin no longer holds the internal mechanism, the cylinder will come out of the lock.

The dismantled larva can be repaired or simply replaced with another one. Replacing the working cylinder may be necessary if it is necessary to change the keys to the front door.

We pull out the larva without a key

If there is no key to the door, but you need to pull out the cylinder, then you need to find another way to turn the pin. If there is no need to protect the lock, then the pin can simply be broken. In this case, the lock is knocked out or broken out. The door leaf will not be damaged in the process; the lock will have to be completely replaced.

There are other ways to dismantle the cylinder without a key:

  1. Drilling allows you to remove the lock cylinder without a key quickly enough, but it will be hopelessly damaged. Insert the drill into the keyhole and turn on the drill. You need to drill out to approximately the middle of the lock, that is where the pin is located. Usually after this the pin rotates inside the lock on its own, but sometimes it becomes necessary to push it there manually. This can be done with a thin knitting needle.
  2. Bumper key or master key. This option is more humane, since it allows you to open the lock and remove the cylinder without destroying it. But without special skills, this can take a lot of time.

If you are unable to dismantle the cylinder without a key yourself, you can contact a service that performs emergency opening of locks.

In most cases, the door is a reliable barrier to the entry of strangers into your home. And this protection is given special reliability by a lock that firmly locks it in front of potential attackers. However, the lock is a rather complex mechanism that is subject to regular loads. And if the door goes directly onto the street, then it is also susceptible to weather conditions. So over time, it will certainly fail, often blocking the entrance to the apartment not only to “enemies”, but also to the owners. And here it is important to know how to change the cylinder in the door lock, so as not to rush around in vain in search of a way out of the current situation. The good news is that any handy man who knows which side to grip the screwdriver can do this.

When to change

There may be several signs that your lock is acting up:

  1. The key won't turn. In some cases, it jams half a turn, after which it is no longer possible to pull out the tool.
  2. The key rotates, but in vain, without affecting the locking mechanism.
  3. The key is stuck. Alternatively, the door unlocks, but you can only pull it out in an intermediate position.

The last case can be considered the easiest. This is a “warning shot” and trouble will follow. So you have time to think about how to change the cylinder in the door lock, choose a new one in size and get busy repair work V free time, and not in a hurry.

Causes of problems

If you do not take into account the natural wear and tear of the lock, unforeseen troubles may arise under the following circumstances:

  1. The integrity of the structure was compromised as a result of attempts to disassemble it. The purpose of such attempts may be an illiterate desire to simply lubricate constipation.
  2. A blow to the lock, accidental or intentional (in an effort to slam the door tighter), at an angle that is unfavorable for the larva.
  3. Trying to open a lock without a key if you forgot it at home.
  4. Hacking or failed attempt.
  5. Loss of a key - if none of your relatives or friends have a duplicate.

In all cases of constipation incapacity, one has to decide what is in the iron door or the larva. In most cases, the latter option is more profitable, since it can be done independently and requires minimal costs. On most doors there are those on which changing the “secret” does not cause any difficulties. And it is especially relevant for crab-type locks, since changing the cylinder in the door lock will be much cheaper than the entire system: only a professional can handle it, plus the price of work and spare parts is very high, and replacement will take a lot of time.

There are also complex locks of increased reliability: it is generally not recommended for a non-professional to get into them, although replacing the cylinder is possible. It’s better to call a locksmith: pay for the work, but don’t spend money on the lock as a whole.

When the larva cannot be replaced

In some cases, you will still have to change the entire lock. These primarily include disk ones: it is often simply impossible to select a related cylinder.

In addition, there is a type of lock that is popular because of its reliability, but requires complete replacement. This is due to the fact that the code mechanism that provides the secret of opening is built directly into the design of the lock. There is no larva as such in it. You can easily determine that you are dealing with such a locking device by looking at the key: it has an “antique” appearance, with wings on either side of the rod and a complex pattern on both. Here you don’t even have to try to get by with little expense, but immediately prepare to replace the entire lock.

Instructions on how to change the lock cylinder of the front door

The first stage of action will be to remove the failed mechanism. There is no need to completely disassemble and remove the entire structure. It is enough to unscrew the screw at the end of the lock (sometimes there are 2), press on the exposed part and pull the cylinder towards you. It will come out of the nest easily.

Second step: going to a hardware store with a cylinder and accurately selecting the cylinder. It must exactly match the old one, not only in size, but also in the method of fastening.

The third stage is the installation of a new cylinder. To change the lock cylinder in a metal door, you need to insert it into the socket in the same position as the old one, secure it there and fix the removed screws. All that remains is to make sure that the lock is working properly again.

The most severe case

The worst situation is for those who discover a breakdown while being outside and unable to prepare for a replacement. First you need to try to get inside through alternative routes (for example, through a window) and try to open the entrance from the inside. If this is not possible, you will have to drill out the larva. You can borrow a drill from your neighbors or rent it at the nearest rental office, since before you change the cylinder in the door lock, you need to remove it from there. Place it in a drill, orient it to the location of the flag, and drill a hole to the middle of the lock. A screwdriver is inserted into the hole and the flag is turned. When the door is open, the fastening bolt is screwed together and the larva is pushed out of the socket. Then everything is as described above: a new cylinder is bought and installed in place of the old one.

Car lock

Locks also fail on cars, often even faster than on front doors. The owners of domestic transport suffer most often. Owners of classic models need to know exactly how to change the lock cylinder on a VAZ door, so as not to have to go to the service station again. The procedure is simple and easy to perform.

  1. The outer handle is dismantled.
  2. Using an awl, or a thin Phillips screwdriver, or strong wire, push out the stopper pin.
  3. The lock leash is removed from the inside.
  4. The spring on the cylinder is pryed off with a screwdriver and removed.
  5. The key is inserted into the lock and turned half a turn to secure it. The cylinder placed on the key is removed.

Replacement is in reverse order.

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