Odnoklassniki horoscope for 16/01 Pisces. Horoscope life zodiac sign Pisces


Today Aries is capable of being too demanding of both himself and those around him! The day gives him the desire to control everything that happens around him. He is able to perceive any deviations from the plans as a personal insult. First of all, this attitude of Aries can affect those around them, resulting in grumbling and nagging. However, Aries can also be annoyed with himself, feeling his powerlessness in some matter. In order for the day to bring him more positive emotions, today Aries should come to terms with the fact that not everything depends on his efforts. And even more so from his desires.


Today is a great day for Taurus to receive support in any of their endeavors. First of all, this concerns love and relationships: if Taurus was going to make a romantic acquaintance, open up his feelings or talk about plans for life together, he couldn’t find a better time for this. In addition, the day provides Taurus with good opportunities for concluding contracts, new acquaintances and business contacts. The seeds of cooperation, friendship or love sown today will surely sprout, bearing good fruit.


Today, the key to success in the Gemini horoscope is caution: the day will be literally saturated with tension, which can result in conflict! In relations with close people, Gemini today may experience discord and showdown. Friction with colleagues caused by controversial situations or rivalry is also possible. Geminis today need to be quieter than water if they want to spend this day fruitfully. They will be able to resist provocations only if they are armed with a huge supply of patience.

Today will test Cancer's strength, but the good news is that Cancer has a lot of strength to resist this! There is a possibility that Cancer will have to defend his interests, participate in a dispute, or even fend off attacks from others: superiors, acquaintances, colleagues. Whatever happens, the horoscope stars advise him not to get excited, but to calmly look for the necessary arguments in the dispute. If you don’t let your emotions take over, then you can find a convenient door out of any situation with the sign “Exit”.

Today, the horoscope stars portend Leo a day full of pleasant news, events and even surprises, but the paradox is that Leo is unlikely to be able to appreciate it. On the contrary, it is possible that he will experience apathy and discontent without any reason. Perhaps the reason for this is that Lately Many events happened in Leo’s life, and his emotions became dull. Or maybe Leo is just tired. The stars advise him to shake himself up and go towards all the good things that life has in store for him today!


Today Virgo promises to awaken to remarkable organizational skills. The authorities can safely entrust her with some command area of ​​work: managing a department, organizing an event, or new project. At home, Virgo will most likely figure out how to make sure that no one around gets bored. Perhaps, in her mind, the absence of boredom means spring cleaning by all family members, or maybe a friendly party or going to the cinema with the whole family - depending on your luck.


Today, Libra should not even try to implement their plans - especially those on which a lot depends. If Libra does not follow this advice, they will have to prepare for the fact that some of their current endeavors will get stuck halfway or fail, and some will even fail. A distinctive feature of the day is that any undertakings of Libra will bring them, at best, a lot of worries. So isn't it better to wait a day? Is it worth it to rush so much?


Today Scorpio has a chance to fix something. We can talk about long-standing problems of Scorpio, which he could not approach, or about unexpected events that Scorpio can direct in the direction he needs. Even if circumstances go against him, the horoscope stars promise that Scorpio will be able to find his advantages and benefits in this. A pessimist sees danger in every opportunity, and an optimist sees opportunity in every danger. Today, Scorpio’s reserve of dexterity and optimism will help him make sure of this!


Today, the horoscope stars advise Sagittarius to take care of their finances. The day gives him logic and attentiveness, thanks to which it will not be difficult for Sagittarius to plan his budget or find an error in the calculations. In addition, analytical skills will tell Sagittarius where it is profitable to invest free money and how to increase their capital. Sagittarius should take advantage of the fact that almost any of his current plans and actions related to money (except for risky and thoughtless ones) promise to be successful.


Today in the life of Capricorn there is no place for three things: thoughtless “maybe”, intuition and blind luck - they can greatly let him down. Counting on a “successful combination of circumstances” and “luck” for Capricorn today is as productive as waiting for the weather by a stormy sea. So if Capricorn is determined to succeed today, he will have to logically calculate his every step and act only for sure. Otherwise, annoying misunderstandings are possible.


Today, Aquarius' emotions promise to be very strong, but at the same time they will be in balance. This combination will allow Aquarius to subtly feel and understand everything that is happening around. The mood of others, the motives of their actions and even some of their thoughts will not be a special secret for Aquarius. His heightened insight may border on telepathy! The horoscope stars advise Aquarius to use this in order to penetrate to the very essence of a situation that is important to him.


Today, Pisces should not trust others - they may, wittingly or unwittingly, let them down. This is especially true for strangers, as well as people from their inner circle: colleagues, acquaintances, neighbors. Perhaps, having carefully looked around, Pisces today will suddenly discover that someone is deliberately harming them, spreading gossip or weaving intrigues behind their back. Or maybe they will inflict other damage on Pisces: they will scold you in the subway, they will cheat you in the store. To prevent this from happening, vigilance is the key to success for them today. And this is quite enough, because whoever is warned is not unarmed.

Pisces, today you pick up on someone else’s mood - be careful and don’t communicate with negative people. Fortune has prepared a financial surprise for the evening - the millionaire uncle is unlikely to show up, but finding money on the path is quite possible. In the love sky it is clear and quiet - the god of love will fulfill all your demands.

Fish. Weekly horoscope from 08/20/2020 to 08/26/2020

Pisces, you are on a wave of success. The boss will suggest an interesting direction, and your loved one will delight you with a surprise. Your personal life will be more successful at the beginning of the week, your business life will be more successful closer to the weekend, this also happens. Family Pisces should not worry: you will not be reproached for excessive official zeal; harmony reigns in your home relationships.

Fish. Financial horoscope for 08/20/2020 to 08/26/2020

Pisces, you may think about how to acquire additional skills, and spending will be directed specifically at this: courses, driving school, office equipment - something in this area. Employers will be interested in Pisces. It’s worth showing your characteristic slowness and thinking carefully: is the most tempting offer always the most promising?

Fish. Love horoscope from 08/20/2020 to 08/26/2020

Pisces who meet under the moon can wait for the decisive conversation and receive a marriage proposal. Family Pisces are in for a memorable short weekend trip, perhaps to a country hotel. This week is good for you in all respects, so even those who are single have a very high chance of meeting a worthy couple.

Fish. Love compatibility from 02/22/2020 to 02/28/2020

Pisces, you will make a wonderful pair with Earth signs. The main advantage of this relationship is the new perspectives that will open up for you thanks to your partner. The prospects for each couple will be different: useful connections, a good reputation, vacations in respectable places, the opportunity to live richer or more interesting, travel, a rich cultural life. All cases have one thing in common - they will positively influence your position in society, increase your weight and authority in the eyes of others. Passion and sex will occupy a large place in the relationship, so do not be afraid that a union of convenience awaits you.

It is very important to control yourself and remain calm: this day is associated with strong emotions that can push you to act rashly. If you have drawn up an action plan in advance, try to follow it even in small things; if not, be prudent, think about possible consequences every step. Try to avoid conflicts at work and at home. Sometimes this will not be easy (especially for young representatives of the sign), but if you are patient and delicate, you will be able to maintain harmonious relationships with others.

Astrological forecast for today

The day is favorable for representatives of the sign, who are ready for non-standard actions and changes. Do not be afraid of the new - today the stars will delight you with exclusively pleasant events. Reasonable caution helps Pisces avoid pitfalls, but does not deprive the representatives of the sign of optimism, and in general the emotional background of the day can be described as favorable. Today you will be able to come to the aid of friends and family - thanks to your intervention, many quarrels and conflicts will be prevented. Relationships that begin as friendly on this day will eventually acquire a romantic connotation.

True horoscope for Pisces

Pisces should take a closer look at their friends, especially new ones, they can easily let you down today. But you shouldn’t give up on old, even distant, friends; they will always help you.

Personal horoscope for January 16, 2020

A dangerous day associated with external aggression, provocations and temptations. Pisces is likely to strengthen such qualities as pliability, suggestibility, laziness, and the desire for temptation. On this day, restriction in all earthly pleasures is useful: a strict diet, abstinence. Do not react painfully to what is happening, because not much depends on you. On this day you need to be closer to nature.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Pisces

Today Pisces will have to go “on the carpet” to the authorities. Be prepared in advance that you will have to listen to complaints, criticism and comments about your work. As they say, “they don’t take offense at management.” Therefore, the horoscope advises Pisces to argue less and more often agree with the boss’s opinion.

Horoscope house for today January 16, 2020

Pisces can come under pressure from their superiors. Unfounded accusations are possible, which hurts sensitive representatives of this sign. Do not show offence, but at the same time calmly and firmly defend your innocence.

Fate horoscope for women and men

It is possible that you will meet a nice person. Do not rush to take communication into a romantic direction. There's no point in losing your head this time. Take a closer look at your new friend.

Pisces, today you pick up on other people’s moods - be careful and don’t communicate with negative people. Fortune has prepared a financial surprise for the evening - the millionaire uncle is unlikely to show up, but finding money on the path is quite possible. In the love sky it is clear and quiet - the god of love will fulfill all your demands.

Fish. Weekly horoscope from 07/10/2019 to 14/10/2019

Pisces now has much more energy and plans, but in the pursuit of success you should not forget about those who were with you during the protracted period of failure. If you previously lacked the strength to get things done, now you may not have enough time to pay attention to the people to whom you should be grateful. Therefore, in any work schedule, make room for family and friends.

Fish. Financial horoscope for 07/10/2019 to 14/10/2019

This week, Pisces may receive important business information, it could even be an advertisement on the Internet with an invitation to work. Or friends will tell you something interesting. The main thing is not to let it pass your eyes or ears. If you move in a new direction, the stars promise you good luck.

Fish. Love horoscope from 07/10/2019 to 14/10/2019

Family Pisces will have nothing to reproach, except that they traditionally do all their homework in silence, and it would be nice to squeeze out a couple of gentle words. Lonely representatives of the sign may begin an affair with a person whose behavior will make them forget about their personal life for a long time. It’s better for gentle Pisces to avoid “demonic” people now.

Fish. Love compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

Pisces, you will make a wonderful pair with Earth signs. The main advantage of this relationship is the new perspectives that will open up for you thanks to your partner. The prospects for each couple will be different: useful connections, a good reputation, vacations in respectable places, the opportunity to live richer or more interesting, travel, a rich cultural life. All cases have one thing in common - they will positively influence your position in society, increase your weight and authority in the eyes of others. Passion and sex will occupy a large place in the relationship, so do not be afraid that a union of convenience awaits you.

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The horoscope for January 16, 2018 for Pisces says: Until evening comes, Pisces will have nothing to complain about. Events will develop in full accordance with your own premonitions. At this time, you should not invent anything new, just use your intuition and do not miss small successful opportunities. In the evening, it makes sense to give up shopping. Go for financial and other experiments only if you have available funds. If you put your last penny on the line, you risk being left with nothing, except for invaluable new experience.


There may be significant expenses, the only reason for which is your desire to pamper yourself, no matter the cost. There may be disagreements with your loved one, and other personal problems are not excluded. It is difficult to get along with women, even with long-time friends you have difficulty finding a common language. Attending social events is not advisable.


Get yours in order nervous system and stock up on positive emotions. This will be facilitated by visiting a sauna with a swimming pool, going to a hairdresser, and communicating with people close to you - choose what you like best. The main thing is that you maintain an elevated state of mind and a great mood throughout the day.


Today you will feel very lonely. Even if your significant other is next to you. On this day, no matter how offensive it may be, you will have to learn or remember what loneliness is like together. However, this is not so bad: tomorrow it will end, and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Today you should prove to your loved one that you are the best, the one and only, and he will never find a greater treasure than you. Only in this case will he begin to truly appreciate you and care for you exactly the way you want.

On this day, all your partner’s erotic proposals will turn out to be very, very practical, even if you sometimes think the opposite. In any case, submit to his sexual will and surrender to the mercy of the winner - you will like not only the result, but also the process of achieving this result.


Is everything wonderful and cloudless in the family hearth? Do not rejoice recklessly at this turn of events. Be prepared for something to go wrong. Either the child will bring a bad grade from school, or the mother-in-law will come over. But these are all everyday matters and let them be better than problems of a universal scale.


This day will be difficult and tiring if you do not prioritize correctly in the first half. Business activity is low, but you shouldn’t change your plans because of this: professional tasks require immediate solutions.

Your subconscious will tell you the answers to your questions. Lately you have been having some pretty vivid and exciting dreams. When you wake up in the morning, you want to go back to bed and plunge into your dreams again. Who else appears in them? Figure it out - this is the key to the points that interest you.

The time has come to make the most important decisions. You can safely take on new endeavors, develop plans for new projects and assign yourself all sorts of obligations that are within your power.

Even if at this time you are dissatisfied with something, do not rush to cut from the shoulder. This will not solve your problems, but will only make them worse. When making important decisions, do not trust your intuition too much, weigh the pros and cons. Don’t demand too much from others; it’s better to increase the demands on yourself.

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