Who bombed Aleppo in September. The end of the war? The significance of the fall of AleppoPlot. Strategic importance of Aleppo for Syria

Of course, there have been contract killings before. They “ordered” politicians, officials, and bankers, but mainly because of money. But O. Elderberry didn’t have them. IN Lately he did not work - he left the Segodnya newspaper, but even when he worked for it, there is no doubt that he was not involved either in the financing of the Anti-Maidan, or in privatization, or in the “LPR / DPR” - in general, in nothing that smells bad of big money. It is therefore not surprising that they are clumsily trying to connect this murder with money.

“I’ll give you an example regarding the economic component,” said Vasily Vovk, head of the main investigation department SBU, on the ICTV channel. - You all know that Mr. Kalashnikov dealt with the financial issues of the Anti-Maidan. I will give an example that does not provide any grounds or reasons to say or establish something. But on the same day with the murder of Kalashnikov, he brother got into an accident. During the inspection of the car, 6 million hryvnia were found in it. I am not assessing the fact. But let’s still connect some threads and consider these issues in more detail. I think there is an economic component to each of these murders.”

The only problem is that the accident with a man named Kalashnikov did not happen on the same day as the murder of the ex-deputy from the Party of Regions, but in 2009. They actually found 6 million UAH in the car. And they weren’t brothers - they were just namesakes, Oleg Kalashnikov had no brothers, only a sister... But the desire to connect Buzina’s murder with money is easy to notice.

Who is looking for something in common between Buzina and Nemtsov?

Immediately after the incident, they began to draw a parallel between Oles Buzina and Boris Nemtsov. Both seem to be inconvenient for the authorities, staunch oppositionists, and at the same time people with charisma and to a certain extent popular. But B. Nemtsov is still a politician, and O. Buzin is definitely not. Politics is behind-the-scenes agreements, intrigues and compromises, and for Ukrainian writer, the author of the scandalous book “The Ghoul Taras Shevchenko,” which, judging by the Internet search engine Google, everyone now wants to read - maybe get acquainted with the work of O. Buzina or refresh their memory - such little things were alien. He loved to surprise the public, and, moreover, was a fairly open person to politics. There is one more discrepancy. During a meeting with the press, which took place literally at the moment when O. Buzina was being killed in Kiev, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that within a few hours the investigative authorities had identified the perpetrators of the murder on the Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge in Moscow. To some extent, it was a matter of honor for the Russian authorities to give quick answers in that situation. Probably, it should be a matter of honor for the Ukrainian law enforcement system to solve the murder of Oles Buzina. This was formally confirmed by the Minister of Internal Affairs:

“The daring murder of Oles Buzina in Kyiv is being investigated with all care. the best specialists criminal investigation and prosecutor's office. Competently and using all possible potential at the disposal of the police and others security forces. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will definitely openly present the results of the investigation, which we hope will be effective. The same applies to the investigation into the murder of Oleg Kalashnikov,” said Arsen Avakov, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How can murder harm a country?

“The fact that a year after the Maidan they suddenly kill two people who have no influence on anything, who are left out of work and who are in opposition to the current government, suggests that the customer or customers are pursuing certain, rather non-standard and non-obvious goals,” says the political scientist Andrey Miselyuk, director of the Institute for Socio-Political Design “Dialogue”. - It looks like a provocation, destabilization - anything, but not politics. Very soon, at the Ukraine-EU summit, which will open in Kyiv on April 27, the Ukrainian authorities will have to answer uncomfortable questions from Europeans on the topic of “political terror” in the country. Kyiv can get out of this difficult situation with honor if investigators quickly identify at least the perpetrators, or better yet, the masterminds of both murders. Otherwise, a series of unmotivated violent deaths related to famous people, may last."

By the way, there will undoubtedly be awkward questions. Immediately after the high-profile murder, a flurry of hatred swept across social networks, which some mistakenly confused with patriotism. Europe reacted quite differently. For example, Dunja Mijatović, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media called the incident a “terrible act” and said: “This murder must be immediately and fully investigated by the competent authorities. The Ukrainian authorities must highlight everything necessary resources to investigate all attacks on journalists."

What is confusing about the “Russian trace” story?

Apart from Avakov’s statement, there was practically no news about the investigation into the murder from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. News came from other sources. For example, from Vladimir Fesenko, political scientist, head of the Penta Center for Applied Political Research. Shortly after the murder of O. Buzina, he reported that a letter had arrived in his mail from a certain organization called the “Ukrainian Insurgent Army.” This organization took responsibility for the murder of Oles Buzina, and at the same time Chechetov, Peklushenko, Melnik, Kalashnikov. That is, for all the high-profile political murders that have occurred recently. Previously, no one had heard of such an organization in modern Ukraine: the UPA is a phenomenon of the Second World War and the post-war years. “This statement confirms my version that radicals will be declared as perpetrators of the murder of Buzina and Kalashnikov Ukrainian nationalists“, the political scientist summarized. “This further strengthens my suspicion that the Russian special services are behind these people (although the direct perpetrators may not even suspect this),” Fesenko expressed his opinion on this matter.

Soon Markiyan Lubkivsky, Advisor to the Chairman of the SBU, confirmed: the UPA is a fake, there are Russianisms in the text of the letter sent to the political scientist. This of course doesn’t mean anything, but... In general, the “Russian trace”! By the way, political scientists started talking about him five minutes after the news that O. Buzina had been killed. Of course, who else, besides the Russians, could kill a pro-Russian writer in Kyiv? This is alarming. There is a feeling that no one wants to look at any other traces. An indicative quote in this regard belongs again to V. Vovk from the SBU: “There is different versions. In particular, about the involvement of Russian special services in crimes. But these are only versions. No one now speaks as an established fact that these murders were either planned, or orchestrated, or carried out with the help of the intelligence services of foreign states.”

Who benefits from turning murder into a farce?

No one heard any other news about the progress of the investigation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But from Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs- it is in this capacity that he is known much more than the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada - we learned about a fun, one might say, April Fools' prank on the “Peacemaker” website. The site collected information about the enemies of Ukraine. All sorts of “Colorados”. Last names, photos, home addresses and other details. And it seems that the day before the murder of O. Kalashnikov, information about him appeared there. In exactly the same way - the day before the murder of O. Buzina - information about him. A scandal broke out. “Peacemaker” is an information site for killers,” it was dubbed in the Russian and “LPR/DPR” media. But it turned out that A. Gerashchenko, who actually produced the site, was simply innocently playing pranks.

On Thursday, April 16, the famous journalist and writer Oles Buzina was killed in Kyiv. As far as I know, in the near future he was supposed to be interrogated in the case of organizing Anti-Maidan during the Revolution of Dignity - just like ex-regional Oleg Kalashnikov, who was killed the day before. The fact that these murders occurred shortly before these interrogations gives rise to very strong suspicions.

Versions of what happened may vary. Maybe this murder occurred to destabilize the situation in Ukraine in anticipation of the resumption of offensive hostilities in the Donbass. Perhaps the dead knew something about the situation around the Anti-Maidan and the “titushki”, although, it would seem, what was so secret and incredible about it? The version according to which Kalashnikov and, possibly, Buzina were killed for plundering funds for paid rallies and Anti-Maidan, I consider unlikely. I think that this is not such a terrible secret that people will kill for it. After all, those who ordered such rallies already know very well that in such situations at least half of the money is stolen - this is a normal, common practice.

Oles Buzina was an ideological pro-Russian “Little Russian”, and this was his credo. He was simply a writer, an iconic and trending figure, his creative method was shocking sensations from scratch. Oles was proud to be one of the few writers in Ukraine who live from the sale of books. However, he did not seriously participate in politics. Therefore, he could have been killed for the general destabilization of the situation in Ukraine. As for Oleg Kalashnikov, the Party of Regions got rid of him a long time ago because he spoiled their image. In general, he was a marginal activist who tried to win back the sympathy of the “regionals.”

At the same time, it is possible that Kalashnikov and Buzina could well have been killed as unnecessary witnesses, especially if they had information related to snipers and the shooting of the “Heavenly Hundred” on the Maidan or the tragedy of May 2, 2014 in Odessa. Against this background, the crimes of the “titushki” were not so egregious, except, perhaps, for the murder of Vesti newspaper journalist Vyacheslav Veremiy.

I also do not believe that there is any connection between the murder of journalist Sergei Sukhobok and Oles Buzina. I knew Sukhobok personally, but the last time I spoke was a long time ago. He walked on a “knife’s edge” while working for the online publication Obkom several years ago, and it was really scary. But recently he has not been involved in high-profile political revelations, so the murder of Sergei is non-political in nature.

As for the reaction of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the murder of Oles Buzina, his words sounded in the trend of the existing monologue about Ukraine. That's all he talked about: fascism in Ukraine, chaos, ban on May 9, citizens of the east rebelled against the Kyiv junta, etc. The news of Oles' murder fit very well into his rhetoric. So this is not surprising.

I think that the investigative authorities of Ukraine should consider any versions, including the most exotic ones. After all, modern politics is done primarily on television, in the information space.

Have you ever watched the TV series “Trace”, where FES employees, using state-of-the-art equipment, fidgeting in chairs on wheels, expose criminals based on abandoned clothes or found hair? Personally, I somehow didn’t particularly believe this, knowing how painfully long it takes to find and pin the true criminals against the wall, but modern Ukraine, where every conceivable law is violated, still “convinced me.”

Minister Avakov, refuting the immediate version of his own adviser Gerashchenko, many political scientists and the media about the “Russian trace,” said that the killers of the remarkable publicist Oles Buzina had been found. These are young Maidan activists and ATO participants who were arrested based on direct evidence, as the minister assured: “The criminal investigation department and the investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted an investigation into this murder for two months. Facts were established and direct evidence was obtained about the participation of a group of people in this crime, including the direct perpetrators of the murder.” Weighty! Well, the most compelling evidence was added by colleagues of experts from the television series “Trace.” Forensic molecular genetic examination was carried out by specialists from the Scientific Research Forensic Center under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Conclusion: “The genetic characteristics of the buccal epithelium sample from Denis Valerievich Polishchuk coincide with the genetic characteristics of cells with nuclei on the undersides of the front of sweatpants, the cuff of the right sleeve of a sports jacket... a medical mask,” the conclusion says. “The genetic characteristics of the sample of buccal epithelium of Andrei Aleksandrovich Medvedko coincide with the genetic characteristics of cells with nuclei on the cap, medical mask 1, medical mask 2, and are not contained among the mixed genetic characteristics of cells with nuclei on the underside of the collar of a sports jacket...”, concluded publicly experts. Earlier, the press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Artyom Shevchenko reported that “not far from the Ford Focus car abandoned by Buzina’s killers, a number of things were discovered that probably (? - A.B.), belonged to killers." Among them - " tracksuits(two pairs of pants and jackets), hats, two medical masks.” Well, that’s it: Colonel Rogozina from the series should be envious, and the investigators should be grateful and transfer the cases to a fair trial. Yes, for some reason he is vaguely delaying the case: the Shevchenkovsky District Court of Kiev on August 14-15 extended the detention of suspects in the April 16 murder of journalist and publicist Oles Buzina, pro-Ukrainian activists, as the media put it, Andrei Medvedko and Denis Polishchuk for another 60 days until October 10. What additional things do investigators want to dig up?

But before this second trial, the lawyer of the suspects in the murder of Oles Buzina, Andrei Fedur, said at a briefing that the Ukrainian special services were involved in the murder of the journalist and writer. No longer Russian, but exactly the opposite!

Then the case will end either with false defendants or nothing. What kind of epithelium are there?..

Meanwhile, Oles continues to live and fight with his books and articles. Here is an excerpt from the article by admirers - how correct it is in everyday life, but it is strange that pragmatic Ukrainians do not heed even basic arguments:

“...Our compatriots hope that “abroad will help us.” Why on earth should she, this foreign country, by which the majority today means the European Union, help us? Has God deprived us of black soil, minerals, sea, mountains, industry? No, Ukraine has all this in abundance. Most of my compatriots, habitually complaining about life and dreaming about Europe, do not even realize that not only are wages higher there, but also prices. A normal lunch in Berlin or Vienna will cost you 10-12 euros. And in Kyiv you will have lunch five times cheaper. Metro travel throughout Europe costs 1 euro. In Moscow - 1 dollar. And in Kyiv - 2 hryvnia, that is, at the old rate - 25 cents, and at the new rate - less than 15 cents. Wholesalers in villages are buying potatoes from the current harvest for only 1.8 hryvnia per kilo! There is no such economic “miracle” anywhere else and, I assure you, there never will be. Love each other and at least sometimes think about how lucky we are. And tests are given in order to understand this. In the end, God does not lead Ukrainians through the desert, like the ancient Jews under Moses, but through one of best countries in the world. And you still complain that he doesn't love you?

Since then the price ratio has changed. In Budapest, the metro and even the bus are already more expensive than one euro; in Vienna, you can’t have lunch for 10 euros; you can only snack on a sausage on the street. And in Ukraine there is a sharp rise in prices and poverty is depressing. But I remember those times when Kyiv was simply a paradise. My friends and I came with our meager pennies and sat in restaurants, went to the Bessarabian market! Only veterans remember that in the center, for example, there were vending machines not with soda, but with... beer - 10 kopecks. - and here's a glass of beer for you at night! My friend from Moscow, when he came to Kyiv for the first time, just repeated: “Why not live here?!” But I didn’t live... But that’s a different conversation.

They also try to preserve the visible, human memory of the writer. So, on July 13, Oles Buzina would have turned 46 years old. This was the first birthday that Olesya’s friends, colleagues and relatives celebrated without him.

An evening in memory of the journalist took place in Kyiv. It was attended by those who today are united not only by political convictions, but also by bright memories and an invisible connection that everyone has with Oles, regardless of whether they were closely acquainted with him or simply read his books and articles.

The Oles Buzina community expressed gratitude to the publication 2000.ua for organizing the video filming. It shows that the hall was far from full - there was not enough information, and people were afraid... The speakers said that there were not enough books by Elderberry. Famous TV presenters, politicians, journalists and writers filmed a video congratulating Olesya on his birthday. Readers and friends of the writer and historian, with the support of the Oles Buzina Memory Fund and the Lenin Komsomol, unveiled a memorial plaque at the site of the journalist’s murder. On the memorial plaque it is written: “Oles Buzina. Kiev resident and writer. Killed for the Truth."

About two dozen people took part in the action. The installation was prevented by SBU officers, despite the fact that the action was not political and completely peaceful. Several neighbors who were informers tried to report it to the police, and a squad arrived at the scene. Representatives of the special services recorded everything that happened. But the board was soon dismantled. This was reported by one of the barbarians who participated in the dismantling - journalist Artem Zakharchenko, who motivated his actions by the fact that the board was installed illegally. The Russian Foreign Ministry Commissioner for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, Konstantin Dolgov, called the actions of Kyiv journalists who dismantled the memorial plaque at the site of the murder of Ukrainian publicist Oles Buzina immoral. This event was commented on by the editor-in-chief of the publication Ukraine. Ru Alena Berezovskaya: “Three allegedly journalists of a certain Internet resource “Visnovka” Khodarev, Bazhenov, Zakharchenko dismantled the memorial plaque to Buzina. Just think about it! “Patriots” are even fighting with memorial plaques. Insignificant? Pathetic? No, they're just cowards. They were afraid of Oles' words, they were afraid of his truth, his purity and strength of spirit. They are afraid of even a piece of stone with his image. We will remember Olesya even without memorial plaques…” she emphasized.

The other day the board was installed again. Addressing those present, the organizer of the action, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the LKSMU, Mikhail Kononovich, said: “We came here without political slogans and flags, we came to pay tribute to the memory of the writer, anti-fascist, fighter against the Kyiv junta Oles Buzina. Whoever wants, read Bandera and Lyashko, and leave Oles Buzina and Vadim Papura to Ukraine. I want to tell you that 17-year-old Vadim Papura was among the sacrificial number of those who did not manage to escape alive from the burning House of Trade Unions in Odessa. First year student at ONU named after. Mechnikov, was going to become a political scientist. He was on the Kulikovo field that day. When information arrived that the ultras were moving in this direction, the Komsomol member did not run away with the others, but took refuge in the House of Trade Unions. According to his mother, Fatima Papura, her son went to all sorts of events and rallies for ideological reasons: “My son died on that terrible night. He was not yet 18 years old. He was there for the idea and for the principles. And now he's gone. When they set fire to the House of Trade Unions, he was there. Fleeing from the fire, he fell out of the window. My child was just lying on the ground with a bloody head,” said the grief-stricken woman.

At the funeral, friends of Vadim’s family said: among the girls preparing the deadly Molotov cocktails, which were then used to attack the House of Trade Unions, were students from his own department. This is what is real and scary Civil War!

On Oles Buzina’s website, at the request of admirers, a translation into Russian of an interview with Valentina Pavlovna, Oles’s 76-year-old mother, who is fluent in language and Ukrainian literature, has been posted. This is what, in particular, the grief-stricken woman said directly in court: “He was a true patriot of Ukraine. I knew him like no one else! - and I repeat this firmly... I ask God all the time, give me strength, Lord, so that I can convey the truth to at least somewhere, at least to someone, so that you know about him, because I don’t know, I’m not sure, that some of you, even though you are standing here, journalists, I’m not sure that you all read it. By the way, eight books! The man wrote eight books! And these books are not just written, but they are also confirmed by archives. You probably know how many “experts” were involved in his work and filed lawsuits. But it was not there! Because nothing was established anywhere, what he thought up, what he wrote untruthfully, this was not established. Even that scandalous, you all say, not you specifically, but many people, book “The Ghoul Taras Shevchenko”, so it’s all from the diaries of Taras Grigorievich.”

Now there are no longer eight books, but ten, Valentina Pavlovna! The other day, the Ariy publishing house released a book that Oles was preparing for publication during his lifetime. “My Philosophy” is a fascinating collection of essays by the writer, his life position, an ironic, philosophical look at the main questions of existence. We are talking about civilization and barbarism, about true patriotism and justice, about the relationship between men and women. The book costs 90 hryvnia or 4 dollars, but mailing is carried out only within Ukraine. The publishing house "Ariy" was founded recently, at the end of 2013 in Kyiv. The website proudly states that at the moment the publishing house has released more than 110 titles of book products, 80% of which are published in Ukrainian. But it was added: “The average annual circulation of published literature exceeds 1 million copies, of which 52% are in Ukrainian,” that is, it is deciphered as follows: by title, for officialdom - mainly Ukrainian books, and publishers survive - at the expense of a few Russians (their average circulation - 10,000 copies, and Ukrainian - 500 copies). This is a real reflection of the preferences of the reading public in Ukraine, where nationalists, except for Bandera, do not read anything at all. Otherwise, how can one understand that the sixties poet Vasil Simonenko is supposedly an icon for Svidomo Ukrainians, and he branded the Banderaites they idolized:

People used to call you dogs,
Because you licked the Germans' tables,
They shouted “Heil!” hoarse bass
I “Not dead yet...” they roared loudly.
De vishli - there is empty space and ruins,
I corpses do not fit into the pits.
“Nenka Ukraine” spat blood
Mordi to you and your masters.”

Real literature puts everything in its place, sweeping away paid propaganda and propaganda clichés! But how all this fits into the forelock heads - only Viy knows.

“No power, no government can resist the all-destructive effect of the printing projectile » - The brilliant Pushkin already then foresaw the omnipotent and often destructive effect of the printed word.

Nowadays it is customary to refer to the omnipotence of a new super-powerful means - the Internet. But this is not entirely true: the priority broadcast mechanism, as professionals put it, which is the operating principle of any, even the poorest library, is completely excluded from the current Network. What is the most important reading on a particular topic or issue? Which source should you trust? - you won’t understand it right away in a web dump. True, the libraries themselves are impoverished and cannot be adequately replenished, but still, the book still remains the strongest weapon even in a warring and little-reading country, which was once again proven by the next liquid salvo of the Ukrainian authorities. Following a tip from the Ministry of Culture, the Ukrainian customs service published a list of Russian books banned from import into the country for promoting “misanthropy, fascism, xenophobia and separatism.” The list compiled by Minister Kirilenko in an embroidered shirt and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) contains 38 publications of various genres: from science fiction and political journalism to historical works and collections of journalistic articles. If customs finds them in luggage, this could result in criminal prosecution, Ukrainian lawyers warn. The international organization Reporters Without Borders has already condemned this decision as an attack on the principle of freedom of speech. But what do Svidomo Ukrainians need any European principles?

One can, of course, ironize that the Deputy Prime Minister, who is also the Minister of Culture of Ukraine Vyacheslav Kirilenko, probably inhaled so much smoke from the fires that he was thrown to put out (the forests near Chernobyl begin to burn, then the oil depots near Kiev) that he does not understand what his subordinates are doing. But in fact, this is a clearly defined government policy. And at the moment, it is no longer so important whether the banned books of these and other authors will soon be confiscated and burned at night or during the day in the central square of the Ukrainian capital, as they did eighty years ago in then Nazi Germany. The main thing is that a trend has been set.

Any educated person understands that in the age of information technology this is complete stupidity: you can have a complete forbidden library on a gadget or flash drive, and you can find whatever you want on the Internet, but here it is important symbol obscurantism.

The authors were also chosen quite arbitrarily: the list is striking in its incompleteness and diversity, it includes science fiction novels (Fyodor Berezin “Ukrainian Front. Red Stars over the Maidan”), journalism (Alexander Dugin “Ukraine. My War. Geopolitical Diary”; Sergei Glazyev “Ukrainian Catastrophe” "From American aggression to world war?"; Nikolay Starikov "Ukraine. Chaos and revolution - the weapon of the dollar"). In addition, the historical monograph by Andrei Kozlov, “The Whole Truth about the Ukrainian Insurgent Army,” and the collection of articles by loyal Russian Reporter journalist Marina Akhmetova, “Lessons of Ukrainian. From Maidan to the East” and a report by the Russian human rights organization “Information Group on Crimes against the Person” on human rights violations on the territory of Ukraine. So, we picked a pine tree from the forest...

But a list of “friends of Ukraine” appeared with full favored treatment. Among the writers in it is Mikhail Zhvanetsky. He was somehow confused, fidgeted - he was used to sucking two queens financially: “I somehow go about my business all the time, and one way or another they drag me into politics,” he got nervous. It’s funny to read: after all, the Zhvanetsky case is, as they say, a satire? But is it possible to imagine Russian satirists from Denis Fonvizin and Saltykov-Shchedrin to Sergei Mikhalkov and Mikhail Zadornov outside politics? But Zhvanetsky is not engaged in Russian satire, but is “on duty around the country” with jabs and jokes “for those who understand,” so he became worried: “Let me get used to it. I should at least understand what this means. What will be the consequences,” concluded Zhvanetsky, meaning, of course, material consequences, not moral ones. After all, having learned who along with him was included in the list of friends of Ukraine (Makarevich, Zemfira, Grebenshchikov, Mikhail Efremov, etc.), the satirist noted that “the people there are good.” Moreover, the so-called satirist lives and works in both Odessa and Moscow, and was in Ukraine at the time of publication of the list.

The list of prohibited literature includes authors well known to readers of the Century website. First of all, this is Natalia Narochnitskaya. Her collection of articles is banned.

Or, for example, the economist Valentin Kasatonov with the book “The Economics of Troubles or Money in Blood,” or my namesake - Gleb Bobrov from Lugansk with the book-prophecy “The Age of the Stillborn.” The list includes books by Yuri Mukhin, who was arrested in Crimea, for which he fought, and books by the Algorithm publishing house: Alexander Sever “Bandera and Banderaism”, Lev Vershinin - “Euromaidan. who destroyed Ukraine? The publishing house’s new book is “Oles Buzina. Shot Truth” did not have time to enter it, because I wrote and compiled it in hot pursuit - from April 20 to May 9, and recently it quickly appeared on the shelves. none of the relatives had yet entered into inheritance rights, Buzina’s creative legacy had not been sorted out, but the Russian reader urgently needed to be told who he was in terms of biography, convictions, and literary essence (many people watch TV superficially - well, they killed just another journalist... ). Then new editions will appear, but for now this first Moscow book concentrates and collects Buzina’s topical legacy - historical discussions, pamphlets, anecdotes and aphorisms, topical statements, poignant interviews. When you read all this together, it becomes clear to the Russian reader why he was killed...

By the way, in Ukraine, books by Oles Buzina are, in fact, withdrawn from sale, but they can be quietly ordered on the website of the Buzina Community and on other sites. But the alleged murderers became the “stars” of the nationalists. Recently in Kyiv, near the temporary detention center (Kosogorny Lane, 7), a loud rally and concert took place in support of those arrested on suspicion of murder - D. Polishchuk and A. Medvedko. If Andrei Makarevich or Zemfira (also on the list of loyal friends of Ukraine!) had visited Kiev, they would probably have joined... It’s a pity that Russian television has not learned to make sharp reports from such places of events instead of boringly blowing the same trumpet on everyone programs. What was important and convincing there? Firstly, those gathered who showed their bestial grin even with a peaceful appearance: one well-fed Kiev resident in dark glasses calmly said: “They killed correctly - Buzin was a criminal! If the authorities had imprisoned or deported him on time, then the boys would have been free today.” Secondly, even friends of the arrested, for example, Oleg Bondar, argued that this was the work of the authorities, the SBU: “Judge for yourself - brazenly during the day, almost in the center of the city, several shots at point-blank range! Investigative actions are carried out without lawyers, they slip in Buzina’s books: read carefully, maybe you’ll find a motive for hatred and murder in them?” And the girl excitedly adds: “After the investigators, the police came and told the guys that they wouldn’t live to see the trial!” That’s how afraid they are of the truth and of book-shells, and they tell us that no one needs books today...

Special for the Centenary

But even the neighbors on the site did not hear this.

The killer was waiting for ex-deputy 52-year-old Oleg Kalashnikov at the door of his own apartment. Residents of the house assure: they did not hear anything, they did not see strangers in the house. But still, one of the regional neighbors recognized sounds similar to gunshots in the claps that came from the landing. The woman called the police at about half past eight in the evening on April 16. Oleg Kalashnikov was already dead by this time, the killer had disappeared.

Did he really live here? - the residents of Pravdy Avenue were perplexed, flocking to the 31st house to find out why so many police and journalists had gathered.

The people were surprised: a man of status - and huddled in an old-fashioned 16-story building. There are no VIP parking lots or polished public gardens nearby.

He no longer lives,” sighed the neighbors of the Kalashnikov family. - He always returned home at seven in the evening. So we tracked it down...

On April 15, Kalashnikov was returning from the printing house, where he coordinated the design of congratulations for May 9. I entered the entrance, said hello to the concierge, took the elevator to the eighth floor and managed to step towards my apartment. According to one version, the ex-deputy saw the threat and pulled out a traumatic pistol for protection, but the forces were too unequal. Later the police will find at the crime scene

7 Browning cartridge cases of 7.65 caliber and 2 cartridge cases of 9 mm caliber. Either the killer shot with both hands, or there were two killers. Six out of nine bullets hit the victim's head. The shooter was a man who knew how to handle a weapon.

My daughter lives across the wall from Kalashnikov, she was at home, but didn’t hear anything,” the people’s deputy’s neighbor told us while the police were working at the crime scene.

Apparently, they were working from “glushak,” a local lover of crime series competently adds.

Video by Mikhail Bakuzov.

The police also talk about silencers and that the 9 mm caliber is definitely Makarov, the rest of the bullets could have been fired from a Scorpion submachine gun.

The body of Oleg Kalashnikov was taken to the morgue at half past midnight. On the morning of April 16, his wife Olga Solovyova wrote on Facebook:

Forgive me for not saving him... Pain fills my heart... He loved life so much, he planned to do so much.

What secrets did the politician take with him to the grave?

Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko published several versions of the murder of the former regional governor. The first is political.

Including those related to participation in the organization, financing and moderation of the so-called titushka Anti-Maidan in the Mariinsky Park. Without a doubt, the deceased knew a lot about who and how financed the Anti-Maidan, which cost Yanukovych and his camarilla several million hryvnia a day. He will take these secrets with him to the grave, Gerashchenko wrote on Facebook.

The Anti-Maidan version is partly confirmed by Kalashnikov’s former colleague in parliament Taras Chornovil. But he believes that he did not play a special role in organizing the Anti-Maidan. True, he was in charge of the cash register.

He had a “common fund” to pay for rallies. Moreover, Kalashnikov often did not give people money for standing, suggests a former ally.

Money also emerges in another version, which is confirmed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on condition of anonymity. The deputy was an avid gambler and spent a lot of time in underground casinos. Therefore, murder due to an unrepaid gambling debt cannot be ruled out.

As one of the activists fighting underground casinos in Kyiv told Komsomolskaya Pravda, Oleg Kalashnikov was regularly seen in elite gambling establishments.

He did not go to ordinary underground slot machine halls; our people saw Kalashnikov near elite casinos, which are located in expensive hotels and are under armed guard,” says the activist. - Those who saw him say that Kalashnikov loved roulette and machine guns, and could squander $50-100 thousand in an evening. At the same time, he rarely paid off his debts. But the next time they let him in anyway; according to rumors, he paid off by providing services to casino owners - for privatization, for some kind of inspections. But, they say, the casinos were still constantly in the red.


He asked for protection from the security forces

From Oleg Kalashnikov's Facebook:

“For employees of the SBU and other law enforcement agencies, who, of course, are already familiar with the information posted in the Ukrainian media, and, of course, are already aware of the massive threats to my life that contain comments on these materials, I ask you to consider my appeal as a notice of a criminal offense (in accordance with Article 214 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine) and I believe that mass threats from unknown persons, disseminated through comments on official materials of the Ukrainian media, indicated by me in the links, pose a real threat to my life.”


Vladimir Rybak, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, 2012-2014:

I haven’t heard anyone from the Party of Regions communicate with him in the last year or two. And I myself haven’t seen him for a long time. He walked on his own, with his public organizations. Therefore, I have no versions regarding what happened.


Journalist and writer Oles Buzina was expected in the courtyard of a house on Degtyarevskaya Street. At about 1:45 p.m., he and his wife came out of their front door and slowly walked toward the arch, the only way in and out of the yard. The killers' car was parked so that it was convenient for them to use this road.

I went outside to walk the dog. It was about noon. When I opened the front door, I saw a dark foreign car. I also thought: someone came to visit. After all, I know all our cars,” says Tamara, a neighbor from the second entrance. - She returned in half an hour. As soon as I entered the apartment, I heard shooting, then screams: help! I looked out the window and was horrified. Oles lies right on the path. His wife is crying over him... As it turned out, a dark foreign car parked in the yard became fatal for Oles Buzina. It was from this that they fired aimed fire at the journalist.

There were two or three people in the car, it’s hard to say, the windows were black, the residents of the house say. - As soon as Oles left, the windows in the car opened. The fire came directly from the cabin. There were five or six shots. It looks like an automatic machine.

They shot Olesya in the back with precision - the wife and the comrade who was nearby were not injured. Immediately after the shooting, the windows in the car closed, the car engine howled and the car drove out of the yard at full speed.

Our high-rise building used to be called the KGB house, because in Soviet time it was built for department employees. It has always been famous for its safety due to the number of residents, say Buzina’s neighbors. - You can only enter our house through one arch. Apparently, the killer knew this and was preparing. They parked the car so that after the murder they could quickly leave the crime scene.

The ambulance arrived 10 minutes after the shooting. But all the doctors could do was declare death. The police arrived almost immediately. Several dozen law enforcement officers with machine guns cordoned off the yard. Only residents and journalists were allowed through, and only with IDs. Investigators began interviewing witnesses. There were not so few of them.

We have five people who saw the moment of the murder, investigators are now working with them,” the chief police officer of Kyiv, Alexander Tereshu, told reporters. - The video camera recorded the car from which the shooting was carried out. The city has announced an “interception plan.” Criminal proceedings have been opened under the article "Murder".

While the criminologists were doing their work, examining the fatal wounds of the journalist, a Teren gas canister, as well as a notepad, lay near Buzina. Next to Oles was his mobile phone. He kept ringing until he sat down completely.

Towards evening, information appeared in the Shevchenko self-defense group on Facebook about the license plate number of the car in which the killers escaped.

"License plate on the car is BL8108W, brand "Ford", station wagon of blue color. There were young men in masks in the car,” wrote Bogdan Evzhenko.

The police say: the second murder in a day in Kyiv is a slap in the face of all law enforcement officials.

Honestly? We are all working. Even those who were on vacation came out. The National Guard also helps. We stop and check all cars that somehow fall under the report.

Exits from the city are blocked. Even country roads were blocked. You could say we are turning Kyiv upside down.

At the time of submitting the number, a large-scale search did not yield any results.

Video by Oleg Tereshchenko.


Politics at the core

Vadim KARASEV, political scientist:

These two murders are united only by a political background. However, they should not be linked in one chain. Kalashnikov could have been killed for debts, dirty money for paid rallies. But Buzina never did this. He is an ideological man (it is possible that he paid for this) and in this case a sacred victim. It should be considered separately from all the deaths of politicians. He had nothing to do with the activities of the Party of Regions, and even criticized it for being insufficiently pro-Russian.

Evgeniy MAGDA, political scientist:

Quite impressive murders. Both men took a skeptical stance towards the current government. But it is not yet possible to link them together. Definitely, these are political murders with the aim of shaking the situation in the country. It is possible that the topic of the inadequacy of our investigation will soon be intensively promoted. And this leads to discrediting Ukraine.

Mikhail Kornienko, Colonel General of Police:

Judging by the nature of the crimes, the way they tracked and waylaid the victim, these murders may have common roots. And that's why. that both victims were close in views. There may be different killers, but the customer is the same. I think that politics is still at the core.


Oleg Kalashnikov:

  • In 2006, near the tent camp of the Party of Regions, he beat up STB cameraman Vladimir Novosad.
  • In the summer of 2011, he allegedly did not pay the protesters in court, where the case of Yulia Tymoshenko was heard. Because of this, mercenaries picketed the office of the Party of Regions.
  • In December 2013, he became one of the organizers of the Anti-Maidan and even then frightened Ukraine with war.

Oles Buzina:

  • In 2000, he published the book “The Ghoul Taras Shevchenko” with the aim of debunking the “cult of the Kobzar”.
  • In May 2009, he proposed adopting a package of laws prohibiting the propaganda of the ideological heritage of the OUN as a totalitarian fascist party.
  • In 2014, he published articles and opinion columns in support of Novorossiya supporters.


Journalist beaten to death by drunk neighbors

The co-founder of the site "Obkom" and "ProUA" died on the bright holiday of Easter.

The death of Donetsk journalist Sergei Sukhobok, beaten to death in Kyiv, became known only a few days after his death. Sergei’s relatives live abroad and therefore the body could not be identified immediately. As Komsomolskaya Pravda learned, at about one in the morning on April 13, a man called the duty station. In a dacha cooperative on Rusanovsky Gardens, he saw a man lying motionless on the ground. The victim was urgently taken to intensive care, but doctors were unable to help, and he died some time later. Since the man did not have any documents with him, it took time to establish his identity. Meanwhile, the police interviewed the summer residents and found out that the victim had been quarreling with his neighbors for several months. Soon, law enforcement officers came to search them and found evidence - bloody clothes.

During the investigation, it became known that the deceased lived at a friend’s dacha and was constantly in conflict with neighbors. They didn’t share something because of the territory in which they lived,” says Elena Vasylyaka, press officer for the Dnieper district police in Kiev. “That night, men showed up drunk at his house after Easter, started an argument, and then a fight. First they beat him in the house, then on the street, after which they left him on the ground and went home to continue drinking.

Sukhoruk’s colleagues and acquaintances agree with the police version and rule out that the journalist could have been killed for other reasons.

No politics, death was caused by a banal fight. The culprits were detained on the 13th. They gave evidence, they were identified, there were confrontations. There will be a trial,” Sukhobok’s acquaintance Andrei Santarokha wrote on Facebook.

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