The best dietary supplements in the world fora. Dietary supplements approved by Rospotrebnadzor. Which manufacturers should you trust? Hero Nutritional Products, Yummi Bears, Multivitamin, All Natural Fruit Flavors and Colors

Dietary supplements for blood vessels - biological complexes active substances, which are used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, which are often caused by an unbalanced diet. Scientists have proven that there is a clear relationship between insufficient intake of certain compounds into the body and the occurrence of cardiac and vascular pathologies. Taking dietary supplements helps compensate for the lack of compounds beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. Which remedies are most effective? Our rating, based on reviews from patients and doctors, will help you find out.

The best dietary supplements for blood vessels

When choosing dietary supplements for blood vessels, pay attention to the composition. Good facilities must contain antioxidants (vitamins C, A and E, coenzyme Q10, bioflavonoids), the essential amino acid lysine, plant extracts (gingko biloba, grape seeds, garlic, hawthorn).

  • Vitamin C is a well-known natural antioxidant. With regular use, it reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, preventing their fragility (especially in combination with bioflavonoids). Activates vitamins A and E, which are also powerful antioxidants.
  • Dihydroquercetin and other bioflavonoids act similarly to vitamin C and enhance its activity. The compounds improve blood microcirculation and help increase the elasticity of vascular walls. Dihydroquercetin also prevents increased cholesterol levels, reduces blood viscosity, and improves oxygen saturation of cells.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (otherwise known as ubiquinone) is an effective antioxidant that is part of the lipids of cell membranes and some other structural elements of cells. Ubiquinone is involved in energy production processes, has a pronounced membrane-stabilizing and antiarrhythmic effect, and supports the activity of enzymes that ensure the normal functioning of myocardial cells. The coenzyme is integrated into the structure of lipoproteins, preventing their oxidation, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Lysine is an essential amino acid that prevents the deposition of lipoproteins in vascular walls. In certain concentrations, lysine binds already deposited lipoproteins, reducing the size of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Ginkgo biloba extract contains unique substances - ginkgolides, which prevent blood clots. Products with ginkgo biloba have a vasodilator, antiarrhythmic, antioxidant effect, improve microcirculation in brain tissue, restore the structure of vascular walls, and reduce their permeability. In addition, the plant extract reduces fear, increased anxiety and restlessness, improves memory, and slows down the deterioration of mental abilities. early stages Alzheimer's disease.
  • Garlic extract reduces the synthesis of cholesterol and lipids and stimulates their excretion from the body. By reducing blood clotting, it reduces the risk of blood clots. Normalizes blood sugar levels and exhibits antioxidant properties.
  • Grape seed extract. Contains valuable polyphenols, essential amino acids (including lysine), PP, group B vitamins, bioflavonoids, anthocyanins and other beneficial compounds. The extract strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, and reduces permeability.
  • Hawthorn extract. Contains quercetin and other flavonoids (useful for blood vessels), choline (normalizes cholesterol levels), hyperoside (enriches myocardial cells with potassium ions, improves energy processes in the heart).


Dietary supplements contain only natural ingredients. Their regular and long-term use:

  • reduces the risk of developing hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke and myocardial infarction;
  • reduces the frequency of attacks in patients with angina pectoris;
  • is an effective prevention and additional method of complex treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • prevents the development of venous insufficiency and varicose veins;
  • increases resistance to physical stress.


In order for dietary supplements to have a positive effect, they must be used for a long time, in courses. In addition, all dietary supplements for blood vessels must be taken with meals, which is not always convenient, especially if it is recommended to drink the product 3 or more times a day. Finally, remedies can cause allergic reactions, caused by individual intolerance to one or another component.

Rating of the best dietary supplements for blood vessels

Rating #1 #2 #3
Gentle effect on the body
Ease of use Manufacturer popularity Improving heart function and normalizing blood pressure Comprehensive strengthening of the body

The dietary supplement includes capsules of three types: “morning”, “day” and “evening”, which differ in composition. Morning capsules contain lecithin, nicotinamide, folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, biotin, magnesium oxide. Capsules for daily use contain vitamin E and fish fat, “evening” capsules contain vitamins C and E, isoflavones, lycopene, iodine, zinc, selenium, chromium. A specially designed complex provides the body with all the substances necessary for the cardiovascular system throughout the day. Recommended for normalizing cholesterol levels and the functional activity of the cardiovascular system.

  • Multicomponent composition, which increases the risk of allergic reactions.
  • High price– 1300 rubles per pack.

A dietary supplement based on coenzyme and ginkgo biloba extract has a pronounced antioxidant and vasodilator effect, stimulates cellular metabolism and cerebral circulation. Recommended for the prevention and complex therapy of heart failure, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis.

  • Has a complex effect. Has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, also recommended for diabetes, obesity, syndrome chronic fatigue, bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases, chronic infections.
  • Helps with bleeding gums, periodontal disease, periodontitis.
  • The coenzyme is available in a fat-soluble form, which is more stable and easier to digest than the water-soluble formula.
  • An affordable product, always easy to get.
  • High cost - the price of a package of 100 capsules averages 2,200 rubles.

The dietary supplement contains extracts of red clover and hawthorn, vitamin C and PP (nicotinic acid), rutin. The product promotes normalization blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, strengthens vascular walls, reduces the risk of blood clots.

  • Effectively reduces cholesterol levels (from 7.7 to 5.7 per month of use).
  • Reduces tinnitus, dizziness, normalizes heartbeat, reduces sensitivity to changes in weather conditions.
  • It has general strengthening properties, and colds occur less frequently after use.
  • Convenient to take - just two capsules per day.
  • Affordable price - 400 rubles per pack of 60 capsules.
  • Long-term use is required.
  • Some patients complain of the lack of effects declared by the manufacturer.

The dietary supplement contains a high dose of hawthorn extract, potassium and magnesium (in the form of aspartate). Used to normalize blood pressure and heart function. The action of hawthorn is supplemented by potassium and magnesium, the deficiency of which can also lead to the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

  • Normalizes blood pressure and reduces the frequency of tachycardia attacks.
  • Removes arrhythmia.
  • Increases performance.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • To achieve the effect, you need to take 4 tablets per day, which is not very convenient, and a package of 40 tablets is only enough for 10 days.
  • The price is affordable for one package (about 200 rubles for 40 tablets), but the minimum monthly course is quite expensive - 600 rubles.

A product based on the bioflavonoid dihydroquercetin helps restore microcirculation in tissues, increases elasticity and reduces the fragility of vascular walls, has a pronounced antioxidant effect, reduces blood viscosity, preventing thrombus formation, lowers cholesterol levels, and promotes oxygen saturation of cells. It is used for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases, as part of additional therapy for coronary artery disease and hypertension.

  • Veins in the legs become less noticeable.
  • Does not cause side effects.
  • The capsules are quite large, but easy to swallow thanks to the smooth gelatin shell.
  • Cheaper than similar products.
    • It does not always help, only with mild forms of venous insufficiency.
    • To make the effect more pronounced, it must be used in combination with Venokorset gel.
    • A little expensive - about 700 rubles for a package of 60 capsules (for a month of use).


    Among the wide range of dietary supplements, it is not easy to choose a good, effective product that really works and does not have a placebo effect. The fact is that the effectiveness and safety of many dietary supplements has not been confirmed, since the products, unlike drugs, do not undergo appropriate clinical trials.

    But there is another point. Any medicine undergoes registration and then re-registration (every 5 years). These are complex and expensive procedures. And dietary supplements are much easier to register from a bureaucratic point of view, and cheaper economically.

    Therefore, in order to save time and money, many pharmaceutical companies register their products as dietary supplements (if, of course, the composition allows it). There are many examples - vitamins from the Doppelgerz, Multi-Tabs brands, Duovit vitamins from the Slovenian company KRKA, Strix eye vitamins and others. Previously, they were medicines, but after re-registration the status changed: the products began to be produced as dietary supplements. At the same time, the composition, recommendations for use and quality remained at the same level.

    The situation is similar with dietary supplements for blood vessels. Therefore, our rating did not include products of dubious quality that are distributed via the Internet. The drugs we list can be purchased at the pharmacy. They contain those components whose effectiveness has been proven in clinical studies. For example, Doppelhertz Cardio System contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, fish oil (its ability to reduce cholesterol and strengthen the immune system has long been confirmed).

    There is no doubt about the dietary supplement with ginkgo biloba extract. In pharmacies there are many products based on ginkgo biloba, registered as medications(Bilobil, Memoplant, Tanakan). These are drugs to improve cerebral circulation, which doctors often include in complex treatment regimens for cardiovascular diseases.

    Medicines for veins (Detralex, Phlebodia) are made on the basis of flavonoids, and dihydroquercetin, which is part of dietary supplements, is also a flavonoid, has beneficial effect on the veins. The benefits of grape extract and hawthorn for the heart are also well known.

    Taking high-quality dietary supplements helps maintain health and normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, many dietary supplements for blood vessels have a general strengthening effect and prevent the development of diabetes mellitus and other serious diseases. But for a dietary supplement to benefit the body, two conditions must be met. First, you need to drink the product for a long time and regularly, in courses. Secondly, the supplement must be of high quality. We recommend purchasing those products that are sold through the pharmacy chain, and not through Internet resources.

    If a person cares about his health, then he will know the largest website that sells biologically active food supplements - Iherb. This online store is full of a variety of vitamins, prebiotics, and tablets with rare compounds that help maintain health and beauty.

    Supplements sold here are of high quality, meeting all international standards, without dyes or preservatives. Such dietary supplements have many certificates that confirm their effect.

    Various health associations officially sponsor the release of drugs and actively purchase finished products. Many dietary supplements are labeled to ensure that they can be taken by fasting or vegans.

    But it is impossible to choose quality supplements based only on their appearance and instructions for use. No matter how much manufacturers boast, it is difficult to say how dietary supplements will actually interact with the body. Therefore, before use, do not forget to consult your doctor!

    Let's see what reviews say about the most popular products among dietary supplements that the iHerb website is full of.


    ChildLife, Essentials, Liquid Calcium Magnesium, Natural Orange Flavor

    A remedy for parents who cannot force their child to drink another pharmaceutical medicine. Especially if you compare it not with calcium tablets, but with calcium gluconate.

    Liquid calcium is similar to thick yogurt in consistency and color, and tastes like a juicy sweet and sour orange. Children themselves ask their parents for it. The supplement contains no chemicals, dyes or flavors. In addition, the calcium in the preparation is presented in citrate form - it will not be deposited in the form of stones.

    While taking the drug, children's teeth begin to erupt faster, these teeth are stronger and are not susceptible to caries. Joints stop creaking, light fluff-like hair is quickly replaced by harder and straighter ones, and bald spots heal. If a child is diagnosed with the first stage of rickets, liquid calcium will help the bones recover and the fontanelle to grow.

    Reviews of pediatricians on iherb recommend taking this drug when treating eczema - in a week the child will recover, his skin will become clearer. The supplement is worth trying for those who suffer from respiratory diseases. But liquid calcium will be of particular benefit to people (not only children, but also adults) who have been treated with drugs that wash away calcium from the bones.

    The only disadvantage of this product is that nails grow too quickly and need to be cut frequently.

    Nordic Naturals, Children's DHA with Vitamin D3

    iherb reviews claim that this is another remedy that will turn taking medications from an attraction into a pleasant procedure. Not all children are ready to take fish oil even in gelatin capsules, not to mention liquid fish oil. But this fat is available in liquid form, and at the same time it has a juicy strawberry taste, and only a slight fishy smell. Children drink it with pleasure and ask their parents for more.

    The drug is made from the liver of Antarctic cod, it does not contain synthetic fats and subcutaneous fish oil, as in domestic analogues. Each batch is thoroughly cleaned and processed, and then tested for the presence of heavy metal impurities.

    The bottle comes with a pipette, which can be used to easily draw the required amount of the drug. She finds it convenient to add fish oil to her food.

    Moms from iHerb recommend fish oil from this company for another reason - the dietary supplement is excellent for washing off children’s clothes.

    Doctor's Best, CoQ-10, CoQ10, with BioPerine

    The Iherb website is one of those rare places where Coenzyme Q-10 is constantly on sale. This is important, because residents of small towns can rarely find it in pharmacies; they can only order coenzyme on the Internet. At the same time, the cost of the drug on the iHerb website will be significantly lower than in pharmacy chains.

    Coenzyme Q-10 is found in all tissues of the body. It supports the functioning of the heart and is involved in energy production. The coenzyme can not only prolong life, but also make it more joyful and happy. Taking it helps cope with depression, fatigue and weakness.

    The coenzyme helps with:

    1. Inflammation of the gums;
    2. Tremors or numbness of the limbs and fingers;
    3. Heart diseases;
    4. Obesity;
    5. Migraines;
    6. Hair loss.

    The drug works well for people with irregular working hours and those who do not know when they will next be able to sleep. In stressful situations it is indispensable. According to iHerb reviews, young mothers after taking a course of this drug not only have time to look after the baby, but also take care of themselves. And it will be useful for dads too. The drug saturates the body with energy so that people start getting up for work before the alarm clock rings. If a person has a hard time with jet lag, then he should take this supplement before the flight.

    Natrol, Biotin, Maximum Strength

    Biotin is vitamin B7. Biotin helps existing bald patches grow with new hair. Hair grows faster and returns to its original color. Improves nail growth. After finishing the first jar, many customers notice how smooth and beautiful their skin has become.

    But you should pay attention to the dosage. There is too much vitamin in the tablet. You can’t take whole tablets; you need to take them in half, or even in quarters.

    Jarrow Formulas, Jarro-Dophilus EPS

    One of the best probiotics in the USA, which contains several strains of microorganisms. This is necessary in order to establish action gastrointestinal tract. Dietary supplement capsules are covered with a shell that protects the contents from stomach acid and delivers them further to their destination. Microorganisms have good survival rate in the intestines.

    Probiotics help cope with the results of taking antibiotics - bloating and abdominal pain. Capsules can be taken immediately before a feast and immediately after it, so that the next day a large meal does not cause heaviness in the stomach and swelling. If nausea occurs, you can also take the drug, and the nausea will go away after half an hour. The skin condition is normalized, rashes disappear, oiliness and dryness disappear. The drug can be given to children with colic.

    But side effects may occur:

    1. Bloating;
    2. Stitching pains;
    3. Nausea;
    4. Spasms.

    In this case, you should stop taking dietary supplements for a week, wait until your own microflora “makes peace” with the new one, and try again.

    ChildLife, Essentials, Liquid Vitamin C, Natural Orange Flavor

    There is no need to put up with the taste of domestic drugs; the drug from iHerb has many advantages. And the main thing among them is that it is convenient to give it to babies. The dietary supplement is not allergenic, so anyone can take it.

    The packaging of the drug is a large bottle with orange syrup, saturated with vitamin C. The syrup is very tasty, not cloying, but it is inconvenient to pour from the bottle; it constantly tends to flow down its outer surface. It is better to pour the dietary supplement into another, more convenient container.

    Every day you can take a teaspoon as a preventive measure, if there is one patient in the family, two. Liquid vitamins should be taken in increased doses during epidemics, in the off-season, before hiking. kindergarten and in primary school. If you take it during illness, you don’t have to be afraid and drink a few spoons a day - the temperature will subside quickly.

    Orange contains acids that corrode tooth enamel. Therefore, after drinking the syrup, it is recommended to rinse your mouth or drink water.

    Reviews for these vitamins are extremely positive.

    Nature's Way, Primadophilus, for children 2 to 12 years, cherry flavored chewable

    Among iHerb dietary supplements for children, primadophilus occupies one of the leading positions. It is included in products that do not need to be forced to be taken - the child himself will say that it is time to share with him.

    This supplement helps well to recover after a course of antibiotics or dysbacteriosis. Quickly improves digestion, removes rashes from the face, and helps in treating allergies.

    Weak, short children with poor appetite most likely have problems with the digestive system, with the presence of microorganisms that help digest and absorb food. If the necessary microorganisms are not present in the required ratio, then a small part of the food is absorbed useful substances. Therefore, after taking primadophilus, children quickly grow taller, become a little fuller and more cheerful.

    Nature's Way, Alive Maximum Action, Multi-Vitamin, No Iron Added

    Another supplement from Nature’s Way, which is distributed by the iherb website.

    In addition to vitamins and minerals, the multivitamins include spirulina and Siberian eleutherococcus.

    Those who take these dietary supplements stop losing hair, their nails become stronger, and their skin returns to the state it was several years ago. A person becomes so energetic that he gets up before the alarm clock, and cheerful and rested, he easily gets down to work and sports.

    The usual scheme with the stated three techniques every day is great, it is suitable for highly active people in a stressful situation. For most people, taking 2 capsules is enough, and sometimes one at a time.

    But you need to pay attention to some of the disadvantages of these multivitamins.

    The tablets of this dietary supplement are quite large, not everyone can swallow them conveniently, and it is difficult to divide it in half, it crumbles.

    If you take vitamins before bed, it will be difficult to fall asleep. The treatment regimen includes two doses, so it is best to take them in the morning, and in the evening do not delay taking them until later.

    Hero Nutritional Products, Yummi Bears, Multivitamin, All Natural Fruit Flavors and Colors

    Dietary supplements are active additives with targeted action. With their help, you can restore the functioning of certain organs and health in general. Currently on site Russian Federation A huge number of active supplements are sold. But can all manufacturers be trusted? Which dietary supplements are approved by Rospotrebnadzor?

    Dietary supplements approved for sale by Rospotrebnadzor

    All dietary supplements that are sold in the pharmacy chain have a certificate of conformity, therefore, they are approved by Rospotrebnadzor for distribution and sale in the Russian Federation. But the word “approved” only means that the dietary supplements have been tested and the presence of psychoactive and psychotropic substances, heavy metal salts, and harmful ingredients hazardous to health has not been detected. However, this does not mean that dietary supplements contain the declared substances and that they will have an active effect, strengthening and restoring health. The main slogan of Rospotrebnadzor and the chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko is “Do no harm,” and the consumer would like to be sure that for a very a large sum, and dietary supplements cost a lot of money, you will get the effect declared by the manufacturer of dietary supplements. What to do? Buy dietary supplements only from reliable manufacturers who value the reputation of their enterprise.

    Which dietary supplements should you trust?

    1. Closed Joint-Stock Company"Evalar" produces more than 120 types of dietary supplements. The declared characteristics of dietary supplements correspond to them in reality. The Evalar company grows environmentally friendly raw materials on its own plantations, from which dietary supplements are produced. In addition, all dietary supplements undergo strict international quality control.
    2. The Diod eco-food plant produces a number of dietary supplements, including those known around the world: “Oculist”, “Calcium-Active”, “Iodine-Active”, “Selenium-Active”, “Capilar”, “Soulful Tea”.
    3. JSC "Akvion". This is an equally well-known enterprise specializing in the production of active substances and dietary supplements. The whole world knows effective dietary supplements under the trade names: “Kudesan”, “Vetoron” and the vitamin-mineral complex with separate intake “Alphabet”.
    4. “Natur Produkt” is a well-known manufacturer that produces more than 150 types of biologically active substances. The quality of the additives meets all international quality standards.
    5. "Pharm-Pro". It is mainly known for such a supplement as “Russian Hematogen”. But besides this, it has mastered the production of a whole range of equally high-quality products with active effects.
    6. The most reliable foreign manufacturers of dietary supplements are: Ferrosan - a Danish-Swedish company, PharmaMed - a Canadian pharmaceutical company, Nycomed - a company founded in Norway, Vision - Cyprus.

    Where to buy dietary supplements from the most reliable manufacturers

    You can buy dietary supplements in retail or wholesale pharmacies or in online pharmacies: IFK Pharmacy. All goods are certified and delivered on time.

    Many people. Everyone has their own point of view, but we will try not to get hung up on these discussions, but to find out for ourselves the most important thing, what it is and which dietary supplements are the best at the moment.

    Dietary supplements are a complex of biologically active substances that are consumed with food to enrich the human diet.

    Some people mistakenly consider dietary supplements to be drugs, but they are NOT a drug. A doctor may prescribe a dietary supplement to enrich your diet, which will help you cope with the disease faster, in combination with pills, but it will not cure you.

    The best dietary supplements should contain the following components:

    • Fermentation products,
    • Minerals and vitamins,
    • Synthetic analogues of natural, natural food products.
    • Seafood,
    • Bee products
    • Ecologically pure medicinal plants.
    • Antioxidants,
    • Amino acids.

    The best dietary supplements:


    Regulates many biochemical processes in the body, for example, the absorption of calcium from the intestines, the absorption of vitamins, phosphorus and potassium.

    Replenishing magnesium deficiency in the body, increasing the protective functions of the body, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, is also taken for hair loss, osteoporosis, excessive irritability and sleep disturbances, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

    One tablet contains 20 mg of magnesium.


    Replenishing the lack of zinc in the body, normalizing fat metabolism, protects the body from viruses and pathogens.

    Recommended for people with myopia, hypertension, diabetes, stomach ulcers, anemia, diarrhea, poor memory, dermatological diseases of non-infectious origin, vegetarians to increase the level of zinc in the body.

    One tablet contains 5 mg of zinc.


    Promotes the production of the female hormone - estrogen, forms bone tissue, taste sensations, helps form red blood cells, gives skin and hair a healthy appearance.

    Restoring copper levels for scoliosis, anemia, infertility, disorders menstrual cycle, enlargement of the thyroid gland to reduce the hormone thyroxine, delayed sexual development in girls.

    one tablet contains 2 mg of copper.


    Participates in the body's absorption of calcium and phosphorus, in the proper metabolism of sugar and fats, and protects the body. Normalizes the body's immune activity, promotes the absorption of vitamins B1 and E, and plays a serious role during lactation.

    Increasing the level of manganese in the body, with arthritis, osteoporosis, especially in the elderly, chronic fatigue, weakness and irritability, overweight, elevated level fats in the blood, a tendency to seizures and slow mental development.

    One tablet contains 2 mg of manganese


    Helps the functioning of the heart and endocrine system, keeps nerve tissue in shape, improves performance and the thinking process.

    Restoring potassium in the body, improving the functioning of the heart muscle - myocardium, in case of blood pressure disorders and to maintain body tone.

    One tablet contains 69 mg of potassium.


    Promotes metabolic processes, wound healing, counteracts the toxic effects of heavy metals, and rejuvenates the body.

    With slow growth of children, male (in frequent cases) infertility, hair loss, poor nail growth, reduced protective function of the body, liver dysfunction, dermatitis and eczema.

    One tablet contains 0.21 mg of selenium.


    Takes part in carbohydrate, hormonal, enzyme and fat metabolism. Improves well-being, digestion, helps to lose excess weight.

    To improve metabolism, activity of the cardiac system, strengthen the immune system, with decreased sexual function in men, fatigue, insomnia, headaches.

    One tablet contains 100 mcg of chromium.


    Cobalt is part of vitamin B12, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, through better absorption of iron in the body, helps synthesize protein, form hormones in the thyroid gland, and takes part in cell division.

    Restoring cobalt levels in the body, combating fatigue, weakness, fatigue, and poor memory. Helps with B12 anemia, delayed development in childhood, and neuropsychiatric diseases.

    One tablet contains 0.08 mg of cobalt.


    Calcium - construction material our bones, teeth, tendons. Takes part in muscle contraction and relaxation, participates in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and enhances the body’s resistance to external stimuli.

    For pain in bones, muscles, cramps, growth disturbances, fractures, fatigue, weakness, hypocalcenosis, urolithiasis, allergies and immune disorders.

    One tablet contains 408 mg of calcium aspartate.

    Which companies produce the highest quality dietary supplements?

    • - APIPHARM
    • AD MEDICINE Limited
    • Vision International People Group

    Where to buy quality dietary supplements?

    The first and basic rule is not in stores. It is best to do this in a diagnostic center, where, after a complete diagnosis of your body, doctors will recommend to you which drugs are best to use in the fight against the disease.

    Since such centers employ specialists who are familiar with the quality of products, their effects, and useful new products, they will be able to give you good advice. Buying nutritional supplements After consulting with a certified doctor, you can rest assured about your health.

    Helps you improve your health. Why? The food we eat, even if it is fresh and organic, does not have the same nutritional value. Simply put, the earth produces food with fewer essential nutrients.

    The best dietary supplements - ideally dosed multivitamins

    The very first and most important addition to the diet is multivitamins, which are consumed daily.

    Some people believe that vitamins and minerals are no longer effective, it is worth trying some of the latest innovations that have a more powerful effect. Don't think of essential vitamins and minerals as outdated or ineffective. From vitamin A to zinc, the body relies entirely on nutrients to maintain optimal health. You can live without some of the latest Amazonian herbs, for example, which, as we are convinced, cures everything, but you cannot live without vitamins and minerals.

    By the way, multivitamins are usually much cheaper than herbal and plant extracts. You should know that not all multivitamins are created equal—some provide minimal doses of nutrients, while others provide just the right amount of a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals.

    The difference is in the dosage, the first type is based on the daily recommended amount by government authorities, the second is based on the ideal daily intake dose, scientifically based, exceeding the norms set by the government and aimed at optimizing health.

    The dosage of vitamins and minerals at this level is protected from deficiencies and optimizes:

    Reasons to Take a Multivitamin from David Letterman:

    • You feel tired regularly.
    • You are in a constant mental fog and cannot think clearly.
    • Nails and skin look discolored and old.
    • Nervous system in "discord".
    • We live in a toxic environment.
    • Soils are depleted of important nutrients and ultimately produce similar food.
    • You don't have the opportunity to buy organic food, you eat fruits and vegetables rich in pesticides.
    • You exclude fruits and vegetables from your diet.
    • You want to live longer and be healthier.

    The best dietary supplements - omega-3, rich in healthy oils

    The second important dietary supplement is omega-3 fatty acid. You've probably heard a lot about them from the media.

    Simply put, these are good and healthy fats, sometimes called essential fats because they are essential for health and the human body does not create them. Therefore, omega-3 can only be obtained through diet or taking dietary supplements (fish oil).

    Scientific research shows the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids:

    • Supports mental health.
    • Stimulates cognitive abilities.
    • Reduce the risk of cardiac diseases and heart attacks.
    • Reduce systemic inflammation. It is the common denominator of all age-related diseases - cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Reduce level chronic inflammation in the body - the most important thing things you can do to maintain optimal health.

    The best dietary supplements - CoQ10 ubiquinol

    Fully reduced coenzyme CoQ10 (coenzyme) is the third important dietary supplement. Its contribution weighs heavily on the health and well-being of every adult.

    What is coenzyme? "Co" means "with" or "together" and enzymes speed up all the chemical reactions in the body that support life.

    The coenzyme CoQ10 interacts with enzymes (enzymes) inside the mitochondria of cells to create the ATP energy needed for cell function. In other words, it helps the cellular power plants - mitochondria - burn fuel more efficiently. If CoQ10 levels are low, a person experiences fatigue and exhaustion. Every cell, tissue and organ will suffer because they need ATP - a universal source of energy.

    CoQ10 is best known for its benefits for cardiovascular health. It's worth knowing about this, because... the heart requires more energy than any other organ. But CoQ10 has other benefits. Clinical trial results showed:

    • It helps with numerous cardiac diseases.
    • Slows down the progression of Parkinson's disease. Has a protective effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
    • Beneficial for asthma and chronic lung diseases, eye diseases.
    • Helps with diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
    • Increases vigor in healthy people, slows down the aging of the immune system.

    CoQ10 is synthesized in the body, but as we get older, it is synthesized in smaller quantities. Tissue tests have shown that levels peak at age twenty and then decline steadily thereafter.

    Do you want to add 9 years to your life? Research shows that CoQ10 makes this possible!

    The best dietary supplements - probiotics

    The fourth and last most important dietary supplement is a probiotic product. It is worth knowing that human survival depends on the ability of the intestines to extract proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals from food.

    If the health of this organ is compromised, no matter how healthy a diet you follow, you will not get everything you need from food. Besides, most of The immune system - about 70% - is located in the gastrointestinal tract.

    The composition of bacteria in the intestines affects the functioning of the organ itself and the immune system as a whole. The more healthy bacteria there are, the stronger your immune system and the better your digestive system functions.

    To start, avoid the following things, which reduce the level of beneficial bacteria and increase pathogenic ones:

    • excessive alcohol consumption;
    • smoking;
    • stress;
    • eating foods rich in toxins and poor in nutrients.

    To restore microflora, use probiotic products that provide lactobacilli and bifidobacteria - at least 10 billion colony-forming units (CFU).

    Based on materials:

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