The best foreign photo sites. Examples of high resolution photos. The best photos for inspiration

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Finding a good photo for your website or blog is like finding a treasure, and it is also very important not to violate copyright. In this article website I have collected the best photo stocks where you can download tens of thousands of images.

Enjoy it for your health!

  • Dreamstime is a separate section with free content that is updated quite often. Registration is required to use.
  • Free Digital Photos - large database, divided into categories. All images can be used for educational, personal or business purposes.
  • Free Images - a large gallery of more than 35 thousand images, divided into categories and available for topical search. You will need authorization to download.
  • Free Range Stock - a database of free high-quality photographs. You can use it only after registering and logging into the site using your username and password.
  • Free Photos Bank - a good collection of free photos available for downloading without registration. All images are divided into a number of categories; you can search by topic and keywords.
  • IM Free is a collection of graphics and photographs taken from open legal sources, including for commercial use. Supports keyword search.
  • Morguefile is a selection of photographs by different photographers that can be used for personal web projects. Registration on the site and indication of authorship in the caption of the photographs used are required.
  • Pixabay is a database of free photographs that are not protected by copyright and distributed under a Creative Commons license.
  • Public Domain Pictures is a repository of free photographs from amateur authors. A quick registration is required to use it. To download large images you need to create a paid account.
  • Stockvault is a photo stock for photographers and designers that allows you to publish your work and use other people's photos for personal and non-commercial purposes. Registration is not required here.
  • Rgbstock is a free stock site for photographers and graphic authors with mandatory one-click registration and a good selection of materials offered.
  • Ancestry Images is a free archive of historical prints, maps and old photos from geographical expeditions and photojournalist archives.
  • BigFoto is a photo gallery without paying for the use of amateur photos. There is cataloging based on geography.
  • Gratisography is a free collection of high-quality images for personal and commercial use. The selection is updated weekly, and you can download it in one click.
  • Death to the Stock Photo - Free high-resolution stock photos delivered monthly to your email.
  • FreeMediaGoo is a free media storage for photos that can be used in various media projects. There is cataloging and keyword search.
  • Hubspot is a marketing platform that, in addition to its core services, also offers free photo packages for subscribers who leave their contact details and email address.
  • iStock is a resource that publishes a selection of free photos every week, but you will need to register to gain access to it.
  • Little Visuals is a project that sends 7 high-quality photographs to the email specified during registration every 7 days. The selection can be very different: from industrial cities to idyllic landscapes.
  • New Old Stock is an online selection of vintage photos from publicly accessible archives that are not subject to copyright restrictions.
  • PicJumbo - free photos can be downloaded here without registering on the site. There is a selection of categories, but there is no search by resource.
  • Pickupimage is a large online collection of free stock photos, mostly about nature or landscapes, that can be copied and distributed even for commercial purposes. Registration is not required.
  • Superfamous is a website of a Dutch designer, all collections of materials here are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. According to the terms of this license, you can use the photo only if you provide a link to the author of the photo.
  • Unsplash - the site offers users a dozen free high-quality photos every 10 days.
  • Can We Image - the project provides search and display of results from the Wikimedia Commons database. All links found lead directly to the original pages with the original content.
  • Compfight is an engine for searching images from Flickr. Uses the Flickr API and a set of search parameters.
  • Creative Commons Search is a site for searching images under a Creative Commons license, supports integration with Flickr and Google and search using special parameters.
  • Foter is a search tool for Flickr that allows you to quickly select images with licensing options of interest.
  • Google Advanced Image Search - advanced search for images posted on different sites. Google search capabilities are used.
  • Every Stock Photo is a search engine for free photos that works with many sources at once and allows you to choose one or another type of license.
  • Image Finder is a search engine for photos with a Creative Commons license based on the popular photo hosting site Flickr, filtering by commercial and non-commercial licenses.
  • PhotoPin is another Creative Commons-licensed photo search engine based on Flickr.
  • is a professional community of photographers with 25 thousand images.
  • TinEye is a photo search engine that allows you to track the source of the image, the type of use, whether there are modified versions of the photo or higher resolution versions.
  • Canva is a tool for preparing new illustrations for blogs based on existing ready-made graphics and photographs.
  • Getty Images is a resource that allows you to embed photographs and graphics into third-party sites without downloading to your computer, indicating copyright and original source.
  • The Stocks is an aggregator of free photos from all over the web. All pictures are divided into categories - in accordance with the sources from which they were taken.
  • Pexels is a free stock service where you can find photos on a variety of topics.
  • All the Free Stock is another aggregator that collects images from free stock services.
  • Designers Pics is a site that collects free high-resolution photos. There is a general update feed and a separate section where pictures are divided into categories.
  • Splashbase is a service that specializes not only in free photos, but also in videos.
  • Startup Stock Photos is a collection of free stock photos designed specifically for startups - mainly you can find images on corporate and business topics.
  • Jay Mantri - free high quality photographs from photographer Jay Mantri.
  • Moveast is a gallery of free images from a Portuguese photographer who "decided that all his images should be free."
  • Travel Coffee Book - photo stock for travel photos. Any user can download photos or upload their own photos.

The best photos for inspiration

Many popular websites have special sections where photographs of professionals are published. Here are some resources to help you find inspiration:

  1. National Geographic Photography. Known for his stunning wildlife photography.
  2. BBC News In Pictures. Perhaps a little conservative, but very high quality.
  3. Great Photojournalism. Community of professional photojournalists.
  4. World Press Photo. Archive of photos of participants annual competition, held since 1955.
  5. File Magazine. A magazine of extraordinary, challenging photographs and illustrations.
  6. MagnumPhotos. Works by professional photographers from the Magnum agency.
  7. Royal Photography Society. British Photography Community Gallery.
  8. Phase. Magazine with interesting projects photographers from different countries.
  9. FlakPhoto. A collection of individual photographs and photo projects.
  10. Unsplash. High quality photo gallery.
  11. 500px . A popular resource for photographers.
  12. Pinterest. A rather chaotic resource, but with a well-formulated request it can be useful.
  13. Inspirationgrid. A huge collection of high-quality photographs.
  14. PlanetPics. Photos of the most beautiful places on Earth.
  15. Weatherscapes. A site with amazing photographs of weather phenomena.

Educational materials

As in any field, anyone who is willing to learn can become a professional in photography. There is also no need to be afraid of English-language resources: the meanings of most terms in this area are intuitively clear.

  1. Tips on choosing equipment, shooting, processing.
  2. "Simple tricks". Daily articles on a wide variety of topics for photographers.
  3. Photo-Monster. Photography tips from professionals.
  4. "Cultural enlightenment". Section on the website with articles on theory and practice and inspiring interviews.
  5. Russian Photo. Photography lessons divided by category.
  6. "Photo industry". Lessons in photography, processing, retouching.
  7. Inspiring tips.
  8. Prophotos. Large collection of lessons and instructions.
  9. Digital Camera World. Useful tips for photographers.
  10. MorgueFile Classroom. Ten photography lessons from freelance photographer Jodi Coston.
  11. Photonet learning. A section with lessons from one of the largest photo resources in English.
  12. Photomanual. Just about difficult things in photography.
  13. "Photography for Beginners." Photography Basics for Beginners full course on Coursera.
  14. Fujifilmru. An educational project in which you will learn common myths about composition. And also learn how to choose the right lens.
  15. Photo-monster. Video tutorials on different areas of photography: from portraits to landscapes.

Photo Editing Tutorials in Photoshop

Clubs manufacturers

2. We shoot and process

Processing pictures on a smartphone

In fact, there are many alternative applications to the popular Instagram that allow you to process photos using built-in filters:

  1. VSCO Camera ( , iOS).
  2. EyeEm (Android, iOS).
  3. Pixlr (Android, iOS, WP8).
  4. PicsArt (Android, iOS, WP8).
  5. Adobe Photoshop Express (Android, iOS, WP8).
  6. Photo Editor by Aviary (Android, iOS).
  7. Repix (Android, iOS).
  8. Snapseed (Android, iOS).
  9. Afterlight (Android, iOS,) - 35 rubles (Android), $0.99 (iOS, Windows Phone).
  10. Mextures (iOS) - $1.99.

Software for photo processing on PC

Even perfect photos need a little retouching. There are various paid and free programs for this purpose:

  1. Photoshop. Needs no introduction.
  2. Lightroom. Another Adobe product for photo processing. Less cumbersome than Photoshop.
  3. GIMP. A free alternative to Photoshop, available for all popular operating systems.
  4. Paint.NET. A rather primitive editor for Windows, but quite suitable for performing basic operations.
  5. PixelMator. Powerful photo editor for macOS.

Online processing

You can carry out many basic photo processing operations directly in your browser for free and without installing additional software. The resources differ only in the set of tools they offer.

3. Publish

Posting on your blog

Paid resources often allow you to create a real portfolio and attract viewers quickly and easily. But you shouldn’t neglect free ones either.

  1. Facebook. Why not just create an album. There are no restrictions on the number of pictures, privacy settings are very flexible.
  2. "In contact with ". Likewise.
  3. LiveJournal. A well-known resource suitable for photo blogging.
  4. DeviantArt. A huge multidisciplinary community, within which photography has a large section with many subcategories.
  5. SmugMug. Here you can not only put together a portfolio of author’s photographs, but also earn income from the use of photographs. Offers two weeks of free use.
  6. Esposure. A great resource for creating photo stories.
  7. Photoshelter. One of the most popular platforms for creating online portfolios.
  8. Carbonmade. A very nice resource for publishing your portfolio with a limited number of free photos.
  9. Flickr. You can upload photos in high resolution and join groups based on interests.
  10. Google Photos. Secure storage for your photos, with the ability to create albums and stories to share with friends.
  11. Adobe Spark. Another service that allows you to create web pages with your photo stories.
  12. Behance. This service is favored by designers, but here you can also talk about the creative process and share your best works.

The American magazine Smashing magazine made a selection of the 30 most beautiful photo sites.

Of course, a lot can be argued with. Yes, and it’s somehow insulting for the fatherland. Incl. if you know sites that could qualify for a place on the list, provide links...

A most amazing site with fantastic photography, music and atmosphere

Highly professional photos on an easy to navigate, beautiful website

Unusual site owned by an agency, not a specific photographer

Website of a world famous photographer famous people Jason Bell. Yes, that's Mickey Rourke in the photo.

Simple and effective design

Great site with large, color-saturated photos

Fashion photography website with beautiful minimalist design

Website of a girl named Kim Mendoza with cute photos and charming music

A very expressive sports photography site

Brave and bright design from one of England's leading fashion photographers

Warm colors and similar photos

Full-screen photos are a big advantage of this site.

Very beautiful flash site

Photojournalist Brent Stirton's website

The Burn magazine website uses a blog-like design to keep visitors up to date with the latest events.

This site is the work of the photographer himself, a traveler from Thailand

Beautiful graphics accompanied by stories

A beautiful site in its simplicity and brevity.

Another site with a minimalist and impeccable design

Exquisite colors and high-quality photos

Website with a light and fresh design

The world around us in all its splendor

This site is famous for its discovery. In the first 10 days online, the video posted on the main page was downloaded more than 1.5 million times (now the preview video is different)

Nils Jorgenson tries to capture a meaningful street moment in his distinctive style. Both color and black and white photographs of this photographer evoke in the viewer either a feeling of calm or surprise.

Charlie Kirk

The information about Charlie Kirk presented on his website looks rather ordinary, which cannot be said about his photographs. This is a photographer from Japan. He likes to shoot in in public places, while Kirk is of increased interest beautiful girls, umbrellas, drunk people and mirrors. Charlie's photographs have been exhibited at Format Festival Derby and FOAM Netherlands.

Stefano Corso

Stefano Corso's photographs contain a sea of ​​light and beautiful compositions. His work is shown in numerous exhibitions and galleries.

Felix Lupa

The phenomenal author, born in Ukraine, has been working as a freelance photographer since 1995. Felix Lupa's photographs are powerful and eloquent. It feels like he fell in love with street photography even before he realized that he was shooting in this genre.

Siegfried Hansen

Siegfried Hansen is a professional photographer. In street photography, pay attention to people or their faces. His works are also characterized by graphic elements.

Marcos Semola

Marcos Semola is a self-taught photographer from Brazil. He has already published several books on street photography and exhibits his work in different countries.

Alex Kog

Alex Coghe is an Italian photojournalist currently living in Mexico. Street photography is his calling. Alex says the street has become both a gym and therapy for him.

Brian Formhealth

Bryan Formhals is the founder of LPV magazine and an avid street photographer. At first, fascinated by film scripts, he saw himself as a director. But street photography lured him away.

David Solomons

For David Solomons, it all started with Magnum's exhibition "In Our Time", which left an indelible impression on him. He was a teacher in English, but signed up for a photography course. David is inspired by color photographs of such famous authors as Joel Meyerowitz, Alex Webb and Martin Parr.

Margie Lang

French photographer Marji Lang loves to travel and take pictures on the street. Her photographs are characterized by rich, vibrant colors and geometric lines. Margie has a beautiful portfolio with stunning, highly artistic shots. India is her favorite holiday destination and main source of inspiration. The photographer focuses most on the following topics: everyday life, pilgrimage, religion, social and cultural problems.


This famous photographer undertook trip around the world, which lasted 80 weeks. Upon his return, Yanidel updated his website with information about the new experiences he had while navigating different countries, and also showed his best photographs. His style is largely influenced humanistic traditions. And the author’s main motto when shooting on the street is respect for human dignity.

Kramer O'Neil

Kramer O'Neill is an excellent photographer who pays special attention to the details in the frame. Photographing both objects and people, he fills the frames with meaning using lighting.

Sergey Maximishin

Along with numerous recognitions and awards, Sergei Maximishin became the winner of the World Press Photo Award. His photographs are phenomenal.

Sagi Kortler

Sagi Kortler stands out for his street photography style. For this author, street photography is more than a genre. He follows his intuition to press the shutter button at a specific moment.

The author does not plan his shots, he allows life to unfold before his eyes, and then photographs it as it appears to him, conveying his feelings. Sagi Kortler contemplates life and observes society, documenting the world in which he lives.

Devin Yalkin

Devin Yalkin creates stunning black and white photographs that convey the mood of the characters in the frame and provide food for thought.

Kate Kirkwood

In her works, Kate Kirkwood idealizes the unfamiliar magic of cities, which she takes particular pleasure in immersing in.

Ricky Seegers

Ricky Siegers is a photographer from the Netherlands who loves photographing people and their lives on the street. Most of his works are black and white and ironic.

Leonardo Amaro Rodriguez

Leonardo Amaro Rodrigues tries to expand the boundaries of his capabilities, overcoming internal barriers. His photographs express the photographer’s inner world without words. Using light, he shows everything he feels and thinks.

Gabi Ben-Abraham

For Israeli photographer Gabi Ben-Avraham, street photography is his favorite way to see the world. Although sometimes he has to for a long time stand and wait until an interesting object appears to photograph. It could be a cyclist, a dancer or a child.

The camera has become an integral part of Gabi. He takes her with him everywhere, waiting for the opportunity to take the best photo of his life. And luck smiled at him more than once, judging by the wonderful works that we see.

Chris Marquardt

In 2011, Chris Marquardt released the first two series of his photographs taken on the iPhone, whose applications are aimed at providing photographers with extensive shooting capabilities. The images turned out to be very high quality, despite the pocket size of the device. These photos speak for themselves.

Lucas Vasilikos

Lukas Vasilikos became interested in photography in 2006 when he attended a workshop by Manos Lykakis. Since then, he has been enthusiastically filming and expanding his numerous publications, including on websites.

Eleni Rome

Eleni Rim's color and black-and-white photographs are characterized by emphatic framing of frame elements or characters. Her photographs need to be experienced.

Konstantin Karaiskos

Bold and dynamic compositions, contrast between the subject in the foreground and the background are characteristic of the photographs of Kostantine Karaiskos. His works definitely deserve our attention.

Nowadays, there is only one way to get rich, become famous and go down in history as a photographer - by doing anything but photography. A hundred years ago you could easily become a great photographer, since there were two key prerequisites:

A. photography was a complex, troublesome and little-known craft;

b. Technologies gradually emerged and were introduced that made it possible to reproduce photographs in newspapers and (a little later) in color magazines.

That is, the glorious moment came when, having pressed the shutter button, you already understood that this frame would be seen by millions. But these millions did not yet know that they could do the same thing, since there were no digital point-and-shoot cameras, full automation and photo dumps on the Internet. Well, and talent, of course. You have no competition!

The golden era of photography, perhaps, should be recognized as the middle of the last century. However, many of the artists listed on our list belong to other distant and modern eras.

Helmut Newton, Germany, 1920–2004

A little more than a great and famous fashion photographer with a very, very independent understanding of what eroticism is. He was fiercely in demand by almost all glossy magazines, Vogue, Elle and Playboy in the first place. He died at 84 after crashing his car into a concrete wall at full speed.

Richard Avedon, USA, 1923–2004

The god of black and white portraits, also interesting because delving into his galleries, you will find anyone. The photographs of this brilliant New York Jew have absolutely everything. They say that Richard took his first photograph at the age of nine, when the little boy accidentally caught Sergei Rachmaninoff in his lens.

Henri Cartier-Bresson, France, 1908–2004

An outstanding photorealist, one of the patriarchs of photo reporting, and at the same time an invisible man: he had a delicately developed gift for being able to remain noticeable to those he photographed. At first he studied to be an artist, where he developed a craving for light surrealism, which was then tangibly imprinted in his photographs.

Sebastian Salgado, Brazil, 1944

The creator of almost fantastic images, actually taken from the real world. Salgado was a photojournalist who was especially drawn to anomalies, misfortunes, poverty and environmental disasters - but even such his subjects are mesmerizing in their beauty. In 2014, director Wim Wenders made a film about him called “The Salt of the Earth” (special prize at the Cannes Film Festival).

William Eugene Smith, USA, 1918–1978

A photojournalist, perhaps famous for everything a photojournalist can become famous for - from canonical war photographs to expressive and touching portraits of great and ordinary people. Below is an example of footage from a session with Charlie Chaplin for Life magazine.

Guy Bourdin, France, 1928–1991

One of the most copied and imitated photographers in the world. Erotic, surreal. Now - a quarter of a century after his death - it is increasingly relevant and modern.

Weegee (Arthur Fellig), USA, 1899–1968

An emigrant from Eastern Europe, now a great classic of street and crime photography. The man managed to arrive at any incident in New York - be it a fire, murder or a banal massacre - faster than other paparazzi and, often, the police. However, besides all kinds of emergencies, his photographs show almost all aspects of life in the poorest neighborhoods of the metropolis. The noir film Naked City (1945) was based on his photo, Stanley Kubrick studied on his photos, and Weegee himself is mentioned at the beginning of the comic film Watchmen (2009).

Irving Penn, USA, 1917–2009

Master of portrait and fashion genre. He is famous for his abundance of his signature tricks - for example, photographing people in the corner of a room or against all sorts of gray, ascetic backgrounds. He is famous for the catchphrase: “Shooting a cake can also be art.”

Anton Corbijn, Netherlands, 1955

The world's most prominent rock photographer, whose rise began with iconic photographs and video clips for Depeche Mode and U2. His style is easily recognizable - strong defocus and atmospheric noise. Corbijn also directed several films: Control (biography of the Joy Division frontman), The American (with George Clooney) and The Most a dangerous person"(based on the novel by Le Carré). If you search for famous photos of Nirvana, Metallica or Tom Waits on Google, there is almost a 100% chance that Corbijn's will come up first.

Steven Meisel, USA, 1954

One of the most successful fashion photographers in the world, who became especially popular in 1992 after the release of Madonna’s photo book “Sex”. Considered the discoverer of many catwalk superstars such as Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista or Amber Valletta.

Diane Arbus, USA, 1923–1971

Her real name is Diana Nemerova, and she found her niche in photography by working with the most unsightly people - freaks, dwarfs, transvestites, the weak-minded... At best, with nudists. In 2006, the biographical film Fur was released, in which Nicole Kidman played the role of Diana.

David LaChapelle, USA, 1963

Master of pop photography (“pop” in in a good way words) LaChapelle, in particular, shot videos for Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez and Christina Aguilera, so you will understand his style not only from photographs.

Marc Riboud, France, (1923-2016)

The author of at least a dozen “epoch prints”: you’ve probably seen a million times a hippie girl bringing a daisy to the barrel of a rifle. Riboud has traveled all over the world and is most revered for his portfolio of filming in China and Vietnam, although you can also find his real-life scenes Soviet Union. Died at the age of 93.

Elliott Erwitt, France, 1928

A Frenchman with Russian roots, famous for his ironic and absurd view of our troubled world, which is very moving in his still photographs. Not long ago, he also began exhibiting in galleries under the name André S. Solidor, which in abbreviation reads “ass.”

Patrick Demarchelier, France/USA, 1943

Still a living classic of fashion photography, he has enriched this genre with a particularly complex sophistication. And at the same time, he reduced the prohibitive degree of glamorous overdress, which was the norm before him.

Annie Leibovitz, USA, 1949

A master of fairy-tale plots with a very powerful charge of wit, understandable even to simpletons who are far from hyper-glamour. Which is not surprising, since lesbian Annie started out as a staff photographer for Rolling Stone magazine.

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