Calorie content of food and nutritional standards. Calorie content of foods and proper nutrition. Daily menu with calories

IN Everyday life Our every movement leads to the burning of a certain number of calories. Energy is consumed even when we eat the dishes, clean the apartment and walk in the park.

Every day the body needs to receive a specific amount of calories. This energy is needed for the proper functioning of all body systems.

Consuming insufficient quantities can lead to weakening of the body. At the same time, when there is too much food, it often leads to excess weight gain. It is for these reasons that a person must eat a certain set of food, and for each it is calculated individually.

The daily amount of calories is calculated taking into account lifestyle, age, and level of physical condition.

For example, active people or children spend much more calories than adults with a passive lifestyle.

In terms of energy, the value of food is measured in kilocalories per 100 grams of product. The energy value of each product is the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Our activity, appearance, performance and overall health depend on the volume of these components consumed in food.

Extra calories turn into fatty layers, and insufficient ones are removed from the body.

This is the weight loss plan.

Daily calorie intake for women (including pregnant women and breastfeeding)

The female body requires fewer kilocalories compared to men. But nature has decreed that the female sex gains weight faster. This is due to the body’s defense function for fruitful procreation. However, every girl wants to look beautiful and be in shape. In this case,

to save normal weight, a woman needs to pay attention to such criteria as age, lifestyle (activity level), as well as individual parameters of the body.

The number of calories allowed depends on your level of physical activity. Representatives of the fair half of humanity with a sedentary lifestyle You need to consume the following amount of calories:

  • for young girls from 18 to 25 years old, about 2000 calories will be enough;
  • if your age is from 26 to 50, 1800 calories is enough;
  • Women over 50 years old should consume a maximum of 1,600 calories.

To the ladies who lead moderate activity lifestyle, you must adhere to the following diet:

  • without fear for your figure, girls from 18 to 25 years old can consume 2200 kcal;
  • at the age of 26-50 it is better to focus on 2000 kcal;
  • after 50 years, 1800 kcal per day is recommended.

At high activity required:

  • from 18 to 30 years old - you need to eat foods that contain 2400 calories;
  • the daily diet for females aged 31-60 years is about 2200 kcal;
  • It is enough to consume 2000 kcal per day for women over 60 years of age.

If a girl wants to lose weight, then she needs to reduce daily consumption food for a certain amount of calories. There is a popular belief that a woman needs to reduce her intake by 1,200 calories to lose weight, especially if she leads a sedentary lifestyle.

However sharp reduction in calories daily ration may lead to significant disruptions: interruptions in menstruation, cardiovascular problems, as well as deterioration of the body system that is responsible for immunity. With these reasons in mind, the number of calories should be reduced gradually, eliminating some foods with high energy value. Such measures will allow the weight loss process to proceed without dangerous consequences for the body.

Expectant mothers need to remember that they are strictly prohibited from losing weight during pregnancy. The daily diet of a woman expecting a child depends on how far along she is in pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, your daily food intake should increase from 2500 to 3200 calories per day.

It is very important to eat the required amount of food throughout pregnancy and after birth.

The diet of a woman who feeds a baby should be at least 3500 kcal.

Breast milk is almost 87% water. That's why at breastfeeding a woman needs to drink a lot of water– at least two to three liters per day.

Also, after giving birth, you should not start fighting the weight you have gained for 6 weeks. During this period, a young mother needs to relax, rejoicing at the birth of her child and do everything to ensure that through breast milk he receives all the substances necessary for growth and development. She can go on a strict diet to restore her shape only after weaning the baby.

Daily calorie intake for men

The number of calories per day is quite important for men. This is important because you need to not only strive to be slim, but first of all to be healthy and strong.

A healthy person is a beautiful person.

The metabolic process occurs much faster in men. Based on this, the daily diet of a man differs significantly from that of a woman.

The stronger sex needs a large number of protein that promotes weight gain muscle mass, because Protein is a kind of building block for creating muscle mass. There is some unpleasant tendency for men: excess calories are deposited in their stomach, and not on their hips - like girls.

It is much easier for men to lose weight than for women. It is necessary to increase the level of physical activity and reduce the amount of flour products and sugar, and in a couple of weeks you can see the result. However, many men may not tolerate various diets well.

If a man's goal is fitness support, but at the same time he leads a passive lifestyle, he needs to focus on such daily norm:

  • between the ages of 18 and 30, it is enough to consume 2400 calories;
  • for men 31-50 years of age, 2200 is enough;
  • if a man is over 50 years old, there will be plenty of calories from 2200 to 2400 per day.

If lifestyle is of medium intensity, he needs to comply with the norm in the following quantities:

  • at the age of 18 to 30 years, the calorie norm is 2600-2800 kcal;
  • when a man is 31-50, then it is necessary to focus on the norm in the amount of 2400 to 2600 kcal;
  • if the age reaches more than 50 years, you need 2200-2400 kcal per day.

At high activity a representative of the strong half of humanity should adhere to the following:

  • a norm of 3000 calories is suitable for men from 18 to 30 years old;
  • 31-50 years is the age at which it is necessary to consume 2800-3000 kcal.
  • a man over the age of 50 needs from 2400 to 2800 calories.

If you follow the above standards, a man will always be in great shape, active, slim and, of course, healthy.

Daily value for children and adolescents

Daily children's diet depends on age.

The caloric content of food should increase every six months.

This is necessary so that the child’s growing body develops well.

The number of calories should be based on age A:

  • For very small children, 1200 calories per day will be enough;
  • children from 2 to 3 years old need a little more - 1400;
  • children 3-6 years old should consume 1800 to 2000 calories per day;
  • at the age of 6-10, approximately 2000-2400 calories will be enough;
  • The diet of children aged 10 to 13 years is no more than 2900 calories.

The important part is the quality of calories consumed. Since confectionery (flour) products and various drinks containing sugar do not have beneficial properties.

Therefore, such food should be limited in quantity, because it can harm the child’s body. Meaningful foods include healthy fruits, dairy products, various vegetables, quality meat and seafood.

The intense rhythm of life requires adjustments to the daily diet. With high mobility, the child needs to eat more food.

When you turn 13 years old, your diet can be tailored based on the required number of calories that a growing teenager should consume.

Food intake during this period must be carefully selected and balanced. First of all, a sufficient supply of calories is very important for the reason that during this period the process of maturation of the body occurs. Also The level of immunity depends on a teenager’s diet A. It is necessary to limit unhealthy foods and snacks on the run, as such a diet can lead to various diseases, such as gastritis.

A significant factor when creating a diet is the level of physical activity. So, if a teenager goes to sports clubs, then the required daily calorie content includes from 2200 to 2500 calories per day for boys, 1800-2200 for girls. With a sedentary lifestyle, it will be enough to eat food a day whose calorie content will not exceed 2000 calories.

Weight loss and weight gain

For those losing weight the number of calories per day is the energy needed, which allows you to receive nutrients for the normal functioning of the body, and, moreover, to lose excess weight.

Many of those who are determined to get into great shape bother themselves with various calculations. Most people reduce the required calorie intake (for example, for men - from 2600 to 3200 calories, and for women - 2100-3000 is enough) to an absurd amount - no more than 700 to 1000 calories per day.

This calculation is fundamentally wrong - due to a lack of energy, the body experiences severe shock. It leads to the fact that the body’s metabolic process slows down, muscle mass is consumed as “fuel” for life, and a person’s well-being significantly deteriorates.

As a rule, as a result of such strict and rigid diets, lost excess weight comes back quickly. To get a long-term effect, you need to carefully calculate the caloric content of your diet. For this, a calculator for calculating calories is useful, as well as special formulas that take into account all the parameters of a person: height, lifestyle (passive or more active) and age.

Calorie content should be at least 1300-1500 calories per day in general.

An important factor when calculating is proper distribution of nutrients, from which the products are composed. Protein needs to make up at least 20% of the daily calorie intake, fats - no more than 30%, carbohydrates - less than 50%.

Exists easy way Calculate your daily calorie intake yourself. The essence of the method is a calculation that depends on the weight and index.

Using this formula, you need to multiply the weight by the individual index, then divide this number by 0.453. The index for men is 15, and for women – 14. Those who lose excess weight need to substitute the desired weight after losing weight into the formula.

Thus, this result will show the number of calories that you need to consume daily to achieve your cherished goal.

A person who wants to be slim, in addition to consuming the calculated amount of calories, must include physical exercise in his lifestyle.

The golden rule of losing weight is that calories burned should exceed the amount consumed!

When gaining muscle mass It is impossible to do without proper nutrition. Even the best-chosen exercise program will not be able to promote muscle growth if a person consumes small amounts of all nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats). The required number of calories can be calculated using different formulas. To gain weight, the resulting number is increased by 10-20%.

Daily calorie intake for sports

Important rule healthy eating- This is compensation for the body’s energy costs with the value and calorie content of each food product. In other words, you need to eat as energy is expended. By consuming extra calories, a person will gain extra pounds of weight, and their deficiency will lead to weight loss contrary to such desire.

So, we have already found out that there is a certain amount of calories in order to modern man coped with everyday activities, but at the same time, without gaining excess weight. People who exercise need to eat properly and consistently in order to perform its task efficiently.

Depending on the complexity of the sport, it is necessary to select a daily diet of foods.

The above standards for men, women, adolescents and children should be increased by approximately 10-30% based on the load on the body.

In addition to increasing the calorie intake, for an athlete it is important to consume quality food- this is the main condition for the normal functioning of all body systems. Diet of a person who exercises various types sport must be properly balanced. Such a reasonable balance is the necessary ratio of all elements in the food that an athlete consumes.

If you eat some product with a lot of calories and do not consume various nutrients, the body will experience heaviness or some kind of disturbance. Therefore, it is important for an athlete to reasonably calculate the amount of calories and each type of element (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates).

A modern person wants to be slim, beautiful and stay young longer. Appearance now playing big role in society. People spend many months, even years, to get into great shape. Fit and beautiful figure indicates that its owner has the correct information and will to achieve his cherished goal.

An important factor in losing weight and maintaining a stable weight is counting the required calories per day.. We have already found out that such a norm should be selected individually for everyone and taking into account many factors.

Exist important rules, which you need to remember! The first thing is that when going on a diet, you should under no circumstances reduce the calorie content of your daily diet to less than 1200 calories. A decrease below this norm can lead to adverse consequences.
The second rule is that we must not forget about nutrients, which are contained in various products. A certain amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats should be consumed every day. Low levels of these elements can be harmful to health.

In addition to the fact that everyone wants to be thin and slender, we must not forget about our health.

Before choosing any strict diet, count calories, analyze the presence of useful elements and the usefulness of the diet.

The key to success for slim people is eating the right foods and exercising!

How many calories does a person need per day? On this page you can calculate your basal metabolic rate (basal metabolic rate) and daily calorie needs to maintain your current weight.

Enter all the necessary data into the calculator and click the “Calculate” button. In the table below you will receive two important, strictly individual parameters of your body.

BX- this is the amount of energy (calories) required to maintain the vital functions of the body in a state of complete rest. This is the energy that you spend even if you don't move at all. If a person begins to move, his energy expenditure, of course, increases in proportion to the amount and intensity of physical effort. It is also known that the higher the muscle mass, the higher the basal metabolic rate, since trained muscles, even at rest, spend a lot of energy (about 50 kcal per day per 1 kg of muscle). Cm. .

How many calories does an average person need per day?

Daily calorie needs is the number of calories from food required to maintain current weight. If you are trying to reduce your weight, try to keep the calorie content of your diet at least 5-10% lower than this figure. If you need to gain weight, try to take in more calories than this figure. Cm. .

Take in as many calories per day as a person of your desired weight would take.

Enter your information here to calculate calorie content

Knowing your a basic level of metabolism (BOOM), you can intelligently calculate your diet to maintain your weight at the same level. Below is the Harris-Benedict table, which allows you to calculate the calorie content of your daily diet based on the value of your basal metabolic rate and the degree of physical activity.

This table is the basis for this calculator to determine how many calories a person needs per day.

The basal metabolic rate is calculated using a special formula. At the moment, the Muffin-Jeor formula, derived in 1990, is considered the most accurate formula:

P = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4.92 * age (years) + constant (different for men and women)

Previously, the Harris-Benedict formula was used, which is now 90 years old. As a survey conducted in 2005 showed, due to significant changes in people's lifestyles in the last century, the old formula is 5% less accurate than the modern one.

Thus, the disadvantage of both formulas is that they do not take into account the percentage of muscle in the body, although, as we already know, it is muscle mass that directly affects the metabolic rate. Therefore, the Ketch-McArdle formula, based solely on this indicator, is more correct:

P = 370 + 21.6 * LBM(kg)

where LBM is body mass minus fat. All that remains is to estimate the amount of fat. This can be done (albeit very approximately) using the “YMCA formula”, based on 3 parameters (gender, weight, waist circumference). This formula looks like this.

For men:

Fat_percentage = (4.15 * waist_circumference - 0.082 * weight - 98.42) / weight

For women:

Fat_percentage = (4.15 * waist_circumference - 0.082 * weight - 76.76) / weight

The above calculator automatically calculates the basic metabolic rate, taking into account all the above formulas, and indicates how many calories you need per day at your level of physical activity.

The diet is suitable for men who want to lose weight and for women who want to gain muscle mass. However an important condition Gaining muscle mass is not so much about nutrition as it is about well-structured strength training. This diet can also be used by people who want to develop the habit of eating right and do not want to lose weight.

The high calorie content of the diet encourages six meals a day. To avoid feeling heavy after eating, distribute your meals evenly throughout the day. The best option is three main meals and three snacks. The last snack should be the lightest. It can be done 2 hours before bedtime. Please note that protein comes with every meal, and carbohydrates are reduced in the evening. Don't forget to drink water between meals.

Menu for 2000 kcal

Breakfast (468 kcal): Oatmeal on water with milk, honey and raisins, two soft-boiled eggs and black coffee

  • - 50 gr.
  • - 110 gr.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 15 gr.
  • - 9 gr.
  • - 160 ml.

Cook oatmeal with raisins in water, and add milk and honey to the already prepared one. Boil the eggs. This way they store more useful substances, and they are better absorbed.

Snack (296 kcal): Whole grain toast with chicken fillet, cheese and tomato, orange and tea

  • - 35 gr.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 50 gr.
  • - 30 gr.
  • - 130 gr.
  • (to taste) - 1 gr.
  • (to taste) - 1 gr.
  • - 240 ml.

Dry the bread in a dry non-stick frying pan. Layer layers of tomato, pre-cooked chicken fillet and cheese on top of it. Salt and pepper are the same as those used to cook the chicken. Add an orange or other citrus fruit and sugar-free tea to your meal.

Lunch (523 kcal): Vegetable soup, brown rice with chicken and black tea

  • - 50 gr.
  • - 450 gr.
  • - 100 gr.
  • - 5 gr.
  • (to taste) - 2 gr.
  • (to taste) - 1 gr.
  • (to taste) - 1 gr.
  • - 240 ml.
  • (for cooking rice).

Boil rice with chicken. Vegetable soup replaces a portion of vegetables. Since this meal already contains complex carbohydrates in the form of rice, do not use potatoes and cereals to make soup. You can add a non-nutritive sweetener to your tea if you wish.

Snack (252 kcal): Cottage cheese with honey and strawberries

  • - 150 gr.
  • - 9 gr.
  • - 100 gr.

Mix cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey, add fresh or frozen berries.

Dinner (317 kcal): Baked carp, dietary vinaigrette and green tea

  • - 150 gr.
  • - 50 gr.
  • - 50 gr.
  • - 50 gr.
  • - 50 gr.
  • - 5 gr.
  • - 5 gr.
  • (to taste) - 2 gr.
  • (to taste) - 2 gr.
  • (for cooking vegetables).
  • - 240 ml.

Separately, boil the vegetables in their jackets, then cool, peel, chop, pepper and salt, and season with oil. Carp is a moderately fatty fish. Its fat is very healthy, so bake the fish in foil. First rub it with salt, pepper and lemon juice. You can add a non-nutritive sweetener to your tea if you wish.

Snack (144 kcal): A glass of natural yogurt

  • - 240 ml.

Two hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of natural yogurt without additives.

  • Calorie content of the diet - 2000.1 kcal
  • Proteins - 152.3 g.
  • Fats - 69.9 gr.
  • Carbohydrates - 197.8 g.

The ingredients in all meals are indicated in unprepared form, except for the portion of chicken fillet in the first snack and vegetable soup at lunch. Convert the calorie content of the dishes you prepare in advance to adjust healthy eating principles to your taste preferences.

When calculating the caloric content of dishes, focus on raw and dry ingredients, since food changes its volume during cooking.

It has long been known that the human diet must contain a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber for the normal functioning of absolutely all systems and organs, as well as to meet energy needs. This is an axiom, so there can be no disagreement in this regard, but what about calories? In this article we will try to understand the caloric content of the diet.

Calorie concept

Calorie content is a purely individual thing, because all people are different and everyone needs their own specific calorie intake. Calories are the very tool that you need to use to adjust the needle on the scale, because from a lack of calories you will lose weight, and from an excess you will gain weight. That's why many athletes count the number of calories they eat and adjust their diet to suit themselves and their needs.

In a state of absolute rest, our body needs to supply energy fuel (approximately 1700 kcal for men and 1400 kcal for women). To perform any work, energy consumption will increase, which will be reflected in an increase in the calorie content of our diet.

Children under 12 months – 1200 kcal;
Children under 3 years old – 1500 kcal;
Children under 6 years old – 2 thousand kcal;
Children under 10 years old – 2400 kcal;
Children under 14 years old for boys - 2800 kcal and 2500 kcal for girls;
From 14 to 18 years old for boys – 3200 kcal and for girls – 2700 kcal;
For people with mental work and light physical activity, 1800-2 thousand kcal;
For people with light physical work – 2100-2200 kcal;
For hard physical labor and high physical activity – 2900-3100 kcal;

⇑ High-calorie meals are recommended for those who actively train, work at low temperatures, are in the recovery period, have tuberculosis, and pregnant and nursing mothers.

⇓ You need to reduce the energy value of your diet with a sedentary lifestyle, for weight loss, with severe diabetes, exacerbation peptic ulcer, gout and various diseases heart and blood vessels.

If you a common person who leads an ordinary life without permanent physical activity, then your daily calorie intake should consist of approximately 20% protein, 20% fat and 60% carbohydrates. It is also recommended to stick to fractional meals, or simply divide all your meals into 3-4 doses per day. In this case, you need to eat food in the following ratios energy value: breakfast – 30% daily calorie content, lunch - 45%, dinner 25%, and the last dose should be a couple of hours before bedtime.

More details with the table daily requirement in calories you can find in this article

Admit it, many of you are not enthusiastic about the need to go on a diet precisely because you will have to limit yourself in everything, both by reducing the usual amount of food you eat and narrowing the variety of your menu.

It turns out that you can do without such sacrifices if you simply count calories: knowing your daily calorie intake and carefully counting the calorie content of your menu, you can gradually get rid of excess weight.

Yes, this is troublesome, but in return we get the opportunity to eat almost all foods (except, of course, those that are obviously harmful) and even sometimes the amount of food does not change, you just need to pay attention to the total amount of calories.

Calorie diet: the essence of this method and the necessary calculations

The principle of this diet is simple: you can achieve weight loss by individually determining the required daily calorie intake and reducing it proportionally.

Let's figure out exactly what and how to count. It’s easiest with foods: there are special calorie tables; all you have to do is have them in front of your eyes and do the calculations. No one forces you to do this with your fingers or in your mind, the calculator will help you, so there is nothing complicated in this part.

Kitchen scales and containers for measuring volume will also be useful, because the tables usually indicate calorie data per 100 grams of product. Therefore, you will have to weigh and take into account all the products included in a particular dish. And in order not to completely get confused in these numbers, we advise you to keep a special food diary.

The calorie diet also has another numerical indicator - this is the maximum calorie intake per day at which weight loss is possible. It is determined individually, and it is influenced by too many factors:

  • gender (you need to take into account at least the fact that men have more muscles, and therefore need more calories);
  • age (after 20 years, every 10 years the amount of calories decreases by 2%);
  • height (tall people need more calories because they have a larger body area)
  • actual and desired weight;
  • intensity of physical activity;

Calculation of calories needed by any person per day can be determined using formulas that take into account all these points.

Calorie diet: important points

Due to the complexity of such calculations, the menu for the day should be prepared in advance.
It is important to stick to 5 meals a day, distributing calories in the following ratio:

breakfast - 25%;
second breakfast - 10%
lunch - up to 30%,
hearty afternoon snack - up to 25,
dinner - only 10%.

So that when reducing calories, the body does not suffer from the lack of some necessary substances, you need to include foods from 5 groups in your daily menu: vegetables, proteins, grains, fruits and polyunsaturated fats should always be present in your diet.

1200 calorie diet: pros and cons of this method of losing weight

How to use calorie counting to lose weight? It is enough to calculate the daily amount of calories at your current weight using formulas and reduce this norm. But, unfortunately, this figure cannot be reduced indefinitely; a moment may come when, as a result of a sharp restriction of the number of calories, the body itself will suffer, irreversibly, and possibly depletion. Therefore, for safe weight loss, it is better not to cross the line of 1200 calories - the minimum number of calories at which safe weight loss is still possible, but this figure is limiting.

1200 calorie diet

There is a 1200 calorie diet, following which, within a month you can see the first results - minus 3-5 kilograms. You can choose any product, but only carefully calculate it so that the overall result does not exceed this norm.

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