Coffee is like a laxative. Can coffee cause constipation? Coffee and the digestive tract

Why is food classification necessary? In order to be able to follow the work rules during the process:

  • production;
  • storage;
  • transportation;
  • implementation;
  • consumption.

Our body is designed in such a way that it needs nourishment and rest every day. If everything is clear with rest - this is, first of all, healthy sleep, then nutrition is not so complicated. Every person must eat. And more than once a day. It is necessary to eat properly, as excessive consumption of certain types of goods can harm the body. Classification of food products is their breakdown into different groups in accordance with their characteristics and properties. To account for goods by groups in 2019, the All-Russian Product Classifier (abbreviated OKP) is used.

What is the all-Russian product code, where and how it is applied, we will consider further in the text. It is important to understand that the classification of food products is of great importance not only in industrial scale(confirmation of this is the All-Russian classifier), but also in local situations. For example, very often in various diets the principle is used separate power supply. It will be impossible to apply it in practice if you don’t know which group a particular product belongs to and whether it can be eaten together with another. How do vegetarians know what they shouldn't eat? They also use the division of supplies into groups, sometimes without even realizing it. After all, plant and animal food is also a classification of food products.

Using OKP, you can automatically process product information. This makes the life of commodity experts and statisticians much easier. OKP is also used in marketing research. Another purpose of OKP is the inclusion of goods in catalogs in accordance with their characteristics. Moreover, if today we talk about food products and their classification, then OKP has a broader significance, including all existing food products on the Russian market in 2019.

The all-Russian market is quite diverse. There are several types of classification. By purpose of food products:

  • general food products:
    • vegetable origin - everything that trees and plants give us (juices, berries, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.);
    • animal origin (meat, fish, milk, eggs, edible insects, crayfish, crabs, shellfish, propolis, honey, etc.);
    • from the kingdom:
      • mushrooms;
      • algae;
      • microorganisms (eg yeast);
  • inorganic (salt, sugar, etc.)
  • dietary and preventive (used in treatment);
  • baby food:
    • age:
      • up to three years;
      • from three to six years;
      • from six to fourteen years;
    • water content:
      • low (porridge, mixtures, pasta, etc.);
      • high (mashed potatoes, minced meat, kefir, etc.);
    • grinding percentage:
      • children under six months;
      • from six months to nine;
      • from ten months to one and a half years;
      • from one and a half to three years;
    • canned food:
      • canned vegetable products;
      • canned meat.
    • edible products designed to perform specific functions.

Taking into account the chemical component, the following categories of products are distinguished, containing:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals.

Considering production processing:

  • cooked;
  • in raw form;
  • semi-finished products.

Based on consumer properties, the following types are distinguished (educational classification):

  • grains and flour;
  • vegetables, fruits, mushrooms;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • milk and milk products;
  • eggs and egg products;
  • honey, sugar, confectionery, starch;
  • fats suitable for consumption;
  • flavoring goods.

Groups of goods used in trade (commodity neighborhood, etc.):

  • meat and sausage products;
  • bakery products;
  • eggs and egg products;
  • confectionery products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • milk and milk products;
  • edible fats;
  • fish and products made from it;
  • tobacco products;
  • soft drinks;
  • drinks with different alcohol content.

All-Russian classifier - concept and interpretation

I would like to note that the all-Russian product classifier, also known as OKP, does not simply break down products into groups and categories. It gives a clear description of each product according to its membership in the group. The two digits that appear at the beginning of the OKP code determine the group affiliation of the goods. Thanks to the next four digits, the all-Russian classifier determines the clear place of the product in its system. Accordingly, the OKP code consists of six digits. An all-Russian code is assigned to each type of food product and unit of a product group. On the portal "PravPotrebitel" you can download a list of food products:

Naturally, learning such a list is very difficult, and most likely even impossible, for an ordinary person. To do this you need to be a child prodigy. This is why computing machines (for example, computers) currently exist. You can always use the information posted on our website to satisfy your curiosity and your needs.

Moreover, if you still have questions on the topic, you can ask them to the site consultants at any time.

Communication with specialists takes place online and is completely free.

Milk and dairy products

  • cream and milk itself;
  • different types of cow's milk cheeses;
  • fermented milk products;
  • dry dairy products;
  • canned food (condensed milk);
  • oil;
  • ice cream.

Milk, as a food product that undergoes certain processing, can have several types:

  • milk;
  • milk product;
  • product containing milk;
  • dairy compound product;
  • milk products;
  • secondary raw materials;
  • milk drink;
  • by-product of processing.

Milk is classified depending on its processing process:

  • raw - do not heat above 40 degrees;
  • drinking - exposed various types processing (including thermal), the proportion of fat content cannot exceed nine percent;
  • solid – not subjected to processing to adjust the component parts;
  • reconstituted - to create it, water is added to the original product (in concentrate, in condensed milk or in powdered milk);
  • baked milk – drinking milk is processed for its production. It is heated to a temperature of 99 degrees and maintained for a certain time, but not more than three hours;
  • pasteurized, UHT-treated, sterilized - the product is processed at high temperatures to achieve certain qualities and increase shelf life;
  • thermized - the product undergoes a healing process; a similar procedure is carried out during any milk processing (at the beginning or at the final stage).

The type and characteristics of milk may differ depending on the animal from which it is obtained. You can milk:

  • cows;
  • deer;
  • mares.

Milk and dairy products can be classified according to different criteria. Just like any other food products. If you have any questions on this topic, you can ask the site’s consultants completely free of charge.

You need to know which foods belong to which groups: starchy and non-starchy, sour and sweet... In order for your breakfast, lunch or dinner to be as healthy as possible and rich in proteins/carbohydrates, we will list foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates, and - so so-called natural (neutral) products. You can use the latter both in combination with foods rich in proteins and in combination with foods rich in carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate-rich foods

Starch-rich foods:

Bread is preferably made from flour with bran or with the addition of bran;

Grain, wheat, spelled, spelled, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, corn, rice, millet;

Cereal products are preferably made from bran flour, semolina, wholemeal or wholemeal flour, flakes, muesli, pasta made from bran flour (not egg pasta);

Dried beans (except soybeans) and dried peas;

Potatoes including Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potato;



Sugars and syrups (limit if possible):

Yellow and white sugar;

Milk sugar;

Various jams and marmalades;

Maple syrup;

Beetroot syrup;

Pear condensed juice.

Protein-rich foods

B Christmas tree food of plant and animal origin:


Nuts (most);

All cereals;

Soybeans and their products, especially tofu, soy milk;
- Sunflower seeds;


Meat (consume as little as possible!) beef, veal, lamb, lamb, rabbit, pork, poultry and game;

By-products (preferably excluded!) liver, heart, kidneys;

Fish and other seafood products;

Cottage cheese and fermented milk products;

Low-fat milk and low-fat dairy products;

Cheese with a fat content of no more than 45%;

"Neutral" products

Products compatible with carbohydrate or protein foods:

Vegetable oils- burdock, olive, sunflower, corn, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, grape seeds, etc.;

Nuts and seeds - tree nuts, walnuts, southern nuts (Brazil nuts), coconuts, almonds, pistachios, pecans, cashews, pine seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds;

Fruit vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet peas, green beans;

White cabbage, sour cabbage, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, grunkol, spitzkoll, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, pak choi;

Leafy vegetables - head lettuce, ice lettuce, romaine lettuce, field lettuce, endive endive, red head lettuce, endive, dandelion leaves, watercress;

Root and tuberous vegetables - carrots, celery, green and black radishes, radishes, goats, beets, horseradish, rutabaga;

Bulbous vegetables - leeks, onion, shallots, garlic;


Seeds and shoots;

Cheese only fatty varieties with a fat content of more than 45%;

Egg yolk.

Foods rich in fats

Oils - olive oil, rapeseed, vegetable, peanut, soybean, sunflower, corn and butter;

Most nuts;

Animal products: Fats sea ​​fish, lard, fatty meat, cream, sour cream, cheese;

Non-starchy and green vegetables

Lettuce, celery, chicory, dandelion, cabbage, turnip leaves, sorrel, beet leaves, onions, turnips, eggplant, cucumbers, parsley, rhubarb, asparagus, garlic, sweet peppers, radishes.

Moderately starchy vegetables

Cauliflower, beets, carrots, rutabaga.

Semi-acidic fruits

Fresh figs, sweet cherries, sweet apples, pears, peaches, apricots, blueberries, currants, strawberries.

Sweet fruits

Dates, figs, raisins, dried apricots, grapes, prunes, persimmons, dried pears and apples (sweet varieties) and others.

Sour fruits

Orange, grapefruit, pomegranate, lemon, sour grapes, sour plums, sour apples. Tomatoes are also sour.


5 most unsafe and cheapest products

People most often buy cheap food products to save money, or memories of the difficult 90s are firmly ingrained in their heads. But is it actually economical if you take into account Negative consequences for health and not the cheapest medical services?

In accordance with modern classification, all food products can be divided into three large groups (Fig. 1).

Consumer Products

Natural food products,

which naturally contain

a large number of

functional ingredient


functional nutrition

Traditional food products in which technologically

the amount of harmful components to health is reduced


Food products additionally enriched with functional substances


Medical and specialized food products

Rice. 1. Classification of food products

Consumer Products developed using traditional technology and intended to feed the main groups of the population.

Functional food products can be otherwise called healthy food products, positive nutrition products, physiologically significant food products. These include products of mass consumption, which have the appearance of traditional food and are intended to be eaten as part of a regular diet, but unlike mass consumption products they contain functional ingredients that have a positive effect on individual functions of the body or the body as a whole.

The main distinguishing features of functional food products are:

The nutritional value;

Taste qualities;

Physiological effects on the body.

These requirements must apply to the product as a whole and not to individual ingredients that make up it.

Not only fortified foods can be functional, but also any natural foods that are healthy, for example, carrots, cabbage, onions, parsley, apples and much more.

Therefore, the following groups of products are classified as functional (Fig. 1):

- natural food products that naturally contain a large amount of the functional ingredient , for example, oat bran, rich in fiber, fish oil as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, citrus fruits containing large amounts of vitamin C, meat as one of the main sources of B vitamins, directly pressed juices obtained from fruit or vegetable raw materials by mechanical processing;

- traditional food products in which the amount of harmful components is reduced ;

The latter components include cholesterol, animal fats with a high content of limiting fatty acids, low molecular weight carbohydrates such as sucrose, sodium, etc. The production technology of this group of functional products consists of extracting or destroying harmful components: extracting cholesterol from egg whites using CO 2 extraction, destroying cereal phytate, which binds and impedes the absorption of calcium, zinc and iron, by treating with the enzyme phytase.

- food products additionally enriched with functional ingredients using various technological methods eg bran bread, fruit purees fortified with calcium, juices and drinks fortified with vitamins, bifido-kefir, drinks or candies with antioxidants, juices with echiniacea.

Functional products must meet the following requirements:

Be natural;

Have the appearance of ordinary food, that is, not be produced in such dosage forms as tablets, capsules, powders;

Consumed orally, that is, like regular food;

Be beneficial for nutrition and health, while the beneficial qualities must be scientifically substantiated, and daily doses must be approved by specialists;

Be safe in terms of a balanced diet;

Do not reduce the nutritional value of food products;

Have established values ​​of physical and chemical indicators and precise methods for their determination.

Functional products are intended to:

To compensate for the deficiency of biologically active components in the body;

Maintaining normal functional activity of organs and systems;

Reducing risk factors for any disease, for example, normalizing cholesterol levels;

Maintaining beneficial microflora in the human body, maintaining the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Functional foods should be separated from medicinal foods, examples of which are dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic, specialized food products, the purpose of which is indicated below.

Dietary products intended for people suffering from certain diseases. Dietary products should prevent the exacerbation of these diseases and help mobilize the body's defenses. Depending on the type of disease, dietary products may additionally contain protective food components or, conversely, be cleared of nutrients that contribute to the course of the disease. For example, diabetes mellitus and obesity require a reduction in the content of easily digestible sugars in foods; in case of liver disease or cardiovascular pathology, it is recommended to consume foods with a reduced content of table salt.

Specialized food products are characterized by a narrow focus on correcting any body functions. For example, for optimal metabolic processes in the body, athletes need food products with increased content B vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 6, nicotinic and pantothenic acids), as well as vitamins C and E, which play an important role in redox processes in the body. The needs of the astronauts’ body are met thanks to diets additionally enriched, first of all, with vitamins, essential amino acids, fiber, and macroelements Ca, K, and Mg.

Products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes intended for persons exposed to adverse factors in the working environment or used in therapeutic practice. Therapeutic and prophylactic food products contain components that replenish the deficiency of biologically active substances, improve mainly the functions of affected organs and systems, neutralize harmful substances, and promote their rapid elimination from the body.

Therapeutic and prophylactic products can be:

Based on well-known general-purpose products with the introduction into their formulation of one or more components that give the product a focus, or with the replacement of part of the product with other components; in this case, the product produced according to the state standard is taken as a basis, then the direction of the product and the amount of functional additives introduced are determined;

New products without taking into account the basis of recipes and technologies of existing food products. In this case, the product formulation with specified therapeutic and prophylactic properties is modeled. When developing a recipe, the amount of fortifying additive will be a constant value, and the selection of other components is carried out taking into account the properties of the additive and the organoleptic characteristics of the product.

Fortified products - products in which certain ingredients have been added or replaced. This group of products differs from functional ones in that the amount of the functional ingredient is below the level of physiologically significant concentrations.

Thus, functional food products are a special group that does not belong to the category medicines and medicinal foods, although they are used to improve the functioning of body systems and improve the quality of human health.

Therefore, they occupy a middle place between ordinary products made using traditional technology and medical nutrition products (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Ratio of food groups

Products for proper nutrition form the basis of a healthy human diet. What kind of nutrition is considered correct? What is included in the concept of “healthy nutrition products”? How to choose the right diet that best suits the body's needs?

Proper nutrition: what to eat to be healthy?

Before defining what foods for proper nutrition are, it is necessary to understand the concept of proper nutrition itself, what foods to eat, in what quantities and in what ways to process them. Proper nutrition involves A complex approach to the organization of nutrition that satisfies all the body’s needs for nutrients and energy value, promoting its growth and development. The system of proper nutrition includes the organization of the diet and the diet itself. Proper nutrition is governed by certain principles:

  • Balance of the energy value of the diet and human energy expenditure - proper organization of the diet;
  • Balance of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • Proper distribution of food during the day - proper organization of the diet;
  • The actual diet (number of meals, intervals between meals);
  • Cooking methods;
  • Individual factors: age, weight, social status, lifestyle, general condition health, determining the body's needs at a certain point in time.

Having organized a proper nutrition regimen, what to eat and which products to give preference remains a paramount task. Products for proper nutrition, first of all, must be safe for human health, which is determined by their freshness and shelf life, the content of harmful plant impurities, biological objects, and hazardous chemical compounds in their composition.

Any “healthy” product can be classified as “harmful” by using heat treatment methods (for example, frying in animal fat), adding fatty sauces, unnatural seasonings, and combining them with easily digestible carbohydrates.

Products for proper nutrition: the basis of a healthy diet

Conventionally, all products present in the human diet can be divided into harmful and beneficial. The list of harmful products includes:

  • All fried foods. However, the roasting methods used must be taken into account. For example, lightly frying in olive oil will be less harmful than frying foods in animal fats;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks, as well as drinks made from dry mixtures;
  • Sausages and semi-finished products, smoked meats and fish, canned food;
  • Fermented milk products high in fat, curd desserts, fruit yoghurts;
  • Most confectionery products;
  • Snacks (chips, nuts, crackers and other goodies);
  • Products containing dyes in high concentrations;
  • Chocolate bars, milk chocolate with and without fillings;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Animal fats;
  • All dishes from the restaurant menu fast food, as well as instant food products;
  • Any alcoholic drinks;
  • Pastry and bakery products.

Add to list healthy products for proper nutrition includes:

  • Cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, rice;
  • Lean varieties of meat and fish;
  • Low-fat fermented milk products;
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Purified water, green tea, freshly squeezed juices;
  • Dark chocolate, honey, dried fruits
  • Vegetable fats;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Eggs;
  • Legumes.

The choice of products for proper nutrition is not limited to these lists, however, this is the basis of a healthy diet, which today will help you exclude from the diet harmful products, replacing them with “healthy” alternatives.

Proper nutrition: what nutrition is best for a person?

Currently, there is a lot of advice from nutritionists on organizing proper nutrition. What is the best food for humans? To the organization healthy eating should be approached based on individual factors. The choice of products for proper nutrition is determined not only by the parameters of their safety, harmfulness and usefulness, but also by the person’s age, state of health, concomitant diseases, and lifestyle.

During the period of active growth, the body needs foods of high nutritional value. The range of products for proper nutrition can be significantly limited by diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, as well as the human condition (nutrition during pregnancy and after childbirth, during the recovery period after illnesses, athlete’s nutrition before competitions).

Lifestyle largely determines energy value human diet, its composition. For related problems excess weight, impaired metabolism, it is also necessary to carefully select foods, enriching the diet with fiber and low-fat foods.

The main principle of proper nutrition, which contributes to the normal functioning of the body, is moderate food consumption. Excessive consumption of even foods for proper nutrition will cause significant harm to the body in the form of dysfunction and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders hormonal levels, mental disorders, discomfort, heaviness, obesity, limited lifestyle.

Food safety: what to exclude from your diet

Food safety is one of the most important factors healthy image life. The safety of products is determined not only by their quality and composition, but also by their freshness at the stage of their consumption. The content of chemical compounds, radionuclides, biological substances, and harmful plant impurities in products poses a threat to human health. Contamination of food products can be of physical, chemical and microbial origin (the content of foreign matter impurities in products, the content of pesticides and nitrates, microorganisms).

How to protect your diet? When choosing safe foods for proper nutrition, you must exclude:

  • Products containing GMOs - legislation regulates the mandatory presence of labeling on product packaging indicating the presence or absence of GMOs in their composition;
  • Products with a high content of additives that change their aroma, color and taste;
  • Long-lasting products.

The safety of food products also depends on the place where they are sold (specialized stores, spontaneous markets). Long-term consumption of foods containing additives and GMOs significantly worsens the quality of the diet and significantly affects the state of human health, manifested in the form of increased fatigue, decreased ability to work, mental disorders, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, its dysfunction, allergic reactions body. The main products containing the greatest amount food additives, are smoked products, fish and meat delicacies, sausages, yoghurts (products undergoing industrial processing, mixing process).

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