Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan? How to fast correctly during the month of Ramadan: general information, tips and recommendations for men, women, main prayers and traditions of Ramadan. Is it possible to brush your teeth during the day?

1. First category: small and sinless. They do not understand the ethics of behavior in the mosque and do not know anything about prayer. They do not understand that the mosque is a place to worship Allah. There is also a danger that they will urinate in the mosque 1 or to play inside and thus violate its sanctity. This category [usually] includes children 5-6 years old 2 .

Hukm for children in this category 3 - that it is not permissible to bring them to the mosque.

If parents bring such a child to the mosque, and the child violates the sanctity of the house of Allah, then the sin will be on the parents, because these children are sinless. Mosque caretakers may also prohibit such children from entering the mosque.

Sharia law provides a framework for each act. These frames are what is called Ding 4 , and we must stick to them.

[This is the category of children that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had in mind when he said: “ Keep the insane and [young] children away from your mosques5 ]

These children understand the status of the mosque and respect it to some extent. However, due to lack of complete understanding, they do not give it due respect. Such children can be brought to the mosque, but it is better not to do so [if in relation to these children there is still a possibility that they may be unduly disruptive. This is a matter of upbringing and the innate inclination of the child. Scholars say there are huge benefits to children attending mosque, especially in non-Muslim countries where they don't see Muslims anyway, because it greatly helps them develop an Islamic identity - a sense of themselves as Muslims].

The ruling for this category is that they should be brought to the mosque in order to instill in them the habit of performing Friday prayers in the jamaat, since prayer becomes obligatory for them upon reaching adulthood. And it also becomes a fard for them to perform jumah. If this is not instilled before they reach maturity, they will have to be taught it after it becomes compulsory, because of this they may not attend juma at all. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you bring teenagers to the mosque, having previously explained to them at home the rules of respecting this place. They should be taught not to make noise in the mosque, since it is a sacred place where Allah is remembered.

Rows of children during prayer

Children's rows should be arranged immediately behind the men's rows after they are full 6 . This is the way of the Sunnah. Those who came after the beginning of the prayer should join the “children’s” rows, on the right and left sides.

Moving children away

Some latecomers begin to pull children back if they see them in the rows of worshipers. Some people grab them by the ear and drag them back. Everyone who is late does this. This is common in many mosques. And this happens because these days most people are late for prayer. For some reason they think that it is not permissible to pray next to a child.

This is absolutely false. We need to get rid of this thought. You should stand next to the child, whether it is in the first row or in the last. You can stand to the left or right of him. This does not disrupt or affect the prayer. All latecomers must stand in the back next to the children. It is not allowed to move children behind you. This act is sinful. By doing this, we violate their prayer and thus take on the sin.

Being among the adults

If the children who came to the mosque for prayer are not well-mannered and run around the mosque, fooling around, laughing and chatting, then the ruling against them is that they should be separated and be among adults. They don't need to create a separate row. This way they won't be able to disturb others. Or if there are only one or two children in the mosque, then they are allowed to stand in prayer with adults, and it will not be karakhat 7 .


We must also remember how the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) treated children. You can't be cruel or hit children. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “ Anyone who does not have mercy for the younger ones and does not respect the elders is not one of us" Anas (radhiyallahu ankh) served the Prophet for 10 years, and not once did the Prophet (pbuh) reproach him for what he did or for what he did not do.

Strongly scolding, reproaching or beating a child is against the sunnah. Moreover, if you scold a child too much, it will not give long-term results. He may stop doing something for a while, but then repeat this action again.

The child should be taught with love and tenderness that the mosque is not a place for pranks and games. If you explain this to him gently [rather than reprimand], then he will respect you and, inshaAllah, will not repeat his mistakes next time.

All about religion and faith - "Islam prayer to babies" with detailed description and photographs.

Assalyamu alaikum! I recently had a daughter. When you look at this baby, you want to protect her from everything harmful that exists. Tell me some dua to protect children, if any. Thank you in advance.

There is such a dua. The Prophet himself, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, loved children very much, and very much loved his grandchildren: Hassan and Husayn.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, often prayed for children, for his children, grandchildren and for the children of his companions. He loved them very much and often, watching their games, asked Allah for a long and prosperous life for them, knowledge, wisdom and Iman.

Seeking protection from Allah for his grandchildren, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of the Most High be upon him, read the following dua over them:

U'izu-kuma bi-kalyamati-Llahi-t-tam-mati min kulli shaitanin, va hammatin, wa min kulli 'ainin lyammatin! /I take refuge in the perfect words of Allah, from every shaitan, and (harmful) insect, and every evil eye/

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Mother's Prayer

A Muslim child should always strive to receive the good prayers of his parents.

It is said that Bayezid Bistami had an elderly and sick mother. One day in the middle of the night she woke up and asked for a glass of water, and while her son went to get it, she fell asleep. And all night until the morning, Bayazit Bistami sat next to her bed with a glass of water in his hand, waiting for her to wake up and want to drink.

And when she finally woke up from sleep to perform her morning prayer, she saw that her son was waiting for her with a glass of water, which touched her extremely. And then she prayed for him with all her heart: “May you be the most insightful and sensitive, son!”

And with the blessing of this prayer from his mother, Bayezid Bistami truly becomes the sultan of all the most insightful. And in all books about tasawwuf he is called by this title.

At the same time, one should be wary of the curse of parents, especially the curse of the mother. A child who deserves his mother's curse will not only be unhappy in this life, but in the next life he will also be among those who will be at an eternal loss, and there is no doubt about it.

Among the companions of the prophet was someone named Alqama. After he got married, his attitude towards his own mother changed dramatically. The elderly woman, noticing this change, became very upset and upset.

Days have passed. One day Alkama fell ill and went to bed, he was on the verge of death. His tongue, which had spoken hurtful words to his mother, became unable to speak. He could not even utter the word of monotheism at death.

And only at the urgent request of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) to forgive Alkama, the elderly mother forgives her son; after which, with his last breath, he utters the words of monotheism. Then he gives his soul to the Lord.

Afterwards they washed Alkama, said a prayer for him and buried him. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him!), who was next to the grave, said to those present: “Hey, Muhajirs and Ansars! Whoever of you makes his wife higher than his mother, he will be cursed by Allah. And there will be no benefit for him either from his worship or from any other good deeds, and not one of them will be accepted.”

But this does not mean that the wife should humiliate herself before her mother-in-law and not have any rights before her. Since in Islam the rights and responsibilities of a wife and mother are equal.


prayers for a newborn

prayers for a newborn

prayers for a newborn

Firstly, in order to give a child a name, it is not necessary to take him to the mosque. You yourself can read the adhan to your child (when he was born), decide what his name will be, and that’s all. Such a naming will be valid, and no other rituals are needed.

“I take refuge in the perfect words of Allah for you from all the devils, poisonous creatures, and also from the envious eye.”

أعيذك بِكلِماتِ الله التامَّةِ من كُلِّ شيطانٍ وهامَّةٍ ومن كُلِ عَيْنٍ لامّةٍٍ.

(Uizuka bikalimati llahi tamma min kulli shaitanin wa hamma wa min kulli ‘ainin lyamma).

prayers for a newborn

prayers for a newborn

You also need to look at the situation:

– in order not to jinx the child, when praising him, do not forget to add “ma shaallah”, “tabarakallah”, “Allahumma barik”, “barakallahu fih”, as well as the dua above (uizuka bikalimatillahi ttamma. etc.).

Islam prayer to babies

6 duas to protect your children

In order to protect and keep your children safe, you should read the following dua:

“Allahu laya ilyayahe illya huwal-hayyul-kayuum, laya ta - huzuhu sinatuv-walya navm, lyahumaafis-samaavaati vamaafil-ard, men hall-lyaziya yashfya'u 'indahu illya bi of them, ya'lamu maa beine aidihim wa maa halfahum wa laya yuhiituune bi sheyim-min 'ilmihi illya bi maa shaa'a, wasi'a kursiyuhu ssamaavati val-ard, wa laya yauduhu hifzukhumaa wa huwal-'aliyul-'azim" (2:225).

Kul huwa Allahu Ahad. Allahu ssomad. Lam yalid wa lam yulyad. Wa lam yakul-lyahu kufuvan ahad.

Kul a'uzu bi rabbil-falyak. Min sharri maa halyak. Va min sharri gasikin izee vakab. Wa min sharri nnaffaasaati fil-‘ukad. Wa min sharri haasidin isee hasad.

Kul a'uzu bi rabbi n-naas. Maalikin-naas. Ilyahi n-naas. Min sharil-waswaasil-hannaas. Allyazi yuvasvisu fii suduurin-naas. Minal-jinnati van-us.

  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) often asked for protection for Hassan and Hussein, and said: “Your father (Ibrahim) read for the protection of Ismail and Ishaq:

أُعِيذُكَ بِكَلِماتِ اللهِ التَّامَّةْ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطانٍ وهَامَّةْ وكُلِّ عَيْنٍ لامَّةْ

“A’uzu bi-kalimati-Llyahi-t-tamma, min kulli shaitanin va hamma, wa min kulli ‘ainin lyamma.”

“I take refuge in the perfect words of Allah from every devil and evildoer and from every evil eye.”

  1. حَصَّنْتُكَ بالحَيِّ القَيُّومِ الّذي لايَموتُ أبَدَاً ودَفَعْتُ عَنْكَ السُّوءَ بِأَلْفِ أَلْفِ اَلْفِ لا حَوْلَ و لا قُوَّةَ إِلا باللهِ العَليِّ العَظِيمِ

Hassantuqa bilkhayil kayum, allazi la yamutu abadan wa dafatu ankassua bi alfi alfi alfi la hawla wa la quwvata illya billahi aliyil azym.

I entrust you with the Ever-Living Self-Sufficient One, who never dies, and I protect you from evil with the words “There is no strength or might except in Allah the Most High.”

Note: the pronoun is used in singular. number of masculine gender. For a girl, the ending “ka” should be replaced with “ki”; if you are reading dua for several children, then add “kum”.

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    Islam prayer to babies

  • We must ask the Almighty for good in everything. Especially in prayers for a child. Let Allah will make children a blessing for our earthly and future life.

    Having offspring is the natural desire of every married couple. But sometimes the absence of children is also good.

    Childless couples are obliged to study the reasons and find opportunities to realize their intentions become parents. But if, after all the efforts made, the child is not born, then you should not turn your life into a tragedy. Perhaps this is precisely what is good, a manifestation of the Grace of the Almighty, which is not easy for a person to immediately recognize. Perhaps, in childlessness lies the protection of the family from many troubles that could befall with the birth of a child.

    Heartfelt prayer dua for offspring presented in Surah “The Family of Imran” (“Ali Imran”). In the verses, the Almighty talks about Zakaria (alaihis-salam). He was an elderly man, his wife was childless, but they did not give up hope for the Mercy of Allah. One day Zakaria (alayhis salaam) addressed the Creator:

    Transcription: “Rabbi hab li minlyadunka zurriyyatan tayibatan innaka sami uduaa.”

    Translation of the meaning of the dua: "God! Grant me beautiful offspring from You, for You are the one who hears prayer.”

    The verse is completely written down in the Koran as follows: “At that very place Zakaria called to his Lord and exclaimed: “Lord! Grant me beautiful offspring from You, for You are the one who hears prayer.”

    After this prayer, the Almighty gave them the pious son Yahya.

    “The angels answered him while he was still praying in the mihrab: “Verily, Allah gives you good news about [the son of] Yahya, the lord, the temperate man and the prophet from the righteous, who will confirm the truth of the word from Allah.”

    Zakaria said: “Lord! How can I have a son, since old age has already overtaken me and my wife is barren?” [Jibril] said: "Exactly! Allah does what He wills"(Sura “Ali Imran”, 3 / 38-40).

    Morning Islamic prayer for children

    In pre-Islamic times, Southern Arabia (Arabia Felix, Happy Arabia) was inhabited by tribes of nomadic Bedouins, and in its most fertile parts, rich states rose and fell under the onslaught of conquerors - the Minaan, Sabaean, Himyarite. Roman, and later Ethiopian and Iranian expansion into the Arabian Peninsula did not allow the development of Arab statehood.

    Around the 4th century, Christians entered Arabia Felix. In the struggle for the souls of the laity, Christianity competes with Judaism, while at the same time both of these religions compete with Mazdaism, the religion of the warlike Persians. Everything was heading towards Arabia Felix becoming Christian. Judaism lost to Christianity due to national isolation, and Mazdaism repelled by the artificial combination of the teachings of Zoroaster with the vast pantheon of Persian kings, equated to deities.

    But here's a new phenomenon. Hanifs - seekers of truth, prophets - began to gather large crowds in city squares. The Hanifs denounced pagan polytheism and condemned pagan customs, especially human sacrifices and burying the firstborn in the ground if a girl was born first in the family. Along the way, we will definitely say that all Islamic prayers for children have great protective power and give the child divine grace.

    Islamic morning prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam.

    Therefore, for every caring parent, teaching children to pray is the main point of education. According to the hadith, education begins at the age of seven. How to teach children to pray? The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Demand prayer from your sons when they are seven years old, and beat them for it (i.e. for failure to fulfill it) when they are ten years old.”

    In the midst of the struggle between alien religions, the Hanifs called on the Arabs to unity and monotheism, rejecting Jehovah and Jesus Christ, calling on people with the first rays of the sun to exalt morning islamic prayers, glorifying the god Allah. They never tired of repeating this name - Allah, ancient god Quraysh tribe, who engaged in caravan trade in Western Arabia. Allah is the only god. The Koran speaks about this. They're talking about it morning islamic prayers, glorifying God, and islamic prayers for children. The Kaaba Temple in Mecca, the ancient sanctuary of 360 deities of the Arab tribes, headed by Allah, was subsequently freed from 359 deities, and became a sacred place for the worship of Allah, the Merciful and the Merciful.

    Islamic prayers for children are a manifestation of the love of the prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him.

    The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, often prayed for children, asking Allah for a long and prosperous life for them, knowledge and wisdom. The Messenger of Allah read the following dua over the children: “U’izu-kuma bi-kyalimati-Llahi-t-tam-mati min kulli shaitanin, wa hammatin, wa min kulli ‘ainin lyammatin!”

    “I take refuge in the perfect words of Allah, from every shaitan, and harmful insect, and every evil eye!”

    Muslim rituals associated with the birth of a child

    The birth of a child is one of the most significant events in the life of a family. Along with the joy of the birth of a new person, parents also bear responsibility before the Almighty related to the care and upbringing of the child. Islam clearly defines the provisions governing the actions of parents and their relatives in connection with the birth of a child in the family. These provisions should be followed so that from birth the baby and his parents are under the beneficial influence of the Islamic tradition.

    Prenatal period

    It is useful to know and pronounce the following words before marital intercourse: “Bismil-lyahi, Allahumma jannibnash-shaitoone, wa jannibish-shaitoona maa razaktanaa” (In the name of the Lord. O Almighty, remove us from Satan and remove Satan from what You will give us) .

    Prophet Muhammad (may the Almighty bless him and greet him) said: “If any of you, before intercourse with his wife, says: “Bismil-layahi, Allahumma jannibnash-shaitoon, wa jannibish-shaitoona maa razaktanaa” (In the name of the Lord. O Almighty, remove us from Satan and remove Satan from what You will give us), then if the birth of a child as a result of this is prescribed by the Lord, he (the child) will be protected from Satan.”

    Is it possible for spouses, and in this case Muslim newlyweds, to find out the gender of their unborn child through an ultrasound?

    It is possible to recognize the sex of an unborn child using an ultrasound, but there is no hope for absolute accuracy. Even if humanity invents a device that produces ultra-precise information, there will be no prohibitions on its use and use, however, all imaginable and unimaginable aspects of information about the development of the embryo and the birth of a new person are with absolute accuracy accessible and known only to the Almighty (see Holy Quran , 22:5; 31:34). Humanity will never be able to achieve this level of awareness. But using the laws of the Creator in comprehending what He has created is not prohibited, but, on the contrary, is encouraged.

    During pregnancy, it is useful to read the following Koranic verse: “Rabbii, hab lii mil-lyadunkya zurriyyaten toyibe, innakya samii'ud-du'a” (O Lord, grant me good, healthy offspring. Verily, You are the Hearer of [any] prayer- du'a) (Holy Quran, 3:38).

    A husband, wife or their parents can ask for relief and a successful completion of childbirth, for example, with the following words: “Allahumma yassir wa laya tu’assir” (O Almighty! Wish it to be easy and not difficult).

    The following prayer-du'a is also useful: “Allahumma-rzukna valyadan salihe” (Oh Lord, grant us a pious, well-behaved child).

    Is it possible to perform bloodletting on a pregnant woman?

    What to do when a baby is born

    1. Congratulations and spreading the good news.

    It is advisable for a Muslim to inform all his family and friends about the birth of a child. This strengthens the bonds of friendship and kinship between people, promotes unity in joy, and emphasizes everyone’s participation in a happy event.

    The Holy Quran repeatedly speaks of the need and importance of spreading the joyful news of the birth of a baby. Thus, the Almighty tells about the annunciation of the prophet Zechariah (Zechariah):

    “And the angels called to him when he was praying, standing in the altar (mihrab): “The Lord conveys to you the joyful news of the birth of Yahya (John the Baptist) ...” (Holy Koran, 3:39);

    “O Zakaria (Zechariah)! We give you good news [after some time you will be born] a child whose name is Yahya (John the Baptist). We have never called anyone that before” (Holy Quran, 19:7).

    The father of a newborn can be congratulated in the following form: “Baarakyal-laahu lakya fil-mavkhuubi lak, va shakartal-vaahiba wa balyaga ashuddahu va ruziqta birrakh” (May the Almighty show His mercy to the one who was given to you. Give thanks to the One who gave it to you. May he [your child] reach full maturity, and may you be endowed with his obedience and love).

    It is advisable for the child’s father to respond to these words: “Baarakyal-laahu lakya wa baarakyal-laahu ‘alaik” (or “ajzalal-laahu sawaabak”) (May Allah show His blessing to you (or: “may the Almighty increase your reward”).

    2. Reading adhan and iqamat.

    According to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him), immediately (or after some time) after the birth of a child, the azan should be read in his right ear, and the iqamat can be read in the left ear.

    Abu Rafi' said: “I saw the Prophet, after Fatima gave birth to Hussein, read the adhan in his ear.”

    Al-Bayhaki reported the hadith: “The Jinn Ummus-sybyan will not harm a newborn if the father reads the azan in the child’s right ear and the iqama in the left.”

    Hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas: “On the birthday of al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali (the son of ‘Ali, the grandson of the Prophet), the Prophet read the adhan in his [right] ear, and the iqama in his left.”

    This condition is very important, because Divine and sacred words should be the first to reach the baby’s ears. They symbolize the greatness of the Almighty Creator and contain the basic formula of Monotheism, the recognition of which makes a person a Muslim. From this moment on, the words of adhan and iqamat should accompany the child throughout his entire subsequent life, helping him and illuminating his path.

    These sacred formulas are also formulas of Islamic exorcism: according to Muslim tradition, Satan is expelled by the sounds of the adhan, eagerly awaiting the birth of each new person in order to negatively influence him.

    The call to the Almighty Lord, His most pure religion - Islam - must precede the call of the damned and expelled Satan, who every second makes colossal efforts to replenish the legion of people who have submitted to him.

    It is also recommended to recite into the child’s right ear the words of the prayer said by the mother of Mary (the future mother of the prophet Jesus) at her birth: “Innii u‘iizuhee bikya wa zurriyatahee minash-shaitaanir-rajiim” (Holy Koran, 3:36). (Truly, with Your help [O Lord], I remove her and her offspring from the accursed Satan).

    It is also known that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) spoke Surah al-Ikhlas into the right ear of one newborn baby.

    3. Preparing the baby to accept the mother's breast.

    This is done as follows: the date is thoroughly chewed (for example, by the baby’s mother), after which a small part of it is taken with a finger and placed in the newborn’s mouth. Then, with light finger movements to the right and left, the oral cavity is massaged so that the chewed mass touches the entire oral cavity. If you don't have dates, you can use any other sweet product.

    Abu Musa said: “I had a son. I went to the Prophet. He gave him the name Ibrahim. Then, placing the chewed date on his finger, he placed it in my son's mouth. And, asking the Almighty for blessings, he gave the child to me.”

    The following story is known from Anas ibn Malik: “Together with the newborn child Abu Talha, I went to the messenger of the Almighty. He asked: “Do you have any dates?” I answered: “Yes.” And he gave them to him. The Prophet took it, chewed it and then, taking out what he had chewed, put it in the baby’s mouth and gave a light massage to the oral cavity. The Prophet named him ‘Abdullah’.

    4. Shaving the baby's head.

    After seven days after the birth of a child, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), it is advisable (mustahab) to shave the child’s head and give as alms silver or gold, the weight of which is equal to the weight of the shaved hair.

    Speaking about the desirability of shaving a baby's head and begging for silver (or its equivalent in some monetary units), scholars of Islamic law cite the following several hadiths in support.

    Imam Malik in his book “Al-Muwatto” reports from Ja'far ibn Muhammad, from his father: “Fatima weighed the hair of Hasan, Hussein, Zainab and Umma Kulthum and paid silver equal to the weight of these hairs as alms.”

    It is known from Imam ‘Ali that “God’s Messenger sacrificed a ram after the birth of Hussein and said: “O Fatima, tonsure his head and give as alms silver, the weight of which is equal to the weight of his hair.” When she weighed the hair, its weight was equal to one dirham or some part of a dirham."

    It is known from Anas ibn Malik that the Prophet ordered his grandsons Hassan and Hussein to be tonsured on the seventh day after their birth. After they were tonsured, silver was given as alms, the weight of which was equal to the weight of their hair.

    5. Naming.

    In Islam, much attention is paid to choosing a name for a baby.

    The following words of the Prophet Muhammad are transmitted from Samur: “[The birth of] every child is a reason for sacrificing an animal [every child is a hostage to the sacrificial animal]. The animal is slaughtered on the seventh day [after the birth of the child]. On the same day, the child is given a name and his head is shaved.” It is clear from the hadith that the name can be given on the seventh day from the birth of the baby.

    However, there are other reliable hadiths indicating that the name can also be given on the child’s birthday. Anas said: “God’s messenger said: “At night a son was born to me, I named him by the name of my forefather - Ibrahim.”

    From the above-mentioned hadiths it follows that naming does not have a strictly defined period: it is possible both on the child’s birthday and on the seventh day, as well as on any other day.

    One of the issues that requires special attention from parents is right choice name for a newborn.

    Abu Dawud narrates from Abu ad-Darda': “The Messenger of God said: “Verily, on the Day of Resurrection you will be called by your names and the names of your fathers. So give your children beautiful names!”

    The following words are reported from Ibn ‘Umar: “The Prophet said: “Truly, the most beloved names before the Lord are ‘Abdullah (the servant of the Lord) and ‘Abdurrahman (the servant of the Merciful).”

    It should be noted that preferred names include all those names in which the word “abd” (slave) is present in combination with one of the names of the Almighty: for example, 'Abdur-Razzak (slave of the Giver of food), 'Abdul-Malik (slave of the Lord) .

    One of the hadiths stipulates the preference for naming children after prophets and angels. The name of the last messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is especially revered. The Prophet said:

    • “Name your children after the prophets”;
    • “Give me my name, but don’t give me my nickname.” Imam Malik said: “I heard from the inhabitants of Medina that every house where there is the name Muhammad is endowed with a special destiny.”

    It is important to remember that the person who is entrusted with responsibility for the child must also take care that he is not given a name that hurts his dignity and which may be a reason for ridicule. At-Tirmidhi reports from ‘Aisha that the Prophet changed dissonant names. It is reported from Ibn ‘Umar that ‘Umar’s daughter’s name was ‘Asiya (rebellious, disobedient), and the Prophet called her Jamila (beautiful).

    It is forbidden to give names that are unique to the Almighty Creator, for example, Ahad (the Only One), Khalik (Creator), etc. The last messenger of the Creator said: “On the Day of Judgment, the person who will most arouse the wrath of God will be the one who is named Malikul-Amlak (the ruler of all possessions). There is no Lord except the Supreme Lord.”

    It is forbidden to give names that emphasize submission to anyone or anything other than God, for example ‘Abdul-Ka’ba (slave of the Kaaba), ‘Abdun-Nabi (slave of the Prophet), ‘Abdur-Rasul (slave of the Messenger).

    It is possible to give more than one name, but it is better, as the Prophet Muhammad did, to limit himself to one.

    By the way, the concept of “Muslim name” should be distinguished from the concept of “Arab names”. A Muslim name is any name in any language that has a positive meaning. There is no condition in Islam that a Muslim man or woman must have an Arabic name.

    My name is Rahman. I know that this is one of the names of the Almighty. My uncle came to me and told me to change my name, because according to Islam you can’t call me that. Do I have to change my name? Is it the same about the name Dzhabrail? Rahman, 25 years old.

    There is no need to change the name. Your uncle's knowledge of this matter is not complete. They cannot call you “ar-Rahman”, but they can call you “Rahman”, putting into this the meaning of a prayer to God for your pardon by Him, as well as the development in you of the qualities of mercy within the limits of human capabilities.

    Children can be named after angels. There is nothing reprehensible in this.

    6. Sacrifice on the occasion of the birth of a child.

    As a sign of gratitude to the Lord for a newborn child, it is advisable, if there is a financial opportunity, to sacrifice a ram. As mentioned in the hadith, it is better to make the sacrifice on the seventh day after the birth of the child. If this is not possible, then on any other day.

    Salman ibn ‘Amir ad-Dabbi said: “The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “From a child - “al-‘aqika.” So slaughter a sacrificial animal for him, [thereby] remove harm and pain from him.”

    The following words of the Prophet Muhammad are transmitted from Samur: “[The birth of] every child is an occasion for sacrificing an animal [every child is a hostage to the sacrificial animal]. The animal is slaughtered on the seventh day. On the same day, the child is given a name and his head is shaved.”

    ‘Aisha said that the Prophet said: “For a boy [one must sacrifice] two identical rams, and for a girl - one ram.”

    From these three hadiths it follows that at the birth of a girl one ram must be slaughtered, and at the birth of a boy, depending on the financial situation of the father, one or two rams are sacrificed.

    Most of Scholars of Islamic law believe that the slaughter of an animal on the occasion of the birth of a child is a desirable sunnah (mustahab) for his father, but is not obligatory (wajib).

    General provisions regarding the sacrificial animal:

    a) It is allowed to sacrifice an animal whose characteristics correspond to that which is sacrificed on the Eid al-Adha holiday:

    • the ram must be one year old or older (it is allowed to slaughter a ram that is six months or more old, but has reached the size of a yearling);
    • the sacrificial animal must be without obvious defects (for example, a one-eyed or blind animal, clearly lame or very skinny cannot be sacrificed).

    b) It is not advisable to break the bones of a sacrificed animal, but it is preferable to cut off each bone at the joint. This statement is supported by the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) spoken to his daughter Fatima when she made a sacrifice on the occasion of the birth of Hassan and Hussein: “Send the woman who delivered the child the leg of the sacrificial animal. Eat [this meat] and feed [it] to others, and do not break the bones of this animal." This is also stated in one of the hadiths from ‘Aisha.

    c) Al-‘aqyq meat is distributed in this way: part is used by those who sacrificed the animal (i.e., the child’s parents), part is distributed as alms, and the rest is given to loved ones. It is advisable to give a little to the woman who gave birth. It is prohibited to sell any part of al-‘aqiq meat.

    d) Following the hadith, it is desirable (mustahab) to sacrifice an animal “al-‘aqiqa” in the name of a newborn child. At the same time, the one who slaughters the animal says: “bismil-lyah, Allahumma lakya wa ilaykya ‘akykatu (...)” (In the name of Allah. O Lord, to You [belongs] and to You [returns] ‘akyka [the name of the child]).

    7. Circumcision.

    According to most Islamic scholars, the rite of circumcision of a boy must be performed before he reaches adulthood. However, it is preferable that this sunnah be observed in the first days after his birth. Thus, a hadith from Jabir says: “God’s messenger sacrificed an animal on behalf of Hasan and Hussein and performed the rite of circumcision on them on the seventh day from the moment of their birth.”

    Exists a large number of hadiths that talk about circumcision. Here are some of them.

    ‘Ammar ibn Yasir reported: “The Prophet said: “Fitrah includes the following: rinsing the mouth, rinsing the nose, trimming the mustache, brushing the teeth with a miswak stick, trimming the nails, plucking armpit hair, cutting pubic hair and circumcision.”

    Abu Hurayrah reported: “The Messenger of Allah said: Fitra consists of circumcision, shaving pubic hair, trimming mustaches, trimming nails and plucking armpit hair.”

    There are some differences of opinion among scholars of Islamic law regarding this issue. Scholars such as al-Hasan al-Basri, Imam Abu Hanifa, as well as some jurists of the Hanbali school consider circumcision as a sunnah recommendation. At the same time, imams al-Shafi'i, Malik and Ahmad, as well as al-Awza'i and others believe that circumcision belongs to the category of "wajib", i.e., in its importance it is close to fard.

    It is useful to know the following statement of Imam Malik: “Whoever does not perform the rite of circumcision is prohibited from performing prayer as an imam.” According to the Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali madhhabs, it is undesirable (makruh) for a person who has not performed circumcision to be an imam (president) in prayer.

    Answers to questions on the topic

    I have two children, there is a year difference between them. Is there a clear condition in the Koran that there should be an interval of two years between children? I want a lot of children, and my wife doesn't mind. Is there any clear guidance on this matter in the Sunnah or Quran? Or is this desirable? Hakim, 28 years old.

    There is a mention in the Koran that a mother feeds her child with her mother’s milk for two years, and therefore it is desirable that such a break should take place, especially since female body after childbirth and feeding you should recover. We men cannot understand this.

    Do not rush to quickly increase the number of children - not only quantity is important, but also quality. Pay due attention to what you already have (including studying books on child psychology), because children are far from adults, and breaking or spoiling something is not particularly difficult. They grow quickly, before you even have time to look back. The older they are, the more you should invest in them: love, listen, respect their opinion; take you to classes (sports, intelligence, spirituality), explain life situations, etc. Therefore, do not rush things, take breaks, developing mutual understanding in the family, harmonizing relationships with yourself and loved ones.

    “Mothers feed their newborn babies for two full years. [This] is for those who decide to fully feed their baby with breast milk. …If they [the child’s mother and father], having consulted, mutually decided to wean him [before the end of two years], then there is no sin on them [if there is no obvious harm to the baby’s health in their decision]” (see Holy Quran, 2:233).

    “We have enjoined (made it a duty upon him) to do good to his parents [to treat them with respect and nobility; in no way do anything reprehensible against them]. The mother carries him [in the womb] with difficulty and gives birth with pain (she does this almost against her will, since she exposes herself to serious difficulties and dangers) [therefore, maternal attention and care taken for granted require special respect, respect and gratitude on the part of the husband and children]. Carrying it [in the womb] until weaning [from the breast] is thirty months [the maximum period of breastfeeding is two years].

    And when he [the child, daughter or son of his parents] reaches maturity [thirty or thirty-three years old] and lives to be forty [becoming conscious and even more serious about himself and his life], he says: “Lord, instill in me (bless, help, encourage me) to be grateful to You for the benefits given to me and my parents; inspire to do good that is pleasing to You, and may my descendants be walking on the right path (correcting, changing in better side; pious and well-behaved with Your blessing)! I resort to You (I return, I repent) [after all, I am an ordinary person, and therefore at times I forgot about You and my duties to You and people close to me, society], and, truly, I am one of those who are submissive to You (I am from among the Muslims )".

    From such people We [says the Lord of the worlds] will accept [all the good and] the best of what they have done [we will focus on their best good deeds, rewarding them many times more], and we will not notice their sins (we will ignore them, forgive them after repentance). They are from among the inhabitants of Paradise. This is the truth of what was promised to them [through God’s prophets and messengers, through the Holy Scriptures]” (Holy Quran, 46:15, 16).

    Can my husband be present at the birth? Being right next to your wife when she gives birth. M., 30 years old.

    It's possible if the wife doesn't mind.

    Can a pregnant woman listen to music?

    I will answer in the words of psychologists and medical researchers: “A newborn baby remembers the songs and music that the mother sang or listened to during pregnancy - listening to them, he calms down or falls asleep better. Some children even seem to be able to describe or draw what their intrauterine life looked like."

    If a child (girl) has a Muslim father and a Christian mother, and the mother has already baptized her, is she considered a Muslim or a Christian? Umar.

    Faith is not inherited from the father. She is vaccinated by her parents. At this stage, the little girl is a Christian, since she was baptized in the church. If you are divorced from your spouse, then your daughter belongs more to the Christian tradition, and this is until she grows up and decides for herself who she should be.

    Can a Muslim be a godfather to a Christian child? Alkhazur.

    Perhaps, because they are Christians, people of the Book, who deserve special attention from us. But only as an exception, not a rule.

    Will a child born out of wedlock be a Muslim? Abdul, 31 years old.

    It depends on what religion and what values ​​will be instilled in him.

    I will soon have a child (insha Allah), I want the azan to be read in his ear. The problem is that the husband cannot come to the maternity hospital. Can I record the azan on my phone and let it listen to it?

    My friend has two sons and the azan was not read to them after birth. Recently they went to the mosque for this, but they did not read it to them, since the eldest son’s name is Marat, and this is not a Muslim name in their opinion. So they left with nothing. What to do? Guzal, 28 years old.

    Maybe the reason for the refusal was different? Any name in any language that has a positive meaning is considered Muslim. You are required to recite the adhan in any of the mosques in your city, although you can do it yourself.

    Tell me, if a child is not circumcised and does not have the azan and iqama read in his ear at birth, but is raised in Islam, will he be a Muslim? Aishat.

    Yes, of course, without a doubt. The three things you listed are desirable after the birth of a child and in no way relate to the basics of faith or religious practice.

    If a boy was born on Monday, when would it be more correct to perform the circumcision - at the end of the week, on Sunday, or a week later, on Monday? Adil.

    You can either on Sunday or Monday. Each of these days is, to a certain extent, the seventh. Moreover, circumcision on the seventh day after birth is desirable, but not mandatory. Calculate so that it is convenient for both you and the doctor.

    If a person is born circumcised, what does that mean? Alisher.

    I recently had a son, and it’s as if he was circumcised naturally, that is, it turns out that he was born already circumcised. We were also told that he would not have to be circumcised like other boys, but would just have to make a small cut to allow the blood to bleed. They said that being born circumcised is a special favor of the Almighty towards the child. I would be grateful if you answer how reliable this is. Mohammed, 38 years old.

    If from a medical point of view there is no need to perform circumcision, then there is no need to “bleed” - what nonsense?! Moreover, this is a very sensitive organ of the human body, and accidental infection or insufficient qualifications are common things today.

    It is not unusual for a child to not need to be circumcised. This procedure is more hygienic and does not determine the level of a person’s chosenness before the Almighty. The determining factors will be upbringing, environment, acquired skills, realized opportunities and achieved goals. And all this is painstaking work over decades.

    1. Is it true that when on the 40th day after conception a soul is given to the fetus in the womb, all the secrets about earthly life and eternal life are revealed to it?

    2. My son was born a year ago, and when he was very tiny, he often laughed in his sleep. Sometimes, when he was awake, he looked into some corner, mumbled something in his own way and smiled. Now he doesn't do that anymore. To this, someone told me that angels make babies laugh in their dreams, and in reality they also see them and can communicate with them to some extent. This is true? Dauren.

    1. “Verily, each of you is formed in the womb of his mother for forty days from a drop, then he remains there for the same amount of time in the form of a blood clot and for the same amount of time in the form of a piece of flesh, and then Allah sends an angel to him, who blows the soul into him.” As for revealing the secrets of earthly life, this is already the prerogative of man himself, his choice, activity, desire to comprehend the laws of existence in order to understand himself, his place, his Creator, for there is only one life, and every day in it is a sparkling diamond, which is often We turn more ordinary things into ordinary rhinestones.

    2. Perhaps. But here is what secular scientists say about this: “In a dream, a newborn smiles serenely - this is a reflexive sign of his physical well-being, which has no purpose and is intended for himself.”

    My daughter is 2 weeks old. I am going to visit the mosque so that the imam will read the adhan for it. The reason for my concern is that she often wakes up fearfully at night and cries a lot, possibly having nightmares. What do you think about it? What do you recommend doing? Eldos, 27 years old.

    This is a common occurrence in children. I think it will gradually go away. Calm the child, distract him from crying. If it doesn’t work out, ask an experienced pediatrician for advice.

    The Sunnah also mentions the supplication-du'a, read before bedtime, when a child or adult has terrible dreams, horrors: "bismil-la, a'uuzu bi kalimyatil-layakhit-taamma min gadabihi wa 'ikaabikh, wa min sharri 'ibyadihi, wa min hamazaatish-shayatiyn va ay-yahduruun.”

    I have two daughters, but we really wanted a boy (I asked Allah for a boy after every prayer, after every Friday prayer in the mosque, and daughters were born). I would like to know: is there a prayer for the birth of a boy? And is it even right to ask Allah for this? Ruslan.

    1. There is a verse in the Koran:

    “When one of them is given the good news of the birth of a daughter, his face turns black [turns purple], and he [who was expecting a boy] is saddened (full of restrained anger)” (Holy Quran, 16:58).

    From time immemorial, people are more likely to rejoice at the birth of a boy in a family than a girl, although for a believer this should be equally joyful. And to be more precise, the birth of a daughter should become a brighter holiday. Indeed, from the point of view of Muslim culture, raising a daughter is more responsible, but also more rewarding before God. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “Whoever raises his daughters, doing it nobly and patiently, for him they will become protection from hellish punishment.”

    Great wisdom is contained in the words of the Holy Quran:

    “To Allah (God) belongs the power over the heavens and the Earth. He does whatever he wants. He gives [only] girls to whomever he wishes, and he gives [only] boys to whomever he wishes. Either he unites [the birth of] boys and girls [in one family], or he makes whomever he wishes infertile. Verily, He is the All-Knowing, the Almighty!” (Holy Quran, 42:49, 50).

    2. As a prayer to the Almighty, read verses 89, 90 of the 21st sura of the Holy Quran:

    “[Mention] Zechariah (Zechariah), when he turned to the Almighty with the words: “Lord, do not leave me alone [without descendants and continuation of the family], You are better than anyone in managing what remains on this earth.” We answered him and gave Yahya (John the Baptist), healing his wife [after all, she was far from being of childbearing age, but after some time she became pregnant and gave birth to a son, who was named Yahya]. [One of the reasons for the rapid materialization of the prayer, despite the contradictions with natural laws and the completion of the necessary physiological processes, were the following characteristic features of this well-behaved family:] they (Zakariah’s family) [like all the prophets and messengers of God mentioned before] (1) were hasty in doing good deeds [did not leave good things for later], (2) prayed to the Almighty with desire [to receive what was asked, believing in fulfillment] and (3) with trepidation [not demanding “give me!”, but feeling weakness, weakness before by God; doubting the merits of what is being asked; without pride in good deeds, but with a clear sense of shortcomings and shortcomings]. (4) And they were deeply pious." Transcription of a possible supplication from the above verse: “Rabbi, la tazarnii fardan va ante khairul-vaarisin.” (Holy Quran, 21:89-90).

    Imam Shamil, I have the following question: my adopted son (he is 4 years old) often wakes up at night, does not sleep peacefully, sometimes for no apparent reason he starts screaming and crying, and becomes nervous. My wife and I are worried about him. I suggested that he put the ayat “al-Kursi” in his pillow and clothes, maybe, inshaAllah, he will feel better and sleep more peacefully. Do you think this can help or are some other suras from the Koran more effective? Ilg.

    It is better to read the verse “al-Kursi” to him before going to bed, as well as the last three surahs of the Koran (“al-Ikhlas”, “al-Falyak”, “al-Nas”), blowing on him. His nervousness will pass.

    Please tell me, can the name Gulnara be given to a Muslim woman? And what does it mean?

    Gulnara is translated from Persian as “pomegranate flower”. The name has a positive, good meaning, therefore it is possible.

    My daughter was born and the question arose about naming the child. My wife and I wanted to name her Aisha, which was the name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. We named our eldest daughter Amina, which was the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad. However, my parents told us to name our daughter Aselei. I read the adhan in the right ear and the iqama in the left ear of the child, made a dua and named her Asel. After some time, the parents asked if I had written out the child’s birth certificate. I answered no. In that case, they said that they had no objection to the name Aisha and that I could call her that. I have a question: is it possible to re-name a child? AND.

    It is possible to change the name, but if the first name has a good sound and a positive meaning, is it worth changing it?

    It so happened that I have two names: one was given by my parents at birth, the second was given by the mullah at naming, since the first name was not of Muslim origin. My parents did not oppose the mullah's opinion. I recently learned that having two names is a sin. What should I do? Nuria, 23 years old.

    Having two names is not a sin. This is allowed, but one thing is more desirable.

    My husband and I divorced. The child stayed with me. When I was still pregnant, my husband’s family said: “If a boy is born, we’ll call him Yunus (ancient Hebrew origin, the name means “dove”), if it’s a girl, call him whatever you want.” A boy was born, there was a difficult birth with consequences. The child is now 3 years old, new sores are constantly being discovered that affect the mental and mental development. We treat and treat everything. I don’t know what to do anymore. Maybe choose a new name for the child, a Muslim one that will carry a deep meaning? And not something like "dove" stupid bird. How do you think? Is this practiced in Islam? I don't believe that with the name change he will fully recover, but I hope it will make things easier. Maybe because of the prophetic name my child has a difficult fate? People often ask his name several times. G.

    You can change the name at your discretion. The main thing is to start treating your son as healthy person, do not label him as always sick. Always talk about recovery, not about illnesses and sores. Discuss your son with anyone only in terms of his good mental and physical health, do not mention illnesses, just carry out intensive preventative health care. Many great people were very sick in childhood, which forced them to work on themselves already with early childhood and achieve much more in life than others.

    Add a healthy natural product like ginger root to your food or drink. For example, if you boil ginger for 5–10 minutes, the resulting slightly spicy-tasting liquid seriously strengthens the human immune system and prevents the formation of various types of inflammatory processes.

    My parents did not perform aqıqa (sacrifice of an animal on the occasion of the birth of a child in the family) when I was born, since they are non-Muslims. I was told that in this case I would have to do it myself. Is it so? Tahira, 24 years old.

    I am a Muslim and my wife is a Christian. We recently had a child. On the sixth day after the birth of the child, the mullah read his name - Damir. I (the father) gave him the name; at that moment my wife said that she was not sure if she wanted that name. Now the child is one year old, and his wife decided to change his name because she began to hate this name. It comes to divorce. What should I do? Should I get a divorce or should she change my child's name? A compromise is only possible by changing the child’s name to something more consonant with Russian-language names, such as Daniil, Denis, Ruslan, etc. Is this possible? Will this harm the child? Can the mullah read the child's new name again? AND.

    I don't recommend changing your name. Giving in is good, but it is not always appropriate.

    Unfortunately, the father abandoned the child. The girl will be raised by her mother. In this case, what is the best middle name to give the child? Svetlana.

    It is necessary to give a patronymic name after the name of the father, with whose participation the child was born (no matter how bad and immoral he may be). “Call them [children] by their fathers. This is most just before the Almighty” (Holy Quran, 33:5).

    Two years ago I had a child and on the eleventh day he died. Now I already have two children, but the pain of that loss never goes away. I think about the dead child all the time. Tell me, is it true that dead children play in Paradise with the prophets and they feel very good there, that they are waiting for their parents to take them with them to Paradise? Taisa.

    I can’t say anything about the fact that they are playing with the prophets. But they will become a serious reason for their parents to go to Heaven if they react to the departure of their children from this life calmly, without unnecessary emotions, without a feeling of indignation and hidden resentment towards God. The great joy is that he was born and lived with you for eleven days. Now turn all your attention and energy to your beautiful children, who are growing fast and absorbing everything.

    Hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas; St. X. al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dauda, ​​an-Nasai, at-Tirmizi, ad-Darami, Ibn Majah, al-Bayhaki, etc. See: Ash-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar. T. 3. Part 6. P. 205, Hadith No. 2774; Ibn Qudama M. Al-mughni. T. 10. P. 231.

    Mihrab is a niche in a mosque indicating the direction to the Kaaba.

    Yahya is one of the prophets of Islam, in the Christian tradition - John the Baptist.

    Compare: “...Zechariah and his wife from the clan of Aaron (Harun, brother of the prophet Moses)... They had no children... and both were already advanced in years. ...The angel said to him: Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife... will bear you a son, and you will call his name John” (see: Luke 1:5,7,13).

    Right there. T. 1. P. 720. T. 4. P. 2750.

    Fatima is the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.

    St. x. Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi; "hasan", "sahih". Al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. T. 5. P. 144, 145.

    This refers to a female genie. Literally “mother of children.”

    Hadith from al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali.

    About the last two hadiths, Imam al-Bayhaqi said: “There is some unreliability in the chain of those who transmitted these hadiths.” The first hadith, which stipulates only the reading of the adhan, is clearly authentic (“hasan”, “sahih”). See: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vol. T. 4. P. 2750. At the same time, the practical use of hadiths about iqamah is possible, which is confirmed by the actions of ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz, considered the fifth righteous caliph. See: Al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. T. 5. P. 146.

    Exorcism is the expulsion of evil spirits.

    St. x. Ibn Razin.

    Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 volumes. T. 4. pp. 2750, 2751.

    St. x. al-Bukhari and Muslim.

    St. x. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See: Al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. T. 5. P. 145.

    See: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2751.

    Children of 'Ali ibn Abu Talib and Fatima, grandchildren of the Prophet.

    See: Imam Malik. Al-Muwatto. pp. 399–400, chapter “al-‘Aqiqa”, hadiths No. 2, 3.

    Dirham is a silver coin weighing approximately 3 grams. See: Mu'jamu lugati al-fuqaha'. P. 208.

    St. x. al-Hakim. See: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 280, Hadith No. 4567, “sahih”.

    See: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2752, 2753.

    The hadith is given in five of the six sets of authentic hadiths, as well as in the holy. X. al-Hakim and al-Baykhaki. At-Tirmidhi believed that the hadith is sahih. See: Al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. T. 5. P. 140, Hadith No. 2131.

    St. x. Imam Muslim.

    St. x. Imam Muslim.

    According to Happy Parents magazine, in 2000, the most common name in the world was Muhammad: “In various forms it is often found in Muslim countries, which together have a population of 1 billion 200 million.” See: Happy Parents, February, 2001.

    IN Arabic The name Muhammad is related to the names Ahmad, Mahmud, Hamid, since they have a single three-letter root “hamide”. The name Mustafa (chosen one) is also one of the honorary names of the Prophet.

    This refers to the nickname Abul-Kasim (i.e. “father of Kasym”), given to the Prophet after the birth of his son Kasym.

    Hadith narrated by Abu Nu'aym.

    See: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2752.

    As in the case of the sacrifice on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr (in memory of how Abraham was ready to sacrifice his own son to God), the meaning of the sacrifice is that it is necessary for the people themselves, and not for the Lord. To believe that an animal sacrifice is necessary for the Lord is to not understand the meaning of this act. Allah Almighty, by definition of His essence, does not need any kind of sacrifice. This is stated in the Holy Quran: “Neither the meat nor the blood of them [sacrificial animals] will reach God, but your fear of God [reaches Him]” (Holy Quran, 22:37).

    The idea of ​​sacrifice is mentioned many times in the Bible. Compare, for example: “I will not accept a bull from your house, nor a goat from your courtyards; For all the beasts of the forest are Mine, and the cattle on a thousand mountains. I know all the birds on the mountains and the animals in the fields before Me. If I were hungry, I would not tell you; for the universe and all that fills it are Mine. Do I eat the flesh of oxen and drink the blood of goats? Sacrifice praise to God, and pay your vows to the Most High; ...Whoever sacrifices praise honors Me, and whoever watches his way, I will show him the salvation of God” (Ps. 49:9-14, 23).

    St. x. al-Bukhari. See, for example: Al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. T. 5. P. 140, Hadith No. 2130.

    The hadith is given in five of the six sets of authentic hadiths, as well as in the holy. X. al-Hakim and al-Baykhaki. At-Tirmidhi believed that the hadith is authentic, sahih.

    That is, approximately the same in age, weight, etc.

    St. x. Ahmad and at-Tirmidhi. See: Al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. T. 5. P. 140, hadiths No. 2132, 2133.

    At the birth of a boy, only one ram can be sacrificed, which is confirmed by the Sunnah of the Prophet: on the occasion of the birth of his grandchildren Hassan and Hussein, he slaughtered one ram each. See: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2747.

    According to the Old Testament, by the command of the Lord, at the birth of a son or daughter, O it was false to sacrifice “a lamb of the first year... and a young dove or turtle dove” (Lev. 12:6).

    Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vol. T. 4. P. 2709.

    Compare: “You shall not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep on which there is blemish or anything evil: for this is an abomination to the Lord your God” (Deut. 17:1);

    “You shall not bring such an animal to the Lord that is blind, or damaged, or deformed, or sick, or scabby, or scabby; and do not offer them as a sacrifice on the altar of the Lord” (Lev. 22:22).

    Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud.

    Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2749.

    As you know, the ritual of circumcision dates back to the time of Abraham, who, according to the Bible, was commanded by God: “This is My covenant, which you shall keep between Me and between you and among your descendants after you: that all your males shall be circumcised.” . Circumcise your foreskin: and this will be a sign of the covenant between Me and you. From birth eight days every male child among you shall be circumcised... and my covenant shall be an everlasting covenant upon your body. But the uncircumcised male who does not circumcise his foreskin, that soul shall be cut off from among his people; for he has broken My covenant” (Gen. 17:10-14).

    The rite of circumcision was also observed in New Testament times: there is evidence of the circumcision of the baby Jesus on the eighth day after birth (Luke 2:21), John the Baptist (Luke 1:59), the Apostle Paul (Phil. 3:5) and etc. Later, after the ascension of Jesus, controversy arose in the Christian community about the need for circumcision. Then the apostles and priests at a meeting in Jerusalem abolished circumcision, wanting “not to make it difficult for those who turn to God from the Gentiles” (Acts 15:19), although the instruction of the prophet Moses says: “Do not add to what I command you, and do not subtract from that; keep the commandments of the Lord your God" (Deut. 4:2). Despite the fact that as a result of disputes among Christians, the opinion was established that true circumcision is baptism (Col. 2:11-12), the modern Church, among its great holidays, also celebrates the feast of the “circumcision of the Lord” (forgive, Lord; astagfirullah).

    Muslims strictly observe the rite of circumcision as a sign of the eternal Covenant with God, as a command from the Lord, which cannot be canceled by human decision.

    St. x. al-Bayhaqi. Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2751.

    Fitra (Arabic) - nature; pristine, genuine human nature; qualities given to him by God at creation. Spiritual fitra consists of true, intact faith in the One God. The “physical” fitra refers to what is mentioned in the hadith.

    Another form of hair removal, such as shaving, is also acceptable.

    St. x. Imam Ahmad.

    St. x. al-Bukhari and Muslim.

    Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 8 vols. T. 2. P. 192, 195, 196.

    Compare: the fifth commandment given to Moses at Sinai: “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you” (Ex. 20:12); as well as the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is what justice requires” (Eph. 6:1).

    Ratner E. 10 questions to refresh your memory // Psychologies, October 2008 (No. 31). P. 132.

    Circumcision only affects boys.

    Vasilevskaya N. A beautiful smile comes from within. // Psychologies, January 2009 (No. 34). P. 146.

    For more details, see: Az-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir. T. 9. P. 425.

    Hadith from ‘Aisha; St. X. Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim and an-Nasai. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 505, Hadith No. 8278, “sahih”.

    The verb "zawwaja" used in the Qur'anic text means "to unite", "to unite". Therefore, the verse may imply both the “union” of fetuses of different sexes in the womb (for example, twins), and the sequential birth of sons and daughters in the family.

    Khushu‘ (submission to God, humility, reverence; reverence) is when a person is not so much outwardly different from others, but has deep heartfelt piety, modest before God. Even while doing absolutely worldly things, the owner of this quality has a heart with the Almighty: he prays (at the level of thought, soul, heart) for forgiveness (although he does not commit obvious sins, piety simply does not allow him to commit them), for mercy, for help, or simply praises the Lord worlds.

    A woman and a mosque: everything she needs to know

    The two questions raised in this article are so relevant that it is simply necessary to know the answers to them so that there is no disagreement. Based on the Koran and Sunnah of the Prophet, we will open the curtain on the most troubling problems of our time

    Which prayer is better for her - in the mosque or at home?

    In Islam, performing collective prayers in a mosque is the prerogative of only men. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, advised women to pray at home, in the most secluded corner, and this is better for her. This is stated in the sayings - hadiths:

    Umm Humaid Saidiyya, may Allah be pleased with her, once asked: “O Prophet of Allah, I wish to perform prayers, being guided in them by you.” The Prophet, peace and blessings of the Most High be upon him, then answered her: “I know about this, but the prayer you perform in a secluded corner of your house is better than in a closed room, and the prayer you perform in a closed room is better than if you performed it in the courtyard of her house; but the prayer you perform in the courtyard of your house is better than if you perform it in a nearby mosque, and if you perform it in a nearby mosque, it is better than in the largest mosque in the city” - narrated by Imam Ahmad, At-Tabarani and Abu Dawood. That is, women receive the same reward for praying at home as men receive for praying in the mosque, etc.

    But in Islam, women are canonically allowed to visit mosques. And anyone who forbids them to do this is deeply mistaken.

    • First, the Prophet ordered men not to prevent women from going to the mosque if they so wish: “Do not forbid the female slaves of Allah from coming to His mosques. If the wife of one of you asks your permission to go to the mosque, she should not be denied it.”- reported by imams al-Bukhari and Muslim.
    • Secondly, the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “Do not keep your women from coming to the mosque, although it is better for them to pray at home.”- reported by Abu Dawood.

    Yes, in Islam there really is a story when Umar ibn al-Khattab banned women from visiting mosques and he was supported in this matter by Aisha - the mother of the faithful, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him. Therefore, the purpose of visiting mosques should be to perform prayer and other acts of expression of faith, and not to show off in front of others and attract unnecessary attention to oneself. This prohibition concerned ethical considerations. But canonically, and this is important, there is no ban on women visiting mosques.

    And the story of the ban looked like this: When women went to the mosque to perform each prayer, Umar imposed such a ban, since morals had become completely different than they were in the time of the prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him. The women of Medina who protested against this ban came to Aisha, but she supported Umar, answering them: “If the Prophet had known what Umar knew, he would not have allowed you to leave your house to go to the mosque.”.

    It is important to understand that religion is not intended to complicate a person’s life, but to make it easier. Let's give another hadith, which was transmitted by the son of Umar ibn al-Khattab - Abdullah from the prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty on him: “Do not forbid women from visiting the houses of the Lord - mosques”- reported by Imams Muslim and Ahmad. And in fiqh - Muslim law - women are allowed to attend mosques.

    Interaction between men and women in the mosque

    The most interesting thing, in our opinion, is that when we turn to the sunnah, we learn that during the life of the Prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, interaction between men and women in the mosque really existed. This was normal practice and concerned various matters of a religious and social nature. Let's give a few examples.

    Abdullah ibn Masgud, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that one day the Prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, entered the mosque, accompanied by several women from among the Ansar, he told them: “Whichever of you has three children die, Allah will certainly enter her into Paradise.”. Hearing this, one of the women - the most respectable among them - asked: “O Messenger of Allah, does this apply to women who have lost two children?”. To this the venerable Prophet replied: “Yes, this also applies to women who have lost two children.”.

    Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “One day the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) led a prayer, and when he finished it, he turned to us and asked: “Is there anyone among you who goes to his wife, locks the door, closes the curtains, and then goes out of the house and says, “I did such and such with my wife?”" The people remained silent. Then he turned to the women and asked: “Is there even one of you who talks about such things?” Then the young woman stood up so that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, could see her and hear what she said. The woman said: “Yes, by Allah, men talk about it and women talk about it too.”. Then the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Do you know what those who do this are like? They are like the devil and the she-devil who meet in the middle of the road and satisfy their desires while people look at them.".

    Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, reported the following incident: “Usually, during a sermon, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, stood leaning on the trunk of a palm tree. One Ansar woman said: “O Messenger of Allah! I have a carpenter in my employ, should I order him to build you a minbar?”, to which the Prophet, peace be upon him, agreed. Then they made a minbar. And on Friday, when the Prophet Muhammad sat down on this minbar, the palm tree, near which the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, had previously stood, screamed like a child, and the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, went down, took hold of it and pressed himself against it , after which this palm tree began to moan like a child who is trying to be calmed down, and moaned until it became silent, after which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “She cried, yearning for the words of the remembrance of Allah that she had heard before.”

    The following narration shows us the position and role of women in the mosque. It is narrated from Mahmud ibn Labid: “When Saad was wounded in the arm by an arrow, he could hardly move, and he was handed over to a woman named Rufaida, who treated the wounded in the mosque. When the Prophet passed by, in the evening or in the morning, he would inquire about his well-being every time.”

    It is also reported that one day the righteous caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, ascended the minbar and said: “Do not make the mahr of your women expensive, for if this were the dignity (of a person) in this life or fear of God before the Almighty, then the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with him) would have preceded you in this. So I don’t want to hear anymore about someone paying a woman more than 400 dirhams.”.

    At this time, one Quraysh woman stood up and objected to Umar: “O ruler of the faithful! Do you want to prohibit people from giving mahr in amounts exceeding 400 dirhams?”

    Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) answered firmly: “Yes, I forbid you to do this!”

    Then the woman exclaimed: “Have you not heard this verse of the Koran: “If you want to replace one wife with another, and if the mahr you allocated to the first one is very large, then do not withhold anything from it. Will you take away anything unfairly and committing an obvious sin? (4:20).

    In response, Umar said: O Allah! Forgive my sins. It turns out that people are much smarter than Umar"(another version of the hadith says: “the woman was right and the man was wrong”).

    These stories show us that a woman in Islam is a full-fledged citizen with all rights. The mosque is the place where people during the time of the prophet not only prayed, but also resolved some social and religious issues of society. And their presence in the mosque was never condemned by the Prophet Muhammad.

    But it is necessary to take into account certain aspects of a woman’s presence in the mosque. Muslim scholars emphasize that if a woman goes to the mosque to gain valuable religious knowledge or other benefits for her religion that cannot be obtained anywhere else, going to the mosque for this purpose becomes rewarding for her. The visit to the mosque itself must comply with all Islamic norms: it is necessary that the woman is dressed correctly - fully covered, gets to the mosque in a suitable safe way, does not go there alone at night and avoids mixing with men.

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    Woman goes to the mosque

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    Admin Oct 31, 2007

    During the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the mosque was a center for religious services, as well as cultural, educational and political activity members of the Muslim community. It was not a place reserved only for men, as has become the practice in many places these days. Both men and women attended mosques.

    For women, we note that visiting a mosque was normal, and from the point of view of Islamic doctrine it had specific goals.

    The first two are prayer and Itikaf, the order of which involves staying in the mosque for 10 days in the month of Ramadan and performing all obligatory prayers during this period.

    The third purpose for which women visited the house of prayer was hear everything they can learn from it. The need to study made it necessary for both men and women to attend the mosque. Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I came to the mosque and joined the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in prayer. When he completed the prayer, he sat on the dais, smiling." (Muslim).

    Another version, narrated by Al-Dari, says that Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her) related the story of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), which he began with the words: “A number of nomads were in the room when it collapsed. Some were able to hold on to the edge of the ruins. » Obviously, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cited the story for an instructive purpose. Women were present during this story, as were men.

    Women can come to the mosque for the purpose of to visit those who are there during the period of Itikaf. Safiyya, the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), visited him during Itikaf, the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. She spoke to him before walking back home. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went with her to bring her home. As she stood at the door of the mosque, two men from the Ansar walked nearby and greeted the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He told them: “This is my wife Safiyya.” They replied: “Messenger of God! All glory to him” and felt very embarrassed. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) realized that this was because there was a woman next to him and said to the men: “Satan can be as close to a person as blood is to vessels”(Bukhari, Muslim).

    Ibn Hajar and Ibn Daqiq Al-Eid comment that a woman can visit a man during Itikaf.

    Spending time with other Muslim women is also a good reason to visit a mosque. Muawiyah (may Allah be pleased with him) reports: “On the morning of the tenth day of the month of Muharram, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent messengers to convey that those who began the day by fasting should continue it. And those who did not fast, let them fast for the rest of the day. We demand that our children also observe fasting. If a child asks for food, you can give him a toy. This will help him until the end of his fast.”

    “In the first years of the reign of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), we women went to the mosque. We took knives with us to process dry palm leaves. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I must stop you (from working).” We continued our joint prayer (in the mosque) at the appointed time,” this is how Al-Kubra related the story to Khawli, the daughter of Qais.

    Responding to a Call to Attend a Public Meeting- also the reason why women came to the mosque during the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Fatima, daughter of Qais, said: “After completing my waiting period, I heard the loud voice of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) calling everyone to come out and go to the place of general assembly. I went out with other people, following the call. I stood in the first line of women praying.”

    Women can and should visit the mosque to join holidays or in connection with socially significant events. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was sitting next to the Abyssinians who were playing in the mosque. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) covered me with his clothes while I watched their game” (Bukhari, Muslim).

    Ibn Hajar quotes Al-Muhallab's argument in response to people who do not allow celebrations in the mosque. A mosque is a place where the well-being of the Muslim community is protected. Everything that is connected with faith and its strengthening - everything has a place in the mosque. And if this is so, then what other place could be more desirable for girls and women to visit?

    The reasons listed above, which can become motives for visiting a mosque, most often do not exist separately. Women come to Friday prayers, and after it they communicate with Muslim friends, discuss their social affairs, and take part in various events. Many Muslim women are members of Islamic women's organizations. This is also a wonderful reason to dwell in God's house.

    Source: Islamonline. com

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    Ruqaiya Nov 01, 2007

    Umm Humaid Saidiyya (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “O Prophet of Allah, I wish to perform prayers, being guided in them by you.” The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “I know about this, but prayer, the prayer you perform in a secluded corner (of your house) is better than in a closed room, and the prayer you perform in a closed room is better than the prayer you perform in the courtyard of your house; but the prayer you perform in the courtyard of your house is better than You should perform it in the nearest mosque, and performing it in the nearest mosque is better than in the largest mosque in the city.”

    However, women are not prohibited from visiting the mosque.

    It is interesting to note that Caliph Umar and even Aisha herself were against women going to the mosque to perform every prayer.

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    Ruqaiya Nov 01, 2007

    And is there a difference between a mosque and an Islamic organization?

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    Admin 01 Nov 2007

    And is there a difference between a mosque and an Islamic organization?

    There is an authentic hadith where it is said that the best place women for prayer is next to her bed, that is, at home

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    cleopatra Dec 14, 2007

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    Maryama March 27, 2008

    Yes, I like visiting the mosque. I also read this hadith that the best place for a woman to perform prayer is her home. But visiting a mosque, I think, is the business of each individual Muslim woman. And I don't see anything wrong with it if you go to the mosque relatively often

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    Bashkirochka April 03, 2008

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    ONA Apr 22, 2008

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    DIASHKA May 19, 2009

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    _Asma_ June 23, 2009

    How good it was for me there, I’m so happy.

    Woman's prayer: at home or in the mosque?

    For which prayer does a woman receive a greater reward - for prayer at home or in the jamaat (in a mosque, etc.)?

    In the name of Allah, the Merciful, to everyone in this world, and only to believers in the next.

    Although these reasons are clear to me, I would like to know if there is any other justification for this rule. Is it true that a woman will receive a greater reward if she prays at home? I'd like to know why this is so.

    • 1. Bukhari, Muslim.
    • 2. In the month of Ramadan.
    • 3. It means that the dignity of this place is very great.
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    Etiquette for Muslims and tourists: how to behave in a mosque?

    A mosque is a place of worship for Muslims. AiF-Kazan learned how to behave correctly in an Islamic temple, why men and women pray in separate rooms, which foot to enter and exit the building from.

    How to prepare for going to the mosque?

    “The important thing is why a person comes to the mosque,” ​​says Deputy Mufti of Tatarstan Rustam Khairullin. “A person’s intentions must be good.”

    First of all, a person planning to visit the temple must bring his appearance in order: this applies to clothes and cleanliness of the body.

    “Women dress so that only their hands, feet and face are visible,” says Rustam Khairullin. – At the same time, clothes should be loose and not very bright. Men also try to cover their bodies as much as possible; they put a skullcap on their heads.”

    In his sayings of vice, Muhammad said that Muslims must be ritually pure, that is, they must perform a complete ablution.

    Taharat - small ablution. Many rituals of worship of Allah cannot be performed without ritual ablution. For example, it is not allowed to perform namaz, tawaf - walking around the Kaaba (during Hajj and Umrah), or touching the Holy Quran with your hands. All mosques have ablution rooms.

    Full ablution, called ghusul, is washing the entire body along with cleansing the mouth and nose. Complete ablution is performed in a shower or bath.

    You can only enter the mosque with your right foot with the words “O Almighty, open the gates of your mercy.” Once inside the room, a Muslim must greet everyone, saying As-salamu alaikum (translated from Arabic as “Peace be upon you”). A Muslim must greet even if he does not find anyone in the mosque, since it is believed that angels are always present in the temple.

    Shoes are removed in the mosque. There are special cabinets where you can put your shoes so they don't get in the way. It is preferable for a Muslim to have socks and shoe covers.

    How to pray in a mosque?

    Five times a day, at a strictly defined time, the azan is heard from the minaret - the call to prayer. The muezzin proclaims it. All mosques are built in such a way that they are directed towards Mecca.

    There is a recess inside the building - mihrab (translated from Arabic as “first line of the front”). There is a minbar - a pulpit or tribune in the cathedral mosque, from which the imam reads the Friday sermon. The minbar has several steps. Prophet Muhammad preached his sermon from the topmost of them. As a sign of his respect, all imams stand 2-3 steps below the top.

    All other Muslims stand behind him facing Mecca. On Friday, congregational prayers are held in mosques, the value of which is 27 times higher than those performed at home.

    Every Muslim strives to stand behind the imam in the front row, as he will receive more rewards from Allah for this.

    You cannot pass in front of a person who is saying namaz. In this case, his prayer is violated and is not accepted by Allah. Therefore, walk around the Muslim from behind.

    Women and men read prayer in different rooms, sometimes the women's room is located on the balcony. If there are none, then the women stand in a row behind the men.

    “If you don’t know how to pray, don’t hesitate to ask one of the mosque employees to explain it to you. In the temple there are always “cheat sheets” - books that briefly describe how to read the prayer. You can perform a ritual by looking at a book. Over time, you will be able to do it without any help,” says Rustam Khairullin.

    How to give alms?

    A Muslim who wants to give alms - sadaqa - must give it right hand and uttering an intention to yourself. The person receiving the gift from him also accepts it with his right hand, saying to himself “Bismillah-Irahman-Irahim.”

    “In Islam, a person in need is considered to be someone who is deprived of food or shelter today. These are the people who are given sadaka. If a person is not one of those, but is given alms, then he, in turn, must give it to someone who fits these criteria,” says Rustam Khairullin.

    Who should not enter the mosque?

    Visiting the mosque for tourism purposes is permitted, but in this case, the person must fulfill all the requirements that believers adhere to. “Any traveler should understand that they are entering a religious building. He must perform ghusl and dress in accordance with Sharia norms. Fortunately, today in temples there are scarves and skirts so that women can cover those parts of the body that cannot be shown,” adds Hazrat.

    You cannot make noise in the mosque. People who have a strong odor or smell bad are also not allowed. The Prophet Muhammad said that if a person has eaten onions or garlic, he should not appear in the mosque until the smell disappears. The use of perfumes with a strong odor is not allowed.

    Birth of a child- one of the most significant events in the life of a family. Along with the joy of the birth of a new person, parents also bear responsibility before the Almighty related to the care and upbringing of the child. Islam clearly defines the provisions governing the actions of parents and their relatives in connection with the birth of a child in the family. These provisions should be followed so that from birth the baby and his parents are under the beneficial influence of the Islamic tradition.

    Prenatal period

    It is useful to know and pronounce the following words before marital intercourse: “Bismil-lyahi, Allahumma jannibnash-shaytoone, wa jannibish-shaytoona maa razaktanaa”(In the name of the Lord. O Most High, remove us from Satan and remove Satan from what You will bestow on us).

    Prophet Muhammad (may the Almighty bless him and greet him) said: “If any of you, before intercourse with his wife, says: “Bismil-lyahi, Allahumma jannibnash-shaytoone, wa jannibish-shaytoona maa razaktanaa” (In the name of the Lord. O Most High, remove us from Satan and remove Satan from what You will give us), then if the birth of a child is prescribed by Allah (God, Lord) [as a result of this], he (the child) will be protected from Satan.”

    Is it possible for spouses to find out the sex of their unborn child through an ultrasound?

    It is possible to recognize the sex of an unborn child using an ultrasound, but there is no hope for absolute accuracy. Even if humanity invents a device that produces ultra-precise information, there will be no prohibitions on its use and use, however, all imaginable and unimaginable facets of information about the development of the embryo and the birth of a new person are accessible and known with absolute accuracy only God (see Holy Koran, ;). Humanity will never be able to achieve this level of awareness. But using the laws of the Creator in comprehending what He has created is not prohibited, but, on the contrary, is encouraged.

    During pregnancy, it is useful to read the following Quranic verse: “ Rabbis, hab lii mil-lyadunkya zurriyaten toyibe, innakya samii'ud-du'a"(Lord, grant me good [pious] offspring [grant noble and healthy child]. Verily, You are the Hearer of [every] prayer-du'a) ().

    A husband, wife or their parents can ask for relief and a successful completion of the birth, for example, in the following words: "Allahumma Yassir wa laya Tu'assir"(Lord, wish this was easy, not hard).

    The following du'a is also useful: “Allahumma-rzukna valyadan soolihe”(Lord, give us a godly, well-behaved child).

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    Basic conditions that must be met after the birth of a baby

    1. Congratulations and spreading the good news.

    It is advisable for a Muslim to inform all his family and friends about the birth of a child. This strengthens the bonds of friendship and kinship between people, promotes unity in joy, and emphasizes everyone’s participation in a happy event.

    The Holy Quran repeatedly speaks of the need and importance of spreading the joyful news of the birth of a baby. Thus, the Almighty tells about the annunciation of the prophet Zechariah (Zechariah): “And the angels called to him as he prayed, standing in the altar (prayer):

    “Allah (God, Lord) conveys to you the joyful news of the birth of Yahya (John the Baptist). [He will be] a confirmer of the truth of the Word of God [will be the first to confirm the truth of the prophetic mission of Jesus], master [of his people], protected [protected and removed from sins] and a prophet from the line of godly [prophets]" ();

    “O Zakaria (Zechariah)! We [says the Lord of the worlds] give you good news [after some time you will be born] a child, whose name is Yahya (John the Baptist). We have never called anyone that before” ().

    The father of a newborn can be congratulated in the following form: “Baarakyal-laahu lakya fil-mavkhuubi lak, va shakartal-vaahiba va balyaga ashuddahu va ruziqta birrah”(May the Almighty show His mercy to the one who has been given to you. Give thanks to the One who has given it to you. May he [your child] reach full maturity, and may you be endowed with his obedience and love).

    It is advisable for the child’s father to respond to these words: “Baarakyal-laahu lakya wa baarakyal-laahu ‘alaik”(or “ajzalal-laahu sawaabak”) (May Allah show His blessing to you; (or - may the Almighty increase your reward).

    2. Reading the adhan and iqamat.

    According to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him), immediately (or after some time) after the birth of a child, the azan should be read in his right ear, and the iqamat can be read in the left ear.

    Abu Rafi' said: “I saw the Messenger of God, after [his daughter] Fatima gave birth to Hassan, read the adhan in his [baby’s] ear.”

    There is also such a hadith: “The Jinn Ummus-sybyan will not harm a newborn if the one to whom he was born reads the azan in the child’s right ear, and the iqama in the left.”

    The companion of the Prophet Muhammad Ibn 'Abbas reported: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on the birthday of al-Hasan ibn 'Ali (the son of 'Ali, the grandson of the Prophet) read the adhan in his [right] ear, and the iqama in his left." .

    This condition is very important, because Divine and sacred words should be the first to reach the baby’s ears. They symbolize the greatness of the Lord of the worlds and contain the basic formula of Monotheism, the recognition of which makes a person a Muslim. From this moment on, the words of adhan and iqamat should accompany the child throughout his entire subsequent life, helping him and illuminating his path.

    These sacred formulas are also formulas of Islamic exorcism: according to Muslim tradition, Satan is expelled by the sounds of the adhan, eagerly awaiting the birth of each new person in order to negatively influence him.

    The call to the Lord, His most pure religion - Islam - must precede the call of the damned and expelled Satan, who every second makes colossal efforts to replenish the legion of people who have submitted to him.

    It is also recommended to recite into the child’s right ear the words of the prayer said by the mother of Mary (the future mother of the prophet Jesus) at her birth: “Innii u‘iizuhee bikya wa zurriyatahee minash-shaitoonir-rajiim” (). (Truly, with Your help [O Lord], I remove her and her offspring from the accursed Satan).

    It is also known that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) spoke a sura into the right ear of one newborn baby.

    3. Preparing the baby to accept the mother's breast.

    This is done as follows: the date is thoroughly chewed (for example, by the baby’s mother), after which a small part of it is taken with a finger and placed in the newborn’s mouth. Then, with light finger movements to the right and left, the oral cavity is massaged so that the chewed mass touches the entire oral cavity. If you don't have dates, you can use any other sweet product.

    Abu Musa said: “I had a son. I went to the Prophet. He gave him the name Ibrahim. Then, placing [a little] chewed date on his finger, he placed it in my son's mouth. And having asked the Almighty for blessings (barakah; God’s grace), he gave the child to me.”

    The following story is known from Anas ibn Malik: “Together with the newborn child Abu Talha, I went to the messenger of the Almighty. He asked: “Do you have any dates?” I said yes and gave them to him. The Prophet took it, chewed it and then, taking out what he had chewed, put [a little] into the baby’s mouth and did a light massage of the oral cavity. The Prophet named him ‘Abdullah’.

    4. Shaving the baby's head.

    After seven days after the birth of a child, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), it is advisable (mustahab) to shave the child’s head and give as alms silver or gold, the weight of which is equal to the weight of the shaved hair.

    Speaking about the desirability of shaving a baby's head and giving alms in silver (or its equivalent in any monetary units), scholars of Islamic law cite the following several hadiths in support.

    Imam Malik in his book “Al-Muwatto” reports from Ja'far ibn Muhammad, from his father: “Fatima weighed the hair of Hasan, Hussein, Zainab and Umm Kulthum and paid silver equal to the weight of these hairs as alms.”

    It is known from Imam ‘Ali that “God’s Messenger sacrificed a ram after the birth of Hasan and said: “O Fatima, tonsure his head and give as alms silver, the weight of which is equal to the weight of his hair.” When she weighed the hair, its weight was equal to one dirham or some part of a dirham."

    It is known from Anas ibn Malik that the Prophet ordered the tonsure of his grandchildren Hasan and Hussein on the seventh day after their birth. After they were tonsured, silver was given as alms, the weight of which was equal to the weight of their hair.

    5. Naming.

    In Islam, much attention is paid to choosing a name for a baby.

    The following words of the Prophet Muhammad are transmitted from Samur: “[The birth of] every child is a reason for sacrificing an animal (every child is a hostage to a sacrificial lamb). The animal is slaughtered on the seventh day. On the same day, the child is given a name and his head is shaved.”

    The meat of the animal is divided into three parts: a third goes to the poor, a third to relatives and a third stays at home.

    It is clear from the hadith that the name can be given on the seventh day from the birth of the baby. However, there are other reliable hadiths indicating that the name can also be given on the child’s birthday. Anas said: “God’s messenger said: “At night a son was born to me, I named him by the name of my forefather - Ibrahim.”

    From the above-mentioned hadiths it follows that naming does not have a strictly defined period: it is possible both on the child’s birthday and on the seventh day, as well as on any other.

    One of the issues that requires special attention from parents is the correct choice of name for the newborn.

    Abu Dawud narrates from Abu ad-Darda: “The Messenger of God said: “Verily, on the Day of [general] Resurrection [from the dead], you will be called together by your names and the names of your fathers. So give your children beautiful names!”

    The following words are reported from Ibn ‘Umar: “The Prophet said: “Truly, the most beloved names before Allah (God, Lord) are ‘Abdullah (the servant of the Lord) and ‘Abdurrahman (the servant of the All-Merciful).”

    It should be noted that preferred names include all those names in which the word “abd” (slave) is present in combination with one of the names of the Almighty: for example, 'Abdur-Razzak (slave of the Giver of food), 'Abdul-Malik (slave of the Lord) .

    One of the hadiths stipulates the preference for naming children after prophets and angels. The name of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is especially revered. The Prophet said:

    - “Name your children after the prophets”;

    It is important to remember that the person who is entrusted with responsibility for the child must also take care that he is not given a name that hurts his dignity and which may be a reason for ridicule. At-Tirmidhi reports from ‘Aisha that the Prophet changed dissonant names. It is reported from Ibn ‘Umar that ‘Umar’s daughter’s name was ‘Asyya (rebellious, disobedient), and the Prophet named her Jamila (beautiful).

    It is forbidden to give names that are unique to the Almighty Creator, for example Ahad (The Only One), Khaliq (Creator), etc. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “On the Day of Judgment, the person who is named will most arouse the wrath of God named Malikul-Amlak (ruler of all possessions). There is no Lord but Allah (God, Lord)."

    It is forbidden to give names that emphasize submission to anyone or anything other than God, for example ‘Abdul-Ka’ba (slave of the Kaaba), ‘Abdun-Nabi (slave of the Prophet), ‘Abdur-Rasul (slave of the Messenger).

    It is possible to give more than one name, but it is better, as the Prophet Muhammad did, to limit himself to one.

    By the way, the concept of “Muslim name” should be distinguished from the concept of “Arab names”. A Muslim name is any name in any language that has a positive meaning. There is no condition in Islam that a Muslim man or woman must have an Arabic name.

    6. Sacrifice on the occasion of the birth of a child.

    As a sign of gratitude to the Lord for a newborn child, it is advisable, if there is a financial opportunity, to sacrifice a ram. As mentioned in the hadith, it is better to make the sacrifice on the seventh day after the birth of the child. If this is not possible, then on any other day.

    Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “From a child - al-‘aqiqa. So slaughter a sacrificial animal for him, [thereby] remove pain (harm, suffering, trouble) from him.”

    A hadith from Samur was already quoted above: “[The birth of] every child is a reason for sacrificing an animal (every child is a hostage to a sacrificial lamb). The animal is slaughtered on the seventh day. On the same day, the child is given a name and his head is shaved.” ‘Aisha said that the Prophet said: “For a boy [one must sacrifice] two identical rams, and for a girl - one ram.”

    From these three hadiths it follows that at the birth of a girl one ram must be slaughtered, and at the birth of a boy, depending on the financial situation of the father, one or two rams are sacrificed.

    B O The majority of scholars of Islamic law believe that the slaughter of an animal on the occasion of the birth of a child is a desirable sunnah (mustahab) for his father, but is not obligatory (wajib).

    General provisions regarding the sacrificial animal.

    It is allowed to sacrifice an animal whose characteristics correspond to what is sacrificed on the Eid al-Adha holiday: the ram must be one year old or older (it is allowed to slaughter a ram that is six months or more old, but has reached the size of a one-year-old); the sacrificial animal must be without obvious defects (for example, a one-eyed or blind animal, clearly lame or very skinny cannot be sacrificed).

    It is not advisable to break the bones of a sacrificed animal, but it is preferable to cut off each bone at the joint. This statement is supported by the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) spoken to his daughter Fatima when she made a sacrifice on the occasion of the birth of Hassan and Hussein: “Send the woman who delivered the child the leg of the sacrificial animal. Eat [this meat] and feed [it] to others, and do not break the bones of this animal.” This is also stated in one of the hadiths from ‘Aisha.

    Al-‘aqıq meat is distributed in this way: part is used by those who sacrificed the animal (that is, the child’s parents), part is distributed as alms, and the rest is given to loved ones. It is advisable to give a little to the woman who gave birth. It is prohibited to sell any part of al-‘aqık meat.

    Following the hadith, it is advisable (mustahab) to sacrifice an animal al-‘aqiq in the name of a newborn child. At the same time, the one who slaughters the animal says: “bismil-lyah, Allahumma lakya wa ilaykya ‘akykatu (...)” (In the name of Allah. O Lord, to You [belongs] and to You [returns] ‘akyka [the name of the child]).

    7. Circumcision.

    According to most Islamic scholars, the rite of circumcision of a boy must be performed before he reaches adulthood. However, it is preferable that this sunnah be observed in the first days after his birth. Thus, the hadith from Jabir says: “God’s messenger sacrificed an animal on behalf of Hasan and Hussein and performed the rite of circumcision on them on the seventh day.”

    There are a large number of hadiths that talk about circumcision. Here's one of them.

    Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) announced: “To fitre includes the following: trimming the mustache, growing the beard, brushing the teeth with a miswak stick, rinsing the nose, trimming the nails, rinsing between the fingers, plucking armpit hair, cutting pubic hair, rinsing with water and circumcision.”

    There are some differences of opinion among scholars of Islamic law regarding this issue. Scholars such as al-Hasan al-Basri, Imam Abu Hanifa, as well as some jurists of the Hanbali school consider circumcision as a sunnah recommendation. At the same time, imams al-Shafi'i, Malik and Ahmad, as well as al-Awza'i and others, believe that circumcision belongs to the category of "wajib", that is, in its importance it is close to fard.

    It is useful to know the following statement of Imam Malik: “Whoever does not perform the rite of circumcision is prohibited from performing prayer as an imam.” According to the Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali madhhabs, it is undesirable (makruh) for a person who has not performed circumcision to be an imam (president) in prayer.

    Answers to questions on the topic

    I have two children, there is a year difference between them. Is there a clear condition in the Koran that there should be an interval of two years between children? I want a lot of children, and my wife doesn't mind. Is there any clear guidance on this matter in the Sunnah or Quran? Or is this desirable? Hakim, 28 years old.

    There is a mention in the Koran that a mother feeds her child with her mother’s milk for two years, and therefore it is desirable that such a break should take place, especially since the female body should recover after childbirth and feeding. We men cannot understand this.

    Do not rush to quickly increase the number of children - not only quantity is important, but also quality. Pay due attention to what you already have (including studying books on child psychology), because children are far from adults, and breaking or spoiling something is not particularly difficult. They grow quickly, before you even have time to look back. The older they are, the more you should invest in them: love, listen, respect their opinion; take you to classes (sports, intelligence, spirituality), explain life situations, etc. Therefore, do not rush things, take breaks, developing mutual understanding in the family, harmonizing relationships with yourself and loved ones.

    Can my husband be present at the birth? Being right next to your wife when she gives birth.

    It's possible if the wife doesn't mind.

    Can a pregnant woman listen to music?

    I will answer in the words of psychologists and medical researchers: “A newborn baby remembers the songs and music that the mother sang or listened to during pregnancy - listening to them, he calms down or falls asleep better. Some children even seem to be able to describe or draw what their intrauterine life looked like."

    If a child (girl) has a Muslim father and a Christian mother, and the mother has already baptized her, is she considered a Muslim or a Christian? Umar.

    Faith is not inherited from the father. She is vaccinated by her parents. At this stage, the little girl is a Christian, since she was baptized in the church. If you are divorced from your spouse, then your daughter belongs more to the Christian tradition, and this is until she grows up and decides for herself who she should be.

    Can a Muslim be a godfather to a Christian child?

    Perhaps, because they are Christians, people of the Book, who deserve special attention from us. But only as an exception, not a rule.

    Will a child born out of wedlock be a Muslim? Abdul, 31 years old.

    It depends on what religion and what values ​​will be instilled in him.

    I will soon have a child (insha Allah), I want the azan to be read in his ear. The problem is that the husband cannot come to the maternity hospital. Can I record the azan on my phone and let it listen to it?

    My friend has two sons and the azan was not read to them after birth. Recently they went to the mosque for this, but they did not read it to them, since the eldest son’s name is Marat, and this is not a Muslim name in their opinion. So they left with nothing. What to do? Guzal, 28 years old.

    Maybe the reason for the refusal was different? Any name in any language that has a positive meaning is considered Muslim. You are required to recite the adhan in any of the mosques in your city, although you can do it yourself.

    Tell me, if a child is not circumcised and does not have the azan and iqama read in his ear at birth, but is raised in Islam, will he be a Muslim? Aishat.

    Yes, of course, without a doubt. The three things you listed are desirable after the birth of a child and in no way relate to the basics of faith or religious practice.

    If a boy was born on Monday, when would it be more correct to perform the circumcision - at the end of the week, on Sunday, or a week later, on Monday? Adil.

    You can either on Sunday or Monday. Each of these days is, to a certain extent, the seventh. Moreover, circumcision on the seventh day after birth is desirable, but not mandatory. Calculate so that it is convenient for both you and the doctor.

    If a person is born circumcised, what does that mean? Alisher.

    I recently had a son, and it’s as if he was circumcised naturally, that is, it turns out that he was born already circumcised. We were also told that he would not have to be circumcised like other boys, but would just have to make a small cut to allow the blood to bleed. They said that being born circumcised is a special favor of the Almighty towards the child. I would be grateful if you answer how reliable this is. Mohammed, 38 years old.

    If from a medical point of view there is no need to perform circumcision, then there is no need to “bleed” - what nonsense?! Moreover, this is a very sensitive organ of the human body, and accidental infection or insufficient qualifications are common things today.

    It is not unusual for a child to not need to be circumcised. This procedure is more hygienic and does not determine the level of a person’s chosenness before the Almighty. The determining factors will be upbringing, environment, acquired skills, realized opportunities and achieved goals. And all this is painstaking work over decades.

    My son was born a year ago, and when he was very tiny, he often laughed in his sleep. Sometimes, when he was awake, he looked into some corner, mumbled something in his own way and smiled. Now he doesn't do that anymore. To this, someone told me that angels make babies laugh in their dreams, and in reality they also see them and can communicate with them to some extent. This is true?

    Maybe. But here is what secular scientists say about this: “In a dream, a newborn smiles serenely - this is a reflexive sign of his physical well-being, which has no purpose and is intended for himself.”

    My daughter is two weeks old. I am going to visit the mosque so that the imam will read the adhan for it. The reason for my concern is that she often wakes up fearfully at night and cries a lot, possibly having nightmares. What do you think about it? What do you recommend doing? Eldos, 27 years old.

    This is a common occurrence in children. I think it will gradually go away. Calm the child, distract him from crying. If it doesn’t work out, ask an experienced pediatrician for advice.

    The Sunnah also mentions the supplication-du'a, read before bedtime, when a child or adult has terrible dreams, horrors: "bismil-la, a'uuzu bi kalimyatil-layakhit-taamma min gadabihi wa 'ikaabikh, wa min sharri 'ibyadihi, wa min hamazaatish-shayatiyn va ay-yahduruun.”

    I have two daughters, but we really wanted a boy (I asked Allah for a boy after every prayer, after every Friday prayer in the mosque, and daughters were born). I would like to know: is there a prayer for the birth of a boy? And is it even right to ask Allah for this? Ruslan.

    1. There is a verse in the Koran:

    “When one of them is given the good news of the birth of a daughter, his face turns black [turns purple], and he [who was expecting a boy] is saddened (full of restrained anger)” ().

    From time immemorial, people are more likely to rejoice at the birth of a boy in a family than a girl, although for a believer this should be equally joyful. And to be more precise, the birth of a daughter should become a brighter holiday. Indeed, from the point of view of Muslim culture, raising a daughter is more responsible, but also more rewarding before God. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “Whoever raises two daughters, doing it nobly and patiently, they will become protection from hellish punishment.”

    Great wisdom is contained in the words of the Holy Quran:

    “To Allah (God, Lord) belongs all power over heaven and earth! He creates (creates) whatever he wants. He gives [only] daughters to whomever he wishes, and [only] sons to whomever he wishes. Or both sons and daughters are born in the family. And whoever he wishes, he does ‘akim(childless, infertile). Verily, He is Omniscient [aware of everything to the smallest detail] and Omnipotent [He can do or create whatever He wants; His power is not limited by anything]” ().

    2. As a prayer to the Almighty, read verses 89, 90 of the 21st sura of the Holy Quran:

    “[Mention] Zachariah (Zechariah), when he turned to the Almighty with the words: “Lord, do not leave me alone [without descendants and continuation of the family], You are better than anyone in managing what remains on this earth [I do not care about the one who will get the material after my death, but I’m worried about the spiritual component: to transfer it and be the reason for its continuation, development, increase].”

    We [says the Lord of the worlds] answered him and gave Yahya (John the Baptist), healing his wife [after all, she was far from being of childbearing age, but after some time she became pregnant and gave birth to a son, who was named Yahya]. [One of the reasons for the rapid materialization of the prayer, contrary to natural laws and the completion of the necessary physiological processes, were the following characteristic features of this well-behaved family:] they (Zakaria’s family) (1) were hasty in doing good deeds [did not leave good things for later], (2 ) they prayed to the Almighty with desire [to receive what they asked for, believing in fulfillment] and (3) with trepidation [not demanding “give me!”, but feeling weakness, weakness before God; doubting the merits of what is being asked; without pride in good deeds, but with a clear sense of shortcomings and shortcomings]. (4) And they were deeply pious” ().

    Transcription of a possible supplication from the above verse: “Rabbi, la tazarnii fardan va ante khairul-vaarisin”.

    Imam Shamil, I have the following question: my adopted son (he is 4 years old) often wakes up at night, does not sleep peacefully, sometimes for no apparent reason he starts screaming and crying, and becomes nervous. My wife and I are worried about him. I suggested that he put the ayat “al-Kursi” in his pillow and clothes, maybe, inshaAllah, he will feel better and sleep more peacefully. Do you think this can help or are some other suras from the Koran more effective?

    Hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas; St. X. al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, an-Nasai, at-Tirmizi, ad-Darami, Ibn Majah, al-Bayhaki, etc. See: at-Tirmizi M. Sunan at-Tirmizi [Code of hadiths of Imam at-Tirmizi] . Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 193, Hadith No. 1092, “sahih”; al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari [Compendium of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 volumes. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-‘asriya, 1997. Vol. 1. P. 73, hadith No. 141; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar. T. 6. P. 205, Hadith No. 2774; Ibn Qudama M. Al-mughni. T. 10. P. 231.

    Compare: “Zechariah and his wife from the clan of Aaron (Harun, brother of the prophet Moses)... They had no children... and both were already advanced in years. The angel said to him: Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife... will bear you a son, and you will call his name John” (Luke 1:5, 7, 13).

    St. x. Abu Daud, at-Tirmizi and others. See, for example: Abu Daud S. Sunan abi Daud [Code of Hadiths of Abu Daud]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 550, Hadith No. 5105, “Hasan”; al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. In 8 vols. T. 5. pp. 144, 145, hadith No. 2239.

    This refers to a female genie. Literally “mother of children.”

    Hadith from al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali. See: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 t. T. 4. P. 2750; al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. In 8 volumes. T. 5. P. 145.

    About the last two hadiths, Imam al-Bayhaqi said: “There is some unreliability in the chain of those who transmitted these hadiths.” The first hadith, which specifies only the recitation of the adhan, is clearly authentic. See, for example: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vol. T. 4. P. 2750. At the same time, the practical use of hadiths about iqamah is possible, which is confirmed by the actions of ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz, considered the fifth righteous caliph. See: al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. In 8 volumes. T. 5. P. 146.

    Exorcism is the expulsion of evil spirits.

    St. x. Ibn Razin. See: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2750.

    See: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 volumes. T. 4. pp. 2750, 2751.

    St. x. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari [Code of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 volumes. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-‘asriya, 1997. Vol. 4. P. 1949, hadith No. 6198.

    St. x. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 886, Hadith No. 23–(2144); al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2751.

    See: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2751.

    Children of 'Ali ibn Abu Talib and Fatima, grandchildren of the Prophet Muhammad.

    See: Imam Malik. Al-muwatto [Public]. Beirut: Ihya al-'ulum, 1990. P. 376, Hadith No. 1083 and 1084.

    Dirham is a silver coin weighing approximately 3 grams. See: Mu'jamu lugati al-fuqaha'. P. 208.

    See, for example: at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi [Collection of hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Beirut: Ibn Hazm, 2002. P. 468, Hadith No. 1523, “Hasan”; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2751; al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. In 8 vols. T. 5. P. 145; as-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-saghir. P. 280, Hadith No. 4567, “sahih”.

    See: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2752, 2753.

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) had four sons, but they all died in infancy.

    See: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 947, Hadith No. 62–(2315).

    See: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Compendium of Hadiths of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 536, Hadith No. 4948, “da'if.” The degree of reliability is low.

    See: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 882, Hadith No. 2–(2132); Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Compendium of Hadiths of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 536, Hadith No. 4949, “sahih”.

    According to Happy Parents magazine, Muhammad was the most common name in the world in 2000: “It is often found in various forms in Muslim countries, which together have a population of 1 billion 200 million.” See: Happy Parents, February, 2001.

    See: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Compendium of Hadiths of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 536, hadith No. 4950, “sahih”.

    In Arabic, the name Muhammad is related to the names Ahmad, Mahmud, Hamid, since they have a single three-letter root “hamide”. The name Mustafa (chosen one) is also one of the honorary names of the Prophet.

    This refers to the nickname Abul-Kasim (that is, “father of Kasym”), given to the Prophet after the birth of his son Kasym.

    See: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 882, Hadith No. 3–(2133).

    See: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2752.

    See: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Compendium of Hadiths of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 536, Hadith No. 4952, “sahih”.

    See: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 885, Hadith No. 21–(2143).

    As in the case of the sacrifice on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr (in memory of how Abraham was ready to sacrifice his own son to God), the meaning of the sacrifice is that it is necessary for the people themselves, and not for the Lord. To believe that an animal sacrifice is necessary for God is to misunderstand the meaning of this act. The Almighty, by definition of His essence, does not need any sacrifice. This is stated in the Holy Quran: “Neither the meat of a sacrificial animal nor its blood will ever reach Allah (God), but the piety that comes from you will reach Him [and therefore the state of the soul, the mood is important, and not the meat, which you yourself will eat]” (Holy Quran, 22:37).

    The idea of ​​sacrifice is mentioned many times in the Bible. Compare, for example: “I will not accept a bull from your house, nor a goat from your courtyards; For all the beasts of the forest are Mine, and the cattle on a thousand mountains. I know all the birds on the mountains and the animals in the fields before Me. If I were hungry, I would not tell you; for the universe and all that fills it are Mine. Do I eat the flesh of oxen and drink the blood of goats? Sacrifice praise to God, and pay your vows to the Most High; …Whoever sacrifices praise honors Me, and whoever watches his way, I will show him the salvation of God” (Ps. 49:9-14, 23).

    See: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari [Compendium of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 volumes. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-'asriya, 1997. T. 4. P. 1758, hadith No. 5472; Ibn Majah M. Sunan [Compendium of Hadiths]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 345, Hadith No. 3164, “sahih”; al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. T. 5. P. 140, Hadith No. 2130.

    The hadith is given in five of the six sets of authentic hadiths, as well as in the holy. X. al-Hakim and al-Baykhaki. At-Tirmidhi believed that the hadith is authentic, sahih. See, for example: an-Nasai A. Sunan [Code of Hadith]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 443, hadith No. 4220, “sahih”.

    That is, approximately the same in age, weight, etc.

    See, for example: Ibn Majah M. Sunan [Code of Hadith]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 345, Hadith No. 3162 and 3163, both “sahih”; al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. T. 5. P. 140, hadiths No. 2132, 2133.

    At the birth of a boy, only one ram can be sacrificed, which is confirmed by the Sunnah of the Prophet: on the occasion of the birth of his grandchildren Hassan and Hussein, he slaughtered one ram each. See: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2747.

    According to the Old Testament, by the command of the Lord, at the birth of a son or daughter, O it was false to sacrifice “a lamb of the first year... and a young dove or turtle dove” (Lev. 12:6).

    See: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vol. T. 4. P. 2709.

    Compare: “You shall not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep on which there is blemish or anything evil: for this is an abomination to the Lord your God” (Deut. 17:1);

    “You shall not bring such an animal to the Lord that is blind, or damaged, or deformed, or sick, or scabby, or scabby; and do not offer them as a sacrifice on the altar of the Lord” (Lev. 22:22).

    See: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2749.

    As you know, the ritual of circumcision dates back to the time of Abraham, who, according to the Bible, was commanded by God: “This is My covenant, which you shall keep between Me and between you and among your descendants after you: that all your males shall be circumcised.” . Circumcise your foreskin: and this will be a sign of the covenant between Me and you. From birth eight days every male child among you shall be circumcised... and my covenant shall be an everlasting covenant upon your body. But the uncircumcised male who does not circumcise his foreskin, that soul shall be cut off from among his people; for he has broken My covenant” (Gen. 17:10–14).

    The rite of circumcision was also observed in New Testament times: there is evidence of the circumcision of the baby Jesus on the eighth day after birth (Luke 2:21), John the Baptist (Luke 1:59), the Apostle Paul (Phil. 3:5), etc. Later, after the ascension of Jesus, controversy arose in the Christian community about the need for circumcision. Then the apostles and priests at a meeting in Jerusalem abolished circumcision, wishing “not to make it difficult for those who turn to God from the Gentiles” (Acts 15:19), although the instruction of the prophet Moses says: “Do not add to what I command you, and do not subtract.” from that; keep the commandments of the Lord your God” (Deut. 4:2). Despite the fact that, as a result of disputes among Christians, the opinion has been established that true circumcision is baptism (Col. 2:11–12), the modern Church, among its great holidays, also celebrates the feast of the “circumcision of the Lord” (forgive me, Lord; astaghfirullah ).

    Muslims strictly observe the rite of circumcision as a sign of the eternal Covenant with God, as a command from the Lord, which cannot be canceled by human decision.

    According to some scientists - on the seventh day from birth. Others say - on the seventh day, not counting the birthday. See: Mawsu'a fikhiya kuwaitiya [Muslim Legal Encyclopedia of Kuwait]. In 45 volumes. Kuwait: Ministry of Waqf and Islamic Affairs, 2012. Vol. 19. P. 29.

    St. x. al-Bayhaqi. See: Mawsu'a fikhiya kuwaitiya [Muslim Legal Encyclopedia of Kuwait]. In 45 volumes. Kuwait: Ministry of Waqf and Islamic Affairs, 2012. T. 19. P. 29; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 4. P. 2751.

    Fitra (Arabic) - nature, the primordial, genuine nature of man, the qualities given to him by God at creation. Spiritual fitra consists of true, intact faith in the One God, the Creator. The “physical” fitra refers to what is mentioned in the hadith. Some theologians interpreted the word “fitra” as “sunna” (path). They said: “Fitra are those actions that were performed by the prophets of the Most High Creator.” See: an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi sharkh an-Nawawi [Collection of hadiths of Imam Muslim with comments by Imam an-Nawawi]. At 10 t., 18 p.m. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, [b. G.]. T. 2. Part 3. P. 148.

    There are several reliable hadiths about what exactly relates to fitra, which differ in the list of points, but, as theologians said, they are complementary. See: an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi Sharh an-Nawawi. T. 2. Part 3. P. 147.

    Long mustaches are not acceptable. It is advisable that the mustache does not cover the upper lip.

    Another form of hair removal, such as shaving, is also acceptable.

    In accordance with the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad, trimming the mustache, trimming nails, plucking (shaving) armpit hair and trimming pubic hair should be done at least once every forty days. That is, these hygiene procedures should be performed no less frequently than during the specified period, but may be more often. See: at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi [Collection of hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Beirut: Ibn Hazm, 2002. P. 776, Hadith No. 2763, 2764. Many considered it desirable to do all this by Friday, for Friday prayer. See: Mar'i 'A. Al-bidaya fi fiqh as-sunnah [The beginning in understanding the Sunnah]. Cairo: at-Tiba'a al-Muhammadiyya, 1995. P. 121.

    The companion of the Prophet, who reported this hadith, doubted the tenth point and allegedly called it “gargling the mouth.” However, as mentioned by Imam an-Nawawi, it is most likely that the forgotten point in this hadith is “circumcision.” See: an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi Sharh an-Nawawi. T. 2. Part 3. P. 150.

    Hadith from ‘Aisha; St. X. Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, etc. See, for example: an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1998. P. 129, Hadith No. 56–(261); at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi. 2002. P. 776, Hadith No. 2762, “Hasan”.

    See: al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 8 vols. T. 2. P. 192, 195, 196.

    “Mothers nurse their [newborn] children for two full years. [This] is for those who decide to fully feed their baby with breast milk.<…>If they [the child’s mother and father], having consulted, mutually decided to wean him [before the end of two years], then there is no sin on them [provided that their decision does not clearly harm the baby’s health]” (see St. Koran, 2:233).

    A hadith with a similar meaning is found in the collection of hadiths of Ibn Majah from Ibn ‘Abbas. See: Ibn Majah M. Sunan. 1999. P. 394, Hadith No. 3670, “Hasan”.

    Khushu‘ (submission to God, humility, reverence; reverence) is when a person is not so much outwardly different from others, but has deep heartfelt piety, modest before God. Even while doing absolutely worldly things, the owner of this quality has a heart with the Almighty: he prays (at the level of thought, soul, heart) for forgiveness (although he does not commit obvious sins, piety simply does not allow him to commit them), for mercy, for help, or simply praises the Lord worlds.

    Immediately after the birth of a child, the father can read “adhan” into the child’s right ear and iqamat into the left ear. This is mustahabb, for according to Abu Rafiyah (radhiyallahu anhu):

    “After the birth of Hassan, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) read the adhan in his ear” (Abu Dawud, Adab, 107; Tirmidhi, Adahi, 16; Ahmad bin Hanbal, 6/9, 391, 392).

    Ibnus Suni reported the following words of Hazrat Hasan, who is the son of Caliph Ali:

    “If a child is born to someone, let him recite the adhan in his right ear and the iqama in his left ear. After this, Shaitan named “Ummu Sybyan”, who persecutes children, will not be able to cause him (the child) any harm.”

    In addition, Ibn Abbas said that on the birthday of his grandson Hassan, the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) read the adhan in his right ear, and the iqamat (Baykhaki) in his left ear.

    Thus, the first sound that a child hears after coming into this world is the sounds of the azan, from the sounds of which the shaitan runs away, for this is stated in the Hadith.

    Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

    “When the azan for prayer is read, the shaitan, in order not to hear it, turns and, emitting gases, runs away. When the adhan ends, it returns. When the iqama for prayer is read, he again turns and runs away. As soon as the iqamat ends, he returns again and places himself between the person and his nafs and says to him: “Remember this, remember that…”. He whispers to a person something that he did not even have in his thoughts before the prayer, as a result the person forgets how many rakats he read in the prayer” (Bukhari, Azan, 9.32; Muslim, Salat, 129).

    Whisper the following words into the child’s right ear:

    إِنِّي أُعِيذُهَا بِكَ وَذُرِّيَّتَهَا مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

    “I ask for Your protection and ask you to protect this child and his future offspring from the instigations of Shaitan!” (Surah al-Imran, 3/36).

    If the newborn child is male, the Ayat is recited in the same form. If it is a girl, then the endings are changed.

    It is reported that the Prophet (PBUH) read Surah al-Ikhlas (al-Zuhayli, 3/640, 641) into the ear of a newborn.

    After birth, you can chew the persimmon and put it in your mouth, if possible, you should try to ensure that the pulp reaches the baby’s stomach. If there are no persimmons, you can add something sweet.

    The following words of Anas (radiyallahu anhu) are reported: “When Abdullah, the son of Abu Talha, was born, I took him to Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). He asked me: “Do you have any persimmons with you?” I answered in the affirmative and handed some persimmons into his hands. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) chewed a persimmon and then put it in the mouth of the child, who began to lick his lips. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) immediately remarked: “The Ansars eat persimmons.” Then he named the child Abdullah (Bukhari, Manakibul Ansar, 45; Akika, 1; Adab, 109; Muslim, Adab, 23-28; Tirmidhi, Manakib, 44).

    The father of the child is congratulated with the following words: “Barakallahu lakya fil mavkhubi lakya wa shakartal-wahiba wa balaga ashuddahu wa ruzikta birrahu.”

    (May Allah, who showed you His mercy, make this child a blessing for you. And you be a grateful slave to the One who showed you His mercy. This child will grow up, may you see good from him. If it pleases Allah).

    In response, the father must say: “May Allah increase your sawabs many times over” (ash-Shirbini, Mughnil mukhtaj, 4/296).


    Naming is a very important and significant event in the life of a newborn. The name is part of a person's identity, so in Islam it is given great importance.

    Sumrat (radiyallahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

    “Every baby is associated with an aqıqa; on the seventh day after birth, the head is shaved, given a name, and an aqıqa is cut for it” (At-Tirmidhi)

    From this Hadith it follows that it is approved to name a child on the seventh day. But there are also Hadiths that say that you can name a baby on the first day after birth.

    Thus, Anas (radiyallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “At night a son was born to me, and I named him after the name of my father (i.e., the father of the Prophets) - Ibrahim” (Al-Bukhari, “Adab”, 105-106; Muslim “Adab”, 2).

    From the previous two Hadiths it follows that you can give a name to a newborn on the first day, and on the third, and on the seventh, and even after that - at the discretion of the parents.

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