What is the average height for men. Men and women from different countries were ranked by height. Growth deviations from the norm

Average height for men and women has increased significantly over the past century. This is due to improved nutrition, but individual health factors also had an impact. While average person taller than his great-grandfather, the extent of growth depends on region, nutritional status and other factors.

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Height of men in different countries

In 2010, the average American was 69.3 inches (176 cm) tall. One hundred years ago, the average American was 67 inches (170 cm) tall. Although they grew more than 2 inches (6 cm), the rate at which Americans grow has slowed compared to people from other countries.

In 1896, American men were the third tallest men in the world. They have since moved up to 37th place. It's not because Americans are growing slower; but because in other countries people are growing at a faster rate.

American growth has stabilized over the past 50 years. Every 20 years, Americans gain about 6 cm from their parents, but today's children are, on average, the same height as their parents. This is largely due to improved health and nutrition.

East Asians experienced a significant increase in height. Iranian men grew taller than people from other countries, increasing their height by an average of 6 inches (15 cm). And in sub-Saharan Africa, poor nutrition has led to reduced height.

Men in the Netherlands with a height of 72 inches (182 cm) are considered the tallest. Thus, the people of Eastern Europe occupy the top of the list.

Indonesian men are the smallest, with an average height of 62.25 inches (158 cm). Malawian men are 63 inches (160 cm) tall. Men from Yemen, Laos, and Madagascar are the shortest.

In the UK and Australia, men have an average height of 70 inches (178 cm). In France, the average height for men is 69.5 inches (177 cm).

The smallest women are in Guatemala and the Philippines, with an average height of 58 inches (147 cm).

Factors influencing the height of men

Genetics. The increase is 60-80 percent due to genetic factors. This suggests that genetics influences people's height. In more challenging environments, factors such as diet and disease can significantly affect a person's growth.

In addition to genetics, the following factors influence growth:

Birth weight. Birth weight is the result of many factors, including genetics and nutrition in the womb. This is an important predictor of the growth factor.

Premature birth. Premature babies tend to have low birth weight. In premature babies, growth remains low later in life.

Hormones. Hormones influence growth throughout life, especially during puberty. Hormonal imbalance leads to high or low height.

Nutrition. Nutrition is one of the main growth factors. Individuals who have a poor diet do not get enough calcium, vitamin D, and other vitamins and minerals.

Geographical position. There is a connection between geographical location, ethnicity and height. In addition to this factor, location affects exposure to natural sunlight, a source of vitamin D.

Factors influencing stunting

Growth retardation factors such as disorders eating behavior, severe illness, as well as exposure to certain drugs, can affect a person's growth.

Medical conditions, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure and cancer can also affect height. Other conditions that may affect growth:

Achondroplasiais a condition in which a person has short arms and legs, which is the main cause of dwarfism. People with achondroplasia are on average 48 inches (122 cm) tall.

Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED) causes a decrease in the size of the spinal column. This is a genetic disease that is diagnosed during adolescence. People with dwarfism may have a variety of health problems. EDS, for example, can lead to osteoarthritis.

Tectonic dysplasiais a rare genetic form of dwarfism in which a person has a short lower leg and forearm.

Conditions leading to gigantism

Pituitary tumors– Children with pituitary tumors secrete too much growth hormone, resulting in tall growth. Gigantism is almost always the result of a pituitary tumor, although some rare medical conditions can lead to excessive growth. These include:

  1. Carney syndrome;
  2. Neurofibromatosis;
  3. McCune-Albright syndrome;
  4. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.

Because of this, people who are abnormally tall are at risk for a number of health problems. Their excessive growth can affect the metabolic system and cause cardiovascular problems, including an increase in heart size.


  1. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration et al. A century of trends in adult human height //Elife. – 2016. – T. 5. – P. e13410.
  2. Lai C. Q. How much of human height is genetic and how much is due to nutrition // Scientific American. – 2006. – T. 11.

Man's height, or human body length- the distance from the apex of the head to the plane of the feet. In anthropology, height is one of the common anthropometric characteristics. Included in the list of indicators of human physical development.

Human height is influenced by genes and, equally important, by the environment. To factors environment may include the composition of inhaled air, the composition of food consumed, stressful conditions, sleep quality, long-term power loads, diseases, solar radiation intensity and much more. Genetic factors include gender, age, planned (genetically) development of the body, hereditary diseases, etc. So, for example, the average height of Chinese city dwellers is 165 cm (for men) and 155 cm (for women).

According to the global community of medical scientists “NCD Risk Factor Collaboration” (NCD-RisC), as of 2014, the highest average height in the world is among Dutch men: 182.5 cm and Latvian women: 169.8 cm. The shortest, as of 2014, are Timor-Leste men with an average height of 159.8 cm and Guatemalan women: 149.4 cm. Over the last century, South Korean women (more than 20 cm) and Iranian men (16.5 cm) have grown the most.

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    Increasing human height can be done in two ways - surgical and physiological.

    The surgical method involves surgical intervention in the human body. With this intervention, the bones of the legs or thighs are dissected, after which the operated segment is lengthened using a special device that allows for longitudinal increase in bone tissue on average 1 mm per day. Currently, there are several specialized centers performing such operations. The surgical method gives good results at almost any age. However, it has many disadvantages: the recovery period after surgery is about a year, and there is a risk of various complications. Finally, with this approach, the person becomes disproportionate because only his legs are lengthened. Although this method allows for growth correction in various diseases, when there is initially a disproportion in the lengths of segments of the limb and torso - Ollier's disease, achondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, etc.

    To lengthen the torso, there are traction trainers for the spine that can be used at home. This method does not require material costs and is not dangerous like surgery.

    If you use this method after the above, you can achieve even higher growth rates.

    Physiological method based on the natural ability of growth plates to increase the longitudinal size of skeletal bones. The most significant increase occurs when growth zones are affected by somatotropic hormone. With the end of puberty, growth zones are inhibited by the influence of the hormone testosterone. The physiological method of enlargement is based on a complex of various effects on growth zones: special physical exercise(hanging on a horizontal bar, stretching, bending), a special diet, biological food additives, a special daily routine. The physiological method requires more time and, in comparison with the surgical method, is less effective. However this method good because it does not interfere with daily activities, is not dangerous for complications and stimulates a person to a healthy lifestyle. After the completion of the natural formation and growth of the skeleton (20-30 years), the use of growth hormones (thyroid, adrenal glands, pituitary gland) can lead to disproportionate growth of certain parts of the body.

    Some facts

    Small stature

    A big increase

    • In itself, high growth is not yet a sign of gigantism - a serious illness caused by excessive production of somatotropic hormone. Healthy people with gigantic height (200 cm or more) differ from people of average height only in their height. And people with gigantism also differ in proportions.
    • The tallest person for whom there is reliable evidence was Robert Pershing Wadlow, born in 1918 in Alton, PC. Illinois, USA. When his height was measured on June 27, 1940, he was 2.72 m with an arm span of 2.88 m. His maximum recorded weight reached 223 kg.
    • Leonid Stadnik, born in 1971, was registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest person on Earth in 2007. Stadnik’s height is 257 cm. He is 21 centimeters taller than the previous record holder, Chinese Bao Xishun. Subsequently, Stadnik refused official measurements, which, according to the new rules, had to be carried out by the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records themselves. Leonid explained this by saying that he did not want to become famous due to his height. Until the last measurement, his height increased on average 1-1.5 cm per year. As a result, the title was returned to Bao Xishun. In 2009, the title passed to the Turk Sultan Kösen, who is 251 cm tall.
    • Sandy Allen, born in 1955 from the USA, is 2.32 m. She weighed 210 kg and wore shoe size 50. She starred in the film "Casanova Fellini."
    • Anna Hanan Swan from Canada was 2.27 m tall. On June 18, 1998, she married Martin van Buren Bates from Whitesburg, PC. Kentucky, USA, whose height was 2.20 m. According to the Guinness Book of Records, they made up the world's tallest married couple. However, there have previously been spouses whose total declared height was greater. So Fedor Makhnov and Eurosinya Lebedeva (215 cm) could well be taller. Most likely, Marten Bates (231 cm) and Anna Swan (242 cm) were also taller. The latter gave birth to the largest recorded children.

    Changes in height

    To obtain an accurate result, height (as well as a person’s weight) should be measured in the morning.

    • During a long-term stay in weightlessness, astronauts' height increases by 5-8 centimeters. However, this is quite dangerous, as the spine loses strength. After returning to Earth, growth gradually returns to its previous value.


    • When measuring height, it is necessary that the person touches the floor with both heels. If a person stands on one leg, he will be able to stretch about 1 cm higher.

    Average age-related changes in height

    A person grows unevenly. The length of the human body increases most rapidly during the prenatal period. At birth, the height of boys on average reaches 51.5 cm, girls - 51 cm. Then growth slows down. In the first year of life, a child grows by an average of 24 cm, in the second and third years - by 10 cm per year, from 3 to 7 years - by 6-6.5 cm . During puberty, the increase in height is 5-7 cm per year. Because girls puberty begins earlier, during this period they overtake boys in height, but after 14 years, boys catch up and surpass their peers.

    Growth in men ends on average at 18-20 years, in women - at 16-18.

    Human height is the length of the body from the base of the crown to the end of the feet. Height can be influenced by many factors, such as environment and heredity. Height also varies depending on age. In addition, height may be affected by belonging to a particular race or nation. For example, the height of Chinese men is 170 centimeters, and women - 160 centimeters, the average grade of Dutch men is 183 centimeters, and women - 170 centimeters. The average height of a man in Russia is 170 centimeters, and that of women is about 163 centimeters.

    How does the human body grow?

    A certain hormone is responsible for future growth - somatotropic. In children, adolescents and older people, that is, in those whose bone growth zones have not yet closed, the hormone causes a pronounced acceleration in length growth, mainly due to the growth of the long tubular bones of the limbs.

    Is it possible to increase height?

    Increase in height occurs surgically or physiologically. The surgical method is an surgical intervention in the human body. During this intervention, the bones of the thighs and legs are dissected, then the operated area is lengthened using a special device that helps lengthen the bones by 1 cm per day. Currently, this device is only available in specialized centers. This surgical method gives positive results at almost any age.

    In order to increase the length of your torso, there are special exercise machines that you can use at home. This method does not require significant material costs and does not pose any threat, unlike surgical intervention. However, if you use this method after the above, you can achieve better results.

    Average height of a man

    In Russia, 180 cm is considered normal height, but 100 years ago the height of the male population was only 167 centimeters. This fact indicates that the male population began to get sick less various diseases, which allowed the body to develop normally.

    Scientists were able to analyze the average height of men in about 15 European countries. Although the average has only increased by 11 centimeters, there are differences in some countries.

    So, the results of scientists. In Sweden, a man's height increased by 10 centimeters. Was 170 centimeters, became almost 180 centimeters. In Spain, the average increased by 12 centimeters. Was 163 cm in 1871-1875, became 175 cm in 1971-1975.

    What height can be called ideal for a man? In our society, it is considered the norm for a man to be taller than a woman, therefore, in order to look harmonious next to his companion, he must have considerable height. According to research from the California Institute ideal height men - 188 cm.

    What is the average height of a man in Russia?

    There are many young men in Russia who are 180 centimeters tall and above. However, this figure is not the average, as many believe.

    In the United States of America, in the state of Colorado, an employee of the branch of the Russian-American Independent Statistical Agency managed to find out next result. The average height of men is 170 centimeters, weight is 83 kilograms.

    The average height of a man in Russia in the 18th century was from 161 to 163 cm. As you can see, this is quite a bit compared to modern representatives of the stronger half of humanity. The average height of a man in Russia in the 19th century increased slightly and amounted to 169 cm.

    Changes in human height depending on his age

    Average height of a man in Russia by year:

    • After birth, around the first year of life, children grow by 23 centimeters.
    • By about two years of age, babies add another 10 centimeters in height.
    • By the fourth year of life, the child grows by 7.5-8 centimeters.
    • Boys from 5 to 7 years old grow 5.7 centimeters per year.
    • From 7 to 10 years they grow by 4.3 centimeters per year.
    • From 10 to 13 years - by 4.5 centimeters per year.
    • From 13 to 17 years old - by 5.1 centimeters per year.
    • From 17 to 19 years old, men lengthen by 1.5 centimeters per year.
    • At the age of 19-26, men grow by 0.5 centimeters per year. As a rule, after adulthood, men continue to grow if they had late puberty.

    You must soberly understand that a child cannot grow up to follow a ruler. Everyone develops individually, but the child should be constantly monitored from an early age by a pediatrician for early detection of any pathologies associated with pituitary hormones.

    A few facts about short stature

    • The smallest woman was Pauline Masters, also known as Princess Pauline. The girl was born in 1876. At birth, the baby’s height was only 30 centimeters, and by the age of 9 she was 50 centimeters and weighed 15 kilograms.
    • According to some sources, the smallest Lilliputian was Juan de la Cruz from India. This guy's height was only 54 centimeters.
    • Some dwarfs became famous thanks to military affairs. The Swedish king Gustav Adolf had a regiment in his army that consisted only of dwarfs.

    About great growth

    • The tallest man in history is Fyodor Makhnov (2.85 meters). Already at the age of eight, the boy was 180 centimeters tall and was very physically strong. And the maximum weight that was recorded for Fedor was 192 kilograms.
    • Sandy Allen, who starred in the film Casanova Fellini, was born in 1955 and had a height of 2.32 meters. At the same time, she weighed 210 kilograms and wore shoe size 50. Despite all the hardships, she remained kind and full of optimism until the last. She died in 2008.
    • In fact, tall height is not necessarily a sign of a disease such as gigantism, which is very severe. People with gigantism have body imbalances. This difference can be seen even with the naked eye.

    How might growth change?

    • During evolution, humanity became higher and higher. Over the past two hundred years, the stronger sex has lengthened by 10 centimeters, and women - by 9.1 centimeters. This phenomenon can be observed in all highly developed countries. An increase in average height is often associated with industrialization, with an improvement in the quality of life, with good nutrition, medical care, and with fewer young people doing strenuous work at a young age.
    • Throughout the day, a person’s height can change by 1-2 centimeters, with severe physical activity- 3 centimeters or more. During the day that we spend in an upright position, the intervertebral discs settle, and at night they restore their normal height.
    • To obtain more accurate results, height, as well as weight, should be measured in the morning.
    • Astronauts who are in a state of weightlessness for a long time may experience an increase in height by 5-8 centimeters. However, this phenomenon is quite dangerous for the body, since the spine loses its strength. After the astronauts return to earth, their height gradually returns to what it was.
    • When measuring height, make sure the person has both heels on the ground. If you transfer your weight to one leg, you can easily increase your height by another centimeter.

    • Tall people seem stronger, more powerful, more successful.
    • Successful people, in turn, appear taller. By the way, tall people tend to have higher incomes than shorter people.

    All people belong to the same species, and they are characterized by approximately the same size, fluctuating within a certain norm. The average in our time is 165 centimeters: if you take the height of all people living on the planet, regardless of their gender, health status and other factors, and calculate the arithmetic average, you will get this figure.

    But in fact, growth depends on many factors; no two people are alike. Thus, gender has a great influence on body size: on average, women are 10-20 centimeters taller. Long processes of evolution and adaptation of races to certain conditions have led to the fact that different races and nationalities have different heights. Thus, the average height of the Chinese is 160 centimeters: men – 165, and women – 155. For Europeans, these figures are higher: about 170 centimeters on average. And even between different nations you can find: for example, the Dutch are considered one of the tallest in Europe: in the Netherlands, the average height of men is as much as 185 centimeters, and women – 170.

    Human growth also depends on environmental conditions. Scientists believe that thanks to improved quality of life, nutritious nutrition, advanced medicine, genetic progress and other factors, the average human height has increased significantly over the past few hundred years. Two hundred years ago it was 10 centimeters smaller than it is now. Although in ancient times people were about the same as they are now, the decline began in the Middle Ages. Perhaps in the future the average height of people will also change, but it is not yet known in what direction.

    Growth deviations from the norm

    For certain reasons, a person may have significant deviations from the average height or norm - by several tens of centimeters. For example, on the banks of the Yenisei there lives a people with the smallest average height in Eurasia - 140 centimeters. In China, in the past, there was a village with several hundred inhabitants who were related to each other: their height was on average 110-120 centimeters. But the shortest people in the entire history of mankind were representatives of the Onge tribe who lived on the Andaman Islands: they rarely grew above 110 centimeters.

    At elevated level Somatropic hormone develops the disease gigantism - people with this disease can reach more than 200 centimeters in height, and also have disturbed body proportions. But there are also healthy people with the same height: the Guinness Book of Records records such figures as 272 and 257 centimeters for men and 232 and 227 for women.

    What is the average height of a man and a woman in Russia? In this article I will not talk about the fact that the generation in modern Russia grew by 10 centimeters. Oh, I still said it!!! The fact that in the USSR men and women were shorter is written in almost every article on the topic of the average height of men and women in Russia. In twenty years, the average height of men and women will change again. The generation is growing upward.

    What is the average height of a man in Russia?

    There are three assumptions about the average height of a man in Russia. These are 174 centimeters, 176 centimeters and the tallest man is 178 centimeters. And this is exactly in Russia. For the most part, the average height of a man in Russia is 176 centimeters. Whether it is true or not, no one knows.

    What is the average height of a woman in Russia?

    The average height of a woman in Russia is also divided into three assumptions: 162 centimeters, 165 centimeters and, of course, 166 centimeters. Again, it is simply impossible to know the exact average height of a woman in Russia. There are various assumptions that are based more on theory than on facts.

    There is a table of the average height of men and women in general, where the average height of a man is 174 centimeters, and the average height of a woman is 163 centimeters. This table also shows the average height of men and women in the world. Men – 176 centimeters, women – 164 centimeters.

    It should be remembered that a person’s height changes throughout the day from larger to smaller. After you wake up, your height is 1.5-2 centimeters higher. By evening it decreases. It is connected to the spine. After you've had a good night's sleep, your spine is slightly longer due to the greater distance between the spinal discs. Many people are not aware of this fact.

    My height in the morning is 176.3 centimeters. By evening - 174.1 centimeters. That is, according to some sources, I am either of average height or below average. And if we take the average height of a man as 178 centimeters, then I will always be below average.

    To be honest, my height really doesn’t suit me. At the age of 17 I was 173 cm, then I became 174.5 and then my height growth stopped. At the age of 17, I began to have complexes about this. I even did growth exercises, but they had no effect. By the way, I wrote an article: where I wrote that NO WAY.

    Well, now let's look at the average height in other countries. The Dutch (Netherlands) are the tallest in the world, while the Pygmies (Congo) are the shortest.

    Now you know the average height of men and women in Russia and other countries. Some people have complexes because of their short stature, like me, and others because they are tall. It is impossible to reduce growth, but you can increase it if you do it in time. Growth areas should be open. At the age of 17, I took an x-ray of my left hand, and from the picture I realized that the growth zones were closed, and this was already at the age of 17.

    Several of my comrades grew up at 18 years old. For example, one of my friends was 163 cm at the age of 17. He had a wild complex about this. His sisters reassured him, since they themselves are tall. One is 176 cm, the other is 178 cm. Which means it should be even higher. In addition to being short, he was also a skinny guy. Because of this, he was not accepted into the army, since he did not meet the weight requirements. Between 18 and 19 years old, he stretched up to 188 cm. Moreover, this was dramatic.

    Three classmates also outgrew me. More precisely two of them. One moved to our 10th grade from another school. He was about 178 cm tall. After the summer, when we all entered the 11th grade, I was surprised when I saw him. His height was 185 cm.

    Another classmate was always the shortest. I was head and shoulders above him. At 17, we were almost the same height. 5 years later I came across him in a shopping center where he worked as a salesman. So, his height was no lower than 178 cm. Now he looked down at me.

    Well, another classmate went to cadet school after 9th grade. Sometimes he came to our school, where I periodically noticed that he was catching up with me in height. Now he not only became taller, but also became as fat as a pig.

    At the age of 17 I wanted to use growth hormone, but unfortunately I didn’t get it. Now I’m 26 years old, and my growth zones are definitely closed, but at the end of 25 I started using growth hormone for bodybuilding. Oh yeah, athletes use it for recruiting. muscle mass. In September-October 2015, I injected growth hormone - Ansomon, 4 units per day. Later I learned that 42% of Ansomon develop antibodies to the hormone. That is, in the third week it does not work.

    Now I inject Jintropin - the original and considered the best growth hormone. I inject 10 units a day. If you are 16 years old, then you can grow with the help of growth hormone.

    average height of a man in Russia, average height of a woman in Russia

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