The dog shits at home after a walk. How to stop your dog from peeing at home: from puppy to adult dog. We identify the reasons for incorrect behavior. The dog does not stop in the wrong place: what to do

Dogs bring a lot of joy to the lives of their owners. But no one is happy if, upon arriving home, they find unpleasant “surprises” on the carpet. This spoils the mood, and the first reaction is to dump negativity on the dog. We need to restrain ourselves and find out the reasons for this behavior of the pet.


For adult dog, accustomed to relieve themselves on walks, to shit at home - unacceptable behavior and not only from a human point of view, but also according to dog traditions. There are good reasons for this behavior:

  • Incorrect daily routine.
  • One-time stomach and intestinal upset.
  • Disease.
  • Stressful state.
  • Bad Education.

Wrong daily routine

Adult dogs adapt to 2 walks a day. But dog experts recommend walking your dog 3-4 times a day. The morning walk is usually the shortest, the owners need to go to work, and takes 30-50 minutes, the evening walk is longer, from 1 to 2 hours. It is useful to take your dog out at night, before going to bed for 30-40 minutes. On weekends, it is very useful to take daytime walks to the park or forest.

In dogs, the excretory systems are directly dependent on activity. While the dog is alone at home, he either dozes or simply waits - these systems are inhibited. But as soon as the owner arrives, the dog becomes active and the systems begin to work.

If the dog is taken out for a walk quickly enough, then everything is fine. But if the owner decides to have dinner and rest, then the dog may well relieve itself at home. And if this is repeated more than once, then for the dog it becomes a system . For dogs - if you can do it once, you can always.

During a walk, the dog should move and first do all its business, and then play. This is important for short walks. For example, in the morning, before work, you need to walk the dog, you can let him play a little, but you need to go through the usual route. If it is enough for bitches to sit down several times, then males lift their paws at least 15-30 times.

If after a walk bladder and the dog’s intestines are not empty, then the trouble on the carpet is a pattern, not an accident.

You should walk your dog at the same time every day. On weekends, dogs usually let people sleep, but for safety reasons it is good to take your dog for a walk at night.

Stomach upset

A dog may pick up something inappropriate during a walk or receive a product as a treat that causes indigestion and, as a result, diarrhea. It's not the dog's fault. She simply had no other choice, she had to do everything at home. Usually, the dog already feels guilty, and there is no point in scolding it; on the contrary, it is better to calm it down - well, sometimes there is no point in picking up all sorts of rubbish.

We need to remove everything and give the pet adsorbents ( Activated carbon, enterosgel and others) depending on the weight of the dog. It is very good to brew chamomile and give the dog a drink of the decoction after a walk. There is no point in feeding the dog; let it go hungry for a day, but it must have access to water.


Typically, in cases of illness or severe poisoning, diarrhea in dogs is accompanied by vomiting and discharge from the eyes and nose. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

But it happens that as a result of a spasmodic attack or epilepsy, dogs experience spontaneous urination and bowel movements. The stool is completely normal. After 15 minutes the dog’s condition returns to normal. You can't blame her for this.

With diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular cystitis, the dog may begin to sign.

After sterilization, every 10th bitch may have urinary incontinence, which does not appear immediately, after about 6 months. There is a decrease in sphincter function. In young and healthy dogs it may go away without treatment. For older dogs, things are more complicated. At first, propalin helps, but then doctors recommend treatment with hormonal drugs, which can worsen the dog’s health.

After castration, older males can also begin to sign, but this is observed less frequently than in females. Although it is more difficult to treat.

It turns out that this is unconscious for dogs. Typically, signing occurs when dogs are relaxing, during sleep. The owners notice this by wet spots on the litter.


Dogs do not tolerate stress well. For example, if a dog is afraid of thunder and is alone at home, then from fear it may wet itself or make a pile.

If the stressful situation is prolonged, for example, the owner leaves or another pet appears in the house, then the stress becomes chronic and this is noticeable in the dog’s behavior. Periods of apathy are replaced by excessive excitability, the dog begins to gnaw at its paws and the root of its tail, lick and bite itself. In this state, she can defiantly shit in the middle of the room in front of everyone.

Bad Education

Dog training begins with of different ages, depending on the breed. But home education should begin from the moment the dog appears in the house. The puppy can do its business at home, in a designated area. But when the dog grows up and relieves himself outside, returning to the indoor toilet is unacceptable.

If this does happen, then you need to express your surprise and disappointment to her, and shame the dog. It is impossible not to pay attention to this. But you can’t scare the dog either. The reprimand must be done taking into account the psychological type of the dog.

If the owners decide to put a diaper on, just in case, then this is capitulation. As soon as the dog gets into a pose, you must immediately say “No!” sharply and clearly. But in such a situation, you need to take the dog for a walk.

It happens that dogs sleep on their owners’ beds and there is nothing wrong with that if that is the owners’ desire. But if the dog shits there, then it is necessary strict ban climb into bed. And there shouldn't be any diapers.

Enforcement measures

Depending on the cause of the deviation in the animal’s normal behavior, experts advise:

  1. Maintain a routine for walking and feeding your dog. During the walk, the dog should completely empty its bladder and bowels.
  2. If there is a possibility of food poisoning (bones eaten while walking, food leftovers, etc.), it is wise to immediately give the dog adsorbents and not feed it.
  3. A sick dog needs to be treated. Along with the disease, the problem will go away. Signing after spaying and neutering in older dogs is not treated very successfully. More often you have to put up with this and switch to diapers.
  4. With short-term stress, the dog comes to its senses on its own. In case of chronic stress, the dog should be given special attention and taken out of this state. Threats, shouting, violence will make the problem worse. You need to show your disappointment when a precedent occurs, and praise very much when you return to normal behavior.
  5. The dog needs to be trained. There is a basic rule in raising dogs: If you can't, then you can't always. If you can’t do it 5 times, but you can do it once, then the dogs think that it’s always possible. Pampered dogs will always do what is best for them. You should not think that by indulging their whims, the owners are doing good for them. Such dogs are emotionally unstable, susceptible to stress, which entails a number of diseases.

Correcting a dog's misbehavior requires patience, kindness, strength of character and time. It is very important that all family members adhere to the same line of behavior. Dogs are quite good psychologists and quickly find the “weak” link.

Having understood the specific situation, the owner should have an idea of ​​how to correct the pet’s behavior. Read more about training recommendations in our article.

Read in this article

Why does the dog shit everywhere?

Before taking measures to correct the behavior of your four-legged friend, you need to find out why the animal ignores the place designated for the toilet. Experienced dog breeders and dog handlers believe that this unpleasant phenomenon occurs due to the following factors:

  • Lack of understanding by animals of the subtleties of the problem due to age. Most often, the owner encounters puddles and “surprises” on the floor when a puppy appears in the house. The baby has not yet developed the habit of relieving himself in the designated place, and incidents often occur.
  • The cause of unwanted behavior in an adult pet is often a variety of pathologies. Diseases of the genitourinary tract (cystitis, urethritis) are a common reason that forces the animal to make puddles in the apartment. A sick dog should not be scolded for this, since it shits in the wrong place due to impaired urination function.
  • Digestive disorder. The introduction of a new product into the diet, food poisoning from stale food, accompanied by diarrhea, often lead to the fact that the dog does not have time to ask to go outside and defecates at home.
  • According to experienced dog breeders, a violation of the daily routine can lead to unacceptable behavior in a pet. Irregular feeding and untimely walking are common causes of failure in adult dogs. The owner can discover a puddle or a more serious surprise if for some reason it was not possible to walk the animal for a long time.

Even well-mannered and neat individuals by nature cannot always tolerate force majeure circumstances. It is extremely undesirable to scold the dog in this one-time case.

  • Errors in education. Inept training of a puppy, illiterate actions of the owner in teaching the growing pet to relieve itself in a designated place often lead to the fact that in adulthood the dog does not have the required skills.

According to experienced dog breeders, dog handlers and veterinary specialists, the reason why a dog craps everywhere may be stress and psycho-emotional experiences of animals. Moving to a new place, changing ownership, or adding a new member or pet to the family provokes nervous disorders, which often manifests itself in unacceptable behavior.

Why doesn't he want to go to the toilet outside?

In some cases, the owner is faced with a situation where the animal, returning from a walk, shits indoors. The reason for such a failure in behavior is most often flaws in upbringing.

Compassionate owners of miniature breeds often do not attach serious importance to the fact that their pet relieves itself outside. By allowing such liberties just once, you can end up with a completely uncontrollable pet.

Representatives ornamental breeds maybe after a walk on fresh air relieve yourself in a warm room. This behavior is common during the cold season and in bad weather. Pampered, spoiled and ill-mannered individuals are most often found among representatives of dwarf breeds.

The owners themselves contribute to such undesirable actions by teaching the dog to shit on the diaper. The slightest stress, psycho-emotional shock - and the pet “forgets” that there is a certain place for the toilet, and leaves puddles and piles anywhere.

If behavior suddenly worsens

It often happens that once an animal relieves itself in the wrong place, it continues to do so constantly. In some cases, the blame for such behavior lies on the shoulders of the owner. If on his part no reprimand or reproach was made to the pet, then the dog could develop an understanding that there was nothing negative in its action.

Experts in the field of animal psychology strongly recommend making it clear to the animal what kind of behavior is undesirable. The dog should be scolded, shamed, and your voice should let it know that you are upset. It is absolutely impossible to leave unwanted behavior without a reaction.

The toilet situation worsens even if the animal is sick. So, with the development urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, the animal is unable to control urination, and the appearance of puddles in the apartment becomes more frequent.

What to do with a puppy

The owner is first faced with the question of how to stop a dog from shitting everywhere, when a puppy appears in the house. Of course, it is difficult for a baby to control his body every time, so it is impossible to demand impeccable behavior from him in the first days.

Nevertheless, training the baby must be consistent and persistent. In order for a young dog to quickly understand what is required of him, you can use this method. As soon as the puppy wakes up, and after feeding and active play, he should be taken outside. As soon as the pet does its “business”, it should be praised, caressed, and treated with a treat.

The physiology is such that the puppy defecates up to 15 - 10 times a day. In the first 2 - 3 months of his life, it is advisable to accustom your pet not to the street, but to the toilet in a strictly defined place in the room. At the same time, it should be placed correctly - not far from the resting place and away from the feeding place.

When teaching a young animal to use the toilet in a certain place, the owner needs to maintain its hygienic condition. It should also be understood that after playing too much, the baby can “forget” about the rules of good manners and make a puddle in the wrong place. In this case, you should reprimand your pet only at the moment of committing an undesirable action, but without revealing any traces of the crime. An animal cannot connect punishment and a puddle.

To learn how to train a puppy to use the toilet outdoors, watch this video:

How to stop an adult dog from crapping

Novice dog breeders often turn to specialists in the field of animal psychology and dog handlers with the problem of an adult dog shitting everywhere. In such a situation, it is especially difficult to know what to do with your adult friend.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the presence of the disease in the animal. The pet should be shown to a veterinarian who will perform a series of diagnostic procedures to determine the condition of the genitourinary system and exclude diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The next stage in solving the problem is identifying psycho-emotional disorders. In case of stress, a veterinary specialist will prescribe for a four-legged patient sedatives based on plant materials.

If an adult dog shits due to prolonged loneliness, the owner should pay more attention to it. You can keep your dog occupied with toys during your forced absence.

If the reason that an adult dog relieves itself in the wrong place is poor upbringing, or the animal was taken from a shelter with an enclosure, then the solution to the problem is patient and consistent training.

First of all, you should stop the pet’s unwanted actions “Ugh” or “No”. Hitting and shouting loudly is prohibited - this will only scare the dog. Every time the animal goes to the toilet in a designated place or on the street, it should be rewarded with affection or treated with something tasty.

Patience and consistency will sooner or later lead to a positive result, and the required skills will be consolidated in the pet’s behavior.

Puddles and places of more serious “surprises” should be thoroughly washed and treated with special liquids from the pet store that eliminate the smell of the animal.

When faced with the fact that a dog chooses random places to go to the toilet, the owner should first rule out genitourinary diseases and digestive disorders. A veterinary specialist and a consultation with an experienced dog handler will help you find out the cause of the unwanted behavior. Consistent actions, patience and understanding of the psychology of animal behavior will help the owner not only toilet train a puppy, but also correct the behavior of an adult pet.

Useful video

To learn how to stop a dog from crapping at home, watch this video:

Appearance pet in the house requires time and extra effort to instill good habits in the dog.

One of the most important habits is to teach her to relieve herself outside. However, not everyone manages to train a dog, and the pet begins to constantly crap in the apartment. Subsequently, a number of difficulties may arise that must be dealt with immediately.

If you want to get rid of this problem forever, then you should find out:

  1. What can provoke a dog to start shitting in an apartment?
  2. How to quickly train your pet to relieve itself outside?
  3. How to properly punish a guilty pet?
  4. How to behave if during a walk the dog does not want to go to the toilet?

Why does a dog pee and shit at home?

The little puppy you took into your apartment may not realize that you can’t shit in the house.. During the first months of being at home, most puppies are in quarantine mode due to vaccinations. Therefore, it becomes quite common for a small pet to relieve itself on the floor, where there is a special diaper or a piece of newspaper for it. When you start taking your puppy out, he can play happily and avoid going to the toilet.

It is important to remember that the urinary system in puppies is not yet sufficiently developed. A small pet cannot withstand 8-hour intervals between walks. Therefore, without waiting for the next walk, the puppy may shit on the floor.

Another reason could be lack of attention. It happens that you took your dog out for a walk in the morning and left him alone for the whole day. Wanting to express protest, the dog may, for no apparent reason, shit on the path. In this way, she expresses dissatisfaction with her owners, showing that she does not want to remain alone for a long time.

If an older dog in your home, who is regularly trained to go outside, suddenly starts littering the house, pay attention to two possible reasons. Most likely, your pet is sick. Very often, dogs that eat dry food have problems with the urinary system. Also, your four-legged friend may have been frozen during his last walk.

If a dog not only pees at home, but also poops on the rug, this may be a sure sign of stress or resentment toward its owner. Do not ignore these reasons for your pet's disobedience.

Effective ways to fight

There is enough advice on how to wean a dog from relieving itself in an apartment or house.

We have tried to carefully review these recommendations and provide you with the most effective ways to deal with such an unpleasant situation.

Basic Rules

  • Never yell at your pet(during and after the “crime”). If you start screaming after the dog has taken a shit, then it will take note that it is forbidden to take a shit in front of you and will hide from you in order to do the harm.
  • Never hit a puppy and don't poke your nose into the pile. This offends the pet, and he does not understand why he is being punished after the fact. This may cause the dog to eat its own excrement in fear.
  • Always be consistent and constant. If you want to teach your dog to go to the toilet outside, you need to do this regularly at the same time. If one day you took the dog out, and the next you were lazy or couldn’t, and then came and scolded the pet, he definitely won’t understand what you demand from him.
  • Always reward your dog after he goes to the toilet. When you go for a walk with your dog, grab a couple of dog treats. After the “accomplished action”, reward your pet and be sure to praise it by stroking the withers.

Sequential learning steps

  1. If after quarantine you start taking your puppy outside, then you need to do this before the baby takes a shit.
  2. Keep track of your pet, after what period of time he wants to go to the toilet. As soon as the puppy begins to suspiciously look for the “fifth corner” or whine, quickly take him outside. Take walks at the same time. Monitor when your dog wakes up to relieve itself. Try to adjust and regularly take your dog out to the same morning time
  3. . The same applies to an evening walk. A properly created routine will help your dog feel your care and attention. Use of special repellents.
  4. Veterinary pharmacies sell products that can be used to treat the areas where your pet poops most often. If this is not possible, then you can use vinegar. Add a little table vinegar to the water and rinse the area well. The pungent smell will scare away the pet and it may eventually stop relieving itself on the floor. Train your pet to certain commands.

If you want your pet to do the need, come up with a command that you will subsequently repeat constantly until the dog does the job. Then praise her.

Methods of punishment

Remember, a dog is a very smart creature that reacts quite sharply to the mood of its owner. If you do not offend your pet, he will respond to any of your requests.

  • Of course, it is difficult to calmly react to a puddle or a pile made on the path, but you can show your dissatisfaction with the dog.
  • Change your tone of voice and scold your dog for what he has done.
  • Take away your favorite toy and let him play only when the dog defecates outside.

As soon as you see that the dog wants to relieve itself, use the command: “Ugh! It is forbidden!". She needs to understand how you feel about this behavior.

If the dog refuses to pee outside

  • A dog may be comfortable walking to relieve itself in an apartment, so it may specifically endure a walk in order to relieve itself at home. In this regard, the following recommendations should be made: Find your dog a walking buddy.
  • While walking outside, dogs will frolic, which will make you feel the urge to go to the toilet. Also, another dog can become an example, and your pet will begin to repeat after it, mark its territory and defecate. Take water.
  • When the dog has run around enough, he will want to drink. Pour water into her bowl and let her drink. The abundance of liquid will force the dog to do the deed outside. Play with the dog. How runs and frolics, the faster she wants to go to the toilet. Come up with outdoor games to keep your dog moving as much as possible. This will also lead to the desire to empty the bowels and bladder. After this, be sure to praise your pet.
  • Increase your walking time. The dog cannot endure for long if there is every opportunity to go to the toilet. Therefore, walk your dog longer until he gives up and sits down.

Using these tips has helped many dog ​​owners teach their pet to go outside when needed. Never give up and stay consistent. The dog will always respond to your care and love. Let your pet be the most obedient and “cleanest” friend of the family!

If your dog pees on the bed, sofa or carpet, you need to quickly solve this problem. Of course, teaching good habits to a puppy is much easier than teaching an adult dog, but it is quite possible. Let's look at exactly how to do this and why such troubles arise.

Before figuring out how to stop a dog from peeing at home so as not to wash the floor several times a day, you need to understand what could be the reason for this behavior. If you have recently purchased little puppy, and he just began to get used to the new environment, it’s not surprising that he shits all over the apartment. The thing is that he may not even understand that you can’t do this, so your key task is to show him this.

The problem arises because puppies must be quarantined for some time immediately after purchase. They are experiencing a drastic change in environment. Considering the fact that they were recently taken from their mother, they are very vulnerable, and they are most susceptible to various infections in infancy.

So any specialist will not advise you to take your puppy outside to relieve itself. At first, you need to lay a diaper or a piece of newspaper in a corner on the floor that absorbs moisture well. That is why when the pet finally goes for a walk outside, he can frolic happily, but never relieve himself.

Don't forget that your little pet's urinary system may not be able to withstand a long break between walks. So you shouldn’t punish your dog too much if he didn’t wait for you to go for a walk with them after bed. Another common reason for this behavior, observed even in adult animals, is resentment towards the owner.

How to behave as an owner

Of course, the situation was not the most pleasant, and the smell in the apartment was peculiar. However, you should be patient and properly wean your pet from crapping indoors. During the process, it is very important to behave appropriately with your four-legged friend. Under no circumstances should you shout at the dog. This will not help the situation, and the pet will get scared and continue to pee in the wrong place, but secretly from you. You should also not hit the puppy or poke his nose into the pile. In this case, he will only begin to be afraid of you, but will not understand why he is so offended. There are situations when, after such “training”, dogs begin to eat their excrement.

First of all, you are required to be consistent and maintain a routine. Be sure to take your dog out for a walk at the same time every day. If you completed the plan today and decided to rest for tomorrow, don’t be surprised if your pet craps in the apartment and then doesn’t understand why you scolded him in the first place. It is very important to be able to reward your pet if he relieves himself in the fresh air. Treat him with some treat afterwards. The main thing is consistency and an adequate approach to solving the problem.


If a dog marks territory in an apartment, you need to understand in more detail how to deal with these difficulties effectively. Depending on the dog's age, methods will vary. Every owner of a four-legged friend should find out in advance what to do if a dog pees at home.

For puppies

First of all, you should remember that if the puppy is not yet 4 months old, he can be called a baby, so there is no point in punishing him for puddles. The thing is that he simply does not feel the urge to urinate. The best solution for you at first is to lay a diaper or newspaper in a certain place on the floor. In this case, you will at least stop detecting urine throughout the apartment.

Once the puppy has drunk the water, he will want to relieve himself in about 15-20 minutes. Watch him and be sure to put him on the swaddle at the right time. As soon as the baby pees on the diaper, be sure to praise him and show him joy. It is also advisable to leave a piece of the described old fabric on a fresh diaper. Thus, the pet will begin to focus on the smell and will come here again.

Teenage puppies should already be peeing outside, but troubles still happen in the house. First of all, you need to let your pet know that walking outside is safe. Only then will he stop carrying his “treasures” all the way home. It is also advisable to feed and drink your baby half an hour before the walk.

Another important point: if among your neighbors or friends there are owners of more experienced pets, you can go for a walk together. The puppy will begin to follow the example of his relatives and will quickly learn to relieve himself in the fresh air, instead of torturing himself and enduring until he returns home.

For adult pets

Training an adult dog to stop marking territory or wetting the bed is not so easy. She can detect aggression and show her superiority to the owner in this way. However, we need to fight this. Use the “Ugh!” command, and immediately take your pet outside if he begins to relieve himself in the house.


Different dogs require different quantities walks. One dog thrives on going outside twice a day, while another dog can be walked five times a day and he will still urinate in the house. However, it is quite possible that yours is not satisfied with the amount of walking. Try to walk your pet not twice a day, but three, try to run home during your lunch break and take the animal out for at least five minutes. Take your dog out for a short time immediately when you return home from work, and then again in the evening.

Urinating at home in this way can attract your attention. Perhaps it seems to her that you don’t spend enough time at home and communicate with her little, or she doesn’t like the fact that in the evenings you lock yourself in the bedroom, and she is forced to sit in the hallway. Pay more attention to the animal, play and talk to it.

If your dog refuses to go to the toilet but makes puddles when he gets home, just walk him longer. Move far from home and walk until his urinary tract can’t stand it and the dog has to urinate outside. After this, be sure to give your dog a treat and praise him. It will be useful to walk in the company of other dogs. Dogs are pack animals. Seeing that other dogs in your group are marking trees, your pet will not be able to stay away.

Many owners whose dogs urinated at home were helped by castration of their pets.

If, despite your best efforts, your dog continues to go to the toilet at home, take him to the vet. A number of diseases can manifest themselves in this way. If everything is fine with the dog’s physical condition, contact a competent animal psychologist who will try to figure out what is causing your dog to urinate at home.

Small puppies often go to the toilet wherever they want, but their desire does not always coincide with the opinion of the owner. But a child can, and most importantly, need to be taught everything. Don’t worry, the puppy will learn to go to the toilet in the right place very soon, but this is only if the correct approach to his education is used.


First, decide where the puppy should go to the toilet. If you have a small breed dog, you can buy it a tray and a special filler. Well, otherwise, all you have to do is take your baby for a walk.

Observe your puppy's behavior carefully. When a dog wants to go to the toilet, it begins to run nervously and sniff the room, thus looking for a place to do this. Take the baby to the tray or quickly take him outside, but do not scare him with sudden movements, otherwise he will simply want to go to the toilet. Don't forget to praise the dog if, of course, he succeeds.

If the puppy has already made a puddle, then poke his nose near it, and only then take him to the designated place for the toilet and explain in a stern voice that this is the only place he can go to the toilet.

Puppies generally start wanting to go to the toilet after eating, so take them for a walk at this time. If the baby manages to go where he needs to go once, he must understand what the owner wants from him. All you have to do is praise the dog and give it encouragement, for example, treat it with something tasty.

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