Oxygen starvation of muscles. Hypoxia – what kind of disease is it? Types of pathological condition

The thunderstorm of the autumn-spring period is bronchitis. It often begins with a common cold and other respiratory diseases - sore throat or sinusitis. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat bronchitis correctly. Many people avoid using strong medications and take medication folk remedies. Often this becomes the reason for the transition of manifestations of bronchitis into the chronic course of the disease. Antibiotics for bronchitis should not be taken on your own - be sure to consult your doctor.

Treatment regimen for bronchitis and pneumonia with antibiotics

Treatment of respiratory tract inflammation is carried out in a hospital or on an outpatient basis. Mild bronchitis can be successfully treated at home; chronic or acute manifestations require hospitalization. Bronchitis and pneumonia are insidious diseases, so do not self-medicate. For adults and children, doctors prescribe different antibiotics and use different health procedures. So, antibiotics for bronchitis and the treatment regimen depend on:

  • age;
  • presence of a tendency to allergies;
  • nature of the disease (acute, chronic);
  • type of pathogen;
  • parameters of the drugs used (speed and spectrum of action, toxicity).

Antibiotics have a powerful effect on the human body, and their thoughtless use can harm rather than help. For example, the use of strong drugs to prevent bronchitis may have the opposite effect. Constant use of antibiotics suppresses the immune system, contributes to the appearance of dysbiosis, and adaptation of disease strains to the medications used. Therefore, it cannot be said that antibiotics are for bronchitis - the best remedy. Treatment of obstructive bronchitis with antibiotics is prescribed in the following cases:

  • if there is a high temperature (more than 38 degrees) that lasts longer than 3 days;
  • purulent sputum;
  • protracted nature of the disease - treatment for more than a month does not bring recovery.
  • severe symptoms during exacerbation.
  • if sputum analysis reveals pathogens of a bacterial or atypical nature.

In adults

What antibiotics should adults take for bronchitis? A specific treatment regimen is applied based on the severity of the disease, its course and the age of the patient. For acute bronchitis, medications of the penicillin group are prescribed - Erythromycin. For chronic cases, it is possible to use Amoxiclav, Augmentin. If this group of drugs does not help, switch to the use of Rovamycin, Sumamed, etc.

For older people, Flemoxin, Suprax, Ceftriaxone are prescribed. If a sputum analysis has not been performed, then preference is given to broad-spectrum antibiotics: Ampicillin, Streptocillin, Tetrazikin, etc. After the analysis, the doctor prescribes targeted medications. The decision about which antibiotics to take for bronchitis in adults is made by the attending physician. In any case, you should adhere to following principles treatment:

  1. The medications are taken strictly according to the instructions (dosage, schedule) at regular intervals.
  2. It is unacceptable to skip taking pills.
  3. If the symptoms of bronchitis have disappeared, you cannot stop treatment without permission.

In children

Unlike adults, treating bronchitis in children with antibiotics is highly undesirable and dangerous. The use of drugs is allowed only if there is a suspicion of an infectious type of disease. It is better for children to take drugs of the penicillin group. For children with asthma, the use of azithromycin and erythromycin is allowed. Otherwise, the child’s treatment regimen is standard and is aimed at eliminating symptoms. Prescribed:

  • bed rest, child care;
  • drugs to reduce fever;
  • remedies for cough and sore throat;
  • use of traditional medicine.

Groups of new generation antibacterial drugs

Penicillins(oxacillin, ampicillin, ticarcillin, piperacillin). The group of drugs includes Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Panklav, etc. They have a bactericidal effect, affecting the formation of the protein wall of a harmful bacterium, as a result of which it dies. Drugs containing it are considered the safest. The only negative is the property of causing allergic reactions. If the disease is advanced and drugs with penicillin do not have the desired effect, then they switch to stronger drugs.

Macrolides. An extensive group of drugs that include erythromycin, oleandomycin, midecamycin, dirithromycin, telithromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin. Prominent representatives macrolides on the pharmacological market are the drugs “Erythromycin”, “Claricin”, “Sumamed”. The mechanism of action is aimed at disrupting the life of the microbial cell. In terms of safety, macrolides are less harmful than tetracyclines and fluoroquinols, more dangerous than penicillins, but are well suited for people with allergies. In combination with penicillins, their effectiveness is reduced.

Fluoroquinolones(pefloxacin, lomefloxacin, sparfloxacin, gemifloxacin, moxifloxacin). The drugs on the market are Afelox, Afenoxin, and medications of the same name as the main active ingredient, for example, Moxifloxacin. This group is specifically used as a medicine for bronchitis. It is prescribed only if the previous two groups of antibiotics did not have an effect on the causative agent of the disease.

Cephalosporins(active ingredients – cephalexin, cefaclor, cefoperazone, cefepime). Based on the type of pathogen, the patient is prescribed Cephalexin, Cefuroxime Axetil, and Cefotaxime. Limited in action on some pathogens. For example, such antibiotics have absolutely no effect on pneumococci, chlamydia, microplasma, listeria. First generation drugs are practically not absorbed into the blood, and therefore are prescribed by injection.

What antibiotics are the most effective?

Amoxicillin. Release form: capsules and granules. Adults take 500 mg (1-2 capsules) 3 times a day; if bronchitis is severe, the dosage is doubled to 1000 mg. The child is prescribed from 100 to 250 mg per day, depending on age. To make it easier for children to take, a suspension is prepared - the antibiotic is diluted in half a glass of water and shaken. The method of administration is only orally, the medicine is not administered by injection.

Sumamed. Used for bronchitis and pneumonia. Not used by patients with liver and kidney dysfunction. Available in tablets, capsules, powder for suspensions. Dosage for adults – 500 mg per day, course 3-5 days. For children, the dose is determined by weight - 5-30 mg of medication per 1 kg. Only a specialist can tell you a more accurate and correct dosage; do not neglect your doctor’s opinion.

Levofloxacin and Moxifloxacin. Positioned as antibiotics for chronic bronchitis in adults (over 18 years of age). Highly effective for pneumonia, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, infections of various etiologies. The use of this antibiotic is accompanied by drinking plenty of fluids. Direct contact with ultraviolet radiation of any origin should be avoided. Release form: tablets. Dosage – 1-2 times a day, 500 mg.

Cefazolin. Available in powder for the preparation of infusions and injections. Methods of administration: intravenous and intramuscular only. For adults, 3-4 injections are given per day, 0.25-1 g each. The treatment course is 7-10 days. The pediatric dose is determined in proportion to the child’s weight - 25-50 mg per 1 kg. Inject – 3-4 times a day. If patients have renal dysfunction, dosage adjustments are made.

Side effects

Antibiotics, due to their nature, have an extensive list side effects. From the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, vomiting, dysbacteriosis, constipation, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, flatulence, dry mouth. From the genitourinary organs - itching, impotence, kidney failure, blood in the urine. From the locomotor system - dizziness, arthritis, muscle weakness, numbness of the limbs, paralysis. Skin reactions include urticaria, itching, allergic reactions.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the bronchi. There may be several types, each of which has distinctive symptoms and specific antibiotic treatment for adults, which must be prescribed by a doctor. Remember that self-medicating such a serious disease as bronchitis at home is simply dangerous!

Types and symptoms of bronchitis in adults

The inflammatory process in question can occur in the following forms.

Let's consider the classification of bronchitis:

  • purulent– sputum released when coughing contains an admixture of pus;
  • purulent-serous– characterized by the release of specific sputum, differing gray and the presence of “fibers”/speckles of pus;
  • fibrinous– the patient’s sputum is very viscous and thick, it is difficult to separate, which provokes a narrowing of the bronchial lumen and, as a consequence, attacks of bronchospasms;
  • hemorrhagic– the inflammatory process affects blood vessels, thins their walls and blood enters the sputum;
  • catarrhal– the most common form of bronchitis, characterized by accumulation large quantity mucus in the upper bronchi.

This disease can have a different course:

  • acute bronchitis– always begins suddenly, accompanied by chest pain (even with deep breathing), paroxysmal cough and fever;
  • Chronical bronchitis– is a consequence of an untreated acute form, has all of the above, but in a less pronounced form, and hyperthermia (increased body temperature) may be completely absent.

When examining a patient and conducting diagnostics, the doctor must differentiate bronchitis by functional characteristics:

  • non-obstructive– narrowing of the bronchi, sudden bronchospasms and suffocation are not observed;
  • obstructive– due to a large amount of viscous sputum or due to the anatomical features of the patient’s body, a significant narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi occurs. In this case, the patient complains of shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation, accompanied by a strained dry cough. We recommend that you also read about.

Antibiotics for bronchitis

Many who have noticed the first symptoms of the disease in question begin treating bronchitis with propolis, soda, garlic and other folk remedies and ordinary cough tablets - this is completely wrong! Only antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) can directly relieve inflammation and pathogenic microorganisms (bronchitis has an infectious etiology), and all other treatment methods and remedies will only alleviate the patient’s condition. This does not mean at all that you need to immediately and unconditionally undergo a course of antibacterial therapy - you will still need to consult a doctor, but this is what is used most often, as indicated in the article. Read about the treatment of bronchitis in adults with folk remedies.

In acute bronchitis, antibiotics are not prescribed at all - this form of the inflammatory process has a viral etiology, and the medications in question are absolutely useless in the fight against viruses for health.

Antibiotics can be prescribed in tablets and injections, but most often it is the tablet form of medicines that is used - it allows you to complete the entire course of treatment on an outpatient basis, without the need to stay in the hospital.

Doctors may prescribe injections with antibacterial drugs in the following cases:

  • body temperature reaches the highest limits and remains at this level for more than a day;
  • there is pus in the sputum;
  • bronchospasms and severe shortness of breath are observed.

In addition, antibiotics can also be used during inhalation with a nebulizer - this is generally considered the most effective method treatment. The drug enters directly onto the walls of the bronchi affected by the inflammatory process and acts locally.

Read also about how to treat bronchitis in children.

Old generation antibiotics

Most often in the treatment of bronchitis different forms and types, doctors prescribe penicillins - drugs of an older generation, but this does not make them any less effective. Recommended drugs:

  • Augmentin;
  • Panclave;
  • Amoxiclav.

There should be 3 such receptions per day (every 8 hours). Penicillins give a very good effect, but more often the pathogenic bacteria that cause bronchitis are found to be resistant to these drugs. Therefore, the patient is prescribed a medicine, then the dynamics of the disease are monitored (for 3 days) and in the absence of positive “shifts” the antibiotic is replaced with another, more effective one.


If the patient has individual intolerance and/or hypersensitivity to penicillin antibiotics, he is prescribed macrolides. These include:

  • Clarithromycin;
  • Erythromycin.

The drug is produced in tablet form, so the dosage is calculated as follows: 1 tablet per dose, use should be every 6-8 hours.

Modern new good antibiotics

For obstructive bronchitis, new generation antibiotics are prescribed - cephalosporins, which are introduced into the body only by injection - intramuscularly or intravenously (in especially severe cases). These include:

  • Levofloxacin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Cefuroxime.

The exact dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician - it will depend on the severity of the disease, general condition patient, “neglect” of the inflammatory process.


If the patient has previously been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, then at the first signs of exacerbation, fluoroquinolones should be taken - broad-spectrum antibiotics, identical to cephalosporins, but softer/gentler. Most often prescribed:

  • Moxifloxacin;
  • Lefofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

How much of the drug is needed for one injection can only be determined by a doctor - in this case, it is unreasonable to make a decision on your own.

The chronic form of bronchitis can always and certainly be treated with antibiotics - they will help “drive” the inflammatory process into a stage of long-term remission.

Antibiotics and the most effective inhalations in a nebulizer

Antibiotics can also be used for inhalation with a nebulizer - the effect will be provided almost immediately, because in this case the drug will act in a targeted/localized manner immediately after entering the body. Fluimucil is most often prescribed for this type of treatment. A drug that contains both an antibacterial agent and a special one for thinning sputum. The antibiotic is available in powder form - you need to take one package and dissolve it in a small amount of sodium chloride (maximum 5 ml), and the resulting liquid is divided into two inhalations per day. You may also be interested in reading about the inhalation antibiotic Fluimucil.

Fluimucil inhalations are most effective for purulent bronchitis, but can also be prescribed for other types of the inflammatory disease in question.

Indications and contraindications for treatment with tablets or intramuscular injections

Antibiotics are quite powerful medications that have categorical indications and contraindications. You should not mindlessly take antibacterial agents - in most cases they turn out to be absolutely useless, but they can already have a negative effect on the functioning of the intestines, liver and kidneys (so-called side effects). Therefore, you should know clear indications for the prescription/use of antibiotics for the treatment of various forms/types of bronchitis:

  • borderline high body temperature, which cannot be reduced with conventional antipyretics;
  • purulent sputum contents;
  • developing bronchospasms;
  • previously diagnosed chronic bronchitis.

  • diseases of the urinary system of severe course - renal failure/nephropathy;
  • impaired liver function - selectively, for example, in some forms of hepatitis;
  • peptic ulcer gastrointestinal tract(stomach/duodenum).

It is necessary to exclude an allergic reaction to antibiotics - it can develop rapidly, which leads to anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.

If, shortly before the development of bronchitis, the patient had already been treated with antibacterial drugs of any group, then these drugs will be absolutely useless in the treatment of any type of bronchitis.

Possible complications

If you ignore the symptoms of bronchitis, self-medicate, or refuse antibacterial drugs, quite serious complications of bronchitis can develop:

  • pneumonia and pneumothorax;
  • bronchial asthma - obstructive bronchitis is especially dangerous in this regard;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchiectasis.

With proper treatment, acute bronchitis can be cured fairly quickly, otherwise the form of the disease will certainly be replaced by a chronic one.

Video: what medications to take for bronchitis and how much

This video will tell you about what antibiotics you can take for bronchitis.

Frequent relapses of chronic bronchitis, prolonged obstructive, purulent and/or catarrhal form of the disease in question can lead to the development of inflammation in other organs and systems of the body - otitis media (acute/chronic), tonsillitis (compensated/decompensated) are considered complications. How to treat bronchitis and cough, how much and what to drink for an adult, read.

With bronchitis, the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree becomes inflamed in the lungs. The cause of inflammation can be both viral and bacterial infections, as well as various external factors that irritate the lungs.

Bronchitis: symptoms, treatment with antibiotics - which is best?

Most often, the occurrence of bronchitis is caused by respiratory infections that enter the body. But there are cases when bacteria settle in the lungs along with viruses if the immune system is too weakened. It may also be that inflammation is caused only by bacteria. In any of the options considered, the symptoms will be similar:

  • Difficulty breathing due to a sharp increase in secretion in the bronchi;
  • Cough with or without phlegm;
  • Pain in the lung area when coughing;
  • Fever if the disease has reached the acute stage;
  • The appearance of wheezing when air moves in the lungs.

Many people try to immediately treat bronchitis with antibiotics, not knowing that they are useless viral infection. Therefore, it is better if the nature of the inflammation is determined by a doctor. Antibiotics are prescribed only if there are harmful bacteria in the bronchi.

Determining the type of bacteria against which a medicine needs to be selected takes a relatively long time, and therefore the doctor can prescribe one of the most common antibiotics. If it does not work, then a drug is selected from another group of antibacterial agents.

It happens that bronchitis turns into pneumonia. Then the temperature rises sharply and stays at around 38 C. Antibiotics for bronchitis and pneumonia are similar. Only pneumonia is treated with more potent drugs.

Basic rules for taking antibiotics for bronchitis

When using antibiotics, you should always use three basic rules:

  1. The medication must be taken continuously. Otherwise there will be no effect.
  2. The concentration of the drug in the blood must be constant. This is achieved by taking the medicine at the same intervals.
  3. It is necessary to strictly monitor the effect of the drug during treatment. If no changes have occurred within two days, the medicine should be replaced with another.

What antibiotics are used for bronchitis?

For treatment, aminopenicillins and tetracyclines are used if bronchitis is without complications. Tetracyclines are not used in pediatrics. In case of complicated bronchitis, cephalosporins and macrolides are used.

Aminopenicillins include:

  • amoxicillin;
  • amoxiclav;
  • augmentin;
  • arlet.

Such antibiotics act on the walls of bacteria, as a result of which they are destroyed. The effect is only on pathogenic microorganisms, but there is a possibility of allergies to such drugs.

Tetracycline drugs inhibit the growth of bacteria and therefore they do not multiply, but gradually die out. However, some people have a hypersensitivity to tetracycline, making it unusable.

Cephalosporins include:

  • cefazolin;
  • cephalexin;
  • ceftriaxone.

This group of drugs has a wide spectrum of action and is well tolerated by the body of a sick person. They are used in cases where penicillin drugs have not worked. Allergic reactions occur quite rarely.

Macrolide antibiotics:

  • macrofoam;
  • sumamed

When they are used in bacterial cells, protein production stops, causing the microorganisms to die.

There are also fluoroquinolone antibiotics, but their long-term use can cause dysbacteriosis. These include:

  • levofloxacin;
  • moxifloxacin;
  • ofloxacin.

Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics in adults

At therapeutic measures For older people, antibacterial agents such as azithromycin, flemoxin, rovamycin, hemomycin are often used. The second most commonly used antibiotics are cephalosporin antibiotics: ceftriaxone, cephelin, suprax. Their tablet form is quite justified for mild and moderate stages of bronchitis.

If the doctor sees the obviousness of prescribing antibiotics, but a sputum analysis has not been done or is not yet ready, then in such cases broad-spectrum drugs are usually used. Often this is a penicillin or protected penicillin group. Drugs from this group can be in tablets, injections or in the form of children's suspensions. They are safe for use in children and pregnant women.

If the disease has become severe, then injections are necessary.

An antibiotic for bronchitis in adults can be prescribed only for certain symptoms:

  • high temperature (38 C or more), does not subside for 3 days;
  • the protruding parts of the chest begin to sink;
  • intoxication phenomena;
  • ESR with a high level;
  • leukocytes are higher than normal;
  • the duration of the disease is prolonged (more than 3 weeks);
  • The patient's age exceeds 60 years.

The table below will help you decide how to treat bronchitis in adults.

Types of bronchitis Description Treatment methods
Acute bronchitis Any age.

Clean, healthy lungs before and after illness.

Viral origin.

Symptomatic treatment, drinking plenty of fluids, rest.
Chronical bronchitis Patient age under 65 years
without complications No more than 3 exacerbations per year Tetracyclines and aminopenicillins (amoxicillin, ampicillin)
with complications Patient over 65 years of age or 4 or more exacerbations per year New generation cephalosporins or amoxicillin/clavunalate
with complications + concomitant diseases The same + concomitant diseases Fluoroquinolones
Bronchiectasis Constant purulent sputum, parenchymal disease Selective antibiotics, sputum control

Concomitant diseases mean: diabetes, chronic renal failure, congestive heart failure.

Antibiotics for pregnant women with bronchitis

Quite often, pregnant women can develop bronchitis. The reason for this is the weakened immunity of the expectant mother. It all starts with a common runny nose, and then a cough occurs. This may have Negative influence on the fetus, and then cause serious complications to the newborn.

In pregnant women, sputum from the bronchi is coughed up poorly due to a raised and inactive diaphragm. This causes the disease to drag on, and this can lead to a chronic disease. Treatment with antibiotics and other drugs that are harmful to the fetus during the first three months is not recommended at all. As a last resort, penicillins can be used. From the second trimester it is allowed to use cephalosporin drugs.

Bioporox helps well in cases of acute bronchitis. This is a local antibiotic that is used by inhalation. Thus, it acts only in the lungs, which prevents it from entering the placenta through the blood.

Antibiotics for bronchitis by injection

There are specific indications for which the use of antibiotic injections is necessary:

  • The patient’s advanced age means the body can no longer defeat the infection on its own.
  • Bronchial obstruction, in particular its severe forms.
  • Obstructive bronchitis with a chronic course.
  • Infancy - children under one year of age are not given medicine in tablets, and not every child agrees to take the suspension.
  • Severe leukocytosis and toxicosis.

You should know that injections and antibiotics for bronchitis appear in the blood faster and this speeds up their effect. Which in some particularly severe cases can significantly affect the speed of recovery.

Antibiotics for children with bronchitis

A child with bronchitis may, if necessary, be prescribed antibiotics. This in no way replaces other prescribed treatments. Everything is used as a whole. In what cases are antibiotics indicated for children with bronchitis?

  • Body temperature remains at 38 C for more than 3 days.
  • There is heavy breathing and shortness of breath.
  • There is expectoration of sputum with pus.
  • Obvious toxicosis is noticeable.
  • A blood test shows an increased ESR (more than 20 mm/h) and an increase in the number of leukocytes.

To be more sure, it is necessary to do a sputum analysis, which can detect pathogenic bacteria.

The most widely used antibiotics in children are from the penicillin, macrolide and cephalosporin groups. Drugs such as penicillins actively destroy pneumococci, staphylococci, and streptococci. Improved products from this group also have an additional effect on Moraxella catarrhalis and Haemophilus influenzae. Cephalosporins have a similar effect.

The disadvantages of these two groups include their ineffectiveness against mycoplasma and chlamydia, as well as possible allergic reactions. These disadvantages do not apply to macrolides. Another significant benefit of macrolide drugs is that they are eliminated from the body not only by the kidneys, but also through the blood through the respiratory organs. And the patient’s lungs are cleared of pathogens located there during the breathing process.

The drugs are available in a form convenient to take. An antibiotic for bronchitis in children can be in tablets, with a dosage appropriate for age, in the form of suspensions or injections.

A sick baby must be given drugs to improve intestinal microflora along with antibiotics, as dysbiosis may develop.

How natural antibiotics treat bronchitis

Some plants contain substances that can quite successfully protect the body from infections and strengthen the immune system. In addition, these drugs act together with the intestinal microflora and do not provoke dysbacteriosis.

For example, garlic can defeat 23 different bacteria, including: tuberculosis bacillus, diphtheria, salmonella, streptococci, and staphylococci. Onions also have active substances that have a detrimental effect on the bacteria listed above.

Black radish juice in combination with honey creates a good bactericidal effect. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate have long been known. It was used in the treatment of sore throat, stomach diseases, salmonellosis, cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, and colitis.

Raspberries have good diaphoretic and bactericidal properties, and have a sedative effect. Good for treating respiratory tract inflammation.

Viburnum has bactericidal properties and can kill some fungi and bacteria. However, it is not recommended for permanent use, but only as a preventive measure during the disease season.

Honey contains many microelements that are beneficial for the body. It provides significant assistance in the fight against many diseases, including bacterial infections.

The popular homemade aloe flower has a large range of vitamins, microelements and substances that help in the fight against bacteria and fungi. Its ability to boost immunity helps fight many diseases.

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile have long been known. The rich composition of substances perfectly helps in the fight against colds, gastrointestinal diseases and nervous disorders.

The effectiveness of propolis in the treatment of many diseases has long been proven. It cannot be used only by people with individual intolerance, but for others it has no side effects or contraindications.

Another useful natural antibiotic for bronchitis and other diseases is mumiyo. The substance contained in it is superior in its medicinal properties penicillin. The solution from mumiyo easily deals with staphylococci, E. coli and some other harmful microorganisms. Within 10 days of taking this substance, a strong stimulating effect is created in the body.

Rinses and inhalations based on calendula and sage have long been very popular in the treatment of colds. Using these medicinal plants as an auxiliary agent it helps to suppress the activity of enterococci, staphylococci and other gram-positive bacteria.

Essential oils obtained from tea tree, lavender, fir, cloves, and mint are also successfully used in the fight against fungi, viruses and bacteria.

Prevention of bronchitis

To protect the respiratory tract from bronchitis, you need to take preventive measures in advance:

  • Avoid crowds of people during periods of widespread colds.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Regularly disinfecting your hands with soap will help destroy viruses and bacteria that get on them.
  • Use fresh vitamins in the form of vegetables and fruits, as well as vitamin teas support the immune system well.
  • A sufficient amount of protein in the body during the cold season also helps a lot in the fight against infections.

If, however, the disease could not be avoided, then it is necessary to follow all the doctor’s prescriptions, take pills - for bronchitis in adults there are many auxiliary methods for a quick cure. You can recover in 3 or even 2 weeks of an effective course of treatment.

IN Lately All more people suffer from chronic diseases, the main disadvantage of which is incurability. To obtain stable remission, treatment sometimes lasts several years. One of these ailments is inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, called bronchitis. This anamnesis is accompanied by cough, fever, and difficulty breathing.

Speaking about the disease, it is worth noting that the symptoms are caused by all sorts of provocateurs: from ARVI to the presence of chlamydia. With reduced resistance of the immune system, the course accelerates, the body is exposed to viruses and bacteria. For some people, the source of the disease is allergens or hypothermia. Staying near the patient can have a detrimental effect on well-being; if contact is unavoidable, wear sterile gauze bandages.

In the overwhelming majority, bronchitis is a complication of a viral infection that does not make sense to treat with antibiotics. Antiviral medications are not able to destroy the cause, they have a detrimental effect on the immune system, and deprive the body of its independent fight. If you have viral symptoms, stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids. As medications, immunostimulants and drugs with expectorant properties have a positive effect.

When are antibiotics prescribed?

Treatment does not begin with medications in the first days. Use expectorants against phlegm, drink 2 liters of fluids per day. Indications for prescribing medications:

  1. Body temperature 38 degrees for two days.
  2. Manifestation of signs of toxic poisoning.
  3. Dyspnea.
  4. The level of ESR in the blood is higher than the permissible norm.
  5. Breathing wheezing without signs of bronchial obstruction.

The reason for the use of therapy is an illness lasting three weeks with the presence of inflammatory processes in the lungs and blood.

Treatment of bronchitis

Before starting therapy, the doctor examines the patient, finds out the symptoms, the nature of the disease, and conducts laboratory tests. Depending on the symptoms, there are 3 types of bronchitis (acute, chronic, acute obstructive).

Acute form

A doctor can make a diagnosis by examining a patient in a few minutes, recording the following signs:

  • unproductive cough is a common ailment at the initial stage of bronchial inflammation. In patients, cough is caused by inhalation, and at low or high temperatures– the character is complicated;
  • superthermic reaction - the presence of a body temperature of 38 degrees for three days. Temperatures over 38 degrees indicate pneumonia;
  • deterioration of the general condition of the body, increased sweating. The accelerated inflammatory process occurring in the bronchial tree causes intoxication of the body;
  • shortness of breath, deterioration of the body. As the ventilation properties decrease, the state of health becomes sluggish, the course of bronchitis becomes severe, and complications may arise;
  • the appearance of wheezing during ausculation of the lungs: for initial stage are dry and rough in nature, and as the mucus leaves, it becomes large and medium-bubbly. The manifestation of other types corresponds to pneumonia.

The main symptom of the disease is cough. A two-week manifestation of which is diagnosed as an acute form.

Reasons for appearance

Microbes and the structure of the bronchial tree play a major role in the occurrence of the disease. The reasons are detailed below:

  1. When a cold or hypothermia occurs, the body’s protective abilities decrease.
  2. The presence of bacterial infections: staphylococcus, pneumococcus, maroxel and other pathogens.
  3. Viral sources in ARVI or influenza affect the bronchial mucosa with subsequent activation of pathogens in the damaged area of ​​the epithelium.
  4. Immune system deficiency.
  5. A thin lumen in the bronchial tree interferes with the normal discharge of sputum, so the slightest infection causes inflammation.


The doctor decides whether or not to prescribe antibiotics for acute bronchitis individually. It is advisable to recommend the use of antibacterial and antifungal drugs for their destruction and subsequent reproduction in case of complications of the disease. Effective medications against infections are Amoxicillin, Spiracimin and Erythromycin.

Therapy acute bronchitis remains the same and does not differ from the previously adopted one. New methods have only improved the system of supplying medications: directly to the bronchi, bypassing other organs. The most effective is inhalation. Medicines in liquid, crushed form act in the smallest structures of the bronchial tree. Contraindications to inhalation therapy are sinusitis, the heating of the lesions of which, when heated, promotes the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics for bronchitis for inhalation: Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Bronholitin.

What algorithm?

You can cope with the disease at home with medications recommended by your doctor. By following the recommendations given, you can eliminate foci of infections and inflammatory processes, avoiding complications.

When treating the initial stage, try to lie down and drink fluid 2 times the daily norm. Follow the principles of the diet: eat dairy and plant foods, avoid spicy foods and seasonings, do not provoke the body with allergenic foods, add an abundance of fruits to your diet. Administer aerosol therapy with ipratropium bromide, which will deliver the required dosage to the lungs in the form of small particles. The use of Berotek or Salbutamol helps effectively (they soften the signs of the disease). For patients with sinusitis, vibration massage with postdural drainage is recommended for copious mucus discharge.

Follow-up therapy contains methods to eliminate infections. For antiviral therapy, 5 drops of interferon are prescribed into the nose 4 to 6 times a day. Application is also possible in the form of an aerosol. Ribavirin is indicated for flu-like symptoms: 10 mg/kg per day divided into 3 doses and follow this regimen for up to 5 days. For severe ARVI, immunoglobulin 0.1 ml/kg every 6 hours helps. In case of immune deficiency, the dosage is increased to 0.5 ml/kg.

Etiology of the disease in possible complications requires other methods. Antibiotics for acute bronchitis:

  1. Azithromycin: 10 mg/kg immediately, and then 5 mg/kg per day for 5 days. You can replace the drug with another group of macrolides: erythromycin (30-50 mg/kg), oleandomycin (0.25-1 g/kg), Roxithromycin (50-100 mg/kg), Medicamycin (30-50 mg/kg) .
  2. Pertussin, Mucaltin, and an infusion of licorice root are prescribed as an expectorant for coughs. For viscous sputum, Carbocisteine, Ambroxol for cough or Lazolvan are recommended. The dosage is individual for each patient and depends on the nature of the disease and age.
  3. Antitussive medications Sinekod or Cofex help with non-productive cough in the first days of illness. The administration of such drugs can eliminate the cough reflex and increase the viscosity of sputum. For children with sinusitis, the described therapy is not advisable because it can cause a hallucinogenic effect.

Chronic form

Progressive or slowly developing inflammation in the bronchi with the etiology of cough for more than three months is defined as chronic bronchitis. The main symptom appears from two years of age. The course of the disease serves as a sign for diagnosis. The pathogenetics of the disease consists of inflammation in the bronchi with subsequent restructuring. The described symptoms lead to obstruction of the lungs and interfere with the secretion of secretions. General immune mechanisms become vulnerable and are not able to independently eliminate the disease. Infections continue to intensify, inflammation enters the chronic stage with signs of coughing and impaired respiratory functions.

Causes of the disease

The etiology of the chronic inflammatory process is for the following reasons:

  • infections caused by pathogens: atypical, bacterial and viral. The combination of this cause with inflammation of the tonsils, sinusitis and caries activates the disease;
  • genetic predisposition in the structure of the bronchial tree: if from birth the bronchi are predisposed to external stimuli, then the secretion is formed regularly. When coughing, it is not possible to get rid of phlegm, so infections continue to create an inflammatory environment;
  • smoking: tobacco smoke, which smokers inhale, develops inflammatory processes in the bronchi;
  • harmful working conditions. Dust, dirt, and chemical pollutants in production are regularly deposited in the bronchi;
  • high air humidity and low temperatures create conditions for the activation of infections;
  • low degree of protection of the immune system: a weakened body is not able to fight viruses on its own.


If signs of a chronic disease are detected, the doctor draws up a treatment regimen. Does bronchitis need to be treated? Since it is impossible to get rid of a chronic disease, do not neglect the opportunity to stabilize your health and slow down the progression of the disease.

Treatment of the chronic stage consists of complex measures: the use of antibiotics, expectorants and anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, inhalations outside of sinusitis, management healthy image life.

Is it worth fighting a chronic disease? This is a complex question, the answer to which must take into account etiology. Only a specialist can prescribe therapy, and self-treatment often leads to dire consequences: dysbiosis, the manifestation of allergic reactions, as a result - bacteria become more resistant to the action of the drug and the course of the disease worsens.

It is advisable for elderly people and children to take antibiotics for chronic bronchitis. These groups of patients require drug therapy due to weakened immunity, since the body cannot independently overcome the disease at the initial stage. Neglecting medications can lead to pneumonia. For adults, the prescription of antibacterial drugs is necessary for purulent bronchitis; after studying the sensitivity of the virus, a list of medications is prescribed. The course lasts from 7 to 14 days, depending on the etiology. Wobenzym can reduce the resistance of infections and increase the effect of drugs. It is prescribed 5 tablets in three doses together with the general list.

Before prescribing drugs, it is necessary to determine the patient’s microflora resistance to them. If mycoplasmas, chlamydia and legionella are detected, macrolide antibiotics are prescribed: Azithromycin, Rovamycin, Roxithromycin; Tetracycline is a good antibiotic for bronchitis. To treat positive coccal flora, semisynthetic combined penicillins and cephalosporin drugs are needed. The latter are injectable with extensive effects and destroy the cell membrane of bacteria. Today, cephalospoin antibiotics of the second and third generations are used: cefriaxone - Medaxone, Cefaxone, Emsef, cefuroxime - Axef or Zinnat. A history of negative coccal flora is treated with aminoglycoside antibiotics.

Acute obstructive stage

Obstructive bronchitis is characterized by: bronchospasms, irritation and inflammation of the bronchi, progressive impairment of the ventilation properties of the lungs. The list of antibiotics for obstructive bronchitis consists of four groups of antimicrobial drugs:

  1. Aminopenicillins.
  2. Macrolides.
  3. Fluoroquinolones.
  4. Cephalonosporins.

Let's consider the prescription of each group of antibiotics for acute bronchitis

Medicines of the first group destroy bacterial cells with the subsequent death of the “culprits” of the disease. They are prescribed for pneumococcal, streptococcal and other types of bacteria that cause inflammation in the bronchi. It is worth noting that the drugs not only kill infected cells, but also affect healthy ones. In many patients, the administration of aminopenicillins provokes allergic reactions. List of antibiotics: Amoxilav, Augmentin, Ecoclave, Arlet.

Macrolides are better at eliminating cell proliferation by killing protein. Their penetration into anaerobic microorganisms is much more effective compared to the aminopenicillin group. Macrolides include: Azitral, Azitrox, Sumamed.

The third group of drugs is prescribed if the patient has an individual intolerance to the drugs described above. Fluoroquinolones destroy bacteria and have side effects and allergies. Treatment should not be carried out in combination with supportive therapy for the immune system. Good antibiotics for bronchitis: Ofloxacin, Tsifran, Tsiprolet, Moxifloxacin.

The last group is strong antibiotics for bronchitis, most significant in the treatment of complicated types. They are needed if you are allergic or intolerant to these antibiotics. Main drugs: Suprax, Pancef, Ixim.

When and for whom is it important to resort to antibiotic therapy? Is cure possible?

Men and women after 60 years of age resort to treatment with drugs that kill viruses and infections due to weakened immunity. If you ignore such recommendations, pneumonia may occur. If symptoms do not go away within three weeks, then use antimicrobial agents. Smokers during periods of exacerbation of the disease and patients with allergic reactions to asthma require antibacterial therapy during initial manifestations. Forms of the disease caused by occupational irritants or infections require complex medical intervention.

The cure depends on: lifestyle, ecology, heredity. Significant improvements in patients were noted in salt mines. The natural microclimate has a positive effect on lung health. The correct medication regimen will relieve mild forms, while more severe ones will reduce the intensity of development.

General rules for taking antibiotics

  1. Strictly adhere to the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Follow the intervals between medication doses indicated in the instructions.
  3. Keep track of your health status and note whether any improvements have occurred.
  4. If the antibiotic is ineffective and the pathogen is not eliminated, then it is better to prescribe another drug.

Signs such as fever, cough, malaise require observation by a specialist. Only he will be able to determine the nature of the course of bronchitis and prevent its complications. Trust doctors with reasonable use of antibiotics, always check their names with pharmacists.

Bronchitis is one of the most common diseases that affects all groups of the population, regardless of age. But despite this, many do not know how to properly treat this condition, and whether antibiotics are needed for bronchitis.

Causes of bronchitis

To understand whether antibiotics are needed for bronchitis in adults, it is worth taking a closer look at the disease itself.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the bronchi and affects the mucous membrane or the entire thickness of the wall of the respiratory organ.

The onset of inflammation in the bronchi can be triggered by:

  • weakened immunity;
  • flu;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • adenovirus;
  • staphylococcus;
  • the presence of excessively humid or too cold air indoors or outdoors;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • radiation, smoke or excessive dust;
  • availability in environment chemical vapors.

In addition, bad habits, in particular alcohol abuse and smoking, increase the risk of developing the inflammatory process.

In some cases, a disease caused by various viruses may already be associated with all kinds of bacterial infections.

When are antibiotics needed?

From the above it follows that bronchitis can be of both viral and bacterial origin. And if in the first case, taking antibacterial drugs is unlikely to affect the course of the disease, then in the second case it will not be possible to do without them.

It is also recommended to begin treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics in adults when:

  • strong and prolonged increase in temperature (as a rule, if the temperature does not subside for more than 3 days);
  • increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood;
  • significantly higher than normal levels of leukocytes;
  • pronounced signs of intoxication;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • protracted course of the disease.

In addition, doctors advise people over 60 years of age to take antibacterial medications for bronchitis. The fact is that with age, the body’s defense system weakens, and the immune system can no longer cope with infection without effective assistance from outside. As a result, bronchitis in older people can lead to all sorts of complications, including pneumonia and bronchopneumonia.

Requires antibacterial treatment and chemical bronchitis. This is a type of inflammation caused by inhaling vapors of aggressive chemical compounds. Such exposure often damages the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs and provokes the development of a bacterial infection.

Antibiotics are also included in the complex of therapy for chronic obstructive bronchitis, which most often affects heavy smokers. An exacerbation of this type of disease is accompanied by a general deterioration of the condition and is characterized by an increase in temperature, increased sweating, general weakness, severe coughing attacks, accompanied by the release of purulent sputum. This situation can only be changed with the help of antibiotics.

Also, antibiotics for bronchitis in adults have another indication for use - allergic reaction. Thus, in people suffering from bronchial asthma, even a mild attack of bronchitis can cause suffocation.

Therefore, at the very initial stage of the inflammatory process, asthmatics are recommended to take antibacterial drugs.

Types of antibiotics prescribed for bronchitis

The entire variety of antibacterial drugs is divided into several categories. Of these, for bronchitis the following are prescribed:


They belong to beta-lactam antibacterial drugs and fight pathogens by destroying their walls. The most common side effect of aminopenicillins is allergies.

The most popular drugs in this group are Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Flemoxin.


Antibiotics of the latest generation with a low risk of side effects, capable of actively suppressing intracellular pathogenic microflora. They interfere with the production of proteins in bacterial cells, thereby preventing them from growing and multiplying. But they do not completely kill bacteria, so treatment can take quite a long time.

The group of new generation macrolides includes: Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Vilprafen, Rovamycin, Erythromycin.


Broad-spectrum antibiotics. They affect bacteria at the level of their DNA, preventing microorganisms from growing and multiplying. Positioned as the best antibiotics for bronchitis. But at the same time, they have a significant drawback - they have a detrimental effect not only on pathogenic, but also on beneficial bacteria for humans, which often leads to dysbacteriosis.

Among the drugs in the group, the most popular are Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Cifran and others.


The name of drugs that suppress the protein synthesis of bacteria. Previously, they were classified as drugs with a broad spectrum of action, but gradually the bacteria became less sensitive to the active substances of these drugs. Therefore, tetracyclines are currently used in very rare cases.

The list of tetracycline drugs includes: the natural antibacterial agent tetracycline, semi-synthetic Doxycycline and derivatives of these substances.


They inhibit the synthesis of substances, prevent the formation of cell membranes in bacteria, thereby stopping the proliferation of microorganisms. These antibiotics are prescribed both as tablets and as injections. The most common drugs in this series: Suprax, Cephalexin, Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin.

However, despite such a variety of drugs, in no case should you start taking them on your own, without a doctor’s prescription, since each group has its own specification.

How many days to take antibiotics for bronchitis

It is impossible to say for sure which antibiotic is better or more effective for bronchitis, since different kinds bronchitis requires taking different medications.

Treatment of an acute condition

Based on the first symptoms of acute inflammation in the bronchi, it is almost impossible to determine the causative agent of the disease. Therefore, in the first days of illness, antibacterial drugs, as a rule, are not used.

After everything becomes more or less clear about the cause of inflammation of the bronchi, in case of acute inflammation, the doctor can prescribe drugs of the penicillin group (if the patient is not allergic) or macrolides.

Therapy for chronic bronchitis

In chronic bronchitis, antibacterial agents are used much more often than in the acute form. The same penicillins and macrolides demonstrate the greatest effectiveness in this course of the disease.

Antibacterial drugs for those over 60

Due to the characteristics of age, in particular, the weakening of general immunity, it is important not to trigger the disease in elderly patients. Therefore, this category of patients is recommended to take antibiotics 2-3 days after the onset of the disease (but only when the previous treatment does not produce tangible results).

If the patient shows signs of allergies or the prescribed medications do not help, then “heavy artillery” is used in the form of cephalosporins.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Before you start taking antibiotics for obstructive bronchitis, you need to get tested and identify the bacterial infection that caused the inflammatory process. When the pathogen is identified, aminopenicillin drugs, macrolides or fluoroquinolones can be prescribed.

Most often, Augmentin, Sumamed, Clarithromycin and others are prescribed for this type of disease.

Treatment during pregnancy

No one is immune from inflammation in the bronchi, including pregnant women. In the second half of pregnancy, bronchitis can be complicated by low mobility of the diaphragm and the inability of the expectant mother to cough properly. All this leads to the accumulation and stagnation of mucus in the respiratory tract.

Also, due to the fact that pregnant women are not recommended to drink a lot of liquid during long periods, the sputum thickens, which further aggravates the patient’s condition.

If bronchitis is not treated, the disease may drag on and the woman’s body will become poisoned by the infection. Accordingly, all this will affect the child being carried.

To avoid this, doctors often prescribe pregnant women the most harmless antibiotics among aminopenicillins. Cephalosporins are prescribed much less frequently to pregnant women.

All other antibacterial drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Antibiotics can be prescribed to pregnant women starting in the second trimester. In the first trimester future mom should not take any medications!

The most effective antibacterial drugs for bronchitis

To the most popular and effective medicines, prescribed for the treatment of inflammation in the bronchi, most often include Amoxicillin and Biseptol - inexpensive drugs that act on a large number of known bacteria (other drugs with a similar effect are much more expensive):

  • Amoxicillin is a drug from the penicillin group. Available in tablet form, as well as capsules and granules. The effect of the medicine begins half an hour after administration. The duration of the effect is about 6 hours.
  • Biseptol is a sulfonamide and is a cheaper drug. Included in complex therapy for the treatment of bronchitis and other diseases of the ENT organs. For all its advantages, it has quite a lot of contraindications.
  1. Ofloxacin (fluoroquinolones) is a good antibiotic that destroys the DNA of pathogenic bacteria. It is prescribed by injection and helps even in cases where most other remedies are ineffective.
  2. Flemoxin-Solutab is a penicillin drug based on amoxicillin.
  3. Augmentin, the main component of which is clavulanic acid, stops the proliferation of bacteria. Available in the form of solutions for injections, tablets, and also in the form of powder for suspensions. Actively destroys pathogenic microorganisms, but at the same time negatively affects intestinal function.
  4. Sumamed (a group of macrolides) with azithromycin as the main active ingredient. Produced in tablets (antibiotic 3 tablets), capsules, powder. Characterized by a shortened treatment period. As a rule, in order to get rid of inflammation in the bronchi, it is enough to take three tablets.
  5. Cefazolin from the series of cephalosporins. Refers to old and time-tested drugs. Prescribed when various forms diseases. It is produced in the form of a powder, which, when diluted, forms an injection solution.
  6. Lincomycin. Lincomycin is prescribed for lower respiratory tract infections (bronchitis in the acute stage, chronic bronchitis at the time of exacerbation).
  7. Ceftazidime is an effective drug from new antibiotics - cephalosporins. 3rd generation antibiotic, prescribed for severe purulent-septic conditions and complicated respiratory infections. Helps against bronchitis in acute and chronic form, and against pneumonia.


In each individual case, the dose of the drug is calculated individually depending on the drug itself, the severity of the condition and concomitant diseases.

The penicillin antibiotic Amoxicillin should be taken 3 tablets (each 500 mg) per day. In severe cases of the disease, the dose may be increased.

Cephalosporins are prescribed in a dosage of 30 mg/kg once a day.

At the same time, people who smoke are usually prescribed larger dosages than those who do not have this addiction.

Antibiotics are taken in tablet form if the disease progresses in mild form or characterized by moderate severity. In case of severe inflammation in the bronchi, it is necessary to use injections of antibacterial drugs.

In especially severe cases, the doctor may even prescribe a combination of tablets and injections.

The answer to this question is as individual as in the case of dosage. But, as a rule, the course of treatment for bronchitis ranges from 7 to 10 days.

Possible side effects

Majority acceptance medicines may cause side effects. And antibiotics are no exception.

When using antibacterial agents, the patient most often develops an allergy, but the following consequences may also occur:

  • disruption of the digestive system, in particular indigestion;
  • skin rashes;
  • dizziness or headache;
  • labored breathing;
  • increased sensitivity to sun rays(when exposed to the sun, burns appear on the skin);
  • thrush.

If even one of these symptoms appears, you must stop taking the drug and contact your doctor, who will change the prescription or adjust the dosage of the drug.

If, after using an antibiotic, swelling of the throat, face, tongue appears and it becomes difficult to breathe, it is necessary to call emergency medical help.


Contraindications for prescribing the drug to adults with bronchitis may include:

  • individual intolerance to drug components;
  • early stages of pregnancy;
  • severe liver and kidney diseases;
  • serious problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Antibacterial agents are prescribed with caution in late pregnancy.

If there is a need for a nursing mother to take medications, then for the period of treatment it is worth refusing breastfeeding, since the drug can enter the child’s body through milk.

Rules for taking antibiotics for bronchitis

In order for antibacterial agents to bring the desired effect with minimal harm to the body, they should be taken according to the rules.

These rules are common to all groups of antibiotics:

  1. The prescription is made only by a doctor. Also, only a specialist adjusts the dosage and changes the drug.
  2. Antibiotics should be taken exactly as prescribed. Even with a noticeable improvement, you cannot interrupt the course of treatment. Failure to comply with this rule will allow bacteria hidden in the body to develop immunity to the drug being taken. And with the next exacerbation of the disease, you will again have to select a medicine or prescribe a more potent one.
  3. In order to active substance effectively fought against pathogenic bacteria, it is important to maintain the concentration of drugs in the body at the same level. To do this, antibiotics must be taken strictly by the hour, at regular intervals.
  4. It is necessary to carefully monitor your health. Firstly, to watch out for side effects. Secondly, if necessary, replace the drug or adjust the dose.

If penicillin drugs are prescribed, taking antihistamines may be recommended simultaneously with them.

In addition, cough medications can be prescribed in parallel (the choice of medication depends on the nature of the cough and the patient’s condition), as well as various vitamins.

An important factor in effective treatment bronchitis is compliance with bed rest, proper diet and taking vitamins.


Despite the fact that antibiotics are one of the most important discoveries of mankind, attitudes towards these drugs are ambiguous. Some consider them a panacea and start taking them at the slightest ailment, others are sure that antibiotics do more harm than good.

In fact, as is usually the case, the truth is approximately in the middle. Antibacterial drugs are really necessary in the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria, including bacterial bronchitis. They help speed up recovery and help avoid complications.

However, all this is only possible with a responsible attitude towards medications on the part of the patient. It is important to remember that if all the rules for using drugs are followed, antibiotics are practically safe and effective fighters for human health.

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