Detailed instructions for overclocking the processor. Overclocking the processor at home. Preparing to Increase CPU Clock Speed

Avid gamers, people who work with bulky media, and those who require complex computing processes often find their hardware underpowered. And if they don’t want to spend money on upgrading equipment, or there is no need for a dramatic increase in performance, then overclocking or overclocking the processor, video card or random access memory.

Overclocking or overclocking – increasing the performance of components personal computer software or physical manipulation.

All devices operate at 50-80% of maximum power in normal mode. Restrictions are imposed by manufacturers and are designed to extend the life of the device. There are several ways to remove or bypass these restrictions. True, this will significantly increase the load and, consequently, reduce the service life of the device.

Thus, by taking the right actions, you can increase the performance of your processor, video card or RAM by 20-50%. Achieving the highest possible performance is quite difficult - this is already an area professional activity. But 20-30% growth can be obtained without delving into the constructive jungle.

IMPORTANT: Overclocking the processor on a laptop is an extremely risky step and it is strictly not recommended to take it; a weak cooling system will not prevent the consequences of rising temperatures. Therefore, you need to think carefully before overclocking your laptop processor.

The following will provide tips on how to properly overclock your processor. It is difficult to damage your computer on motherboards with built-in overclocking utilities. Special software fuses, when detecting an excess of normal temperature, reset the settings to their original state.

Despite all precautions, it is better to play it safe and provide additional cooling before overclocking the processor.

Proper processor overclocking

To effectively increase the processor clock frequency, there are two ways: adjusting BIOS settings and special software. Both methods are relatively safe and accessible to users with modest knowledge of computer technology.

IMPORTANT: Before increasing processor performance, it is better to think carefully. If you have doubts about the successful completion of the overclocking procedure, then it is better not to start it. Incorrect actions can result in device damage.

Correcting BIOS settings

Before overclocking the processor through the BIOS, you must carefully study the instructions for the motherboard. You can find all the necessary values ​​in it. In addition, it indicates the presence of special switches on the board that are responsible for increasing performance. Their use can also improve system performance.

The clock frequency is increased using the BIOS by changing the FSB bus multiplier. This feature is only supported by processors with an open multiplier. Otherwise, you will have to resort to software overclocking or soldering contacts. IN technical documentation The motherboard must include information about the FSB bus multiplier.

To overclock the processor through the BIOS, you must perform the following steps:

If after downloading operating system A blue screen appears or disks, sound cards or other elements are not recognized, which means the overclocking threshold has been exceeded. You need to reduce the coefficient and try again.

After completing these steps, you need to check the processor temperature (special programs like Everest or HWmonitor will help). The maximum permissible value at peak loads is 900C. If the indicator exceeds the permissible value, then it is necessary to reduce the coefficient or ensure sufficient cooling.

It is better to gradually increase productivity, increasing the final value with a certain step. Once you reach the required frequency, you can stop, or you can continue to increase it. When the maximum value is reached, the computer will stop turning on.

To restore normal operation, you need to reset the BIOS settings. This can be done by removing the battery on the motherboard for ten seconds. If the computer still does not turn on, then you need to remove the battery and close the jumper marked CCMOS. It is usually located next to the battery socket.

Having found the optimal value, you need to work at the computer for half an hour. If during this time the temperature did not increase and there were no system failures, then everything is in order - overclocking was a success. Now you don't have to worry about how to speed up your processor.

Software overclocking of the processor

The debate about how best to overclock hardware continues. Security Proponents Are Guilty of Unreliability software, those who prefer overclocking the processor through the program counter the simplicity of its use. With the right actions, any method will be effective

There are several manufacturers of motherboards. Overclocking programs are also aimed at various manufacturers. Overclocking an Intel processor with the wrong utility can cause serious harm to the system. In places where such programs are downloaded, information about the list of supported processor models and motherboards is usually posted. Therefore, before overclocking your intel processor, it is better to check the above-mentioned list.

ASRock OC Tuner

A simple and functional program for overclocking the processor. OC Tuner combines overclocking and monitoring functions. With its help, you can not only overclock the processor, but also obtain information about the state of the system and monitor the voltage in various elements of the system.

To change the processor frequency and bus frequency multiplier in the “Over Clocking” section, just set the necessary parameters in the appropriate fields and click the “Go!” button. Along with the processor performance, you can also adjust the PCIE bus frequency. Voltage control works on the same principle, only there are more input fields (CPU, RAM, VTT, chipset bridges). A suitable program for overclocking an Intel processor.

MSI Control Center II

The program is designed to monitor the state of the system and its overclocking. The entire utility interface is divided into two main sections: “Oveclocking” and “Green Power”. Functions for overclocking the system are grouped in the first section. It also contains information about the status of devices: temperature, power consumption, etc.

The second section, “Green Power,” contains information about the overall energy efficiency of the system. You can also turn the motherboard LED indicators on and off from this menu.


A program for overclocking motherboards manufactured by ASUS. Owners of motherboards from this manufacturer can instantly overclock their devices without studying the BIOS and other subtleties. To do this, just install TurboV EVO. Moreover, in some versions of EFI BIOS the utility is built-in.

Using TurboV EVO, you can control the processor clock speed and adjust the RAM frequency. The program also supports voltage control functions in various system elements. It is possible to automatically overclock the system.

AMD OverDrive

How to overclock AMD processor? There is an excellent AMD OverDrive utility for this. The program has several levels of settings. They adapt to the user's level of awareness. Inexperienced users will have access to monitoring the system's operation. Those with a sufficient level of knowledge will be able to adjust the bus frequencies and clock multiplier.

In addition to fine-tuning the frequency of each core, OverDrive allows you to test the system with the selected settings. Monitoring functions make overclocking an AMD processor much easier. OverDrive turned out to be a powerful utility for fine-tuning systems to suit your needs.

Another useful program for overclocking a processor is CPU-Z. This good remedy monitoring the system status. The AMD processor overclocking program provides information on its operation. Its model, the overall clock frequency and the frequency of each core, the bus multiplier and much more other information.

CPU-Z is a portable program that does not require installation. System information becomes available immediately after startup. In addition, the utility has a function for publishing and comparing the results obtained, which allows you to monitor the progress of other users who have decided to overclock the processor.

Hello dear readers. Many people want to feel more speed when working on a computer. It’s good if you recently bought yourself a brand new computer with new hardware, and you don’t have problems with loading and speed of applications. What should those users do if their iron friend is obsolete and there is no money to buy a new one? Then you have come to the right place. One way to improve your computer's performance is to overclock its processor. Today we will teach you how to overclock a processor through BIOS. This article will be useful, first of all, for users with an Intel processor, as there are good overclocking programs for Windows environment not for them (not counting those made by the manufacturer itself for a specific processor).

But this does not mean that users with an AMD processor will not be able to overclock their processor through BIOS. It’s just that there is a very convenient and useful utility for them that works with Windows OS and which you can read more about. It is much more convenient and practical.

Important digression: Before you start overclocking your processor, read the article. This will help you correct the situation if the computer stops turning on after overclocking.

Well, let's go overclock)) We will overclock the processor by increasing its clock frequency. The processor frequency consists of the product of the frequency of the generated signal (generated in the generator) and the core multiplier. In order to find these parameters, we need to enter Bios. Everything described below is done for Bios version F1. You may also have a different BIOS installed. But this will not affect the acceleration principle. The only thing is that the location of the tabs may differ.

To start the Bios, you need to restart the computer and press the “Del” or “F2” key during the reboot process. After which the BIOS working window will open in front of you. Here we will need to enter the “MB Intelligent Tweaker” tab.

You can change the frequency by changing the multiplier, which is indicated in point 1. Use the arrows to select point 1 and press Enter. Point 2 is the current processor frequency. To change the frequency on the generator, you must select item 3 and set it to manual settings (Manual), after which item 4 will be available for editing - changing the frequency of the generator.

When you change the generator frequency in step 4, a window will open in front of you in which you can set the range from the minimum to the maximum value.


Now let's start overclocking the processor itself. As noted above, we will overclock by increasing the multiplier and frequency of the generator. Overclocking using a multiplier: Go to point 1 and increase the multiplier one point at a time. That is, move the multiplier one position higher, save the BIOS settings and reboot. If everything works stably and without brakes, monitor flickering or freezing, continue to gradually increase the multiplier. Make sure that the frequency step does not exceed 200 MHz ( shown in the picture above in point 2).

That is, at first I had 2800 MHz, then we set the multiplier so that it would be 3000 MHz. If you ask a lot at once, the computer may stop turning on. And you will have to reset the BIOS settings.

Overclocking by changing the generator clock frequency: In order to change the generator frequency, you need to set manual settings in step 3 (Change the “Auto” position to “Manual”). Then in point 4 we gradually set the values, starting with the minimum. Select the values ​​in such a way that the step in the overall processor frequency (indicated in point 2) does not exceed 200 MHz. After each such exhibition, do not forget to save the Bios settings, reboot and monitor its stability, as in the previous case. This is what setting the frequency values ​​looks like on my Bios.

Let's look at how much the processor frequency has changed after increasing the generator frequency.

As can be seen from the figure above, the processor frequency has increased by approximately 150 MHz, which is an acceptable step. To overclock the processor, you can use both the first method and the second. You can even combine them, but this should only be done when you are unable to significantly increase the processor frequency above the standard operating level.

Remember: I do not recommend increasing the processor frequency by more than 1 Hz. Believe me, if you achieve even such indicators, it can be considered a success. And remember one more thing - if you don’t have a good cooling system, then I don’t advise you to play too much with overclocking. Otherwise, you may simply break the processor. Here's another note: After each increase in frequency during overclocking, monitor the processor temperature, which you can find on the “PC Health Status” tab: it should not exceed 60 degrees Celsius with the processor already overclocked. The processor can, of course, withstand high temperatures, but do not forget that you will also load it with various tasks, the execution of which will heat it up even more. Therefore, you need to leave some reserve.

Finally, we invite you to watch a video on the relevant topic.

Let's summarize: Today, dear friends, we learned how to overclock a processor through BIOS. There is nothing scary or supernatural about overclocking, you just need to be careful and not mess anything up.

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Productivity increase computing system by increasing the clock frequency of some hardware components provided by the manufacturer is called overclocking or overclocking.

As a rule, when it comes to such an operation, it means considering the question: “How to overclock the processor?” Although the term “overclocking” is much more capacious and includes increasing the operating frequency of RAM modules, video cards, and even adjusting the modes of bridge chips (in Lately has lost its relevance). Moreover, if we talk about the computing core, then there are both special utilities for overclocking the processor, and techniques for making hardware changes. In other words, you can “overclock” the microcircuit using programs, as well as using jumpers on some motherboards.

How to overclock a processor: programs

In this article we will talk about how to do this programmatically - through the BIOS, but it is also worth pointing out some of the most popular applications of this type.

Among them are Right Mark Cpu Clock, Set FSB, CPU FSB and specialized programs, often supplied on disks with drivers for motherboards from various manufacturers. There is nothing complicated in using this group of applications: a slider for selecting the reference (or resulting) frequency, a multiplier, the core supply voltage - even a person without computer experience can quickly understand them.

How to overclock a processor through BIOS

One of the most effective ways increasing the performance of the central chip by increasing its operating frequency involves making changes to the motherboard BIOS. BIOS is a set of small programs stored on one of the mainboard chips. Every time you turn on the computer (even before the operating system loads), these programs are activated and perform a series of simple tasks- configure the operating modes of components, carry out basic testing, and organize low-level interaction. The user can make permissible changes to the configuration algorithm, thereby achieving the desired results. In order to get to the settings menu, you must immediately press and hold the Delete button after turning on power to the system unit (in laptops this can be F2, etc.). In the list that appears, you need to find a section with processor settings - FSB, multiplier, voltage. It is impossible to indicate the exact location, since it depends on the BIOS version and manufacturer.

From theory to practice

You cannot consider how to overclock a processor without at least a general understanding of the process itself. The operating frequency of the microcircuit is formed by multiplying any main (reference, FSB) frequency by a multiplier. So, a 1 GHz processor can actually run as fast as 200 MHz*5. Thus, there are two ways to overclock - increase the FSB and/or the coefficient. The first option is more effective. Usually in the BIOS window you can see what the base value of the reference frequency is. For example, 200 MHz. First you need to set it to 205, save the changes (the dialog appears after pressing Esc) and check the stability of the system. Then repeat the operation, increasing it a little more. The “ceiling” depends on many factors. When it is reached, it is necessary to reduce the result by 5-10 MHz - for stability. If after the next upgrade the computer does not turn on, then you need to reset the BIOS settings (the jumper on the board is indicated in the instructions), and then set the identified “ceiling”. Further increases may require increasing the voltage in minimal increments.

Using a Multiplier

It is also possible to overclock the processor using a multiplier. The algorithm is the same. This feature is implemented only in special processor models where it is explicitly indicated (AMD Black Edition). It is worth considering that an overclocked processor consumes more electricity and heats up more, so it is necessary to control the temperature (AIDA64 application), as well as use effective cooling systems. By the way, this is why overclocking a processor on a laptop is often impossible from the BIOS - they already use small-sized radiators and weak fans.

Overclocking a PC means increasing its performance using software, less often hardware, and means. But if previously only one processor was overclocked, now it is possible to increase the performance of a PC by overclocking the video adapter chip, competently selecting RAM and other computer components. For example, the power supply cannot be overclocked, but can be directly involved in this process.

This improvement in CPU performance is always associated with an increase in CPU temperature. If your “machine” is already working with modern software, as they say, to the limit, and you decide to increase the speed of your PC to save a few dollars, then get ready to invest in an improved CPU cooling system. Otherwise, you may experience instability in your PC, or failure of expensive equipment. We should not forget that increasing the CPU frequency entails increasing the PCI bus frequency. When its frequency increases above 41 MHz, there is a risk of PC instability, as well as loss of data from hard drives operating with the PCI interface.

Ways to Increase CPU Performance

Different algorithms of actions should be applied to different chips: even a beginner understands this. There has been a long-standing debate among overclockers about which chip is best overclocked. Among the favorites in the debate are, of course, INTEL's products and their eternal Canadian competitor, AMD. In fact, when overclocking these devices using the same means, they show almost identical performance: + - 5%. Despite the indicators, overclocking an AMD processor is considered more painless for PCs and a priority for specialists.

A little theory

The simplest way to increase CPU performance is to change its clock frequency, which, in turn, is the product of a multiplication factor and the bus frequency. These two indicators can be changed directly in the BIOS, which has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • Ease of operation.
  • Overclocking from the BIOS allows you to increase the performance of your PC immediately after starting. Specialized software does this after loading the operating system.

The main disadvantage of increasing CPU speed from Bios is considered to be the limitations of CPU performance due to some motherboard models.

Many PC users are interested in the question: are there specialized programs for overclocking the processor? The answer suggests itself - of course, there are quite a lot of them. There are utilities that can be used to increase the CPU frequency directly from the operating system. In addition, many motherboard manufacturers offer the user programs of this kind that come along with the necessary drivers on the disk for the motherboard. Using them for overclocking will not be a problem even for a beginner if he approaches each operation thoughtfully.

Preparing to Increase CPU Clock Speed

First of all, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and find out whether you have really tried all the ways to increase the speed of your computer, except overclocking, and how necessary is this? If the answer to these questions is yes, then you should check the cooling system of your PC and, if necessary, replace low-power fans with more efficient ones.

Instructions for increasing the performance of AMD processors

To overclock the CPU, consider using special software. According to advanced overclockers, best program for overclocking an amd processor, of all times and peoples, is AMD OverDrive, which is universal and suitable for most Canadian processors. In addition to this, you will need a utility to measure the CPU temperature in real time. The most popular software of this kind among specialists is Speed ​​Fan. Both utilities can be easily found on the Internet, but it is best to download them from the manufacturer’s website.

  1. Launch the OverDrive and Speed ​​Fan programs.
  2. In the utility, open the Advanced tab.
  3. In the tab you need to select the Clock/Voltage option.
  4. Check the box Select All Cores.

After these “dances with a tambourine”, you can begin to gradually increase the CPU frequency through a multiplier. Most IT specialists unanimously claim that in an AMD CPU you can immediately set the multiplier to 16. After operating the processor at this frequency, measure its temperature using the Speed ​​Fan utility. If the CPU temperature has increased slightly and does not exceed 70 C°, the PC works without failures, then you can try increasing the multiplier by 1.

In this part of the article, you learned: how to overclock an AMD processor without making changes to your PC's BIOS. Next we will consider step-by-step instruction on software overclocking of INTEL processors.

How to improve the performance of INTEL chips

The steps a PC user takes to increase the performance of an Intel-based computer are not much different from overclocking an AMD CPU. To complete the picture, our publication will offer the option of overclocking the CPU through the BIOS.

  • On startup system unit, after initializing the BIOS of the PC components, you should press the DEL button to enter the input/output system (BIOS).
  • Enter the BIOS FEATURES option.
  • Enter the Super Speed ​​option.
  • Enter the Overlock section and select the Optimal Referens option
  • In this section, set it to Manual.

After completing the procedures, all information about the processor will be revealed to you: its multiplier, bus frequency. These are the BIOS items you will need.

  • In the BSLK frequency item, you need to gradually increase the frequency. The optimal result can only be obtained experimentally. Then exit the BIOS. Saving the settings.
  • Reboot your PC.

That's basically it. Changes in CPU frequency can be checked in computer properties. If working in the BIOS is inconvenient for you, then use one of special programs. According to most IT specialists, the best program for overclocking an Intel processor is CPU-Z. It is Russian-language, informative, has a small distribution size and can be launched without prior installation.

Via BIOS. As we know, this part is the main one in all computers and laptops. It depends on it how quickly certain tasks will be completed. Therefore, this issue is quite relevant among users, especially for owners of slightly outdated equipment that can no longer cope with some more or less serious tasks.

Before describing the method of overclocking a processor through BIOS, it is worth mentioning that users have been performing this procedure for a long time, and not only through BIOS. It's fair to say that things don't always go smoothly. There are often cases when these actions lead to the failure of processors, so you need to do everything very carefully. Before testing the processor, think about whether it might be better to entrust overclocking to specialists, or even abandon such an idea altogether. This will allow you to keep the “stone” in working condition.

Now let's move on to how to overclock the processor through the BIOS. It contains a certain parameter that is responsible for the bus frequency indicator. As a rule, it is equal to the value 123, 233, and so on. Its name is Clock. It also has a multiplier (eight, fourteen or twenty). If we multiply the frequency of this bus by this factor, we get exact value in hertz. Let's take the following formula as an example. Let's take the bus frequency equal to 133, multiply it by a factor of 20, and as a result we get 2.66 gigahertz.

Now we go into our BIOS (using the “Delete” key when starting the device) and find in a certain category the Clock indicator, the last two digits of which will be equal to thirty-three. Gradually add five points at a time. Keep in mind that if there is a sharp overclocking through the BIOS, the risk that the device will simply “burn out” increases. I also categorically do not recommend doing this procedure for old computers, such as Pentium 2 or 3.

In an urgent case, do a reset to reboot, then go into the BIOS again and lower the settings. When you complete the procedure, be sure to test the processor for stability. It shouldn't freeze during this.

A slight overclock will be optimal. For example, which is 2.66 gigahertz, it makes sense to overclock it to three. It will not be superfluous if you seek help from experienced specialists.

That's all I wanted to say about how to overclock a processor through BIOS. The procedure itself is not difficult, but it is very dangerous and risky for the processor. If you decide to do it yourself, there is no need to rush anywhere. Raise your indicators by one, or at most several, notches. After each such action, boot the system and observe the operation of the computer or laptop for a while. When you increase the productivity of the “stone” by fifteen percent, I advise you to limit yourself to this. Theoretically, it can be overclocked even more, but in this case the load on it increases significantly, and, accordingly, the risk.

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Authors of the article: Gvindzhiliya Grigory and Pashchenko Sergey