PP desserts without oven. Dietary sweets for weight loss. How to eat sweets while losing weight

The decision to switch to proper nutrition is difficult for most people, since it involves getting rid of many habits that have been with a person for many years. But perhaps the most painful thing is giving up sweets. However, the stereotypical statement that desserts are absolutely contraindicated in a healthy diet is erroneous, since there are many recipes healthy sweets, which not only do not harm the body in any way, but also become an additional source useful substances.

Naturally, we are not talking about the usual cakes and pastries with a huge amount of sugar, white wheat flour and other simple carbohydrates that bring practically no benefit, except for deposits in the form of fat on the sides. Instead, you should give preference to sweet dishes based on fruits, cottage cheese, whole grain flour, oatmeal or corn flour, bran, nuts, dried fruits and other products that have a beneficial effect on the body.

We offer several simple sweet recipes that are perfect for those with a sweet tooth who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. In addition to the obvious benefits, such desserts are also very simple to make.

Strawberry banana ice cream

This extremely easy-to-prepare dessert will appeal to all lovers of refreshing fruit ice cream who enjoy pampering themselves in the summer heat. Instead of banana and strawberries, you can use other fruits and berries that are available.


  • 2 bananas;
  • 15 strawberries;

Prepare the fruit: peel the strawberries, wash them, and peel the bananas. Cut everything into pieces average size and place in the freezer for several hours. Grind the frozen fruits in a blender, add a little honey to the mixture. You can eat the ice cream right away, or keep it in the freezer for a little while longer.

Curd and banana dessert

Cottage cheese is one of the most healthy products, which is why it often appears in all diets and recipes for proper nutrition. This dessert is no exception - easy-to-prepare cakes will surely please your taste.

So, you will need:

  • 220 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 g banana;
  • apple - 1 piece;
  • 50 g prunes;
  • 50 g whole grain oat flakes;
  • 40 g of any nuts;
  • 15 g cocoa powder.

Peel the apple and grate it on a fine grater. Grind banana and cottage cheese in a blender until smooth. Soak the prunes in boiling water for a minute, then cut into small pieces and add to the curd and apple mixture. Grind oatmeal into flour using a coffee grinder, mix with cocoa and stir into the mixture using a blender. The dessert is almost ready - all that remains is to put it in beautiful glasses, sprinkle with pre-chopped nuts, decorate with berries and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Diet charlotte

This pie, beloved by many since childhood, can be prepared according to the principles of proper nutrition, replacing some harmful ingredients with healthy analogues.

Prepare the following components:

  • 50 g rye flour;
  • 220 g low-fat kefir (1% is possible);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 15 g sugar;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 2 sweet apples.

Peel and core the apples, cut into slices and place in a mold. Knead the dough, which should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. Pour the dough into the apples in the mold and place in the oven, preheated to 200 g. Bake the Charlotte for 45 minutes.

Curd cookies

Another recipe using cottage cheese. Low-fat bran-based cookies will become a real lifesaver, since you can not only enjoy them every day, but also serve them to guests for tea.

Required ingredients:

  • 60 g wheat bran;
  • 60 low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 4 egg yolks;
  • 60 g oat bran;
  • 15 g honey or maple syrup.

Beat the yolks with a mixer until foam forms, add baking powder and knead the mass thoroughly, adding the remaining ingredients in the process. From ready dough Form cookies, place on baking paper and bake in the oven at 180 degrees. Thanks to their lightness, the finished cookies are suitable for both those on a diet and all other baking lovers.

Moreover, sugar loads the pancreas and liver so much that they are forced to work almost to the point of wear and tear. An alternative to sweets with sugar can be PP treats that do not contain a single extra ingredient. Only everything that is healthy and also delicious. The most best recipes We have collected the right sweets in our material.

PP pancakes

Flour (preferably whole grain, but any will do) 200 g, 600 ml of mineral water (plain water will also do), two egg whites, a pinch of salt. Cook in a non-stick frying pan.
Preparation: Mix warm water with flour and leave for 20 minutes. At this time, beat the whites with salt, pour this mixture into the dough and beat again. Then bake as usual. You can use a little honey or natural yogurt as a sweetener.

Cottage cheese dessert with banana and kiwi

Soft low-fat cottage cheese 350 g, natural yoghurt (without sugar) 150 g, low-fat milk 150 ml, agar-agar (can be replaced with gelatin), banana and kiwi, 50 g honey.
Dissolve gelatin in milk and let it swell, then put on fire, but do not boil, it should dissolve. Cool. At this time, beat honey, cottage cheese and yogurt until creamy and mix with agar-gar, cut the peeled fruits.
Place layers of curd mass, fruit and curd mass on the bottom of the mold. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

Low calorie ice cream

Take fruits or berries of your choice and freeze them. Then beat in a blender with 50-70 ml of natural yogurt or milk, add vanillin or cinnamon to taste. And enjoy!

Cherry marmalade

Pour 200 grams of cherries with a glass of water and cook for 10 minutes. Then add two teaspoons of agar-agar and fructose to taste. Stir thoroughly and pour into molds. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

Mar 29 2016


The biggest problem that probably everyone who loses weight faces is the craving for sweets. It's hard to limit yourself to being fat, fried food, and it’s completely unthinkable to refuse a rich pie, a piece of cake, or a delicious cupcake. In fact, there are excellent dietary desserts for weight loss. If you learn how to cook them, you can stay slim as a reed and still enjoy sweets.

Features of preparing dietary desserts

It's hard to know what sweets you can eat on a diet. To navigate among the many recipes, use the following recommendations:

    Switch to carbohydrate-free sweets. Eliminate or minimize “short” carbohydrates. Sugar and refined fructose are not suitable for diet desserts for those losing weight.

  1. Avoid dishes that contain fats in addition to “short” carbohydrates. Their calorie content may be low, but such desserts will not benefit the body.
  2. It is advisable to use not whole eggs, but only whites for cooking. However, among many dietary recipes this is not taken into account.
  3. If you are preparing low-calorie sweets, use fruits and dairy products as a basis. It is not necessary that the fat content of cream, sour cream, yogurt, milk, and cottage cheese be minimal. The taste of dietary desserts for weight loss does not benefit from this. Products with medium fat content are suitable.
  4. The fact that desserts are dietary does not mean that you are allowed to eat them in unlimited quantities at any time of the day. Eat no more than 150 grams of sweet food. It is advisable to do this in the morning.
  5. Diet sweets will not help you lose weight if you do not adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

The best recipes for delicious desserts for losing weight

To prepare a dietary treat, take any fruits and dried fruits. Use cottage cheese and eggs. These ingredients contribute not only to weight loss, but also to the formation muscle mass. As for variety, you have many options: diet baked goods, jellies, sorbets, soufflés, marmalade and even candies homemade. Remember a few recipes for weight loss with calorie content, and you won’t be left without sweets while on a diet.

Cottage cheese mousse

Ingredients of the dietary dessert:

    cottage cheese – 170 g;

  • honey – 50 g;
  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • egg white – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice– 20 ml.

Preparing dessert for weight loss:

    Mix cottage cheese with honey, beat gently.

  1. Dissolve gelatin in warm water with lemon juice. Wait until it swells, put it on the fire until completely dissolved. Then cool slightly.
  2. Add gelatin to the cottage cheese, beat with a blender until smooth.
  3. Beat the egg whites until they form a stable foam and slowly add them to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Pour the mousse into silicone molds and cool in the refrigerator. Serve garnished with mint leaves or berries.
  5. Calorie content of dietary dessert: 100 g – 115 kcal.

Oat cookies

    cereals extra – 500 g;

  • kefir – 200 ml;
  • mixture of nuts and dried fruits - half a glass;
  • honey – 60 ml;
  • vanillin, cinnamon.

Cooking steps:

    Low-calorie desserts are often prepared with the addition of oatmeal. Pour kefir over the flakes and leave for an hour. Need to take extra option instant cooking no good.

  1. Add dried fruits with crushed nuts, honey. Mix thoroughly, add vanilla and cinnamon. You should get a thick mass.
  2. Roll the dough into small balls, then flatten. You will get neat round cookies. Place it on a baking sheet previously lined with baking paper.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the mold there for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Remove the cookies and cool slightly.
  5. 100 g – 87 kcal.

Cottage cheese casserole

Ingredients of the weight loss dessert:

    cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;

  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • kefir – 80 ml;
  • honey – 20 g;
  • raisins - half a glass.

    Beat the eggs vigorously.

  1. Mix cottage cheese with kefir. Add egg mass, honey, raisins to the container. If you wish, you can use dried apricots or other dry or fresh fruits.
  2. Transfer the dough into the mold.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the casserole there for 30-40 minutes. When it is ready, a golden crust will appear. You can sprinkle cocoa powder on top for beauty. It is convenient to do this through a sieve.
  4. 100 g – 148 kcal.

Fruit jelly cake

Ingredients of the weight loss dessert:

    canned peaches – 1 can;

  • oranges – 4 medium;
  • fresh or frozen pitted cherries – 100 g;
  • multifruit juice – 1 l;
  • almond petals – 100 g;
  • gelatin – 20 g.

Preparing a dietary dessert:

    Peel the oranges and divide them into slices.

  1. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of warm juice. Wait for it to melt. Pour the juice back through the strainer. If you find it not sweet enough, add honey.
  2. Cut the peaches into small slices.
  3. Rinse the mold with cold water. Place the oranges in the center, around the cherries. Place peaches along the edge. This is an optional order, you can distribute the fruits as you wish.
  4. Fill the mold with juice, carefully scatter the almond petals fried in a frying pan. Place the dessert in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. To remove the cake from the mold, dip it in hot water for a couple of seconds and turn it over.
  6. You can decorate the edges of the dessert with almond crumbs.
  7. 100 g – 92 kcal.

Dried fruit candies

Ingredients of the dietary dessert:

    dried apricots – 6 pcs.;

  • prunes – 6 pcs.;
  • dates – 4 pcs.;
  • almonds – 50 g;
  • walnuts – 50 g;
  • oat bran – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coke shavings - 1 tbsp. l.


    Ideas for dietary desserts for weight loss are very diverse, so you can even make sweets. Grind the nuts by hand or with a blender.

  1. Pass dried fruits through a meat grinder. Mix them with nuts and bran.
  2. Roll the mixture into balls and roll in coconut flakes. You can replace it with sesame seeds and cocoa powder. It all depends on your taste preferences.
  3. Store candy in the freezer. Not only do they taste amazing, but they are also very nutritious.
  4. 100 g – 187 kcal.

Berry cheesecake in a slow cooker

Ingredients of the weight loss dessert:

    oat flakes – 40 g;

  • whole grain flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • cocoa powder – 50 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 450 g;
  • yogurt – 250 ml;
  • sweetener - to taste;
  • berry mix – 250 g.

    Dietary desserts for weight loss are very easy to prepare in a slow cooker. Combine cereal, flour, cocoa. Add 100 g of cottage cheese and eggs. Mix thoroughly.

  1. Place the dough in the multicooker pan and cook on the “Baking” program for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Beat the remaining cottage cheese thoroughly with yogurt and sugar substitute, preferably with a blender. Add berries.
  3. Distribute the mixture over the crust, set the “Baking” program for 15 minutes. When the cheesecake is ready, the top will be golden. You can decorate it with fresh berries when serving.
  4. 100 g – 110 kcal.

Apples baked with honey and cinnamon in the oven

Diet dessert components:

    sweet and sour apples – 6 pcs.;

  • cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • liquid honey – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • ground cinnamon – 2 tsp;
  • raisins – 60 g;
  • Frozen red currants – 200 g.


    Desserts for losing weight are often baked in the oven, because this way they retain all the nutrients. Pour boiling water over the apples, make neat cuts on top and remove the core and some of the pulp.

  1. Mash cottage cheese with honey, add cinnamon, raisins, currants. It must be defrosted first. If you want, beat this whole mixture with a blender.
  2. Stuff the apples with the resulting curd mass.
  3. Place the dish in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  4. A few minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle the apples with a pinch of sugar, they will have a caramel crust.
  5. 100 g – 103 kcal.

Low-calorie no-bake cherry pie

Ingredients of the weight loss dessert:

    cottage cheese – 1 kg;

  • low-fat sour cream – 1 l;
  • cherries – 1 kg;
  • honey – 250 ml;
  • unsweetened cookies – 400 g;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • gelatin – 100 g;
  • cherry jelly – 2 bags.

Preparing a dietary dessert:

    Soak the gelatin in half a liter of water and leave to swell.

  1. Mash the cookies to fine crumbs, pit the cherries.
  2. Melt the butter. Mix it with crushed cookies. Pour the mixture into the cake pan.
  3. Dissolve the jelly according to the recipe on the package.
  4. Beat cottage cheese with honey in a blender, add water and gelatin.
  5. Blend half a kilogram of cherries in a blender until pureed. Add it to the curd cream and stir.
  6. Fill the cake with cream and leave in the refrigerator until the top hardens.
  7. Pour jelly over the set cake and cool well. The cake looks very beautiful not only in the photo, but also in life, you can safely prepare it for the holiday.
  8. Don't pay attention to what the recipe contains. butter. Its share in the pie is very small, so the dessert still turns out to be low-calorie.
  9. 100 g – 136 kcal.

Video: how to prepare dietary sweets at home

You have seen how diverse the choice of low-calorie sweet dishes is. To learn a few more diet desserts for weight loss, watch the following videos below. Prepare healthy and delicious dishes and eat them without any fear for your figure. After watching the videos, you will see that a diet is not necessarily strict restrictions. It's just a lot of new dishes that you can eat without causing harm to your body.

Diet pancakes

Strawberry marshmallows

Sorbet with berries and banana

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How to prepare dietary desserts for weight loss

Any PP dessert, prepared with your own hands from the right ingredients, will bring undoubted benefits to the body and good mood to those who try it.

Mostly dessert is a sweet dish, which is served at the end of the meal. It completes the meal and leaves a pleasant aftertaste. The custom of finishing a meal with dessert appeared in Europe only in the 19th century.

Moreover, desserts based on sugar and cream could only be afforded by the rich; poorer people had desserts made from natural sweeteners: honey and fruit.

Most people associate desserts with cakes, pastries, creams, etc., and therefore cause panic among those losing weight or those who adhere to a healthy diet.

After all, for many, healthy food forms the opinion that such dishes cannot be tasty. But this is not true.

With proper nutrition, sweets can not only not cause harm, but become another means of replenishing the body’s energy reserves.

We're not talking about cakes with big amount rich cream or custard cakes, which only help to store fat with the help of fast carbohydrates. This refers to PP desserts, which are based on fruits, honey, cottage cheese, bran, whole grain flour, nuts and other beneficial products.

How delicious does “lemon cake”, “kefir cakes with cherries”, “berry marmalade”, “strawberry chia pudding”, “homemade Snickers” sound? And there are many such recipes, so you can experiment and find desserts to your liking.

It is the ingredients that make up the food that help regulate the amount of calories in dishes.

Sweets that are beneficial

  • Fruits: contain almost all the vitamins and fiber a person needs. Improves metabolism and digestion.
  • Dried fruits: improve the functioning of many internal organs, for example, the heart and stomach. They help develop and improve memory, and also remove waste and toxins from the body.
  • Honey: contains in one spoon almost the entire supply of microelements that are needed for the day. Relieves fatigue, replenishes energy, improves intestinal function and metabolism in general. Perfectly strengthens the immune system.
  • Natural marmalade: contains natural thickeners pectins, which normalize microflora in the intestines, remove toxins from the body, reduce cholesterol levels and the rate of increase in blood glucose.
  • Homemade yoghurts: normalize intestinal function and increase metabolism, restore microflora and cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Jelly: gelatin contains about 20 amino acids, which improve memory and mental activity, normalize sleep, improve metabolism, and also nourish the central nervous system with energy. nervous system and mice.
  • Chocolate: only bitter has beneficial features, because it contains more cocoa and less sugar than milk and white. It contains many nutrients: zinc, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, fiber, etc. Dark chocolate lowers cholesterol levels and is good remedy prevention for cardiovascular diseases.

Sweets can and should be included in a healthy diet. Sugar is a supplier of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. As the experience of real women shows, losing weight and maintaining weight are quite compatible with gastronomic pleasures.

Information about the nutritional value of dietary sweets and recipes for healthy dishes will help you enjoy food without harming your figure.

The body's need for sugar is not a whim, but a reasonable phenomenon. Glucose is a “fuel” necessary for the body for mental and physical activity. The substance is a natural sugar and is present in foods rich in carbohydrates: vegetables, fruits, grains.

Once in the body, glucose increases blood sugar levels. The brain reacts to the signal about the arrival of “fuel” and as a result the person feels full.

Excess and lack of sugar in the diet is equally dangerous. Glucose deficiency reduces performance and can lead to fainting. Constant abuse of sweets threatens the deposition of unspent “sugar” calories into excess fat and the development of diabetes.

The cause of glucose oversaturation is the abundance of foods with added sugar in the diet. These are homemade and industrially produced confectionery sweets: chocolate bars, cookies, cakes, candies.

To avoid weight and health problems, you need to be careful about the amount of sugars in your food and meet your glucose needs with the right foods.

Healthy sweets

Retail chains offer a wide range of healthy treats. They differ in nutritional value and composition and supply the body not only with glucose, but with vitamins and beneficial elements.

bitter chocolate

A healthy product contains at least 70% cocoa components. Dark chocolate differs from bars in its rich taste and moderate amount of sugar.

The product “99% cocoa” will bring maximum benefits. The tart taste of elite chocolate takes some getting used to.

Cocoa bean butter is a natural source of antioxidants that stimulate metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Magnesium in dark chocolate helps fight fatigue and nervous disorders.

Minus - high calorie content. A figure-safe daily dose is 1/5 of a bar (about 20-25 g). This portion will give the body 140 kcal - enough to maintain strength with a daily norm of 1500 kcal.

Marshmallows and marshmallows

Airy sweets are similar in appearance, but differ in composition.

Photo: www.amihaimcandies.com

Marshmallow, familiar to Russians since Soviet times, is made from a whipped protein-sugar mixture, fruit puree and gelatin.

Marshmallow is a specialty of Anglo-American cuisine. It does not contain egg whites and consists of a sugar-corn solution, whipped with gelatin, and various flavoring additives.

Marshmallow is a fashionable decorative element for cakes and drinks. Photos of such dishes are a decoration for culinary blogs. By the way, you can read.

The dietary advantage of delicate desserts is a minimum of fat and moderate calorie content. Gelatin is enriched with B-group vitamins and is beneficial for muscles, joints and tendons, ensuring their elasticity and recovery from injuries.

Disadvantages - high content of added sugar and the presence of synthetic “improvers”. The safe daily dose is 1 piece per day. “Pure” marshmallows or marshmallows without chocolate icing and dyes contain 160 kcal.

Marmalade and jelly

Photo: www.archanaskitchen.com

Chewy candies and desserts with an elastic transparent texture are made from fruit and berry puree combined with sugar and gelatin.

In dietary low-calorie cooking, gelatin is replaced with agar-agar, a plant-based thickener with minimal nutritional value.

The advantages of marmalade and jelly for losing weight with a sweet tooth are the absence of fat and the presence of pectin. This component is part of the fruit and berry mass and is a natural fiber. Pectin helps cleanse the body of toxins and activates digestion.

The harm of jelly and marmalade is associated with allergic reactions on food colorings and flavors. A safe daily intake is about 50 g of chewing gummies or 200 g of jelly dessert. These servings contain 150 kcal.

Its difference from marshmallows and marmalade is the absence of gelling thickeners. Pastila has been present in Russian cuisine for several centuries. This is a dried mixture of crushed berries or fruits, combined with honey or sugar syrup.

The lozenges do not contain fat and retain the beneficial properties of fruit and berry puree: vitamins and natural fibers that stimulate digestion. Russian classic – apple marshmallow.

The product is low in calories, but contains a lot of natural fruit sugar and additional sweeteners. You should limit yourself to 50 g of lozenges per day (this is 145 kcal).

Yoghurts and curds with fillings

Fermented milk products will satisfy a slight hunger and satisfy the need to indulge in something sweet. The range of flavors is wide - from fruit fillings to variations on the theme of creme brulee, tiramisu and pina colada.

Cottage cheese and yogurt are sources of milk protein and calcium. They help strengthen bones and have a positive effect on digestion. Yogurt, additionally enriched with complexes of beneficial bacteria, will support the intestinal microflora. An article about what to cook from cottage cheese.

The most useful are yogurt or cottage cheese with a fat content of 2-2.5%. “Zero” analogues contain a minimum of calories, but a lot of added sugar and flavorings. Calcium is a fat-soluble element. Having entered the body from “zero” food, it will not be absorbed.

The disadvantage of sweet milk is the presence of artificial thickeners, flavors and colors. The taste of fruits and berries is achieved industrially and does not provide the benefits of natural fruits. For a nutritious snack, 1 serving jar of yogurt or cottage cheese weighing 200 g is enough - this is no more than 180 kcal.

An oriental delicacy consists of whole nuts or seeds glued into tiles using honey, molasses or sugar syrup. The most common and a budget option– sunflower kozinaki. There are also analogues made from sesame, hazelnuts, peanuts and walnuts, sometimes supplemented with raisins and dried apricots.

Guest from the East is rich in vitamin E, vegetable oils and natural fatty acids. The nutritional value and firm texture of kozinaki allow you to prolong the pleasure of tasting it and feel satisfied with a small piece.

Disadvantages: high calorie content and danger to teeth. A safe way to consume kozinaki is a couple of times a week, in a thawed, softened form. For one time, 25 g is enough - that’s 130 kcal.

An oriental sweet with a centuries-old history that remains in demand today. This is a homogeneous mass of ground seeds and nuts with sugar.


Common types of halva and how they are useful:

  • From sesame seeds - good due to the presence of calcium and zinc.
  • Sunflower halva contains P-group vitamins, vegetable oils and a lot of iron.
  • Peanuts are a source of protein.

Weaknesses of halva - high fat and calorie content. Excess threatens weight gain and digestive disorders. It is recommended to consume 2 pieces of halva per week. The weight of each is up to 30 g. Such a portion contains about 150 kcal.

Light ice cream

2 types of summer dishes:

  • "Fruit ice".
  • Dairy ice cream with yoghurt base.

“Fruit ice” is good for its minimal calorie content and lack of fat. Yogurt ice cream is more nutritious, but contains calcium and milk protein.

Cheap ice cream often contains a “milk fat substitute” – palm oil. The component reduces calories and production costs, but worsens the taste. The benefits and harms of vegetable fats remain a subject of debate.

The disadvantages of store-bought ice cream are the presence of synthetic preservatives and flavoring additives. The optimal portion with a nutritional value of 150 kcal weighs no more than 150 g.

The bee product is rich in antioxidants. Honey has a positive effect on the immune system and stomach function. It differs in shades, taste and quantity of valuable components.

The darker the color, the more antioxidants there are.

Consuming honey requires self-control while losing weight and maintaining a healthy regimen. This is a high-calorie product and a strong allergen. Doctors and nutritionists recommend eating 1 teaspoon of honey per day. This is 40 kcal.

Muesli bars

Cereal snacks are a healthy alternative to chocolate bars. Muesli is made from natural cereals (oatmeal, wheat, rice) with the addition of fruits, berries and nuts. In bar format, they become a convenient snack option.

Cereals are a source of plant protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber . Cereals help replenish energy resources and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Excess sugar is the main reason for dissatisfaction with muesli bars. In some cases, the sweetness is enhanced by the glaze coating and chocolate inclusions.

A couple of snacks a week is a sufficient dose. 1 serving bar weighs about 25 g and contains 90 kcal.

Oat cookies

Oats and their products are a source of fiber, vegetable proteins and amino acids.

Cereal cookies have a moderately sweet taste and provide long-lasting satiety. The main disadvantage is the high calorie content. 1 piece contains 60-70 kcal. It is reasonable to limit yourself to 1-2 cookies per day.

Photo: www.independent.co.uk

Nuts have high nutritional value. It is a source of vegetable protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Proper nut butter consists of 1 ingredient - chopped nuts. Chocolate spreads with vegetable fats are not suitable for healthy eating.

Nut butter is one of the leaders in calorie content among healthy foods. Nuts when consumed in excess are dangerous for weight gain and allergic reactions. To avoid weight and health problems, you need to eat no more than 1 teaspoon of pasta per day (70-80 kcal).

Dried apricots, prunes and raisins differ from fresh fruits in their higher concentration of beneficial elements. What are the benefits of common types of dry fruits:

  • Dates are leaders in the content of dietary fiber, which stimulates digestion. Iron and magnesium help get rid of anemia and increased fatigue. In details .
  • Dried apricots are a source of several vitamin complexes (B and P), carotene and potassium. Dried fruits are good for the health of the cardiovascular system, skin and nails.
  • Prunes are valuable for the presence of natural fibers (fiber and pectin) and potassium. It activates metabolism, normalizes blood pressure and gastrointestinal function.
  • Raisins are a supplier of glucose with a rich taste. A large number of B vitamins make it an ally in the fight against sleep disorders and irritability.

The negative side is the high calorie content and abundance of glucose.

An excess of dried fruits in the diet can lead to digestive problems: bloating and increased gas production.

To protect yourself from discomfort and excess weight, it is recommended to eat up to 5 pieces of dried apricots or dates per day. Another option is 25 g of raisins. The nutritional value of both options will not exceed 150 kcal.

Candied fruit is a healthy substitute for candy and candy. Candied fruits are a convenient quick snack that you can take with you on the road or to work.

This analogue of candy is made from the peel of oranges, the pulp of melon, pumpkin, pineapple, papaya, and other fruits. The candied pieces retain the vitamin complexes of fresh fruit.

Opponents of candied fruits do not like them because they are cloying. Industrially produced fruit snacks are supplemented with artificial colors and flavors. A strong smell or unnatural shade of candied fruits is a reason to refuse tasting.

A nutritionist-approved serving of fruit in syrup weighs 40 g and contains 132 kcal.

The best alternative to industrial goodies. The secret to the benefits of fruits is the absence of additional sweeteners and the abundance of fiber. Natural fibers slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. Fiber is not digestible, but absorbs harmful toxins and accelerates their removal from the gastrointestinal tract.

The best fruits for losing and maintaining weight:

  • Apples– leaders in the amount of fiber. The fruit is also rich in iron. In details .
  • A pineapple rich in vitamin C and contains bromelain, which stimulates fat burning.
  • Grapefruit– citrus with a bitter taste is rich in antioxidants and microelements that provide a feeling of fullness and improve metabolism.


Cherries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries are natural suppliers of vitamins and fiber. Their dietary advantages are low in sugars and calories.

The greatest benefit will come from berries eaten fresh. After freezing and heat treatment, they are deprived of most vitamins.

How to eat low-calorie sweets

Healthy foods remain a source of calories, and consuming too much of them will lead to weight gain. To prevent this from happening, you must follow 2 key commandments of proper nutrition:

  • Time for desserts is no later than 12.00. Before noon, metabolism works most actively. The calories will be consumed and will not be stored on the body as fat reserves.
  • Sweets should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Sugar, being a simple carbohydrate, is instantly absorbed and will cause a sharp attack of hunger soon after eating.

A reasonable solution is to treat yourself to dessert after a full protein meal: eggs, dairy products. Protein dishes will saturate the body and discourage the desire to fill the “fuel” deficit with sugar. The best way to combine pleasure with benefit is to eat cottage cheese or natural yogurt, supplementing it with berries, fruits or a spoon of honey.

How to eat sweets while losing weight

When losing weight, it is necessary to control the energy value of food. A calorie deficit in the diet will force the body to draw resources from fat reserves and speed up the loss of extra pounds and cm.

When losing weight, sweets can be included in the menu no more than 1-2 times a week. The number of servings is minimal: 1 square of dark chocolate (about 10 g), a handful of berries or 1 apple before lunch.

How to Eat Sweets While Maintaining Weight

Staying in shape also involves paying attention to the nutritional value of the diet: the average daily intake for women is 1500-1800 kcal.

You can indulge in sweet dishes up to 3-4 times a week. Fruits or berries can help you maintain strength between meals.

Products with added sugar and high carbohydrate content (more than 40 g per 100 g of product) are consumed in quantities of up to 30-40 g. For portioned products this means 1-2 marshmallows or cookies.

We invite you to watch the video from fitness trainer Dmitry Glebov, he tells how to eat sweets and not get fat.

What sweets to avoid and what to replace them with?

Junk food brings nothing to the body except extra pounds. There is a healthy alternative for every forbidden fruit:

How to choose dessert in a store

In a supermarket, you can evaluate the dietary merits of a product before purchasing. What to look for:

  • Compound. The presence of “substitutes” for natural raw materials and homogenized oils produces a low-quality product that is hazardous to health. Sugar in the first place in the list of ingredients is a sign of useless food. It will bring extra calories, but will not improve your figure or well-being.
  • Information about energy value. You should not buy a product trusting the images of slender girls on the packaging and the inscriptions “fitness”, “light”, etc. If the calorie content healthy treats does not fit into your personal diet, the product will not be suitable.
  • Related components. The glazed coating of bars and marshmallows and the sugar sprinkling of marmalade imperceptibly but significantly increase the calorie content.

Fructose replaces sugar in sweet products for diabetics. It does not affect blood glucose levels, but is quickly converted into fat. Therefore, dietary halva, cookies and kozinaki “with fructose” are not a safe alternative to regular sweets.

How to choose dessert in a cafe

In a restaurant, it is unlikely that you will be able to find out the energy value of menu items, but you can choose a safe dish:

Menu items that should be avoided by those losing weight and maintaining weight:

  • Cream sponge cakes.
  • Wheat baked goods.
  • Deep-fried pies and donuts.
  • Sweet toppings: condensed milk, sauces and syrups.

How to make any recipe less calorie

The advantages of home cooking are naturalness and the opportunity to experiment with ingredients. If desired, your favorite recipes can be adapted to the requirements of a healthy menu.

Most recipes for sweets, pies and other baked goods that you can find in magazines and on the Internet contain incredible amounts of sugar. Often, this can be 1-2 cups of sugar, especially in a recipe that also contains chocolate, for example. Just reduce the amount of sugar by 2 times (in some recipes it can be 3 times), replace sweet milk chocolate with dark chocolate. You will already noticeably reduce your caloric intake.

How to replace sugar

Today, there are natural and synthetic sweeteners designed for supporters of a low-calorie diet. They differ in intensity and shades of taste. The advantage of natural sweeteners is the presence of useful microelements and vitamins. The downside is the development of addiction in case of excess consumption.

Artificial sweeteners have zero energy value. Their only ability is to impart optimal flavor to food.

Leaders of the modern sweetener market:

  • Syrup– natural liquid ingredient. By origin, it is a residual product of sugar cane processing. Molasses is rich in B vitamins and iron. Nutritional content of 1 teaspoon is about 23 kcal.

There are several varieties of molasses available on the market. The lighter its color, the sweeter the taste.

  • Stevia– processed extract of leaves of the plant of the same name. The substance is sold in liquid or dry granular form. There are no calories or glucose. We recommend reading the article.
  • Coconut sugar– dry dehydrated extract of palm tree sap. It arrives on store shelves in its natural form. Coconut sugar has its own flavor and is rich in calcium and zinc. Calorie content of 1 teaspoon – 28 kcal.
  • – a domestic alternative to exotic sweeteners. It is characterized by a mild taste and high energy value: 40 kcal per 1 teaspoon.
  • Maple syrup– a popular ingredient in English and American dishes.

Photo: health.clevelandclinic.org

This is tree sap with a specific taste. The syrup is enriched with zinc and magnesium, but is not safe for those losing weight: 1 teaspoon contains 53 kcal.

Maple syrup can be replaced with floral honey if desired.

  • Saccharin– one of the pioneers in the market of artificial sweeteners. It is available in powder and pill form. The substance is not recommended for daily use.
  • Sucralose– a modern synthetic analogue of sugar. It is sold in dry powder form. Sucralose can be subjected to moderate heat treatment.

There is an opinion that constant consumption of saccharin threatens the development of cancer of the genitourinary system.

The proximity of a synthetic sweetener to aluminum kitchen utensils under conditions high temperatures(more than 130°C) leads to the production of substances hazardous to the body.

How to replace butter flour

Wheat is not the only source for confectionery raw materials. Butter flour has several healthy analogues:

  • Buckwheat flour rich in plant proteins and antioxidants. Thanks to the abundance of fiber, it helps remove toxins and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The most successful “buckwheat” recipes are cookies and pancakes, which have a light and fluffy consistency.
  • Oat flour contains natural fiber, vitamin B and lots of iron. It is a source of complex carbohydrates and the basis for proper pancakes and biscuits.

Healthy food recipes use not only flour, but also whole oatmeal flakes.

They are used to prepare a variety of dietary oatmeal cookies for every taste and level of culinary skill. We offer you to prepare delicious and healthy recipes.

  • Almond flour- These are carefully chopped nuts. The product does not contain gluten and retains the beneficial properties of whole kernels. Almonds are rich in fatty acids and vitamin E. Nut confectionery products have a characteristic aroma and remain fresh for a long time. Almond flour is a key ingredient in French macarons.

  • Vegetables, fruits and berries partially replace flour ingredients. Popular ingredients are pumpkin, carrots, bananas, cranberries. They saturate dishes with vitamins and give food a new shade of taste. Dietary recipes with vegetables and fruits are varied. For example, it is a full menu.

How to replace full-fat dairy products

A successful light alternative to traditional ingredients should contain fewer calories, but have a similar consistency to the “original”. For example:

  • Milk diluted with water and kefir 1% fat content suitable for dietary baking.
  • Cottage cheese and yogurt low and zero fat content will replace cream and sour cream in cream for a low-calorie cake.
  • Ricotta– a light alternative to cream cheese like mascarpone. The replacement will reduce the energy value of the dessert by 2.5 times.
  • Coconut oil, milk and cream can replace similar products of animal origin. Advantages plant products– hypoallergenic, cholesterol-free and abundant in calcium. Coconut oil and milk have a positive effect on digestion and liver function.

Milk fat is a complete component of a healthy diet. It ensures normal metabolism and improves the absorption of nutrients such as calcium and zinc. You shouldn't give up milk with normal fat content for the sake of a slim figure. The best way to make third courses lighter and healthier is to reduce the amount of sugar.

Making the right jelly and marmalade

Agar-agar is a gelling component of plant origin. It is obtained by processing marine plants.

Agar has low nutritional value (about 25 kcal per 100 g), is rich in calcium and natural fibers that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.

Gelatin substitute is sold in stores in the form of a dry mixture. It is tasteless and odorless; when cooked, it takes on the characteristics of other components of jelly and marmalade: fruit, juice, jam.

Heating the liquid is a must when using agar in cooking: cold water it won't dissolve.


Ideas for homemade desserts are varied and suitable for cooks of any skill level.

The most simple recipes like cottage cheese with fruit and muffins in the microwave you can get 1 serving in 5 minutes. More complex dishes baked in the oven are appropriate for a festive tea party.

In terms of calorie content, the lightest sweets are fruit ice and apple chips. Hearty dishes with nuts will replace a snack or breakfast.

Diet cream for cake

The basic version of low-calorie dairy filling is suitable for cakes and muffins.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 400 g.
  • Cow's milk 3.2% fat - 200 g.
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • Sweetener - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Place the cottage cheese in a bowl and use a blender to turn it into a smooth mass without lumps.
  • Pour milk into the processed cottage cheese and mix the ingredients until smooth.
  • Add lemon juice and sweetener to the cream. Beat the mixture until you obtain an elastic cream consistency.

Honey-orange sauce

Gravy is a decoration and a way to diversify the taste of yoghurts, pancakes, casseroles and pancakes. You can make your own low-calorie topping.

Photo: barefeetinthekitchen.com


  • Orange with zest – 1 pc.
  • Starch – 1 tablespoon.
  • Water – 1 glass.
  • Lemon – half 1 pc.
  • Flower honey – 1 tablespoon.
  • Wash the fruits thoroughly and dry with a towel. Squeeze the orange juice, remove the zest and do not throw away.
  • Place the water on the fire and bring to a boil.
  • Add orange zest to boiling water. Continue cooking for 5 minutes.
  • Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mix it with honey. Add the solution to boiling water with zest, turn off the heat and cool.
  • Mix half of the citrus liquid with starch and add it to the rest of the mixture. Place the solution on the fire and cook until thickened.
  • Finally, add orange juice and mix well to obtain a homogeneous sauce.

Curd desserts

Cottage cheese is a light and high-protein food. You can use it to make casseroles, ice cream, or cake filling. Here .

Pancake cake with curd-coconut cream

Photo: www.hummingbirdhigh.com

Cold layer cake without flour and sugar. Sponge cakes have been replaced with thin oat pancakes. Honey adds sweetness to the cake and provides it with antioxidants.

Ingredients for the crust:

  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Kefir 1% fat – 300 ml.
  • Oatmeal – 1 cup.

Products for cream:

  • Cottage cheese 0% fat – 360 g.
  • Honey – 20 g.
  • Bananas – 2 pcs.
  • Coconut flakes (1 tbsp).
  • For decoration - any fresh berries.

Cooking method:

  • Beat the eggs with a blender.
  • While beating, add kefir and flour to the egg mixture.
  • Continue using the blender until the dough has a smooth consistency.
  • Heat a frying pan and grease it with oil.
  • Bake thin pancakes from the dough. The dough must be turned over when bubbles appear on the surface.
  • Prepare the cream: combine cottage cheese, honey, chopped bananas and coconut flakes in a bowl. Beat all ingredients with a blender.
  • Fold the cake: Spread each pancake evenly with the banana curd cream.
  • Spread the rest of the filling over the surface of the cake.
  • Place the pie in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Before serving, the cake can be decorated with fresh berries.

Curd and berry ice cream

Simple and quick recipe from two ingredients. Ice cream with berries contains a minimum of fat and carbohydrates.


  • Soft cottage cheese 0% fat – 2/3 tbsp.
  • Any frozen berries without sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • For decoration - mint leaves, fresh berries.

How to cook:

  • Combine cottage cheese and berries in a bowl. Mix with a blender until you obtain a puree-like consistency.
  • Divide the ice cream into serving bowls and garnish with mint and fresh berries.

Apple dessert: apple chips

Snacks are the most budget-friendly and simplest dessert recipe. Light during harvest season sweet snack, made from domestic fruits, will be the most affordable and environmentally friendly.

Photo: www.theironyou.com

To make the chips crispy, the apples need to be cut into thin slices. To do this, it is recommended to use a thin knife.


  • Apples – 3 medium-sized pieces.
  • Granulated sugar - ⅓ tbsp.
  • Cinnamon powder - approximately 1 tbsp.


  • Preheat the oven to 105°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
  • Mix granulated sugar and cinnamon in a bowl.
  • Cut the apples into thin slices. The core with grains can be removed.
  • Place the chopped fruit on a baking sheet lined with paper. Sprinkle half of the cinnamon sugar mixture over the apples.
  • Bake in the oven over medium heat for 1 hour. Then remove the baking sheet, turn the slices over and sprinkle the rest of the cinnamon sugar powder on them. Continue baking for another 60 minutes.
  • Remove the pan with chips from the oven and let the treat cool completely.

We invite you to watch a video from Katerina Sokolovskaya, who will clearly show how to make such chips.

Desserts with gelatin or agar-agar

Popular recipes with gelatin are jelly and marmalade with the addition of juice, fruit, coffee and cocoa. You can reduce calories by replacing gelatin with agar.

Fruit and berry marmalade

Sweets, loved by many children and adults, can be prepared at home. Using a variety of juices and jams allows you to experiment with colors and flavors.


  • Fruit or berry juice (orange, cherry, etc.) – 1 glass.
  • Jam - ¼ cup.
  • Agar-agar powder – 1.5 teaspoons.

How to cook:

  • In a bowl, combine juice, jam and agar powder. Mix with a blender until a homogeneous consistency without lumps is obtained. After completing the process, leave the mixture alone for 5 minutes.
  • Place the bowl with the mixture on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Remove the bowl from the heat and pour the marmalade mixture into a shallow container or molds. Place the preparations in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  • Remove the finished marmalade from the molds/cut into squares.

Homemade gummies can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 days.

Colorful tropical jelly

Combinations of multi-colored components allow you to get not only tasty, but bright and original food. For the orange and white jelly, we use mango and coconut milk.


For the orange layer:

  • Mango – 3 small pieces.
  • Granulated sugar - ¾ cup.
  • Agar powder – 5 grams.
  • Water – ½ cup.

For the white layer:

  • Coconut milk – ½ cup.
  • Agar powder – 3 grams.
  • Water – ¼ cup.


  • Peel the mango, grind to a puree consistency and mix with sugar. You should get 1.5 cups of puree.
  • Dissolve 5 g of agar powder in ½ glass of water. Mix well and put on low heat. Prepare the mixture until the agar is completely dissolved and the water is clear.
  • Add the mango puree to the gelling solution and stir well, then quickly pour the thickening orange mixture into a jelly container and set aside.
  • For the coconut layer, combine 3 g of agar and ¼ cup of water. Heat the mixture over low heat until smooth and transparent and then pour in the coconut milk.
  • Remove the white mixture from the heat and spread it evenly over the orange jelly. Leave the dessert alone for 45 minutes.
  • The finished colored jelly, which has reached a dense consistency, can be cut into portioned squares and served.

Diet almond pie

Healthy confectionery products - snacks, cheesecakes, muffins, cakes and bread. The secret of their lightness is the partial or complete refusal of butter flour.

Baking without wheat flour and milk is suitable for people suffering from lactose and gluten intolerance.

To prepare the pie, eggs must be heated to room temperature. To make the cake airy, it is important not to overdo it with beating the whites. The foam should remain white, elastic and fluffy.


  • Whole almonds, roasted and peeled – 1.5 cups.
  • Chicken eggs – 4 large pieces.
  • Honey – ½ cup.
  • Baking soda – ½ tsp.
  • Salt – ½ tsp.
  • For decoration – 2 tbsp. honey and ¼ cup almonds.

How to peel and fry almonds: you need to put the nuts in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then remove the brown skin. To fry, place the kernels on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and dry for 8 minutes in the oven over medium heat at a temperature of 190-200°C.

  • Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease a baking pan with high sides and line with parchment paper.
  • Grind whole almonds in a blender until powdered. Makes about 3/4 cup almond flour.
  • Separate egg whites from yolks.
  • In a large bowl, using a blender, beat 4 yolks, ½ cup honey, baking soda and salt until smooth. Then add the prepared almond flour and continue beating at low speed until the ingredients are completely mixed.
  • In a separate bowl, beat 4 egg whites with a clean blender for 1-2 minutes until light and airy.
  • Add the whites to the nut-yolk mixture and mix everything carefully.
  • Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake in the oven for about 28 minutes. The readiness of the pie is indicated by its golden brown hue. A toothpick inserted into the middle of the cake should come out clean.
  • Remove the finished pie from the oven and let it cool for 10 minutes.

We invite you to watch a video recipe for making diet cheesecake.

Pudding in a slow cooker

Use of innovative household appliances facilitates the task of switching to “PP” (proper nutrition). Multicooker dishes are easy to prepare and have an airy texture. Avoiding frying in oil reduces the amount of fats and carcinogens that are dangerous to vascular health.

The traditional English product is prepared without flour and served warm or chilled. The amount of sugar can be reduced, and the main components can be supplemented with fruits: apples, berries, raisins.

The choice of rice for pudding depends on personal preference. The Arborio variety will provide a delicate creamy consistency. Brown rice, taken instead of white grains, will saturate the body with complex carbohydrates.

The recipe data is given for kitchen appliances with a power of 670 W and a bowl capacity of about 180 ml.


  • Rice - ½ multi-cooker bowl.
  • Apples of any variety – 2 medium-sized pieces.
  • Milk 1% fat or water – 1.5 cups.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 incomplete bowl.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • Breadcrumbs.

How to cook:

  • Boil rice in 1% milk or water, adding 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar. Allow the finished porridge to cool.
  • Beat the eggs with a blender with vanilla sugar and sand for 8 minutes. Add soft butter to them and stir for another 1-2 minutes.
  • Cut the apples into slices, remove the grains and cores.
  • Stir together rice, fruit and egg-sugar mixture.
  • Coat the multicooker container with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place the mixed ingredients into it and cover with a lid.
  • Set the baking mode on the multicooker panel. The cooking process lasts about 60 minutes.
  • Allow the pudding to cool without removing it from the container. A dish prepared in a slow cooker retains a delicate, fragile consistency and requires careful handling when removing from the bowl.
  • The finished rice pudding can be decorated with fresh berries and served with light yogurt.

Low-calorie cottage cheese casseroles and puddings are a worthy option for breakfast or afternoon snack. If you liked cooking with a slow cooker, then we offer another recipe.

Pancakes without flour and sugar

The dietary benefits of the fruit are explained by its high potassium and fiber content.

A simple three-ingredient healthy breakfast recipe. Banana-based pancakes contain moderate amounts of carbohydrates and are rich in protein and potassium. .


  • Ripe bananas - 2 large pieces.
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon.

How to cook:

  • Mash the bananas to a puree consistency. Add to fruit raw eggs and cinnamon. Mix all ingredients to obtain a smooth, homogeneous dough.
  • Heat a frying pan with oil.
  • The amount of dough for one pancake is ¼ cup. Bake for 1-2 minutes on each side until golden brown.
  • Serve the dish warm. If desired, the pancakes can be topped with honey.

in the microwave

A hit of modern healthy cooking - muffins for 1 serving, prepared in a mug or glass using microwave oven. The advantages of the method are a minimum of dirty dishes, quick results and a variety of recipes.

"Nut boom"

The cake is made from almond flour and low-calorie milk. Honey is the only source of sweetness. The muffin contains few carbohydrates and a lot of easily digestible vegetable protein.

  • Almonds – 20 g.
  • Cashew – 10 g.
  • Sesame – 1 teaspoon.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon.
  • Milk 1% fat – 2 tsp.
  • To prepare almond flour, grind the peeled kernels in a blender to a powder consistency. Add milk, egg, honey and baking powder to the nuts.
  • Add cashews and sesame seeds to the dough. Mix all ingredients and place in a glass or mug.
  • Place the glass in the microwave and bake the dessert for 3 minutes.
  • Remove the finished cake from the oven and let it cool.

"Chocolate mix"

A cupcake with cocoa without added sugar will please chocolate lovers who are losing weight.


  • Dark chocolate – 1/5 bar.
  • Cocoa powder – 1 teaspoon.
  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder – 1 sachet.
  • Banana – half of 1 piece.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Milk 1% fat – 2 teaspoons.


  • In a mug, combine oatmeal, cocoa powder and baking powder.
  • Chop bananas and chocolate with a knife. Add the ingredients to the cocoa flakes, add the egg and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Place the mug in the microwave and bake for 3 minutes.
  • Remove the finished cake from the oven and let it cool.

And if you didn’t have enough of a recipe with chocolate, then we suggest watching a video with detailed preparation of brownies.

Berry desserts: f fitness bar

Cherries, raspberries, strawberries improve the taste and appearance and dietary biscuit and chilled milk sweets. In many recipes, the proposed berry component can be varied.

Healthy low-carb snacks are easy to make. Sugar-free bars are rich in protein. The union of dates and cherries creates the optimal balance of sweetness and sourness.


  • Peeled and roasted almonds – 1 cup.
  • Dried pitted cherries – 1 cup.
  • Pitless dates – 14 pieces.


  • Combine all products in a deep bowl and grind with a blender. During the work, if necessary, you need to stop to separate the stuck together lumps.
  • Continue the grinding process for about 2 minutes until the components turn into a homogeneous mass.
  • Roll the fruit and nut mixture into a ball, then form it into a thick square layer. Cover the mixture with wax paper and refrigerate for an hour (or overnight).
  • Remove the cooled dough from the paper and cut into 8 large or 16 small bars.
  • Snacks are stored in the refrigerator or freezer for 2-3 months. You can take the bars with you in your lunchbox. At room temperature they become softer.

Protein dessert:

Protein sweets can be made from cottage cheese, almonds, nut butter and chia seeds. The dishes are nutritious and can replace a light breakfast.

The daily protein requirement depends on a person’s weight. On average, 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

Thick smoothie puree without added sugar, ready in 5 minutes and served cold. It will replenish potassium and protein reserves.


  • Bananas – 2 pieces.
  • Milk – 2 glasses.
  • Peanut butter – ½ cup.
  • Honey - approximately 2 tablespoons.
  • Ice cubes - 2 glasses.


  • Chop bananas.
  • Place all ingredients in a deep bowl and blend with a blender until completely mixed.
  • Serve the smoothie in tall, clear glasses.

Video recipe for protein cake with cocoa.

The orange vegetable is enriched with carotene. Once in the body with food, the substance is converted to vitamin A, improves vision and skin condition.

The cereal pie has a positive connotation and is enriched with fiber and potassium. There is no sweet flour in the recipe, and sugar is completely replaced with honey, vegetables and fruits.


  • Grated carrots – 1 cup (2-3 pieces).
  • Puree from 1 banana - about 1 glass.
  • Whole grain flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pieces.
  • Greek yogurt – ¼ cup.
  • Coconut oil – 2 tablespoons.
  • Vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon.
  • Almond milk – 1 glass.
  • Maple syrup or flower honey - ½ cup.
  • Soda – ½ teaspoon.
  • Baking powder – ½ teaspoon.
  • Cinnamon – 1.5 teaspoon.
  • Salt – 1/3 teaspoon.

Cream for decorating cupcake (optional):

  • Easy cream cheese– ½ cup.
  • Greek yogurt – ½ cup.
  • Honey – 2 tablespoons.

How to cook:

  • Preheat the oven to 180-190°C. Grease a baking dish with coconut oil.
  • Carefully squeeze out the juice from grated carrots using gauze. You can drink the liquid, it is useful, but is not needed in the recipe.
  • In 1 bowl, thoroughly mix carrots, mashed bananas, yogurt, milk, eggs, vanilla and honey (or syrup). In 2 bowls, combine flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder and cinnamon and turn into a homogeneous mixture.
  • Combine the contents of bowls 1 and 2, add softened coconut oil and mix everything.
  • Transfer the dough into a baking dish and place in the oven. Cook the cake at a temperature of 180-190°C for 35-40 minutes. Once the process is complete, remove the cake from the oven and let cool at room temperature.
  • Prepare the cream: mix cream cheese, Greek yogurt and honey. The pie should be decorated immediately before serving.

By the way, if you love sweets, then here are 3 recipes for delicious sweets.

Yogurt pancakes with banana and blueberries

Healthy recipes do not contain flour or yeast. Diet pancakes for tea can be baked from oatmeal, bran or cereal. Adding chopped fruits and vegetables reduces calories and adds a variety of flavors traditional dish Russian cuisine.

Fluffy yoghurt-banana pancakes are an ideal “energy” breakfast. The dish contains a lot of vegetable protein, potassium and iron.


  • Oatmeal - ½ cup.
  • Baking powder – ½ teaspoon.
  • Natural yogurt – 150 g.
  • Ripe banana – ½ piece.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Vanilla extract ½ teaspoon.
  • Fresh or frozen blueberries - 1/3 cup.


  • Cut the banana into pieces.
  • Break an egg into a deep bowl. Add chopped banana, oatmeal, baking powder, yogurt and vanilla to it. Beat all ingredients with a blender. Add some blueberries.
  • Heat a frying pan with oil. Bake pancakes: ¼ cup of dough for 1 piece. Fry the pancakes on each side until golden brown and bubbles appear on the surface of the dough.
  • The result is about 4 pancakes. They are decorated with the remaining blueberries and served warm.

If the dough is too thick, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of cow's or almond milk.

Chocolate milk pudding

Healthy cocoa dishes are made from light dairy products and combined with fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains. A lighter version of the chocolate bar can be made using carob. You will learn about what carob is, its benefits and harms from this book.

Warm cream with a thick texture and the taste of real chocolate. A bonus for losing weight tasters is the minimum amount of fat.


  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Milk 1% fat – 2¼ cups
  • Granulated sugar - 2/3 cup.
  • Salt – 1/3 teaspoon.
  • Cocoa powder 2/3 cup.
  • Corn starch - 2 tablespoons.
  • Vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon.


  • Break and place 1 egg in a bowl. Set aside.
  • In another container, mix 1.5 cups of milk, 1/3 cup of sugar and salt. Place the solution over medium heat and heat, stirring occasionally, until it boils.
  • Combine the remaining 1/3 sugar and ¾ cup milk with cocoa powder and starch in a clean bowl. Mix all products well.
  • Combine boiling milk mixture and cocoa mixture. Place the resulting solution on the fire and cook, stirring, until thickened (about 3 minutes).
  • Turn off the fire. Add 1 cup of hot chocolate mixture to the egg stirred in a bowl and pour everything back in. Continue cooking the pudding over medium heat for another 2 minutes (until it boils), avoiding the formation of lumps. Finally, add vanilla to the pudding.
  • The cream can be served warm or chilled. When serving, you can decorate it with chocolate chips.

Pie with lemon-zucchini filling

Garden vegetable is an easily digestible product. The pulp contains a lot of liquid. The neutral taste of the vegetable allows you to experiment with combinations of ingredients in zucchini cakes and pancakes.

A variant of warm baking in which zucchini plays an unexpected role as a filling. In combination with lemon juice, the vegetable acquires sourness and does not seem bland.


  • Zucchini, peeled and cut into cubes - 8 cups (about 1 kg 360 g).
  • Lemon juice – 2/3 cup.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 cup.
  • Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon.
  • Nutmeg – ½ teaspoon.
  • For the test:
  • Flour - 4 cups.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 cups.
  • Softened butter, cut into cubes - ¾ cup.
  • Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon.


  • Filling: Combine lemon juice and zucchini in a large saucepan. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 15-20 minutes (until the vegetable is soft). Add sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg and continue cooking for another 1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat.
  • For the dough, mix sugar, flour and butter in a separate container until you get buttery “crumbs”. Mix part of the resulting mass with stewed zucchini. Place the rest of the dough on the bottom of the baking dish and place the filling on top.
  • Cook the pie at a temperature of 190-200°C for 35-40 minutes until a golden crust forms with bubbles on the surface.
  • Serve the pie warm, sprinkled with cinnamon if desired.

Watermelon dessert: f ruktu ice

The juicy pulp of the giant berry is an attribute of the summer table and the main ingredient in ice cream and sorbet.

A 3-ingredient popsicle is an easy meal in every sense. Bonuses for a pleasant taste: no sweeteners and fat, plenty of potassium and vitamin C.


  • Watermelon pulp, cut into cubes - 3 cups with top.
  • Fresh or frozen strawberries - 1 cup with top.
  • Juice and zest of 1 lemon or lime.

Grind all the products and mix with a blender until the consistency of puree. Place the fruit mixture in popsicle molds, insert sticks and place in the freezer for 3-4 hours.

Dessert with ricotta: tiramisu

Italian cheese with a mild taste and dense texture is the basis for light milk sweets and pastry creams.

A healthy version of an Italian specialty. Ricotta and Greek yogurt taken in place of mascarpone cheese and whipped cream cut the nutritional value in half. (230 kcal versus the previous 490 kcal).


  • Light ricotta – 350 g.
  • Greek yogurt – 130 g.
  • Honey or maple syrup - 2 tablespoons.
  • Strong black coffee – ¾ cup.
  • Coffee liqueur – 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Strawberries and raspberries – 250 g each.
  • Cocoa powder – 1 tablespoon.
  • Biscuit cookies - about 150 g.
  • For decoration - mint leaves.


  • Wash the berries, peel and cut into halves. Cut the cookies into cubes.
  • Place ricotta, honey and yogurt in a bowl and mix thoroughly with a blender.
  • In a separate container, combine coffee and liqueur. Soak the cookie pieces in the solution.
  • Preparation of tiramisu: put a small layer of milk mixture on the bottom of serving glasses, then some of the berries and sprinkle with cocoa powder. Next comes a layer of coffee-soaked cookies. Sprinkle with cocoa again.
  • Similarly, alternate layers of ricotta, berries and cookies soaked in coffee, flavoring each with cocoa powder. The top layer is ricotta and berries.
  • Serve tiramisu immediately after cooking, garnishing with mint leaves if desired.

Homemade yogurt

The fermented milk product, prepared independently, has a 100% healthy natural composition without vegetable fats, starch and flavor enhancers. Bacteria concentrate for fermenting milk can be purchased at the pharmacy.

IMPORTANT: the utensils for preparing and ripening yogurt must be perfectly clean. It is recommended to rinse containers with boiling water before use.

What you will need:

  • Milk 2.5-3.2% fat – 1 l.
  • Bacteria concentrate for yogurt – 1 packet.

Cooking process:

  • Boil the milk and cool to a moderately warm temperature - about 35°C.
  • Mix part of the boiled and cooled milk (100 g) thoroughly with the dry bacteria concentrate until lumps are completely eliminated. Pour the mixture into the bulk of the milk and mix thoroughly again.
  • Distribute the yogurt mixture into small containers with lids. Close the jars and provide a warm environment by wrapping them in a thick blanket. Leave them to ferment for 15 hours.

During the ripening period, the substance must not be shaken or mixed. Such actions will disrupt the ripening process.

Baked pears in wine

The fruit is rich in natural sugar. Ripe pears– a worthy competitor to factory-made products for those with a sweet tooth.

A warming third course will brighten up your holiday feast. The advantage of fruit recipes over cream cakes is their low fat content.


  • Anjou pears – 6 pieces.
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon – 1 tsp.
  • Unsalted butter – 3 tbsp.
  • White wine – ¾ glass.
  • Dried berries (cranberries, currants, etc.) – ½ cup.
  • To decorate the dish - whipped cream or mascarpone cheese.


  • Cut the pears in half lengthwise.
  • Cut the butter into 0.5 cm cubes.
  • Preheat the oven to 180-190°C.
  • In a shallow baking dish, arrange the pears with the centers facing up. Sprinkle the fruits with sugar and cinnamon and place a cube of butter on top.
  • Pour the wine into the mold with the pears. Distribute dry berries among fruit halves.
  • Bake the dessert in the oven until the pears are soft - about 40-50 minutes. Allow the finished dish to cool for 5-10 minutes.
  • Transfer the pears to plates and pour over the remaining wine from baking.
  • If desired, the fruit can be decorated with whipped cream or mascarpone cheese.

Buckwheat cookies

Recently, grains have been given the title of superfood, like chia seeds and goji berries. The absence of gluten and abundance of fiber have brought buckwheat international success and made it the basis for dietary breakfasts and snacks.

A fluffy and crunchy alternative to oatmeal cookies. Buckwheat snacks can be served with tea, coffee or kefir.


  • Buckwheat flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Granulated sugar - ½ cup.
  • Softened coconut oil – ¾ cup.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Baking powder – 1 teaspoon.
  • Salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  • Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • In a large bowl, combine sugar, butter, and add egg. Mix ingredients carefully.
  • Add flour, baking powder, and a pinch of salt into the mixture and mix again until smooth.
  • Form the buckwheat dough into 12 balls and place them on a baking sheet covered with paper. Do not place the balls too close to each other: during cooking they will increase in volume.
  • Press the balls onto the top to form flat cookies.
  • Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for about 11 minutes until the cookies are golden brown.
  • Remove the finished product from the oven and let it cool completely.

We also suggest watching a video recipe for oatmeal banana cookies.

Calorie content and nutritional value of sweets and desserts

The table provides information about the most common delicacies from the assortment of retail chains. When indicating caloric content and content of nutritional components, figures are given per 100 g of product.

Sweet name Calorie content, kcal Proteins fats carbohydrates
bitter chocolate 540 7/36/48
305 0,8/0/80
Marshmallow 320 1,5/0,3/82
Marmalade 298 0,4/0/77
Fruit jelly 73 2,7/0/16
Fruit pastille 295 0,4/0/74
Muesli bars 360 8/20/40
Peanut butter without sugar 620 25/51/22
333 0,8/0/83
Oat cookies 402 6/19/59
330 0/0/82
Yoghurts and curds with sweet fillings
Yogurt and cottage cheese 0% fat 80 2,5/0,3/18
Yogurt and cottage cheese with a fat content of 2-2.5% 85 4/2-2,5/11
Ice cream
"Fruit ice" 95 0,2/0,2/24
Yogurt ice cream 106 3,8/1/25
Sunflower 580 15/43/35
Peanut 490 15/25/53
Sesame 512 12/29/53
Peanut 505 15/31/42
Sunflower 530 12/30/54
Sesame 515 13/30/51
Apples 48 03,3/0/10
Pineapples 50 0,4/0/11
Grapefruits 30 0,7/0/7
Bananas 94 1,5/0/22
Grape 66 0,6/0/17
Raspberries 46 0,8/0/9
Cranberry 27 0,5/0/7
Blueberry 44 1/0/8
Plum 42 0,8/0/10
Watermelon 25 0,6/0/6
Dried apricots 215 5/0/51
Dates 275 2,5/0/70
Prunes 231 2,3/0/58
Raisin 265 3/0/66

Thus, the most nutritious dietary sweets are chocolate and treats made from seeds and nuts. 100 g of each product contains approximately a third daily norm calories. Treats are saturated with fats and carbohydrates and, eaten in excess, threaten weight gain.

Berries are the easiest and safest dietary sweets. Energy value below 50 kcal, there is no fat, and sugar and carbohydrates are present in minimal quantities (no more than 10 g per 100 g of product).

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