Recipe for rye pancakes with milk. Rye pancakes on water. Delicious pancakes made from rye flour are ready

Pancakes made with rye flour are more flavorful and filling than those made with wheat flour. And of course they are much more useful. Rye flour contains complex carbohydrates, which means it releases energy to the body slowly but over a long period of time. The positive and energetic charge will last you at least 2 hours. Therefore, products made from rye flour are recommended in the diet of people suffering from diabetes. And if you replace white sugar with cane sugar or fructose, you can enjoy it without much harm to your health.

  • Rye flour- 1 glass (250 grams).
  • Milk- 0.5 liters
  • Chicken eggs- 3 pieces
  • Vegetable oil- 1/3 cup
  • Sugar- 1 tablespoon
  • Salt, soda- a pinch
  • How to bake pancakes from rye flour

    1 . Beat the eggs into the dough kneading container.

    . Add sugar (we used cane sugar), salt, soda.

    3 . Pour in 1/3 cup vegetable oil. Then a glass of milk. Mix.

    . Gradually add a glass of rye flour and stir so that there are no lumps.

    . Ready dough for rye pancakes.

    . Before baking rye pancakes, prepare a frying pan. It needs to be warmed up thoroughly. Then peel a small potato and cut it in half (this is my grandmother’s method, with it the pancakes never stick to the pan). Place half a potato on a fork, dip in vegetable oil and grease the pan. Thus, the consumption of vegetable oil will pleasantly surprise you and the pancakes will turn out moderately fatty.

    . Pour a little dough into the pan, tilting the pan to the sides in a circle, distributing the dough evenly along the bottom of the pan. Try to determine the amount of dough (the size of the ladle) so that the rye pancakes turn out as thin as possible. Fry the pancakes on both sides, turn them over when the edges are browned (see photo).

    Delicious pancakes made from rye flour are ready

    Bon appetit!

    Rye pancakes with milk and butter

    In order to make rye pancakes with milk, you will need to acquire the following set of products:

    • rye flour – 200 g (you can take rye and wheat products in equal proportions);
    • milk – 2 cups (about 400 ml);
    • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
    • sugar - to taste;
    • salt - to taste;

    Beat chicken eggs with sugar using any method. Add half of the sifted flour to the mixture and stir well. Then add the remaining flour, pour in warm (not hot) milk with melted butter in it, add salt and mix again. The dough is ready. And you need to fry pancakes in a preheated frying pan, which is lightly greased with vegetable oil.

    Rye pancakes with kefir

    Rye pancakes are made with kefir in almost the same way. In fact, the only difference is in the recipe:

    • rye flour – 200 g (you can take equal amounts of rye and wheat product);
    • kefir – 2.5 cups (about 500 ml);
    • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
    • butter – 50 g (preferably butter, but you can use spread or margarine);
    • soda - about half a teaspoon;
    • sugar - to taste;
    • salt - to taste;

    You can prepare the dough in the same way as in the previous recipe. But you can do it differently. In a bowl, mix flour, salt and soda. Make a small depression in the center of the flour mound, into which pour the beaten mixture of eggs, sugar and half the volume of kefir. Mix everything thoroughly. Add the remaining kefir and both types of oil. In this case, the butter must first be melted. Stir everything again and you can go to the stove to fry pancakes.

    Rye pancakes on water

    Here the technology for preparing pancake dough is somewhat different. But first, about the ingredients:

    • rye flour – 120 g;
    • mineral water – 240 ml (you can use regular water, but mineral water makes pancakes more fluffy);
    • eggs – 2 pcs. (one whole and one protein);
    • sugar - to taste, although you don’t have to add it at all;
    • salt - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - for frying + 2 tablespoons for dough.

    Heat water slightly on the stove. Beat the egg and white of the second egg thoroughly and pour half of the flour into the resulting foam. Mix well, add water, oil, add salt, remaining flour and mix again. The dough should stand for 15-20 minutes, and only after that you can heat the frying pan, grease it with oil and start frying the pancakes.

    Diabetic rye pancakes

    Well, in conclusion, the promised story about pancakes made from rye flour for people with diabetes. There are no special tricks in preparing them. And the products needed are, in general, the same:

    • rye flour – 230 g;
    • milk 0.5% fat – 220 ml, approximately 1 glass (you can use soy product);
    • eggs – 1 pc.
    • low-fat margarine – 30 g;
    • sweetener - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - for frying.

    The dough for such pancakes is prepared in a standard way. All ingredients are sent into one bowl and mixed. Lastly, melted, but not hot, margarine is added to the mass. Frying pancakes is also done in a standard way.

    Video recipe for pancakes made from rye flour

    Pancakes made from rye flour have a unique taste, somewhat similar to waffle dough, so kids like them. They are served with different fillings, fried and cooked in a pancake maker.

    Pancakes are an original Slavic dish; not a single festival or celebration would be complete without them, especially Maslenitsa. This is where pancakes of all kinds are rampant, but special attention was paid to rye delicacies, because rye was the leading “breadwinner”: bread and pies, pancakes and pancakes, kvass and jelly - in poor families in Rus' these dishes were prepared from it. My grandmother called her “Mother Rye” and respected her very much, holding a bunch of dried ears of grain near the icon.

    Calorie content

    Rye pancakes are considered healthier and lower in calories compared to classic ones made with wheat flour, which is why they are so loved by champions of slimness and healthy eating.

    100 grams of rye pancakes contain 167 calories, and if you take lean products, only 150 calories. The remaining calories depend on the filling and accompanying products or sauces: sour cream, honey, bechamel sauce or berry syrups.

    Classic recipe with milk

    The treat goes well with sweet fillings - cottage cheese, fruit or jam. The waffle flavor combined with sweet syrup from berries or fruits will not leave even the most sophisticated gourmet indifferent.


    • 1 cup rye flour;
    • 2 glasses of fresh milk;
    • 2-3 eggs;
    • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • ½ teaspoon of soda and citric acid;
    • salt on the tip of a knife;
    • vegetable oil 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

    How to cook:

    1. In a deep bowl, mix flour, salt, soda and citric acid. Add sugar and mix everything.
    2. Pour in 1 glass of milk and mix thoroughly with a blender. If you don’t have a blender, work actively with a whisk to avoid the appearance of lumps.
    3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs until foamy and pour in the remaining milk.
    4. Stirring constantly, pour the egg-milk mixture into the flour mixture.
    5. Stir until smooth, add vegetable oil and stir again.
    6. Leave the dough to “breathe” for at least 20 minutes. It will look thicker than in the recipe with wheat flour. We don’t worry, this is how it should be.
    7. Bake in a hot frying pan, lightly greased with oil until deep golden brown, turning carefully so as not to tear. The pancakes will turn out fluffy and flavorful.
    8. Fold in a stack, brushing with oil. If you plan to use the filling, wrap it in a still warm pancake and place it in a bowl, covering it with a clean towel or napkin.

    Video recipe

    Pancakes made from rye and wheat flour with kefir

    Adding wheat flour to the dough makes pancakes more elastic and less fragile, which makes it possible to roll them into tubes or give them other shapes, filling them with a variety of fillings. Kefir adds a slight sourness to rye dough, which makes them even more refined in taste.


    • 2.5 cups of kefir or yogurt;
    • ⅔ cup rye flour;
    • ⅓ cup wheat flour;
    • 2 eggs;
    • ½ teaspoon salt and soda;
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


    1. Kneading dough with kefir occurs in the same way as for pancakes with milk, but citric acid is not added.
    2. The mixture should sit for at least 30 minutes at room temperature.
    3. Bake the pancakes on each side for 2-3 minutes, making sure they don’t burn, because rye dough is darker in appearance than wheat dough, so it’s easy to miss the browning when ready.

    Video cooking

    Pancakes "Borodinskie"

    The pancakes were named so for the pleasant aroma that the spices added to the dough give when kneading the dough. They are ideal for savory fillings of meat, fish and caviar, mushrooms and cheese, meat pates, vegetables and savory sauces.


    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 glasses of kefir;
    • 1 cup rye flour;
    • ½ salt and soda;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
    • 1 teaspoon each of cumin and coriander seeds.


    1. In a hot dry frying pan, fry the spice seeds for 2-3 minutes to maximize the aroma. Crush lightly in a mortar, avoiding complete crumbling.
    2. Mix flour with spices, soda and salt.
    3. Pour half the kefir into the mixture and mix thoroughly, making sure there are no lumps. You can use a blender at low speed.
    4. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, add the rest of the kefir, stir until smooth.
    5. Pour the egg-kefir mixture into the prepared flour mixture with spices, stir until smooth. If the dough is too thick, add a little boiled but cooled water.
    6. Let the mixture stand at room temperature for at least half an hour. Cover the container with a towel so that the dough does not dry out and can “breathe.”
    7. Bake in a greased frying pan until golden brown and fill with filling while still warm. Although even without it, the pancakes are amazing, and taste like Borodino bread.

    Lenten rye pancakes on water

    Suitable for adherents of a low-calorie diet, vegetarians and those who observe Christian fasts. By using carbonated water, the dough becomes saturated with bubbles and openwork when baking.


    • 1 cup rye flour;
    • 2 glasses of sparkling water;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • ½ teaspoon salt;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.


    1. The dough is prepared in the same way as all other types.
    2. After proofing, bake in a hot frying pan, carefully turning over so that the fragile pancakes do not tear.
    3. This pancake recipe works well with both sweet and savory toppings and sauces.

    • Rye pancakes become more fragile when baked compared to wheat ones, so it is better to bake in a frying pan with a small diameter. The ideal size of a frying pan is 15 cm, this makes it easier to turn them over and maintain their integrity.
    • It is better to turn over with a wide spatula.
    • If each pancake is generously brushed with beaten egg and sugar, stacked and baked in the oven, you will get an amazingly delicious pancake. Drizzled with berry syrup, it will decorate any tea party.
    • During baking, you need to periodically wipe the pan with an oiled napkin, then the pancakes will not stick and tear when turning over.

    Rye flour pancakes can be served with any filling: sweet with condensed milk or fresh berries, with the addition of whipped cream or hot chocolate. The most avid gourmet will find something special in the combination of rye pancakes and thin slices of red fish, parsley leaves or green onions. With a piece of smoked

    Many pancake lovers are forced to often deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying them for fear of weight gain. This dish really turns out to be very high in calories if you make it based on wheat flour, but rye flour is not so dangerous for your figure.
    But in order for dietary baked goods to turn out tasty and aromatic, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of its preparation. Let's consider whether it is possible to bake pancakes from rye flour and how to do it correctly.

    Is it possible to bake pancakes from rye flour?

    Pancakes made with rye flour are not only tastier, but also healthier than those made with wheat. Due to the high content of complex carbohydrates, such food is digested more slowly, due to which the feeling of hunger does not occur for a long time.
    Pancake dough is easier to prepare; this type of flour contains less gluten, so it does not form lumps. You can use milk, kefir, natural yogurt, mineral and plain water as a base. These pancakes will go equally well with any filling.

    Advice. If, when making pancakes, you replace regular sugar with cane sugar, or use fructose, the dish will not harm your figure and can be safely consumed by people suffering from diabetes. The calorie content of baked goods, depending on the composition, ranges from 145 to 170 kcal per 100 g.

    Pancakes made from rye flour with milk

    Most often, pancakes made from rye flour are prepared with milk.

    Products needed for baking:

    2.5-3 glasses of milk;
    1.5-2 cups rye flour;
    1-2 eggs;
    soda and citric acid in equal proportions;
    salt and sugar;
    a little refined fat.

    How to bake pancakes:

    1. Combine the “bulk” products, stir the composition until smooth.
    2. Add a little milk and beat the thick mass until the lumps dissolve.
    3. Add a mixture of eggs and remaining milk, vegetable fat, mix.
    4. Let the dough stand and start frying.

    Attention! The milk-based dough should sit for at least half an hour. During this time, the necessary chemical processes will be completed, the pancakes will be soft and airy. And if you start frying right away, they will turn out dry.

    On kefir

    The dough for pancakes can be made from kefir, they will turn out very soft.

    You will need the following components:

    Half-liter package of kefir;
    1-2 eggs;
    2-2.5 cups rye flour;
    salt and sugar;
    a little soda.

    Making pancake dough from rye flour and kefir:

    1. Mix the dry ingredients in a large container.
    2. Beat the egg, dilute with a small amount of kefir.
    3. Combine the ingredients and beat until the lumps disappear.
    4. Pour in the remaining kefir and stir.
    5. Let the mixture sit for at least half an hour, and then fry the pancakes.

    Advice. While the dough is rising, it is better to cover the container with a paper or cloth towel. This way it will be able to “breathe” and will not weather.

    Lenten recipe with water

    If there is no dairy product in the refrigerator, you can use plain water. And to make lean pancakes, you will need to exclude chicken eggs from the composition.

    Make a dish from the following ingredients:

    3.5 glasses of water;
    1.5 cups rye flour;
    a small amount of salt and sugar;
    lean fat.

    Making the base for lean pancakes:

    1. Mix flour with sugar and salt in a deep container, pour in a little water.
    2. Beat until smooth so that any lumps dissolve.
    3. Bring the mass to the desired consistency using the remaining water, pour in the fat and stir.
    You will need to be very careful when turning the pancakes, as they become fragile and brittle.

    Pancakes made from peeled rye flour

    Peeled flour is considered the most useful of all types of rye flour, since it retains almost all the microelements contained in the grain. To make pancakes based on it, you need the following ingredients:
    0.5-0.7 l of any dairy product;
    2.5-3 cups of peeled flour;
    2-3 eggs;
    granulated sugar;
    soda and salt;
    a little fat.

    How to make pancake dough with peeled flour:

    1. Beat eggs, add sugar, salt and soda.
    2. Pour in flour, pour in a small amount of dairy product and whisk vigorously to remove any lumps.
    3. Dilute the composition with the remaining liquid, add refined fat, stir and fry.

    On a note. You can add aromatic seasonings to the dough, such as cumin or coriander, and omit granulated sugar. These pancakes are filled with savory fillings and served with various sauces.

    On mineral water

    Pancakes made from rye flour will turn out delicious, thin and lacy if you use sparkling mineral water as the base for the dough.

    Ingredients used in the preparation process:

    2 glasses of mineral water;
    1.5 cups rye flour;
    1-2 eggs;
    sugar and a little salt;
    baking powder;
    vegetable oil, odorless.

    How to make lace pancakes using mineral water:

    1. Place a ladle of water on the stove, and at this time beat the eggs.
    2. When the liquid warms up a little, combine it with salt, sugar and vegetable fat.
    3. Mix the egg with flour and baking powder, and begin to gradually add liquid.
    4. Beat the mixture until all the lumps are broken.
    Before frying, such dough should be kept warm for at least a quarter of an hour.

    Yeast baked goods

    To create fluffy yeast pancakes, it is better to use pressed rather than dry mixtures.

    You will need to take the following products:

    A liter carton of milk;
    2.5 cups rye flour;
    3 eggs;
    compressed yeast;
    a little salt and sugar.

    How to make yeast baked goods:

    1. Make a dough from a small amount of milk, sugar, salt and yeast, wait half an hour.
    2. Beat the eggs, mix with the appropriate mixture, add flour.
    3. Add milk in small portions, breaking up lumps, and bring the mixture to the desired consistency.
    After this, you can immediately proceed to baking pancakes.

    How to cook custard pancakes

    If you make the pancake dough with custard, they will turn out soft and tender, even if you do not add soda and baking powder.

    You will need the following components:

    2.5 glasses of water;
    a glass of any dairy product;
    1.5 cups rye flour;
    a little salt and sugar.

    How to make the dough using the choux method:

    1. Combine the egg with salt and sugar, beat until they dissolve, then dilute with the dairy product.
    2. Pour in flour and mix.

    Dishes for diabetics are prepared using sugar substitutes. During the work you will need the following components:
    1.5 cups low-fat yogurt without additives;
    half a glass of rye flour;
    some water;
    salt and sugar substitute;
    refined vegetable fat.

    How to cook pancakes for diabetics:

    1. Pour the egg into a bowl, add a little salt and sugar substitute, mix.
    2. Add plain yogurt and flour, breaking up any lumps.
    3. Bring the composition to the required consistency using purified water, pour in a little fat and mix.
    Instead of yogurt, you can use low-fat kefir or low-fat milk.
    Rye pancakes are filled with sweet or savory fillings to suit your taste. Dishes are served with sour cream, honey, jam, jam or condensed milk. You can also sprinkle them with powdered sugar, coconut flakes or grated chocolate, add icing or caramel.

    Simple pancake recipes for every taste

    pancakes made from rye flour


    40 minutes

    170 kcal

    5 /5 (1 )

    Pancakes are widely represented on the menu of every family in our country. They are prepared with milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, and water. There are options with soda and yeast. Eggs are added to them or pancakes are baked without them. In general, there are a lot of recipes. Usually pancakes are baked with wheat flour. But if your task is not only to nourish your body with calories and provide it with energy, but also to make food more healthy, then pay attention to pancakes made from rye flour.

    Pancakes made from rye flour with milk

    Kitchen appliances:


    For the test:

    For decoration:

    powdered sugartaste

    How to choose the right ingredients

    • This recipe contains perishable items, so when purchasing milk, eggs and butter, keep an eye on production dates and expiration dates. All these products must be stored in the refrigerator, so pay attention to storage conditions when purchasing.
    • Your pancakes will taste better if you use butter with 82% fat content. This oil is aromatic and healthy.
    • The higher the grade of wheat flour for pancakes, the more tender they will be.
    • Rye flour is the queen of the dietary table. It contains many trace elements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron) and vitamins (A, E and group B). In addition, rye flour contains a lot of protein. It is widely used in cooking. Not “capricious”: it kneads well, does not clump, pancakes with the addition of rye flour turn out to be very tender and do not stick to the pan.
    • For pancakes, choose darker rye flour: it contains more healthy bran. In addition, it will give the pancakes a beautiful color.

    Recipe step by step

    First stage

    Preparing the dough.

    Second phase

    Baking and serving pancakes.

    Video recipe for making rye pancakes

    Rye pancakes are very easy and quick to prepare. Watch the video to understand all the cooking steps.

    Rye pancakes (Recipes from Easy Cook)

    Hi all!
    Congratulations to everyone on the beginning of Maslenitsa week! Today we will prepare thin rye pancakes.

    To prepare we will need:
    rye flour 100 g
    wheat flour 100 g
    milk at room temperature 450 ml
    eggs at room temperature 3 pcs
    sugar 2 tbsp.
    salt 1/2 tsp
    butter 50 g

    Links to videos in annotations:
    Custard pancakes:
    Kefir pancake with cottage cheese:
    Zucchini pancake with cheese:



    What do you eat these pancakes with?

    Rye pancakes are eaten with the same additives as pancakes prepared with wheat flour.
    Traditionally it is sour cream and various sweet toppings: jam, jam, chocolate, whipped cream.
    Pancakes are usually prepared for breakfast. These pancakes are no exception and will perfectly prepare your body for the working day. In addition, you will receive another portion of vitamins and minerals that will have a beneficial effect on your health!

    • For extra fluffiness, sift the flour. You can do this before preparing pancakes, or you can sift the flour directly into the dough.
    • A busy housewife will appreciate a mixer that will help make pancakes as quickly as possible. If you don't have a mixer, you can use a whisk or a regular fork.
    • You can add vegetable oil rather than butter to the dough. Convinced followers of plant foods will appreciate the recipe for making pancakes in water without eggs.
    • If you are allergic to eggs and want to enjoy something delicious, pay attention to.
    • Rye pancakes can be filled in the same way as pancakes made with wheat flour. These can be sweet, fish or meat fillings.
    • You can make pancakes using only rye flour. For additional fluffiness, you need to add half a teaspoon of soda and let the finished dough sit for about a quarter of an hour at room temperature.
    • The pancakes will be more tender if the milk is lukewarm. Also remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance.
    • Fans of fluffy pancakes will love this.
    • They turn out to be openwork and perforated.

    Rye pancakes with kefir

    • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 14-16 pcs.
    • Kitchen appliances: whisk or mixer, ladle, spatula, greasing brush, frying pan, mixing container.


    Recipe step by step

    First stage

    Preparing the dough.

    1. Beat eggs with sugar and salt.
    2. Add, stirring constantly, liquids in this order: vodka, kefir, water.
    3. Sift both types of flour and soda into the dough.
    4. Mix well so that there are no lumps.
    5. Pour in vegetable oil.
    6. Stir.
    7. Let the dough sit for 15 minutes.

    Second phase

    Baking and serving pancakes.

    1. Grease a hot frying pan with oil.
    2. As you can see, rye pancakes have a lot of variations. You just need to choose the recipe that your family will like. In the comments, share what you serve rye pancakes with in your family?

    Pancakes are a must-have treat, served on one of the kindest and most cheerful Slavic folk holidays - Maslenitsa, but they can be baked at any other time.

    Recipes for pancake dough are very diverse and here we present pancakes made from rye flour with milk - dietary, light, airy and incredibly tasty. Rye flour contains a lot of fiber, which is very beneficial for the intestines; such pancakes have fewer calories than regular ones made from wheat flour, and they do not harm your figure.

    Rye flour contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals. It has less stickiness due to the fact that it contains a substance that breaks down starch. Due to its low glycemic index, rye is considered a dietary product.

    The high percentage of fiber contained in milled rye helps the intestines to clear toxins and prevents fermentation processes.

    This flour improves digestion and metabolic processes in the body, increases hemoglobin levels, and strengthens the nervous system due to its high magnesium content.

    People on diets for the purpose of losing weight can afford baking made from rye flour in moderation. And how to find out the calorie content of pancakes or how to reduce it, you will learn from our detailed articles.

    Well, now let’s move on to our main topic: how to prepare pancakes from rye flour with milk and please yourself and your loved ones with this wonderful delicacy.

    Rye flour nalistniki recipe with milk


    • — 500 ml + -
    • - 2 pcs + -
    • Rye flour - 200-230 g + -
    • - 2-3 tbsp. + -
    • Soda slaked with vinegar- 1 tsp. + -
    • - 0.5 tsp + -
    • - 4 tbsp. + -

    How to cook thin pancakes from rye flour with milk

    1. Heat the milk until warm and pour it into a convenient bowl in which you will mix the ingredients.
    2. Add eggs, salt, sugar to it and mix everything.
    3. Quench the soda with vinegar and pour into the mixture.
    4. Gradually begin to pour flour into the liquid, while constantly stirring the dough.
    5. At the last stage, add vegetable oil. Mix the dough until it becomes homogeneous, without lumps.
    6. Bake pancakes in a well-heated frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil or butter. You need to turn the leaf over as soon as the side turns brown.

    The consistency of the pancake dough should be similar to liquid sour cream. If you feel that it is too thick or too thin, you can always thin it with milk (water) or add a little flour.

    Please note that rye pancakes with milk contain less gluten and may therefore be less elastic than wheat pancakes. To prevent them from tearing or forming lumps during baking, use a non-stick frying pan. If you have a cast iron frying pan, then preheat it over high heat, coating it with oil.

    Before scooping out the next portion of the dough, stir it lightly to lift any settled flour particles from the bottom.

    Light, thin pancakes made from rye flour with milk can be served with filling or with sour cream, jams, condensed milk, honey and syrup. If you want to fill the nalistniki with a non-sweet filling, then reduce the amount of sugar in the dough to 1 tbsp.

    You can store these pancakes in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

    Two video recipes for pancake dough from the chef of our website

    Povarenok has many proven pancake recipes, which you can find in the video or on our website.

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