Design of an exhibition of drawings for a kindergarten. DIY craft ideas for an autumn exhibition. How the pattern appears

Ekaterina Rasheva

our group is called "Sun", so I wanted to reflect this in receptionincluding this way:

1. apply a 10mm sun pattern to the plywood, with the number of rays equal to the number of children with a margin (in this case 21 rays)

2. cut out the sun with a jigsaw

3. Clean with sandpaper

4. Screw metal caps onto each beam with self-tapping screws, bottom down. (reusable)

4. We paint from a spray can, but you can also use a brush

5. Glue the printed names of the children onto the end side of the lids. (in this case on tape)

6. In the center we attach a cropped file for the necessary information (now you can buy thick transparent pockets)

7. Attach the sun to the wall in a convenient place

This sun can be used for plasticine crafts, as well as from natural materials, paper, etc.

You can put circles of thick film into the lids so that the lids do not get dirty from plasticine and glue.

The wall around the sun can be decorated with clouds, birds, rainbows

Publications on the topic:

Just as a theater begins with a hanger, so a kindergarten begins with a group room. We called our group "Daisies". Therefore, the reception area is decorated.

Where does kindergarten begin for every child and every parent? Of course with the reception. Therefore, the design of the reception must match.

Registration of the group in kindergarten is part of the pedagogical process, on which a successful psychophysiological state depends.

Decoration of the reception group - "Creative workshops". Also, in our reception group we have a corner for parents called “Creative.

Tomorrow will come a great and important holiday - May 9 - VICTORY DAY. In our preschool institution last week Preparations were in full swing.

Our kindergarten "Kolosok" recently held a competition to decorate the reception group in the same style. Our group is called "Mischievous Cossacks".

Every year our wonderful preschool institution hosts a themed week for the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” In all ages.

Currently, there are a lot of fires happening all over the world, forests are burning. Not only people suffer from this, but also forest inhabitants and beauty.

Exhibition children's creativity, as a result of the work of students of the children's association

Demidova Olga Borisovna, teacher additional education, MUDO "House of Childhood and Youth of the City of Cheremkhovo".
Description of material: This material is intended for teachers of additional education of children's art and arts and crafts associations.
Target: acquaintance with the work of the children's association "Young Artist".
Tasks: to reveal and develop the potential artistic abilities inherent in the child.
Arouse children's interest in creating diverse, unique and original works
Students of the children's association "Young Artist" are successfully engaged in various types creativity. Their work results are visible at exhibitions at various levels.
Organizing exhibitions is a painstaking and time-consuming task, as everyone knows this at least once.
The exhibition is the point from which the child will take a step towards achieving new goals.
For child spectators, this is an opportunity to see their friend from a different point of view, and for some, an incentive to try themselves in this type of activity.
Each student’s participation in an exhibition is the acquisition of a certain experience, access to different levels of exhibition activity.
Main types of exhibitions:
Thematic exhibition

Final exhibition
The students' first demonstration of their work takes place within the creative association. At the end of each lesson, an exhibition is organized, the work is analyzed and evaluated. Summing up involves reflection, collective analysis of the products as a whole and evaluation of each child’s crafts.
Lesson Application “Lamb”.

Lesson Application “Traffic light”

The next stage is the design of thematic exhibitions creative works students in the arts and crafts classroom is the result of joint work between children and the teacher. Creative works done with your own hands will be best example, showing the assimilation and consolidation of the program.

Students of the “Young Artist” children's association, under the guidance of a teacher, organize exhibitions at the schools where classes are held. All visitors are surprised by the variety of techniques: plasticine painting, quilling, origami, trimming, decoupage. The purpose of the event: to attract children to the children's association.

As part of the social partnership, city exhibitions are held:
In the central library "February inspiration".

Students took part in an open regional competition-exhibition of children's artistic creativity“Singer of the Small Motherland”, where the work “Bird Cherry” by Anastasia Babina took 1st place.

The works were exhibited at the children's ecological and biological center at the exhibition “Necessary from Unnecessary.”
In the regional competition-exhibition of decorative and applied arts "Baikal Star" in the cultural center "Khimik" in Usolye-Sibirskoye.

At the regional festival of children's folk art "Sunny Circle" in D.K. "Miner"

In the regional exhibition: “The Second Life of Things” in Angarsk.
At the end of the school year, the final exhibition of students' creative works is held in the House of Childhood and Youth.

Reviews of work are carried out so that everyone can see: how each child mastered the program, what he achieved in academic year. This form of work allows you to clearly evaluate each child and generally show the level of the children’s association.
At the end of each exhibition, students receive certificates, diplomas, certificates of participation, and gifts. An analysis of the event is carried out, where participants discuss the results and share plans for the future.

Purposeful work shows a high level of development of creative imagination. This form of work has shown its effectiveness. This is a great opportunity for a child to show their achievements and hidden talents.

You are preparing an exhibition of crafts made by a child together with his parents.

Methods of motivating parents for this activity.

To attract parents to participate in competitions and exhibitions, bright messages about the upcoming competition are posted in kindergarten in advance, with the name of the competition with the start and end date, and the materials used for crafts are also indicated. Then we arrange Parent meeting, where we talk about the upcoming competition. We show photographs of previous competitions and talk about the fact that joint creativity between children and parents forms a trusting relationship between them.

From work experience, we know that parents are most willing to make contact and express a desire to cooperate with the kindergarten precisely when it comes directly to their child. Everything related to a particular child arouses genuine interest. It is this interest that we use when organizing exhibitions of photographs, crafts, and drawings.

In our kindergarten, before the New Year, an exhibition is held and then a competition of handicrafts of joint creativity between children and parents “New Year's Kaleidoscope”. Many parents take part in the competition. The works are very diverse. For example: snowmen, Christmas trees, Santa Clauses made from paper, thread, plasticine, natural materials, drawings. Children tell with great pleasure how they made their craft together with their parents. Children in Lately lack of attention from parents. The children are very proud of the crafts they made together with their parents and show them to other children. All children who took part in the competition are awarded very good gifts, and parents are awarded letters of gratitude for their participation. Great assistance in purchasing gifts and letters of thanks provided by the Zaprudnovsky Village Council. Our kindergarten holds such a competition every year. Both children and parents are satisfied and happy.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Autumn Kaleidoscope". Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials

Autumn is a wonderful time! Golden autumn is a doubly wonderful time. We observe changes in nature, admire the beauty of autumn nature. This time is conducive to creativity. This is how the idea was born...

An exhibition of joint crafts made by children and parents from natural materials on the theme “Autumn Fantasies”...

The idea of ​​turning plastic and other waste into useful things and interesting compositions is, of course, not new.
And our libraries have shown this in practice.
With great creativity and imagination, events dedicated to the recycling of household waste are held in libraries.

In 2014, the Sanchur district libraries, together with the environmental center, held a district environmental competition crafts from scrap materials “Cardboard rivers - plastic banks.”

It was held as part of the environmental campaign “There are no unnecessary things in the world.”
8 district libraries and a children's creativity center took part in the competition.

Forty-five preschool and school age participants presented more than fifty different works. The guys showed imagination, skill, and put a piece of their soul into each work.
The winners were awarded diplomas and gifts, all participants received certificates and souvenirs.

Year of protection environment at the Central City Hospital named after. A. S. Pushkin, Kirov was dedicated city ​​environmental competition “Miracles from the trash can” .

The competition was designed to demonstrate the new possibilities of already used household materials.
The works were presented in two categories: “Beautiful and Useful” and “The Magical World of Lukomorye”.

They were distinguished by the variety of materials used: disposable tableware, plastic containers, plastic bags.

More than 200 active schoolchildren and kindergarten students took part in the competition, and about 250 works were presented.

The competition caused a great stir in the life of the city; the opening of the exhibition was covered by 6 city TV channels.
The award ceremony for the winners of the city environmental competition “Miracles from the Recycle Bin” took place in June at the “Econozhka Gathers Friends” festival.

The eco-leg greeted the winners, awarded them diplomas and gifts, made calls for a clean and green planet Earth and called for the fight against the Garbage King and environmental protection.

In 2013, the Center for Patriotic Education named after. G. Bulatov Sloboda City Library named after. A. Grina held the summer competition “Ecological Summer”

Competition tasks:

  • Visit the library regularly.
  • Read several books by nature writers over the summer (E. Charushin, V. Bianchi, M. Prishvin, Yu. Dmitriev, K. Paustovsky and others)
  • Answer the questions " Ecological quiz»
  • Create and design a poster on the theme “Take care of nature’s priceless gift”;
  • Take part in the “Plastic Bottle Hunt” event;
  • Make a craft from household waste (polyethylene, plastic, cardboard, paper, cans, etc.).

IN “Hunt for a Plastic Bottle” campaign Both adults and children took part.
They brought plastic bottles to the library, which literally “strewn” the streets and courtyards of the neighborhood.
Librarians recorded the number of bottles collected and stored them in large bags. Then they will be handed over to Vtorchermet.

Egor Saitov (3rd grade, MKOU Secondary School No. 14) was recognized as the winner in the “Plastic Bottle Hunt” nomination.
The boy collected and brought 200 plastic bottles!

As a result of the competition, an exhibition was organized, which included beautiful works made from household waste.

People are already tired of the plastic waste that they themselves create. The creation of plastic packaging solved many problems, but also created no less.
The garbage that our fathers left in their vacation spots has long turned into dust, and even our great-great-grandchildren will see our plastic bottles, because they are “eternal.”

Therefore, the Kama Library of the Afanasyevsky District decided to work on environmental project “The Second Life of a Plastic Bottle”.

Flowerbeds made from plastic bottles are a truly “bottomless” way to recycle plastic bottles.

Project participants:
Children of primary school age - participants of the environmental circle "Friends of Nature"

Significance and value of the project:

  • teach schoolchildren to take care of surrounding nature;
  • instill manual skills;
  • expand knowledge about the history of things

The library is decorated stand “Second life” of a plastic bottle"

Since 2011 he continues to work on project "Tale from garbage" Bor Library of Afanasyevsky District.
The campaign “Let's clear the village of garbage” was carried out.
During the event, household waste was collected and later they were used to make: the Swan Princess, the Serpent Gorynych, and 3 little pigs.

In 2013, as part of the environmental campaign Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards, libraries with these projects participated in the regional competition of environmental civil initiatives “EkoGrin” and took prizes.

  • Bor Library with the project “Tale from Garbage” (awarded 1st place, prize 10,000 rubles)
  • Kama Library with the project “The Second Life of a Plastic Bottle” (2nd place, prize 8,000 rubles)

In the year of environmental protection, the Biserovskaya Library of the Afanasyevsky District held master classes “Crafting from plastic bottles”.
Turusheva O.G. led them: they made photo frames for photography, as well as various flowers and crafts. Children and adults showed imagination and ingenuity.
The works of Turusheva O.G. were presented at an exhibition in the local library, as well as in the local history museum at the exhibition “Miracle from Garbage”.

The central library has craft exhibition« Crafts – homemade products from plastic bottles.”
The works were provided by children studying at the Children's Art Center.

Employees of the Central Library named after. A.L. Aleinova on the anniversary for city ​​of Omutninsk year invited residents on July 20, 2013 to “Bibliobulvar” “Under the green sail of dreams.”
As part of the rendezvous, interesting eco-sites awaited residents and guests of the city:

  • Zoo "In the world of animal news"
  • eco-alley "Nature" wonderful moment»,
  • relaxation glade “Flower Idyll”,
  • intellectual casino “Favorite city in the mirror of times”,
  • eco-marathon “With a basket basket along forest paths.”

“Bibliobulvar” presented to the audience best works competition of crafts made from waste materials “Miracles from the Recycle Bin”.
The competition, announced by the A.L. Aleinov Central Library, was held from June 3 to July 3, 2013.
The competition regulations were sent to city libraries, and readers were actively introduced to them.
The material for ornamental work was not chosen by chance, since too many useful things left over from human activity are thrown into landfills, lying there like dead weight, polluting the environment.

Introducing competition works At the mass environmental event “Under the Green Sail of Dreams”, held at the library boulevard on City Day, library staff sought to show the variety of second lives of junk things that can decorate a garden, flower beds in front of an institution, a playground, a corner, a children’s room playground and much more.

The unanimous winners were:

  • Gireva Natalya Vladimirovna – a housewife who presented a “Cuckoo” clock made from a disk, braid and a clock mechanism from an old alarm clock (1st place);
  • Galina Ivanovna Lusnikova, a pensioner, pleased the participants of the action with a huge bouquet of flowers created from plastic bottles (2nd place);
  • Galina Egorovna Ruleva, a librarian, made “Funny Checkers” that can brighten up a family’s leisure time on vacation, and earn a lot of interesting prizes on their birthday (3rd place).
  • 1st place was given to Alexandra Khmelkova (5 years old) for “Fairytale City,” which she created from various boxes, candy wrappers, and leftover threads;
  • 2nd place Victoria Borovaya (12 years old) for “Fashionista’s Hat” made from a vinyl record and remnants of fabric and jewelry;
  • 3rd place was given to Anna Rulyova (17 years old) for her craft “House for a Chick”.

The winners received well-deserved diplomas and memorable gifts.

In the central regional library named after. O. M. Kuvaev, Svechinsky district, was held as part of the “Library Courtyard” project family-ecological competition of crafts from household waste (garbage) “Green World”.

Librarians suggested that parents begin to show their children by personal example and involve them in amazing activities - creating interesting and useful things from nothing. Or rather, from what at first glance seemed unnecessary and uninteresting.
The competition generated interest and as a result 24 families took part.
All crafts were presented at the Green World exhibition.

The variety of crafts was impressive!
The winners were chosen by visitors to the exhibition.

The following were noted:

  • bouquet “Tenderness” from disposable spoons,
  • laser disc owl,
  • hedgehog made from candy wrappers and sponges,
  • fan made from disposable forks.

Also of interest:

  • football game for lung development (used: box, yogurt cups, juice sticks, peas),
  • an aquarium made from a plastic jar and used stickers,
  • bird feeders made from boxes and construction waste,
  • unusual candlesticks,
  • newspaper basket,
  • Christmas decorations made from perfume bottles,
  • rattles from vitamin jars,
  • Juice box nutcracker
  • car made from shampoo bottles.

Book exhibition-viewing « Homemade products from unnecessary things and even garbage" in the central library. Yakhlakov Oparinsky district.

As part of the series of events “Save the World and Nature” on the Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards in 2013, a exhibition “The Second Life of Things”.

The purpose of the exhibition: to attract the attention of the population to the problems of pollution of the environment by household waste, education ecological culture population, activation of creativity.

While those in charge are thinking about how to recycle garbage, where to get funds for basic cleaning and removing it outside the village, the central library focuses on important issue today – environmental protection from household waste.

How to avoid large quantities waste in everyday life and how to learn to reuse it.

Flower vases made from cling film and toilet paper reels

Children and Children's Art Centers actively participated in the exhibition, in collaboration with teacher Yulia Alekseevna Gruzdeva.

More than 50 exhibits were presented at the exhibition.

You can make such beautiful brooches from leftover leather and fur.

These beautiful flowers came from fruit wrappers.

Crafts from used CDs

Fan made from disposable plastic forks

Product made from woven newspapers

Waste material is probably one of the most common materials for arts and crafts.
Plastic bottles, cups, spoons and plates, plastic straws, old clothes and other household waste are worth nothing, but using them in your creativity you can make real masterpieces.

Basmanovskaya rural library-branch of MKUK "Arbazhskaya Central Library" held workshop on making useful things from household waste “Waste into Income”.

Making pincushions for boxes from cream jars

The “Healing Book” and “Rainbow of Flowers” ​​clubs in the Central Library of the Belokholunitsky District hosted creative exhibition “High Art from the Fragments of Existence”: vases for bouquets.
19 crafts made from waste materials are presented.

The central library has organized an exhibition “People and garbage: who wins?”

Became part of it creative exhibition “Treasures from a landfill”, at which members of the “Healing Book” club presented their crafts from waste materials: vases, patchwork blankets, rugs, a cap, mittens, slippers, a feeding trough, oven mitts and were further exhibited at an exhibition in the library reading room.

In the Polomskaya library of the Belokholunitsky district in the “Crazy Hands” circle for children preschool age February has passed class “From jars to vases”.
Glass jar from baby food turns into a beautiful vase. Or in a box in which you can store buttons.

Several classes of the “Rainbow of Flowers” ​​club in the Belokholunitsky Central Library were devoted to the skill of making beautiful crafts from waste materials.

One of them is the “Garden Fantasies” workshop: crafts from waste materials.

Prepared for class presentation “Go for it - you are talented!”

The following lesson was conducted in the form master class “Vegetable Scarecrow”.
A presentation has been prepared for the lesson.

Found these tips practical use in garden plots.

On June 2, employees of the Siberian Library-Club of the Uninsky District Pyatakova L.V. and Dzyuina N.G. took part in a community cleanup to improve the territory of the library-club, the area between the library-club and the post office.

Various household waste was used for decoration.

After painstaking work, old things found a “second life”.

These little animals appeared on the territory of the library club.

The format of master classes is becoming increasingly popular in the libraries of the Kirovo-Chepetsk Republican Central Library.

Thus, in the Burmakinsky library, during the traditional “Rainbow Week”, a series of master classes “Crafting from waste materials”.
Children created various crafts from paper, plastic, fabric - they turned out to be tulips, paintings, toys.

A master class was held at the Karinsky Library "Miracles from newsprint".
Children readily respond to these activities and participate in them with pleasure.

The material available to everyone is a plastic bottle. An incredible variety of wonderful, and, most importantly, necessary things can be made from it.
"The second life of a plastic bottle“- this was the name of the conversation that took place in the Pasegovskaya library on the initiative of the leading librarian T.N. Porubova.

It was attended by both children and adults, who watched with interest a master class on origami (Mikhailenko O.P.) and listened to advice on what can be made from a plastic bottle.
Many residents use plastic craft bottles.

For example:

  • wicker basket - made by I.I. Drachkov (retired),
  • rafts for swimming – the Nizovtsev-Malkin family,
  • toy Parsley (a plastic bottle in it acts as a frame and a “showcase”) - made by O. P. Mikhailenko at a craftswoman’s master class folk doll N. M. Nizovtseva.

Such easy-to-make and very attractive compositions can now be seen on Mira Street-1, Oktyabrskaya Street-8, Shkolnaya-12.

"Ideas of Vanya Vydumshchikov"- under this name in the Kobrin rural library named after. In V. Yu. Derbak, Nagorsky district, an exhibition of handicrafts made from waste material was organized.
The idea of ​​organizing this exhibition was realized thanks to the close cooperation of the library and kindergarten“Smile” p. Cobra.

A creative competition was announced among parents and children for the best production of handicrafts from waste materials.
About 40 works were presented (it took up three tables!)

According to the jury, prizes went to:

  • Casket from old book using decoupage technique
  • Massage mat made of plastic corks
  • Ottoman made from plastic bottles;
  • Photo frame from a candy box
  • Thread holder made from plastic bottles
  • A pincushion made from old tights
  • Vases made from old newspapers and candy wrappers, etc.

All competition participants were awarded diplomas and small souvenirs.

At the beginning of December 2012, the head of the City Library-Branch of Belaya Kholunitsa M. Yu. Dyachenko, out of habit, looked at the website, where its administrator and journalist of the local newspaper “Kholunitsa Dawns” - Oksana Savelyeva posted last news about events in the city and region.
Then she came across an interesting offer.

With the support of the city administration, on the eve of the New Year it was announced competition of toys for the city Christmas tree from household waste “Pure New Year!”.

All creative people cities, students, and teams from various organizations responded to the organizers’ idea of ​​decorating the city Christmas tree.
The City Library was no exception.

Plastic bags, plastic bottles, various packaging, cans, disposable tableware - all materials were considered as potential candidates for transformation into the New Year's Miracle.
We looked for ideas on the Internet, in magazines, and finally, having decided on an idea, we got down to business!

The most New Year's toy is a ball. But to make the ball look impressive on a large Christmas tree and not get lost is the task. We settled on plastic disposable cups.

Having involved volunteers from a local vocational school, they quickly collected the required number of cups.

The employees of the cafe “At the Fountain”, located next door, also helped.

With the help of office staples and a stapler, the cups quickly turned into a huge light ball. The silver spray paint added some shine to it.

A little more tinsel - and the ball became the winner of the competition!

“The need for invention is cunning” - that’s what our ancestors said.
And in our time, creating and making something unusual out of seemingly unnecessary things is not only pleasant, but also useful.
The boys and girls continued to create at home to decorate their New Year trees.

In the Ovsyannikovskaya rural library of the Luzsky district (headed by N.A. Tokmakova), the ecological circle “Domovenok” has been working for more than 10 years.
One of the areas of work is the artistic processing and use of natural materials and household waste.
The guys make crafts from natural materials, birch bark, tree branches, and household waste: rags, used plastic bottles, etc.

And here's what happened on lesson “Painting on bottles”, which was recently mastered.

The library has a permanent exhibition of crafts.

And this is another craft made from dry grass, yogurt bottles and kinder surprise.

In the Peshcherskaya rural library of the Verkhnekamsk region, as part of the All-Russian days of environmental protection from environmental hazards, members of the “Handicraft” club received Active participation In the organisation exhibition "Waste into Income", which featured works made from recycled materials: bags, plastic bottles, old postcards.
A total of 21 exhibits were presented.

Potemkina A.E. presented knitted round rugs made from bags.

Artyomikhina O.D. Using old postcards, I prepared boxes in the shape of a sofa.

Shakhmaeva E.V., using a glass lemonade bottle, made a souvenir poodle dog.

Shipitsina E.I. I knitted footwear from fluffy knitted items.

Flower pots were knitted from old threads using the macrame technique.

In the Rudnichnaya city library of the Verkhnekamsk region they organized exhibition - creativity"Fantasies of a Craftswoman".
The works of O.N. are presented. Safronova, and most of them are made from “unnecessary” things: plastic cups, caps, old gramophone records, shreds, buttons.

You won’t immediately realize that a beautiful panel is “just” a plate decorated with flowers and leaves, which have been turned into skillfully cut plastic bottles or scraps of fabric.

There are also original costume jewelry and flower pots knitted from threads or made using the origami technique, and there are also scarlet roses crocheted.

In 2012, she continued working on project “A Tale from Garbage”» Bor Library of Afanasyevsky District.

The project “Tale from Garbage” became the winner of the regional competition “EcoGreen”.

A pressing problem for the village of Bor is the disposal of household waste. There are empty bottles, cigarette and ice cream packaging, etc. lying on the streets. There are problems with taking garbage to landfills. There are many unauthorized landfills in the vicinity of the village.
The goal of the project is to create an ecological culture among the population.

1. Show how household waste can be used to decorate your home and garden.
2. Provide information on the topic.
3. Support the creative ideas of teenagers.
4. Employment of teenagers in the summer.

Implementation period: 2011-2013

Raising the level of environmental awareness of both children and adults.
Formation of moral qualities - the desire and ability to preserve the world nature.
Fostering love for your small homeland.
Instill the desire to make your village cleaner and more beautiful through the use of household waste

Project participants are employees of the Bor Library and students of the Municipal Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School in the village of Bor.

Idea or fairy-tale character and material used:

Blooming meadow - lids from plastic buckets, plastic bottles
Baba Yaga and her hut - waste from the construction of a fence
Mermaid - old dress, vegetable nets
Scientist cat – wood carving, old chain
Cheburashka under a palm tree – plastic bottles
Thumbelina - plastic bottle, old doll
Lilies of the valley - plastic bottles
Scarecrow - old bag
Zmey Gorynych – plastic bottles
Swan Princess - old tire

The project was supported by village residents and organizations.
From waste material - bucket lids, car tires, croakers, cuts of birch chocks, old clothes, etc. - the fences of the school, summer playground, facades of houses and fences of residents are decorated.

TO summer season employees of the Gordinsky library of the Afanasyevsky district made a selection and designed an exhibition of books on gardening, including on the topic "How yesterday’s trash has turned into a decorative element.”
Readers appreciated the idea.

The library area was decorated with wicker baskets made of willow, and wooden cuts marked flower beds.
Three mushrooms grow nearby - fly agarics, made from old basins. Two pigs also “live” here: one of them was once a wooden block, the second was made from a large plastic bottle.

A little imagination and hands that know their stuff - and yesterday’s trash turned into a decorative element. It’s beautiful, and the area is cleared of debris.

Entrance to the Gordino Library

On August 12, 2012, a holiday was celebrated - Builder's Day. To mark this day, in the Chashchinskaya rural library of the Nolinsky district, children from the “Communication” club, under the leadership of the head of the library V.A. Medkova, built a real “magic castle” made from discardable materials.

This idea came about completely by accident. The children saw a picture of a castle on the candy wrapper, which they really liked, and decided to make such a castle with their own hands for Builder’s Day.

After discussion, we decided to make it from ordinary cardboard boxes, since they are all easier and faster to get. The children themselves went to choose boxes suitable for construction, decorated them with paints, and drew windows and gates.

The most active participants who worked on the castle from the “foundation of construction” to its completion placed their photographs in the windows of the castle.

The library worker and the children collected the required number of bottles on the streets, but these “towers” ​​were not stable enough.
They began to think further, but did not throw away the bottles either - they cut out wonderful fantastic flowers from them, painted them in bright colors, and in the final part of work on the castle they decorated it with them.

But for now the castle remained without towers.

Then a proposal was received from the parents - to make towers from pressed cardboard, on which linoleum and film are wound.
It is also not so difficult to get hold of it - in specialized stores this material is “thrown away”.
The guys themselves went to the Department Store to get the pipes, the boys sawed them, the girls painted them.
And the towers turned out to be stable, durable, and beautiful.

The “magic castle” is almost ready!
They worked on the castle for almost 2 weeks. 16 children took part in the “construction”. Many guys joined in the process of work.

The “construction” did not end there, and over time the castle plans to “expand” and everyone hopes that more and more new faces will appear in its windows!

There would be a desire. And if you wish, you can make anything out of the most unnecessary material if you use your imagination and creativity. It was very interesting for the children - to offer their ideas, to get the material themselves to bring their ideas to life, that is, to create something with their own hands.

In the summer of 2011, on Village Day in the village of Burmakino, Kirovo-Chepetsk district, a fashion show “Not Fabric”».
The clothing models were invented and prepared by readers of the Dresvyanovsky and Burmakinsky libraries, students of the auxiliary school.
To create the clothes, commonly available materials were used: garbage bags, newspapers, tape, candy wrappers. The children showed off the results of their labors with great pleasure.
The collection of dresses made from candy wrappers delighted the audience.
Models made from recycled materials attract people's attention to the problem of environmental pollution.

Aroused great interest thematic photo exhibition "Trash piles of our city" in the Oryol Central Bank.
The photo exhibition has been held for several years now. The stand displayed photographs of unsightly corners of the city that were taken in 2008, 2009, 2010.
Comparing the photographs shows what has changed for the better or for the worse on the streets. Visitors to the exhibition looked at the photographs with great interest and noted the pleasant changes in the improvement and cleanliness of Orlov.

This photo exhibition was timed with another exhibition - recommendation "Miracles for people from unnecessary things." It presents products made from waste materials that have outlived their useful life, but were used to make new ones. These are rugs made from milk cartons, panels made from buttons, vases made from plastic and glass bottles, products made from corrugated cardboard, yarn, scraps of fabric, etc. Visitors to the exhibition could not only admire hand-made masterpieces, but also read books and magazines with recommendations on their use and production. The best products were awarded with small souvenirs and letters of gratitude.

Many libraries hold competitions and exhibitions of crafts made from various household waste, showing that they can not be thrown away, increasing the amount of garbage, but used as useful and beautiful things.

Pizhansk Central District Library named after. A.F. Krasnoperova
Exhibition - viewing "Waste into income"

Exhibition of crafts from waste materials “Learn to create miracles” surprised everyone who visited her at the inter-settlement Central Bank of the Shabalinsky district.
A mushroom meadow made of foam rubber and dried orange peels, a wise owl made of disks, a windmill made of newspapers, a butterfly and a bee made of plastic bottles….
Pupils of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" prepared their ships from different material: plastic bottles, polystyrene foam, paper, shells.

Campaign “Feed the birds!” in the Markov rural library of the Kirovo-Chepetsk region has become traditional. Participants of the “Handiwomen” club make feeders made of plastic packaging for cakes.

And the guys from the environmental club “Pochemuchki” hang them out in a birch grove and make sure that the feeders always have grains for the birds.

Members of the ecological club “Pochemuchka” make containers and vases from plastic bottles, cans, and various boxes; thread panels; panels made of ceiling tiles and packing tape; New Year's hanging compositions made of wire and holiday bags; garlands of candy wrappers; hot coasters made of cardboard and linen thread; vases made from original bottles and linen thread, etc.

Semenovskaya SB of the Shabalinsky district conducted a competition for crafts made from waste materials and an exhibition – viewing “Treasures from a Landfill”.
School students and village residents presented their works. It turns out that if you apply skillful hands and think carefully, you can turn everything that is ready to be thrown away into a beautiful panel, funny toys and even amazing paintings.
And the most important thing is to clean up our planet at least a little, because we are still largely consumers of nature, and have not learned to recycle what we use.

Participants in the exhibition used everything they had at hand in their works: CDs and old records, artificial flowers, leftover fabric and yarn turned into charming paintings.
You can make amazing doll furniture from cocktail and beer cans.
And turn candy wrappers into shiny New Year's balls and toys.
From twisted tubes of paper from newspapers and brightly colored magazines, coasters and wicker plates are made.
Cocktail straws together with the remains of leather in the form of flowers turned into a wonderful panel.
Pictures were made from cardboard, birch bark, moss and dry grass.

And the Sorvizhskaya SB of the Arbazh district in 2010 during the action “We are for our clean village” held competition of ideas "Trash-Art" on making various crafts from unnecessary things and an exhibition of crafts from garbage was organized.

In order to attract attention to the problem of the environment from a very early age, the Pescherskaya SB of the Verkhnekamsk region, together with a kindergarten group, organized a family competition for crafts made from plastic bottles “Crazy Hands”.
9 families took part in the competition, each of which presented from 1 to 4 crafts: a family of woodpeckers, a mug, a doll, a candlestick, a pencil holder, a feeder, etc.
The exhibition turned out to be interesting and varied. All participants of the competition were invited to the “Plastic Bottle Benefit Performance” to sum up the results.

To begin with, to understand how to design an exhibition of crafts, try to decide on the theme of your exhibition. This could be an exhibition dedicated to the Eighth of March or Grandmothers' Day, or it could be dedicated to a favorite toy or time of year. For example, at an exhibition dedicated to autumn, you can display crafts made from various natural materials, fallen leaves, seeds and spikelets. Children's drawings on autumn themes, various appliqué techniques and even soft toys would also be appropriate. A fairly large and spacious room is best suited for such an exhibition. Make sure in advance that the selected room is sufficiently well lit and has the opportunity to install additional light sources.

When solving the problem: “how to design an exhibition of children’s crafts,” special attention should be paid to the location of children’s works, because such creations are usually very bright, unusual and colorful. If you simply place them in a row, ranked, the exhibition will look boring and dull. But you want to convey childish joy and spontaneity, a special creative approach. To make your exhibition lively and interesting, try being a child. Place small and fragile parts in illuminated glass display cases. It would be great if you could install rotating display cases and stands.

Place larger creations on shelves or designated tables. It will look great to combine several different crafts into one composition. Try to organize the exhibition in such a way that a general theme and plot can be traced, then it will be interesting for visitors to move from one object to another. Drawings, appliqués, and embroidery are best framed using mats. This way, children's creations will look more solid and interesting.

Make sure that all objects are not only easily accessible to any visitor to the exhibition, but also securely attached to walls or stands, especially if there are children present at the exhibition.

Be sure to place information next to each work about who the author of this work is, what its name is and what it is made of. Additionally, be sure to indicate the age of the child who did this or that work. For such signs, you can use small sheets of colored or plain white paper. It is better to make inscriptions in large block letters in bright colors. Additionally, next to the work you can place a photograph of the author and a poem that would suit a particular craft or short information about the technique in which the work was made.

Be sure to create a beautiful, bright poster announcing your event. You can make bright invitations indicating the time and location of the exhibition of children's crafts. Decorate the room with colorful balloons, posters that match the theme, and photos of exhibitors at work. Think about what you can offer to your exhibition guests. It could be juice delicious tea with homemade cookies or original cakes. The main thing is that your mini-buffet will please the guests of the exhibition.

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