Rogozin Georgy Georgievich biography. The Kremlin's chief magician has died. Documentary films with his participation

The emergency launch of Soyuz MS-10 will be the latest in a series of failures by Roscosmos head Dmitry Rogozin.

The reason for the decision is said to be the first accident in 35 years of the Soyuz FG launch vehicle with the Soyuz MS-10 manned spacecraft. Cosmonauts Nick Haig (USA) Alexey Ovchinin (Russia) were supposed to spend 187 days on the International Space Station (ISS), but their flight lasted only 2 minutes 45 seconds.

Despite the fact that after the emergency shutdown of the second stage engines, the automation worked properly and the cosmonauts who ejected in the rescue capsule were not injured, all manned launches in Russia have been suspended indefinitely. Three ISS crew members will remain in orbit for now.

"We arrived quickly..."

Dmitry Rogozin's face was one of the first things the cosmonauts saw after returning to Earth in the rescue capsule. At Baikonur, at the Krainy airport, Rogozin looked very annoyed, but nevertheless did not miss the opportunity to pose in the “working” uniform of Roscosmos against the backdrop of the cosmonauts.

Alexey Ovchinin still couldn’t restrain himself and expressed everything he thought to the would-be leader? Who, even in such a situation, could not find a better occupation than to “get under the feet” of professionals.

Or was Rogozin afraid of the upcoming conversation with the president, who might well have offered to use the trampoline to deliver him to the ISS? After all, the accident jeopardized Russia's last "status" project in space - manned launches of astronauts to the ISS.

Even the American astronaut looks at Dmitry Rogozin with hostility and condescension?

At the same time, if we believe in the ability of the Americans to return to independent manned launches, then Roscosmos, under the leadership of Rogozin, can only rely on trampolines.

Another assembly error?

The emergency shutdown of the second stage engines is somewhat more difficult to attribute to “the machinations of the Americans” than the damage to the skin of the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft docked to the ISS. Then, commenting on the emergency situation on the ISS, Rogozin said that the holes in the Russian compartment could have been drilled by the cosmonauts themselves. It is possible that they are American. We should take a closer look at this astronaut Haig. Was he wandering around the second stage of the Soyuz FG in the night?

But most experts agree that the emergency situation arose due to poor quality assembly. For example, due to poor fastening of the side blocks of the second stage. Moreover, poor-quality assembly has more than once led to fatal consequences - in 2013, the cause of the Proton launch vehicle accident was incorrectly attached angular velocity sensors.

After Rogozin became the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of space, Protons fell almost every year, since 2011 - 5 times!

They stopped trusting Roscosmos a long time ago - in 2017, Dauria Aerospace even demanded an official explanation for the loss of two of its satellites. They say that the satellites could have been lost as a result of a fuel leak from the Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle.

It’s difficult to blame the representatives of Dauria Aerospace; how can you trust a corporation whose head claims that “US machinations” are behind all its failures? This is how Rogozin responded to the Americans’ refusal to purchase RD-180 engines.

Does an Orthodox monarchist need space?

He is, of course, no stranger to political populism; in the 90s, Rogozin was a zealous monarchist, who even at that time could be called a political “freak.” But space is still a pity.

Merciless chaos and pointless display

The symbol of Rogozin’s “mess” was the Fregat booster complex, which was lost along with 19 satellites. The head of Roscosmos then said that the Fregat fell because the flight path was calculated for the wrong cosmodrome. Someone just confused Baikonur and Vostochny." However, by this time few people took Rogozin's statements seriously. Maybe in vain? Perhaps he really believes in what he says?

For example, the flights to Mars that he recently announced? And astronauts with a drill? Or while someone is “drilling”, Rogozin is “sawing”?

How they steal a dream

Russia's space budget, even after the "crisis" cuts, is huge. It is not limitless, like space, but it is huge, and not only by Russian standards. Maybe Rogozin simply doesn’t have time to deal with Roscosmos, because all of it is spent trying to “pocket” 2 trillion rubles? And what, the Russians will still “chip in”, they don’t want to be left without the dream of “dusty paths...”?

People like Andrei Kalinovsky, executive director of Roscosmos for quality and reliability assurance, are ensuring that this dream comes true. It is he who is responsible for ensuring that the cosmodromes do not fall apart and that the rockets are manufactured without defects. Before that, he headed the State Research and Production Space Center named after. M.V. Khrunichev, in which hundreds of millions of rubles were stolen. After GKNPTs Khrunichev Investigators took it seriously, he went for a promotion. They say that this was facilitated by Rogozin, who is supposedly on good terms with Kalinovsky.

And what a coincidence - it was Rogozin who was accused of receiving a luxurious apartment from God Nisanov. Allegedly, Nisanov wanted to “stimulate” Rogozin with the intention of giving away part of the territory of the Khrunichev center for commercial development. It has not yet been possible to “stimulate”; the public has attracted the attention of the country’s top officials. I wonder if the apartment worth half a billion rubles is still owned by Dmitry Rogozin’s son?

And Alexey Beloborodov, Deputy General Director of RSC Energia, accused of fraud, somehow “thanked” Rogozin? Still, one and a half billion losses for an enterprise that is directly financed from the budget is a bit much.

It happens that Roscosmos money disappears straight from bank accounts! Thus, the president of Fondservisbank, Alexander Volovnik, is accused of stealing 1.3 billion of state money deposited in the bank. Yes, yes, he just took them and stole them. Although, perhaps, before this Volovnik asked permission from Rogozin.

After all, apparently, Rogozin thinks that Roscosmos is needed only so that he and his friends get uncontrolled access to government funds.

Rogozinsky "locust"

And in general, it seems that with trillions of dollars in government spending, the space industry itself only gets what they either didn’t manage to steal or forgot to steal. Thus, during the purchase of equipment for JSC Russian Space Systems, one and a half billion rubles disappeared, and this is far from an isolated case! It won’t take long to recall examples - even the builders of the Vostochny cosmodrome went on strike. The builders of the facility, for which 300 billion rubles were allocated, did not receive salaries!

As a result of the construction of the first stage of the Vostochny cosmodrome, several criminal cases have already been initiated. Two deputy directors of Spetsstroy, which failed in construction, Alexander Zagorulko and Alexander Buryakov, are awaiting sentencing. But who came to take their place? The same “locusts” that “devour” everything in their path?

Who is building the Vostochny cosmodrome?

The total amount of state orders of PSO "Kazan" Ravil Ziganshin is more than 140 billion rubles. At the same time, the order of the Federal Institution "Direction of the Vostochny Cosmodrome" for the Kazan PSO is the largest - it amounts to almost 39 billion rubles. This is the largest private contractor at Vostochny!

Ravil Ziganshin is very well known in Kazan, the sole owner of PSO "Kazan" made very good money on the construction of facilities for the Kazan Universiade, after which he reached the federal level and now, apparently, he is preparing with all his might for a "flight into space."

Recently, the first details of the contract between Rogozin and Ziganshin became known. The contract was concluded with the personal guarantee of the President of Tatarstan Minnikhanov. This is exactly how everything looks from the outside - it was not the state corporation that entered into an agreement with a private contractor, but Rogozin “resolved” with Ziganshin through the mediation of Minnikhanov. Do these “fixers” only need 39 billion from the state? And it would be preferable not to be disturbed later? Apparently, this is exactly how Ziganshin worked in Tatarstan.

Is Roscosmos more promising than the Ministry of Sports?

Of all the possible contractors for the construction of Vostochny, perhaps the most dubious one was again chosen. In Tatarstan, PSO "Kazan" was suspected of unfair competition - large tenders allegedly went to Ziganshin as a result of an "exhausting struggle" with structures affiliated with PSO "Kazan".

Perhaps someone will pay attention to the corruption risks of all Roscosmos transactions after Rogozin’s resignation. Which would also do well to prepare for an emergency “landing” and “overloads”.

The head of the Security Council, Patrushev, recently once again spoke about the information pulled out by the security sorcerers from the head of Secretary of State Albright. This practice is the norm for Russian authorities. Even under Yeltsin, magicians and psychics settled in the Kremlin - people from the KGB and GRU, who have great influence on the policies of the country's leadership.

Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, said that the United States “would really like for Russia not to exist at all,” “because we have enormous wealth. And the Americans believe that we own them illegally and undeservedly, because, in their opinion, we do not use them the way we should use them. You probably remember the statement of former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright that Russia does not belong to any Far East, nor Siberia."

However, it is well known that Albright did not say this phrase. FSO Major General Boris in an interview with “ Rossiyskaya newspaper" from December 22, 2006, “The security officers scanned Albright’s thoughts,” said:

“In Madame Albright’s thoughts we discovered a pathological hatred of the Slavs. She was also outraged by the fact that Russia has the world's largest mineral reserves. In her opinion, in the future, Russian reserves should be managed not by one country, but by all of humanity, under the supervision, of course, of the United States.”

All this may seem exotic if it were not true: Russian security officers and security forces in general are longtime fans of sorcerers and magical practices.

Parapsychologist Natalya Berestova said that during the coup in August 1991, at the request of Boris Yeltsin, a group of psychics was organized, which “covered up” The White house(the order came from a rather interesting organization called “The Seventh Ray”). And as it turns out, she not only “covered up”, but also tried to put pressure on those who organized this whole “holiday”. The psychics sat in the office and intensively generated a special “energy shield”. Their task was to influence events, to push them in the direction desired by the Russian leadership.

The new government has strengthened, but the desire to involve “non-traditional methods” in governing the country remains.

IN Lately many facts receive official confirmation. Thus, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation employs full-time astrologers - from the “Institute of CosmoRhythmology”, created by the Institute of Problems of Natural Science (IPE) of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. And the activities of the IPE and the Institute of CosmoRhythmology were licensed by decision of the Chief of Armaments of the RF Armed Forces No. 9-93 back on June 24, 1993. The Institute prepares forecasts based on which government decisions. The names of the people who supervised parapsychological programs are also known. For the military, it was Firyaz Rakhimovich Khantseverov, Lieutenant General of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).

But the most significant Kremlin magician is considered to be FSO Major General Georgy Georgievich Rogozin.

Georgy Rogozin was born in 1942 in Vladivostok. After school, I studied at a construction technical school. He worked as a motor mechanic at Vostok-Rybkholodflot for about a year. In 1962-1965 he served in the army. There, the KGB members somehow liked him. Having been demobilized, he entered the Higher Red Banner School (VKS) of the KGB at the faculty for training military counterintelligence officers, where he studied for five years. In 1969-1972 he served as an operational officer on ships of the hydrographic service of the Pacific Fleet. They looked closely at him and returned him to Moscow. In 1972-1975, Rogozin studied at the postgraduate school of the KGB High School at the first special department (fundamentals of counterintelligence activities), and received the academic degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences. He was left as a teacher at the Higher School of Computer Science in the third special department (military counterintelligence). In 1980-1983, he was a senior researcher, and later deputy head of a department of one of the laboratories of the KGB Research Institute with a very interesting name"Forecast". Here Rogozin was engaged in developing problems of protecting state secrets and state secrets.

(General Rogozin)

In 1985, Rogozin went to work in the central office of the KGB. Senior detective officer of Directorate “A” (analytical) of the 2nd Directorate of the KGB (general counterintelligence: work with foreign stations, diplomatic and commercial missions in the USSR). In the 2nd Directorate, where Rogozin worked, so-called active measures were carried out: re-recruiting agents of foreign intelligence services, carrying out comprehensive measures to misinform the intelligence of a potential enemy. Rogozin brought to this matter the use of unconventional methods associated with checking information sources with the help of psychics and all kinds of parapsychology. Rogozin paid special attention to issues related to lie detectors, obtaining information from people under hypnosis - attempts at hypnotic and parapsychological influence on a person and research on their consequences, as well as the search for countermeasures when it came to high government leaders.

In 1986, Rogozin was an assistant department head in the same 2nd State Administration, lieutenant colonel, and in 1987, a deputy department head. In 1988-1992, he worked at the Institute of Security Problems (formerly the KGB Research Institute) as a consulting scientist in the first department.

As democratic changes unfolded in the country, KGB Colonel Georgy Rogozin began to establish contacts with some deputies of first the Union and then the Russian parliament. He was a supporter of reforming the KGB.

While working as a security expert in the Supreme Council, Rogozin met Alexander Korzhakov and other high-ranking employees from the president’s inner circle. In 1992, he went to work for the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation as the first deputy head of this Security Service. He oversaw operational activities and issues special purpose. In 1994, Rogozin was awarded the rank of major general.

Rogozin’s office was located on the third floor of the 14th building in the Kremlin, where the leaders of the 9th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR used to sit. A characteristic detail of his office was a lot of books, which is a rarity for the inhabitants of the Kremlin.

Rogozin created a truly powerful information and analytical service. Perhaps the best analysts from the FSK, the GRU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Foreign Intelligence Service, as well as civilian specialists and scientists were selected for it. His employees began to be called “Rogozin’s guys,” which was a high assessment of the general’s role in the security service. Thanks to Rogozin’s efforts, the Presidential Security Council took control of the fight against massive non-payments, arms trafficking, the work of Roskomdragmet, and tried to establish control over the banking system.

“Korzhakov liked Georgy’s long-standing passion - parapsychology, astrology, predictions, occult sciences... I know for sure, I saw his “products” with my own eyes: graphs, diagrams, maps of the location of the luminaries, which he brightly colored - like God a turtle ... And on each one there is a personal round seal, like a doctor.” This description was given to Rogozin by Colonel of the Presidential Security Service Alexander Shkolnikov.

Rogozin gave an interview to Moskovsky Komsomolets journalist Yana Zhilyaeva (MK, October 24, 1998). That's what he said.

“I became interested in psychotronics at a fairly mature age - after 35 years. The interest was so great that I quickly accumulated knowledge and tried my hand at it in practice. While working on the Bioenergy Informatics Committee, I interacted with the most interesting people. In the field of astrology there is an excellent school of Mikhail Levin and Alexander Zaraev. They placed astrological science at the highest level.

The Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies operated in the USSR; it included a Committee on Problems of Psychotronics, which studied paranormal phenomena, including their influence on the behavior of large groups of people. In the Committee on Bioenergy Informatics (headed by Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev) from the Novosibirsk Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, we did a lot of remote interactions and conducted a huge number of experiments.”

Similar questions in new Russia was carried out by the Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on Scientific and Technical Issues of the Defense Industry of the Security Council of the Russian Federation M.D. Maley. Through his efforts, a large state research center was created. Maley argued that “we have several works in the development stage that are contrary to common sense, not described by any equation.” And these were developments in the field of psychotronics.

“The head of the service, Alexander Vasilyevich Korzhakov, was very attentive to the possibility of using modern technologies to influence political leaders and allowed it to create several areas of work to counter and protect against modern technologies of influence on the consciousness of protected persons. Often the president and his entourage are influenced not only by natural factors of well-being and health, but also by special technologies. “For example, I believe that during our work in the Security Service, together with Alexander Vasilyevich Korzhakov, we prevented many such cases.”

Georgiy Georgievich himself told reporters about experiments to “probe” information in the past and future. According to him, the specialists working with him conducted very interesting experiments using the technique of self-hypnosis and plunged into the past 135 thousand years. We visited Central Asia, in caves, saw people.

The Kremlin sorcerers paid special attention to the ability to “look” into the future and predict the behavior of political opponents. Rogozin has made public forecasts more than once, however, after he left the Security Council. At the same time, he referred to the John Lilly school, which existed in Massachusetts. The experimenters “infiltrated” (initiated) a person in a state of hypnosis. Then they came out of this state and clearly predicted his future actions.

Rogozin left power, worked as first deputy general director of the Russian Agency for Economic Security and Risk Management at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry - under gray cardinal Russian politics Evgenia Primakov. Rogozin died in November 2014. This is how his comrades condoled with him:

“A legendary man, a predictor of the future, a unique Russian officer, an intellectual, he stood at the origins of the creation of a new Russian social democracy and the ideas for its development. And I was proud of it!”

But with the departure of the Kremlin magician, the work of sorcerers in power did not end. It is known that during the first presidential term, parapsychologist, GRU Colonel Viktor Novikov worked with the Putin administration. Political strategist Sergei Kurginyan described Novikov as a psychologist “with a shift towards the occult.” Igor Oleynik, director of the Institute for Development Strategies and National Security, directly said that Novikov’s group is connected with “Rogozin’s sorcerers.”

Newspaper " TVNZ” dated January 14, 2000 publishes an article entitled “Military astrologers knew about Putin’s presidency two years ago.” This is an interview with captain first rank, military astrologer Alexander Buzinov from the Institute of CosmoRhythmology.

For the first time, Captain 1st Rank Alexander Buzinov was presented to the public as the official astrologer of the Ministry of Defense on December 26, 1997 in the NTV program “Hero of the Day.” Then the mysterious caperang appeared in a special report in the evening edition of the NTV program “Today” on January 10, 1998. The audience was informed that the range of predictions made by Buzinov and his team is extremely wide and covers the fate of individual people, disasters, political events, etc. At the same time, it was reported that military astrologers knew who would succeed Yeltsin as president (from that moment on, interest in them grew incredibly). The following is a fragment of an article from Komsomolskaya Pravda:

“And then the moment came - in front of the KP correspondent, he opened his secret envelope! So... On a piece of paper, in black and white, there are only four lines: “1. Ahead of schedule. 2. Born 1952 (October 1-15). 3. “u”, “in”. September '97."

But what follows from this, Alexander Sergeevich?

Only that my forecast two years ago was confirmed one hundred percent. Yeltsin’s successor was Putin, who met all the provisions of the forecast. Firstly, he took office ahead of schedule. Secondly, born on October 7, 1952. And thirdly, his last name contains the letters “u” and “in”.

The story with the envelope has its own backstory. Information about him was very well known in the political elite. Let us quote the conversation that took place in the TSN program on TV-6 on August 14, 1999 at 12:00. G. Satarov, V. Nikonov, B. Nemtsov are talking. They are discussing the resignation of Stepashin and the appointment of Putin. They are trying to understand whether Putin is really a successor or just a passing figure. They are inclined to conclude that it is most likely a passable one.

The presenter sums up the meeting: “They say that the chief military astrologer Alexander Buzinov keeps a note with the date of birth of the person who will become the next president of Russia. Those who are preparing to invest money in the future would pay dearly for this information. But for now they can only guess whether we are talking about Putin.”

And now, before the elections, in March 2000, our friend Rogozin spoke and stated that astrological analysis allows us to say that Vladimir Putin will win in the first round. Rogozin, citing the opinions of the stars, warns that under Putin, power in Russia will become much more authoritarian and tough, and the centralization of everything will increase. In order to receive stable budget revenues, Putin and his team will take direct control of large businesses. For Russia's leading industrialists there will be Hard times, which is confirmed, in particular, by what was recorded on March 13 of this year. specific behavior of the planet Mercury.

According to Georgy Rogozin, Vladimir Putin will be in power for 12 years, i.e. Taking into account his third term, Putin's presidency should end in 2016.

After the GRU colonel, the sorcerer Novikov, who collaborated in the AP, there was no information about other psychics in power. But for Vladimir Putin, they were most likely replaced by Orthodox elders, among them the main one is Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), rector Sretensky Monastery. Tikhon is called not only Putin’s confessor, but often also the ideologist of the current state rate. Vladimir Vladimirovich is described by the monk and his entourage (mostly retired security officers) as follows: “The jaw apparatus is a mechanism for capturing and holding prey. The plebeians try to develop it by incessant chewing. The strong, square-like jaws of Caesar and Putin indicate that these will not miss theirs.”

(Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov)

Joseph Stalin.

There were many legends about the relationship between Joseph Stalin and Wolf Messing. The memoirs of the famous telepath, recorded by journalist Mikhail Khvastunov, described checks allegedly carried out by the leader. However, upon sober assessment and detailed verification, it turned out that Wolf Messing did not even meet Stalin. His name does not appear in any Kremlin visitor register. Prophecies attributed to the famous artist and hypnotist about the end of the Great Patriotic War and the date of death of the father of all nations also raise doubts.

However, there is no doubt about Wolf Messing’s acting talent and his ability to impress the viewer. If we discard all the myths, legends and conjectures surrounding the talented mentalist, then the pure remainder is his gift for noticing the smallest movements of a person’s muscles, on the basis of which Messing read his intentions. He was a subtle psychologist and knew how to even present his own defeats in such a way that the audience remained fully confident in his unique abilities of foresight and the ability to read minds. Naturally, Wolf Messing had no influence on Stalin.

Leonid Brezhnev.

She was included in the offices of high party officials of the USSR, and her phenomenon was studied by numerous commissions and clinics. They said about Juna Davitashvili that she was able to heal the most hopeless patient. It was she who was credited with prolonging the life of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. Brezhnev was not the only one on her list of patients.

Juna at work.

Among those who turned to the healer and clairvoyant for help were the Pope and Marcello Mastroianni, Andrei Tarkovsky and Arkady Raikin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Joseph Kobzon. Juna herself was very reserved in assessing her abilities. She really visited the Kremlin, this is evidenced by the memoirs of the Secretary General’s contemporaries and the facts are quite verifiable. The protocols of experiments carried out with Juna’s participation have been preserved; she was given a long-term lease of a mansion in which she received patients. Djuna Davitashvili had 20 patents for the invention of special medical devices.

Juna with Arkady Raikin, July 27, 1983

When she was asked about the possibility of healing people with the power of thought, she wondered if the questioner had returned to the Stone Age. The healer openly admitted that the physiotherapeutic effect of non-contact massage was achieved by combining different types radiation. It was this property that the healer then used in devices that used three types of waves at once: infrared, high-frequency waves and an alternating electric field.

Andrey Dementyev, Andrey Voznesensky, Dzhuna, Ilya Reznik.

Did she really treat Leonid Brezhnev? There are facts confirming the patronage of the Secretary General, but there is no information that she was directly involved in his treatment.

Boris Yeltsin.

In the 1990s, a flood of new magicians and psychics poured onto television. Each of them convinced the viewer of their superpowers. Chumak, on the other side of the screen, broadcast about the miraculous properties of the water charged by him, Kashpirovsky healed the entire country and performed operations without anesthesia on the air.

During the reign of Boris Yeltsin it became quite famous name Georgy Rogozin. The FSB Major General served as the first deputy head of the Security Service of the President of Russia. It was he who was called Nostradamus in uniform and the Kremlin’s Merlin. There were persistent rumors that Boris Yeltsin checked all his actions with astrologers and psychics, and they, in turn, protected him from external unwanted influences.

Georgy Rogozin.

Journalists gladly picked up the speculative topic, and articles about psychotropic emitters, the power of influence of psychics on the ruling elite and foreign policy came out constantly and were popular. However, it is worth turning to the original source in order to extract a rational grain from the array of not always reliable information.

Georgy Rogozin himself, who gained fame as a Kremlin magician, was an educated man and had the title of Candidate of Legal Sciences. After retiring he became a member public organization « Russian Academy natural sciences", led a workshop on compiling psychological portraits personality.

Georgy Rogozin.

Talking about his passion for psychotronics, General Rogozin said that at first all the main work on studying human superpowers was carried out without much publicity. The experience of Western universities and intelligence services was studied, our own experiments were conducted and practical experience was accumulated on their basis.

Like their Western colleagues, Russian intelligence services were actively working on problems remote control personality, paranormal phenomena were studied, programs were developed to influence the behavior of large groups of people.

Georgy Rogozin.

Having a certain gift and ability to predict a situation to prevent negative consequences it was impossible to take away from General Rogozin. The greatest achievement of the Kremlin Merlin is still called the prevention of Boris Yeltsin’s visit to Japan. Not only in Russia, but throughout the world they were sure that Yeltsin would transfer the rights to the Kuril Islands to Japan during his visit. However, the Kuril Islands still belong to Russia.

Director of the Strategic Planning Department of Elbim Bank, former first deputy director of SBP, retired major general.

Born on August 7, 1942 in Vladivostok. After school, I studied at a construction technical school. I worked as a motor mechanic for the Vostokrybkholodflot for about a year. In 1962-1965. served in the army.

Having been demobilized, he entered the Higher Red Banner School (VKS) of the KGB at the 1st faculty (counterintelligence faculty,

specialty - military counterintelligence), where he studied for 5 years. From 1969 to 1972 he served as an operational officer on ships of the hydrographic service of the Pacific Fleet. In 1972-75. studied at the postgraduate school of the High School of the KGB, 1st special department (fundamentals of counterintelligence activities), received a degree

degree of candidate of legal sciences. He was left as a teacher at the Higher School of Computer Science, at the 3rd special department (military counterintelligence).

In 1978-1980 - Senior Commissioner, and then Senior Researcher of the Operational Analytical Service of the 3rd Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (military counterintelligence). 1980-83 - senior

researcher, and later deputy head of a department of one of the laboratories of the KGB research institute, major (Worked at the departmental research institute "Prognoz" - development of issues of protecting state secrets and state secrets).

1983-85 - senior investigator of the information and analytical department in

Primorsky Regional Directorate of the KGB in Vladivostok (wearing the uniform of a captain of the 2nd rank). In 1985 - senior detective officer of Directorate "A" (analytical) of the 2nd Directorate of the KGB (general counterintelligence - work with foreign residencies, diplomatic and commercial missions in S

SSR), in 1986 - assistant department head in the same 2nd State Administration, lieutenant colonel, in 1987 - deputy department head.

In 1988-1992 worked at the Institute of Security Problems (former KGB Research Institute): scientific consultant of the 1st department.

In 1992 he joined the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation. Was n

first deputy Chief of the Security Council of the President of the Russian Federation. He studied issues of astrology, telekinesis and parapsychology.

In 1994, Rogozin was awarded the rank of major general. On February 28, 1996, he became a member of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets (ex officio). In 1996 there was about

relieved of his duties as first deputy head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation. Since 1997 he has been leading investment company, associated with MAPO "MIG". He is listed as a consultant at SBS-Agro Bank. In April 1998, he was appointed director of the Strategic Planning Department

General Georgy Rogozin, former first The deputy head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation was called by journalists a gray eminence. Supernatural abilities were attributed to him, for example, the ability to move oak tables with his gaze or read thoughts from a distance. However, the entire SBP personnel knew it like twice two: General Rogozin knows everything. After all, the stars are subject to him.

Today, Reserve Major General Georgy Rogozin is one of the leaders of the Russian Agency for Economic Security and Risk Management.

- Georgy Georgievich, is it true that you gave recommendations to Boris Nikolaevich himself on how best to install the bed?

This is from the realm of rumors, I did not give any advice to the president, my position in the hierarchy system was too far from Boris Nikolaevich. I could only exchange information with people who were directly related to the top officials. As for the location of the bed, normal people sleep with their heads facing north in accordance with the magnetic force lines. Do you know how birds migrate in spring and autumn? Birds always fly along the magnetic field lines of the Earth.

- They say you are able to dive into the depths of centuries.

Yes, we conducted very interesting experiments using self-hypnosis techniques and plunged into the past 135 thousand years. We visited Central Asia, in caves, saw people. But if we can walk into the past, then we can look into the future. I can say that in 2012 the situation in Russia will be calmer than it is today. Kaliningrad will remain a Russian city. Prices will be approximately the same as now. There will be no sharp spikes in inflation, as in Germany in 1923, when the dollar was worth 4.6 trillion Deutschmarks. Relations with the United States will not be so ardent and loving, they will become more restrained.

- Is it possible to take a closer look?

Giving immediate forecasts is the lot of politicians. People of our profession do not have the right to make open forecasts in the sphere of socio-political life. For specific people, the future closes itself. When you ask such a question to a person in a state of deep hypnosis, he turns his head away: “You can’t talk about this.”

- Did the Chief of the Security Service Korzhakov listen to your recommendations?

He had this peculiarity - giving people the opportunity to open up and express themselves. And he understood that we were dealing with 21st century technologies. We knew better than anyone what was happening in this area in the West. The US Presidential Security Service includes an astrological unit. In the United States, an institute of hypnosis has been created, which annually trains sixty to eighty specialists for the FBI, and there is a law requiring the results obtained from the use of hypnosis to be accepted in court. There is no such law in Russia.

- Nevertheless, your data obtained using astrological tables was somehow taken into account?

Astrological data provides information about human compatibility, and we had to combine people performing very important tasks. And it was necessary to know the psychological properties of everyone inherent in a person from the beginning. How did the Chinese select their agents two to three thousand years before our era? They simply knew that the best agents were people born in the year of the Monkey. They have amazing charm, phenomenal memory, and the ability to think.

- Who is not suitable for the role of agent?

People born in the year of the Pig. They make 100% financiers, they are great professionals at the cash desk.

- Were your forecasts brought to the attention of Yeltsin?

May be. The president and I did not work personally. And why would I come closer when I can, here and now, using psychotechnics, remotely build any person, with all his sores. This technique was used by the Mayans, Aztecs, and African tribes at the level of the voodoo religion. Our ancestors knew psychotechnics. It is known that at the Russian Council Orthodox Church In 1640, initiation was prohibited - remote contact with the consciousness of another person.

- Bodyguards, drivers, waiters, the chef, in the end - all these people are included in the close orbit of the top officials of the state. If the stars aligned wrong for someone, could that person be suspended from work?

We didn’t say, “Remove the person,” we just suggested changing the schedule. The program included the day, month and year of birth of the employee, and a forecast for the week was compiled - 56 pages of printed text. Naturally, the forecast was not made for everyone, but only for those who communicate with the protected person on a daily basis. In addition to purely earthly and subjective factors, a person is influenced by the Sun and planets solar system. This influence is not fatal, but it can have an effect. Depending on this, adjustments were made, for example, to the route or speed of the presidential motorcade.

Our goal was to ensure the highest degree of reliability. Today one person is lethargic, another has sharp activity. But the same driver drives the car at a speed of 140 kilometers per hour. Could his behavior be influenced by some spontaneous factors beyond his control? We did not need situations where the guard commander takes a machine gun and shoots his subordinates, as was the case on Sakhalin. The slightest emotional outburst can provoke undesirable consequences. Again, there are examples where some individuals have tried to make history by killing a celebrity. The main object of our attention was personal security, those who stand behind the backs of the top officials.

- Which star sign is considered unfavorable?

For example, Mercury retrograde begins. All the planets move from left to right, but Mercury stops, stands still for a day, and then begins to move from right to left. At this time, a number of decisions, especially financial ones, may turn out to be ineffective, and the signing of various decrees, orders, resolutions, and agreements is planned. We warn: "Mercury Retrograde!" And in response: “Fuck you!” Advice is needed for those who need it.

- But not only astrology was in your service?

Of course not. This is not the time to talk about the real kitchen, but I will say that the technique included both soft hypnosis and Gestalt therapy. This helped relieve tension in the team. After all, in the Security Service everything is done for the first and last time; nothing can be repeated. There shouldn't be any mistakes like the scandal in the White House. Clinton should ask his intelligence agencies for Monica-Gate. After all, no fly would fly near the president, but intimate meetings took place. Maybe it was a political game in which Monica Lewinsky was cleverly manipulated.

- About politicians high rank you probably know everything. It would be interesting to get acquainted with the astrological forecast of Boris Berezovsky...

If Boris Abramovich had come to see me at one time, everything would have turned out differently for him. He was born at the junction of the Year of the Rooster and the Year of the Dog.

This gives a special alloy of character. Berezovsky is a personality with irrepressible energy, strong fighting qualities, and a strong social orientation. The social age of the Rooster is from one to three years. People born in the year of the Rooster are at this social age throughout their lives. They make outstanding military leaders. These people perfectly adapt to the military system, where there is time for both porridge and sleep. If Berezovsky served in the armed forces, he would be Suvorov. On the other hand, the Year of the Dog implies a social age of 31 to 42 years, this is the time active life, application of experience and skills. The departure of a personality like Berezovsky into a new plane was a mistake. It's a pity that people sometimes get into the field too late where they are academics.

- What do the stars say about Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov?

The Prime Minister is a very unique person; he was born in the year of the Snake. A skillful politician, distinguished by deep thinking, the ability to instantly assess the situation and calculate moves. The most important quality is the enormous internal energy aimed at implementing the process. True, this is not obvious to him; he is not one of those who makes money for a penny, but makes noise for a ruble. He influences calmly, like the powerful planets of the solar system.

- I wonder what the leader of the communists, Zyuganov, is like?

He was born in the year of the Monkey. Gennady Andreevich has a combinational way of thinking and a phenomenal memory. Many people underestimate it, but this is a very strong personality quality in conditions of political struggle. Perhaps a certain disorder, a lack of inclination to systematize, interferes. Zyuganov has an inherent charm that manifests itself during his meetings with people. On trips he is perceived differently than at press conferences, where he is forced to take a combative stance. There are geniuses among the people of this plane.

- I would like to know about Kiriyenko.

This is the Tiger, the August Tiger. He has great potential. But have you seen a tiger leading a pack? He loves risk. The ancient Chinese said that the Tiger raises a banner and gathers the suffering under it to lead them to the edge of the abyss. But he is the only one who manages to jump away at the very last moment. Do you remember how Kiriyenko and Nemtsov visited the people on Gorbaty Bridge? Nobody knows what it is perfect union. Nemtsov was born in the Year of the Dog. The Chinese said two thousand years before our era: “Tiger, look for your dog!” Only those born in the year of the Dog will share all the ups and downs of the Tiger and will be devoted to him to the end, until his last breath. So their union is ideal and monumental. This is a union of rescuers, in which only the Horse is missing. But the Horse is Boris Nikolaevich, who was always next to them. Alas, none of them had astrological information.

- What qualities distinguishes Grigory Yavlinsky?

This is a ready-made president. The Dragon. A powerful leader in formal systems, with high internal potential by nature. Such people are great at formulating goals and clearly setting tasks, but there must be a team of people nearby to help implement these plans. The Dragon usually keeps his distance from other people, even members of his team. But Zhirinovsky, The Dog eastern calendar, and Gaidar, born in the year of the Monkey, and in April, the Chinese called these Gorillas, can help the Dragon in solving problems. Both Gaidar and Zhirinovsky are born informal leaders.

- All this is very interesting, but, you see, many people astrological forecasts are skeptical.

Let me give you an example. On August 16, 1991, a horoscope was published in a Moscow newspaper famous people, including a person born in March - Gorbachev. Monday - a successful meeting with enemies. Indeed, a team from Moscow flew to Foros. Tuesday is a creative burst. The president was writing an article about a possible coup in the USSR. Wednesday - clarification of the situation. Everyone remembers that this was the last day of the coup. Thursday - a compliment from colleagues and partners. In fact, Mikhail Sergeevich was applauded twice: when he walked down the plane and finished the press conference. From Friday to Saturday - accused of involvement in conspiratorial activities. Indeed, four newspapers published materials with the version that in the situation that arose, Gorbachev was not without sin.

- Your technologies should have predicted the situation on June 20, 1996, when on the eve of the second round Alexander Korzhakov was dismissed, and soon the entire SBP found itself on the street. Did you know this was coming?

We knew everything before the smallest details. For a month and a half the computer said: “The collapse of the service, the collapse of the service...”

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