Diversity in relationships: several ways to help achieve it. Getting bored? How to add variety to a relationship There should be variety in a relationship gif

I love watching newfangled hairstyles and the like. I have heard a lot about this weaving, because... A friend does it to herself regularly. I didn’t dare myself, because with my type of appearance, bright braids look more freaky, but everything suits her))))

She suggested that I try it a bunch of times, but I always fought back, saying that in my office life they wouldn’t understand this)))

But then the holidays came and there was an opportunity to do it with a good discount from a student during detention. The student’s work is supervised, so there is no need to be afraid that you will leave with crooked braids.

I signed up, the work was free and the only fee for Kanekalon was 700 rubles. Usually such hairstyles cost about 2000-2500 rubles. not a little, considering that some people manage to stay with them for no more than a week (me, for example). But on the other hand, sometimes you want to add some color to your life and feel like a long-haired beauty.

Of all the braids, I most wanted to try the boxer braids. Just at that moment a model was needed and I got it.

The braiding process itself is painstaking and unpleasant. In order for the braids to be elastic, they are tightened and can be uncomfortable. A pack of Kanekalon went onto my head, which is not Chinese, but Russian and very similar to human hair. They chose the color for me in such a way that I can’t even immediately understand which is mine and which is artificial.

In general, weaving takes about an hour, but in my case it took 2 hours, as the student did.

Of course, the work was not 100% perfect, but I paid an adequate price for it.

My braids hang without taking into account my hair 200 grams))) It doesn’t cause me any discomfort, it’s comfortable to sleep, it doesn’t drag anywhere.

Some people manage to wear braids for 2-3 weeks, but I couldn’t... Everything comes out and fluffs up... no matter how much you trim, you can’t achieve the perfect look. The hairstyle is very good for vacations and trips.

It is also quite easy to wash. Apply with thick foam and rinse. Because The material is synthetic, everything washes and dries well.

I'm glad I tried it))) It looks stylish and unusual)))

Sooner or later, any relationship slips into routine. If you are ready to get active life position and do something for your love every day, I will tell you how to diversify your relationship.

Why doesn't he invite you to the movies?

Many girls come to me with complaints: the relationship has become boring, the man is lacking initiative, you have to drag him to the cinema or to barbecue yourself. He came home from work, buried himself in social networks, TV or shooters, and you couldn’t drag him away from his home by the ears.

The reason for such passivity is the absence of a spark in a woman, an inner feminine state. She does not charge, does not inspire, she is neither cold nor hot.

How do girls usually ask to take them to the cinema? They reproach or whine like little girls:“You don’t go anywhere with me anyway,” “You don’t care about me,” “I’m tired of it,” “It pisses me off.” etc.

The whole secret is that you need to be in a state of pleasure even before he takes you to the cinema, theater or for a walk under the moonlight. Imagine that you are already there and hold these sensations. Don’t ask, don’t beg to go out together, but drag them along with you! Create a man's initiative so that he himself wants to invite you.

Stop the “apocalypse” in your relationship!

When family life turns into a routine, the level of internal energy of the spouses drops. They are lethargic, slow, clumsy - there is no time for romantic walks or camping trips. They turn into zombies! They get up in the morning, mechanically wander to the kitchen, have breakfast, run off to work, and in the evening they stare at TV.

When you use the same approach to a man, he gets used to it and is not surprised by anything. And the level of his internal energy begins to fall: 100%, 70, 50, 30, 10... As soon as the energy drops to zero, an “apocalypse” will occur in the relationship.

Main secret, how to cheer up a sluggish relationship - with variety! Constantly come up with new approaches to your man - do not use the same one. Change the images every day, and then he will go home with joy and interest.

Your minimum program: correctly greet a man from work

1. The apartment must be in perfect order
If a girl treats cleaning like the heroine of the cartoon “Fedorino Woe,” then sooner or later a normal man will go to another house. Keep your home clean. By yourself or with the help of a housekeeper.

2. Rest and get yourself in order

Appearing in front of him exhausted from cleaning and cooking, in a greasy robe and with tangled hair is the worst thing you can do. Take off that old robe and hide it away!

Even if you have dressed up and combed your hair, a man will still subconsciously feel that you are tired - your body stops producing estrogens and endorphins and loses sexual attractiveness.

You need to devote a couple of hours to rest and meet him refreshed. Otherwise, he will find a mistress who is always cheerful, cheerful and energetic.

3. Maintain an elevated emotional state

Be cheerful, friendly and slightly intriguing when a man comes home. Under no circumstances should you dump your problems on him. And put away your sour face!

4. Let the children meet him too

If you have children, then it wouldn’t hurt for them to take part in the evening performance called “Daddy’s Back.” We need to show our husbands their love more often.

Children must be clean and tidy. Let them run out joyfully as soon as dad crosses the threshold of the apartment.

This way you will teach the children to respect their father, and the man, in turn, will try to pay attention to them. And you will remain in the “plus”. This results in a triple benefit.

5. Help him undress

Provide a fresh towel, slippers, and a clean shirt or T-shirt. A man is unlikely to realize where his clean things are - we always forget about such little things. But we think a lot about work and making money. So leave these heavy thoughts to us, and give us a towel and a T-shirt - it’s not difficult.

6. Be silent while he eats

Perhaps the most difficult point is not to “rattle” while he eats. Just be quiet.

Many people immediately begin communication with the question:"How are things at work?" This is mistake. The man arrived already tired, and work matters were still spinning in his head. When you ask him about work, he seems to be back in the office again. This increases his stress and leaves no room for rest. If your man is successful and works a lot, then please keep him quiet. Otherwise he will rest in other places.

The maximum you can do is start a casual conversation, chirp like a bird, don’t ask about anything and smile. Most wives do not know how to do this and at dinner they begin to nag their husbands with or without reason. And husbands turn on the TV louder so as not to listen to them.

Your maximum program: give him a surprise

Do something he doesn't expect from you. For example, meet him from work wearing bunny ears. Today you are a bunny, tomorrow you are a nurse, the day after tomorrow you are a fatal seductress in a red dress.

Don't pay attention to his statements like“Mother, what are you doing?”But he will definitely go home with curiosity - this is the most important thing.

As sad as it may be, love eventually passes into the usual stage of habit. Freshness, curiosity, a sense of tenderness and attractiveness are lost... Therefore, how to diversify relationships , should become a saving straw for love drowning in routine. It's about how to bring freshness to your current relationship.


Give more gifts, surprise, do unexpected surprises. You will receive unrealistic satisfaction from pleasing your loved one. Your return is guaranteed!

The way to a man is through his stomach!

Prepare favorite dish your partner and, getting up early, feed him right in bed. Practice spontaneity, do things you never imagined before. Surprise delicious dishes beloved, learn the culinary arts. Believe me, if you are a good housewife and know how to cook deliciously, it means a lot!

Refresh your shared impressions

Go to a new restaurant or a new movie together. If he is an active football fan, then please him and surprise him with good football tickets. The mood and joy in the eyes of your beloved at such moments is the best source of happiness for your man!

Develop together!

It's about spending time together and sharing common emotions, impressions and joys. Learn new things. Read interesting books, sign up for couples dancing or teach foreign language. A new and interesting activity will bring you closer together, which will certainly benefit not only your relationship, but also your intellect. Once you learn tango, for example, you will re-experience the passion when you press against each other in the dance.

Traditions for two

Come up with new traditions that will only be common to you. Build relationships, deal with them as you would deal with some important matters. For example, set yourself a date that you will celebrate every year. It could be the first day of spring, symbolizing the renewal of nature and your feelings, or the celebration of your first hike together in the mountains, or the process of preparing a joint dish, picnics on Sundays... In general, use your imagination.

Remember the good things more often

How to diversify relationships? Memories will help you! Go through your memory of your warm and joyful moments of meeting, the unforgettable time spent together. And definitely your feelings! How did you feel at the same time, how happy were you... This will help refresh the relationship and repeat the moments again.

An ideal relationship is not only sincere feelings, but also a lot of work. Mutual desire and support for each other in everything will help you build lasting and happy love.

Remember: the atmosphere in a relationship depends primarily on the woman. If she has a desire to improve the situation, then in almost all cases the woman achieves success. Therefore, instead of blaming your partner for inattention and cooling, think about what you did to prevent this from happening. Take action and your relationship will be strong!

If a candy-bouquet period has passed in your relationship, you have stopped finding common topics for conversation, it seems that your feelings have cooled and you begin to wonder: “Has love really passed?”, then you have moved on to the next period of relationships in which you need to add variety , interest and surprise your chosen one.

Let's consider some points that help answer the question: “How to diversify your relationship with a guy?”

The most traditional option is considered to be small from each other. This doesn't mean you have to live alone, just spend a couple of days with your friends. Let your boyfriend go and get divorced from his friends, and you yourself can meet your friends and visit your acquaintances. These couple of days will give a new impetus to your relationship.

With a monotonous lifestyle, new impressions and emotions will not hurt. Stop spending every evening watching TV, go to the theater, a concert, a restaurant, or just take a walk around the city at night. You can develop a route in advance, or go take photos, chat and look at interesting places along the way. Hold hands and discuss abstract topics. On such an evening there is no need to sort things out.

There should be diversity in the intimate sphere too. Open up to your boyfriend with an unexpected, new side. Have a romantic dinner, start playing role-playing games, put on seductive lingerie, and you can feel loved and desired again. Not only changing positions in bed involves variety, use oils, massages; experiment; surprise your partner; learn new, new forms of sensual pleasure. The main reason for separation is daily life and monotony in intimate life.

Show and show your love to your guy constantly, but don't overdo it. Write gentle messages, leave touching notes in the most unexpected places and simply show care. Your love will help relieve tension and enhance feelings.

Flirt with your boyfriend not only at the initial stage, but also over time. After all, we only explore each other’s romantic sides at the very beginning of a relationship, but as time goes on, we change. Therefore, views on romance may change not only on your part, but also on your partner’s.

It is useful to do things together, to find a common activity. Extreme sports bring people together greatly due to the positive emotions they experience. It is important that the common hobby pleases both, and not be a favor. Show your interest and curiosity in the affairs of your chosen one, be interested in all the details that he is happy to talk about.

You can go on a trip or go out of town. It is useful to visit places you have never been to. Any adventure will help refresh your relationship. Give each other the most pleasant moments and give gifts not only on certain events, but also on ordinary weekdays. Even the simplest little thing will bring a smile and admiration to your partner’s face.

Over time, married couples begin to lose interest in each other and look for new relationships on the side. If innocent flirting and a couple of compliments only help to increase self-esteem, then the active courtship of a stranger can break your soulmate: a man or woman will not even notice how they find themselves in the arms of a stranger. And in order to avoid discord between loving couples or to restore routine life, you should pay attention to a couple of tips.

Down with routine

After the wedding, it’s easy to cross the line beyond which routine life begins: work, home, family, and in the morning everything repeats all over again. If, as a couple, you visited clubs and cafes, now there is no desire or money left for entertainment, you need to set aside money for that, after work you don’t want anything, but for those who want, there is always a reason.

But there is always a way out, why not take a walk in the park with your husband after work or go on a visit? Once every 2 weeks you can go to the zoo, have a picnic, sunbathe on the beach, meet friends - this way life won’t seem meaningless and boring, and there will always be enough entertainment that won’t break your pocket.

Hide the chainsaw in the closet

After the registry office, a new family is created from completely different people. Each person has his own habits and it is difficult to give them up. Therefore, you shouldn’t nag your significant other for throwing socks around the apartment and for the fact that She spread cosmetics all over the bathtub. A saw will not solve the problem, but the relationship will cool down.

Instead, try making a list of things that don't suit you and show each other. Try to adhere to these points and there will be no conflicts, therefore, the spouses will be happy.

More surprises

As soon as the budget becomes general, there is almost no money left for expensive gifts, you need to save for an apartment and a car, and in the summer you were planning to go on vacation. Again, relationships are relegated to the background and there is no incentive left even on holidays.

For variety, you can arrange mini-surprises on weekdays: leave love notes on the refrigerator, give small gifts, etc. A romantic dinner for no reason will pleasantly surprise a man, and you can prepare a bath with rose petals when your wife comes home from work.


Sexual life needs to be given special attention, since men already six months after marriage complain that their wife is cooling off towards them. But according to statistics, 35% of men, a year after marriage, begin to look for entertainment on the side, perhaps the reason for this is the wife’s negligence.

The bed is not a place for shyness, away with natural shyness. To diversify your sex life, you will need sexy erotic lingerie, intimate massage, new positions and a separate topic should be dedicated to role-playing games.

NOTE: Top 5 role-playing games for spouses

  1. Nurse and patient.
  2. Maid and master.
  3. Boss and subordinate.
  4. Policeman and detainee.
  5. Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf.

If only there were fantasies and appropriate costumes, life would immediately become rich and eventful.

Need a weekend

Especially if you already have children. Try taking time off from work or wait until Saturday for a well-deserved weekend. When both husband and wife are home, send the kids to their grandparents for the weekend.

Spend this day profitably: dedicate it to active recreation, watching your favorite movies, listening to music, karaoke, and more. In general, for your favorite pastime, you can simply order pizza and lie in bed all day, doing nothing and enjoying each other’s company. A day off is just a day off, on this day you just need to rest.

Get a pet

If you like pets, then you can get a kitten or a dog; children will be happy too. In addition, there will be an opportunity to diversify family life, in the evenings you will walk the dog together, feed the fish or brush the cat’s fluffy fur. Hamsters and parrots are especially interesting.

BUT! Before getting a pet, you should talk to your husband. Usually men do not cherish kittens and puppies; perhaps the appearance of another family member will lead not to strengthening, but to the breakdown of the marriage.

Find yourself a hobby

A joint hobby strengthens relationships, as spouses have common interests and topics of conversation. When it comes to a general activity, this means collecting rare books, painting pictures, etc., but not general cleaning.

Hobby options:


It is not necessary to buy vacation packages abroad for crazy amounts of money, and in our country there are many interesting ancient places where you can happily relax with your significant other.


Some men are not at all against dancing, especially when it comes to passionate tango.


If you want to have a useful time, improve your health and at the same time have an interesting rest, you can go in for sports: skiing and rollerblading, playing volleyball and football, going to the gym. As they say "In healthy body- healthy mind."

Board games

Chess or checkers will always remain interesting games, despite the age of new technologies. None of you know how to play chess, it doesn’t matter, there will be a reason to get closer and rejoice at new achievements.


And for people full of enthusiasm, you can offer the peak of fashion - a themed party. You just need to set the table and inform the guests about the dress code. Several options for themed parties:

  1. 80s style.
  2. Beach party.
  3. Carnival party.
  4. Hollywood evening.

Costumes and matching music will make the party fun. You need to invite more guests and the evening will pass in one breath.

Watch your appearance

This rule especially applies to women, since men love to look at long-legged beauties. The fact is that immediately after the wedding, women stop taking care of themselves: a washed-out robe, lack of makeup and a ponytail on their heads are unremarkable for men when such beauties walk around.

Remember how you went on dates, dressed up from A to Z. Try to take care of yourself at least to a minimum at home, so that a man always thinks that anyone can fall for you. In this situation, the husband will never lose interest in his wife.

The same rule applies to men - women are not attracted to a belly unless you have a 5-story villa and an expensive foreign car behind you. Go to the gym and take care of yourself.

Gift for a man

If no options help to regain the interest of your loved one, try the proven centuries-old method - to keep it with the help of a child, although this is not entirely fair.

If the time has already come, but you haven’t planned on children yet, why not try. A man begins to look at the mother of his child differently, with love and tenderness. After the birth of a child, a new era begins in the relationship: the woman and the baby receive all the love and care from the father. So it’s worth taking a risk, maybe there will be a holiday on your street.

Follow these tips and you can easily avoid problems in your family.

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