Oil pollution. Impact of oil pollution on the environment

Environmental pollution due to oil spills. Liability for oil spills. The impact of oil pollution on the environment, on animals and plants, on larvae and juvenile fish, on the hydrosphere and lithosphere. Determining the extent of damage caused.

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  • Introduction
    • 1.1 Environmental pollution due to oil spills
    • 1.2 Liability for oil spills
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


The environment provides an industrial enterprise with everything it needs to continue the technological cycle. As production develops and expands, the enterprise requires an increasing amount of resources, which it takes from the environment. As production develops and expands, the enterprise requires an increasing amount of resources, which it takes from the environment.

In turn, the industrial enterprise emits environment technological cycle products such as wastewater, solid waste, exhaust gases, and the qualitative composition of the waste varies depending on the profile of the enterprise. With the growth of production, harmful emissions become more and more.

Thus, we can conclude that factories, factories and other enterprises have a detrimental effect on the area in which they are located, and the extraction of minerals necessary for their technological process is also detrimental to nature.

Over the past decade, the idea that there is mutual influence healthy environment and sustainable economic development. At the same time, the world was undergoing major political, social and economic changes as many countries began programs to radically restructure their economies. Thus, the study of the impact of general economic measures on the environment has become an urgent problem of serious importance and requiring an urgent solution.

The subject of the study is the impact of oil pollution on the environment, the object of the study is oil spills and the damage they cause to the environment. The research hypothesis is that a modern enterprise causes damage to the environment, starting from the process of extracting materials necessary for industrial production. Practical significance course work- research and analysis of the impact of oil pollution on the environment.

The purpose of the work is to study the interaction and impact of oil enterprises on the environment.

The objectives of the course work include consideration and analysis of the following issues:

- environmental pollution due to oil spills;

- liability for oil spills;

- the impact of oil pollution on the environment;

- the effect of oil on animals and plants;

- influence of oil on the hydrosphere and lithosphere.

Oil spills can and do occur almost everywhere. Small spills receive little attention and are quickly cleaned up or decompose naturally. Large oil spills attract public attention and usually require urgent action by government agencies. It is impossible to predict serious oil spills in advance, but biologists and administrators must be held accountable when they occur.

1. Oil pollution of the environment

1.1 Environmental pollution due to oil spills

The appearance of about 35% of oil hydrocarbons in offshore waters in the early 70s was caused by spills and discharges during oil transportation by sea. Spills during transportation and unloading account for less than 35% of the total size and discharge of oil into soil and clean water in the environment. Data from the late 1970s show that this figure has risen to 45% in offshore areas. In urban areas, oil spills and releases may be 10% or slightly less. By comparison, most oil spills in coastal or inland areas occur during transportation.

Oil discharges into water quickly cover large areas, while the thickness of the pollution also varies. Cold weather and water slow the spread of oil over the surface, so a given amount of oil covers larger areas in summer than in winter. The thickness of the spilled oil is greater in places where it collects along the coastline. The movement of an oil spill depends on wind, currents and tides. Some types of oil sink (sink) and move under the water column or along the surface depending on the current and tides.

Crude oil and refined products begin to change composition depending on air, water and light temperatures. Low molecular weight components evaporate easily. The amount of evaporation ranges from 10% for spills of heavy types of oil and petroleum products (No. 6 heating oil) to 75% for spills of light types of oil and petroleum products (No. 2 heating oil, gasoline). Some low molecular weight components may dissolve in water. Less than 5% of crude oil and petroleum products are soluble in water. This "atmospheric" process causes the remaining oil to become denser and unable to float on the surface of the water.

Oil under the influence sun rays oxidizes. A thin film of oil and oil emulsion is more easily oxidized in water than a thicker layer of oil. Oils with a high metal content or low sulfur content oxidize faster than oils with a low metal content or high sulfur content. Fluctuations in water and currents mix oil with water, resulting in either an oil-water emulsion (a mixture of oil and water), which will dissolve over time, or an oil-water emulsion, which will not dissolve. Water-oil emulsion contains from 10% to 80% water; 50-80 percent emulsions are often called "chocolate mousse" due to their dense, viscous appearance and chocolate color. The "mousse" spreads very slowly and can remain on the water or shore without change for many months.

The movement of oil from the surface of the water in the process of dissolution and transformation into an emulsion delivers molecules and particles of oil to living organisms. Microbes (bacteria, yeast, filamentous fungi) in water change the composition of oil into small and simple hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbons. Oil particles, in turn, stick to particles in the water (debris, mud, microbes, phytoplankton) and settle to the bottom, where microbes change components that are light and simple in structure. Heavy components are more resistant to microbial attack and eventually settle to the bottom. The effectiveness of microbes depends on water temperature, pH, percentage of salt, presence of oxygen, oil composition, nutrients in water and microbes. Thus, microbiological deterioration most often occurs when there is a decrease in oxygen, nutrients and an increase in water temperature.

Microbes exposed to oil multiply in marine organisms and react quickly to large oil releases. Between 40% and 80% of crude oil spills are exposed to microbes.

Various organisms attract oil. Filter-feeding zooplankton and bivalve mollusks absorb oil particles. Although shellfish and most zooplankton are unable to digest oil, they can transport it and provide temporary storage. Fish, mammals, birds and some invertebrates (crustaceans, many worms) digest a certain amount of petroleum hydrocarbons, which they ingest during feeding, purification, and respiration.

The residence time of oil in water is usually less than 6 months, unless an oil spill occurs the day before or directly in winter in northern latitudes. Oil may become trapped in ice until spring, when it is exposed to air, wind, sunlight and increased microbial exposure as water temperatures rise. The residence time of oil in coastal sediments, or already exposed to atmospheric influence as a water-oil emulsion, is determined by the characteristics of the sediments and the configuration of the coastline. The persistence period of oil in coastal environments ranges from a few days on rocks to more than 10 years in tidal and wet areas.

Oil trapped in sediments and on shore can be a source of pollution in coastal waters.

Periodic storms often pick up huge amounts of settled oil and carry it out to sea. In cold climates, ice, slow wave movement, and less chemical and biological activity cause oil to remain in sediments or on shore for longer periods of time than in temperate or tropical climates. In cold climates, sheltered and damp areas from the tides can retain oil indefinitely. Some sediments or damp soils do not contain enough oxygen to decompose; oil decomposes without air, but this process is slower.

Oil spilled on the ground does not have time to be exposed to the weather before it enters the soil. Oil spills on small bodies of water (lakes, streams) are usually less affected by the weather until they reach shore than oil spills in the ocean. Differences in current speed, soil porosity, vegetation, wind and wave direction affect the time period oil remains at the shoreline.

Oil spilled directly on the ground evaporates, is subject to oxidation and exposure to microbes. If the soil is porous and the water table is low, oil spilled on the ground can contaminate the groundwater.

1.2 Liability for oil spills

Oil spill liability is a complex and difficult process, especially for large spills. The degree of liability is determined by the size and location of the spill.

A 1,000 gallon spill in a port or conservation area will attract more attention than the same amount of oil spilled 200 miles offshore in Atlantic Ocean. Hazardous substances spilled in the ocean, in the immediate vicinity of the shore and main waterways of the US mainland are under the protection of the US Coast Guard (CG). All other spills in the country are protected by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). State and regional teams representing their respective agencies coordinate efforts related to major oil spills.

Those responsible for the oil spill could be responsible for the cleanup, or they could ask the GC and EPA to take responsibility. These services can monitor cleanup if the efforts of those responsible for the spill are insufficient. The actual cleanup of an oil spill can be carried out by those who caused the oil spill, by private contractors, or by cooperatives sponsored by private entrepreneurs. Local fire brigades are often called upon to respond to small oil spills on land. Methods for protecting or cleaning up areas affected by oil spills vary.

The environment and circumstances of a spill determine oil cleanup methods to reduce harmful effects on ecology. The American Petroleum Institute (API) provides excellent guidance on oil spill cleanup methods and the unique characteristics of the marine environment (API Publication No. 4435). Most of the techniques used to combat oil spills and protect the environment at sea are also used to clean up the freshwater environment. Exceptions include methods that include chemical substances(dispersants, absorbents, gelling agents) designed for use in salt water. Only EPA approved chemicals may be used to clean up oil spills.

State and local authorities should develop oil spill plans that identify priority areas for protection and cleanup; tasks are set that need to be completed and those responsible for their implementation are assigned. Typically, the work involves local and federal wildlife scientists, natural resource officials, lawyers, cleanup contractors, specially trained animal rehabilitators, and local officials. In addition, large spills attract the attention of volunteers, media representatives and observers.

Although no two oil spills are the same, historical events introduce the reader to the typical problems encountered and their biological impact. The emphasis of each case depends on the specialty of the author (i.e., cases described by biologists have more biology-related details).

The organization responsible for the oil spill is responsible for the consequences. The General Environmental Responsibility and Compensation for Damage Act passed in 1980. (CERCLA), as amended in 1986, provides for natural resource rehabilitation, cleanup, and remediation activities carried out by federal, state, local, or foreign governments or Indian tribes. Natural resources include: land, air, water, groundwater, drinking water, fish, animals and other representatives of fauna and flora. The latest rules for assessing damage to natural resources are published in Federal Publication (FR) publication 51 FR 27673 (Type B rules) and 52 FR 9042 (Type A rules) and codified at 43 CFR part 11.

Additions and revisions to these rules are printed at 53FR 5166, 53 FR 9769. Type A rules are one model for using standard physical, biological, and economic data to make simplified assessments. A minimal site survey is required. Type B rules are an alternative description of more complex cases when the damage caused to the environment, the magnitude of the spill, and the duration of the spill are unclear. Extensive monitoring is necessary. Thus, the Exxon Valdes oil spill is assessed as type B.

Type B requires basic data collected by government agencies responsible for the affected resources. Basic moments:

1. Establish (determine) the connection between the damage and the oil spill. This paragraph requires the availability of documents on the movement of oil from the spill site to the affected resources.

2. Determination of the degree of damage caused. Data on the geographic magnitude of the hazard and the extent of contamination will be required.

3. Determination of the state “before the spill starts.” This requires data from previous, normal conditions in areas affected by spills.

4. Determination of the amount of time required to restore the previous state “before the spill”. This will require historical data on natural conditions and the impact of oil on the environment.

The term “harm” defines changes in the biology of the surrounding world. Type B rules identify 6 categories of harm (death, illness, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, physiological dysfunction, physical changes), as well as various acceptable (accountable) biological deviations that can be used to confirm harm.

Inadmissible (ignorable) deviations can be used if they meet the 4 criteria that were used to identify acceptable deviations. The extent of harm is based on data measuring the difference between the pre-harm and post-harm periods, or between the affected and control areas.

The process defined by CERCLA provides assurance that a thorough and legitimate assessment of the environmental impact of an oil spill is being conducted. However, the CERCLA procedure is complex and time-consuming, especially for a Type B injury assessment. For example, once an injury assessment has been made, an actual "damage" assessment must be completed, either using a Type A computer program or a thorough financial assessment and justification. recovery type B.

Court decision of July 1989 held that the funds collected from the defendants for restoration should be minimal. Losses are not a mandatory alternative to planned, more expensive and complex restoration measures, but must be included in the cost of restoration work.

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, in accordance with the requirements of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, is developing Rules for assessing damage to natural resources caused directly by oil. Once completed, the new Rules will be used to assess oil spills instead of existing Rules damage assessments.

The best approach for a biologist or surveyor is to ensure that a large amount of evidence is collected to document the impact of the oil spill. Relevant evidence includes animal carcasses, examination of affected animals, types of tissue or bodies for chemical testing of oil presence, population surveys, reproductive capacity, documentary photographs of spills, documentation of all correspondence; activities related to spills, inventory of species (animals), description of sites.

2. Impact of oil pollution on the environment

Oil has external effects on birds, food intake, contamination of eggs in nests and changes in habitat. External oil contamination destroys plumage, tangles feathers, and causes eye irritation. Death is the result of exposure cold water, the birds are drowning. Medium to large oil spills typically cause the death of 5,000 birds. Birds that most They spend their lives on the water and are most vulnerable to oil spills on the surface of water bodies.

Birds ingest oil when they preen their beaks, drink, eat contaminated food, and breathe in fumes. Ingestion of oil rarely causes direct death of birds, but leads to extinction from hunger, disease, and predators. Bird eggs are very sensitive to oil. Contaminated eggs and bird plumage stain the shells with oil. Not a large number of Some types of oil may be sufficient to cause death during the incubation period.

Oil spills in habitats can have both immediate and long-term impacts on birds. Oil fumes, food shortages, and cleanup efforts may reduce use of the affected area. Heavily oil-contaminated wet areas and tidal muddy depressions can change the biocenosis for many years.

The direct or indirect impact of oil spills on bird populations has always been assessed. The recovery of species depends on the ability of survivors to reproduce and the ability to migrate from the site of the disaster. Deaths and declines in reproduction caused by oil spills are more easily detected locally or within colonies than at the regional or species scale. Natural death, life activity, weather conditions, feeding and migration of birds can hide the consequences of isolated or periodically occurring disasters. For example, seabird populations in Western Europe continue to increase despite the accidental or pollution-induced mortality of many native bird species.

Less is known about the effects of oil spills on mammals than on birds; Even less is known about the effects on non-marine mammals than on marine mammals. Marine mammals that are primarily distinguished by their fur (sea otters, polar bears, seals, newborn fur seals) are the most likely to die from oil spills. Fur contaminated with oil begins to mat and loses its ability to retain heat and water. Adult sea lions, seals and cetaceans (whales, porpoises and dolphins) have a blubber layer that is affected by oil, increasing heat consumption. In addition, oil may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and interfere with normal swimming ability. There are cases where the skin of seals and polar bears absorbed oil. The skin of whales and dolphins suffers less.

A large amount of oil entering the body can lead to the death of a polar bear. However, seals and cetaceans are hardier and quickly digest oil. Oil that enters the body can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney failure, liver intoxication, and blood pressure disorders. Vapors from oil vapors lead to respiratory problems in mammals that are near or in close proximity to large oil spills.

There is not much documentation on the impact of oil spills on non-mammals. A large number of muskrats died in a fuel oil spill from a bunker on the St. Lawrence River. Huge marsupial rats have died in California after being poisoned by oil. Beavers and muskrats were killed by an aviation kerosene spill on the Virginia River. During an experiment carried out in the laboratory, rats died when they swam through water contaminated with oil. The harmful effects of most oil spills include a reduction in food or a change in individual species. This influence may have a variable duration, especially during the mating season, when the movement of females and juveniles is limited.

Sea otters and seals are particularly vulnerable to oil spills due to their housing density, constant exposure to water, and the effects on the insulation of their fur. An attempt to simulate the impact of oil spills on the seal population in Alaska found that a relatively small (just 4%) percentage of the total would die under "extraordinary circumstances" caused by oil spills. Annual natural mortality (16% female, 29% male) plus mortality from marine fishing nets (2% female, 3% male) was much greater than projected oil spill losses. It will take 25 years to recover from “extraordinary circumstances.”

The susceptibility of reptiles and amphibians to oil pollution is not well known. Sea turtles eat plastic items and oil globs. Green sea turtles have been reported to ingest oil. Oil may have caused the death of sea turtles off the coast of Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico after the oil spill. Turtle embryos died or developed abnormally after the eggs were exposed to oil-covered sand.

Weathered oil is less harmful to embryos than fresh oil. IN Lately Oiled beaches can pose a problem for newly hatched turtles, which must cross the beaches to reach the ocean. Various species of reptiles and amphibians died as a result of fuel oil spills from Bunker C on the St. Lawrence River.

Frog larvae were exposed to fuel oil No. 6, which could be expected to appear in shallow waters as a consequence of oil spills; Mortality was greater in larvae in the last stages of development. Larvae of all presented groups and ages showed abnormal behavior.

Larvae of wood frogs, marsupial rats (salamanders) and 2 species of fish were exposed to several exposures to fuel oil and crude oil under static and moving conditions. The sensitivity of amphibian larvae to oil was the same as that of two fish species.

Fish are exposed to oil spills in water by consuming contaminated food and water, and by coming into contact with oil during spawning movements. The death of fish, excluding juveniles, usually occurs during serious oil spills. Consequently, a large number of adult fish in large bodies of water will not die from oil. However, crude oil and petroleum products have a variety of toxic effects on different types fish Concentrations of 0.5 ppm or less of oil in water can kill trout. Oil has an almost lethal effect on the heart, changes breathing, enlarges the liver, slows growth, destroys fins, leads to various biological and cellular changes, and affects behavior.

Fish larvae and juveniles are most sensitive to the effects of oil, spills of which can destroy fish eggs and larvae located on the surface of the water, and juveniles in shallow waters.

The potential impact of oil spills on fish populations was assessed using the Georges Bank Fishery model of the northeast US coast. Characteristic factors for determining pollution are toxicity, % oil content in water, location of the spill, time of year and species affected by pollution. Normal fluctuations in the natural death of eggs and larvae for marine species, such as Atlantic cod, common cod, Atlantic herring are often much larger than the mortality caused by a huge oil spill.

Oil spill in the Baltic Sea in 1969 led to the death of numerous species of fish that lived in coastal waters. As a result of studies of several oil-contaminated sites and a control site in 1971. it was found that fish populations, age development, growth, and body condition were not significantly different from each other. Because such an assessment was not conducted before the oil spill, the authors could not determine whether individual fish populations had changed during the previous 2 years. As with birds, the rapid effects of oil on fish populations may be determined locally rather than regionally or over long periods of time.

Invertebrates are good indicators of pollution from discharges due to their limited mobility. Published data from oil spills often report mortality rather than impacts on organisms in the coastal zone, in sediments, or in the water column. The effects of oil spills on invertebrates can last from a week to 10 years. It depends on the type of oil; the circumstances under which the spill occurred and its impact on organisms. Colonies of invertebrates (zooplankton) in large volumes of water return to their previous (pre-spill) state faster than those in small volumes of water. This is due to the greater dilution of emissions into the water and the greater potential to expose zooplankton in adjacent waters.

Much work on invertebrates has been done with oil in laboratory tests, experimental ecosystems, closed ecosystems, field trials and other studies. Less work has been done on invertebrates in fresh waters, laboratory and field trials. The result of these studies was a document on the impact various types crude oil and petroleum products on the survival of invertebrates, their physiological functions, reproduction, behavior, populations and colony composition, both over short and long periods of time.

Plants, because of their limited mobility, are also good subjects for observing the effects that environmental pollution has on them. Published data on the impact of oil spills contain evidence of the death of mangroves, sea grass, most seaweeds, severe long-term destruction of marsh and freshwater life from salt; increase or decrease in biomass and photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton colonies; changes in the microbiology of colonies and an increase in the number of microbes. The effects of oil spills on key native plant species can last from a few weeks to 5 years depending on the type of oil; circumstances of the spill and the species affected. Mechanical cleaning work on damp areas can increase the recovery period by 25%-50%. It will take 10-15 years for the mangrove forest to fully recover. Plants in large volumes of water return to their original (pre-oil spill) state faster than plants in smaller bodies of water.

The role of microbes in oil pollution has led to a huge amount of research on these organisms. Studies in experimental ecosystems and field trials were conducted to determine the relationship of microbes to hydrocarbons and different emission conditions. In general, oil can stimulate or inhibit microbial activity depending on the amount and type of oil and the condition of the microbial colony. Only persistent species can consume oil as food. Microbial colony species can adapt to oil, so their numbers and activity may increase.

The effect of oil on marine plants such as mangroves, sea grass, salt marsh grass, and algae has been studied in laboratories and experimental ecosystems. Field tests and studies were carried out. Oil causes death, reduces growth, and reduces the reproduction of large plants. Depending on the type and amount of oil and the type of algae, the number of microbes either increased or decreased. Changes in biomass, photosynthetic activity, and colony structure were noted.

The effects of oil on freshwater phytoplankton (periphyton) have been studied in laboratories and in field trials. Oil has the same effect as seaweed.

The remote ocean environment is characterized by deep water, distance from shore, and a limited number of organisms that are susceptible to the effects of oil spills. Oil spreads over water and dissolves in the water column under the influence of wind and waves.

The number of seabirds, mammals, and reptiles in the remote area is less than near the shore, so large oil spills in the coastal ocean do not have a strong impact on these species. Adult fish are also not often victims of oil spills. Phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish larvae at the surface of the water are affected by oil, so local declines of these organisms are possible.

The remote ocean area is not a priority during cleanup operations. Usually nothing is done with oil until it poses a threat to the islands. Detailed description marine habitats and treatment choices can be found in the US Petroleum Institute (API), publication 4435.

The coastal ocean environment extends from the deep waters of the outer zone to the low water level and is therefore more complex and biologically productive than the environment of the outer zone. The coastal zone includes: isthmuses, isolated islands, barrier (coastal) islands, harbors, lagoons and estuaries. The movement of water depends on the ebb and flow of tides, complex underwater currents, and wind directions.

In shallow waters of the coastal zone there may be brown algae, seagrass beds or coral reefs. Oil can collect around islands and along coastlines, especially in sheltered areas. Large amounts of oil on the surface of the water at a depth of only a few meters can create large concentrations of oil in the water column and sediments. The movement of oil near the surface of the water in shallow waters will have direct contact with the ocean floor.

Bird concentrations vary greatly depending on location and time of year. Many birds in this habitat are very sensitive to oil that is on the surface. Oil spills pose a major threat during the mating season in the nesting areas of colonies and in stopover areas during migration.

Sea otters can be severely affected by oil spills. Steller sea lions, seals, walruses, and seals are most at risk during the mating season. Adult pairs and young may be exposed to oil in coastal areas when they reach remote rocks or islands. Polar bears may also be exposed to oil if spilled oil collects along or below the edge of coastal ice.

Whales, porpoises, dolphins and sea turtles are not significantly affected by oil. Adult fish do not die in large quantities, but eggs and larvae, when moving in the sea, are more sensitive to the effects of oil than adults. Organisms that live on the surface of the water (phytoplankton, zooplankton, invertebrate larvae) can be exposed to oil. Molluscs, crustaceans, various types of worms and other organisms of underwater flora and fauna can also be severely damaged on the surface of the water.

Containment and cleanup activities are typically carried out during ocean oil spills where there may be contact with land or important natural resources. Cleanup efforts depend on the circumstances of the spill. Proximity of oil spills to densely populated areas, harbors, public beaches, fishing grounds, wildlife areas (important natural areas), protected places; threatened species; Also, the coastal habitat (tidal shallows, marshes) influences protective measures and cleanup work. While strong winds and storms interfere with basic containment and cleanup efforts, they also cause oil to dissolve in water until it reaches shore.

The coast consists of zones located between high and low waters, adjacent areas of land on which animals and plants related to the marine environment live. These environments include: rocky cliffs, sandy beaches, pebbles, cliffs, mudflats, swamps, mangrove forests and areas of adjacent uplands. The susceptibility of coastal environments to oil spills increases as subsoil (substrate) porosity increases and wave strength decreases.

In some places you can find densely populated nesting areas of birds during the mating season and large numbers of birds during the migration period. Areas sheltered from the wind also protect against predators that eat fish and large numbers of birds on the shore. Therefore, during this period, oil on the coast poses a huge danger. It also poses a danger to seals during mating season, when small seals move towards the water's edge. Oiled beaches pose a risk to sea turtles when they lay eggs in sand that has been recently contaminated with oil, or in sand that has been contaminated while the eggs are incubating and as juveniles move toward the ocean. Shallow water life can be seriously affected by oil spills along shorelines.

Coastlines of non-porous origin (rocks) or low porosity (dense sandy soil, fine-grained sand), subject to intense wave action, are usually not objects of cleanup measures, since nature itself quickly cleans them. Coarse sand and gravel beaches are often cleaned using heavy, mobile equipment. Cleaning rocky beaches is difficult and requires intensive work. Tidal mudflats, mangroves and swamps are very difficult to clean due to the softness of the substrate, the vegetation and the ineffectiveness of treatment methods. Such sites typically employ methods that minimize substrate degradation and enhance natural cleanup. Limited access to the coast often greatly hinders cleanup efforts.

Lakes and enclosed bodies of water vary in their percentage of salt, ranging from fresh (less than 0.5 ppm) to highly saline (40 ppm). Lakes vary widely in size, configuration, and water characteristics, making the impact of spilled oil and biological consequences difficult to predict. Little is known about the impact and consequences of oil spills on the freshwater ecosystem. A review addressing this issue has recently been published. Below are some important observations about the lakes:

--The chemical and physical properties of oil should be similar to those found in the oceans.

-- The level of change and the relative importance of each mechanism of change may vary.

-- The influence of wind and currents decreases as the size of lakes decreases. The small size of lakes (compared to oceans) increases the likelihood that spilled oil will reach shore when the weather is relatively stable.

Rivers are moving fresh waters that differ in length, width, depth and water characteristics. General river observations:

-- Due to the constant movement of water in the river, even a small amount of spilled oil can affect a large body of water.

-- Oil spills matter when they come into contact with river banks.

--Rivers can quickly transport oil during floods that are as strong as high tides.

Shallow waters and strong currents in some rivers can allow oil to penetrate into the water column.

The birds most susceptible to oil spills on lakes and rivers are ducks, geese, swans, loons, grebes, crakes, coots, cormorants, pelicans, and kingfishers. The highest concentration of these species in northern latitudes is observed during the pre- and migration periods. In southern latitudes, the highest concentration of these birds is observed in winter. Cormorants and pelicans also settle in colonies for nesting. Muskrats, river otters, beavers and nutria are the mammals most susceptible to pollution.

Reptiles and amphibians become victims of oil spills when they encounter it in shallow waters. Amphibian eggs laid close to the water surface of shallow waters are also susceptible to the influence of oil.

Adult fish die in shallow waters of streams where oil gets in. Species that inhabit shallow waters off the coasts of lakes and rivers are also suffering losses. Fish mortality in rivers is difficult to determine because... dead and injured fish are carried away by the current. Phytoplankton, zooplankton, eggs/larvae in close proximity to the water surface of lakes are also affected by oil. Aquatic insects, mollusks, crustaceans and other flora and fauna can be seriously affected by oil in shallow lakes and rivers. Many dead and injured freshwater animals are carried away by the current.

Measures to protect and clean up lakes are identical to those used to clean up the oceans. However, these measures are not always suitable for protecting and cleaning rivers (suction with pumps, use of absorbents). The rapid spread of oil by currents requires a quick response, simple methods and interaction between local authorities to clean up river banks affected by pollution. Winter oil spills in northern latitudes are difficult to clean up if the oil becomes mixed or frozen under the ice.

Wet areas occur along the sea coast in sheltered areas where the influence of wind is minimal and the water carries a lot of sediment. Such areas have a slightly sloping surface, on which salt water-tolerant grasses and woody plants grow; tidal channels without any vegetation. These areas also vary in size: from small isolated areas of a few hectares to low-lying coastal areas stretching for many kilometers. Wet areas of land that receive water from streams differ in the amount of salt (from salty to fresh). Damp areas of land are either constantly under water or remain dry until spring streams appear.

Non-marine wet areas occur at the boundaries between lakes (fresh and salt), along streams; either it is an isolated habitat that is dependent on rainfall or groundwater. Vegetation ranges from aquatic plants to shrubs and trees. Birds make the most use of damp areas of temperate latitudes during ice-free months. In some damp areas, reproductive activity is high, in others it is limited. Wet areas are actively used during the migration period and after the end of winter. The following species are most dangerous from oil spills: ducks, geese, swans, grebes, crakes and coots. Muskrats, river otters, beavers, nutria and some small mammals that inhabit wet areas may also be affected by pollution. Reptiles and amphibians can be harmed by oil spills during the egg-laying season and when adults and larvae are in shallow waters.

Adult fish die in damp areas if they do not have the opportunity to go into deep waters. Fish eggs, larvae, phytoplankton, zooplankton, marine insects, mollusks, crustaceans and other fauna and flora that are found in shallow waters or near the surface can be severely affected by oil spills.

Wet areas deserve priority protection due to high productivity, unstable substrate and abundant vegetation. Once oil is spilled, it ends up in damp areas, from where it is difficult to remove. The action of the tides carries the oil along wet areas of the coast, and the vegetation of fresh and salt waters retains it. Protective measures and cleaning methods usually consist of non-destructive measures (rapid lifting, absorbents, low pressure washing, use of natural drainage). Natural cleaning is most preferable when the pollution is not very strong. Ice, snow and cold temperatures prevent people from clearing these areas.

Quite often, environmental pollution occurs involuntarily, without any specific intent. Great harm to nature is caused, for example, by the loss of petroleum products during their transportation. Until recently, it was considered acceptable that up to 5% of extracted oil was naturally lost during storage and transportation. This means that on average up to 150 million tons of oil enter the environment per year, not counting various accidents with tankers or oil pipelines. All this could not but have a negative impact on nature.

The sight of animals affected and suffering from oil causes great concern among people. Compassion for animals is a guarantee of widespread coverage of the problem by means of mass media(media) who oppose oil spills.

Thus, every action taken against oil spills is about animal recovery. Public pressure to help animals affected by oil pollution has resonated with the public in many regions of the world; voluntary organizations responsible for the restoration of wildlife affected by pollution. Improvements in treatment procedures and the professionalism of animal rehabilitation personnel over the past 15 years have markedly improved the success of rehabilitation efforts.

Rehabilitation of animals affected by pollution is a small part of concern for animal populations, because The number of animals infected by oil during oil spills is so large and the work involved in collecting and cleaning up the oil is so enormous that only a small number of birds and mammals can actually receive real help. Uncertainty about the fate of rehabilitated animals further reduces the significance of this work. However, rehabilitation efforts can be important for injured or rare species. A greater impact of rehabilitation is seen in animals with low reproductive capacity than in long-lived animals with high reproductive capacity.

Rehabilitation of animals affected by oil pollution is expensive and not so biologically important, but it is a sincere expression of human concern.


oil spill pollution surrounding

The development of the oil and gas refining industry and hydrocarbon processing also negatively affects the environmental situation. Product pipelines pose a certain environmental hazard, especially in places where they cross water bodies.

IN modern world It is impossible to find a sufficiently densely populated region with developed industry and agriculture that does not face the problem of environmental pollution.

Human activity before the start of intensive industrial development negatively affected individual ecosystems. Deforestation and the construction of settlements and cities in their place led to land degradation, reduced their fertility, turned pastures into deserts, and caused other consequences, but still did not affect the entire biosphere and did not upset the balance that existed in it. With the development of industry, transport, and the increase in population on the planet, human activity has become a powerful force changing the entire biosphere of the Earth. Pollution of the natural environment by industrial and household waste is one of the main factors influencing the state of the Earth's ecological systems.

Pollutants change the composition of water, air and soil, which is the cause of many global environmental problems, such as climate change, the emergence of acid precipitation, a decline in the number of many species of plants and animals, a lack of clean fresh water and others.

Currently, almost all areas of human activity related to the provision of material goods and energy resources cause changes in the natural environment, and therefore, in many cases, are environmentally unfavorable.


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2. Brinchuk V.A. Environmental law. - M.: Education, 1996.

3. Vladimirov A.M. and others. Environmental protection. St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat 1991.

4. Komyagin V.M. Ecology and industry. - M., Nauka, 2004.

5. Milanova E. V., Ryabchikov A. M. Use natural resources Protection of Nature. M.: Higher. school, 1986. 280 pp..

6. Petrov V.V. Environmental law of Russia. - M.: Education, 1996.

7. Peters A. Oil spills and the environment // Ecology - 2006 - No. 4.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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Oil pollution of water bodies

Completed by: Kurbangaleeva K.R.,

group No. 292

Checked by: Yakovleva A.V.

Kazan, 2012


Oil pollution

Pollution of oceans and seas

Major accidents

Pollution of rivers and lakes

Methods for combating oil pollution


List of materials used


Water is the most important mineral on Earth and cannot be replaced by any other substance. Water is of great importance in industrial and agricultural production. It is well known that it is necessary for the everyday needs of humans, all plants and animals. It serves as a habitat for many living creatures. Urban growth, rapid industrial development, intensification Agriculture, a significant expansion of the area of ​​irrigated land, improvement of cultural and living conditions and a number of other factors are increasingly complicating the problems of water supply. Water is the habitat of many organisms, determines climate and weather changes, helps cleanse the atmosphere of harmful substances, dissolves, leaches rocks and minerals and transports them from one place to another, etc. For humans, water has an important production value: it is a transport route, a source of energy, a raw material for production, an engine coolant, a purifier, etc.

The problem of environmental pollution has now acquired global significance. About 7003 km of polluted water is discharged into the planet's water bodies annually. The most sensitive organisms die, balanced communities are destroyed, and the economic and recreational use of water bodies is limited. A complete cessation of anthropogenic pollution of the environment is unrealistic, therefore reasonable measures should be taken to limit the entry of toxicants and pollutants into water bodies, and effective water purification should be used.

Oil pollution

Pollution of water resources refers to any changes in the physical, chemical and biological properties of water in reservoirs in connection with the discharge of liquid, solid and gaseous substances into them that cause or may create inconvenience, making the water of these reservoirs dangerous for use, causing damage to the national economy, health and public safety.

Oil and petroleum products for modern stage are the main pollutants of inland waters, waters and seas, and the World Ocean. When they get into bodies of water, they create different shapes pollution: oil film floating on the water, oil products dissolved or emulsified in water, heavy fractions settled to the bottom, etc. This complicates the processes of photosynthesis in water due to the cessation of access to sunlight, and also causes the death of plants and animals. At the same time, the smell, taste, color, surface tension, viscosity of water changes, the amount of oxygen decreases, harmful organic substances appear, water acquires toxic properties and poses a threat not only to humans. About 12 g of oil makes a ton of water unfit for consumption. Each ton of oil creates an oil film over an area of ​​up to 12 square meters. km. Restoration of affected ecosystems takes 10-15 years.

Oil pollution primarily threatens marine and coastal ecosystems. Its main reasons are as follows:

1) accidents of oil tankers (tankers) as a result of collisions, fires or wrecks;

2) oil leakage from onshore tanks;

3) washing tanker cargo tanks at sea.

Every year, such incidents result in approximately 10 million tons of crude oil entering the world's oceans.

Oil does not mix with water, but its release onto the shore destroys algae, mollusks, crustaceans and other littoral animals. Marine mammals suffer from oil pollution due to their fur becoming coated with oil. However, the most obvious victims are fish-eating birds: oil impregnates and glues feathers, making flight impossible and worsening the thermal insulation of the body, and this threatens death from hypothermia; at the same time, buoyancy decreases, and the bird drowns in the water; finally, attempts to clean feathers lead to ingestion of hydrocarbons and poisoning. Phytoplankton apparently does not suffer much from oil pollution, although the dark film on the sea surface reduces the illumination of the water column, and the intensity of photosynthesis temporarily weakens.

In the long term, damage to ecosystems from oil spills is minimal. Recovery is faster if the oil is allowed to disperse naturally. Bacterial decomposition of hydrocarbons, which is facilitated by the destruction of a continuous film by wind and waves, in warm and temperate climates is completed in 3-4 years. In cold climates, such as off the coast of Alaska, where the Exxon Valdez tanker sank in 1989, the negative effect lasts longer due to reduced bacterial activity. The use of surfactant dispersants speeds up the process, but these substances themselves often exacerbate environmental damage because they are toxic and difficult to biodegrade.

Typically, losses of oil and petroleum products during production and processing are 1-2%; for Russia this is about 5 million tons per year. According to more pessimistic estimates, only during oil refining 1.5% of the total volume of fuel seeps into the soil. Over decades of operation, huge amounts of oil and petroleum products have accumulated in the soils around many oil refineries - sometimes hundreds of thousands of tons. It is not surprising that entire lakes of gasoline exist under most factories, warehouses, factories, transport parks and airports. For example, the soil near Grozny in Chechnya has turned into one of the largest oil “fields” created by man: experts claim that its reserves reach a million tons. The Moscow region, according to some estimates, annually absorbs 37 thousand tons of petroleum products.

The annual global cost of cleaning and restoring soil from hydrocarbon pollution amounts to tens of billions of dollars.

Sources of oil pollution

Of course, the main sources of environmental pollution from petroleum products are enterprises and equipment of the oil and gas production and oil refining industries. In oil production areas, all components of the biosphere are subject to intense impact, leading to an imbalance in ecosystems.

First of all, environmental pollution by oil and petroleum products has caused serious concern due to accidents at offshore drilling wells and tanker wrecks. When a film of oil spreads over the surface of the water, it forms a layer of hydrocarbons of varying thickness, covering large surfaces. So 15 tons of fuel oil spreads over 6-7 days, covering a surface of about 20 square meters. km. Soil contamination with oil and its products, as a rule, is local in nature, causing no less destructive consequences.

However, pollution caused by accidents represents only a small proportion of the total pollution. Thus, according to the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, accidents and accidents during the production and transportation of oil and petroleum products are less than 6%, while at the same time, losses during transportation account for 34.9% of the total amount of hydrocarbon pollution, with 31.1 getting into rivers % of petroleum products, and only 0.8% into the atmosphere.

Car exhaust gases contain more than 200 compounds, 170 of which pose a danger to biota, primarily heavy metals that accumulate in the soil along the roadway, and, above all, lead. The upper organic horizons of the soil cover retain heavy metals especially firmly. Therefore, the object of monitoring is forest litter and the top five-centimeter layer of soil at a distance of 5-10 m and 20-25 m from the edge of the roadway.

Cars are not the only mobile polluters of the environment with petroleum products. Typically non-electrified railways have high oil contamination in the area of ​​the railway track, and the constant supply of petroleum products from the railway track makes biological cleaning of the area practically impractical.

Methods for eliminating oil pollution

With the increasing scale of oil production, transport, storage and refining, the problem of combating accidental leaks and emissions of oil and petroleum products is becoming an acute global problem, in which environmental and economic issues are decisive and paramount. Methods and means of protection against emergency spreading have not yet been sufficiently developed. In accordance with new national and international laws on environmental protection, significant efforts are being made to practically resolve this problem.

Until now, the cleaning of soil and oil sludge is not carried out effectively enough and, by and large, remains a practically unsolved problem, and this despite the fact that the development and improvement of cleaning and recovery equipment is carried out by almost all leading companies in the field of creating chemical equipment.

At one time, the world's first separator stations for cleaning oil sludge were built at the Yaroslavl and Volgograd oil refineries. Due to unsuccessful experience, work on the use of separators for cleaning oil sludge was not continued, and 25 years later our technology returned to Russia through Western companies. In 1971, at the Ufa Oil Refinery, an installation was built for burning oil sludge, bottom sediments of sludge reservoirs and flotation foam, but due to its inefficiency, its use continued until 1980. Around the same time, the Swedish company Alfa-Laval created an oil sludge treatment plant. Alas, operating experience has shown that such a plant can only clean fresh, newly formed oil sludge; it is not at all intended for cleaning the bottom sediments of sludge storage tanks. In 1990, an oil sludge purification unit from the German company KHD was installed at the Permnefteorgsintez Production Association (an installation from the Flottweg company can be considered its analogue). In the early 90s, methods for destroying spilled oil using biostrains became widely known. Currently, specially created biostrains are used: putedoil, devoroil, etc. The American company Bogart Environmental Services has developed its own method for cleaning soil from oil products. For several years it has been working quite successfully in Kuwait, cleaning sandy soil from oil spills.

The problem of environmental protection becomes particularly acute due to the pollution of water bodies and soils with oil and petroleum products. These impacts are most noticeable during oil production, its refining, transportation, due to technological and accidental releases of products into the environment.

It is known that 1 liter of oil pollutes up to 1000 m 3 of water, which is due to the presence in it of natural surfactants that form stable oil-water emulsions (Gandurina L.V., 1987).

It should be noted that at all stages of production and transportation, more than 45 million tons of oil are lost annually (on land - 22 million tons, at sea - 7 million tons, 16 million tons enter the atmosphere in the form of products of incomplete combustion of fuel). The total amount of petroleum hydrocarbons entering the marine environment is 2-8 million tons per year, of which 2.1 million tons are losses during transportation by ships and tankers, 1.9 million tons are carried out by rivers, the rest comes from municipal and industrial waste coastal areas, urbanized areas and from other sources (Shaporenko S.I., 1997).

By mid-2004, the world tanker fleet had grown to 3.5 thousand vessels with a deadweight of 10 thousand tons and above. Its total carrying capacity is about 310 million tons. Moreover, more than 70% of ships with a total deadweight of 270 million tons are intended for the transportation of oil and petroleum products. For one reason or another, the tanker fleet suffers disasters, causing environmental pollution.

Thus, the disaster of the Prestige tanker in November 2002 led to the pollution of 3000 km of the coast of Spain, France, and Great Britain. As a result, 300 thousand birds died, fishing and mariculture suffered huge losses, and 64 thousand tons of fuel oil entered the sea (from the World Wildlife Fund Report). During the Exxon Valdez tanker accident in Alaska in 1989, more than 70 thousand tons of oil were spilled, polluting 1,200 kilometers of coastline. During the November storms of 2007, several ships were wrecked in the Kerch Strait area, as a result, about 100 tons of oil products spilled into the sea in a small area.

In 2010, a catastrophe on a planetary scale occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. After a 36-hour fire, the oil platform sank, after which up to 1,000 tons of oil per day began to flow into the ocean. A huge oil slick measuring 78 by 128 km formed in the Gulf of Mexico, which eventually reached the coasts of Louisiana, Florida and Alabama (Figure 1-4). The leak was reduced only after five months.

Oil and petroleum products found in aquatic ecosystems have a detrimental effect on all links of the ecological chain, from microscopic algae to mammals.

The ongoing pollution of seas and fresh water bodies with oil and petroleum products poses the challenge for researchers to find ways to restore natural water parameters.

Currently, there are a large number of methods and methods for purifying contaminated water, which can be divided into the following.

Mechanical cleaning based on straining, filtering, settling and inertial separation of various impurities and waste. This method of wastewater treatment allows you to separate insoluble impurities and suspended particles in the water. Mechanical cleaning methods are the cheapest, but their use is not always effective.

In progress chemical cleaning drains A large amount of sediment may accumulate, which must be filtered and disposed of by other means of treatment. One of the most effective (but expensive) methods of water purification is the use of coagulation, sorption, extraction, electrolysis, ultrafiltration, ion exchange purification and reverse osmosis processes. These physical and chemical methods of wastewater treatment They are distinguished by satisfactory performance in purifying water from oil hydrocarbons. However, with their widespread use, it is necessary to build special treatment facilities, have expensive chemical reagents, etc.

Biological method cleaning oil-contaminated water is effective for neutralizing wastewater of various origins and is based on the use of special hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms. Biofilters with a thin bacterial film, biological ponds in removing easily destructible organic matter with the microorganisms inhabiting them, aeration tanks with activated sludge from bacteria and other microorganisms are highly effective (Fergusson S., 2003).

The methods listed above are mainly used for cleaning wastewater and water areas on land. In the seas, different methods are used.

To eliminate an oil spill on the high seas, mechanical, thermal, physicochemical and biological methods are used.

One of the main methods of oil spill response is the mechanical collection of spilled oil and oil products in combination with booms. Their purpose is to prevent the spread of oil over the water surface, increase its concentration to facilitate the cleaning process, as well as drain (trawling) oil from the most environmentally sensitive areas. Oil-absorbing booms are a reliable, effective and easy-to-maintain, environmentally friendly and economically acceptable system for purifying water from oil contaminants. The greatest effectiveness is achieved in the first hours after an oil spill. To clean up water areas and eliminate oil spills (collection of oil and debris) various designs oil skimmers.

The thermal method is based on burning oil and is used when the layer is sufficiently thick and immediately after contamination, before the formation of emulsions with water. This method is typically used in combination with other spill response methods.

The physico-chemical method using dispersants and sorbents is effective in cases where mechanical oil collection is impossible, for example, when the film thickness is small or when spilled oil poses a real threat to environmentally sensitive areas. Dispersants are special chemicals that are used to enhance the natural dispersion (dissolution) of oil in order to facilitate its removal from the surface of the water before the spill reaches an environmentally sensitive area. Sorbents (finely ground plant remains of herbaceous and woody plants, peat, lichens, etc.) when interacting with the water surface, absorb oil products, after which lumps saturated with oil are formed. They are subsequently removed mechanically, and the remaining particles are destroyed in a variety of ways, including biologically.

Biological method based on the use of microorganisms that utilize oil and petroleum products. It is mainly used after applying mechanical and physico-chemical methods.

Among the known biological methods, a special place is occupied by biotechnologies using biological products and consortia of microorganisms created on the basis of indigenous microflora present in natural wastewater. There is a wide variety of commercial biological products, the action of which is based on the biochemical destruction of hydrocarbons included in its composition by strains of microorganisms. Biological products most often contain one or more types of microorganisms.

The use of a biological cleaning method differs from other methods environmental safety, great efficiency, as well as economic profitability. With the optimal choice of a consortium of microorganisms in combination with the use of biostimulating substances (some organic substances, mineral fertilizers, etc.), it is possible to accelerate the biological oxidation of oil pollution tens and hundreds of times and reduce the residual content of oil products to almost zero values ​​(Morozov N.V., 2001 ).

When recycling petroleum hydrocarbons using consortia of microorganisms and biological products, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions(mainly pH and temperature indicators), properties of oil from certain fields, as well as the interaction of the microorganisms used with the native microflora of the objects being cleaned.

Currently, there is a wide class of heterotrophic microorganisms included in bacterial preparations. Moreover, each individual complex of microorganisms is distinguished by its individuality in relation to certain oil hydrocarbons. For example, monobacterial preparations are characterized by narrow specificity in relation to individual hydrocarbons, a small range of pH, salinity, temperature, and hydrocarbon concentration. This is their disadvantage.

Under natural conditions, an entire microbiocenosis with a characteristic structure of trophic connections and energy metabolism takes part in the decomposition of oil. Therefore, polybacterial preparations have wider adaptive and environmental capabilities for the use of microorganisms in cleaning processes.

At the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Russia, Kazan), through targeted selection, consortia have been created, which include associations of three, nine and ten strains of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms. They were isolated from wastewater from the oil refinery OJSC Kazanorgsintez, numerous motor vehicles and the city sewer that discharges oil-contaminated water. The consortium has high oxidative activity (the final product of oxidation of commercial oil (desalted and dehydrated) and petroleum products is 2040 mg CO 2 in 20 days); capable of growing on a depleted nutrient medium with a high rate of oil oxidation (including aromatic hydrocarbons contained in the paraffins of heavy oils); at 5-35°C and a wide pH range (from 2.5 to 10 units). One of the main advantages of the consortium of bacteria that we have developed is their unique ability to adapt to specific conditions of use, is resistant to the long and continuous process of wastewater treatment from oil pollution, and is simple in technology.

Due to the fact that the consortium includes a large number of strains of microorganisms, they quickly adapt to various environmental conditions. The consortium is, as it were, “tuned” to work with certain hydrocarbons contained in wastewater. When environmental conditions change, including the composition of pollutants, they quickly rearrange their metabolism by changing the structure of the consortium. The drug does not have a destructive effect (unlike aggressive chemicals) on equipment and is environmentally friendly.

The consortium of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms is designed for deep purification and post-treatment of hydrocarbon-containing wastewater:

1) autonomously floating vessels, gas stations, car wash and repair stations, mechanized transport stations, local industrial enterprises and small sewerage facilities;

2) large-scale factory wastewater from various industries, agriculture and households with a wide range of residual oil products and hydrocarbons;

3) in the preparation of highly concentrated hydrocarbon-containing wastewater from local industries, organic synthesis workshops and farms to the standard of discharge to biological treatment facilities for their complete neutralization;

4) during the purification and post-treatment of oily ballast wastewater from autonomously floating vessels;

5) for post-treatment of large-scale process wastewater from residual oil impurities after biological wastewater treatment.

6) The consortium can also be used to clean up large sea areas.

The full version of the article can be found on the website of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists (http://www.moip.msu.ru)

Authors: Nikolay Vasilievich Morozov, Olga Vadimovna Zhukova(Kazan (Privolzhsky) federal university [email protected] [email protected]), Anatoly Pavlovich Sadchikov(International Biotechnology Center of Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosova aquaecotox@yandex. ru)

And water is determined by the characteristics of its location in surface and underground waters. Oil and petroleum products are a mixture of hydrocarbons with different solubility in water: for oils (depending on chemical composition) solubility is 10-50 mg/dm 3 ; for gasoline - 9-505 mg/dm 3; for kerosene - 2-5 mg/dm 3; for diesel fuel - 8-22 mg/dm 3. The solubility of hydrocarbons increases in the series:

  • aromatic > cycloparaffin > paraffin. The soluble fraction of oil in water from its entire mass is small (5∙10 -3%), but two circumstances must be taken into account:
  • the dissolving components of oil include its most toxic components;
  • oil can form stable emulsions with water, so that up to 15% of all oil can pass into the water column.

When mixed with water, oil forms two types of emulsion: direct - “oil in water” and reverse - “water in oil”. Direct emulsions, composed of oil droplets with a diameter of up to 0.5 microns, are less stable and are characteristic of oils containing surfactants.

When volatile fractions are removed, oil forms viscous inverse emulsions that can remain on the surface as a thin film of oil that moves at approximately twice the speed of water flow.

Upon contact with the shore and coastal vegetation, an oil film settles on them. In the process of spreading over the surface of the water, light fractions of oil partially evaporate and dissolve, while heavy fractions sink into the water column and settle to the bottom, polluting bottom sediments.

Table 6.7 shows the classification of oil pollution of surface water bodies.

It is very difficult to establish a direct connection between the volume of a leak (spill) and the area of ​​contamination of the surface of the water, the bottom of the reservoir, its shores, as well as the persistence of the contamination. An approximate (approximate) estimate of the area of ​​contamination can be obtained using the data of S.M. Dracheva (Table 6.8).

Table 6.7

Table 6.8

Consequences of oil pollution of rivers and reservoirs. Water pollution from oil impedes all types of water use.

The impact of oil pollution on a reservoir is manifested in:

  • deterioration physical properties water (turbidity, change in color, taste, smell);
  • dissolving toxic substances in water;
  • the formation of a surface film of oil and sediment at the bottom of the reservoir, reducing the oxygen content in the water.

The characteristic smell and taste appear at a concentration of oil and petroleum products in water of 0.5 mg/dm 3 , and of naphthenic acids 0.01 mg/dm 3 . Significant changes in the chemical parameters of water occur when the content of oil and petroleum products exceeds 100-500 mg/dm 3 . An oil film on the surface of a reservoir impairs the gas exchange of water with the atmosphere, slowing down the rate of aeration and removal carbon dioxide formed during the oxidation of oil. With an oil film thickness of 4.1 mm and an oil concentration in water of 17 mg/dm3, the amount of dissolved oxygen decreases by 40% in 20-25 days.

Pollution of fishery reservoirs with oil and oil products leads to deterioration of:

  • quality of fish (appearance of color, spots, smell, taste);
  • death of adult fish, juveniles, larvae and eggs;
  • deviations from the normal development of fish fry, larvae and eggs;
  • reduction of food reserves (benthos, plankton), habitats, spawning and feeding of fish;
  • disruption of the migration of fish, juveniles, larvae and eggs.

When characterizing and assessing oil pollution, an important place is occupied by methods for determining oil hydrocarbons and oil products in waters, which are very diverse and contradictory. Currently, there is no single standardized method for determining the content of petroleum products in natural environments; this is due to the complexity of the hydrocarbon composition of oils and the heterogeneity of dispersed systems formed during oil pollution.

Most often, when determining the content of petroleum products in water, two methods are used:

  • fluorimetric (device “Fluorat - 02”): the device “Fluorat - 02” measures the mass concentrations of petroleum products dissolved in hexane (according to MUK 4.1.057-4.1.081-96). The range of measured concentrations is 0.005-50 mg/dm 3 . The method is not applicable for determining in water samples the individual components that make up petroleum products, paraffins and the low-boiling fraction of petroleum products;
  • photometric (AN-1 and IKF-2A devices): a two-beam analyzer (AN-1 device) measures the content of petroleum products in samples of water and bottom sediments in accordance with PND F 14.1: 2.5-95 by extracting them with carbon tetrachloride;

An oil product concentrator (IKF-2a device) measures the content of oil products in water and bottom sediment samples in accordance with PND F 14.1:2.5-95 by extracting them with carbon tetrachloride. The minimum detectable concentration of petroleum products is from 0.03 mg/dm3.

Oil and petroleum products are highly soluble in low-polar organic solvents. Almost all petroleum components are completely soluble in carbon tetrachloride. Non-polar organic solvents (hexane) dissolve the entire hydrocarbon part of the oil, but do not dissolve the asphaltenes and high-molecular resins included in its composition. Therefore, a two-beam analyzer and petroleum products concentration meter make it possible to determine the total content of both light and heavy hydrocarbons.

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