Rubber man doll for women. Mute mistress - rubber doll for men. Heavenly Delight – $4254

So, a new generation of sex dolls. Look and admire!
A complete copy of a real woman. There is a skeleton, joints, everything bends naturally, they are warm and soft, the hair is natural! In the near future they will blink, moan, react to caresses, shudder, and, if you are not a crooked egoist, you can bring her to orgasm. Detailed description below. Costs only 7000 USD. Can we chip in?)))

It’s impossible not to smile when looking at “Miss Pinky” - an inflatable pink sex partner with an invitingly open mouth - the sex doll of the last century. It is impossible not to be amazed at the “reality” of modern sex dolls, looking at them from a distance or trying them by touch - it is not for nothing that they were called RealDoll. And one can only wonder what will happen when nano- or similar, more modern technologies can be used to create divas for sex in the image and likeness of real divas.

In general, relatively recently - in 1996 - the “father” of RealDoll, the head of Abyss Creations, Matt McMullen, presented the world with his creation - a doll for adults. Two years later, new sex toys, surprisingly similar to real girls, appeared on sale.
Before Matt McMullen, the faces of the “rubber women” had wide eyes, a gaping mouth like a victim, and a body like an inflatable beach turtle. RealDoll dolls may well mislead an unprepared person: RealDolls are so similar to real people - real girls used as prototypes.

Potential and actual clients - doll consumers - were delighted and genuinely surprised. They say that, prone to shocking behavior, radio host Howard Stern performed a sexual act on the radio with realdoll Celine (that’s the name of one of the dolls) and finally shouted into the air: “It was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life!” . All clients of the Abyss company admitted their amazement something like this: “I just couldn’t believe my eyes that sitting in front of me was not a living person, but a doll... she was so real... and moreover, how real she turned out to be...”. As real as a doll can be. Those who have seen and touched it say that the “skin” is not just warm to the touch - it smells pleasant. It seemed to them that silicone flesh responded to touch (and penetration). When looking at body hair, especially in intimate places, there was almost a conviction that this was real hair, it seemed so natural even upon closer examination...

RealDoll is called a human model. And it is made in the image and external likeness, of course, of a person. Sex girlfriends of the third millennium are made of silicone on a steel frame (which, either intentionally or by mistake, is often called a skeleton).
A “real doll,” of course, cannot be deflated, rolled into a tube, and carried away in a folded bag. That's why she's real.
Today, the Abyss Creations company has eight “girls” - eight basic RealDoll models: blonde Lee, brown-haired Stacey, gentle Celine, the biggest blonde Tami, beauty from the Pacific Islands Nika, little Amanda, American Stephanie and Japanese Mai. A men's model, RealDoll, is being prepared for release on the market, work on which is not yet finished. The creators promise the consumer that the RealDoll man's RealCock will be one of the most realistic. Of all the existing models of the male penis...

The client has a relative right to choose: choosing a body (from two options that differ in volume; only Tami is a unique option), choosing the number of holes for sex (from one to three), choosing a face option from several options for combining faces with hair, skin color, one of three options for pubic hair and three options for the skeleton (more expensive dolls differ from cheaper ones in greater flexibility and number of joints).

The “flesh” of the doll is made from silicone, and the “skeleton” and “joints” are made from steel. At the customer's request, it is possible to equip the fingers with bones (so that they bend like real ones), attach closing eyes, add a block that regulates the movements of the hips, and solder a special sensor system, which on one side connects to the doll's three functional holes, and on the other - to 100 MB Ethernet, after which special program, running on the server, can respond to the owner’s actions with a variety of sounds.

When ordering, the client can specify a number of desired parameters: body type, head type, skin color, eyes, lips and nails, as well as hairstyle (even two hairstyles). You can send a photo to the manufacturer, and specialists will select the desired colors. The manufacturer, at the whim of the customer, can paint the “skin” of the product in any color, even blue, but, as a rule, most customers do not require such “delights”.

By the way, the basic model of a person allows you to create even a transvestite (any whim!..). This is a real hi-fi, which also provides “stress-free companionship” - that is, it allows you to save nerves that a flesh and blood partner can take away in life. If you're short on money or don't have enough money, you can buy a usable torso or a device called RealCock separately on the website.
On the website, you can find the following answers to frequently asked questions:
— Is it really possible to pierce her ears? - Really.
— Should I get a tattoo? - Easily, temporary.
- Can you put her on all fours? - Can.
- And I want to swim with her. - Please.
- Won't it break? - It won't break.
— Do your nipples show through your clothes? - They're looking through. - Aren’t they torn? - Only if you stretch them more than 400%.
— Maybe you have defective models at bargain prices? - No.
— Aren’t you going to sell it in installments? - No.
- Is it possible to return it? - No.

For silicone ladies, a “duty set” of clothes has been developed: a mini-dress, a bra, panties and stockings. Along with this, the doll comes with a care kit. Each RealDoll is equipped with a set of detergents, lubricants and perfumes. “It’s easy to care for,” say the manufacturers. As an addition, the client can buy a RealDollSex CD with a recording of erotic sounds, T-shirts with the Real-Doll logo, and a kit for minor doll repairs.
McMullen says RealDolls have been purchased an average of five per week since they went on general sale. He is convinced that this is not the limit, especially after the release of the full-length film “RealDoll: The Movie” starring porn stars Ron Jeremy, Shyla LaVo and Shanna McCulloch.
Representative offices of Abyss Creations are open in several European countries. Which, according to the company's management, reduces product costs due to the lack of transportation costs.

According to manufacturers, purchasing a sex girlfriend made of silicone removes many problems from the life of a modern man, both sexual and domestic (and over time, women will probably experience this as well). The silicone wife will not say that you grabbed her breasts too tightly. It will withstand a weight load of three hundred kilograms, and turns 180 degrees. She will always smell nice and be silent. Once you reach climax, you can put it away in the closet and lock it until next time.
RealDoll is an anatomically correct - ideal - “woman” made to your order. It is made from the highest quality silicone, rubber, steel and plastic. She was created for love! Her graceful “natural” fingers move as if they were alive. Her ears are neatly pierced. Her mouth is not a shapeless hole. Her lower abdomen is covered with silky curls. Her breasts are your favorite size, filled with silicone, they are soft and firm, like the best example of real female breasts.
RealDoll is a woman who is faithful to you.

The creator of RealDoll is Matt McMillan, a handsome thirty-year-old guy. He is charming and does not look at all like a pervert or a pornographic monster. His wife Kimberly is no less charming. And her sister Shelley. They also work in the company. This is a family business.
The company has a ton of work to do. Because of large quantities sufferers receive " the ideal woman“and there are queues; customers have to wait up to six months.
It takes approximately 80 man-hours to create one realdoll. Any acceleration of the process will harm the quality of the product. And so Matt is not going to rush things.

Matt McMillan's wife Kimberly says: “Our customers treat their dolls with love. They buy them clothes and jewelry. They sleep with them, put them with them behind dinner table. They say: “Honey, why don’t you eat?” One, not trusting the mail, came himself to pick up his order from the factory. He sat the doll in the front seat of the car, after putting it on Sunglasses, and took my girlfriend to Los Angeles."
Matt McMillan has immediate plans to improve his RealDoll. It is planned that, equipped with a computer and special sensors, the new doll will blink during sex, respond to caresses, moan and shudder. “If you do it right,” Matt promises, “you can make her orgasm.”

Of course, there is a price to pay for reality.
The purchased silicone beauty cannot be returned back. The purchase is made once and for all, so the potential consumer must weigh the pros and cons before contacting Abyss. But the financial investment in a “real doll” (as opposed to a living girl) is one-time!

I'll give it to you upon request! Men's part of the program!

Sex is a lot of fun and brings joy, but it took centuries to get over the embarrassment and openly admit it. It is not surprising that in the era of high technology, innovations have affected not only the everyday, but also the sexual sphere of life. Taboos disappear, and instead there is a desire and opportunity to experiment and enhance the pleasure received.

Sex toys are becoming more and more popular every day. They come in all kinds of styles, shapes, sizes. Their main task is to diversify sex life and bring pleasure. But despite the pleasure that adult toys provide, for the average person the idea of ​​spending a fortune on them may not seem entirely reasonable. However, there are people in the world who are willing to pay not just thousands, but millions of dollars for cute trinkets.

10. Platinum Vibrator with Diamonds, $3,250

The platinum vibrator is set with 28 carats of diamonds. They say that Mick Jagger bought this for his girlfriend Lauren Scott. The same model was released in 24-karat gold.

9. Silver butt plug with tail, $3,475

A silver butt plug resembling a unicorn horn with a tail made of natural horsehair was created by Betony Vernon.

8. Heavenly Delight – $4254

The toy, also called the golden massage ring, was also created by Betonie Vernon. This is an amazing massager that combines pleasure and art. It can be worn on middle finger like a decoration, and only a knowledgeable person can guess what the ring is intended for.

7. Gold puff, $4506

Golden Puff is a toy for adults from Italian manufacturers, made of 18-karat gold and decorated with marabou feathers.

6. Love Chair, $6,200

The love chair is a creation of Korean designers, originally created for people with limited physical abilities who were unable to take certain poses. Now everyone can use the chair, and in Japan it can be seen in some luxury hotels.

5. Inez Gold Vibrator from Lelo, $15,000

Inez is a powerful gold-plated sex toy with five vibration modes that combines pleasure and grace.

4. Sex doll, $23,000

The evolution of sex dolls has been long and interesting, but as a result, designers have created a toy that is almost exactly like a living woman. It is made of high quality silicone and has a whole range of functions. To the touch it is no different from delicate female skin. And the sight of all women’s intimate details can also amaze. The dolls are made to order, so you can create the perfect silent lover to your taste and color.

3. Victor Phantasm, $59,154

Victor is a Parisian jewelry company known for creating unique, expensive sex toys. The Victor Phantasm dildo is created from 142 grams of 18-karat gold. A ring with 177 diamonds weighs on it. You can make a marriage proposal.

2. Royal Pearl Vibrator, $1 million

The vibrator is created for true fans of luxury and sex. The authors of this unusual toy for adults, Colin Burn and Nicole Gallus, decided to decorate it with 1000 white and pink sapphires, pearls and diamonds.

1. Beckham's gift, $1.8 million

David Beckham gave his wife an incredible gift during her pregnancy. This is a vibrator from designer Peter Stringfellow, made of platinum and set with 10 carats of diamonds. Unfortunately, no one except Victoria herself saw the gift. Probably so luxurious and original gift for fun he can melt the heart of any woman, but

September 17th, 2016

upd: added dolls for women
The first sex toy for men went on sale in Germany in the mid-1950s.

By the 1980s, the appearance of sex dolls, to put it mildly, left much to be desired. These were inflatable dolls, usually made of vinyl or rubber, and looked ugly - only vaguely resembling a man or woman. Users were content with the fact that such dolls had an artificial vagina or penis. The quality of these products was low - after several sessions they could easily burst. In addition, some inflatable dolls made in underdeveloped countries could be hazardous to health because their material contained vinyl chloride. Now the cost of such dolls is less than $50.

But progress did not stand still; the next stage in the development of sex dolls was the use of latex. Compared to rubber and vinyl dolls, they already had believable heads, like mannequins. On the head there is a wig, plastic or glass eyes. The arms and legs are similar to human ones. Some dolls could be filled with water. It was recommended that the new doll from this series be washed thoroughly before use, as there may be a layer of zinc oxide on its surface. Latex itself is not toxic, but some people may be allergic to it. These dolls are produced in France and Hungary. Their cost is about $100 - $200.

This is not 3D graphics, this is a doll made by Mat:

Interview with Matt:
I started sculpting in 1994 and at the same time worked in a factory that produced Halloween masks. I have made clay torsos of women that measure less than one foot tall. I once made a figurine about two feet tall and it turned out very realistic. And after that I decided to create a life-size figure, but I didn't want to have a solid sculpture and so clay wasn't an option. I gradually started working with latex, and with cheaper rubber, I wanted to create something, so I created a couple of latex dolls that were eye-catching and photogenic, but looked unnatural.

Since at that time I did not have the funds for silicone, I did not use it and did not realize its capabilities. The thing is, you can make a latex head and fill it with foam for about $2. Or you can make a silicone head for 50 bucks. That's the whole difference. I wanted them to look “alive”, attracting people's gaze again and again. I wanted them to look alive when you pose them in some way. When you bend your elbow with it, I would like the material to realistically deform and compress. If you flex your latex and foam arm, you essentially look like a pompous nonentity. It bends in half and looks very unnatural. So you leave it in the position in which it was created and which does not correspond to its purpose. And so I ended up switching to silicone.

Just at this time I had a website, and I began to put pictures there. I started with very small images. There wasn't much success right away. Then, out of the blue, my website became very popular and I started receiving a lot of email. I started getting emails from guys saying, “How much would it cost to make one of these? I want to buy her on the condition that I can have sex with her.” Even my wife suggested that I make a sex doll. I began to think that these dolls could be used for lovemaking. It never occurred to me that anyone in their right mind would pay $5,000 for a sex toy. But I soon became convinced that there were enough such people after I told them: “It will cost this much. It's very expensive and time-consuming." I expected these guys to abandon their idea and say something like, “Oh, forget it.”

But a few people persisted and said, “Okay. I'll send a check." Therefore, I inserted genitals into the doll and began to think more about the sensations received, and not about appearance. Eventually I came up with something and said, “This will work. They are fully functional and look lifelike. I personally tested them - they work. Everything is fine". Then I created my company Abyss Creation and came up with the name that is still used today - Real Doll - Living Dolls. Began to increase production volumes. I started to get up. I quit my previous activities (Mat was also the guitarist of the folk-rock band Chaotic Order)

The high price allows me to achieve maximum quality. The dolls are made almost by hand. This, in fact, distinguishes us from most sex toy factories. A typical inflatable doll comes in a small box and is sold at the average price per piece for sex dolls. It is assumed that buyers will not return it, so these dolls are simply tools for sex. It takes us up to 80 hours of manual labor to make each doll, and any acceleration of this process will harm the quality of the product. We produce 6-8 silicone girls per week. There are so many people wanting to get the “ideal” woman that our clients have to wait up to six months to get the one they want.

Real Doll is the best toy for love, its appearance is anatomically flawless, the skeleton is made of metal, the joints are hinged, the skin is covered with hypoallergenic, durable and elastic silicone, from which naturalistic monsters are made in Hollywood. It does not sink in water and can withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees. You have to try really hard to make a hole in it. And it is as easy to clean as a Teflon frying pan. Body type, head type, skin color, hair, eyes, lips and nails, as well as hairstyle (even two hairstyles), as well as race, and hip and bust volume can be selected from the options available in the catalog. The vagina, anus and mouth of the dolls are made of a different material than the rest of the body, which is more delicate and durable. You can also make a male doll and even a hermaphrodite.

Since during sex (especially oral) silicone fits tightly to the penis, a vacuum effect is created. Some users simply talk about enchanting orgasms. To facilitate “contact”, it is recommended to use creams as during sex with women. The dolls smell practically nothing; you can only detect a barely noticeable fruity aroma. They can get piercings and tattoos. It is not forbidden to swim with them, but preferably not in a chlorinated pool: chlorine causes girls to shed. The hygiene rules are the simplest (brief instructions are included): you need to wash the doll with toilet soap or special shampoos.

We received many letters in which people claimed that we are all Satanists here and worship the devil and his minions. Far-right feminists who write us short and sharp emails about how we are sick and should not even come close to comparing dolls to real women.

We are not saying that dolls are a replacement for women. It's just an alternative to being a woman. It's like the Snickers bar you eat before lunch. It's just a light snack, but it's better than just your hand. If your imagination is not very well developed, and it is difficult for you to imagine a girl, then, having a doll, you can look down and see her. She doesn't do much, but she is there.

People write to us and ask if we can make a natural male dog doll. Those who want a green or red doll, with a tail or horns or some other kind of game, write to us. Many crazy people wrote to us, claiming to be robot engineers and sending us their diagrams, which resembled drawings from kindergarten. A lot of people tell me: “Create a Pamela Anderson doll. Surely you can do this?” They want porn stars, celebrities... people want dolls that resemble the wives who left them. It's sad, but still, I can do it if they pay for it.

We are carrying out a lot of, well, modernizations, or something. In the near future we are going to do electronic system, consisting of sensors in various parts doll body. Some sensors will detect entry into the doll and transmit messages to a small processor, which will produce moans of pleasure. We hope to make the process interactive, so that a certain rhythm of movement causes a certain response. Everything a man says will affect his response, volume level, and arousal level.

It is possible that after a certain period of time, say, after ten minutes, the doll will become more and more excited and, as you continue to stimulate it, will even be able to eventually achieve orgasm.

We're also considering using infrared sensors in the doll's eyes that will detect you when you're in the room, and the doll will say something like, “Play with me,” or even “Did you take out the trash?” It will depend only on your fantasies.

I have made several dolls whose eyes open and close, and with which you can do a French kiss, but so far only by hand. There are wires there that you can pull to trigger this or that action, so it looks more like a puppet than an autonomous, automated device.

There are several Japanese companies that make fairly realistic sex dolls, but they think like, “How cheap can we make them, and how much profit will that bring us?” They look better than a regular blowjob doll, but they are made of foam, although you can stick your thing in a suitcase if you want.

When creating my dolls, I was guided by something else: “I want them to weigh like a real girl, I want them to feel like a real girl, I want them to look like a real girl, I want them to move like a real girl." And the result is (give up, everyone else!) the best love doll in the entire world. As far as I know, no one has yet managed to create anything like this.

There are escort services - yes, exactly what you thought, the demand for realistic dolls is so great that there are salons for “rental”. That is, the doll is not sent to the client’s address; the salon simply rents out rooms with a bathroom, a bedroom and a silicone doll. The cost of such a pleasure is $100 for 1.5 hours, as one of the managers of such a salon says - “on a good day we get up to 30 clients, the ages of visitors from teenagers to 60-year-old men. They are mainly quiet, timid types who probably feel more more at ease with a doll than with a young woman.

Some come with shopping bags containing a few extra suits. I guess they like to dress up the dolls and take pictures.

You can buy such dolls

Real dolls are a strange phenomenon of recent times; they are the real halves of their owners. And this is really a phenomenon and a problem. The demand for them is growing steadily. They replace people with family and provide unrequited communication. Realistic dolls are bought by men who are tired of loneliness, or, conversely, of an always grumpy wife who does not give life. Unlike real women, who have PMS or menstrual periods every day, Real dolls are always in the mood, ready for any action, and most importantly, they are silent. Add to this the ideal appearance, and it becomes clear why the demand for dolls is increasing every day...

Men who live with artificial wives are called “iDollators,” and silicone mold lovers themselves admit that they even feel a certain affection for their rubber women. By the way, “Real dolls” are not a cheap pleasure. One such young lady will cost a silicone lover $7,000.

The most famous manufacturer of such dolls is the Californian company Abyss Creations. Apparently, their rubber women turn out to be more realistic, since since 1996 the company has managed to sell more than 4,000 copies of silent brides.

The manufacturer works with each client individually, offering a choice of 10 body types and the opportunity to order the appearance of the future doll from a photograph or drawing.

Each Real doll is created by hand over several months. The doll's height and weight correspond to the parameters of a real woman. The appearance is, of course, more embellished. But sometimes the customers themselves want it that way.

I'm wondering if there are enough psychologists in California and if they are doing the job? If anything, let them ask, we will give ours, we have a lot of psychologists...

Silicone dolls, which are produced at the Dreamdoll factory in France, cost from 5 to 11 thousand euros and are sold mainly on the European market. The customer of such a specific product, who pays a very decent amount, has the opportunity to choose the color of the skin, hair and eyes, as well as the bust size of the surrogate woman. Watch how toys for adults are made in a silicone “women” factory.


1. “Our sex doll compared to a similar mass-produced product is like a Mercedes compared to a toy car,” says the manufacturer’s website. (Photo: VINCENT KESSLER/REUTERS).
2. The manufacturer wrote on the official website that it “offers a choice of ladies in the entire “range” female beauty" The company also says that although the dolls are intended to intimate relationships, they can also be used as very realistic mannequins. (Photo: VINCENT KESSLER/REUTERS).
3. Making a doll takes about a week. The basis of each silicone “lady” is an aluminum frame, which weighs about 40 kilograms. The dolls are equipped with a special internal system heating (Photo: VINCENT KESSLER/REUTERS).
4. Dolls are cast in special molds and then carefully checked for defects. (Photo: VINCENT KESSLER/REUTERS).
5. In the photo, one of the company employees carefully removes the doll from the mold, then he will remove the protective layer and check its quality. (Photo: VINCENT KESSLER/REUTERS).
6. The Dreamdoll company employs only three people: the owner - Thierry Reverdy, as well as Eric and Raphael. In the photo: Rafael does makeup on the dolls' faces. (Photo: VINCENT KESSLER/REUTERS).
7. Dolls' eyes are usually made of glass. Clients can choose their eye color from an available palette. (Photo: VINCENT KESSLER/REUTERS).
8. What a beauty! Silicone dolls, wrapped in film, are delivered to customers in special containers. (Photo: VINCENT KESSLER/REUTERS).
9. After installing the eyes, Dreamdoll employees always check whether they are at the same level. (Photo: VINCENT KESSLER/REUTERS).
10. The ears of silicone beauties are made separately and then glued to the head. (Photo: VINCENT KESSLER/REUTERS).

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