“He helped our family in the most difficult time”: Karimov promises to support Khabirov. Mustai Karim's grandson will replace Rustem Khamitov? The heirs of the Russian elite will receive the best parts of the country

Igor Sechin, head of the state corporation Rosneft, could just be a teacher. Portuguese teacher French- he received such a specialty in Leningrad state university in the 80s. And he even worked as a translator in Mozambique and Angola for several years. And then he entered the civil service, and his career path led him to the oil business.

But the Sechin family is still enthusiastic about philology. His daughter Inga is married to Timerbulat Karimov, the grandson of the great Bashkir poet Mustai Karim.

At the end of September, the Karimovs registered the House of National Literatures foundation, a platform for cultural exchange between writers from different parts of the country.

According to the SPARK-Interfax database, the founders of the House are the Traditions and Culture Foundation (its co-owners are Timerbulat and Inga Karimov) and the Mustai Karimov Foundation (co-owners are Timerbulat and his relatives).

The idea of ​​such a platform was approved by President Vladimir Putin in December 2016. Then he held a meeting of the Council for Culture and the Arts. Rector of the Literary Institute Alexey Varlamov said that “the school of literary translation has been lost in our country.”

And if earlier we all knew the names of such wonderful writers as Chingiz Aitmatov, Kaisyn Kuliev, David Kugultinov, Mustai Karim, Rasul Gamzatov, today, unfortunately, this is also being washed out of our lives,” said Alexey Varlamov.

During his “trips, conversations with colleagues from national republics, from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, the idea arose to create a House of National Literatures in Moscow,” Varlamov said. According to the rector of the Literary Institute, the grandson of the great Bashkir poet Mustai Karim, Timerbulat Olegovich Karimov, volunteered to head the supervisory board of the House.

Putin called it a good idea. And on January 15, 2017, the Russian Government, together with the Moscow mayor’s office, “to consider the issue of creating in Moscow... a House of National Literatures.”

Mustai Karim “is constantly invisibly present in our lives, helping us at every step,” Timerbulat, referring to the residents of Bashkortostan and all connoisseurs of the poet in general. He calls Bashkir his native language and wants to “protect” it from the “digital challenge” and globalization. This explains his social work.

Russian Copper Company". He is also a co-owner of the Arnix company (profile - rent and management of own or leased non-residential real estate). Previously, he held the positions of Senior Vice President of VTB and Advisor to the General Director of the Russian Direct Investment Fund.

Inga Karimova also tried herself in business. How, in 2016, she was going to invest in turkey production in Novgorod region. According to SPARK, the company "Good People" (profile - poultry breeding) is registered under Inga Karimova. Previously, the company had a stake in Novgorod Agropark, but now it does not.

Judging by SPARK data, Inga Karimova is now more involved in social activities. Timerbulat and Inga have five funds between them. This includes, for example, the “Country Festival”. He holds festivals named after Chaliapin in the town of Plyos (part of the Golden Ring).

The festival “annually brings together world-famous performers on one stage” (among them Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Denis Matsuev, Maria Bayankina). By the way, Timerbulat is also the chairman of the Council of the Plyos urban settlement.

This summer, at the festival in Plyos, Svetlana Medvedeva, the wife of the Prime Minister. Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky sent a telegram of welcome to the organizers, and Minister of Construction Mikhail Men (honorary citizen of Plyos) expressed gratitude to the Karimov couple.

Some political scientists previously spoke about Timerbulat as a possible candidate for the post of head of a region, for example, Bashkortostan. To the delight of my father-in-law.

Oleg Roldugin

Straight to the Kremlin

On January 13, 2017, a significant event occurred in the life of Tamara Gubina, a teacher and part-time municipal deputy of the city of Plyos: she was invited to the Kremlin.

“This trip,” she recalls, “was organized for us by our chairman of the Council of the Plyos urban settlement. The best people the city was invited there, the priest was... Unforgettable impressions. After all, they took us everywhere there, including places where ordinary tourists were prohibited from entering. They showed, for example, the hall where Putin’s inauguration ceremony took place, can you imagine! Yes, the Kremlin commandant himself personally met us there and even invited us to come. This is the gift our chairman gave us.

Perhaps, today the chairman of the Plyossky Council is the only speaker of provincial deputies throughout the country who is able to arrange an excursion of such a high level for his supporters. And the point is not even that this man’s name is Timerbulat Karimov. The fact is that his father-in-law's name is Igor Sechin, also chairman, but already of the board of the Rosneft company. All doors in the Kremlin are open to this man. Well, or almost everything.

One-day candidate

At the same time, the city has not heard about Sechin’s visits to Plyos directly. Medvedev lives, and this one - not a foot. They say that the initiative to be elected to local deputies did not come from the head of Rosneft, but indeed from his son-in-law:

Karimov had a dacha here near the Shokhonka River, but... Either the entire road to it was turned around, or the covering on the square where he was going to hold an event was dismantled, so he decided to go to the authorities and restore order. True, the Plyosites only vote for their own people, so Moscow intervened: for the sake of Karimov, they even decided to remove two United Russia members from the elections, so that there would be no competition.

They also bought votes in those elections,” local activist of the “Voice” movement Irina Maltseva added to Sobesednik. - Some are 500 rubles, some are 1,000. Personally, I handed over to the police a man who admitted to me on camera that he was bought. True, for some reason the police did not find any crime in bribing voters.

In small districts, buying votes is indeed a very effective election technology. But in this case, I can’t say anything about money,” explained the general director of the PR-3000 company, Stanislav Radkevich, whose team helped promote Karimov in Plyos in September 2015. - But in my memory this is the only candidate whose election campaign lasted one day: on Friday he spoke to voters and won their sympathy so much that on Sunday they unanimously voted for him. And then other elected deputies, apparently trusting Karimov very much, made him their chairman.

Security stands up

Chairman's wife Inga Karimova(nee Sechin) was accepted in Plyos. Not as their own, of course, but still respected:

She is sweet, friendly, communicates tenderly with her children, and knows how to smooth out conflicting things. And most importantly, he doesn’t get involved in administrative matters.

But her husband Bulat Karimov walks around the city-museum not in soft slippers, but with a firm owner’s gait. When, of course, it appears there. True, this doesn’t happen often: it’s good if once or twice a month.

“You can’t get through his security,” complains local resident Pyotr Shevchenko. “I wanted to ask him why he didn’t fulfill his promise to install a water supply system, but they told me: “We won’t let him in, you’re not so inclined!” But how can one be determined if he himself does not solve problems, and without him there is general stagnation. Other deputies say: “We must first discuss it with Karimov.” The head of the settlement says: “We must wait for Timerbulat Olegovich.” The secretary says: “How do I know when he will arrive. And in general, he is not obliged to meet with anyone.” They just grind everything with their tongue. They turned a nice town, where normal people came to relax, into a sleek, lifeless object: instead of sandy beaches, they built concrete piers, installed lanterns that never lit up. It's a shame. For Karimov, Plyos is simply a springboard for a future career.

However, not everyone in the city dares to openly criticize the new Plyos broom. The former head of the settlement, Elena Yudina, did not please Karimov, lost her post and for several months now has not been able to get a job anywhere:

Karimov? Sorry, I won't say anything about him. Don't want.

Deputies only openly praise:

We have a good, wonderful chairman. It would be bad for us without him. He bought a large Christmas tree for the city at his own expense.

And behind their backs they complain that not all initial hopes were justified, that Karimov is ready to help the school museum, but there will be no solution to serious problems.

So the local “architect” (as they call him here) Vladimir Grishin is dissatisfied:

Nothing has changed in these one and a half years. And in some ways it got even worse. For example, Karl Marx Street in the center of Plyos was for some reason classified as a zone where construction is not allowed. And there, after all, the plot was allocated for a specific purpose for the construction of a mini-hotel. As a result, tourists come, but there is nowhere to stay.

Well, you don’t have to worry about tourists. The Karimov family has several houses in Plyos, one of which is marked on the local map as “Guest House “Lastochka” (opening soon). So not everyone in the city is prohibited from building.

“I have the impression that the obstacles to the tenant from Karl Marx Street are of a custom nature,” shared Vladimir Grishin. - I even contacted the prosecutor's office. Maybe this was done in order to keep the city in one hand?

As Sobesednik found out, a huge plot of the former holiday home park on Karl Marx Street, next to the Levitanovskaya birch grove, belongs to Zavolzhskoye LLC, a subsidiary of the Gradislava Foundation. "Gradislava" is today listed as the formal owner Milovka estate, where Dmitry Medvedev rests, but Milovka is on the outskirts, and Karl Marx is the very center. It would also be nice to build a boarding house there, but Karimov won’t allow it.

The general director of Gradislava, Ivan Karabinsky, told Interlocutor that he does not discuss official issues with journalists. But in Lately activity began in the park: a watchman appeared, a construction trailer appeared, a generator was delivered... So Plyos is looking forward to who will win this battle on the Volga - the Sechin clan or the Medvedev clan. Such a small town and such big passions.


How Bulat was tempered

Timerbulat Karimov was born in 1974 in Ufa. Grandson of the people's poet of Bashkiria Mustai Karim. Studied in the States. He worked in the management of a number of companies and was president of Summa Capital. Member of the Board of Directors of the Russian Copper Company. Runs his own business. © "Interlocutor", 02.22.2017

Father-in-law for an aspiring politician

“It is obvious that the scale of Timerbulat Karimov’s activities is many times greater than the scale of tiny Plyos,” political strategist Stanislav Radkevich commented on the future politician. - Therefore, the option of his appointment to the Federation Council (following the example of Matvienko) was initially predicted. However, now Karimov’s candidacy is being considered for the post of head of Bashkiria, which meets the interests of Igor Sechin. After all, this republic is not only an oil region, but also one of the country’s key electoral hubs, control over which influences the outcome of federal elections. It is possible that Sechin sees himself as the future president of the country in 2024. Just like Medvedev. And if today in Plyos there really is a confrontation between these two clans, then perhaps it is on the banks of the Volga that the question of who will become the next president of Russia is now being decided.

[RBC News Agency, 05/25/2016, “Sechin’s daughter’s company became interested in turkey production”: At the end of September 2015, the company “Good People” LLC was registered in Moscow, the main activity of which is related to the breeding of poultry. This company, in turn, owns 40% of Novgorod Agropark LLC, which was registered in Veliky Novgorod on December 4, 2015 and has the same specialization.
The sole owner and general director of the Good People company is Inga Igorevna Karimova. [...]
In February 2014, the Kommersant newspaper wrote that the daughter of the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, Inga, is married to Timerbulat Karimov (now a member of the board of directors of the Russian Copper Company), who until February 2014 was vice president of VTB for two years. [...]
Previously, investments by Inga and Timerbulat Karimov in agribusiness were not reported. Until September 2015, according to SPARK, Inga Karimova did not have shares in any companies. In February 2014, when Karimov resigned from VTB, Kommersant, citing own source reported that the former banker was now going to focus on his own projects and managing family assets.
Now Timerbulat Karimov is on the board of directors of the Russian Copper Company - the third largest copper producer in Russia (the main owner of the company is a billionaire Igor Altushkin). Karimov is also the chairman of the Plyos urban settlement and the founder of the Mustai Karim Foundation (engaged in publishing activities). On May 11 and 13, 2016, Inga and Timerbulat registered two foundations - “Traditions and Culture” and the music “Country Festival”. - Insert K.ru]

: "Come". But soon, perhaps, they will be calling to the Black Sea resorts of the Caucasus. In August, the administration of Gelendzhik allowed her to register a plot for the construction of a dacha in such a trump location, where the construction of housing for individual use is generally prohibited by law.

It's a stone's throw from the beach to the Karimovs' estates

Inga Karimova (nee Sechin) was born in 1982 in the family of the future head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin. She was a student at the Mining University, headed by Putin's confidant Vladimir Litvinenko. She married Dmitry Ustinov, the son of the then Prosecutor General, but after the birth of her son, the couple separated. Now she is married to billionaire Timerbulat Karimov. Does business. According to some reports, the family is raising five children.

Three years ago, on October 1, 2015, the son-in-law of the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin, Timerbulat Karimov, was unanimously elected chairman of the council of the Plyossky urban settlement Ivanovo region.

Karimov has a dacha here, but either the road to it will be turned around, or the covering on the square where he is going to hold an event will be dismantled, so he decided to go to power to restore order, the locals explain his unexpected career.

Since then, the Karimov family has only added more real estate in the small Volga town. It seemed that they would not betray Plyos, but...

At the beginning of summer, there were rumors that Igor Sechin’s daughter decided to move away from raising turkeys and become a resort developer.

“In March, the daughter of the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin and the wife of billionaire Timerbulat Karimov, Inga Karimov, became the owner of the St. Petersburg company Camelot,” the Ruspres agency reported. - Even under the previous owner, Camelot rented a land plot with an area of ​​17,571 square meters from the administration of Gelendzhik for 49 years. m on Mayachnaya Street almost right by the sea. The site is intended to accommodate a complex of apartments with social and cultural facilities. So it is possible that now Sechin’s daughter will be involved in the construction of the apartment complex.”

However, it is up to others to decide housing issues Inga Igorevna did not. From “Camelot” she transferred the ownership of the land to herself, and now no one is promising anyone any apartments, hotels, or even social and cultural facilities there.

View of the future estate from the embankment

In fact, the Camelot company, registered in St. Petersburg, according to documents, is engaged in wholesale trade. But the main asset of the company was still the land in Gelendzhik, on which the ex-owner of Camelot Anatoly Terekhov (by the way, the president of the Russian Taekwondo Union) actually tried to build an apartment complex. But knowledge of martial arts did not help him much in the behind-the-scenes bureaucratic struggle.

Terekhov did not answer the Interlocutor’s questions personally, but we found out the details of the fight for a place under the hot Black Sea sun.

"Novgorod Agropark “considers the region as a potential place for the implementation of a large investment project, Marina Ilyinskaya, first deputy head of the department of economic development of the Novgorod region, told RBC. According to her, we are talking about creating turkey meat production: the planned production volume is 30 thousand tons of meat per year in live weight. The company is currently negotiating with the government of the Novgorod region about providing land plot, Ilyinskaya clarified.An agreement of intent between the company and the regional government has not yet been signed. Karimov says it is too early to talk about the timing of the project’s launch and potential investments.

In slaughter weight, the production volume announced by Novgorodsky Agropark will be about 22 thousand tons, saysPresident of the consulting company Agrifood Strategies Albert Davleev . If the company had these indicators now, it could enter one of the three largest turkey producers in Russia. For comparison: in 2015, production volume the largest player in this market, the group " Eurodon" by Vadim Vaneev , amounted (in slaughter weight) to 38 thousand tons. The second largest production volume is the company “ Damate » with a volume of about 34.7 thousand tons, Bashkir poultry complex named after Gafuri produced 28 thousand tons last year, the company Krasnobor" - 18 thousand tons.

Investments in a project designed to produce 30 thousand tons of turkey will amount to at least €160 million, the payback period for such a project should be at least eight to ten years, comments Vadim Vaneev. “It’s too late to build now, even a year ago it was too late. Anyone can build it, the question is different: where will they sell it?” - he comments.The sales market for products produced in the Novgorod region may become the North-Western federal district— St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, local producers there produce no more than 5-6 thousand tons per year, and the market capacity is about ten times larger, I don’t agree Davleev. BCS analyst Marat Ibragimov notes that turkey production is the only segment of the meat market that is growing, so investing in it is still profitable.

The volume of turkey production in 2015 in Russia amounted to 149.5 thousand tons in slaughter weight. In 2015, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, turkey showed the largest increase in production of all types of meat: production in 2015, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, increased by 34.9%. In 2016, the volume will increase to 170-180 thousand tons, Davleev predicts.

How new company is going to finance a project in the Novgorod region, Karimov does not say. RBC was unable to contact his wife. Previously, investments by Inga and Timerbulat Karimov in agribusiness were not reported. Until September 2015, according to SPARK, Inga Karimova did not have shares in any companies. In February 2014, when Karimov was leaving VTB, Kommersant, citing its own source, reported that the former banker was now going to focus on his own projects and managing family assets.

Now Timerbulat Karimov is on the board of directors of the Russian Copper Company, the third largest copper producer in Russia (the main owner of the company is billionaire Igor Altushkin). Karimov is also the chairman of the Plyos urban settlement and the founder of the Mustai Karim Foundation (engaged in publishing activities). On May 11 and 13, 2016, Inga and Timerbulat registered two foundations - “Traditions and Culture” and the music “Dacha Festival”.

It's amazing how many qualities one person can have. A wonderful family man, a successful businessman, the grandson of a Bashkir poet, the head of the city of Plyos and, most importantly, the son-in-law of the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin. And all this is about one Timerbulat Karimov. But if you don’t sing praises, but return to real life, then the activities of Timerbulat Karimov cause a large number of questions.

Timerbulat Karimov

The biography of the businessman is long and interesting. Timerbulat Karimov was born in the family of the Bashkir poet Mustai Karim. At the moment, Mr. Timerbulat is actively promoting literature to the masses at the Mustai Karim Foundation. By the way, the fund was created 4 years ago, however, information about it appeared in the public only in 2016, when literary translators were awarded and grants were given to researchers. And already this year, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin ordered the creation of a House of National Literatures in the capital. This institution will be headed by none other than Timerbulat Karimov himself.

Also among the projects of the head of the city of Plyos there are two more funds: Traditions and Culture and the Country Festival. Moreover, the first was founded on May 11, and the second on May 13. The foundations sponsor the Chaliapin Dacha Musical Festival in Plyos. Federal politicians and famous representatives of the arts come to this event. Only here, too, the president of the festival, Inga Karimova, daughter of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, head of the Rosneft company Igor Sechin, and the wife of Timerbulat Karimov, could not do without family connections. And, naturally, Mrs. Karimova is on the list of founders of the Traditions and Culture and the Dacha Festival foundations.

Igor Sechin's daughter Inga Karimova and her husband Timerbulat Karimov

And now about the city of Plyos itself, in addition to the fact that the anti-corruption fund reached out through sneakers to the mansion of Dmitry Medvedev, which is located there. Timerbulat Karimov became chairman of the Council of the Plyos urban settlement in October 2015. And a year later a new fund, the Plyos Development Corporation, was founded. Cash Timerbulat Karimov himself and his wife are also investing in the city of Plyos. In addition, deputy of the Plyos Council and businessman Kirill Ignatiev relatively recently announced his participation in the fund. The general director of this corporation is Georgy Shebaev.

The property with the address at which the Plyos Development Corporation is registered (2 Spusk Gory Svobody Street) belongs, according to the Unified State Register of Real Estate, to Inga Karimova. Moreover, she bought the land plot even before the appointment of Timerbulat Karimov as chairman of the Plyos Council. But they sold the plot in advance a year before the elections of deputies to the local assembly.

In turn, Mrs. Karimova purchased this property from ex-wife ex-head of Plyos, entrepreneur Alexey Shevtsov. True, not everything is so simple with the ex-official. Although Mr. Shevtsov left his post back in 2012, he still owns all the resort facilities in this city. Simply put, Ples is its own state, in which roles are clearly distributed.

Naturally, real estate in the Ivanovo region is not the only property of the Karimov family. Inga Karimova is the proud owner of a plot of land on Rublyovka, in Zhukovka. By the way, the family’s plot is located next door to the scandalous famous house Igor Sechin. Nearby there is another plot measuring 14 thousand square meters. meters, the rights to which belong to a certain Varvara Igorevna Sechina - Mr. Sechin does not have a daughter with that name. But these areas were registered on the same day.

Although, perhaps November 12 was simply the only day of the year when plots were registered in Zhukovka. A simple coincidence, as we usually explain it.

In the same elite village There is another house of the family of official Sergei Chemezov. By the way, the family of Timerbulat Karimov and Chemezov are connected not only by similar tastes in choosing a place to live. Timerbulat Karimov and Sergey Chemezov are on the board of the Russian Cycling Federation.

Naturally, Mr. Chemezov is not the only official with whom Timerbulat Karimov is friends. The official loves the game of golf and last year he took part in a closed golf tournament. This event was dedicated to the International Industrial Exhibition INNOPROM-2016, as you know, the head of the exhibition is Denis Manturov. It was with him that Timurbulat Karimov made friends.

All of Timerbulat Karimov’s other friends came from his career. He studied at the University of Bridgeport in the USA, where he also worked as an oil sector analyst. investment company John S. Herold. And in 2004, the young man was appointed director of capital markets management at Aton. There, the official met the founder of the Aton group, Evgeny Yuryev, who, as many remember, during the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, served as his adviser.

Well, from the Aton group of companies, Mr. Karimov moved to the Uralsib corporation and already in 2011 he received the post of vice president of VTB Bank. A few years later, information will appear in the media that Timerbulat Karimov appeared in public with Inga Sechina. At the same time, it became known about the Mustai Karim Foundation.
Having applied for parliament, Karimov did not give up his entrepreneurial activities: he is now on the board of directors of the Russian Copper Company CJSC, one of the largest copper producers in the country. In addition, together with his mother Alfia Karimova and father Oleg Balaban, the businessman owns Arnix LLC. The type of activity of the company indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is the rental and management of real estate.

Few people know that the Timerbulat Karimov Foundation is associated with oil company Bashneft. The state share, in which, by order of the government, was sold to Igor Sechin's Rosneft company. Of course, tie this story it turns out badly, but if you think about it, a manager from Timerbulat Karimov’s homeland - from Ufa, connected with Bashneft, manages the company of Igor Sechin’s daughter.

The Plyos Development Corporation belongs to Timerbulat Karimov only half, the rest belongs to Good People LLC. The only founder of this company is Inga Karimova. Based on official documentation, no special financial movements were noticed for the company. Only in 2015 the company managed to establish Novgorod Agropark LLC. According to the same documentation, the company is engaged in breeding poultry. Together with Inga Karimova, this company is managed by Investment Company LLC.

The investment company is owned by Ildus Fakhretdinov. He also owns the majority of the company in the city of Ufa. For example, he is listed as one of the founders of the Ishstal steel rolling plant.

But the director of this plant is already manager Oleg Ignatov. By the way, Mr. Ignatov is richest man and is included in the Top 100 of the Bashkir elite. In addition to managing Ishstal, Oleg Ignatov holds the post of director of Ufa Motor Invest LLC - this is the company associated with Bashneft. The founder of this company is OJSC Ufa Motor-Building Production Association, the largest engine manufacturer in Russia. Bashneft Company and OJSC Ufa Motor-Building Production Association are the two largest founders of JSC Bashkir Trade and Investment Center in terms of size of contributions.

Now in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Timerbulat Karimov is called the future head of the republic. This could be beneficial for all members of the Sechin-Karimov family.

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