On what days in March can you sow tomatoes? When to sow tomatoes for seedlings is the ideal time for all regions. Time for sowing seeds for different varieties of tomatoes

Hello summer residents and amateur gardeners! I continue the theme of the garden and today we will talk about tomatoes, or rather about how and when is the best time to sow them this year. After all, we all certainly love this vegetable for its beneficial features, and at the end of summer we do it.

Such handsome men are simply magnificent in both first and second courses. So let's figure it out so that our harvest turns out to be huge and we can make a lot of delicious delicacies.

Of course, with the arrival of spring, gardeners have a lot of troubles and work, because it is from this time that the work activity. It means that summer season It’s open and it’s time to rush to the work ahead. In the last article, we learned how to sow correctly and determined planting dates; today we continue this topic, but only with a different crop.

Everyone knows that February and March are the best times to plant seedlings. You definitely need to know which types of tomatoes are suitable for early sowings, and which ones for late ones, and you also need to determine where you will plant them in open ground or in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Well, don’t forget to take into account all the climatic conditions of the part of Russia where you live.

Therefore, I propose, as last time, to use a special formula to calculate favorable days planting and take into account all the necessary external factors.

I remind you that a well-known method called reverse reporting is used everywhere, but you need to know all the characteristics from the growing season to the appearance of the first fruits. If you take early varieties of tomatoes, then it is 40-50 days, mid-ripening varieties - 50-65 days, late-ripening tomatoes - 70 days.

You should also remember that if you plant tomatoes in a heated greenhouse, the sprouts will be planted much earlier than in a regular greenhouse, or in open ground. Logical).

Don’t forget about the soil, it should already be warmed up, at least to 10-15 degrees Celsius. In this case, it must be measured at a depth of 10 cm. After all, if the temperature is below 10 degrees, the plants will not survive and will die or be constantly sick.

IN middle lane In Russia, the warm period begins already in the second half of May, what does this give us, and that the starting point will be approximately May 15th. We count down in the opposite direction - 50 days, and if you are using early-ripening varieties of tomatoes, if you are using a different type, then count differently by analogy. Add 5-7 days before germination and another 3 days for plant adaptation after picking. Using simple arithmetic, we get the sum of 60 days to count back.

Thus, it turns out that the best and most favorable day will be the fixed date of March 15th. In this case, tall tomatoes can be sown together with peppers and eggplants on the same day. This means that you need to choose the time period from February 10 to March 10. This is a period that is suitable for absolutely everyone, as well as for residents of the Moscow region, Siberia or the Urals.

Interesting! If you are a fan of folk signs, then focus on snowdrops and plant them after they bloom. And when the viburnum or mountain ash bloomed, it was time to replant them.

Calculate the date of sowing the seeds and adhere to the basic rule - undergrown seedlings will be more productive than overgrown ones. Take a look at the photo. The first sprout is quite huge, but it is not yet easy to plant; it will take a long and painful time to take root and may be susceptible to diseases and death.

But young seedlings will be able to quickly adapt to environment, will grow well and outpace the overgrown one.

Do you know this saying? If you rush, you’ll make people laugh, but here it’s like this among gardeners: if you rush, you’ll reduce the harvest. Therefore, do not strive to sow the fastest, even if you really miss gardening. After all, early planted seedlings do not guarantee you an excellent harvest.

When is it correct to plant tomatoes for seedlings according to the Lunar calendar?

Well, now let’s look at the gardener’s and gardener’s calendar; if you still don’t have it, then you can easily go to and download it in its entirety.

Or use it right now by looking at this table (data is updated in January every year).

Preparing seeds for seedlings

Well, now that we have decided on the timing of planting, let’s now deal directly with the seeds, because the key to an excellent harvest is, first of all, good and high-quality seeds, so that all your hopes can come true.

It happens that you sow seemingly amazing appearance achenes, but they do not sprout and do not live up to expectations. It is the poor germination of seeds or various kinds of diseases that can be due to the fact that you did the pre-sowing work incorrectly. If you have purchased bags, then you must be sure that the manufacturer has already processed them for you; such seeds are distinguished by their rather bright color.

Important! It is in this case that they do not need to be further processed.

The only disadvantage of such bags is that the price is much higher. Therefore, in order to save money, it is best to buy untreated seedlings and do all the preparation work yourself.

Germination test

In order not to guess whether the seedlings will sprout or not, perhaps you have doubts about the expiration date, then use the simplest and most proven method, remember we have already done this work with peppers.

To do this, about a couple of weeks before sowing, take several seeds from each pack and wrap them in a gauze bag and immerse them in warm water for one day. And this container will need to be placed in a warm place. After one week has passed, look into the container and check how many seeds have sprouted and whether they have sprouted. If you see that half of each batch has sprouted, that's an indication that you can confidently use that batch.

Next, you will need to determine whether there are seedlings in the batch that are empty and unsuitable for sowing. To do this, take a glass and pour water into it and add salt. Stir the liquid and pour out the entire bag, 20 minutes should pass and you will see the following picture, all the seeds should fall to the bottom of the glass, if some of them float, then remove them, they are unusable.

Rinse good achenes in plain water, place on a paper napkin and dry well. This way you will do the calibration. But, again, evaluate them based on their appearance, remove those that are ugly or too large or very tiny.


For disinfection, use a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, dissolve 1 gram of the substance in one bucket of water.

To carry out this procedure, wrap them in gauze and place them in the resulting solution for about twenty minutes. And of course, don’t forget to rinse and dry them afterwards.

If you don’t have potassium permanganate, then you can take phytosporin, for example. To prepare it, use four drops of liquid preparation and one glass of water.

Remember! That seed disinfection should be carried out not long before planting (do not store it for more than a day), otherwise there is a high probability that they will not sprout.

Stimulate growth and nutrition

But in order to increase the germination of seeds and so that they get sick less, are resistant to diseases and the environment, you have to do the following steps.

It will be necessary to stimulate their growth; to do this, soak them in a solution of nutrients; for this you need to use ash. Make an ash solution, and then let it stand and infuse for one day. Then place the tomato seeds in a gauze bag and immerse them in this solution for about 4-5 hours.

And of course, do not forget that now on our market there are environmentally friendly and healthy options, such as zircon or epin - these are modern biostimulants of growth, they very well accelerate the germination process and will not keep you waiting long for the result. Choose for yourself what you like best, or what you are used to; you can act the old fashioned way, or you can use the latest inventions of the 21st century.

Soaking and germination

After all this, soak the seedlings and germinate, this will increase germination.

Important! But again, if you simply soak them in water and do not give them access to oxygen for up to 18 hours, then they can easily suffocate.

How to do this correctly at home on a windowsill in an apartment in winter? Quite simple and easy. You just have to take ordinary cotton pads, which I think everyone has now, and moisten one part of the pad with water, place the achenes on them and be sure to cover with a second wet pad.

Next, place such packaging in a container with a lid so that a greenhouse effect can be created; in such conditions, you will see that sprouts will appear in 3-4 days. After this, it's time to plant them in moist soil.

Preparing the right soil

As for the soil itself, you need to take soil from your favorite garden or cottage and combine it with sand and vermicompost. Or use this diagram.

This is one of the options; you can also make a mixture of such important and necessary components, take them in the indicated proportions and cook according to these recipes.

Or take ready-made natural peat soil, which you can buy at any gardening supermarket.

If your soil has become quite dense, you can add perlite or vermiculite to it. Under no circumstances should soil for tomato seedlings be sifted through a sieve! Because as soon as you start watering it will immediately thicken.

Landing in the ground

First, decide on what you will sow in, these can be boxes, containers, all kinds of paper cups cut from tetrapacks, etc. It is important to know that for sowing you need devices about 12 cm high, and for transplanting (picking) You need cups that will have a volume of 200 ml.

In stores you can now easily find and select suitable forms. Check if there are holes at the bottom of each container; this is an important drainage condition so that excess moisture can drain away well. Don't forget to purchase a tray or take a plate.

Stages of work:

1. So, take a glass and place drainage in it, for example pebbles, maybe you use eggshells, this is also a great option.

2. Fill the cups with soil and pour well with warm water.

3. You need to sow the achenes to a depth of no more than 2 cm; you can use a stick to initially make and measure the required depth yourself so as not to scorch. Next you need to spray the ground.

4. Then cover the cups with cling film or a bag and place in a warm place.

5. Keep an eye on the glasses, because very soon they will delight you with their sprouts. And be sure to remove the film after you see green shoots.

You can also use another method for growing, this is using a special film.

6. Next, place the cups with seedlings in a room with a temperature of 18 degrees, preferably even more, your apartment where you live will do. And the place should be lit. Always water moderately with warm water and do not overwater.

Hardening and care

After the sprouts get stronger and you see about 4-6 leaves on them, start taking them outside. Until then, just ventilate the room well.

You don’t need to water so often; look at the condition of the soil; the ground should never be very dry or cracked.

Do not neglect the preparatory work before planting in the soil, because this determines what kind of seedlings you will grow. After all, only from healthy and strong seedlings will strong and hardened plants grow that will delight you with a rich harvest.

Planting tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

So, I repeat, in order to plant seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse, they must be healthy and strong, the sprouts must be about 20-30 cm long and have 6-8 leaves.

As for the timing of planting in the greenhouse, it is best to again focus on your climatic conditions; you should already be informed in advance, because you know at what time warming occurs in your area and frosts do not occur. For Siberia, for example, this is May, for the Moscow region - April. You can learn more about this and other recommendations if you watch this video:

Is it possible to plant cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse?

This question is asked quite often by both experienced gardeners and beginners. Theoretically, each crop should be planted separately from each other. But, you must admit that not everyone always has a lot of space on their plot and several greenhouses to make it possible to place everything separately.

If you ask and look at the opinion of experienced agronomists, you will see the following: nightshades, such as peppers and eggplants, get along quite easily with tomatoes, which means their co-population is acceptable.

Let's look at some differences that will help you achieve maximum yield. Tomatoes need to be watered a little less frequently than peppers. Peppers need more moisture, especially when they are flowering and fruiting.

It is important to water these crops so that where the root system is located does not dry out, this is approximately at a depth of 20-30 cm. To reduce moisture evaporation from the beds, the row spacing should be mulched.

Don't forget that tomatoes need slightly less heat than peppers - this is a significant difference. Therefore, you will have to save the pepper from very hot days during the flowering period.

The microclimate for tomatoes and peppers is the same. This makes me happy). This means that they have the same requirements for air humidity. But if the humidity rises, the tomatoes may die. The soil should be loose and moist in both cases.

When forming the beds, you need to plant the tomatoes in a checkerboard pattern, this is option number one. And a little later, plant pepper between them. With this method of planting, when you remove the lower stepsons up to the first bunch of tomatoes, this place and lighting will be enough for the pepper.

Second option. Plant peppers along tomato rows. Then he will not be attacked by aphids.

Third option. On one side, place tall varieties of tomatoes, and on the other, arrange a small greenhouse for peppers. After all, he does not like unstable temperatures and will not withstand sudden changes.

Fourth option. Allows you to combine three vegetable crops: tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet bell peppers. But the greenhouse must be large. Divide the interior space into three zones: place tomatoes in the middle one, because this is where the best ventilation is.

Plant cucumbers on the south side, because they need frequent watering. And don’t forget that you need to do this in the morning, and ventilate during the day so that the moist air does not stagnate.

Well, accordingly, there is a place left on the north side, stick the peppers there. They are not afraid of aphids, but they will be close to tomatoes good condition for fruiting.

That's all for me. This is the note for today, I hope you found answers to your questions. Write your reviews and comments. Come visit more often, there will be many more interesting things. Add the site to your bookmarks and join the group in contact. See you soon everyone!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Vegetable growers are looking forward to the new season: preparing equipment, checking the calendar with the appropriate days to sow tomatoes in 2019. After reading the recommendations for sowing, they begin to prepare seeds and purchase soil mixtures.

Tomato seedlings are planted from February to March

The climatic and regional characteristics of the country are so different that the sowing process stretches from February to the end of March; in some regions, favorable weather begins only with the onset of June.

January sowing

It is a mistake to think that the sooner you start sowing tomatoes, the sooner you can get strong seedlings. In conditions of short daylight hours the plants stretch out, and after a few days they die from the “blackleg” disease. Sowing is possible only if additional lighting is provided with fluorescent lamps for seedlings or when sowing in a heated greenhouse, where all conditions regarding lighting and humidity are met.

Some farmers sow in January to get tomatoes in two rotations. It is recommended to first sow salad varieties in the greenhouse, and the second time it is better to focus on multi-colored small-fruited tomatoes, which are sown in open ground in July. What number to work depends on the specific tasks of growing tomatoes.

When planning January sowings, you should focus on the dates of January 6 and 10. Another favorable day is January 30th.

Although you can get the same yield of tomatoes by sowing in the March thaws, and the budget will be several times lower.

February days

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2019 if there is no heated greenhouse? Which number is the best in terms of energy? They plan to plant large-fruited, tall tomatoes for the last winter month. The favorable time is considered to be from February 1 to February 18, then sowings are planned for February 21 and 22. When working on February 21, 22, 25 and 26, the seeds will delight with friendly shoots if you provide the tomatoes with additional lighting.

In February, you can sow at any convenient time. The entire period contributes to the emergence of friendly shoots, so there are no negative days in terms of energy.

There is no need to be upset, thinking that you cannot devote much time to sowing during a favorable period. As soon as you have the opportunity to devote yourself to sowing tomatoes, you can start any number of times.

March is a favorable time

The arrival of March signals the beginning of the “hot” season for gardeners. What number will help you decide on March sowings? Tomato seedlings in 2019 will grow strong and viable if you sow the seeds in the first days of spring. March helps to fill tomato seeds with vital juices, causes rapid development and growth of seed material. The energetically saturated date of March 1 promotes manipulations with plants, so it is necessary to get serious about sowing.

Next positive days will be on March 20 and 21, then there is a break. They sow again on the 24th, 25th and 26th. Young plants quickly absorb at this time useful material from the soil, grow strong stems and are less susceptible to disease. Long daylight hours and appropriate watering of seedlings promote growth.

Lunar calendar 2019

April plantings

Experienced vegetable growers are already intensively feeding strong seedlings in April, but for beginners the question of when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2019 remains relevant. In short summer conditions, you should immediately sow the seeds of early-ripening tomatoes so that they have time to harvest before frost. With an abundance of heat and light, the seeds quickly germinate over time and produce high-quality seedlings that catch up in growth with those from February and March. Most favorable days April is the 17th and 18th, then April 21 and 22. Sowing is completed on the 27th and 28th.

It is supposed to sow the seeds directly into boxes with prepared soil, so that after the tomatoes germinate, you don’t have to bother with diving, but plant them directly on the beds. The advantage of April sowing is the ability to grow seedlings without additional heating and lighting. This method is suitable for gardeners who do not have the opportunity to build a greenhouse for growing vegetables. Any summer resident can sow and grow hardened seedlings in April on a loggia or glassed-in veranda without any problems.

Planting material is useful if the main seedlings were destroyed by pests or died from frost, and new plants need to be planted so that the space is not empty.

It's hard to decide favorable time for tomato crops in the northern part of the country. The short summer should be correlated with the energy of the month, so they try to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2019 no earlier than April 1st and 2nd; you can still sow on April 12th.

April seedlings can be grown in natural light

Getting ready for the sowing season

The key to obtaining seedlings of excellent quality is planning the upcoming work:

  • a suitable date for sowing is planned, the data is recorded in a notebook;
  • prepare containers: boxes for seedlings, cassettes with a tray, peat tablets;
  • carry out an inventory of the stock of seeds, discard those with an expired shelf life;
  • Prepare your own soil mixture or buy a universal one in the store;
  • acquire growth and root formation stimulants.

They clear the window sills for boxes with seedlings, and also make sure that there is additional lighting for the plants. Used containers are washed with soapy water, then wiped with potassium permanganate or alcohol to remove spores of harmful microorganisms.

Before sowing, you should purchase seedling boxes

Preparatory work is the key to success

When purchasing tomato seeds from reputable producers, there is no need to process the seeds. They have already been treated with growth stimulants and disinfected from fungal diseases. But most gardeners prefer to use seeds collected independently from the most delicious tomatoes.

Planting seedlings in 2019 will be successful if, according to the rules, tomato seeds are disinfected and prepared for sowing:

  1. The seeds are carefully inspected and darkened and deformed specimens are discarded.
  2. Prepare a weak salt solution, drop the seed into it, stir, and then throw away all the floating seeds.
  3. Disinfection is carried out using any of the following methods:
  • Wrap the seeds in a piece of gauze and immerse them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • To prevent infection with the “black leg”, keep it in a “Fitosporin” solution for about an hour.
  • Soak for a day in a soda solution.
  • Soak for at least a day in a solution of aloe juice in equal proportions with water. If the juice is taken from house plant, before use it is kept for at least 5 days in the refrigerator.

After disinfection, you can soak the seeds in commercial tomato fertilizer, which can be purchased at a specialty store. This way the seeds will be saturated with useful microelements and sprout vigorously.

Plants made from processed seed material are characterized by fast growth rates and high quality fruits.

Germination of seeds

For the germination procedure, flat dishes are useful. It is best to observe the seeds placed in a glass container with low sides.

The process description is as follows:

  • The bottom of the container is lined with cotton wool moistened with water at room temperature;
  • The prepared seeds are laid out with tweezers;
  • wrap the container with film;
  • sent to a dark place with a temperature not lower than +22–25 °C.

It is necessary to ventilate periodically to prevent drops of condensation from collecting on the inside of the film. When the seeds have already begun to hatch, you need to immediately start sowing.


The boxes should already be pre-filled with a soil mixture consisting of rotted compost, turf and a handful of sand. They compact the soil well and make shallow grooves into which the seeds are transferred with a toothpick. After sowing, they are covered with soil, sprayed with a spray bottle, and wrapped in polyethylene. This creates greenhouse conditions, that is, heat and humidity, which activates the growth of seedlings.

After the first shoots appear, the seedling containers are moved to a bright place. Leave the temperature at +17 °C for another week, then you can increase it to +24 ᵒC during the daytime, and at night reduce it to +12 °C.

If you leave the temperature at the same level at night, the seedlings will quickly stretch out, and all the work will be in vain.

Containers with seedlings are moved to the most illuminated window sills. If sowing is done in the middle of winter for diving into the greenhouse, phytolamps should be installed for illumination.

Tomato sprouts should be ventilated regularly


Growing tomato seedlings is unthinkable without the picking process. Thanks to a developed root system, plants not only tolerate replanting well, but also develop better and develop strong roots. If the seeds were sown in one joint container, it is impossible to do without replanting. Carrying out this step allows you to save stems that are too elongated, but you should not delay picking. They try to plant thin seedlings deep so that only a couple of cotyledon leaves remain on the surface.

For ease of transplantation, the container with seedlings is well filled with warm water. Using a spatula, remove the seedling along with a lump of earth, trying not to disturb it. When picking, pinch the roots by one third to encourage the growth of powerful roots. Move the seedling into the prepared hole in a cup, straighten the roots, sprinkle with soil, and water with warm water. After absorbing the water, press the soil around the stem with your fingers.

Plants with frail stems and roots should be discarded immediately; only strong seedlings produce strong bushes and high-quality fruits. Tomatoes are transplanted into separate containers, sometimes two copies are allowed together. Dive into purchased peat cups or plastic bottles filled with nutritional mixture. The main condition is the presence of drainage holes through which excess liquid comes out when watering.

If the gardener prefers planting in pairs, then after four leaves appear, the seedlings are tied together with a thread, and the weaker sprout is pinched. By the time of planting in open ground, a viable plant with strong roots will grow.

Important! After picking, do not overuse fertilizers. The roots after planting are too weak, so the use of fertilizers will only cause harm and cause the death of the plants. It is better to fertilize the leaves - spray with Epin, which activates the rapid growth of seedlings and helps increase immunity.

Transplant timing

Planting of tomatoes in 2019 begins from the time when the threat of return frosts has passed. Planting work is usually planned for May, but in the northern regions at this time it is only possible to plant seedlings in a heated greenhouse, and plant them in the ground only with the onset of summer. A strong plant for planting must have a thick stem, reach a height of 20 cm, and have at least 6 leaves.

Before planting in open ground, tomatoes must be prepared. To harden, containers with seedlings are placed on the veranda for several days or kept near an open window, excluding drafts.

Well-lit areas on the site, pre-filled with rotted compost and mineral fertilizers, are suitable for planting. When planting, plan on two tomatoes per m². Each plant needs to be planted in a separate hole, where the treated grain from the mole cricket and the Colorado potato beetle is pre-sealed. After planting, the tomatoes just need to be watered, hilled up and tied to a stake as they grow. During the growing season, the formation of the bush is monitored, stepsons and excess leaves are removed.


Recommendations for sowing and planting on favorable days are considered only advice to gardeners, since the possibilities of carrying out specific work should be correctly correlated. Taking into account the advice of experts and applying personal practical experience, we will delight our family with excellent tomato harvests every year.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2018. It is difficult to imagine a modern summer resident's garden without tomatoes. Tomatoes have become the favorite vegetable of our compatriots. They are used to prepare salads, put them in soup, make stews, preserve them for the winter, etc.
To get a good harvest that will be enough for the whole family, you need to know when to plant tomatoes. Weakened plants planted too early, which did not receive proper care on cold, cloudy days, will bloom later, and you will have to wait for the harvest. When should you plant tomatoes to get a rich harvest? Let's talk about this.

You can’t plant seeds too early, but it’s not recommended to be late either, especially if you want to enjoy your tomatoes in the middle of summer. The timing of planting tomatoes is important. When should you plant tomato seedlings? To understand this, when to sow the seeds, you need to make simple calculations.

  1. Date of planting seedlings in the ground. Calculate the approximate date when you will plant the seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse. It is worth finding out in advance the forecasts for spring, whether it will be early or late. Where you plant your plants is important. In a heated greenhouse, planting occurs earlier, just like in a greenhouse, than when planting in open ground.
  2. Age of seedlings. As mentioned above, seedlings can only spend so much time in the house. It depends on the variety: early tomatoes – 40-50 days; mid-season varieties - 55 -60 days; late-ripening tomatoes – 70 days.
  3. Subtract this number of days from the previously determined date. Time for germination. Tomato seedlings do not appear immediately; it takes 5-6 days. These days must also be subtracted from the resulting date. This will give you an approximate landing time.

Let us show with an example how to carry out calculations. You have a film greenhouse where you expect to plant seedlings on May 10th. When to plant seeds of early ripening varieties? Subtract 50 days, we get March 24, minus 5 days for the seeds to hatch.

Thus, early varieties are planted around the 19th of March.

Now let’s calculate the time for planting mid-season tomatoes. We take the same date, May 10, and subtract 60 days. March 14, minus 5 days – March 9. As we see, there is nothing complicated about this.

On a note! For tall tomatoes, sowing seedlings begins from February 20 to March 10. For early and mid-season varieties, sowing time begins from March 10 to March 22. Ultra early varieties and Cherry tomatoes also have their own individual dates - early April. But late-ripening varieties of tomatoes must be planted as seedlings in the third ten days of February.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

To trust or not lunar calendar, everyone decides for themselves. In the year of sowing, you can read the recommendations for a specific year, where the exact planting dates are written.

Growing seedlings begins with determining the correct sowing time. When to sow tomatoes for seedlings in 2018? The lunar sowing calendar will tell you about this:

  • January: 6, 10 and 30
  • February: 14, 16, 18, 24, 26-28;
  • March: 3, 4, 10, 12, 20, 25, 30, 31;
  • April: 8, 12, 13, 22, 26-28;

Unfavorable days for planting tomatoes in 2018

  • February 2, 3, 9, 10, 15
  • March 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 2018
  • April 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16
  • May 2, 3, 7, 8, 15

When to plant tomato seedlings in open ground? In May, favorable days for this are: 9, 15, 19, 24, 25; in June: 2, 7, 11 and 16.

Do not sow tomatoes for seedlings during the new moon or full moon, as during these lunar phases plant juices collect either in the upper part, or, conversely, in the roots and tubers, which interferes with normal development.

If you sow seeds during the waxing moon, that is, after the new moon, the growth activity of the ground part increases, and in plants sown on the waning moon, after the full moon, the root system intensively develops.

It follows from this that grains should be planted in the waxing phase of the moon, and root crops in the waning phase. As for tomatoes, they are a demanding crop, so it is very important that tomato seedlings are sown on favorable days.

The timing of sowing tomatoes for seedlings also depends on the growing region and tomato variety. You can rely on the following recommendations.

Timing for planting seedlings in the Moscow region, the Urals and Siberia

When to sow tomatoes in the Moscow region

  • early tomatoes for open ground - early April;
  • early tomatoes for planting in the ground under film covers - the second half of March;
  • tall tomatoes for greenhouses - late March;
  • low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses - early to mid-April;
  • large tomatoes - early March.

These dates are specifically for home conditions, when seedlings are grown on a windowsill. There is even such advice - it is dark and hot in our apartments, even on the windows, and tomato seedlings will “suffer” for a long time if they are sown too early. Therefore, it is better to be a little late than to hurry.

When to sow tomatoes in the Urals, Siberia and the Volga region

The average growth period for tomato seedlings is within 2 months, therefore, in accordance with the climatic conditions of each region, the required timing of sowing seeds can be determined.

In the Urals, Siberia and northern regions, spring comes later, so the time to plant tomatoes as seedlings shifts to early April.

This period is not the most favorable for planting tomatoes. However, don't despair. Choose the most favorable days according to the zodiac circle. These are April 1, 2, and 12.

Based climatic conditions Volga region, the timing of sowing tomatoes: late varieties - at the end of February - in the first ten days of March, and early and middle varieties - at the end of March - in the first ten days of April.

What containers to use for planting tomato seedlings

There are several common types of seedling containers for sowing tomatoes. Each of them has a number of pros and cons, and therefore any gardener gives preference based on his capabilities.

  • Wooden (plastic) boxes have been used for growing seedlings for a long time.

They are easy to use. Sowing of seeds is carried out with their further picking into the same containers. They do not require special equipment for further transportation. Helps you save money because you can make them yourself. Of the minuses: a box filled with soil is very heavy, and when transplanting tomatoes to a permanent place, there is a high probability of significant damage to the roots.

  • Plastic cassettes are cells of the same size fastened together.

If necessary, you can buy different lengths and widths. Often, you need to purchase a tray for them separately or come up with your own options for collecting excess water. Their advantage is that they are lightweight, can be separated with scissors, are easy to use, have ready-made drainage holes, and the seedlings are easily removed from the cell of the cassette. Their disadvantages: they are short-lived, inconvenient for transportation, and when removing one seedling, there is a possibility of damaging the neighboring specimen.

  • Peat cups.

This type of container is very popular among gardeners, as it is made from environmentally friendly materials. But experts recommend using peat cups when picking tomatoes. Their advantages: durable, safe, do not require replanting of plants, as they dissolve perfectly in the soil, serve additional food plants. Their disadvantages: they are not always commercially available, require additional costs, moisture evaporates quickly, which leads to additional watering.

  • Peat tablets are compressed balanced peat placed in a special mesh.

Before sowing, soak in water for 10 minutes to swell. Their advantages: easy to use, promote the development of a strong root system, dissolve in the soil when planted in a permanent place. Their disadvantages: they have a high cost, require an additional tray, and dry out quickly.

  • Plastic cups are considered the most common types of containers for sowing tomatoes for seedlings.

You can use two types of containers: 100 and 200 ml for sowing seeds and 500 ml for further picking.

Their advantages: ease of use, seedlings can be easily removed when transplanting, reusable, low cost.

Their disadvantages: you need to make drainage holes yourself, you will need an additional pallet, they require additional devices during transportation.

In addition to the main types, many gardeners use improvised containers: yogurt cups, cardboard boxes for dairy products, plastic buckets for pickles and others.

Selecting seeds for sowing seedlings

No less important than the time to plant tomato seeds is the choice of tomato seeds. You need to think about them in advance.

Seeds are purchased exclusively from trusted agricultural companies that maintain their brand and offer consumers high-quality planting material with high germination rates, hardened and adapted to the region.

It is not worth stocking up for future use and making large reserves, but only purchasing the required quantity according to the planned planting area plus the cost of greenhouses.

Video: review of productive tomato varieties for planting seedlings

When to plant (sow) tomatoes for seedlings in 2017? If we adhere to the Lunar calendar, then we choose the days for sowing crops as follows: we sow the tops, that is, those plants whose fruits we collect from above (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc.), on the growing moon. We sow roots that grow downwards (carrots, potatoes, beets, etc.) on the waning moon. On the new moon, a few days before and after it, we don’t sow anything at all, because it doesn’t grow.

What varieties of tomatoes to choose for planting in 2017. Carefully study the description of the tomato varieties on the bags, find information about the growing season of the seeds, for greenhouses or open ground, for pickling, food or universal.

Depending on this, the timing of sowing tomatoes is as follows:

  • Tall tomatoes, as well as peppers and eggplants are sown for seedlings at the end of February from the 20th to March 10th.
  • Tomatoes that are planned to be transplanted into a greenhouse already in April are planted as seedlings in February on planting days. These are February 13, 14, 15 and 18, 2017.
  • Early and mid-ripening tomato varieties are sown for seedlings in March, on favorable planting days. In 2017, tomato seedlings are planted on March 13th and 16th. It is possible to plant tomatoes during the waxing moon, which in 2017 lasts from March 10 to March 22.
  • There are several favorable days in April when you can plant tomatoes as seedlings, if you have not already done so. In this case, choose seedlings of super-determinant low-growing varieties and hybrids for open ground, ultra-early varieties, or cherry tomatoes. Better days for planting tomatoes in April on the 8th, 9th and 14th.

The sowing time for each region is different, you just need to take into account that tomato seedlings should be planted in the ground or greenhouse at the age of 60 days, plus or minus a few days. If you know in your region when the soil warms up above 18 degrees at the time of planting, and there is no risk of return frosts, then you only have to take 60 days and another 2 weeks for germination.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2016? Check favorable days from and to.

How to plant tomatoes with seedlings. To grow good seedlings that will give us healthy and high-quality fruits, we need to take care of the seed and soil.

You need to stock up on fertile soil in advance; you can buy it or prepare it from your garden in the fall. The ideal soil for tomatoes would be a mixture of peat, sand and turf (or just garden) soil, taken in equal parts. Preparing tomato seeds for planting - soak the tomato seeds. Wrap the seeds in a cloth or bandage and moisten them with warm water. Let them lie there for a day on a plate in a warm place.

Pour the soil into a large container. Water the prepared soil until it becomes moist and lightly press it down. Place the seeds on the surface of the ground at a distance of 3 cm from each other, sprinkle lightly with earth on top. Lightly compact with your palm. Cover the top of the container with seedlings with a plastic bag, create a greenhouse effect, and place it in a warm place. After a few days, when the tomato sprouts appear, remove the film and provide the seedlings with enough light, preferably a windowsill on the south side.

If you received an answer to the question: “When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2017?” and sowed the seedlings, then in the future you will have to monitor watering, fertilizing and preparation for planting in a greenhouse or open ground.

Good luck and great harvests!

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It is difficult to imagine a modern summer resident's garden without tomatoes. Tomatoes have become the favorite vegetable of our compatriots. They are used to prepare salads, put them in soup, make stews, preserve them for the winter, etc. To get a good harvest that will be enough for the whole family, you need to know when to plant tomatoes. Weakened plants planted too early, which did not receive proper care on cold, cloudy days, will bloom later, and you will have to wait for the harvest. When should you plant tomatoes to get a rich harvest? Let's talk about this.

The correct time to plant tomatoes is an important factor for getting a good harvest.

Harm from early planting

The sooner you plant seedlings, the faster you will reap the harvest. Many people are sure that this is so, so they plant tomatoes already in February or January. This is mistake. Why are deadlines so important?

Lack of lighting

In winter there are short daylight hours. And plants need a lot of light. If you want to get strong seedlings, you will have to illuminate them. And this is additional energy consumption. How long does it take to do this, and why is light so important for tomatoes? For the first 2-3 days after emergence, plants are illuminated around the clock, i.e. 24 hours. Use for this fluorescent lamps. Then light them so that the plants are in the light for 10-12 hours, i.e. turn on the lamp for 2-3 hours in the morning and evening.

If you do not do this, you will have to wait a long time for the harvest. Tomato seedlings have one feature. When they don't have enough light, they don't produce inflorescences. This continues until the illumination improves. Therefore, seedlings planted later, but receiving proper care and lighting, are better. It produces a harvest earlier than plants that have been tormented by unfavorable conditions. To get a good harvest, follow the deadlines.

If you plant tomatoes too early, the seedlings will not receive the necessary lighting and will stretch out.

Shelf life of seedlings

Remember that the seedlings stay in the house for no longer than 2 months, then they must be planted in a greenhouse or open ground. It is important to comply with these deadlines. It is unlikely that you will be able to transplant tomatoes in early April, unless you have a heated greenhouse. It has been experimentally established that the strongest plants are seedlings planted at the end of March or beginning of April. It will grow more actively when compared with the one that was planted in February.

Tomato seedlings are kept in the house for 50-55 days, but no more than 2 months. Then it needs to be replanted. Can it be stored longer? It is possible, but under one condition. For each plant, allocate 1-5 liters of soil. Not a single window sill can accommodate so many pots, and filling them with soil will be problematic. So take your time. Plant seedlings on time, correctly calculating all the timing. We will tell you when to do this.

You can store seedlings on the windowsill until they grow

How to calculate the date of planting seeds

You can’t plant seeds too early, but it’s not recommended to be late either, especially if you want to enjoy your tomatoes in the middle of summer. The timing of planting tomatoes is important. When should you plant tomato seedlings? To understand this, when to sow the seeds, you need to make simple calculations.

  1. Date of planting seedlings in the ground. Calculate the approximate date when you will plant the seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse. It is worth finding out in advance the forecasts for spring, whether it will be early or late. Where you plant your plants is important. In a heated greenhouse, planting occurs earlier, just like in a greenhouse, than when planting in open ground.
  2. Age of seedlings. As mentioned above, seedlings can only spend so much time in the house. It depends on the variety: early tomatoes – 40-50 days; mid-season varieties - 55 -60 days; late-ripening tomatoes – 70 days. Subtract this number of days from the previously determined date.
  3. Time for germination. Tomato seedlings do not appear immediately; it takes 5-6 days. These days must also be subtracted from the resulting date. This will give you an approximate landing time.

Let us show with an example how to carry out calculations. You have a film greenhouse where you expect to plant seedlings on May 10th. When to plant seeds of early ripening varieties? Subtract 50 days, we get March 24, minus 5 days for the seeds to hatch. Early varieties planted around the 19th of March.

Now let’s calculate the time for planting mid-season tomatoes. We take the same date, May 10, and subtract 60 days. March 14, minus 5 days – March 9. As we see, there is nothing complicated about this.

Before planting in the ground, tomato seedlings grow no more than 60 days

When to plant seedlings

To make accurate calculations, you need to know the date of planting the seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground. When can you transplant seedlings into a greenhouse? Most often this is done in early May, when you are sure that there will be no frost outside. The soil in the greenhouse should be warm, at least 8 degrees, but it is desirable that the soil be between 10 and 15 degrees. If you plant tomatoes in cold soil, they will either die or be constantly sick.

Most often, these conditions appear in the greenhouse in early May, i.e. somewhere from May 1 to May 15. If you have a heated greenhouse, then you can do it earlier.

When planting seedlings under a film cover - a little later, from May 20 to 31. You plan to immediately plant tomatoes in open ground. When is the best time to do this? The approximate landing date is from June 10 to June 20. But remember that these are approximate figures. It all depends on the region you live in and the weather this year. The threat of frost should have passed. How to understand that seedlings are ready for planting:

  1. It has a developed root system.
  2. The stem is thick.
  3. 8-11 leaves have already been developed, which are colored dark green.
  4. The buds of the first flower cluster have already appeared.

Seedlings for planting must have strong roots and a dozen leaves

Folk signs

Is it worth trusting folk signs? It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. But it doesn't hurt to know about them. Sometimes they can be a good guide. So, according to signs, potatoes are supposed to be planted when the birch tree blooms. This is much more reliable than simply relying on some date, because... the plant produces leaves at a certain period, when it has enough light, moisture, and the right temperature. If the conditions are favorable for the birch tree, then the potatoes will be comfortable.

Planting potatoes is often timed to coincide with the opening of birch buds


IN Lately People often talk about climate warming, which often affects the weather. In April there may already be intense heat, and the soil warms up to the desired temperature. Should I rush to plant or should I wait? Folk signs will help you determine when you can plant various crops in the ground.

  • Stick. Take a pointed stick and run it across the dug up area. If the soil is smeared, it’s too early; if the soil is crumbling, you can carry out spring work.
  • A lump of earth. Dig a hole to a depth of 5-10 cm, take a handful of earth, squeeze it in your fist and throw it from a meter height. If the lump has scattered evenly, the ground can be cultivated; if it remains intact and has only changed slightly, then it is too early. A completely crumbled lump of earth indicates that the earth is dry and you are late.

There are signs according to which tomatoes are planted. So, if snowdrops and blueberries have bloomed, you can plant tomatoes as seedlings. According to popular belief, when can tomatoes be replanted? When the rowan or viburnum bloomed.

Moon calendar

Whether or not to trust the lunar calendar is up to everyone to decide for themselves. In the year of sowing, you can read the recommendations for a specific year, where the exact planting dates are written. But the seeds of vegetables, for which the part that is above the ground is important, are sown on the waxing Moon, in its second phase. This time is 7 days before the full moon.

Seedlings are planted after the new moon, i.e. with the Moon in the first phase. When the new moon or full moon occurs, it is not recommended to plant plants, as well as twelve hours before them and twelve hours after their onset.

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