Stories from the magazine AIDS info are over the top. Funny stories from life. Magic power of love

Spouses with experience read "AIDS Info".
- Sarah, what is a "sexual disorder"?
- This, Izya, is like we have with you: you almost don't give a shit about sex, and when you don't
don't give a shit - it's not sex, but one disorder!

I read the story in the newspaper.
It was back in the Soviet Union. In one collective farm, a locksmith fell into a deep binge. After a working day, he made his way to the office of the director of the collective farm and found a liter of alcohol there. Well, you won’t drink alcohol without a snack - he found a three-liter jar of sour cream in the refrigerator. So, eating sour cream, he drank alcohol.
The next day, the director of the collective farm calls the police, and a case is filed against the locksmith for causing serious harm to the collective farm. It turned out that the jar was not sour cream, but the sperm of an elite Dutch bull.

From the AIDS-Info archive:

Kostya is like that busy man that all our dates took place in his car, and he was driving, and I gave him a blowjob on the go. For a couple of months, I traveled all over Moscow, but, apart from his penis, I didn’t see anything.

I work as a section editor for a newspaper. I read letters from readers, of course.
A letter arrives, or rather the reader herself brings it. The problem is creepy
(not for this site). BUT... She asks for the letter to be published in her
version, without the author's text. Claims to have been working for 45 years
school, philologist. In her letter there is such a word: parallelized (available in
the sight of a sick person). Either she still works as a mathematician, or
very bad with philology in modern schools

I recently read it in the newspaper.
About five or seven years ago, a businessman from Russia was killed in the Emirates
surname Eltsin.
The local police were immediately raised to their feet. Suspicions, essno, fell on
Russians, of which there are quite a few in the Emirates. An order was issued to detain
all Russian citizens who are familiar with the murdered Eltsin.
It looked like this:
- From Russia?
- Yes!
Do you know Eltsin?
- Yes!!!
- To jail...

They say that 200 people were detained until they realized that in the mouths of local
law enforcement officers, the names "Eltsyn" and "Yeltsin" are slightly distinguishable ...

In terms of bullshit. I recently came across an article from Speed-info (No. 7
2006) about the fact that to attract the public, many strippers go to
sphincter whitening cosmetic surgery. So that's how I
an impressionable person and with imagination I imagined the following
picture: strip club hall, slightly subdued light, dancer, wishing
to surprise the audience with an innovation, to become in the pose of cancer and then it turns on
fluorescent light...and the POINT SHINES. Yes, it's worth the sight
Damn, shock is our way!

Today I read an ad in the newspaper (exactly in this wording):

Children's health camp "Voskhod"
located with a pine forest in the Arzamas region
For summer holiday employees' children

Yes, but they say the sale of children is prohibited, but here in the most popular
newspaper of the city (Arzamas news) such an announcement.
Neighing for half an hour the whole department.
Oh, yes, it was also added there:
"Tours at a price of 5900 rubles."

Although it was no longer important for whom the vouchers were intended - for children
or for children buyers

If you are interested, I can give you the phone number and address.

I read in the newspaper
Matches are worth a damn.
There is no salt, but there is sand
At the firemen at the boards.

Grandma bought salt
But it probably wasn't enough.
I ran again
Here is her Kondraty RAZ-Z-Z!

The truck was carrying salt
without fear that they will steal,
on board the truck
RPK installed.

Today it looks like I hit my husband on the spot.

I come home from work, we talk about every little thing. And then I remember:
"Listen, I brought you AIDS here." Gross silence. Nothing is
understanding, I continue: "Well, you yourself asked." And I go to the passerby to
bring the newspapers "AIDS-info", which I took from the library at the request of my husband.

The strange look in her husband's eyes makes him replay the whole conversation in his mind.

Letters to AIDS-Info
- In my opinion, this is the height of cynicism: to make a bed for me in another room, and in the morning
ask why I'm so sad... Zhenya, Rzhev
- I found a way to deal with his women: I tell them how much he gets and
how many times a month is it washed. None of them have dared to check.
Sveta D., Chelyabinsk

I went on vacation alone - a friend could not support me, she remained to plow in the office in the very heat.

Interrogation with predilection

My husband and I love to experiment in bed. Of course, we haven’t gotten to the stuff-dryuchek from sex shops yet, but role-playing games mastering.

For a long time we could not be alone with Pavlik, although our lips had swollen and hurt for a long time from kissing. It seemed that his hands had already studied me well in the most hidden places, but they did not reach the main thing.

The husband stubbornly searched for an apartment with at least the tiniest storage room. And I was all surprised.

We had one nasty teacher at the institute, a bore, and demanded knowledge of his subject from and to. Of course, many skipped, did not learn anything.

My husband has always been fond of fishing. At first I was worried - I thought he was leaving to actually drink with the peasants and hooligan with other girls.

I work in a women's team. Or rather, I manage the woman's kingdom, as I am the boss. We have one or two peasants, and it's hard.

From the outside, my husband and I imagine people dressed to the nines and in modern trends. Seryozha goes to work in pressed shirts and stylish suits.

After a divorce from my husband, my mother kept crying that I had agreed to leave in vain. The family must be saved and all that. What for? There were no children, love was gone, and interests diverged like ships in the sea.

On TV, Gena saw this - and became attached so that we could also try it. They told how in Japan in some establishments men eat sushi and all other exotic things directly from a woman.

All sorts of figli-migli on a woman have never attracted me. I'm talking about erotic lingerie. What's beautiful there?

Naked man games

I love to look into other people's windows. I’m not being impudent at all, and the neighboring house, which is opposite mine, is not so close. I see small and not so distinct alien pieces of life.

Before we got married, my husband and I had nowhere to make love. In a hurry, somehow it happened a couple of times, and I couldn’t understand anything. But feelings were stormy - and we very quickly went to the registry office. And after the first wedding night I wanted to run away from Maxim.

I went into the bedroom, and my legs buckled, my hair stood on end and fettered me with horror and fear. My Varenka was lying on the floor by the bed: one leg was turned out, her arms were scattered, and under her head. pool of blood!

Fear of a comrade

I returned from the army wounded in every way. He suffered both mentally and physically due to an exploding grenade. He was a little shell-shocked, suffered from hearing problems, and a tiny piece of shrapnel hurt him in the groin. He remained a man, but somehow through time.

What do you think a woman smells like? In literature, of course, they like to express this beautifully: the weaker sex is fragrant with a cherry leaf, then with wormwood, then with honey and milk, then with the wind. By the way, the wind smells like a dog. I checked myself.

Every woman has her own G-spot. I'm not talking about the one that experts seem to have found, but it seems like it doesn't exist. No, it can be anywhere on the body. I also have a secret. True, I did not admit it to everyone. They misunderstand, they can hurt. But if everything is correct, so I fly away and see the sky in fireworks.

I lacked the male power in him. Not the one when a petty tyrant knocks on a chair with his fist and crushes a woman under him. And so that he pressed himself so that the bones crunched and his head was spinning a little from oxygen starvation.

A woman in a bathing suit does not touch me at all. Just think, the breasts are almost wide open and jumping in a tight bra! So what, that some thongs and the whole buttocks are visible, and both halves are shaking? Again, ideal - almost does not happen.

Speed ​​Info. In modern medicine, everything has turned upside down: both methods and patients rely on one pill. But, having . I don't understand what's going on in the minds of these mothers? which I read in the AIDS-info newspaper, when it first appeared, it was so engraved in my memory. Remember, there was such a heading "Upside down"? Upside down (S NOG NA GOLOVU). Everything about the movie: photos, wallpapers, user comments, screenings, news, movie rating. Information about .

Married to her own son, Morena. How to raise a mattress boy and a sissy, a psychopath or a killer? And how to grow a real man out of a boy? Independent, strong, resolute... Mutually exclusive characteristics, but the recipe for education, oddly enough, is the same, with one slight difference.. This recipe sounds like this: to love. Love very much. With one small nuance: a mother should let go of herself in time, admit that her son has grown up and should live his own life.

That's how men are made. And when the mother fails to take this step and continues to cackle over her son to his very gray hairs, I believe that such a “son” will turn out and what his life will be like, you can guess for yourself. Mom always remains with him in the closest connection, as if she were married to him. Once on TV, I snatched one program. An overweight, unkempt, fifty-year-old woman broadcast to the whole country that her son was drinking too much. He drinks a whole bottle of beer after work, yes! Further, during the interview, it turned out that she got into her son’s family up to her ears, and divorced him from his wife, actually forced him to leave his two sons ... And then there was an expression of panic horror on the son’s face, at the sight of video cameras, when he returned home from work.

Upside Down Speed ​​Info Read Online

She announced to the whole country that he was an alcoholic ... Such a cheerful mother, right? And she broke her son's family, and now she has also deprived her of work. Now he's definitely not going anywhere from his mother!

AIDS INFO FOR 1997-2007 (90 photos). There was a chic newspaper then, I just died from some headlines, there was also a heading for perverts 'upside down', I served after school in the nineties in one hole, someone subscribed, there was always a number in the class, neighing ..

Newspaper "AIDS - info" photo. 3.25. Average: 3.3. pampered a lot. I took it because of letters from readers, but most of all I liked the heading upside down. Books. I got acquainted with the newspaper Speed-Info in the early nineties. I was a teenager, I read quietly. I liked to read upside down. It seems to be so. Speed ​​`Scientific and technical encyclopedic Dictionary` AIDS AIDS is short for ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME. upside down `Together.. Upside down. Squeeze me tight! I lacked the male power in him. Not the one when a petty tyrant knocks on a chair with his fist and crushes a woman under him.

Upside down Speed ​​Info Archive Read

I don't understand what's going on in the minds of these mothers? You know? When does that very small step take place, which transfers from mother to grymza? It's in the mud. Who threw literally all his life to fight with his own son.

Spat on themselves, personal life, but on everything that is possible and rushed into battle with other women in the son's life, with his children, friends, and in general with everything that in the son's life does not apply personally to her. Where does the Grymz have such confidence in their unshakable “rightness” in everything?

AIDS Info - Lurkmore. AIDS-Info is a real Orthodox Russian newspaper, telling only the truth and nothing but the truth, a racial post-Soviet publication edited by the rabid rastaman Olga Belan, which arose on the horizon at 1.

Group: User Posts: 17 Registration: 03/05/2014 User. Reputation: 7. Lose your sense of gravity and diversify your personal photo archive and VK and Instagram feeds with interesting pictures. Surprise friends and. Homework. Upside down. Last year, I went to college for free. How the needy was given a hostel and a scholarship. Website of the newspaper SPEED INFO AIDS INFO, SPEED INFO AIDS INFO. Published. City: Moscow Age: 25 Reputation: 134 Posts: 206. speed info read a magazine upside down. He cried, and then he kicked the boss. Leaving the room, Borya, with a laugh, threw a glass at my head, and it became clear to me: he was not. I went into the bedroom, and my legs buckled, my hair stood on end and fettered me with horror and fear. My Varenka was lying by the bed on the floor: alone.

It is famous for its insane articles and texts, as well as for exactly the same readers. As well as crime reports, family dramas, investigations.

In addition - beloved by millions of readers headings of heartfelt letters, medical news, answers of world-class specialists to the most difficult questions intimate life. All the most difficult personal problems can be solved with the help of "Speed-info"! Today there are already over 6 of them. He looks at all of us, how well you understood. She is not even from our site - she lives on the floor below. Could you explain why this can happen to a man? You can end up standing.

He walks along the square - without panties, but in a hat. Although, if you look, he is a pervert. I remained silent, gritting my teeth. She pops up all the time.

  • Home / Upside down Bump I was then in the construction team. We went to swim, and took me in great need. And on the shore there is only grass and not a single bush! Help Login or register. NEWSPAPER AIDS INFO 18.
  • Upside down is a puzzle apartment where all things have decided to escape from their usual places. In our museum you will feel what it is like when.

But after that, I still swallowed a slice of lemon, being careful ectopic pregnancy. I already threatened to jump out the window, but Lyokha kept arguing. Well, how to make him not call names?

Open veins, right? All my friends get drunk to a pig squeal, and then I find my underwear on the Christmas tree. The reality blocked every nightmare!

Nothing of the kind: I have been reading for three years, but there was no orgasm, and no. If I asked to take out the bucket, Sergei poked me with his manhood. And there is simply no reason: I saw him naked and could not help laughing. Don't change my name - let all readers know what an idiot I am!

Although I am a girl, I play an active role in anal sex. Svetka and Vitka had nothing at all because of Pasha.

And Oleg and Irka - because of me. Vitka saw us with Oleg Svetkin. And Oleg Svetkin and Vovka even fought because of me, and Irka thought it was because of Svetka, and Pasha told everything, and Pasha told me? Then I remembered that military service is my sacred duty. I have been drinking it for three years now. I stopped being shy, but I also want women less and less.

At first I cried, and then I kicked the boss. First came the wife's aunt Izolda Abramovna, then the neighbor - the Tatar Nadir, in general was called Alexander. What would your husband say if he knew about the company? With the younger one, everything is clear - he was conceived in the back room of a liquor store. Might be worth trying with your husband.

Too many monotonous articles have been written in the style of “my-darling-gone-I’ll break-pussy-icy”. Also, this newspaper in difficult years for the homeland could be smoked instead of hemp. But the oldfags remember that the original name was double: AIDS-INFO / AIDS-INFO. Why it was necessary to change it - science does not know.

Married to her own son, Morena. How to raise a mattress boy and a sissy, a psychopath or a killer? And how to grow a real man out of a boy? Independent, strong, determined.

Love very much. With one small nuance: a mother should let go of herself in time, admit that her son has grown up and should live his own life. That's how men are made. And when the mother fails to take this step and continues to cackle over her son to his very gray hairs, I believe that such a “son” will turn out and what his life will be like, you can guess for yourself. Mom always remains with him in the closest connection, as if she were married to him. Once on TV, I snatched one program. An overweight, unkempt, fifty-year-old woman broadcast to the whole country that her son was drinking too much.

Once Rubin and Vershinin studied together at the institute. Rubin loved the girl Zhenya, and Vershinin loved the girl Lena. Both due to a misunderstanding. Wake up, Casanova! Sex on the train. Upside down. We traveled by train. A short story from the AIDS-INFO magazine. Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:49 pm + to quote pad. She slowly lowered herself, throwing her head back. Lose your sense of gravity and diversify your personal photo archive and VK and Instagram feeds with interesting pictures. Surprise friends and.

He drinks a whole bottle of beer after work, yes! Further, during the interview, it turned out that she got into her son's family up to her ears, and divorced him from his wife, in fact, forced him to leave his two sons. She announced to the whole country that he was an alcoholic. Now he's definitely not going anywhere from his mother! I don't understand what's going on in the minds of these mothers? You know? When does that very small step take place, which transfers from mother to grymza?

Kokhanova Irina (Gvela). Upside down. Author: GVELA. Beta: Cyris. I tug at my too-short skirt, swearing through my teeth. The boss's guests like to stare at my slender, tanned legs. Speed-info: letters from readers. During my studies at the institute, I mastered all types of sex. Masha is small, nimble, with some strange crest on her head; giving blowjob, she. Who's fresh? Stories about sex. Upside down. Speed ​​info read heading upside down.

It's in the mud. Who threw literally all his life to fight with his own son. Spat on themselves, personal life, but on everything that is possible and rushed into battle with other women in the son's life, with his children, friends, and in general with everything that in the son's life does not apply personally to her. Where does the Grymz have such confidence in their unshakable “rightness” in everything?

What did she grow out of? Who convinced them that only the opinion is correct? Very simple. From the flawed position "I gave everything to you, and you." If you want to demand back, it's better not to give anything back. Do not turn yourself into grimz, do not break the wings of your sons, because only by throwing them out of the nest will you teach them to fly.

Aids Info Upside Down Read Online Free

05/23/06 19:26 Re: Reading SPEED (Speed ​​info). Cool magazine for more than 10 years I've been reading it, it's interesting.

Aids info upside down archive

Kokhanova Irina (Gvela). What is it about men? You also have to brag about secretaries among themselves, whose legs are longer or whose breasts are more solid. AIDS - INFO FOR 1997-2007 (90 photos). There was a chic newspaper then, I just died from some headlines, there was also a heading for perverts upside down, I served after school in the nineties in one hole, someone subscribed, there was always a number in the class, neighing.

Speed ​​Info Upside Down Read

By the way, AIDS-INFO has already been renamed into "SPEED-info". The human immunodeficiency virus is similar to corruption in the internal affairs bodies. Last year I entered. He cried, and then he kicked the boss. When he made fun of my mother, I was not offended, but when he put it on her head. Reminds me of the 25-year-old AIDS-Info newspaper. There was such a heading - 'Upside down'.

Upside down. All sorts of figli-blinks on a woman have never attracted me. I'm talking about erotic lingerie. What's beautiful there? I love to look into other people's windows. I’m not being impudent at all, and the neighboring house, which is opposite mine, is not so close. I see small and not so distinct alien pieces of life.

Before we got married, my husband and I had nowhere to make love. In a hurry, somehow it happened a couple of times, and I couldn’t understand anything. But feelings were stormy - and we very quickly went to the registry office. And after the wedding night, I wanted to run away from Maxim. I went into the bedroom, and my legs buckled, my hair stood on end and fettered me with horror and fear.

My Varenka was lying on the floor by the bed: one leg was turned out, her arms were scattered, and under her head .. He suffered both mentally and physically due to an exploding grenade. He was a little shell-shocked, suffered from hearing problems, and a tiny piece of shrapnel hurt him in the groin.

He remained a man, but somehow through time. What do you think a woman smells like? In literature, of course, they like to express this beautifully: the weaker sex is fragrant with a cherry leaf, then with wormwood, then with honey and milk, then with the wind. By the way, the wind smells like a dog. I checked myself. Every woman has her own G-spot. I'm not talking about the one that experts seem to have found, but it seems like it doesn't exist.

No, it can be anywhere on the body. True, I did not admit it to everyone. They misunderstand, they can hurt. But if everything is correct, so I fly away and see the sky in fireworks. I lacked the male power in him. Not the one when a petty tyrant knocks on a chair with his fist and crushes a woman under him.

And so that he pressed himself so that the bones crunched and his head swam a little from oxygen starvation. A woman in a bathing suit does not touch me at all. Just think, the breasts are almost wide open and jumping in a tight bra! So what, that some thongs and the whole buttocks are visible, and both halves are shaking?

Again, ideal - almost does not happen. Toward evening, in the warm season, I go to the railway embankment for landings, where, except for passing trains, no one and nothing disturbs the peace of tall birches, dark firs and any small living creatures in the forest. I lie on my back facing the rails. I take off my underwear, unbutton my clothes and, spreading them in different sides legs, waiting for a long line of wagons.

Publication archive · Newsletter · Headline export. About the publication: AIDS-info is a newspaper about love and family life. Information about the life of show business stars, . | AIDS-Info text version Projects — Russia Press center Banner exchange MBN 100 Banner exchange MBN 468 ———————————————— Headlines of the day Politics (28) Economy (93) Society (102) Abroad (42) speed info newspaper read Regions (11) Media (22) vanessa paradis Technologies (28) Culture (20) Health (0) Sports (141) Hit of the week Ecocatastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. America tears its hair out Text of the day Russian newspaper: 10:16 27.05.10Landing with a prayer Categories Headlines of the day Around the news Inside the media Yellow press Today in Russia Press Center of the Legend of the Great Patriotic Catalog Mass Media "Paper" Media Arguments and FactsArguments of the WeekVedomostiEvening MoscowMilitary Industrial CourierAround the WorldVremya Bobby Farrell NewsNewspaperIzvestiyaKommersantKrasnaya ZvezdaKrestyanskiye VedomostiMoskovskiye NovostiNezavisimaya gazetaNezavisimaya military reviewNovye IzvestiyaOkrugaPolitical magazineRussian newspaperRussiaRussian courierRussian.

Daily news from AIDS-info (funny.sinfo): Newsletter.

View topic - AIDS info newspaper archive

1 post — Last post: Sep 22, 2008 Speleofanari Jokes Humor Stories Discussion of MSU tower training zhumar crawl gurney retram speleoschool training.

View Topics - Archive newspapers AIDS info FAQ Search Login Register Author Message Users browsing this topic: registered: 0, hidden: 0 and guests: 0Registered users: None Home page< Юмор и Творчество < Archive newspapers AIDS info Page 1 of 1 Added: Sep 22, 2008 11:00 AM Quote Guest I dream of meeting a person who is serious in terms of drinking and women. I wanted to refuse Oleg, but I couldn’t, because I had been lying in his bed for a long time, moreover, naked. Tanya and I went with the guys to the sauna, and as a result, we washed and steamed all night. We bet on the "thing" that he would not fuck Lisa, but she still gave herself to him. The money was split in half. It turns out that gossip that I have enuresis was spread by a neighbor with whom we hardly knew each other. She is not even from our site - she lives on the floor below. That's how I left him - in a suit.

"Women's Jokes" by speed info [Archive] - American Bulldog Forum

11 Sep 2008 . [ Archive] « Women's fun" from speed-info Women's corner. Forum closed. Will not be open..

Newspaper SPEED-INFO - read electronic versions of issues, archive.

"AIDS-info" - a newspaper about sex, family relationships and love. . Go to reading; Number announcement; Archive rooms; Add to my library; Pay for the download.

From September 27 to September 30, Moscow hosted the largest exhibition of goods for children and adolescents "World of Childhood-2010".

World of Childhood is a grandiose exhibition in terms of its size and range of exhibits, reflecting all global trends in the development of the market for goods and services for children and adolescents. The exhibition reveals great opportunities for modernizing the production of children's goods, solving the problems of increasing the competitiveness of products for children, and transitioning to an innovative type of industry.

Studio Elkort presented speed-info newspaper to read its collection of children's goods from natural speed-info newspaper to read furs and leather: soft toys, carpets from muton and sheepskin, ottomans, pillows, bedspreads and much more.

The phone is an indispensable thing, who would argue, but not at the moment when Sonya throws her leg over your thigh. With the top of a member, confidently directed by her hand, Panin felt how hot and wet between her legs. She slowly lowered herself, throwing her head back.

As his cock dug deep into Sonya's hot insides, the damn phone that was on the floor next to the bed suddenly came to life. Sonya licked her dry lips, squinting at the camera, got up, put her hands on his chest, and sank down. The buzzer did not let up. Sonia didn't care at all, quite the contrary. The powerful pump of her wide, rhythmically swaying hips matched the rhythm. Ring! - got up. Pause - dropped ...

Sorry baby, he muttered. - I'll have to pick up the phone. It's probably business. Business is business.

While he, hanging sideways from the bed, reached for the pipe, Sonya quickly increased the rhythm of her swaying. The buzzer finally stopped, Sonya's shaking hips went in a circle, and Panin caught himself on the fact that his penis was more and more like a red-hot bolt screwing into a hot bottomless groove. Having screwed into Sonya to failure, he shuddered, because the phone rang again.

Ah, damn! - picking up the phone, he carried it to his ear, watching how Sonya's breasts swayed heavily. Yes, I'm listening...

He heard someone breathing on the other end of the line. As well as an unknown interlocutor heard him - with noise, sharp jolts, escaping from his open mouth.

And you're not wasting your time, - I heard at last female voice. - It's me. Did you know?

There was something in her drawn-out, with a languid aspiration, intonation that he, arching in an arc, immediately finished.
Caresses of the dense wind

Still not finished: that evening on the seashore rose before my eyes in all details: the end of February, Hurghada, the elastic caresses of the dense wind, attracting crowds of surfers to these shores. Sonya did not keep him company on this trip, she perceived seaside vacations as the realm of unbridled laziness, while Panin simply began to go wild on the second day of aimless wallowing on the beach ... Surfing is another matter. February is the windy season in Hurghada, and you can sail through the waves all day long. Somehow, in the late afternoon, he went tossing along the beach for a dream to come. And suddenly, behind the roar of the surf, I heard someone's voice.

Above the wave flashed someone's hand. He dived into the water. He arrived in time and did not really remember how, pulling a man ashore, he collapsed on the sand. Catching his breath, he stood up and froze.

It was a young girl. She lay on the sand, her long blond hair flowing over her narrow shoulders, wrapping her high breasts in a thin, damp canopy through which the dark nucleoli of her nipples sprouted. Still in a slight prostration, he reached out his hand, touched one of those tight clots of her flesh, and only with this touch did it dawn on him that the girl, spreading herself on the damp sand nearby, was completely naked.

The muffled light that reached the beach from the hotel veranda sparkled and flashed silvery sparkles in the drops of sea moisture that irrigated her wide hips, and fluttered in the dark velvet below her stomach. Kneeling between her legs, he brushed her hair to her shoulder, bent down, resting his ear on her chest. Breathe. Already good.

Raising her long eyelashes, the girl fixed him with a meaningless look and whispered in Russian:

Am I already in heaven? Yes, yes, of course, in paradise.

She put her hands on his shoulders, and he, infected by a strange drowned woman with the sweet dope virus, touched her breasts with his lips and already poorly understood what he was doing: the world, infused with the smells of the sea, tasted so salty. Trying to prolong this taste sensation, he slid his lips over her body strewn with sea moisture.

Her hand found his cock, directed it. When he entered her, she arched her back with a groan. He started to recoil, but she did not let go of him, she began to rhythmically throw up her hips, then, when he completely lost his mind, she threw her legs on his shoulders. He finished very quickly and woke up from the fact that someone was whining plaintively nearby. She sat on the sand with her arms around her knees and wept softly. He hugged her, pulled her to him.

Yes, it really was like being in paradise, she whispered. - What a pity to return to the sinful earth, with which I seemed to have nothing in common.

She paused and began to tell her story. Her name is Musya, she is resting here with her loved one, tonight they quarreled to the nines. She went ashore with the firm intention of drowning herself, but at the last moment someone's strong hand managed to grab her... She smiled weakly, leaned over, took his cock in her mouth. Something, but she knew how.

After a short time, he was already in shape and affectionately stroked her buttocks: standing on all fours, she looked back at Panin ...

They left the beach only in the predawn twilight. He left her his phone number. And now, it turns out, this Musya has so unexpectedly emerged from those twilight - extremely, to tell the truth, inopportunely: the swaying of Sonya losing control of herself has already begun to resemble a stormy ecstatic trance, and finally a hot moan escaped her lips.
Number repeat

She showed up at his office in the middle of the day.

You have a hot girl, - she noticed, sitting down in an armchair opposite his table, crossed her legs in such a way that his thigh with the edge of the stocking opened up to his gaze. - Wife, right? - and in response to his nod spread her hands. - Alas and ah! These touching dates on the shore are fraught with ... In a word, I flew. And I need to urgently solve this problem. Because at the end of April I'm going to Kaprun to ski on the Kitzsteinhorn glacier. Do you know this place?

Of course he knew this Austrian mountain resort. I skied there many times and knew that it was full of our tourists.

To quickly solve the problem, I need five hundred bucks.

It’s easier to give it away, he decided, otherwise he’ll start calling his wife at home, and reached into the safe.

Oh yes, I completely forgot, - she hid the money in her purse. - We need to make a call. Can? She opened her notebook and dialed a number. - Yes, yes, I'm already flying. I'll be there in ten minutes. Cha-oh! she drawled, blowing him a kiss from the doorway.

He tried to stop her, but she had already disappeared through the door. Having nothing to do, he opened the notebook she had forgotten on the table, leafed through it and burst out laughing... In the notebook, with the letter "X", - Hurghada? - a long list of names was displayed, all male. And him, Panina, including. There were sums against some. Where $ 500, where a little less.

He dialed "Dial the number" on the phone. The man answered. Hurghada? Yes, I rested. Musya? There was a case, a small amorous adventure, she was drowning, we had to save her ... I just called, now he will drive up ...

What a brilliant business! There were thirty men on the list. The girl has earned so much that she will have enough for the summer and for the next winter season in the Alps.
Sex off the track

In the evening, after dinner, he carefully cast the bait:

Sonya, what do you think if we go skiing to Kaprun at the end of April?

The wife winced.

Oh no, if you want, go alone.

"What if - without taking off the skis? .." - he thought, thinking to himself: if it is steep to the right from the upper station of the cable car, then you can get to the off-piste route. The place is deserted, tourists do not go there, you can hide behind a stone ridge ... "Well, see you on the glacier, Musya. We will pay off our debts there."

In sex, I never refuse anyone.

And it all started with my husband (I got married at 17, now I'm 28). If you knew what kind of husband I have! I love him so much. Once he came drunk, knocked me off, and we started making love, after which I fell asleep.

I sleep very soundly, but when I woke up, my husband and two men were standing in front of me, and besides, I was tied up. The arms are spread apart and the legs are completely (I sit on the “rope”), moreover, naked. My husband said that if I agree and spend the whole night with them until 10 am, we will have a Zhiguli. I looked at him with dumbfounded eyes, but my consent was not required here at all.

The husband left. One of them, Oleg, took off his pants, lay down on me so that my head was squeezed between his legs, and then, when this fat bag frolic, the other - Abram, (as I understood from their conversation), undressed, asked Oleg to move, and they both bent over me. I won’t describe what they did that night: they licked, kissed, bit, put me in all sorts of poses, put their fingers wherever they could, looked at me as if they had seen a woman for the first time and they would not be given such an opportunity again.

Abram brought a cucumber, stuck it in my ass and started eating from the other end, I had to do the same with him. They made me dance so that I would shake my breasts, and then everything would start all over again. Abram brought a jar and told me to urinate. I did this, and they moved in and watched from a close distance. Their eyes lit up.

And so it went on until the morning with a short break, when they fell asleep and their arms wrapped around me, I could not get out. My husband, as I later noticed, returned and watched us all night.

Now makes me do everything he saw. He especially liked to sit on my face. But now we are rolling with him on the Zhiguli! I am not offended by him, I know that he loves me, and if he says, I will fall under anyone, if only my husband liked it.

Who's fresh? Stories about sex. Upside down

My name is Lena, I am 25 years old. My friend Olga is the same. I got married five years ago. At first everything was fine, however, I didn’t experience orgasms with my husband, but I liked sex anyway, and in general, I read that this is not necessary for a woman. Especially since my husband treated me well. But gradually I lost interest in him. And he began to treat me dryly. I complained about this to my friend (we once studied in the same class). She said that I needed new sexual experiences.

Then she opened up and admitted that she herself would not refuse something fresh. Then the devil pulled my tongue, and I said that, they say, it would be nice to change peasants.

Olga's eyes sparkled. I returned home and talked to my husband. In short, they have changed. It went on like this for a week, then it got boring. With Olga's husband, everything worked out even worse for me than with my own, and even this fun managed to get bored with her. We decided to return each to his own. Gathered at Olga's apartment. We drank. The husbands went to the balcony and did not return for a long time. I said that they must be having sex with each other, but are we worse? She said, of course, in jest, but what happened next cannot be called a joke. Olga and I made love, and something unimaginable happened to me.

I finished twice. And before that, I didn’t know what it was for a long time. Then my husband and I went home. Olga forgot everything, she was drunk then. And I can’t forget, I fell in love with my girlfriend. I divorced my husband a month later, now I live alone, and I don’t need anyone but her.

Seduction of minors. Upside down

I was in the 9th grade when a new math teacher came to our school. The woman is young, beautiful, with a good dense figure and magnificent breasts. In a word, this is what a woman should be. At her first lesson, all my classmates looked at her without looking up.

I myself was excited by her every movement, from her gait. She came to school in tight clothes and skirts above the knees. Galina Alexandrovna, of course, noticed our views. Sergei and I sat in the first desk and deliberately dropped rubber bands and pens to fidget under the desk and take a closer look at her beautiful legs.

Once I saw how one of her legs gently slides off the other, and as if not on purpose, they slowly parted. When I sat up and looked up, she was looking at me. After school, Seryoga assured that it was not just like that.

I didn't believe him, why adult woman 16 year old boys? And the next day it was my turn to be on duty. Math is the last lesson. While I was cleaning the class, Galina Alexandrovna was sitting in the back room. Suddenly she left the room and locked the classroom door. Then she sat down on the desk and watched me mop the floors. When he began to wash under her feet, she raised them to the desk and, clasping her arms, sat down so that everything that was under her skirt was exposed. She kept her eyes on me, and I tried not to look at her. Suddenly she asked if I had ever had a woman. I answered no. She silently went into the back room and soon called me. I hesitantly entered and immediately tensed with excitement.

My teacher was sitting in a chair in only thin white panties with big, beautiful breasts.

Galina silently looked at me with a kind of grin in her eyes. Then she put me on my knees and with her hand lowered my head between her legs.

This happened several times, but soon Galina Aleksandrovna quit, apparently, the school learned about her “communication” with students. Only after her departure did I learn from Seryoga that she once did the same with him. Our teacher, as we said then, turned out to be a "big whore" who seduced boys.

You can't think of it on purpose or upside down
(from correspondence with readers of the newspaper "Speed ​​- Info")

Vasya asked me for 10,000 rubles in honor of wages ...

After all, people are like batteries. They must warm each other up.

Through an acquaintance through her acquaintance, in 1998 she had an illegal son born from me.

Before me sat an unimaginable sight. This unprecedented sight was Marusya.

I always speak sincerely, even if I cheat a little.

I did not insult his new girlfriend. She didn’t scream, didn’t make noise, I just said to her quietly: “Why are you staring at me like a stupid fish?” I agree, I should have said “deep-sea fish”, but I was so worried that I swallowed one syllable from excitement. This is my fault.

Every woman has her own G-spot. I'm not talking about the one that experts seem to have found, but it seems like it doesn't exist. No, it can be anywhere on the body. I also have my own secret. True, I did not admit it to everyone. They misunderstand, they can hurt. But if everything is correct, so I fly away and see the sky in fireworks.

He believed in Woman and Love, but over the years doubts tormented him.

I did not sleep with every fifth! e.ut, only the chosen ones!

She forgets that she is twenty years younger than me: she runs through the forest, laughs, and I have to catch up with her. So I run like an idiot, I think - now I will fall and die. Sergey L., Ryazan

For the first time I saw Sergey at my own wedding, he was a witness. And I immediately realized that I had made a mistake, for which my husband would pay dearly. Oksana, Nizhny Tagil

I am very ugly, and Katya constantly gets drunk so as not to notice this. Sergey

I don't want him anymore, I don't want his mother, sisters, and in general everyone who is connected with him. Valentina, Kursk

I'm not Cindy Crawford, but I'm not some kind of bum either. I think I'm somewhere in between, and that's okay, I think. Alina M., Novosibirsk

The army made me a man, even if I did not even want it. Mikhail P., Krasnodar

He wants me all the time. It is pleasant on the one hand, and unpleasant on the other. O.Kr-va, Taganrog

On the very first evening, she began to ask me indiscreet questions that just made me blush. For example, she asked how much I get. I.K., Lipetsk

I refused to divorce her and I'm not going anywhere. If it is so unpleasant for her to see me, then for everything she has done to me, I will rot her with my mere presence. Sergey I., Irkutsk

What is the point of fighting racketeers if at home the wife takes the latter anyway. Yu.A, Krovskaya region

I do not have a husband, but some kind of sexual maniac. And all my friends also think so for some reason, although I didn’t tell them anything about it. Anya D, Kirov region

After almost eight years of married life, he became like a relative to me. And who loves relatives? Galya, Stavropal

I cheated on him when we went to his friend's dacha. I don’t know what I liked more that evening: a friend or the dacha itself. Ira, Moscow

He was very worried and, worst of all, became disillusioned with the girls, began to look at them as if they were the opposite sex.

I often hear about safe laughter from the screen. Nobody in our village uses condoms. You will offer the guy to wear it - he will laugh. We have a safe laugh - this is when you are not hit in the face at the same time.

Sasha now does not get drunk every day, he rarely speaks obscenities, in a word, he has become a real gentleman. V. P-va, Saransk

I have three children, and real sex was once. Katerina T., Yekaterinburg

That nowadays $100 for an honest girl. Lera, Moscow region

I met a lot of women and thought I knew everything about them. About this so struck me that I had to be treated anonymously. Vladimir, Moscow

For some reason, he laid me not on the sofa, but on the floor. It was sexual intercourse, in every sense of the word. Ira, Eagle

A woman with the head of a crocodile and the soul of an angel came to me on a date. Blue eyes, yellow teeth, blue lips. I drank two glasses of vodka. Slept nearby. This is how they reproduce (male, 37 years old).

I recently found out that my seventy-year-old grandfather is still having sex with my grandmother. Sex, however, you can’t call it, but the fuss was heard loud: as if Winnie the Pooh was persuading Piglet to go get the ball. It is not clear why they needed a condom? Maybe in the teeth keep to false h! the spears didn't rattle? (man, 32 years old).

How to persuade your girlfriend to wait for you from the army? Very simple. My friend, for example, when he became a soldier, promised, in case of treason, to burn down her apartment and kill her entire family with a machine gun. She wrote him letters to the army every day. (male, 20 years old).

Today's men have become real impotent. You go to meet them, agree to love intimacy, and they have a bummer after a bummer. And everyone says that before this incident they had everything in order with this case, but then I didn’t move so much! b, then she said the wrong word, then the dog on the street unexpectedly barked! la. (woman, 50 years old).

I will never forget my first love, thanks to which I found out at the age of 16 where the dermatovenerological dispensary was located. (male, 18 years old).

I didn't attend my own wedding. Passed out. And I do not remember what and how. (male, 22 years old).

He came with a large bouquet of roses and was silent all evening. And then I cried alone all night. Is it a male, just a big dog. (woman, 30 years old).

Again, the neighbors drank to love all night, and the police separated them. (woman, 37 years old).

When guys jump over a sports goat in a physical education lesson, the physical education teacher does not even look at them. And when the girls jump, he stands by the projectile and insures everyone under the ass. For me, this place pleases the eye, and it insures me with pleasure. My boyfriend once got jealous of me: “And whose blue fives do you have left on your ass?” (girl, age not specified).

This oral sex was considered dirty debauchery in our time. Of course, they knew about it, and some even used it. Today, such sex has become the norm. This is explained by the weakness of women: before they had the strength to lure and keep a man with natural sexual relations! yami, and now, sorry for the exact comparison, the women grabbed the man literally with their teeth. (woman, 62 years old).

Not every girl's love will stand the test of the smell of cadet socks and footcloths. I am from a military family, I knew what I was doing when I invited a cadet to visit me. But fleas, sorry! Hell, I wasn't ready for this. My father from lieutenants to regiment! The ovnik was serviced and never brought fleas home. (girl, 21 years old).

Before the army, a girl gave me her panties covered in blood so that I would remember how I deprived her of her virginity. But, having served for a year, I learned from a friend's letter that she gave the same "gifts" to two more boys from our village. Now I don't need these virgins for free. (male, 21 years old).

Somehow, very early in the morning, I hear the gentle voice of our neighbor behind the wall: “well, get up, please, well, little one.” I thought: where is she raising the child at such an early hour, and I told my wife about it. And my sleepy wife blurted out: “Yes, they don’t have any children, and they never will. Don’t you hear something, again he doesn’t get up, and he’s small. ” (man, 33 years old).

Carefully looking into his eyes, I saw his soul and was so frightened that I still can’t come to my senses. S.V., Odessa

Once I returned home only in the morning, so my husband put a bucket on my head and began to beat on it with a stick. Then for the first time I realized that we could not live together. I. -va, Vologda

We have everything here, as in a Mexican TV series: my lover infected both me and his wife, and my husband, a venereologist, treated us all. Sveta V., Voronezh

And here we are, almost 30 years later. I am not married yet. His personal life, fortunately, was also unsuccessful. Eleonora, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

I was just desperate and would go to the panel if it was available in our town. L.Yu., Dmitrov

Why she had such skillful hands, I understood when I learned that she worked as a milkmaid for almost ten years. Mikhail P., Tomsk region

I don't mind that ex-husband takes our children to the dacha for the weekend, but at least let him return the same as he took. L.M-va, Novosibirsk

There were a lot of drinks. I drank vodka, cognac, wine and even Fanta. Rosa R., Sudak

The confidence that I am good for nothing was conveyed to me by my wife in half the way. Andrey, Vitebsk

When it was announced to us at the trial that we were henceforth strangers, it made such a heavy impression on us that we calmed down only in bed. E. ., Nizhny Novgorod

He achieved my intimacy with the help of threats. He threatened to marry my girlfriend. Alena R., Zvenigorod

Newspaper "Speed-info" - review

Deteriorated beyond recognition. Ah, nostalgia!

How I loved S.I.
It was such a cool paper. It was from her that my sexual enlightenment began (later I found my grandmother’s textbooks from the medical institute). It was from there that I learned the meaning of many terms that the most advanced guys in the class and the yard trumpeted right and left. The funny thing is that some of them used it incorrectly. And sometimes I could say in a low voice with the intonation of such a racial nerd, “Actually, Andryusha. it means this and that, and not what you accuse him of ..” Everyone laughed. but they knew I was right. Sometimes they consulted, even older girls.

I still regret it. that did not become a sex therapist ((

Excellent comments by leading professionals, doctors and psychologists - Agarkov, Tumanovsky, it seems that I met Dilya Enikeeva, Alexander Poleev, Igor Kon for the first time there. Very interesting reports about extraordinary operations, oddities sexual life not only contemporaries, but also historical characters. It wasn't digging through dirty laundry.
It was not a yellow press, as it is now, but quite an adequate reading in which. however, there were extremely delusional headlines like a sperm contest or “I witnessed a dog rape”)
I liked the heading “Upside down”, after reading which I sometimes really regretted it. that the newspaper was turned over - it became so frightening.
And also a women's newspaper Izyuminka, a youth version of SUPER.
Thanks to the publishing house for everything that is now in my head. For the fact that I got the starting information not in the back alley, not from pornography, but from articles of authoritative scientific luminaries.
I VERY regret that I gave all my C-I. library.

Unfortunately. Now I won't even take it in my hands.

Newspaper "Speed-info"
- one of the most interesting entertainment publications in Russia. Published by the publishing house "Speed-info" since 1989. A whole generation has grown up with this newspaper."Speed-info" from the very first issues has won genuine interest of a wide readership because of the materials on the topic of sex. The newspaper "Speed-info" then covered topics taboo in the USSR, because there was no sex in the "USSR", therefore it very quickly became a mass publication, and was sold in millions of copies. Time passes, but the interest of the readership in sex is also strong. Moreover, in our time, it is valuable, namely, correct serving such materials, especially to the younger generation, which is what differs, in better side, newspaper "Speed-info". Here is everything you can and should know about life and sex, without dirt and vulgarity!

On the pages of "Speed-info" today, topics of sexual health and sexual skills are covered in an interesting and detailed way, any questions regarding sexology in people's lives are discussed. Eminent psychologists and sexologists, professors modern medicine in this area. Readers trust the newspaper with the most secret (heading "Upside down") and receive professional advice on its pages. Each issue of the publication has a reader's forum where topics such as choosing a partner for life and sex, the psychology of meetings and partings, the eternal theme of the triangle in relationships are discussed. Some of the materials are addressed to self-confident women (erotic cuisine, beauty magic, love, pregnancy and career). They have a separate place in the newspaper interesting headings"Lives of the Unsaints", and exclusive interviews and photo galleries about the sex life of stars. The newspaper contains articles about healthy way life, proper nutrition, advice and recommendations of doctors on this topic. And finally, as an entertaining component, in "Speed-info" you can find erotic stories and photo reports, erotic caricatures, anecdotes and ditties.

"Speed-info" is the undisputed best newspaper, it's 40 pages useful information presented in an interesting way! The publication is published on colored newsprint and coated paper, once every 2 weeks, circulation of almost 850,000 copies. Distribution at "Speed-info" federal (all regions of Russia), by subscription, and retail. The audience of one issue in Russia reaches 2,098,000 readers. "Speed-info" is a VERY INTERESTING NEWSPAPER for a mass audience in Russia. And the company "Phoenix Media Group" can offer you VERY INTERESTING CONDITIONS FOR PLACING ADVERTISING in "Speed-info"!

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