Composition of the food basket for the month. Magnit has revealed the cost of a grocery basket in its stores in Russia. What does the consumer basket affect?

The formation of the consumer basket gives an idea of ​​the level of spending among citizens. Using such data, important factors are determined in relation to the level of poverty in the state.

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The development of such issues is carried out by government bodies to control aspects of the activities of other ministries and institutions. Every year the contents and cost of the basket changes and this leads to the same trends in other areas.

What it is

Consideration of the issue of the consumer basket makes it possible to establish several points:

  • Which minimum level necessary for citizens to live;
  • in what direction are economic trends changing;
  • comparison of indicators with other countries;
  • establishing benefits and social assistance for citizens - at what level this should be carried out.

The peculiarity of the situation in Russian Federation is that cart development exists on several levels. Initially, indicators are accepted for the set that is valid throughout the country.

Next comes the distribution for each of the regions, subjects and settlements. This division is due to the fact that in different parts Countries have differences in prices for goods and services and wages.

Photo: composition of the consumer basket

The indicators in this area must be taken into account in order to uniformly establish the basket and the subsistence level.

The consumer basket is an economic object that includes indicators for:

  • food products;
  • non-food goods and services.

Due to these factors, a citizen manages to maintain health and ensure full functioning. Although all indicators are at a minimum value, they should be satisfactory.

The cost of living for all citizens is calculated by Rosstat. They take as a basis the amounts that are offered as a result of compiling the basket.

Calculations for the consumer basket are carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 227-FZ “On the consumer basket as a whole for the Russian Federation.” Revisions are made every New Year. Article 2 prescribes the totality of the set and the sizes of the minimum values.

Photo: size of the consumer basket in the regions of the Russian Federation

Initially, all calculations were based on No. 44-FZ, but it has become invalid. Since 2012, new regulations and legislation have been in force. It establishes the amounts for products and the set of goods.

This legal act will be in force until 2021. This was planned by the government, at the initiative of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection back in 2017. A review of the composition of the PC is carried out no earlier than once every five years.

What determines the size of a PC?

A consumer basket is a set that focuses exclusively on the cost of goods. Depending on how much a particular product or service costs, the quantity that will be present in the cart is determined.

The more expensive the price of an item, the less its quantity in the set becomes. Only those items that are essential for life are selected in the PC. These include basic indicators for food and non-food items.

Services are a separate category in the list. The state takes into account those that are submitted by it - payments for housing and communal services receipts. Additionally, a certain set of number of trips per year is given.

Based on such positions, a decision is made regarding what to include in the PC and what to leave outside it. This set has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. It only makes it possible to calculate accommodation in conditions of austerity.

This is necessary in order to determine the amount of assistance for different life situations. For example, after losing a job. A person does not live in such conditions permanently; it is only a little support for a while.

How often are changes made?

Initially, it is necessary to divide the indicators in this area into those that are determined structurally and by content. Thus, the formation of objects filling the PC is carried out no more than once every five years. Having established a list of products and services, the state does not change them.

At the same time, there is a change within the quantity of goods listed. The cost of living is reviewed at least once a quarter.

Depending on what it's like economic situation, the amounts move up and down. This is a normal phenomenon and is associated with an increase or decrease in the cost of living.

During such processes, different areas of financing are also affected. There are separate PCs for able-bodied people and those who are recognized as lacking such abilities, pensioners. Distinctive indicators for the calculation of amounts in relation to children.

It is important to take into account that the legislation of the Russian Federation prescribes all points regarding the range of food and services. The regulatory legal act contains clauses on quantities for one calendar year.

Therefore, you immediately need to correctly interpret the amounts that relate to the month or day. These are average coefficients that you can calculate on your own.

Important aspects

When considering the features of the consumption set, the distribution of amounts is taken into account. They are based on the cost of living in the required region.

For 2020, the set includes 156 positions. This level can be compared with other countries - in the USA 300 are given, in Germany 475 positions are registered, and in the UK - 350.

Comparisons are also relevant in the case of prices in different regions. For Russia, the data differs in the central regions and in the provinces. Most high price PC is observed in the capital and St. Petersburg.

That's two settlements, forming the largest amounts in terms of the cost of living and wages. Therefore, the cost of living is also higher.

How is the food basket calculated for different categories of the population?

During the calculation, different groups of people are taken into account. For them, the cost of living indicators are different. Everything comes from the needs of the category of citizen.

The following factors are considered the main methods:

What are the requirements for food products?
  1. Satisfying the needs of different categories depending on the minimum value.
  2. Establishment of energy indicators of value and composition of useful elements.
  3. Minimum set healthy nutrition, which must comply with nutritional standards.
  4. Comparison of formulations regarding the absorption of microelements and substances by the body.
  5. Matching Diversity
Standards for non-food items
  • goods intended for women or children, in accordance with physiological requirements;
  • frequency of changes in products necessary for life;
  • fare;
  • utilities, according to standards
Based on what the minimum is determined
  • need to travel by public transport;
  • availability of benefits and subsidies;
  • mandatory amounts for taxation and housing and communal services

The entire cost is dictated by the market and the amount of payments. They are set periodically and may change, affecting the cost of living and the PC.

St. Petersburg

IN northern capital For 2020, the following sizes have been established for the consumer basket for an able-bodied person:

For non-food items, a value of no more than 45% is assigned, and for other services - 50 percent.


In Moscow, calculations are based on a high standard of living, which is why there are increased PC standards:

The leadership of this region decided to allocate 45% of the PC for non-food products. For services, 127% is set for payment.

What needs to be added

Questions about changes in consumer bundle sizes arise every year. The economic crisis and inflation make it almost impossible to increase indicators.

The burden on the budget is large and to finance wages, social sphere there won't be enough funds. In Russia, products take up half the cost of a PC, although in developed countries the level should be no more than 20%.

Photo: changes in the structure of the consumer basket

The range of products and services should be supplemented with services in the medical field. There are no such indicators on the list yet. After all, free treatment is prescribed at the legislative level. In fact, the burden of the imperfect basket also includes the purchase of medicines and payment for medical interventions.

The same applies to education - despite the normative freeness, you have to pay for it. School supplies are not included in the consumer minimum package.

The purchase of household appliances, home repairs and entertainment are not included in the total cost of living basket for Russians. Although due to constant technical changes, they need to be introduced there.

The consumer basket is an approved list of goods and services that are expected to be minimally consumed by 1 person per month to maintain normal level life. All these goods and services are divided into food and non-food. They are determined in accordance with federal law, and the basket must be changed at least every 5 years. The composition, size and principles of formation of this list are described in detail in the article.

There are different approaches to determining what is considered the minimum necessary list of goods and services for a normal standard of living. If we talk specifically about the consumer basket, then this is a minimum set of goods that performs at least 2 functions:

  1. Keeps you healthy.
  2. Provides vital functions.

The corresponding definition is given in federal law

Thus, the official approach is based on the definition of a minimum set of benefits that allows a person to live for 1 month and at the same time carry out all basic types of life activities, including performing work functions. However, the lifestyle of all people is different, so it is customary to distinguish 3 types of consumer baskets:

  1. For adults engaged in working activities (these are able-bodied citizens, regardless of whether they go to work or not).
  2. For children (i.e. minors who are no more than 17 years old inclusive).
  3. For pensioners (i.e. for persons who have retired either due to age, length of service, or due to medical reasons).

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

It is important to understand that the general parameters of the basket are determined by federal law. At the same time, each region can make its own additions both to its composition and its size. That is why the cost of living in different regions of the Russian Federation may differ - here is an example of what the food component of the basket looks like according to the Law of the Astrakhan Region.


In terms of composition, this is a list of goods (food and non-food), as well as services, which includes a total of 156 items. The structure has 3 sections:

Basket size: the concept of a living wage

Essentially, a minimum is the same as a basket. However, it is an expression of the list of goods and services in rubles. The amount consists of all items (half - the share of food, a quarter - other goods and a quarter - services). The minimum size is revised every quarter (also called quarterly), i.e. 4 times a year. In this case, the composition can be preserved for up to 5 years. This difference is explained by the fact that due to inflation and other factors, prices for the same goods/services may change even within a few months.

The cost is determined in the quarter that follows the reporting one. For example, the 1st quarter of 2020 ends on March 31, and the 2nd quarter ends on June 30. Accordingly, the cost of the minimum list for the 1st quarter will be determined by June 30. The calculations are carried out by the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF, which determines the composition of the list as a whole. Also, similar calculations are carried out by local authorities in the regions. They issue relevant orders, which can be read in the public domain.

According to the latest data, the cost of the basket for the 1st quarter of 2018 was (based on 1 month):

  1. For adults, able-bodied people 10842 rub.
  2. For children 9959 rub.
  3. For pensioners 8269 rub.

These values ​​apply at the federal level and may differ for specific regions (as in b O up and down). For example, for Moscow the data is as follows:

  1. For adults, able-bodied people 18,200 rub.
  2. For children 14360 rub.
  3. For pensioners 11,780 rub.

And for Kabardino-Balkaria there are similar figures:

  1. For an adult RUB 10,749.
  2. For children 11517 rub.
  3. For pensioners 8316 rub.

The cost of living is social significance. For example, the minimum wage (assuming full employment) has become equal to the minimum since May 2018, i.e. she cannot be smaller than him. Therefore, according to the law, every working person is guaranteed at least a minimum provision of food, other goods and services.

However, in families with dependents (children), income per person may be below the minimum. Then such a family has the right to receive additional benefits, which are registered in the social protection department of the local Administration.

The consumer basket in Russia is the minimum set of goods and services that should be enough for a person to survive on the brink of poverty. The living wage is based specifically on the consumer basket. In the case of the working-age population, the living wage also includes mandatory payments and fees. But for children and pensioners, the cost of living is practically the cost of that very consumer basket. Consumer basket in Russia for 2018 - official data on its cost on average for the country, as well as for individual regions.

What is included in the consumer basket in Russia in 2018

The consumer basket consists of three types of expenses: food, non-food goods and services.

Since 2012, the principles by which the cost of the consumer basket is calculated have been simplified. At the moment, the law only details what the minimum food basket looks like. But expenses for non-food goods and services are no longer described in detail. Their minimum amount is simply tied to the cost of the grocery package.

In 2018, the composition of the food part of the consumer basket in Russia includes the following set:

Products Unit Consumption per person per year
Able-bodied residents Pensioners Children
Bread products (bread, pasta, flour, cereals, etc.) kg 126,5 98,2 77,6
Potato kg 100,4 80,0 88,1
Vegetables and melons kg 114,6 98,0 112,5
Fresh fruits kg 60,0 45,0 118,1
Sugar and confectionery products in terms of sugar kg 23,8 21,2 21,8
Meat products kg 58,6 54,0 44,0
Fish products kg 18,5 16,0 18,6
Milk and dairy products expressed as milk kg 290,0 257,8 360,7
Eggs PC. 210 200 201
Vegetable oil, margarine and other fats kg 11,0 10,0 5,0
Other products (tea, spices, salt) kg 4,9 4,2 3,5

Rosstat calculates the cost of this set of products in terms of one month (each item is divided by 12). To determine the cost of the consumer basket, the cost of the grocery set is doubled.

It is conventionally accepted that non-food products in the consumer basket cost half the food part, and the same amount is equal to the cost of the minimum set of necessary services.

Official data on the cost of the consumer basket in Russia in 2018

Every month, Rosstat calculates the cost of the minimum set of food products that we have given above. Statistics are compiled for the country as a whole and for each of the regions of Russia.

Based on the cost of the minimum food set, we can easily determine the cost of the consumer basket. It is enough to multiply the statistical sum by two.

In the first half of the year, the statistics for the country as a whole are as follows:

Official data on the cost of the consumer basket for June 2018 for individual regions of Russia is as follows:

Region of the Russian Federation Grocery basket cost Cost of the consumer basket
Russian Federation 4060,30 8120,60
Altai region 3687,04 7374,08
Amur region 4551,42 9102,84
Arhangelsk region 5000,19 10000,38
Arkhangelsk region (without Autonomous Okrug) 4952,42 9904,84
Astrakhan region 3886,35 7772,70
Belgorod region 3388,40 6776,08
Bryansk region 3779,80 7559,60
Vladimir region 3989,50 7979,00
Volgograd region 3670,39 7340,78
Vologda Region 4513,12 9026,24
Voronezh region 3610,70 7221,40
Sevastopol 4223,34 8446,68
Moscow 5018,54 10037,08
Saint Petersburg 4872,31 9744,62
Jewish Autonomous Region 4900,88 9801,76
Transbaikal region 4556,29 9112,58
Ivanovo region 4174,98 8349,96
Irkutsk region 4183,68 8367,36
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 3674,45 7348,90
Kaliningrad region 4802,14 9604,28
Kaluga region 4048,01 8096,02
Kamchatka Krai 6343,54 12687,08
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 3870,01 7740,02
Kemerovo region 3828,60 7657,20
Kirov region 3727,57 7455,14
Kostroma region 3921,81 7843,62
Krasnodar region 4175,77 8351,54
Krasnoyarsk region 4522,85 9045,70
Kurgan region 3916,40 7832,80
Kursk region 3381,20 6762,40
Leningrad region 4912,33 9824,66
Lipetsk region 3384,91 6769,82
Magadan Region 6872,26 13744,52
Moscow region 4309,02 8618,04
Murmansk region 5009,71 10019,42
Nenets Autonomous Okrug 6462,52 12925,04
Nizhny Novgorod Region 3828,67 7657,34
Novgorod region 4323,19 8646,38
Novosibirsk region 4273,62 8547,24
Omsk region 3456,93 6913,86
Orenburg region 3512,20 7024,40
Oryol Region 3794,88 7589,76
Penza region 3443,53 6887,06
Perm region 3869,52 7739,04
Primorsky Krai 5124,49 10248,98
Pskov region 4393,45 8786,90
Republic of Adygea 3819,15 7638,30
Altai Republic 4214,13 8428,26
Republic of Bashkortostan 3659,89 7319,78
The Republic of Buryatia 4122,24 8244,48
The Republic of Dagestan 3924,28 7848,56
The Republic of Ingushetia 3886,70 7773,40
Republic of Kalmykia 3913,31 7826,62
Republic of Karelia 4732,66 9465,32
Komi Republic 4773,00 9546,00
Republic of Crimea 4088,79 8177,58
Mari El Republic 3638,13 7276,26
The Republic of Mordovia 3384,49 6768,98
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 6428,06 12856,12
Republic North Ossetia— Alanya 3692,06 7384,12
Republic of Tatarstan 3591,48 7182,96
Tyva Republic 4093,13 8186,26
The Republic of Khakassia 4112,54 8225,08
Rostov region 3666,45 7332,90
Ryazan Oblast 3745,90 7491,80
Samara Region 4059,31 8118,62
Saratov region 3338,07 6676,14
Sakhalin region 5378,90 10757,80
Sverdlovsk region 4325,05 8650,10
Smolensk region 4133,46 8266,92
Stavropol region 3801,04 7602,08
Tambov Region 3463,54 6927,08
Tver region 4069,97 8139,94
Tomsk region 3951,78 7903,56
Tula region 4002,30 8004,60
Tyumen region 4758,04 9516,08
Tyumen region (without autonomous okrugs) 4487,68 8975,36
Udmurt republic 3647,57 7295,14
Ulyanovsk region 3759,43 7518,86
Khabarovsk region 5429,70 10859,40
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra 4698,04 9396,08
Chelyabinsk region 3837,29 7674,58
Chechen Republic 3916,86 7833,72
Chuvash Republic 3603,26 7206,52
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 10003,70 20007,40
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 5687,39 11374,78
Yaroslavl region 3910,16 7820,32

The consumer basket is considered a conditional concept, which is updated every year at the federal level of government. The composition includes a list of the most important goods, products and services. For every citizen of the Russian Federation, such a basket should be enough for one month, taking into account the stable growth of inflation and existing prices.

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The basket is calculated based on the prevailing social and economic conditions that are formed in each specific region of the country over a certain period of time.

The composition of the consumer basket and its monthly price in 2020 have some characteristic features. To understand them, it is important to familiarize yourself with the conceptual apparatus, the ratio of products, minimum indicators, the procedure for calculating costs, as well as the opinion of ordinary citizens.

Definition of concepts

The consumer basket is considered to be an approximate set of goods that is used and consumed by citizens on a monthly basis. Based on its value, the minimum amount is calculated Money, necessary for comfortable living - a living wage.

There is another definition: this is the minimum amount of food, household goods and services that are urgently needed by every person to maintain vital functions.

It is worth noting that in the early 2000s. the minimum amount was calculated based on methodological instructions Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. The composition of the basket is revised by the Government every year depending on current prices.

In the vast majority of cases, the consumer basket is used as a basic parameter when comparing actual and planned expenses, as well as for calculating currency prospects.

What is included in the shopping cart

It is known that the composition of the consumer basket is determined at the legislative level. This suggests that the list of basic products and goods in Russia is determined by the relevant Federal Law. Due to frequent changes in the inflation rate. The Government of the Russian Federation has determined a special price ratio, according to which costs should be no more than half of the cost of products.

As for the cost of paid services, it cannot exceed 25% under any circumstances. The required percentage is reviewed annually, but has not been changed in 2020. However, depending on whether the consumer belongs to a certain category of citizens, the composition of the basket can be determined.

In particular, some types of cereals and meat products were replaced by fruits and vegetables, since data from mass sociological surveys indicate that the population of the Russian Federation began to pay closer attention to their health, which provides for an immediate transition to rational and proper nutrition.

The food basket includes:

  • flour products and cereals;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • potato;
  • milk products.

Ratio of food products to non-food products

In 2020, one important change was made to the consumer basket. It lies in the fact that non-food products and related services will further be determined as a percentage of the total cost of food. Before this, the state decided how much essential goods, such as clothing, each individual citizen needed.

For example, previously a person was supposed to:

  • about 300 liters of cold and hot water, as well as water disposal per day;
  • 10 cubic meters of gas per month;
  • about 50 kW of electrical energy per month;
  • 7 gigacalories of heat in 12 months;
  • 18 square meters for comfortable living.

It is worth noting that previously 5% of all expenses were allocated for cultural education and entertainment. Concerning latest changes, then, in accordance with them, it was decided to abandon the items of non-food goods and services. The legislation states that in the future such categories of expenses will amount to 50% of the cost of the food basket.

In other words, you need to multiply the total cost of the food package by two and get the minimum amount necessary for a citizen to purchase goods and services, as well as to pay off payments, including utility bills.

Minimum composition

In 2020, consumption standards for flour products, including flour itself, cereals and pasta, are being reduced. An adult will need 7 kg less, and individuals retirement age– by 5 kg. After dividing the required mass by the average number of days per year, you can get the norm per day - 345 grams.

The norm for fats and vegetable oil was reduced by 3 kg, but an increase was observed for meat products. Thereby, daily norm meat for able-bodied citizens was 150 grams.

Each resident of the Russian Federation relies on much more milk and dairy products. For minor children, the corresponding figure is 360 kilograms per year. The norm for fruits has doubled.

Regarding other products, it is worth saying what every adult citizen should eat per month:

  • 1.5 kilograms of fresh fish;
  • 5 kilograms of fruit and meat;
  • About 10 kilograms of vegetables;
  • 10.5 kg of bread;
  • 8.5 kg of potatoes.

As for the standard indicators for confectionery products, their share was changed slightly. Children are allowed approximately 60 grams of sweets per day. According to the new consumer basket, Russian citizens consume approximately 300 liters of milk and 200 eggs each code. It is worth noting that for pensioners this figure is slightly lower.

An increase in the share of fish, meat and vegetable products practically does not change the structure of the real consumer basket. On the other hand, this can indirectly help poor categories of citizens.

In the future, changes in composition and structural components basket will entail an increase in cost, which should be the main reason for increasing the cost of living. As a result, this will be a prerequisite for an increase in profitability indicators for certain categories of citizens. This is especially true for people of retirement age and citizens carrying out their professional labor activity in budgetary organizations.

How is the price calculated for different categories of citizens?

The calculation is carried out by authorized authorities in accordance with the provisions of current federal legislation. For this purpose they are used general rules, but regional conditions are additionally taken into account. The current consumer basket includes a minimum set of industrial goods, food products and services.

Practice shows that in most cases, territorial authorities focus on the pricing policy of the regions and the nuances of accommodation, for example, the cost of services, the need for household items, and so on.

Taking the indicator established at the federal level as the basic component, you can divide half of it by the number of months in the year. The result will be a monthly basket for one citizen of the Russian Federation.

It is important to remember that its cost in real terms increases slightly, which automatically requires the federal authorities to take certain measures. The initiatives adopted can have an effect only if the prices of essential products do not change significantly due to changes in the inflation rate.

Citizens' opinion

News about changes in the composition of the consumer basket does not satisfy all citizens. Many people believe that officials are making calculations based on certain abstract values. For an able-bodied person, especially if he operates in energy-intensive industries, the composition of the product may not be enough.

Popular opinion, as reflected in many media outlets, tends to suggest that the compilers of the consumer basket did not take into account certain factors of life in Russia, including the fact that prices for vegetables and fruits change in the winter.

There are situations when meat costs less. This is especially relevant given the fact that in some regions of the Russian Federation winter lasts more than 6 months, and the consumption of the local population is focused on agricultural products.

Citizens also believe that the consumption of flour products cannot be taken into account only in terms of small baked goods. Despite the fact that experts give favorable forecasts for cheaper products, this is difficult to implement.

It is worth considering the fact that the consumer basket in 2020 may still undergo some changes in its composition. For example, the addition of new things or food products is expected, especially against the backdrop of growing dissatisfaction with the current policies of the country's top officials.

This may lead to an enrichment of the population's daily diet, but there will still not be a surplus. As of today, nutritional standards are quite low, especially if we take the state of affairs in foreign countries. Ordinary US residents spend about $300 on a grocery basket, which is noticeably different from Russian indicators.

The consumer basket is a fairly important indicator of the economic development of any country. It clearly shows the level of well-being of citizens. Depending on the cost of living and the minimum wage, which are established by the state, the composition of the consumer basket varies. In some countries, the list even includes such luxury elements as dating on Internet sites. In other countries, this indicator is very meager and does not even provide the necessary food products. It all depends on how much a country’s economy can provide the basic needs of its population.

What determines the size of the consumer basket?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the fundamental law of the country, proclaims our state as legal, democratic and socially oriented. This means that the government is trying to provide the citizens of its country with decent living conditions, a guaranteed minimum.

For the calculation, certain uniform standards are used, which are guaranteed by law. They make it possible to determine the minimum needs of people, which are calculated using a special basic methodology and are established by regulations.

The main indicators in our country are:

  • living wage;
  • minimal salary;

These are the three basic components on which the economy relies. The cost of living, as well as the consumer basket, have different indicators in different regions of the Russian Federation.

Products, goods and services

The living wage for all residents of Russia is established by Law of the Russian Federation No. 134. It was adopted on October 24, 1997.

If we speak in the letter of the law, then a person’s living wage is the cost of the consumer basket and mandatory payments and fees. If a person does not independently provide himself with a living wage established by the state, he has the right to receive benefits and benefits, subsidies and other types of guaranteed assistance. Simply put, he is below the poverty line when he cannot provide for himself due to various reasons your basic needs. Then the state comes to his aid.

The consumer basket of a Russian is a certain set of food products, everyday goods, clothing and shoes, as well as some necessary services, without which human activity and normal life are impossible. To put it simply, this is the necessary minimum for every citizen of Russia.

The composition of the consumer basket directly depends on the economic well-being of the country. It differs significantly in different states. The higher the country's welfare, the more the consumer basket is filled. So, all calculations are made based on how full the state budget is.

What's more important

Although all calculations (the amount of some taxes, fees, payments, administrative fines, and so on) are based on the basic cost of living, the consumer basket is still a more important economic indicator. It is on its basis that economists calculate the money that is necessary for the existence of every person. It directly affects the formation of the budget.

Calculations are made at two levels:

  1. Throughout the Russian Federation, it is determined what the consumer basket in Russia should be in its monetary and commodity equivalent. This is done by the government of the country and the tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations. This norm is then enshrined in federal law.
  2. Each subject of the Federation separately sets for itself what is included in the consumer basket and what its monetary equivalent will be. This depends not only on the economic state of the region. It also takes into account such components as the need of the local population for certain goods, climate, traditions, and so on.

How often are changes made?

The cost of living in each region is reviewed every quarter and can change in one direction or another four times a year. This is normal and legal.

But the minimum consumer basket is determined for the next five years. It was last revised in December 2012 (Federal Law No. 227). Therefore, there are no plans to revise this indicator this year. Although at the end of 2014 some changes and additions were made. It is clear that if the consumer basket was determined three or four years ago, and during this time food and goods have become more expensive, then the price of the basket itself also increases. It becomes more expensive in monetary terms.

The law (in particular Article 2) clearly states what is included in the consumer basket. The main social and demographic subgroups of the population are taken into account here.

Clear ratio

It is worth noting that the products in the consumer basket are defined by a specific, clear list. Consumption rates are indicated in kilograms and liters per year. But the goods in the consumer basket are indicated in the list as the price ratio with food products, which is expressed as a percentage.

To put it simply, the quantity of goods and services should be 50 percent of the cost of food.

Thus, to find out the total price of the consumer basket, you need to multiply the cost of food products by two.

It’s easier to remember this data using this formula:

Groceries + non-food products (they make up 50 percent of products) + services (also half of the cost of the food basket) = consumer basket.

Even according to this scheme, it is clear that half of your income has to be spent on feeding yourself.

What should be included in the shopping cart

So, everything is clear with the percentage, now let's move on to the filling. The consumer basket is divided into three categories, which include:

  1. Food products, namely: cereals, flour products, vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products and others.
  2. Non-food products: clothing, shoes, Appliances, medicines.
  3. Utilities and other services: payment for housing, water, heat, electricity, gas, as well as expenses for public transport, trips to cultural places, etc.

In 2015, the Russian government, for example, decided to slightly reduce the amount of bakery products (up to 127 kg) and potatoes (the norm is 101 kg) per person. But the amount of meat has been increased - the annual norm is 59 kg. The indicators of fish and dairy products have also been increased - up to 19 kg. The norm of milk, kefir and sour cream is 293 liters for each resident of Russia.

Another feature is that greens are included in the diet. So in the food category the changes were significant. But there are practically no changes in the other two categories of the consumer basket.

What will they feed us?

If we consider the norms of the consumer basket for Moscow and Muscovites, then this is the picture we get. Each citizen can consume per day:

  • 370 grams of bread;
  • 290 grams of potatoes;
  • 370 grams of vegetables;
  • 180 grams of fruit;
  • 780 grams of dairy and fermented milk products;
  • 60 grams of sweets;
  • half an egg;
  • 70 grams of fish;
  • 180 meat.

In addition, the necessary products include vegetable oil, tea, fats and so on. Such products are required in the diet. As you can see, there are no cheeses, seafood, alcohol, sweet drinks, or delicacies.

It is worth noting that the consumer basket in Moscow is designed for three main groups of the population. These are children, the working population and pensioners. In this case, the cost of living is:

  • per capita – 12,145 rubles;
  • for pensioners – 8,528 rubles;
  • for children – 10,443 rubles.

Three categories of citizens

When calculating the living wage for the capital, the specifics of the region are taken into account. For example, if in the whole country services should make up 50 percent of food products, then in Moscow (for the working population) they are within 127 percent. For pensioners and children, this ratio is slightly lower – 75 percent.

It is worth noting that the consumer basket for the working population, pensioners and children has some differences. This has to do with basic needs and age. Thus, for pensioners, food standards and, accordingly, goods and services are lower by about 10 percent. As for children, the standards for vegetables and fruits are higher than for the working population. This is due to the fact that a growing body requires more vitamins and fiber. This is reflected.

There are also geographic features. In the Murmansk region, for example, the number of food products included in the consumer basket is greater than in central Russia. But the rate of vegetable consumption is lower than in other regions of Russia.

Each time, before approving new norms for the consumer basket, a thorough consultation with specialists - doctors and nutritionists - takes place. Guided by their recommendations, the commission compiles a list of products and their quantities.

What needs to be added

Naturally, the consumer basket of any country is a guaranteed minimum set of products, goods and services. Therefore, proposals constantly arise to expand this list and supplement it with necessary expenditure items. After all, every year more and more services and goods appear, without which everyday life becomes impossible or incomplete.

Legislators and social activists in Russia propose to include the following important aspects:

  • help from a hired nanny (very important due to the shortage of places in kindergartens);
  • services for paid medicine;
  • home and vehicle insurance;
  • rental housing;
  • computers, laptops, etc.

In general, there are proposals to supplement the consumer basket with nine items.

Of course, these are things without which life modern man extremely difficult to imagine today. And naturally, the new standard of living should be reflected in the consumer basket. But behind each position there must be a clear economic rationale.

What do they have?

Of course, it’s always interesting how things are going with similar indicators in other countries? What is the size of the consumer basket, for example, in Europe?

Yes, compared to European countries, the Russian basket will look somewhat meager. It currently contains only 156 main items of products, goods and services. But in the UK there are more than 700 of them, in Germany - 475. In France, there are 250 items in the consumer basket, in the USA - 300, in England - 350. At the same time, in the UK, the composition of the consumer basket is adjusted annually. And there are positions there that we are still very far from reaching. This is, for example, the cost of purchasing e-books, payment for various mobile dating applications, as well as payment for the Internet, mobile communications and other “entertainment”.

What is this connected with? Naturally, with general position affairs in the country's economy. The richer the state, the more it can afford to include items in this important socio-economic indicator. The lower the economic level of the country, the fewer items of mandatory goods and services in the consumer basket.

Pensions and subsidies depend on the basket

You can’t just take and enter those positions that are necessary. After all, the law on the consumer basket assumes that on the basis of its value such an important indicator as inflation is calculated, and the amount of pension benefits, social benefits and government subsidies is determined. Therefore, you cannot simply add to the list those products and goods that you would like. After all, an increase in the cost of living will lead to additional social burdens on the state. Will it then be able to fulfill its obligations?

Therefore, if you ask a person to at least roughly draw up his personal calculation of the consumer basket, it will differ significantly from the official one.

Some more interesting facts

It’s clear with the products that are part of the consumer basket. But I wonder what else is determined by this norm and for how many years.

As for household services, every Russian of working age can consume 285 liters of water per day, both hot and cold. Agree, this is very generous! Per month, according to consumer basket calculations, you can burn 10 cubic meters of natural gas and consume only 50 kW of electricity. So you will have to be more economical with electricity.

Here's some interesting data about outerwear. According to the norms of the consumer basket, an able-bodied person is entitled to three items of the “top coat group”. And not for a year, but for 7 and a half years. But in different weather conditions you also need appropriate clothing - a fur coat, jacket, coat, windbreaker, and so on. And then it turns out that you can only buy a new jacket once every 8-10 years! Women should wear a skirt very carefully, keeping in mind that it should last 5 years. But more shoes are required - two pairs per year. Skeptics will say: is it really possible to wear only two pairs for a whole year? The bra is designed to last up to 3 years, business suit- for 5 years, and trousers - for 4 years.

But here it is worth recalling once again that a Russian’s consumer basket determines only the necessary minimum. And remember that as the country’s prosperity grows, so do the standards of the consumer basket.

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