Navalny versus Medvedev: why the shot turns out to be a blank. The Kremlin commented on the petition for Medvedev's resignation. Who has a spring exacerbation? Kungurov in half-decent form about Sulakshin’s program

“There is a struggle of all against all”

The background to the scandals around Medvedev, Shuvalov and Sechin: conflict in Putin’s entourage

Dmitry Astakhov/RIA Novosti

IN last weeks In the Russian political establishment, there is an escalation of conflicts around several “heavyweights” from the White House. A week ago, the site talked about the confrontation between the government’s social block and the financial and economic one. The next thing was the aggravation of the situation around the first deputy prime minister of the government, Igor Shuvalov, who is responsible for finance and state property. Instability also arose around Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. And although it can be said that the officials themselves are to blame for their troubles, the weakening of Shuvalov and Medvedev has beneficiaries who will definitely try to take advantage of the situation. The site spoke to sources and experts to find out what's going on in the government.

Who is Shuvalov interfering with: five versions

The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) has been fighting Igor Shuvalov for a long time. FBK published information about his house in London, expensive cars, huge apartment on Kotelnicheskaya embankment and so on.

The latest and loudest was the investigation into Igor Shuvalov’s plane. From the publication of Alexei Navalny, it turned out that the official uses an undeclared private Bombardier Global Express jet worth $50 million, and his wife takes the jet to corgi dog shows. The FBK investigation was quite convincing: using information from open sources, Navalny’s team compared data from the flights of the aircraft with the tail number M-VQBI and the prime minister’s business trips and found a lot of confirmation. In addition, Navalny tracked the plane's flights to Salzburg, where the Shuvalovs have a mansion, and to European dog shows.

The scandal raged for several days, after which the editor-in-chief of Echo of Moscow, Alexey Venediktov, spoke out in defense of the deputy prime minister. Referring to some documents in his possession and “conversations with different people,” he confirmed that the plane is used by the Shuvalov family, but does not belong to the deputy prime minister himself, but to his adult son Evgeniy. The plane was purchased in 2009 after the Shuvalovs’ successful investment in Gazprom shares. Therefore, Venediktov pointed out, Shuvalov did not violate the law, he was not obliged to declare the plane, but what moral side business is the second question.

Irina Bujor/Kommersant

Igor Shuvalov oversees the financial and economic block, investments, migration, foreign policy, privatization of state-owned companies, credit policy, as well as preparations for the World Cup. He has plenty of enemies, say sources close to the government, and say that almost anyone could have sent the initial information to FBK to launch an investigation.

“Now everyone is just discussing who could have initiated the investigation, and they are mentioning different names in a whisper,” says a source close to the federal official. Another source says that in recent weeks a number of political scientists have received the task: to prepare “for senior officials” an analysis of the activities of the Anti-Corruption Foundation regarding deputy prime ministers: which of them are being investigated, who are not being touched, and about whom Navalny is simply writing on his blog .

“The fact is that not a single Russian deputy prime minister flies economy class on regular airliners. At least two more of the eight deputy prime ministers fly privately, but it was Shuvalov who attracted the attention of the Anti-Corruption Foundation,” explains a source close to the motivation for the order. White House. He adds that at the highest level, Shuvalov’s explanations, voiced by Venediktov, were considered convincing, and FBK’s publications were considered a political order.

Speaking about the beneficiaries of the scandal, the site’s interlocutors name the main behind-the-scenes versions, based on information about Shuvalov’s work conflicts.

The first version is financial and economic. Shuvalov's opponent, who is considered a supporter of the liberal economic approach to economics, is presidential adviser Andrei Belousov, who previously served as Minister of Economic Development. Just a week ago, Belousov presented President Vladimir Putin with a report from the Stolypin Club, which proposes an alternative strategy for economic development. In particular, the report proposed injecting money from the budget into the economy by issuing 1.5 trillion rubles from the Central Bank and thus stimulating growth.

“There is a tough struggle for influence on Putin and the creation of a program of strategic changes in the economy,” explains one of the sources close to the financial and economic bloc of the government.

The second version is privatization. As already mentioned, Shuvalov oversees state property management issues in the government. Currently, work is underway on the privatization of the Bashneft company. It is known that Shuvalov opposed the participation of Rosneft, which is headed by Putin’s influential ally Igor Sechin, in the privatization of Bashneft. On Tuesday it became known that President Vladimir Putin rejected Sechin’s request to allow Rosneft to participate in the privatization of Bashneft. Thus, Shuvalov’s position won. Moreover, after the privatization deal with Bashneft is closed, Rosneft will also be privatized.

One of the conflicts surrounding Shuvalov is related to Sechin’s attempts to influence the privatization process of Bashneft.

Finally, the third version is built around a series of conflicts between Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov and various serious clans in state corporations and large financial industrial groups. For example, one can recall difficult relationships Shuvalov with Russian Railways and its ex-head Vladimir Yakunin. At the end of 2011, the Federal Antimonopoly Service found violations in the interaction of Russian Railways with its subsidiaries and clients, and as a result, the company was fined 2.24 billion rubles. In 2013, Medvedev instructed Shuvalov and the head of the FAS Igor Artemyev to understand the situation, after which Yakunin appealed personally to Medvedev, demanding that the government either return 350 thousand cars transferred to subsidiaries or compensate for losses. In mid-2015, Yakunin resigned, but this should not be considered a personal instrumental victory for Shuvalov - Yakunin had difficult relations with the government as a whole (Yakunin’s reputation, by the way, also suffered greatly after Navalny’s anti-corruption investigations).

Another major conflict, in the center of which Shuvalov personally is, is related to gambling business. Shuvalov has long been lobbying for amendments to the law “On Lotteries,” proposing to introduce state non-draw lotteries using electronic lottery tickets and video terminals, as well as create unified system accounting for the production and sale of lottery tickets. Shuvalov’s opponents accuse him of wanting to monopolize the market and of intending to bring back the “one-armed bandits” from the 90s. Its supporters object that “one-armed bandits” will not be allowed to place bets outside gambling zones, and the amendments will remove black cash from the market.

Another extremely conflicting story is related with the medicinal sector. the site previously reported that the government’s social bloc supported the idea of ​​import substitution in the pharmaceutical sector and the creation of non-competitive conditions for drugs produced in Russia, despite protests from patients, doctors and businessmen. It is believed that the main beneficiary of this government decision was the influential state corporation Rostekhnologii. Shuvalov, on the other hand, advocates for the centralization of procurement, eliminating the situation in which a domestic drug is purchased at a price twice as expensive as its imported counterpart. The Deputy Prime Minister’s opponents talk about the need for import substitution and the development of their own pharmaceutical industry, while his supporters talk about the non-market profits of a number of players and the arbitrariness of regional authorities during government procurement.

“But you hold on”: Medvedev’s problems and the postponement of the presidential elections

With Dmitry Medvedev the situation is developing differently. His reputation was weakened not by someone else's investigations, but by his own careless statements. At first, he admitted to Crimean pensioners that the government had no money, but asked them to “hold on.” Then he suggested that teachers who were dissatisfied with their salaries should go into business. At the same time, it seemed that in both cases the prime minister spoke completely sincerely. But in Russia they are not used to hearing the naked truth from officials of this rank, so the public responded to Medvedev’s words with exclusively evil irony. Interestingly, the petition for his resignation on Change.Org quickly gained 250 thousand signatures, despite summer season. Site sources close to the presidential administration believe that this is impossible without administrative resources.

Alexander Miridonov/Kommersant

The site’s interlocutor in the Kremlin said that he sees behind these events a desire to weaken the prime minister and the United Russia party on the eve of the elections, suggesting that this could be beneficial to those “who themselves would like to take the post of prime minister.” “He spoke openly and freely, explaining his own path - he first taught, but then went into business to make money. In addition, it was a meeting with teachers economic sciences, who just teach how to run a business, and do not go into business, that is, they work by calling,” the source added.

Beneficiaries of the weakening " United Russia" V politically are, first of all, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and A Just Russia, which position themselves as parties that support Vladimir Putin, but criticize the government and Dmitry Medvedev.

The site's sources unanimously agree that almost all other political heavyweights are Medvedev's ill-wishers. Among the potential contenders for the prime minister's chair are the former Minister of Finance, now the deputy head of the Economic Council under the President, Alexei Kudrin, and the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Ivanov, and the same Shuvalov, and Belousov, and Sergei Shoigu, and even the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin. The interlocutors also draw attention to a recent article in the online publication “Snob” by the famous political scientist Vladislav Inozemtsev, “How Medvedev became the main oppositionist.” In it, the author notes that Medvedev is an extremely underrated politician by his contemporaries, in contrast to Kudrin, who is overrated, in the author’s opinion. Inozemtsev reminds critics of the head of government that Medvedev announced a course to modernize the economy, was a supporter of rapprochement with the West, at the end of his presidential term liberalized the party system, decriminalized a number of articles of the criminal code and met the demands of the protesters on Bolotnaya Square. Inozemtsev reminds that there have been no corruption scandals surrounding Medvedev, his family and he himself do not lead a provocatively luxurious lifestyle and do not have secret business with criminals, like some other members of the Russian establishment.

Two interlocutors of the site believe that the aggravation around the head of government may be associated with rumors in the political establishment about a possible postponement of the presidential elections from 2018 to 2017. In this regard, the struggle for the post of head of the future government of Vladimir Putin intensifies in his next presidential term (in that Putin for the new the deadline will pass, no one doubts).

“The game is related to the events after the presidential elections”

Vice President of the Center for Political Technologies Alexei Makarkin believes that it will be too simple to explain the attack on Medvedev only by the upcoming elections, given the events around Shuvalov and the publication of Novaya Gazeta about a luxury yacht, which Igor Sechin’s wife may be using.

“I think if this game is connected to the elections, it will be indirectly. People who watched such a video about Medvedev and signed a petition for his resignation were unlikely to vote for United Russia in any case. The electorate of United Russia receives information from television, and is critical of the Internet if the information heard there does not coincide with the television screen. I think it’s more about preparing for events that will happen not even after the parliamentary, but after the presidential elections during the formation of a new government, when the question will arise of who will be the prime minister and what the government program will be. The same Shuvalov is traditionally considered one of the contenders. Players in the fuel and energy complex, for example, Sechin, may have their own interests. The closer they are presidential elections, the more scandals there will be,” Makarkin believes.

Dmitry Azarov/Kommersant

Political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky notes that in the Russian tradition political system external attack benefits those who are attacked. And Putin can count the fact that Medvedev told the truth in both cases as a plus.

“As for Shuvalov, he has many enemies - from Sechin to Medvedev. He harbors premiership ambitions - in my opinion, in vain,” says Belkovsky. “But the current confrontation is incomparable to the confrontation in 2011, when there was great fermentation of minds. Now there is no political ferment, there is hardware ferment. The food supply has shrunk, there is less money, and the cash struggle is intensifying. At the same time, Putin, as a key subject of the system, is burdened by old friends; he wants to have subjects, but not influential friends. All authoritarian regimes follow this path. And the most inviolable in this new system is Medvedev, who made his sacrifice in 2011 by refusing to run for a new presidential term, although no one in his place would have given up this post,” argues Belkovsky.

The economic crisis is intensifying, money is becoming scarcer, and although no one in the elite is challenging the dominance of Vladimir Putin, everyone is preparing for a fight against the backdrop of the ongoing personnel changes, says the head of the Center for Political Technologies, Igor Bunin. “The strategy of where to move the country is unclear, so there is a struggle of all against all, until the president sets priorities at the highest personnel level,” notes Bunin.

In the country, after Medvedev’s advice to teachers to go into business, which was absurd from the point of view of ordinary Russians, a campaign is gathering signatures asking Putin to resign his prime minister. The petition received 136 thousand votes within 24 hours!

Why am I against this? Because Medvedev has on his tongue what is on Putin’s mind. Well, will they resign him? Will something change in the country's politics and economy? Nothing will change. Instead of the current simpleton, they will put in some cunning person who will pursue the same anti-people policy, when tens of millions are rapidly becoming poorer, but hundreds and thousands are getting richer even more rapidly. Look, sales of Bentley cars in Russia grew by 48.5% over the year. While more than 40% of Russians cannot afford to buy basic food and clothing:

So, I am against Medvedev's resignation. The entire system needs to be replaced, not just a single screw.

*Extremist and terrorist organizations prohibited in Russian Federation: “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, National Bolshevik Party, “Right Sector”, “Ukrainian Insurgent Army” (UPA), “ Islamic State"(IS, ISIS, Daesh), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham", "Jabhat al-Nusra", "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", "Taliban", "Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people", "Misanthropic" Division", "Brotherhood" by Korchinsky, "Trident named after. Stepan Bandera", "Organization Ukrainian nationalists"(OUN)

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The first thing that immediately catches your eye is the harsh, sometimes thoughtless, phrases that the politician allows himself. You don’t have to look far for an example! We all know this phrase: “There is no money, but you hold on,” which he said to the Crimean pensioners.

Here is another interesting example, and we all know it very well. I'm talking about the case when Medvedev was asked why teachers receive 10 thousand rubles, and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 40-50 thousand rubles. To which the prime minister replied: a teacher is a calling, and if you want money, go into business.

Of course, all these statements could not go unnoticed and caused a sharp public outcry. People's sentiments towards Medvedev have worsened. But these were the two most obvious examples, let's look further!

The failures of the Medvedev government in the economy, in social sphere. And also corruption scandals. The dismissal of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and the arrest of Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev greatly damaged Medvedev's rating. There are also FBK revelations related to the prime minister’s rich property. All this gave reason to doubt the honesty of Medvedev and his government.

Some political science experts believe that Medvedev is acting as a kind of lightning rod in the government. Negative news from social and economic problems goes to him, bypassing Putin. But these are just guesses.

Sergey Lvov, "Novye Izvestia"

An estate in the Moscow region, a palace in St. Petersburg, a villa in Krasnaya Polyana, vineyards in Anapa and Tuscany, estates in Kursk and Ivanovo regions, two yachts... Alexey Navalny attributes all this particularly valuable property with an estimated value of 70 billion rubles to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who allegedly owns it through a system of charitable foundations. The conclusion is clear: the second person in Russia is a corrupt official.

However, the inquisitive viewer of Navalny’s film, having exhaled deeply, begins to think. OK then. Exposed. Proved. Showed... What defense arguments does Medvedev have?

The question is not at all rhetorical. Navalny himself already outlined the escape routes in an interview with Echo of Moscow, making a reservation: lawyer Medvedev arranged everything very cunningly.

And the “trick” is that NOTHING shown is the prime minister’s personal property. That is, nothing at all. Russian citizen Dmitry Medvedev does NOT own yachts or palaces. From a legal point of view, similar “ownership” can be attributed to the prime minister in relation to, say, planes and helicopters from the Rossiya air squadron that transport an official, or armored Mercedes Pullman cars registered with the Kremlin’s logistics department. They are also very expensive and the Prime Minister also uses them.

The fundamental difference is that state residences and state planes with Mercedes were purchased with budget money, but yachts and palaces are gifts from oligarchs. Question - WHO was it given to? Medvedev? Nothing like this! Oligarch Alisher Usmanov, according to Navalny, donated the estate on Rublyovka to a charitable foundation, in which even Medvedev’s name is not present. The director of a charitable foundation, a classmate of Medvedev's, invited his old friend to go on a yacht ride during the festival." Scarlet Sails". So what? Is this a crime? Ridiculous, by God...

Does billionaire Usmanov, according to the LAW, have the right to donate some kind of estate from his personal property and funds? Yes, he can give at least a hundred estates to anyone, without explaining to either the prosecutor’s office or the public the expediency and legality of his actions. Now, if Usmanov, being a government official and not an entrepreneur, transferred state property to private individuals, or to public organizations- then it would be considered a crime. And here - an obvious zilch. The whim of getting rich... Medvedev is not the ex-governor of Sakhalin, who during a search found bags of cash and a collection of Swiss watches worth tens of millions of rubles.

Let’s say that now Medvedev is not the owner, but in the future, when he retires, then he will take over everything donated. So?

This is unknown. Because the criterion of truth is practice, not speculation. If citizen Medvedev wants to buy this or that object, then he will buy it. If not, then no. The famous economist Sergei Aleksashenko correctly noted that no fund has the right to sell someone an estate for next to nothing. But there is also a purely practical point: how much money will a retiree or future pensioner Medvedev use to support numerous servants, servants and security for especially valuable and very expensive “liabilities”? What if Dmitry Anatolyevich completely refuses possible proposals, and the property of the funds will be used by the next prime ministers or ministers?

Thus, accusations of corruption fall like sand through your fingers. Can something that is not the property of the “bribe taker” be a bribe? Never!

Oh yes, there remains the moral aspect. The Prime Minister's craving for a beautiful and comfortable life in the interiors of a billionaire.

However, this is no longer a legal category. This is already in the realm of common stereotypes that “the highest authorities should live beautifully and comfortably.” Yes, in fact, it has always been like this. There is no need to remember the wealth of the Russian tsars and their associates at all - it overshadowed the consciousness of Europeans. The fact that Lenin drove a Rolls-Royce and lived in a luxurious estate in Gorki never excited the minds of the victorious proletarians. Everyone knows about Stalin’s numerous dachas (“where does the leader of all nations live?”). The residences of secretaries general - from Khrushchev to Gorbachev - still remain objects of luxury real estate...Gorbachev, by the way, put up for sale his luxurious villa in the German Alps, and before that, in 2010, he sold the famous composer Krutoy the famous apartment of the secretary general on Kosygin Street. The transaction amount was not mentioned, but it was definitely with six zeros after the first digit. Of course - not in rubles... So why are the ex-president of Russia and its current prime minister not allowed to spend the day and night in the royal apartments? In the Russian mass consciousness, the luxury of the upper echelons of power is based on status and position. In addition to the historical roots, they are quite consistent with the revived modern Russia class society. The new aristocracy is not only Medvedev. These are thousands and thousands of very, very rich people, related to each other and business relations. Among them, the question of whether the prime minister or president of the country can live worse and more modestly than some owner of factories and ships is not at all idle.

Oh, yes, there was a moment of clouding of reason in our recent history, when in the late 80s of the last century the masses became preoccupied with “the fight against privileges,” and the future President of Russia Yeltsin rode around Moscow several times in a Moskvich and promised to supply party canteens not sturgeon with horseradish, but sausage for 2.20. But the confusion in their heads quickly dissipated - and by the mid-90s, the main fighter against privileges started restructuring the Kremlin chambers for hundreds of millions of dollars. Well, of course, he didn’t live in a Khrushchev building...

Nevertheless, Alexey Navalny, in the case of Medvedev, is trying to play on the feelings of the masses, which the people themselves have not had for a long time. Who told him that in Russia Puritan morality and Protestant ethics are in any way in demand? This is the owner of IKEA in Sweden - a wonderful old man, really! - drives a prehistoric Volvo 240 and counts every crown he spends on lighting his shack. In Russia - huge, generous and powerful - even the head of the last decadent village district is obliged to demonstrate wealth. What kind of boss are you, brother, if you haven’t made a mansion of stones? How are you going to lead us, you little bastard?!

Recently in our Moscow region they buried former boss Traffic police About 800 people came to the cemetery. And everyone said that he was an honest man, just... When he retired, it turned out that the modest and honest real estate officer (rental business in all surrounding markets) had tens of millions of dollars. Well, a house in Spain. Well, two mansions in the Moscow region. And three apartments in elite Moscow neighborhoods... And you are talking about the prime minister’s estates, which do not belong to him at all.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation's investigation does not provide clear facts confirming that luxury real estate is the property of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Deputy Director General of Transparency International-Russia Ilya Shumanov said this on the air of the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

He called the investigation worthy of attention, but noted that there is no direct connection between Medvedev and the assets - it can only be traced through the figure of the Prime Minister’s classmate, member of the board of directors of Gazprombank Ilya Eliseev, who, as FBK suggests, is their nominal owner.

“The friendly relationship between Medvedev and Eliseev does not necessarily mean that Medvedev is the real owner of the property. Eliseev, as deputy chairman of Gazprombank, is an independent figure and may be the real owner of the assets mentioned in the investigation,” he said.

At the same time, it is possible that Eliseev himself may be the real owner of the property, since he holds a high position in Gazprombank and is involved in various commercial projects, Ilya Shumanov recalled. Meanwhile, FBK investigation he considers it worthy of attention, since such schemes are often used by corrupt officials to hide their assets.

"Question related to registration land plots and other real estate objects for non-profit organizations - this is a form of concealing the ultimate beneficiaries, owners. And it is practiced not only in Russia, but also outside the Russian Federation,” he emphasized.

Russians no longer know how to get rid of an overly clingy prime minister. Billions of his jambs cannot be adequately dismissed. So there was hope in the statement of Dmitry Medvedev, in which he stated that low salaries for teachers are the norm.

In response to a complaint from a teacher from Dagestan about low wages, the prime minister advised dissatisfied teachers to find part-time work or go into business: “You know, this is a calling, and if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. Same business." This statement caused outrage in society.

Let us remember that before this, another statement by the prime minister became an Internet meme in May, when, during a meeting with Crimean pensioners, Medvedev told pensioners who complained about small payments: “There is no money. You hang in here, all the best to you, Have a good mood and health!

A day after the Prime Minister’s speech, Russians began to ask the President of Russia to dismiss Dmitry Medvedev. Several petitions appeared on the “” resource on the morning of Thursday, August 4.

“An Apple advertising person who sleeps at the opening of the Olympics, a person who advises teachers to earn extra money in order to survive, should not be at the head of the Cabinet of Ministers,” writes the author of the petition, Alexander Lee, in the text of the post.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov commented on the statement of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev about the low salaries of teachers. The presidential administration recalled the instructions given by Vladimir Putin in this regard, according to which teachers’ salaries should not be lower than the average salary in the regional economy.

“Nobody revised these parameters of the May decrees,” said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, answering a question from about the size of teachers’ salaries. In addition, he recalled that teachers’ salaries should be constantly increased and no one has canceled these tasks.

That is, the Kremlin made it clear to Medvedev that he had once again violated the President’s demands. And again with impunity. In addition, the Kremlin has not yet familiarized itself with the petition posted online calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. This was stated by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, a correspondent reports.

“No, we don’t know about that. I don't think this requires any reaction. I think it depends on the nature of the petition,” the official answered when asked by journalists whether the Kremlin is aware of the appeal that appeared on and whether there will be any reaction to it.

Thus, democracy by collecting votes on the Internet turned out to be a fiction. If the Kremlin needs to fire someone, the Kremlin wants to do it with the hands of the people, then it posts a petition and draws its attention to it. If such a petition is posted by the people themselves, then the Kremlin doesn’t care.

And the people are reacting to Medvedev’s statement in exactly the opposite way to the Kremlin. Numerous polls have been launched on the Internet on the topic “How do you evaluate Medvedev’s words about teachers’ salaries?” All 77% of the votes were for the wording: “It’s high time for him to resign; in no other country in the world would the prime minister allow himself to say such words.”

Teacher of the Year 2009, physics teacher at Noginsk school No. 5, Vadim Muranov, commented on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s statement about teachers’ salaries: “Dmitry Anatolyevich confuses bland with sweet. A teacher should not make ends meet, as he said in his speech. A teacher should not look for a way to earn money on the side. A teacher should work normally and comfortably. You can give a damn about our profession, as has actually been done for many years, but history shows that national security and teaching are very strongly interconnected, even more so than with the security forces.”

Obviously, Medvedev’s own teachers were frankly weak. Otherwise, he would have remembered the statement of Otto von Bismarck: “The attitude of the state towards the teacher is a state policy that indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness. Wars are not won by generals, wars are won school teachers and parish priests."

Ivan Orlov

Materials have begun to appear that promise the current Prime Minister a quick resignation. For example, the Financial Times published an article in which it predicted changes in the Russian government, including the resignation of Medvedev...

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