What vitamins are in quail eggs. The benefits and harms of quail eggs. Quail egg yolk

Quail eggs are valuable dietary product. Today you can buy them in any supermarket. This small, spotted egg is a treasure trove of nutrients. It contains many times more vitamins compared to chicken eggs. Let's look at the beneficial properties of quail eggs and how best to eat them.

So, one quail egg contains the following vitamins and minerals:

  • 137 mcg vitamin B1;
  • 1100 mcg vitamin B2;
  • 110 mcg of vitamin PP;
  • 1180 mcg vitamin A;
  • 620 mg potassium;
  • 213 mg phosphorus;
  • 404 mg iron;
  • 76 mg calcium;
  • 6.6 mg cobalt;
  • 17 mg copper;
  • 1.16 g aspartic acid;
  • 1.72 g glutamic acid;
  • 0.72 g methionine;
  • 0.43 g cysteine;
  • 0.42 g tryptophan;
  • 1.05 g lysine.

Calorie content per 100 g of product is 168 kcal. Total protein contains 11.9 g, fat – 13.1 and carbohydrates – 0.6.

Benefits of quail eggs

More and more fans healthy eating began to include quail eggs in their diet. It is believed that no additional dietary supplements are needed with this product, vitamin complexes and proteins. With their help, an optimal balance of nutrients is maintained and vitamin deficiencies are compensated.

The beneficial elements that make up quail eggs have the following effects on the body:

  1. Stimulates digestion.
  2. Strengthen the immune system.
  3. Eliminate fatigue and muscle weakness.
  4. Improve metabolism.
  5. Normalize blood pressure.
  6. Maintain muscle tone.
  7. Render positive influence on the condition of the skin.
  8. Normalize work nervous system.
  9. Improves the functioning of the pancreas and liver.
  10. Strengthens teeth, bones and hair.
  11. Participate in the process of hematopoiesis.

Nutritionists advise vegetarians to eat quail eggs. They are also often found in many therapeutic diets. Quail eggs, although considered a low-calorie product, still contain a sufficient amount of protein.

Quail eggs are especially useful for women. This product can support hormonal background female body. It has a positive effect on reproductive organs due to the proteins, healthy fats and folic acid it contains.

The effect of quail eggs has a beneficial effect on men's health. Experts say that they effectively affect potency. Men are recommended to drink a special cocktail prescribed for erectile dysfunction.

It is easy to prepare, you will need the following products:

  • 120 g cola;
  • 20 g cognac;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 slice of lemon;
  • 2 raw quail eggs.

All components must be beaten with a mixer and added 50 ml mineral water. Some men claim that such a cocktail is in no way inferior to Viagra in terms of effectiveness.

Quail eggs in folk medicine

Quail eggs are increasingly being used in folk medicine. They can be used as a universal remedy in the presence of the following diseases:

  1. Rickets and osteoporosis.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and ulcers.
  3. Kidney diseases.
  4. As a means of preventing mastopathy.
  5. Prostatitis.
  6. Immunodeficiency.
  7. Anemia and anemia.
  8. Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (including tuberculosis).
  9. As a means of removing radionuclides obtained during radiation exposure.
  10. Heart diseases.
  11. Memory impairment.
  12. Nervous system disorder.

Naturopaths call quail eggs ampoules of health. And in Japan they were required to be included in the diet of children's institutions at the legislative level.

You don’t even have to bother with recipes and spend time making various tinctures. It is enough to drink raw quail eggs on an empty stomach. To maintain health and normalize work internal organs It is recommended to eat 5-6 eggs daily for 4 months. For medicinal purposes you should drink raw eggs half an hour before meals, washed down with plenty of water.

Eggs subjected to heat treatment, are not as healthy as raw ones. If possible, treatment should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please note that before you start using this product, you must first consult with your doctor. Otherwise, the course of the disease may worsen.

Where else can you use quail eggs?

Besides traditional medicine, eggs are widely used in cooking. They are added to salads, used for baking and eaten boiled.

Quail eggs also have a rejuvenating effect, which is why they are so popular in cosmetology. They contain a substance called tyrosine. It helps maintain a healthy complexion and tones the skin. Let's check out some recipes:

1. Face mask.

Mix 3 yolks with 3 tsp. corn flour. Pour in 1 tsp. honey and 2 drops of vitamin A and E. Apply the mask to clean facial skin and wait until dry. Afterwards, rinse well with warm water.

This mask has a cleansing and softening effect, improves blood flow, and also smoothes out fine wrinkles.

2. Anti-acne mask.

Mix 3 egg whites with 1 tbsp. l. grated cucumber. Apply to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water. This mask prevents the appearance of acne and pimples.

Consumption of eggs during pregnancy and lactation

It is allowed to eat quail eggs even during pregnancy and lactation, because they are a rich source of nutrients.

The woman's body that bears new life, is subject to severe exhaustion. Many pregnant women complain that after giving birth they “lost a couple of years of life.” To avoid such consequences, doctors recommend eating quail eggs regularly.

In women who eat eggs, pregnancy is easier, toxicosis is less painful, and the threat of miscarriage is significantly reduced. In addition, expectant mothers' immunity increases significantly.

Eating eggs in childhood

As for the benefits of quail eggs for children, they are best used in baby food, but in no case in treatment. Adding boiled eggs to your child’s menu will help saturate the child’s body with vitamins, minerals and normalize metabolism.

Eating 1-2 eggs daily will help normalize appetite and reduce fatigue. It has been noticed that children who eat this product become more active and intelligent.

In addition, quail eggs are an excellent prevention of colds. Often sick children especially need them. Statistics show that in such children, taking quail eggs reduces the incidence of acute respiratory infections by 5 times. Even if the child gets sick, the illness will be much easier.

Daily dosage

With any product, you need to follow your limits. The daily dosage looks like this:

  1. For children from 1 to 3 years old, it is enough to eat 1-2 eggs.
  2. Children from 3 to 10 years old - 3 eggs.
  3. From 10 to 18 years – 4 eggs.
  4. From 18 to 55 years – 5-6 eggs.
  5. From 55 years and older – 4-5 eggs.

IN children's diet the product must be administered carefully. Start with half and gradually increase the dose to the required rate.

Contraindications and harm

In rare cases, quail eggs can be harmful. This happens when they expire. At room temperature Testicles are stored for 20 days, at a temperature of no more than 10 degrees - 3 months.

There is also a small chance of contracting salmonella. It is for this reason that children and pregnant women are recommended to eat hard-boiled eggs.

People who suffer from:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver diseases;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • allergies.

The beneficial properties of quail eggs are legendary. This is not surprising if you look at chemical composition product. It is best to drink eggs raw, but you should not drink more than 6 eggs a day so as not to cause an allergic reaction. A positive effect can only be noticed with regular use. Quail eggs increase the body's defenses and help get rid of many diseases.

Quail eggs are eggs that are obtained from quail birds; they belong to the order Galliformes, which is why they have similar characteristics to ordinary chicken eggs. Quail eggs are very small in size (about the size of a walnut or even smaller) and have a very characteristic spotted coloring.

Many people believe that quail eggs are healthier than chicken eggs, but this is not entirely true.. In fact, both of these species contain the same amount of nutrients and vitamins; quail eggs can also accumulate harmful bacteria that can cause severe poisoning.

Most people prefer chicken eggs; they are much cheaper than quail eggs, and the size of the egg helps make a complete breakfast. It is for this reason that doctors say that in the absence of allergies there is almost no difference between these two products, so a person can safely eat simple and familiar eggs.

Vitamin content in 100 g of quail eggs

Quail eggs have a low calorie content, one egg contains about 20 kcal on average, so it can be safely eaten by those who are watching their figure, but, of course, it is worth considering the method of preparing the dish. Eggs are also useful for athletes or those who want to strengthen muscles, as they contain high concentrations of protein and protein, which are a kind of building material for our muscles.

100 g (100 g is approximately 10 pieces) of quail eggs contains:

As can be seen from the description above, quail eggs themselves contain relatively little a large number of vitamins, they are rich only in retinol (vitamin A), which is extremely beneficial for our skin, mainly this dish contains various microelements, which are almost not present in the same concentration in other food products.

Benefits of quail eggs

As mentioned earlier, quail eggs are extremely beneficial for the body, but it is not at all necessary to eat them if there is no way to constantly purchase them. They, like any other product, have their advantages and disadvantages, which you need to carefully familiarize yourself with.

No allergic reactions

As we all know, ordinary chicken eggs are a very powerful allergen, which often provokes diathesis or other manifestations of allergies in children and adults. The main difference between quail eggs is that they are not an allergen as such; a reaction can only occur in case of individual intolerance for some reason. That is why doctors recommend that all young mothers give this product to their children so as not to provoke allergies.

No “bad” cholesterol

Chicken eggs contain cholesterol, which can clog blood vessels and provoke the appearance of cholesterol plaques. But quail eggs contain in their yolks the so-called “good” cholesterol, which must be supplied to the body for its normal functioning; such cholesterol is absolutely harmless and even beneficial.

Improved memory and perception

A few years ago, Japanese scientists were able to prove that quail eggs can greatly improve a person’s memory and increase his mental perception. After this fact, a law was even passed that states that adults should give their children several eggs a day, as this is necessary for their health. Other scientists have not yet proven that you need to eat quail eggs in such quantities, but the fact that they have a positive effect on our memory remains an unchanged fact.


This product is highly recommended for pregnant women who want to maintain their beauty during this period. Thanks to the high content of various microelements, this product helps hair, skin and nails expectant mother stay beautiful and healthy.

Cancer prevention

This product will also be very useful for all adherents of a healthy lifestyle; the high content of protein, protein and various elements helps the body better resist various ailments and, in particular, cancer.

Potency in men

Men should especially appreciate this product because it has a positive effect on male potency. It's all about phosphorus, which is simply contained in huge quantities in this product. German men even have a kind of tradition of drinking a raw quail egg every day with a teaspoon of vodka infused with walnut shells. This is a very old recipe that “came” to us from the people; no doctor or scientist has ever tried to prove its effectiveness, but those who use it every day claim that it really “works.”

There are almost no contraindications for eating the product. You just need to always take into account your individual characteristics, for example, if you have some kind of allergic reaction or protein intolerance. Only in this case, this product may have a somewhat negative impact on your health.

You just need to always remember about the very dangerous salmonellosis, which many people forget about. It is mistakenly believed that it can only be found in chicken eggs x, but that's not true. Quail eggs are also dangerous in this regard, so it is best to eat them boiled, and if you still really want to drink them raw, then you must first wash the eggs well under running water (with soap, if possible) and be sure to douse them with boiling water.

Quail eggs The product is unique in its composition - such a small volume of product contains a huge amount of useful and irreplaceable substances. Let's take a closer look at what's so valuable about it!

Quail eggs

The table below details the presence of all components of a quail egg. The content of all nutrients is indicated per 100 grams of the edible part (that is, the white and yolk of the egg).

Quail eggs composition table

Nutrient name Quantity
Calorie content 158 kcal
Squirrels 13.05 g
Fats 11.09
Carbohydrates 0.41 g
Water 74.35 g
Ash 1.1 g
Vitamin A 156 mcg
Retinol 0.155 mg
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.13 mg
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.79 mg
Vitamin B4, choline 263.4 mg
Vitamin B5, pantothenic 1.761 mg
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.15 mg
Vitamin B 12, cobalamin 1.58 mcg
Vitamin D, calciferol 1.4 mcg
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol 1.08 mg
Vitamin K, phyllochonon 0.3 mcg
Vitamin PP 0.15 mg
Potassium 132 mg
Calcium 64 mg
Magnesium 13 mg
Sodium 141 mg
Phosphorus 226 mg
Iron 3.65 mg
Manganese 0.038 mg
Copper 62 mcg
Zinc 1.47 mg
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 0.4 g
Essential amino acids
Arginine 0.835 g
Valin 0.94 g
Histidine 0.315 g
Isoleucine 0.816 g
Leucine 1.146 g
Lysine 0.881 g
Methionine 0.412 g
Threonine 0.641 g
Tryptophan 0.209 g
Phenylalanine 0.737 g
Nonessential amino acids
Alanin 0.762 g
Aspartic acid 1.294 g
Glycine 0.434 g
Glutamic acid 1.662 g
Proline 0.518 g
Serin 0.992 g
Tyrosine 0.543 g
Cysteine 0.311 g
Cholesterol 844 mg
Omega-3 fatty acid 0.044 g
Omega-6 fatty acids 1.062 g
Saturated fatty acids (myristic, palmitic, stearic) 3.557 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids (palmitoleic, oleic or omega-9) 4.324 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic) 1.324 g

Source - Wikipedia

We remind you that all components are indicated per net weight of 100 grams of product. The weight of one quail egg is 10-12 grams. If you separate the thin shell of an egg, you get about 9 grams of the edible part.

Meanwhile, the shell of a quail egg is also worthy of attention. The main component is potassium carbonate (about 90%), which is easily absorbed by the body. In addition, the composition of the quail shell is closest to the composition of human teeth and bones. Doctors often recommend introducing it into the diet of children from 1 to 6 years of age, during pregnancy, to prevent caries and osteoporosis.

Quail eggs composition in the table

For comfortable and safe ingestion of the shell, it is necessary to pour boiling water over it, dry it and grind it to a powder state. Take 1/3 of a teaspoon as a supplement. It will be more effective if you add lemon juice and (or) a couple of drops of fish oil to the powder.

A quail egg is simply necessary for adequate nutrition for children. There are a lot of benefits from them, but there are no contraindications. Even those children who have diathesis can safely feast on one or two quail eggs.

More about the beneficial properties of quail eggs look in video from the magazine “How to do it yourself.”

Quail eggs are superior to chicken eggs in many nutrients. Five quail eggs, equal in weight to one chicken, contain five times more potassium, 4.5 times more iron, 2.5 times more vitamins B1 and B2. Quail eggs contain significantly more vitamin A, nicotinic acid, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, limiting and other amino acids. In addition, quail eggs have more protein than other brood birds.

Index Quail eggs Chicken Quail eggs
in % to chicken
Dry matter,% 25,4 22,4 113
Protein, % 12,8 11,6 110,3
B1 (thiamine) 137 49 280 Regulates many important functions of our body, for example, the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system
B2 (riboflavin) 1100 500 219 Regulates the oxidation process in body tissues, and also regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
PP (nicotinic acid) 110 99 111 Promotes protein metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs
A (retinol) 1180 780 151 Ensures normal growth of the body and is also found in the retina of the eye
Carotenoids 670 640 104 Yellow, orange and red fat-soluble pigments produced in biological world, close to vitamin A (retinol) and through it to the very important chromophore retinal.
Calcium 76 52 146 Together with phosphorus, it forms the basis of bone tissue, activates the activity of a number of important enzymes, participates in maintaining ionic balance in the body, affects processes occurring in the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems, and affects blood clotting
Phosphorus 213 185 115 Phosphorus compounds take part in energy exchange; muscle and mental activity and the life support of the body are associated with their transformations. Thanks to phosphorus, a quail egg is also a good potency stimulant.
Potassium 620 124 500 Regulates the acid-base balance of the blood. It is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, activates the work of a number of enzymes, activates the muscular work of the heart, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the skin and kidneys
Iron 404 88 429 Plays very big role in oxidative and reduction processes. Iron affects hematopoiesis and is involved in the formation of hemoglobin. Participates in respiration and immune responses
Copper 17 9,6 117 Promotes anabolic processes in the host’s body healthy image human life, participates in the functioning of certain enzymes, the synthesis of skin, hair and eye pigments, hemoglobin, affects the functions of the endocrine glands
Cobalt 6,6 3,8 173 Stimulates hematopoietic processes, participates in the synthesis of vitamin B12 by intestinal microflora, is part of B12-dependent enzymes, and is an activator of some enzymatic processes in nutrition
Lysine 1,05 0,75 140 Important for building critical body proteins. It is necessary for growth, tissue repair, production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes
Cystine 0,43 0,28 153 Plays an important role in the formation of skin tissue. Important for detoxification processes
Methionine 0,72 0,38 190 Promotes digestion, provides detoxification processes (primarily neutralization of toxic metals), reduces muscle weakness, protects against radiation exposure, is useful for osteoporosis and chemical allergies
Asparagine 1,16 0,79 146 Necessary to maintain balance in the processes occurring in the central nervous system; prevents both excessive excitation and excessive inhibition. It is involved in the synthesis of amino acids in the liver
Glutamine 1,72 1,44 119 Increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is necessary to maintain normal brain function.
Glutamine also maintains normal acid-base balance in the body and a healthy state gastrointestinal tract, necessary for DNA and RNA synthesis
Tryptophan 0,24 0,20 120 It is used to synthesize serotonin, one of the most important neurotransmitters, in the brain.
Tryptophan is used for insomnia, depression and to stabilize mood

Quail eggs are different increased content lysozyme, and this substance replenishes its endogenous reserve and normalizes the microflora. Along with this, lysozyme prevents the development of undesirable microflora in eggs, and they long time retain their freshness indoors.

Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs do not cause allergies in children and adults. On the contrary, the ovomucoid protein present in them is capable of suppressing allergic reactions, therefore, based on them, a medical preparation (ovomucoid extract) is used to treat allergies. The ovomucoid extract functions to provide patients with an additional trypsin inhibitor, which they lack due to genetic reasons.

And, most importantly, when consuming quail eggs raw, everything useful material are absorbed by the body almost 100%.
You can save on dietary supplements

Beneficial features quail eggs have been known for a very long time, and they are based on the valuable composition of this product.

Useful composition of quail eggs

Each quail egg weighs about 10-12 grams. Of course, a quail egg has a high protein content (about 13%), 12 g of fat per 100 g of product, and 168 kcal in calories.

It has been established that it is the quail egg that has the richest biological composition active substances, in comparison with any other eggs poultry. So they have more vitamin B12 than chicken, and also have a high content of other vitamins (B1, B2 and vitamin A). Quail eggs also contain valuable minerals and are therefore enriched with magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese, copper, cobalt and phosphorus. Quail eggs contain valuable amino acids. Quail eggs also contain a lot of iron.

It is believed that quail eggs are especially useful for vegetarians who have not given up eating dairy products and eggs.

Useful properties of quail eggs

A special property of quail eggs is that they are not contaminated with salmonellosis. This effect is due to the fact that the body temperature of the bird itself is 42°C, due to which quail are resistant to infections. This is due to the fact that quail eggs can be eaten raw. Thus, the body will receive all the valuable substances contained in the egg, which would be destroyed during heat treatment.

No less important fact– hypoallergenic quail eggs, which are recommended for feeding children, even those suffering from bronchial asthma.

The tonic properties of quail eggs are known; people who eat them are less susceptible to fatigue, more active and cheerful. Interestingly, quail eggs are even indicated for feeding bottle-fed infants.

The shell of a quail egg, which consists of 90% calcium and is perfectly absorbed by the human body, is also beneficial for human health. In addition to calcium, the shell contains about 30 more valuable elements, including fluorine, sulfur, zinc, etc. It is useful to know that the composition of the shell of such an egg is very close to the composition of human bone tissue.

Medicinal properties of quail eggs

People seeking to lead a healthy lifestyle should definitely include quail eggs in their diet, which will replace many popular food additives and provide the body with essential nutrients. By eating quail eggs, you can not only compensate for the deficiency of many mineral elements and vitamins, but also easily maintain the balance of nutrients in the body. Many experts consider quail eggs to be a natural concentrate of substances necessary for humans, real “ampoules of health.”

Due to its composition, quail eggs have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract. The positive effect of such eggs on the body’s defenses has also been noted. Which is especially important for people who often suffer from colds.

Medical studies have also shown the effectiveness of quail eggs in the prevention of mastopathy in women. Significantly strengthening the immune system, quail eggs serve as a good prevention of cancer.

It should also be noted that regular consumption of quail eggs helps cope with nervous system disorders. This product is also indicated for hypertension, anemia, diseases of the respiratory system, and diabetes.

Quail eggs are useful for children (especially those lagging behind in their development compared to their peers) and pregnant women (who help keep their teeth, nails and hair in good condition), which is also important for older people.

Due to their composition, quail eggs have a pronounced beneficial effect on male potency.

Cosmetic properties of quail eggs

It is known that tyrosine, which is part of the yolk of a quail egg, helps maintain healthy skin color. And if you also take into account the entire vitamin and mineral complex of substances in the egg, then the pronounced rejuvenating effect of this product becomes clear. That is why natural cosmetics based on quail egg components are so popular. Manufacturers produce creams, shampoos and other cosmetical tools, based on this valuable product. There are also many beauty recipes from traditional medicine, which actively uses useful composition quail egg.

Contraindications to eating quail eggs

Quail eggs are contraindicated for those people whose bodies cannot digest animal protein. Also, protein foods are contraindicated in certain disorders of the liver and kidneys. Therefore, if you have health problems, it is better to first discuss your diet with your doctor.

Of course, anyone useful product can turn into poison if overused. This means that you need to be very critical of the information (which can be gleaned from various sources) that by eating more than 300 quail eggs you can rejuvenate the body. At best, you will get indigestion, and at worst, serious food poisoning. Moreover, even if you consume a large number of eggs at once, you still won’t be able to force your body to absorb all the valuable substances. But with regular, reasonable consumption of quail eggs, you will provide your body with an invaluable service.

How and how many quail eggs can you eat?

If your goal is prevention or treatment with quail eggs, then they should be consumed raw, preferably before breakfast, about half an hour before, washed down with clean water.

The maximum safe dose of quail eggs per day (for an adult) is 4 pieces. If you include these eggs in your diet medicinal purposes, then be prepared to eat them every day for 3-4 months.

How to choose a quail egg

Some researchers claim that quail can still suffer from certain types of salmonellosis, so if you do not trust the manufacturer, avoid eating the raw product. And try not to buy eggs from your hands to prevent infection.

And even when purchasing quail eggs in stores, be careful about their expiration dates. Manufacturers usually provide a two-month product warranty. However, it is important to understand that so much for a long time The egg can remain fresh if it is always stored in a cool place with an air temperature no higher than 10°C. And since this cannot be verified, try to purchase a product that is no more than 20 days old. In this case, you can be sure of its freshness.

How to properly cook a quail egg

Quail eggs are often included in salads and other dishes, so the question arises about the time and method of their preparation.

Firstly, the eggs must first be removed from the refrigerator so that they do not burst during cooking. Secondly, quail eggs need to be dipped in boiling water. And thirdly, their cooking time should be five minutes if you want a hard-boiled egg, and no more than two minutes if you want a soft-boiled egg.

Despite the fact that quail eggs have a more pronounced taste than chicken eggs, which not everyone may like, include them in your menu, taking care of your own health and strengthening your immune system. Moreover, such a rich taste in salads can only be considered an advantage.

Romanchukevich Tatyana
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