Where is Kuyvashev’s family in a year? Where did the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, live? photo. Political career of Evgeny Kuyvashev

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region since May 2012. Before that, from September 2011 to May 2012, he was the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District; earlier, from January 2011, he was deputy plenipotentiary representative in the same district. Former head of the administration of Tyumen (2007-2011), Tobolsk (2005-2007), the village of Poikovsky, Nefteyugansk district, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen region (2000-2005). In 2005, he worked as deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Bailiff Service for the city of Moscow. Holds the rank of Actual State Counselor Russian Federation II class (2011). Member of the United Russia party.

Evgeniy Vladimirovich Kuyvashev was born on March 16, 1971 in the Tyumen region, in the village of Lugovskoy of the Khanty-Mansiysk region of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous (until 1977 - national) Okrug (KhMAO) , , , , .

After graduating from school, Kuyvashev began his career in the Surgutremstroy trust, then served in the ranks Soviet army. In 1993, he graduated from the Tobolsk Medical School named after Volodya Soldatov (college since 2001) with a degree in dentist-orthodontist.

Later, Kuyvashev moved to the Nefteyugansk district of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, to the urban-type settlement of Poikovsky, where since 1997 he worked in the local administration - he was an assistant to the head of Poikovsky, the first deputy head of the administration of the Nefteyugansk district, Eduard Khudainatov, , , , , , . Subsequently, it was noted that it was Khudainatov Kuyvasheva “in great life... brought it out, and later patronized it."

In 1999, Kuyvashev graduated from the Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation (since 2003 - Moscow Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) with a degree in law and in 2000 became the head of the administration of the village of Poikovsky, , , , . His predecessor Khudainatov, according to media reports, actively invested in the construction and improvement of the village, thanks to which Poikovsky, as the local press put it, became “the second capital of the district, like, say, Leningrad for Russia.” The governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Alexander Filipenko, also highly appreciated the successes of the village. Kuyvashev continued to engage in improvement: it was reported that since 2000, Poikovsky was recognized three times as “the most comfortable city in the district with a population of more than 25 thousand people,” and in 2004 received the honorary title of “the most comfortable village in Russia.” At the same time, Kuyvashev taught the theory of state and law, as well as municipal law at the Poikovsky branch of Tyumen State University.

In 2002, Kuyvashev received a diploma from Yale University in the USA with a degree in management. In 2003, he was mentioned in the press as an “activist of the United Russia party.”

In January 2005 (according to other sources - back in 2004), Kuyvashev left his post in the Poikovsky administration in connection with his transfer to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Press reports on this matter noted that the official “will head one of the departments of the Federal Bailiff Service and will receive the rank of State Counselor of Justice III class, corresponding to the rank of major general.” Indeed, in the same year Kuyvashev moved to the capital - he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the Main Directorate of the FSPP for the city of Moscow - deputy chief bailiff of Moscow. The department at that time was headed by Alexander Komarov, who in the early 2000s held the post of deputy chief bailiff of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, , , , , , , , ; The head of the Federal Bailiff Service since 2004 has been Nikolai Vinnichenko.

In the same year, Kuyvashev left the capital. It was reported that according to the new method of urban government introduced in the city of Tobolsk in early November 2005, the mayor of Tobolsk Evgeny Vorobyov became chairman of the city duma and head municipality, administrative powers and “the functions of the main city manager” were to be transferred to a new person - a city manager hired under a five-year contract. United Russia recommended Kuyvashev for this post, , , , . The press noted that he “received an invitation” to head Tobolsk at a time when Sergei Sobyanin was the governor of the Tyumen region (on November 14, 2005, he was appointed head of the administration of Russian President Vladimir Putin).

On November 30, 2005, deputies of the Tobolsk City Duma unanimously voted for Kuyvashev’s candidacy for the post of head of the city administration, , , , , . It was later reported that in Tobolsk Kuyvashev was also involved in landscaping, solving housing and communal services problems, and also “initiated and began to implement targeted programs,” trying to make the city “attractive to investors as a tourist center.” The press noted that the official managed to “create a good team around himself,” which continued to work successfully even after he left office.

On July 5, 2007, deputies of the Tyumen City Duma elected Kuyvashev as head of the administration of the city of Tyumen. In this post, he replaced Sergei Smetanyuk, who became deputy governor of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev, , , , , , . The media subsequently noted that this appointment also happened, most likely, “not without the participation” of Sobyanin.

Talking about Kuyvashev's achievements as city manager of Tyumen, the press, in particular, pointed out that it was thanks to his efforts that the city was included in the federal program "Energy Saving Quarter" to stimulate energy saving. The media also noted that under Kuyvashev, “the construction of the Tyumen embankment entered its final stage.” Under Kuyvashev, a unified transport card was introduced in Tyumen for all municipal transport - despite the fact that this measure was perceived by the population “ambiguously” due to difficulties both with paying for trips by the “beneficiaries” themselves, and with reimbursing money to carriers for travel of this categories of citizens , , , , . At the same time, information was published in the media according to which the transport card was developed and implemented by the Tyumen Transport System OJSC company, which since January 2008 was managed by Alexey Rakov, the younger brother of Anastasia Rakova (from 2001 to 2005 she was Sobyanin’s assistant as the governor of the Tyumen region, and since 2006, she held the post of his deputy as head of the secretariat of the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation) , , , . Another initiative of Kuyvashev that was widely covered in the media was the installation of glass walls and doors in the offices of city administration officials, which was supposed to limit bureaucracy and help reduce the level of corruption. However, sources of the publication "URA.Ru" noted that the city manager's step was "populist": only the rooms of ordinary employees became glass, and not the deputy heads of the mayor's office or department directors.

In 2010, Kuyvashev passed professional retraining in the program "State and Municipal Administration" at Tyumen State University,. On January 29, 2011, by order of the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, Sergei Naryshkin, he was appointed deputy of Nikolai Vinnichenko, who in December 2008 took the post of presidential plenipotentiary representative in the Ural Federal District, , , , (in this post, Kuyvashev replaced Alexander Beletsky,).

At that time, the regional press wrote that the new deputy Vinnichenko would oversee economic issues, which were once dealt with by Sergei Sobyanin, being the first deputy of Plenipotentiary Representative Pyotr Latyshev. It was noted that Sobyanin developed an “impressive program” for the development of the district, which provided for the “involvement of all six “Ural” subjects” in a single system economic relations. However, he did not have time to implement it, because he held his post for only six months, and only the Ural Industrial - Ural Polar corporation was created. The press assumed that Kuyvashev would continue to implement the program. Indeed, in April 2011 he was elected chairman of the supervisory board of the corporation. However, in the same month, reports appeared in the press about problems with financing the project and attracting investors, and it soon became known that the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation refused to allocate money for the expensive construction projects of the Industrial Urals - the Polar Urals from the country's budget for 2012.

In June 2011, "a certain initiative group from Tyumen" filed an application with the local Investigation Department Investigative Committee RF about Kuyvashev’s excess of official powers when making a decision to postpone the construction of an underground pedestrian crossing. However, the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia refused to initiate a criminal case.

In August 2011, Kuyvashev was appointed investment commissioner of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in the Ural Federal District. His responsibilities included “comprehensive assistance to entrepreneurs in the implementation of private investment projects” on his territory, , . And on September 6, 2011, by presidential decree, Kuyvashev was appointed presidential plenipotentiary representative in the Ural Federal District. At the same time, Vinnichenko was transferred as plenipotentiary representative to the Northwestern Federal District. Commenting on Kuyvashev’s appointment, the media again reported that the official was “close to a native of the region” Sobyanin (mayor of Moscow since October 2010). It was also noted that the success of the official’s career could have been influenced by Khudainatov, since September 2010 - the head of the Rosneft company. The new plenipotentiary representative was also called “Vinnichenko’s man” in the press of the Ural District. Noting that the latter was Medvedev’s classmate (they studied together at Leningrad State University), some political scientists, assessing the personnel changes made, concluded that the head of state wanted to strengthen his influence in the regions.

On May 14, 2012, by decree of Putin, who had shortly before returned to the post of President of Russia, Kuyvashev was relieved of the post of presidential plenipotentiary representative in the Urals Federal District and appointed acting governor of the Sverdlovsk region instead of Alexander Misharin, who was dismissed on the same day.

On May 29, 2012, after Putin submitted his candidacy, Kuyvashev was approved as governor of the Sverdlovsk region. 46 out of 48 deputies of the local legislative assembly present at the meeting voted for him.

By presidential decree in May 2011, Kuyvashev was awarded the rank of Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, II class. According to media reports, the official loves “old domestic films,” in particular, “Officers” and “Love and Doves,” and “reads a lot of the press,” including on the Internet. It was also noted that he himself does not like to use the word “official,” preferring to call government employees “specialists.”

Kuyvashev is married to Natalya Kuyvasheva. It was reported that she studied at the Moscow sommelier school "Enotria" and in 2009 opened a boutique of elite wines "Three Glasses" in the historical center of Tyumen.

Used materials

Kuyvashev was confirmed as governor of the Sverdlovsk region. - RIA News, 29.05.2012

The President nominated Evgeny Kuyvashev for the post of governor of the Sverdlovsk region. - Official website of the President of Russia (president.rf), 24.05.2012

Kuyvashev was appointed acting. Governor of the Sverdlovsk region. - Pravda UrFO, 14.05.2012

Evgeny Kuyvashev has been relieved of his post as Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Ural Federal District. - Website of the President of Russia (kremlin.ru), 14.05.2012

Putin officially took office as President of the Russian Federation. - Interfax, 07.05.2012

Irina Kryuchkova. These are statements of individual people who are no longer in the government of the Russian Federation.... - Ura.Ru, 29.09.2011

Liliya Biryukova. The Urals are impractical. - Vedomosti, 23.09.2011. - № 179 (2945)

Changes have been made to the composition of the Security Council. - Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, 14.09.2011

Natalia Kostenko, Alla Tokareva, Anatoly Temkin. Plenipotentiaries walk in a circle. - Vedomosti, 07.09.2011. - № 167 (2933)

Maria Plyusnina. From Tobolsk to the Urals Federal District. - Kommersant (Ekaterinburg), 07.09.2011. - № 166 (4704)

There is a new plenipotentiary representative in the Ural Federal District. Theme of the day. - TV company OTV, 07.09.2011

On the appointment of presidential plenipotentiaries in a number of federal districts. - Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, 06.09.2011

Ura.Ru. Who is Kuyvashev and what to expect from him. - Vitaly Sotnik, 06.09.2011

Elizaveta Surnacheva. Kremlin representatives. - Gazeta.Ru, 06.09.2011

Ksenia Kabanova. Medvedev appointed Kuyvashev as investment commissioner in the Urals Federal District. - UralPolit.Ru, 03.08.2011

Commissioner for Investments in the Urals Federal District Evgeniy Kuyvashev: Our district is still inferior to other regions in terms of investment attractiveness. - Information and analytical agency "UralBusinessConsulting", 02.08.2011

Konstantin Udmurtov. Tyumen chose a dentist. - SIGHT, 05.07.2011

The supervisory board of the Ural Industrial – Ural Polar corporation has been approved. Kuyvashev again became the chairman. - Ura.Ru, 30.06.2011

An investment commissioner has appeared in the Urals Federal District. - New Region- Ekaterinburg, 30.05.2011

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2011 N 585 “On the assignment of class ranks of the state civil service of the Russian Federation to federal state civil servants of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.” - President of Russia, 05.05.2011

The ex-head of Tyumen headed the supervisory board of UP-UP. - UralPolit.RU, 25.04.2011

UPUP can be “flattened” on the Yamal Anvil. - Uralinformburo, 05.04.2011

As the mayor of Tyumen, Kuyvashev was promoted to the Urals Federal District. - Golosa.info, 11.03.2011

The head of UP-UP has been appointed. - Kommersant (Ekaterinburg), 22.02.2011. - №31 (4569)

The buses started moving, but the problems remained. - Tumix.ru, 11.02.2011

Citizens of Tyumen demand that Evgeny Kuyvashev be summoned for questioning. - Tapki.org, 07.02.2011

Evgeny Kuyvashev is resuscitating Sobyanin’s program. - SIA-PRESS, 03.02.2011

Maria Plyusnina. The city manager has grown to become a plenipotentiary. - Kommersant (Ekaterinburg), 03.02.2011. - №18 (4556)

There will be a new head of the Tyumen Administration. - Information agency "In our yard", 03.02.2011

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev found himself involved in two major scandals at once.

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev found himself involved in two major scandals at once. Opposition circles in the region believe that he not only decided on a “raider takeover” of a major independent media outlet, but also promised one of the key positions in the region to Viktor Vekselberg’s “protege.” This was reported to the correspondent of The Moscow Post representatives of the opposition of the Sverdlovsk region.

Is the governor teetering on the brink of resignation?

As you know, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, who was never able to take part in the early elections, is now experiencing serious political problems. Despite the fact that Kuyvashev's term of office expires in May 2017, rumors about his likely resignation appeared in the spring of 2014.

Moreover, the media have already begun to say that the new governor will be UMMC General Director Andrey Kozitsin, who enjoys great popularity and authority in the region, is a member of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and is personally acquainted with Vladimir Putin.

Of course, the confrontation between the current head of the region and the general director of UMMC forced Kuyvashev to look for a lobby in the circles of big business. As a result, in the Sverdlovsk region they began to seriously talk about the fact that the head of the region was seeking support from the oligarchs.

Kuyvashev brings “Vekselberg’s henchmen” to power?

According to preliminary data, the current governor of the Sverdlovsk region was able to enlist the support of the owner of the Renova holding, Viktor Vekselberg. It is worth noting that the head of the region and the owner of Renova have long had common interests. For example, they jointly visited the Ural Turbine Plant (UTZ), owned by Vekselberg.

However, it seems that the friendship between Kuyvashev and Vekselberg did not end there, since, according to rumors, the governor began to actively flood the executive branch with people in one way or another connected with Renova.

As local media write, soon the director of the Ural Turbine Plant, Mikhail Lifshits, who last week accompanied Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev to Belarus,...

Kuyvashev and Vekselberg at UTZ

So, in fact, Kuyvashev has already begun to introduce top managers associated with Vekselberg into key positions in power.

“Mysterious fate” 40 billion rubles?

At the same time, as it turned out, Kuyvashev had already given the owner of Renova a “priceless gift.” The thing is that the energy sector of the capital of the Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, will soon come under the control of Viktor Vekselberg.

The governor of the region and Evgeny Kuyvashev helped Viktor Feliksovich initiate the creation of the Unified Heat Supply Company (UTK), which will combine the assets of MUP Ekaterinburgenergo and IES-Holding Vekselberg and become the operator for the transfer of hot water supply (DHW) to a closed scheme. The cost of the project is 40 billion rubles!!!

Mikhail Lifshits, General Director of UTZ (part of Renova)

Viktor Feliksovich’s interest is understandable; in addition, the preliminary cost of the project may increase to 40 billion rubles, IES-Holding intends to invest 30% of the total cost of the project, another 70% is planned to be received from the treasury, but the final financing option must be determined by the beginning 2015.

That is, in fact, Kuyvashev will pay 70% of the 40 billion rubles from the budget, and Vekselberg, having paid only 30%, will put almost the entire utility sector of Yekaterinburg under the control of IES-Holding. Experts have already drawn attention to the possible corruption component of this agreement. Did Vekselberg somehow “financially motivate” Kuyvashev so that he would agree to pay for 70% of this “municipal project” from the budget and at the same time also give “municipal powers” ​​to the structure of IES-Holding?!!

New “attack” on the independent press?

In the meantime, Kuyvashev continues to virtually openly lobby Vekselberg’s interests; he is simultaneously trying to “eliminate” his political competitors. And we are talking here not only about the mayor of Yekaterinburg, elected by the people, Yevgeny Roizman, who, according to rumors, relies on the support of billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov.

So, the new object of attack was Evgeniy Roizman’s longtime friend and founder of the online newspaper Znak.com Aksana Panova, who previously controlled the Ural news agency Ura.ru (but later this asset was simply “squeezed out” from Panova, according to experts, in the interests of the governor )

Aksana Panova and Yevgeny Roizman (political opponents of Kuyvashev)

And at the end of last week, news agency Ura.ru sent to arbitration court a lawsuit against its former editor-in-chief Aksana Panova for an amount of more than 27 million rubles, a significant part of which is the resource’s debts to the tax service.

Thus, voters can no longer trust the head of the region, given his old mistakes and new flaws! It seems that the Sverdlovsk region will soon have a new governor!



“There are significant gaps in the description of work activities”

The blank spots in Kuyvashev's biography interested not only us, but also the presidential administration. Documentation

There are many blank spots in the biography of Sverdlovsk Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev. By adding mystery to his image, they hide the answer to the main question: what events in the late 1990s - early 2000s so twisted the spring of Mr. Kuyvashev’s fate that in just fifteen years he made a huge career path, ascended from being a concrete mixer operator to the head of one of the largest regions of the country. the site tried to study one of the stages of Evgeny Kuyvashev’s life path - his studies at the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation. It turned out that the more you research the past of the Sverdlovsk governor, the more questions arise.

Studying at school and university is an important stage in the life of any person. When journalists study the biography of a politician, they cannot ignore this point, because it is here that many life principles and behavioral attitudes are formed, which then determine the politician’s behavior style. Numerous friends immediately appear, who - as we well know from the examples of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev - can become the basis for the personnel policy of major leaders.

In the case of Evgeny Kuyvashev, such research is not an easy task. Just a few days after Yevgeny Vladimirovich was confirmed as the governor of the Sverdlovsk region in May 2012, blogs and social networks began to discuss the official biographical certificate, which was presented to the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region.

It was clear from it that after school, Evgeny Kuyvashev did not go to university, instead he went to serve in the army, worked, studied to be a dental technician in Tobolsk, and higher education received it later. And not just anywhere, but right away at the Moscow Military Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation. And if we assume that Kuyvashev studied there for the five years necessary to obtain a diploma (this is the period of study in the specialty “law” at this university), then he should have entered his studies in 1994. At the same time, in 1994-1996, as can be seen from the same certificate, Kuyvashev worked in Poikovsky as a concrete mixer operator and a tower erector, and how he managed to study at that time at an institute that involved barracks-like conditions for students and 30-day entrance fees is unclear .

Naturally, the points in the new governor’s biography aroused caution. It is possible, but quite difficult, to imagine a concrete mixer operator from a northern village (with all due respect to this profession) who suddenly decided to enroll in the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB. It is easier to assume that after the accelerated start of Kuyvashev’s political career in 1996, he was somehow “helped” with obtaining a diploma.

We will interpret any doubts in favor of the hero of the publication. Perhaps he actually entered a university and studied there - for example, by correspondence and distance learning, coming to Moscow to take exams. We tried to find out whether this form of training is possible at the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB. Unfortunately, it is difficult to simply call a university or study its official website - the institute under the control of the security officers is not very open to outside questions. However, wherever there is brief information about the university, there is a line “The young men are in a barracks situation.”

It was possible to contact the university only through a written request. At first we received the following response (hereinafter “URA.Ru” is mentioned due to the fact that some of the materials were collected while the author was working in another media):

It would seem almost a sensation: in the university, which, according to the official certificate, the Sverdlovsk governor graduated, there is no data about such a graduate and they specifically clarify that he could not study remotely. However, the phrase “the requested data is not available” can be interpreted differently: in an oral conversation, a representative of the university said that data on graduates is classified and transferred for storage to the specified archive.

Some time after receiving the first letter, we received a call from the border institute again and said that they had sent a letter with clarification. It actually arrived and looked like this:

The answer was comprehensive, even with the diploma number, but the very fact of sending a repeated letter was alarming, as if the FSB institute suddenly realized it. And we tried to find Evgeniy Vladimirovich’s classmates who could remember such a student. Using the search social network“On Contact,” we found several dozen people who graduated from the same university in 1999, many of them with the same specialty. We approached all of them with a question about the student Kuyvashev, but only a few answered. Their remarks are worthy of attention.

This is where the communication ended.

What is said here is that, after all, some form distance learning could have taken place.

The site could not find information about the Modern Humanitarian University, which would officially provide such an opportunity. At the same time, there are several universities with the name “Modern Humanities University", one of them has a branch in Tyumen, and among the faculties there is also a law department. Hypothetically, Evgeny Kuyvashev could study there and finish his last year at the MPI FSB of the Russian Federation.

We contacted the administration of the Sverdlovsk governor for comments. Deputy Head of Administration Ilya Ananyev explained that “everything that is in official sources biography of Evgeniy Vladimirovich should not be questioned.” “We must take into account that he was recently the presidential envoy to the Urals Federal District,” says Ananyev. - This position implies the highest level of access to work with classified documents and the highest security clearance. The position of plenipotentiary representative implies the strictest (under a microscope) review and verification at the federal level. It takes quite a long time, sometimes up to six months, and only after all the nuances and all questions on the part of the special services have been resolved, a person is appointed. As a rule, information is raised by special services, and in our case this is the Federal Security Service (since the plenipotentiary has constant contact with the first person of the country), the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the tax service - in general, a person is checked from the moment of birth until the present day. Therefore, any irregularities in the biography are excluded. A person with even the slightest question in his biography would immediately be kicked out of the reserve,” says Ananyev.

Here we can add that during the inspection of Yevgeny Kuyvashev, when he was appointed to the post of plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Presidential Administration for civil service and personnel, questions arose regarding the biography of Evgeniy Vladimirovich (however, judging by the appointment, they were removed). So, in a secret note addressed to the head of the department, Dubik S.N. it is stated that “in the personal file submitted for consideration, as well as the materials for approving the admission of Kuyvasheva E.V. information constituting a state secret, there are significant gaps in the description labor activity candidate..."

The note states that, according to the diploma provided, Kuyvashev studied at the Border Institute from 1994 to 1999, gained access to state secrets and, according to the contract, was supposed to continue serving at the border posts of the Caucasus. However, he terminated the contract and resigned from the border service (it is noted that in 1999 the entire graduating class of his university was sent to participate in the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya; there is no data on such a period in Kuyvashev’s life).

In the second part of the note, Kuyvashev is also reminded of his studies at Yale and “uncontrolled” trips outside the Russian Federation. The author of the document requests permission for additional verification with the involvement of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

Judging by the fact that Kuyvashev became plenipotentiary, and then Sverdlovsk governor, this check went well for him and there was nothing in his biography that would discourage the Kremlin curators. Kuyvashev’s diploma is not fictitious, however, most likely, it was obtained in a non-standard way. Such white spots in the past, unimaginable for politician in any developed democracy, will limit the potential of Evgeny Kuyvashev as a public politician.

Sverdlovsk region. He was the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia (D. Medvedev) in the Ural Federal District (2011-2012). Has several higher educations.

Childhood and youth

Evgeniy Vladimirovich Kuyvashev was born in the village of Lugovskoy, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (KhMAO), on March sixteen, 1971. After graduating from school, he went to work at the Surgutremstroy trust. After serving in the army, he then entered the Tobolsk Medical School. He graduated from it and received the specialty “dentist-orthodontist” in ninety-three.

Start of work

After some time, he decided to move to the Nefteyugansk district of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, where he settled in the urban-type settlement of Poikovsky. Since 1997, he began working in the local administration. Evgeny Kuyvashev was an assistant to the head of his village. Then he rose to the rank of assistant to the deputy head of the administration of the Nefteyugansk region E. Khudainatov.

Head of the village

In 1999, Evgeniy received a diploma from the Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence. In 2000, he headed the administration of the village of Poikovsky. Kuyvashev’s predecessor Khudainatov actively invested money in the improvement and construction of this settlement. As the local press put it, Poikovsky became another capital of the district, like, for example, St. Petersburg for the Russian Federation.

Governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug A. Filipenko highly appreciated Kuyvashev’s successes as head of the village administration. Evgeniy did not stop there and continued to improve his settlement. Since 2000, Poikovsky has been recognized as the most comfortable three times locality with a population of more than twenty-five thousand people. In 2004, it was awarded the title of “the most comfortable village in the Russian Federation.”

Evgeny Kuyvashev, whose photo can be seen in this article, combined leadership activities with teaching the theory of state and law at the local branch of TSU (Tyumen State University). In 2002, he received a degree in management from Yale University in the United States of America. Since 2003, the press began to call him an activist of the United Russia party.

Moving to the capital

At the beginning of 2005, Evgeny Kuyvashev, whose biography is closely connected with politics, left his post in the village administration. The press mentioned that he would head one of the departments of the bailiff service. Evgeniy moved to Moscow, where he was appointed deputy head of the Main Directorate of the FSPP. This department was then headed by who in the early 2000s served as deputy chief bailiff of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.


Kuyvashev Evgeniy Vladimirovich did not stay in Moscow for long, and in the same 2005 he left the capital of Russia. The press reported that in November 2005, a new way city ​​government. the then mayor of the city became the head of the municipality and chairman of the local duma, and administrative powers were to pass to the city manager, who was hired under a contract for 5 years.

The United Russia party recommended Evgeniy for this post. The media noted that he was invited to lead Tobolsk back in the days when he was the governor of the Tyumen region. On November 14, 2005, the latter was appointed head of V. Putin’s administration.

On November 30, 2005, the Tobolsk Duma approved the official’s candidacy for the post. In the new place, he continued to work on landscaping, solved housing and communal services problems and attracted investors. The media noted that he was able to organize an excellent team around himself, which worked successfully after Kuyvashev left his post.


On July 5, 2007, Evgeny Kuyvashev was elected mayor of Tyumen. He replaced S. Smetanyuk, who took over the post of Deputy Governor of the Tyumen Region V. Yakushev. It was mentioned in the press that thanks to Kuyvashev, Tyumen was included in the “Energy Saving Quarter” program to stimulate energy conservation. It was also noted that the Tyumen embankment was built under him.

Another of his initiatives was the installation of glass doors and walls in the offices of city administration officials. As planned, this was supposed to help reduce corruption in the ranks of officials. But this step by Kuyvashev was more populist, because only the offices of ordinary employees were made glass, and not of department directors and deputy heads of the mayor’s office.

Retraining and new positions

In 2010, Evgeniy underwent retraining at TSU under a program called “State and Municipal Administration.” On January 29, 2011, he was appointed deputy of N. Vinnichenko, who was the presidential envoy to the Ural Federal District. In this post, Kuyvashev replaced A. Beletsky.

The press wrote that Evgeny would deal with economic issues that were previously supervised by S. Sobyanin, who at that time held the post of deputy plenipotentiary representative of P. Latyshev. It was noted that the latter developed a development program that provided for the involvement of all Ural subjects in common system economic relations. He did not have time to implement it, since he spent only six months in his post.

Facilities mass media it was assumed that Evgeny Kuyvashev would continue Sobyanin’s work. But in April 2011, reports began to appear that some problems had arisen with the financing of the project. And the Ministry of Finance did not allocate funds from the country’s budget for expensive projects.

In the summer of 2011, some persons from Tyumen, whose names were not specified, filed a statement with the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation about Kuyvashev exceeding his official powers. We are talking about the time when, while still in the position of city manager, Evgeniy Vladimirovich decided to postpone the construction of an underground pedestrian crossing. The regional department of the RF IC did not initiate a criminal case.

That same summer, the official was appointed investment commissioner of D. Medvedev for the Ural Federal District. His responsibilities were to assist entrepreneurs in the implementation of investment projects.


On September 14, 2011, Kuyvashev was included in the Security Council of the Russian Federation. And already on the fourteenth of May next year he was released from the post of plenipotentiary representative in the Ural Federal District and appointed acting. Governor of the Sverdlovsk region. On May 29, 2012, he was officially confirmed as governor. His candidacy was supported by the majority of deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

Legislative initiatives

In August 2012, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, put forward an initiative to license the activities of organizations that rehabilitate drug addicts. He argued that this licensing is important for the safety of citizens. On his instructions, a state center “Urals without drugs” was created in the Sverdlovsk region. The press mentioned that the logo of this center was very similar to the logo public organization"City Without Drugs", headed by


Unconfirmed information appeared in the media that Kuyvashev was connected with businessmen A. Bikov and A. Bobrov, who were suspected of money laundering. They were called his sponsors. The governor himself denies everything.

A well-known journalist, former editor-in-chief of the Ural agency Ura.ru, who was accused in a number of criminal cases, claims that it was Kuyvashev who “ordered” her. There is no official confirmation of this.

Personal life

Kuyvashev Evgeniy Vladimirovich, whose wife is known in our country as a successful businesswoman, is happily married and has a daughter and son. His wife Natalya is the co-owner of a wine boutique called “Three Glasses,” located in the historical center of Tyumen. Owning a luxury alcohol store is Natalia’s dream, which she was able to bring to life. In addition, she has assets in some other areas of business, in particular, she owns several cafes.

Kuyvashev today

In May 2016, Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev reported to the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region on the results of 2015 and outlined plans and possible prospects. According to his report, from the moment he took office until 2015, 8 million square meters were put into operation. m of housing. The level of wages and production volumes increased almost 1.5 times. He notes that during this time the regional economy was able to receive 1.5 trillion rubles of investment.

Governor's income

Kuyvashev Evgeniy Vladimirovich - governor with classy rank. On May 5, 2011, he was awarded the rank of Actual State Councilor of the Russian Federation, second class. And already on November 30, 2011, he becomes Actual State Councilor of the Russian Federation, first class.

In 2011, Kuyvashev’s income (then he worked as presidential envoy) amounted to 3.7 million rubles. The income of his wife Natalya is 3.1 million.

After Kuyvashev became governor of the Sverdlovsk region, he purchased an elite apartment in the center of Yekaterinburg worth about sixteen million rubles.

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