Modern systems for automation of warehouse logistics. Automation of personnel management is useful for all employees of the enterprise

Automation of warehouse accounting is a way to optimize warehouse business processes through the implementation of specialized software products (for example 1C) and equipment.

There are several approaches to solving this problem. They differ in the peculiarities of accounting at the enterprise, the volume of inventory and the nuances of the nomenclature. Let's consider these subtleties.

Before you make a decision on warehouse automation, we would like to refute some myths:

  • Warehouse automation is needed only for large warehouses! Really? House, confusion, time-consuming and costly can happen even in a small warehouse, and automation will help avoid this.
  • Implementation requires a lot of money! Absolutely not always. The fact is that for small warehouses it is enough to implement the simplest software product and acquire a basic set of equipment. The simplest turnkey solutions in our practice cost the customer 30-40 thousand rubles.
  • Employees know better than the system where what is located, what to carry. Nobody argues with this, but the program will help speed up assembly and avoid human errors during warehouse operations.

What problems do “non-automated warehouses” encounter?

In our practice, the main difficulties experienced by

  • Long search, shipment and acceptance of goods;
  • A huge number of mistakes by warehouse workers;
  • High costs for inventory;
  • Incorrect warehouse balances (you must agree, this is a headache for many companies);
  • Ineffective use of warehouse space.

How did the implementation of a warehouse system help solve them?

  • The time to search for a product is reduced several times. This is achieved through . You always know where and what goods are located.
  • Thanks to , product identification is no longer a task for staff, which reduces the risk of errors when shipping goods.
  • Inventory began to go faster when used. Based on this, you save both time and money.
  • Always up-to-date and correct stock balances.
  • Employees work on tasks generated by the 1C system, and the number of errors has decreased.

How much will it cost and what is the time frame?

The cost of implementation will consist of the following blocks:

  • Software and licenses 1C
  • Equipment
  • Work on implementation and configuration of the system

Now for each block in more detail:

1C software for warehouse automation

Software– the choice of system in which users will work must be taken seriously. Although this is not the biggest expense in the project, when choosing, you must initially determine which functionality will be sufficient for you.

At the moment there are several reliable 1C solutions on the market:

  • (RUB 17,400)
  • (RUB 198,000)
  • Kartes - address storage

What you first need to pay attention to when choosing a TSD is the conditions under which it will work. If the operating conditions are “harsh”: temperature and humidity are higher or lower than normal, this must be taken into account, also if the floor is concrete, you need to choose a TSD that is protected from falls.

The second thing to consider is how the data will be transferred. At the moment it is better to do this via wireless channels (wi-fi, Bluetooth, etc.). You also need to consider what types of barcodes it can read. Depending on the type of scanning module used, the terminals can read linear and two-dimensional barcodes.

There are simpler options for data collection terminals, for example.

You should choose a label printer with thermal transfer printing. When printing labels, they are not affected by moisture or temperature. It is also worth considering the width of the print, because the larger the label, the more information can be placed on it. Don't forget about printing speed.

The minimum kit for acceptance and labeling of goods will consist of:

  • Desktop computer
  • Label printer
  • Barcode scanner

P.S. For more convenient inventory and assembly, data collection terminals will also be required. And in some cases it is even purchased instead of a barcode scanner.

, UT 11

This article begins a series of materials on settings for 1C Integrated Automation 2 and Trade Management 11.

I immediately warn the most courageous and fearless. Those who plan to figure everything out on their own, on a whim. Setting up Integrated Automation 2.0 (and higher) and Trade Management 11 is a non-trivial task. There are more and more different checkboxes and switches from version to version.

Here, at a minimum, you need to figure out what ideas the developer had, what logic 1C put into the program and its settings.

Therefore, even if you, having read and watched enough on the Internet, decide to set up Integrated 2 yourself, after you have configured everything to your taste, spend some money and invite a franchisee specialist to check it.

Working in an incorrectly configured program can lead to serious additional expenses for accounting restoration. Do you know the sign - a miser pays twice?

On the other hand, good news: if you do not have any special, personal commitment to older versions of 1C, then these more modern ones are simpler and more convenient for everyday use.


Program settings are placed in the menu item Reference data and administration. Although, as we will see later, some of the settings are performed directly in the accounting sections.

We start with the section:

Setting up master data and sections - Enterprise

1. Working hours

Here we need to fill out the Enterprise Work Schedule. It is used in many places in the program, so resolve this issue right away.

The new database has already created one default chart - “Russian Federation”. It is already filled as a standard five-day period. If you are satisfied with it, then choose it.

If your company has a special work schedule, then we create a new schedule.

The schedule is filled out according to the production calendar using a weekly template. Fill out the company's weekly work schedule and the program will automatically multiply it for the whole year.

This is described in great detail in the contextual help of Integrated Automation (question in the upper right corner of the window), I will not repeat it here.

2. Organizations

The next block of checkboxes is dedicated to the number of organizations:

If you have multiple organizations, then obviously you need to check the appropriate box. Otherwise, the documents will not even contain such details.

Setting up several organizations is also required if you have separate divisions on a separate balance sheet.

But, several organizations should also be established if you plan to conduct operations under the Management Organization.

Management organization - what kind of beast is it? Thus, in the new 1C configurations, the issue with the possible presence of transactions taken into account exclusively for management accounting purposes has been resolved.

The subtlety is that the issues of differences in the economic meaning of the same operations for the purposes of one or another accounting are resolved in the program at the level of operations analytics. A management organization is not needed for this. The management organization allows you to take into account transactions that should not be reflected in regulated accounting at all.

Think about this aspect of your accounting yourself - whether you need it or not, and we move on.

3. Debt classification

The next block defines the ability to classify overdue receivables in different ways.

Here, for example, is how debt is supposed to be classified by default:

Not suitable for everyone. As a rule, it may be necessary to detail the debt differently for different users. That's why I always check the box.

4. Currencies

The last block is responsible for currencies. By default, multicurrency accounting is not installed. The currency of regulated and management accounting is the ruble and it cannot be changed - no matter what.

If another currency is required - for any purpose:

  • export and import operations
  • calculations in conventional units
  • separate management accounting currency

then in these cases, set the Multiple currencies flag. Here you can enter the currencies themselves. But you can do this later, when the need arises.

Unlike the previous generation of 1C programs, the currency of management accounting can be changed even if there are documents in the database. Complex 2, although it will be indignant, will allow you to change the currency. However, responsibility for the consequences of such a change remains with the users.

In 2012, 1C and AXELOT companies launched a joint product 1C: Enterprise 8 WMS Logistics Warehouse Management. This program is a parametrically configurable system designed to manage warehouse operations in real time. The demand for implementation of the 1C WMS Warehouse Management application continues to remain consistently high, thanks to its wide capabilities and their constant updating by developers.

Who will be interested in the 1C: WMS Logistics program?

Main sections of the program

The WMS interface of the 1C warehouse management system looks very accessible.

Its main sections are:

  1. Inventory control.
  2. Acceptance.
  3. Selection, shipment.
  4. Yard management.
  5. Journaling.
  6. 3D Warehouse.
  7. Light technologies.
  8. Common parameters.
  9. Regulatory and reference information.
  10. Billing.
  11. Resource management.
  12. ABC classification.
  13. Data exchange.
  14. Organizer.
  15. Working with files.
  16. Print server.

When installing the system, you can configure the display of only the sections necessary for the employee. This allows you to limit access to the program depending on your job responsibilities.

Risks of implementing WMS systems

The program “1C: Enterprise 8 WMS Logistics Warehouse Management” is not a universal cure for the problem of unorganized accounting. Companies that decide to purchase this product must understand that technology will not make lazy movers work or increase the maximum productivity of warehouse machinery and equipment.

Try all the features of the ECAM platform for free

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Privacy agreement

and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) was accepted freely and of its own free will, and applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and/or its affiliates, including all persons included in the same group with LLC "Insails Rus" (including LLC "EKAM Service") can obtain information about the User while using any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of LLC "Insails Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him within the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

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2.5.Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User and does not have the ability to assess his legal capacity.

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4.Other provisions

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4.3. This Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12 BC “Stendhal” LLC “Insales Rus”.

Publication date: 12/01/2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Akademika Ilyushina, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

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The task of establishing warehouse accounting and monitoring warehouse balances to one degree or another faces any company, regardless of its size or field of activity. Even if the company’s activities are not related to trade or production, there is still a need to keep records of material assets on the balance sheet of the enterprise (office equipment, equipment, etc.). And in all 1C circulation configurations without exception, it is possible to keep records of such operations. However, approaches and possible levels of automation of warehouse processes differ depending on the task being solved by the configuration.

Below we will highlight the conditional levels of warehouse automation and consider their implementation using the example of the most developed configuration of the 1C company in terms of warehouse accounting and logistics - configuration “1C: Trade Management” edition 11. At the same time, we emphasize that the functionality of 1C:UT in terms of warehouse accounting and logistics logistics are fully applicable to both the configuration capabilities of “1C: Integrated Automation” and “1C: ERP Enterprise Management”.

Of course, this does not exhaust the list, which includes programs for warehouse automation based on 1C 8.3, but these warehouse accounting systems do not directly relate to standard 1C developments, that is, they are partner developments that also make it possible to automate warehouse and accounting based on 1C warehouse on the 1C:Enterprise platform.

Basic accounting of warehouse operations

Accounting for transactions across an unlimited number of warehouses, without isolating individual warehouse documents (orders) - this is the basic accounting option, implemented in all 1C configurations, including “1C: Enterprise Accounting” version 3.

Note: 1C produces separate configuration assemblies with the word “basic” in the name. They differ from “regular” configurations in a number of simplifications and restrictions, including the fact that in the basic configuration it is allowed to keep track of balances in the context of only one warehouse. That is, adding another warehouse and keeping track of balances separately for each warehouse in the basic version will not work.

To account for goods across several warehouses in “1C: Trade Management”, it is enough to enable the “Multiple warehouses” option in the “Master data and administration” - “Warehouse and delivery” section.

Figure No. 1. Setting up the functionality of the circulation solution "1C: Trade Management" 11

We would like to separately emphasize that the 1C: Trade Management program is a specialized solution created for trade organizations, therefore, even “in the database” it has a number of options for setting up warehouses:

In addition to the warehouse territories themselves, the warehouse directory can include groups. These are “folders” into which several warehouses (or other groups) can be combined. In addition to the fact that this approach allows you to organize the directory (which is quite convenient for those companies that have dozens and sometimes hundreds of distributed warehouses), at the group level you can set settings for using the group in sales or transfer documents. This will make it possible during the implementation process to select such groups “in the header” of documents, and to specify the warehouses from which shipments will be made for specific document positions*.

Figure No. 2. Setting up warehouse groups

*This functionality is provided for situations when shipment occurs simultaneously from several nearby warehouses or when, for some reason, one physical warehouse was created in the program in the form of several “virtual” warehouses.

Even in the simplest warehouse accounting scheme in 1C, it is possible to organize a barcoding system in the warehouse. For items by default, there is the ability to enter barcodes (both for the product as a whole, and the ability to detail the barcode to a specific package). And after purchasing* and setting up at least basic equipment for warehouse automation (TCD, barcode scanners), it will be possible to select goods and fill out documents in the system by reading a barcode, which will eliminate manual data entry, and therefore the possible negative impact “ human factor."

*Before purchasing warehouse equipment, it is important to make sure that the equipment drivers are compatible with 1C.

Separate registration of goods distribution operations between managers and storekeepers

The next available level of automation is selection of separate documents for registration of warehouse operations. Above, when considering the basic level of automation, the invoice, when reflected in the system, was simultaneously both a financial and a warehouse document (not only influenced the client’s debt, but also wrote off goods from the warehouse, changing warehouse balances), then after enabling the “Order warehouses” option ( see Figure No. 1), it becomes possible for certain warehouses to separate such operations.

For a warehouse, you can set the settings for working according to the order scheme. If such a scheme is enabled for a warehouse, then you can detail the operations for which the order scheme is applicable.

Figure No. 3. Setting up order document flow for a warehouse

The peculiarity of working according to the order scheme is that another document appears in the goods distribution chain: a receipt or expenditure order for goods. It is this document that will write off (or receive) goods to the warehouse, changing inventory balances. It is understood that materially responsible persons will work with goods orders, confirming the issue (acceptance) of goods in the warehouse.

Of course, for shipments from small warehouses, where there is no separate warehouseman and the sales process is inseparable from the shipment process (for example, the invoice is issued by the manager, who also simultaneously issues the goods from the warehouse), there is no point in using an order scheme. But in companies where goods are sold by some employees and issued from the warehouse by others, without using an order scheme, confusion and product losses are inevitable.

Depending on the settings and the order in which orders are issued (what is issued first - an order or an invoice), the scheme may look like this:

Figure No. 4. Scheme for registering commodity orders in 1C

In the first case, the manager places an order, then an invoice (or an invoice immediately, if the sale is carried out without an order), and the warehouseman at the warehouse, based on a previously created invoice, issues a goods receipt at the time the goods are released from the warehouse. At the same time, the storekeeper does not have the opportunity to issue more goods than indicated in the invoice; the system will not allow him to do this.

In the second case, when an issue order is issued before the invoice, the storekeeper issues an issue order for the order. As when placing an order using an invoice, the system will not allow you to issue an order for a larger quantity of goods than indicated in the invoice. After completing the order, it becomes possible to issue an invoice.

The work option is determined by the settings of the warehouse accounting system (see Figure No. 1).

Accounting for remaining goods in the warehouse by storage location (cells)

In large warehouses or warehouses where a large number of different goods are stored, it is often necessary to maintain targeted records of remaining goods. For these purposes, in 1C:UT 11 it is possible to enable accounting of balances by cells at the warehouse level. This option is only available if the warehouse already uses an order document flow system.

After enabling the targeted storage of goods in warehouse cells, warehouse workers' workplaces become available in the system interface, allowing, based on outgoing/receipt orders, the selection/placement of goods from the cells, as well as monitoring the entire process of assembling goods. This is the next stage of separation of duties (and responsibilities) of employees, when inside the warehouse it is possible, for example, to allocate separate performers responsible for assembling goods, checking the assembled goods and shipping the goods to the client.

Figure No. 5. An example of the appearance of a workplace for shipping goods

Since this functionality is designed mainly for large companies where automation capabilities are widely used, for example, a barcoding system in a warehouse or in the production of all packages of goods (when each package is assigned a unique barcode), it is implied that automation equipment is actively used in the work warehouse For integration with such equipment, the 1C: Trade Management 11 delivery package includes the “Warehouse Worker Workplace” processing, optimized for working with mobile devices (TD).

For small companies, it is now possible to include a reference indication of storage bins. This is convenient for small warehouses where a large number of different goods are stored, but there are no difficulties with the placement of items - each product is always stored in its own cell. At the same time, there is no possibility to evaluate the remaining goods in the warehouse in terms of cells (in which cell a certain product is stored), but the cells allow you to speed up the search for goods.


The 1C: Trade Management system (as well as 1C: Integrated Automation and 1C: ERP) has a functional mechanism for automating warehouse logistics operations with extensive customization options. Thanks to this, any company can customize the system to suit its needs and build a software structure of warehouses and premises that most closely matches its needs. In addition, customizable access rights and reports guarantee the security and accuracy of warehouse accounting in the 1C system.

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