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The combined or separate spelling of the words “also” and “also” depends on what part of speech they are. This can be determined by the context through which their morphological and syntactic features appear.

When do we write separately?

The adverb “so” with a demonstrative meaning and the independent particle “zhe” are written separately. They are used in speech to compare any actions or states that occur or manifest themselves in similar conditions or circumstances.

I tried to imitate my father in everything: I just as confidently built a ship and blew away the shavings coming out from under the plane.

Snow was still falling outside the window, and it seemed that it would cover the entire city to the very roofs.

In a sentence after the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” you can use combination of the adverb “how” with the conjunction “and”:

Just like her friend Galya, Olya loved to draw, but the drawings were not very good.

Primary school students, just like high school students, take part in sports competitions.

When do we write together?

The derivative conjunction “also”, formed by merging the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe”, is written together. In a sentence it's easy replace with the coordinating conjunction “and”:

There was an unusual excitement among the students; in the corridor the parents were also worried.

The students were worried, and there was excitement among the parents in the corridor.

Important hallmark The adverbial combination “so” with the particle “zhe” is its syntactic role in the sentence: the adverb as an independent syntactic unit or as part of a comparative phrase acts as an adverb. The conjunction is also a service part of speech; it is used to connect parts of a sentence as part of a complex syntactic structure and is not a member of the sentence.

In some cases semantic difference between the words “also” and “also” can only be determined by the extended context, including several sentences, or by the intonation that is implied when reading them:

The difference between "also" and "also" is:

  • The combination “also” consists of an adverb with a demonstrative meaning and a particle associated with it in meaning. The word “also” is a derived preposition.
  • The combination of the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” is written separately. The derivative conjunction “also” is written together.
  • In a sentence, the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” has an adverbial meaning and acts as a secondary member. The conjunction “also” has no independent lexical meaning and serves to connect individual parts of a syntactic structure.
  • The combination of “so” with the particle “the same” can be used in a comparative phrase if it is followed by the adverb “how”. The derivative conjunction “also” is easily replaced by the coordinating conjunction “and”.
  • In some cases, the adverbial combination “also” can be distinguished from the conjunction “also” only by expanded context or intonation with emphasized logical stress.

The combined or separate spelling of the words “also” and “also” depends on what part of speech they are. This can be determined by the context through which their morphological and syntactic features appear.

The adverb “so” with a demonstrative meaning and the independent particle “zhe” are written separately. They are used in speech to compare any actions or states that occur or manifest themselves in similar conditions or circumstances.

I tried to imitate my father in everything: I also hurriedly drank my morning tea, got dressed on the go and jumped out of the house, although I had nowhere to rush at that time.

Outside the window, the cold rain was still drizzling, and it seemed that the grayish autumn sky had dropped over the city to the very roofs.

In a sentence after the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” you can use a combination of the adverb “how” with the conjunction “and”:

Just like her sister, Dasha loved to read, but she chose completely different books.

Canaries, like other songbirds, fall silent during the period of hatching their chicks.

The derivative conjunction “also”, formed by merging the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe”, is written together. In a sentence it can be easily replaced with the coordinating conjunction “and”:

There was an unusual excitement in the hall; behind the scenes they were also worried.

There was an unusual feeling of excitement in the hall, and there was excitement behind the scenes.

An important distinguishing feature of the adverbial combination “so” with the particle “zhe” is its syntactic role in a sentence: the adverb, as an independent syntactic unit or as part of a comparative phrase, acts as an adverb. The conjunction is also a service part of speech; it is used to connect parts of a sentence as part of a complex syntactic structure and is not a member of the sentence.

In some cases, the semantic difference between the words “also” and “also” can only be determined by the extended context, including several sentences, or by the intonation that is implied when reading them:

The site determined that the difference between "also" and "also" is as follows:

  1. The combination “also” consists of an adverb with a demonstrative meaning and a particle associated with it in meaning. The word “also” is a derived preposition.
  2. The combination of the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” is written separately. The derivative conjunction “also” is written together.
  3. In a sentence, the adverb “so” with the particle “zhe” has an adverbial meaning and acts as a secondary member. The conjunction “also” does not have an independent lexical meaning and serves to connect individual parts of a syntactic structure.
  4. The combination of “so” with the particle “the same” can be used in a comparative phrase if it is followed by the adverb “how”. The derivative conjunction “also” is easily replaced by the coordinating conjunction “and”.
  5. In some cases, the adverbial combination “also” can be distinguished from the conjunction “also” only by expanded context or intonation with emphasized logical stress.

The word is also written together if it is a conjunction, or separately if it is a combination of the pronominal adverb “so” and the particle “zhe”.

To write this word correctly, you must correctly determine what part of speech it is in the sentence. Spelling can be challenging for several reasons:

  1. The conjunction is also derivative, originating from the connection of the adverb (So) and particles (same)
  2. In Russian, in addition to it, there is also a conjunction construction as well as. In this case, it is written separately.
  3. Sometimes the spelling of this word depends on what meaning the speaker intends. Therefore, the correct spelling will depend on the context of the statement. For example: Masha drew a snow-covered tree in her album. Olya yesterday Also drew (that is, did the same thing). Or: Olya was drawing yesterday Also(that is, the same tree).

To explain the difference in spelling the same or also, we should look at each option separately.

Spelling the combination of an adverb and a particle

“Also” is written separately when it is a combination of an adverb and a particle and has the following properties:

  • Indicates an action done in a similar manner.
  • The question is asked about the lexeme: how?
  • Forms a phrase with the main word, verb or adverb.
  • Particle same can be omitted, the meaning of the sentence will not change.
  • Since the sentence implies a comparison, it is often used union as, or it can be inserted.
  • Synonymous with words equally, similar, similar, in the same way, exactly like that.

Spelling of the conjunction also

In this case, “also” should be written together. This usage is characterized by the following:

  • Attaches some new information to what has already been said.
  • Serves to connect homogeneous members, parts of a complex compound, or to connect sentences into a text (in this case, the lexeme is often used at the beginning of a sentence).
  • It is impossible to ask a question to him; there are no phrases with him.
  • "Zhe" cannot be removed from the text without loss of meaning.
  • Often used in combination with conjunctions: a, i.
  • It can be replaced with synonyms: too, and, also, at the same time.

Spelling of the conjunction construction is the same as

The compound conjunction “as well as” has a separate spelling. His distinctive features are:

  • Attaches a comparative construction.
  • TO "So" it is impossible to ask a question, to identify a phrase with it, because it is part of a single lexeme.
  • It has a uniform spelling and a word cannot be inserted before it.
  • Synonymous with constructions exactly the same as, as well as, as.

Algorithm for choosing the correct spelling

  1. Determine what it is used for in the text: to express comparison or add new information.
  2. Ask a Question.
  3. Try to remove "same".
  4. Look at neighboring lexemes to see if they stand next to each other "and", "a" or "How".
  5. Replace with a synonym.

Example of reasoning.

Lena said why she doesn’t want to go to the holiday, Sveta Also) found an excuse to miss the event. The search word attaches the second stem. It is impossible to ask a question to it, it is impossible to remove the particle “zhe” without losing the meaning. The lexeme is replaced by synonyms: and Sveta found an excuse, Sveta Same I found an excuse. So this is a union that written together.

Father asked me to do this task Also) good, same as the previous one. This lexeme expresses a comparison between the previous and new task. There is a word in the sentence "How". Do (how? in what way?) “so.” “Zhe” can be removed: do so well. Can be replaced with a synonym: do well exactly. This means that this is a combination of an adverb and a particle, which written separately.

I find mathematics an interesting science, as well as physics. The construction forms a comparative phrase and has a uniform spelling. This is not how the question is asked. Can be replaced: like physics. This means that this is part of the conjunction construction, “zhe” is written separately.

In the most general view The rule of combined-separate spelling looks like this: to find out how a word is spelled, you need to determine its meaning: Also– comparison, Also- adding something new to what has already been said.

Is a hyphen possible?

It should be remembered that dictionaries do not provide examples hyphenated spelling the search word. Zhe is a particle that is always written separately, so writing with a hyphen is also impossible.


This lexeme is often confused with introductory words and is distinguished on both sides by punctuation marks. However, this is not true. In sentences with this word A comma is required in the following cases:

  • The sign is placed before connecting conjunctions also, and also, when they serve to connect homogeneous members or grammatical bases. Mom bought milk, cottage cheese, bread, and also fruits.
  • Comparative construction as well as is distinguished by punctuation marks. A comma is placed before So. This day went well, just like the previous one.
  • If Also– an adverb with a particle, and the sentence contains a comparison, a comma is placed before How. Alexey decided to start the letter the same way as the previous one.

In this article we will tell you how to spell also or same, together or separately. We'll show you when to write seamlessly, and when apart, with clear examples.
So let's get started...
There is no universal answer, together or separately. In some cases we write the same way, in others the same way. Understanding when to write how is not difficult at all. The word can be an adverb, answering the question “how?”, or it can be a conjunction.
When “also” is a conjunction, then only continuous spelling is allowed.
When “the same” answers the question “how?” and is an adverb, then we write separately. The particle “zhe” is a kind of addition to the adverb “so”; if it is omitted, the meaning of the sentence will not change.

Let's give a couple of examples of continuous writing.
Vasya received an A in class for his written work, and Also 4 for an oral answer.
Vasya Also I knew what would happen if I didn’t learn my lessons.

Here are some examples of separate writing.
Vasya Also Just like yesterday, I studied my lessons carefully.
He Also I really wanted to learn a lot of new and interesting things.

As we can see, if we omit the particle “zhe” in the first two sentences, we get nonsense.
Vasya received a 5 in class for his written work, and a 4 for his oral answer.
Vasya knew what would happen if he didn’t learn his lessons.

If we omit the particle in the 3rd and 4th examples, we get:
Vasya studied his lessons carefully, just like yesterday.
He wanted so much to learn a lot of new and interesting things.

The meaning of the sentences has not changed; they have retained their literacy.

The easiest way to remember and check your spelling is this way, dropping the “zhe” particle! If it is easily discarded, then we write separately. In other cases it's all together.

Another way to check how to spell the same or also is to try replacing it with the word “more”. If the sentence remains easy to read, then write together, if the meaning has changed, then write separately.
Let's try to replace “also” and “also” with “more” in our examples:
Vasya received a 5 in class for his written work, and another 4 for his oral response.
Vasya also knew what would happen if he didn’t learn his lessons.

The second sentence required a slight rearrangement of words, but the meaning did not change.

Vasya, like yesterday, carefully studied his lessons.
He also really wanted to learn a lot of new and interesting things.

This concludes the question of in which cases it is correct to write in the same way, and in which also.
It's quite easy to remember. Write yourself a few examples and remember this complex rule to reinforce it:

If we want to write also in the meaning “more”, we write together, if in the meaning “so”, then separately.

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