Smoothie with almond milk and banana. Smoothie with almond milk. Smoothie with coconut milk and strawberries

Soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk and rice milk! Yes, their taste will be different from the usual one, however, if you add any of the milks listed above to the recipes, you can get very tasty and unusual dishes! If, due to intolerance to milk components, or strict vegetarianism, or for some other reason, you do not consume animal milk. You can still try delicious recipes milk smoothies!

Health benefits of coconut milk

First of all, it is worth saying that the liquid inside the coconut, also called juice, is not the same coconut milk. It is produced mechanically: ripe coconut pulp is poured with water for a while and then squeezed out. The resulting liquid is coconut milk, so if this product is not available in canned form in stores, you can even make it yourself.

A huge plus in favor of drinking coconut milk is the presence of a large amount of vitamins and beneficial macroelements, as well as excellent digestibility by the body, which makes it excellent dietary product, even despite the high nutritional value and calorie content.

Thanks to the content of potassium and magnesium coconut milk, unlike, for example, cow's milk, does not increase cholesterol levels, but, on the contrary, prevents the appearance of plaques and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them strong and elastic.

Lauric acid helps the body maintain immunity, and also has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

The presence of coarse dietary fiber in the drink ensures smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also improves the condition of some gastrointestinal diseases - such as gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Fructose gives coconut milk its sweetness, so it can be consumed by people suffering from diabetes mellitus. The level of calcium and phosphate needed by the body to maintain skeletal system normally, it is significantly higher than in cow’s milk, and therefore it is recommended for use by people who are lactose intolerant and even by small children.

And, in addition to all other advantages, coconut milk is a recognized remedy for calming the nervous system and combating depression.

Product does not cause allergies and the only contraindication to its use can only be individual intolerance to coconut.

Beneficial properties of soy milk

In Asian countries, soybean products have long been popular, including soy milk. Many researchers agree that it cannot completely replace cow's milk. However, for people who are lactose intolerant or cannot drink animal milk, this drink will be an excellent option to replenish the body's need for some essential substances. Confirmation of this is the addition of soybeans to mixtures for baby food, intended for children who are allergic to dairy products.

Soy milk contains vitamin E, the presence of which greatly influences appearance, because it is responsible for preventing premature aging of the body and the excellent condition of the skin, hair and nails, and also prevents the development of the appearance of cancer cells.

Cyanocobalamin in combination with pyridoxine and thiamine has a positive effect on nervous system and metabolic processes in the body.

Phytoestrogens, whose effects on the body are similar to the hormone estrogen, prevent heart disease, osteoporosis and even menopausal symptoms.

At the moment, the opinions of researchers differ, some recommend it for consumption, while others express concerns about it, since it is produced artificially. However, both agree that its use is not large quantities It is completely harmless and even beneficial for humans if it is made from unmodified soybeans.

Beneficial properties of almond milk

One of the options for replacing cow's milk is almond milk, because they are very similar in fat content. That is why it should be used with caution, since large quantities it may cause stomach upset. Moderate consumption (if there is no individual intolerance) will only benefit the body.

Due to the absence of cholesterol and saturated fat, but at the same time containing sodium and omega fatty acids, almond milk is a preventative against heart disease and can regulate high blood pressure.

Almond milk can restore up to a third daily requirement calcium in the body, which is used to maintain and renew bone tissue.

The presence of riboflavin in this milk analogue will especially please those who strive to give their figure athletic relief, because it affects the growth and development of muscles.

Fiber maintains gastrointestinal tone, which promotes metabolism, and therefore the maintenance optimal weight. However, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to consume almond milk in large quantities if you are on a diet, especially one with a reduced fat content in foods.

Making almond milk is also very simple:

Just pour a glass of almonds with one liter of water overnight, and in the morning blend in a blender until smooth. Then strain through a sieve and pour into jars for storage, which lasts about three days..

Beneficial properties of rice milk

Rice milk is also very easy to prepare at home:

To do this, you need to soak 200 g. brown rice (if you don’t have it, white will do) in a liter of water overnight. After the grains swell, grind them with water in a blender. Cook the resulting mass over low heat, stirring constantly so that it does not burn. As soon as the composition becomes homogeneous, remove it from the heat, cool and strain into a bottle where it will be stored.

Ready-made rice milk can also be purchased in the store, but if you prepare it yourself, you will not regret the time spent, because although it cannot replace a lactic product of animal origin, it will also contain a lot of useful substances.

It is a source of coarse dietary fiber, which activate the gastrointestinal tract, which promotes increased metabolism in general.

Milk also contains B vitamins(including folic acid ), which are so necessary specifically for women, since their body spends much more of it than a man’s.

Magnesium, zinc and iron, as well as small amounts of sodium, copper, iodine and potassium are involved in hematopoiesis processes, maintaining hemoglobin at the desired level.

Smoothie recipe with alternative milk

You can use plant-based milk as a substitute for traditional milk dairy product without depriving yourself of the pleasure of drinking your favorite milkshakes.

Below is one of the smoothie recipes with alternative types milk, which, depending on what you choose: coconut, soy, sesame or almond or rice, will give the drink an unusual, but undoubtedly pleasant taste.

Smoothie “Gentle”:

  • one small ripe banana;
  • a little more than half a glass of plant-based milk;
  • fresh or frozen berries.

Cut the banana into small pieces and place in a blender bowl. Add a third of the available milk, beat until the mass is homogeneous, then pour in the remaining milk and beat again. Pour the finished drink into glasses and garnish with berries.

This smoothie, thanks to the presence of banana in it, is very nutritious and can be consumed as a first breakfast or a light snack.

Bon appetit!

Smoothie with milk - delicious, a healthy and aromatic drink. It has virtually no contraindications for either children or adults. When you master the principle of how to prepare a smoothie with milk, you will be able to enjoy its velvety taste, saturating the body with all essential minerals and other useful things. We bring to your attention the simplest and quick recipes milk cocktail.

Top 5 secrets of famous milkshakers

  • It is not recommended to add pineapples, kiwis and oranges to milkshake. These products contain a substance that destroys milk enzymes. A glass of this drink can cause a revolution in your stomach.
  • Industrial syrup from the supermarket gets its color in a far from natural way. Therefore, protect your body and the stomachs of your children from excess doses of dyes and preservatives. You cannot add this product to smoothies made with milk.
  • Melted chocolate should not be added to cocktails containing dairy products. In a cold environment it will immediately harden, forming lumps. They will definitely get stuck in the straw and prevent you from enjoying a pleasant drink.
  • Do not add cocoa to the drink. It will swell and ruin all the soft milky taste. In addition, floating to the surface, it spoils the appearance of the cocktail.
  • Nuts also clog the straw. It's better to just fry them, chop them and sprinkle the drink on top.

Smoothie with banana and milk

Many children do not like milk, but as soon as you add fruits or berries to it, insert a bright straw, it immediately turns into a colorful cocktail. For self-cooking you will need:

  • a couple of bananas;
  • half a liter of full-fat milk.

Scheme for preparing a simple delicacy:

  1. Peel the bananas and chop into pieces.
  2. Pour them into a blender, adding milk.
  3. Turn into a homogeneous mass.

You should drink this smoothie with banana and milk immediately after preparation, serving it in a tall glass. The whole family will enjoy the most delicate taste. The advantage of this cocktail is that it is low in calories. If you are watching your figure, then it is quite possible to replace any meal with such a treat.

Strawberry smoothie with milk, mint and cinnamon

This combination of ingredients will make the usual one with milk more aromatic and unusual. Diagram of required components:

  • a couple of bananas;
  • 10 pieces. strawberries;
  • a couple of spoons of cinnamon;
  • a couple of glasses of milk;
  • mint for decoration.

The cooking instructions are more than simple.

  1. Chop the strawberries and bananas and place them in a blender with milk.
  2. Add cinnamon just before beating.

If desired, you can wet the edge of the glass and dip it in sugar. Serve the milkshake by garnishing the glass with mint sprigs.

Smoothie with milk and oatmeal

This recipe is just a godsend for all those who hate eating porridge in the morning. You can prepare a healthy breakfast yourself from:

  • a couple of spoons of Hercules cereal;
  • one banana;
  • tangerine pairs;
  • half a glass of milk.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Pour boiling water over the flakes. Leave them to swell while you make the cocktail.
  2. Cut bananas into slices. Peel the tangerines and remove membranes.
  3. Place everything in a blender, including Hercules, add milk and turn into a homogeneous cocktail.

This drink should be consumed immediately after preparation. It contains a lot of calcium and B vitamins. In addition, your waistline will definitely appreciate the low calorie content.

Berry smoothie with milk

For gourmets we offer this cocktail recipe. The original taste and extraordinary combinations turn the drink into an excellent dessert. You will need:

  • a glass of fresh berries;
  • a couple of spoons of sugar;
  • a handful of powdered sugar;
  • a spoonful of vanilla;
  • 150 ml. milk;
  • a glass of buttermilk;
  • large spoon of lemon juice.

A method for preparing a healthy smoothie with milk with your own hands:

  1. Squeeze the aromatic juice from the berries and place it in glasses, adding a spoonful of sugar and lemon juice.
  2. Beat vanilla, remaining sugar, milk and buttermilk in a blender until foamy.
  3. Pour the mixture into glasses with berry juice.
  4. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

You can serve the treat by garnishing it with a fresh cranberry or strawberry.

Apple-pear smoothie with milk

Using a baked apple has a wonderful effect on the condition gastrointestinal tract. This drink can easily be called a cleansing drink. Place the pear in small portions, otherwise the cleansing effect may turn into an upset stomach. Ingredients:

  • baked apple;
  • fresh pear;
  • half a glass of milk.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Remove seeds and skin from the baked apple.
  2. Cut the pear, removing the seeds and skin.
  3. Place everything in a chopper, pour in milk and turn into an airy mass.

Drink cleansing milk smoothies in the afternoon separately from other foods.

Almond milk smoothie with oatmeal and dried fruits

For everyone who suffers from organic intolerance to dairy products, we offer an equivalent substitute for cow's milk in this smoothie. The replacement will not affect the taste of the shake in any way. The principle is simple:

  • half a cup of dried apricots;
  • half a cup of raisins;
  • spoon of honey;
  • 3 spoons of oatmeal;
  • one and a half glasses of almond milk.

Homemade smoothie recipe with almond milk:

  1. Pour boiling water over the dried apricots, raisins and oatmeal and set aside for an hour.
  2. After softening, put them in a blender and turn them into a homogeneous puree.
  3. Pour honey and almond milk into them. Beat again a little.

The drink can be drunk immediately, but it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. A cool milkshake tastes even better.

Milk smoothies are a great chance to tasty saturate your body. useful substances, get your figure in order without exhausting diets and teach your children to consume dairy products.

Video: Delicious milk smoothie with fruits and berries: prepare in a matter of minutes

When it comes to healthy eating, experts advise eating more seasonal vegetables and fruits. Summer is approaching - the time when it is necessary to restore the immunity weakened over the year and do it deliciously.

We've found 15 healthy, easy-to-make smoothies that can be used as a healthy breakfast or a great dessert. Each one takes no more than 10 minutes to prepare, and the ingredients are widely available. And we’ll “dilute” the selection with photographs and advice from social network users.


One package of non-grain cottage cheese
- a handful of frozen cherries
- one banana
- a teaspoon of honey

Just take a blender, put cottage cheese, a banana (you can have half), cherries and honey in it and beat thoroughly until smooth. If desired, cottage cheese can be replaced with yogurt without additives, cherries with any frozen berries, and honey with condensed milk, sugar or dates. This is the main advantage of smoothies - the number of variations is endless, and the result is usually excellent.


Half a cup of yogurt

- half a glass of oatmeal
- 2-3 ice cubes
- honey or sugar
- 1/4 tsp. ginger

Put it in a blender cereals, add a small amount of water, mix and leave for 15 minutes so that the flakes soften. Then add yogurt, blueberries, ice, honey and ginger and whisk. Your nutritious smoothie is ready!


One banana
- 2 tbsp. yogurt without additives
- 2 tbsp. instant oatmeal
- almonds - 10 pcs.
- 1 tbsp. honey

Place everything in a blender and grind thoroughly. The blender must be powerful enough to blend the almonds into a smooth paste.


2/3 cup milk
- 1/3 cup dates
- half a glass of ice

Cut the dates in half, add milk and grind in a blender. The resulting mass should be placed in the refrigerator for 15 minutes so that the dates become softer. Then add ice and beat the smoothie until smooth. By the way, dates are very good for health, especially for the intestines. They are recommended for men to eat for improvement. reproductive function, as well as pregnant and lactating women. In the East, dates are highly valued, and when making sweets they often replace sugar.


2 cups almond milk
- a heaping tablespoon of oatmeal
- a quarter cup of dried apricots
- a quarter cup of dark raisins
- 1 tbsp. honey

Wash dried apricots and raisins and pour hot water. When the dried fruits soften, grind them together with other ingredients in a blender. Place the finished smoothie in the refrigerator to cool. Note that almond milk, made from almonds and water, like cow's milk, is a rich source of calcium.


Half a cup of frozen strawberries
- half a cup of frozen strawberries

- 50 ml ginger syrup

In a blender, mix all the ingredients until smooth and pink - and voila! The result will surprise you with its delicate taste. By the way, ginger syrup is easy to make yourself. To do this, peeled and chopped ginger root is boiled in sugar syrup. The result is a spicy liquid golden color, which can be stored in the refrigerator and used to make a variety of cocktails and lemonades.


100 g frozen blueberries
- 100 g frozen blueberries
- 25 g dried dates
- one orange
- 14 g walnuts

Place frozen berries, pitted dates and peeled walnuts into a blender. Add the peeled orange pulp, chop and beat all the ingredients.


250 ml kefir
- one banana
- 55 g dried cranberries
- 1 tbsp. flax seeds
- 2 tbsp. oatmeal
- 1 tbsp. honey

All at once into the blender - and you're done!


Half a mango
- a quarter cup of green basil
- a quarter cup of spinach
- half a lime
- 1.5 oranges

Squeeze the juice of oranges and limes, peel and chop the mango. Place mango, lime and orange juice, basil with stems and spinach leaves into a blender. Beat until completely homogeneous. The result should be an exotic cocktail of rich green color.


One and a half kiwi
- half a green apple
- half a banana
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
- a bunch of fresh mint
- a pinch of ground cinnamon

Peel everything and grind banana, kiwi, green apple and mint. To prevent the cocktail from darkening, add a little lemon juice and finally cinnamon. It makes a refreshing spring treat.


A glass of low-fat yogurt without additives
- 3 tbsp. l. raspberries
- 2 tsp. freshly ground coffee
- 2 tsp. Sahara
- 3 tbsp. l. natural orange juice
- chocolate chips or shavings

Mix all ingredients in a blender and sprinkle chocolate chips on top. If you have problems sleeping, then it is better to drink this cocktail in the morning.


One-third cup of heavy cream (33%)
- one scoop of blackcurrant sorbet
- half a cup of frozen blueberries
- 2 tsp. Sahara

Beat everything in a blender and get the most delicate cocktail, which will make a wonderful dessert after lunch.


Freshly squeezed juice of one apple
- freshly squeezed juice of half a pineapple
- three stalks of celery
- radish leaves
- 1 tbsp. l. Flaxseed

First, grind the celery stalks and radish leaves in a blender, then add the remaining ingredients and mix. This smoothie can be simplified by removing the radish tops and adding a few ice cubes.


One ripe mango
- juice of half an orange
- a bunch of fresh mint
- half a banana
- 50 g ginger syrup
- three ice cubes

The main thing is that your blender can grind the mint into small grains, and then you can enjoy a delicious “tropical” cocktail. Before cooking, peeled mango pieces can be kept in the freezer for half an hour. You can also find packages of frozen mango granules in stores.


Half a cup of chokeberry
- two Antonov apples
- half a banana
- one and a half carrots
- half an avocado
- half a glass of milk

Don’t know what to do with the garden chokeberry planted abundantly by your grandparents? Prepare compotes and smoothies! In addition, chokeberry can be stored indefinitely in the freezer. So, squeeze the juice out of apples and carrots, peel the avocado. Place avocado, banana, chokeberry in a blender, apple-carrot juice and milk and grind until smooth. By the way, chokeberry is very rich in vitamins and can be used as an additional remedy in the treatment of many diseases.

The main tip for making a good smoothie is to experiment, but don’t mix incompatible things. Add different herbs and spices, nuts and grains, fiber and muesli, chocolate and coffee. Some people like to catch a raw egg. Oatmeal is a great addition to a breakfast smoothie. If you love dairy products, use milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, and vegetarians can alternatively use fruit and vegetable juices, almond and rice milk, tofu... In general, as much as your imagination allows.

Greetings, smoothie lovers! 🙋🏻

Today we are preparing a simple, but very tasty and satisfying smoothie. Most often I make it for an afternoon snack to have a snack and recharge my energy. This drink always lifts my mood, gives me strength and increases my attention, which is indispensable during a busy work schedule. You can additionally add a pinch of cinnamon or cloves to this smoothie recipe. These aromatic spices will give the smoothie a special aroma and make the taste of the drink even richer.

Our recipe today can be made from regular cow's milk, but we will use almond milk. It does not contain lactose, which some people are allergic to. This smoothie is rich in calcium, so it helps strengthen bones, improve dental health and skin condition. Nut milk also contains phosphorus, which takes part in bone tissue regeneration, as well as magnesium, which is necessary for normal heart function. Unlike other products, almond milk has less calories, so you don’t have to worry that such a smoothie will somehow affect your figure 😉

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Currant smoothie with apple and banana

Preparation 1 min.

Preparation 1 min.

Total time 2 minutes.

Dish: Smoothie, Snacks

Kitchen: Vegan, Vegetarian

Servings: 2 cups


  • 2 bananas
  • 300 ml. almond milk (can be replaced with any other vegetable or cow's milk)
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal


    Cut peeled ripe bananas into slices and transfer to a blender.

    If you have a weak blender, you can pre-soak the oatmeal in almond milk for 10 minutes. If you are sure that the blender will handle it, then simply add the cereal and almond milk to the blender bowl.

    Whip the smoothie at high speed until the ingredients are completely crushed and combined.

    Pour the drink into glasses or mugs and serve.

What are the benefits of this smoothie?

  • Bananas especially useful for hypertension and arrhythmia. Potassium, which is part of these sweet fruits, improves heart function and relieves swelling. Banana pulp contains pectin and starch, so it is very useful for gastritis. Moreover, bananas absorb gastric juice, relieving heartburn. Carotene prevents aging and prevents cancer.
  • Almond milk contains vitamin E, so it is very beneficial for the skin. It has a sufficient amount of omega fatty acids, which normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. The product also contains vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets in children and osteoporosis in the elderly. Thanks to the fiber, nut milk improves digestion and has a mild laxative effect. The product helps with pneumonia, laryngitis and migraines.
  • Cereals contain complex carbohydrates, therefore they are a source of vigor and energy. Fiber and proteins reduce fat layer and increase the growth of muscle tissue. Oatmeal is good for bloating, dermatitis or allergies. It is also recommended to be used for vegetative-vascular dystonia, since these flakes contain a lot of iron and other useful minerals.

I wish you a delicious smoothie and a good day! 😀

Light, colorful and delicious, fruit smoothies with almond milk are a great healthy snack option that the whole family will love. Quick, easy to prepare, rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and microelements, an almond milk smoothie will quench your slight hunger and thirst, and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. The delicate neutral taste of almond milk allows you to safely experiment with the composition of the drink, including both fresh seasonal fruits, herbs and vegetables, and frozen ones. Today I propose to prepare one of the simplest and delicious options this drink, made from three basic ingredients - strawberry-banana smoothie with almond milk. Shall we begin?!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Peel and cut the bananas into large pieces. Wash and dry the dates and strawberries. Remove date pits and stems from strawberries.

Place strawberries and banana slices in a blender jar. Beat everything for 1 minute until smooth.

Pour in 150-250 ml of almond milk. The thickness of the drink can be adjusted by the amount of milk added.

If desired (for more sweetness of the drink), add 8-10 dates to the blender bowl and beat for another 1 minute.

Pour the drink into glasses. If desired, garnish with strawberries and mint leaves and serve.

Almond milk smoothie is ready.

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