Vertical double-barreled shotgun. The best gun for hunting: a review of the best models of hunting weapons. Shotguns with extractors and ejectors

Part one

The years of the strongest “goose rush” have passed. It's 2016. Gradually it becomes calmer in this sense. Indeed, the strong pressure of the many thousands of St. Petersburg army of hunters on the spring goose migration brought these smart, organized and flexible birds to their senses, and they began to change their flight routes. There were few of them in the spring on the favorite fields of Koporye, Volosovo and Gatchina.

Now we need to prepare for a long-distance expedition to the Novgorod region, Karelia, the Pskov region and other places. This significantly cools the ardor of the so-called goose hunters. Advertisements appeared for the sale of used semi-automatics, bought in the heat of the moment during the goose boom.

Finally, they began to remember that in the spring there is both wonderful (for the soul) hunting with woodcock, and hunting with decoys (or stuffed animals) for drake. And hunting for the grouse current (with surprise to learn that the coldest place in the world is a hut), and hunting for the current of a relict bird - the same age as the mammoth - the capercaillie.

And then it became clear that a semi-automatic weapon was not needed at all for such hunts. It’s easier and more pleasant to take an ordinary 12-gauge double-barreled shotgun. It could be the 16th or even the 20th. With a double-barreled shotgun, if all other conditions are met on the field, you will also not be left without trophies. Observe camouflage, choose a route, arrange profiles and decoys, use decoys correctly, show restraint, shoot moderately... Not to mention that in the forest it is more convenient with a double-barreled shotgun (with two different cartridges in the chambers).

I loaded the “seven” and “one” in September. And a hazel grouse that suddenly appears can be beaten or a wood grouse... And if a meeting with an animal is expected, then there is a bullet in one barrel, a shot in the other. Also, a double-barreled shotgun, compared to a self-loading shotgun, is easier to maintain and safer to use.

You can buy such a gun in a store - new or used. There is no need to be afraid that someone has already gone hunting and shot with him. People have a lot of excellent double-barreled shotguns, both horizontal and vertical. Moreover, most of them have 70 mm chambers (a 12 by 76 chamber is, in principle, for steel shot). For the usual listed spring hunts (and even autumn ones), a 70 mm chamber is preferable.

In addition, they usually have monolithic trunks. That is, there are no screw-in attachments (more on them later). In stores, most likely, they can offer domestic shotguns MP27 (IZH27), MP43 (IZH43), MP18 (IZH18) (single-barrel). And in a thrift store (or on a used guns website) there is a wide variety of them. And Tula double-barreled shotguns TOZ 34, TOZ 91, TOZ 120, TOZ 200 and Izhevsk - IZH 27, IZH 271s, IZH 43, IZH 26, IZH 58, IZH 54, IZH Sputnik, IZH 12 and various imported guns (there is no way to list them , such is their diversity).

This is where the question of choosing and inspecting a gun before purchasing arises. First of all, you need to decide what to take? With vertical trunks or horizontal? I'm in Lately These questions are often asked. There is no clear answer here. Much depends on the hunter’s desires, habits, his taste and, above all, his build and shooting style. If possible, you need to hold the gun in your hands, raise it, and determine whether it suits him in terms of anthropometry.

For shotguns with vertical barrels best review targets, the gun does not have lateral deflections when firing; when shooting from the lower barrel, there is less upward tossing of the barrels. The gun is stronger and less wobbly.

For running hunting, guns weighing from 2.8 to 3.3 kg are most suitable. It is calculated like this. The gun should weigh 1/22 of the hunter's weight. For ambush, you can take a heavier gun, weighing 1/19 of the hunter’s weight. A lightweight gun (for women and teenagers) should be 1/25 of the owner's weight. Shotguns of 12 gauge generally weigh 3.0-3.3 kg, 16 gauge - 2.8-3.0 kg. If hunting involves a long walk, then a heavy gun will be burdensome. In general, a hunter, without any tension or fatigue, should raise his gun twenty times, aiming at the same point, then this is his gun.

The length of the stock should be selected depending on the length of the arm. With an arm length of 42 cm, the length of the stock should be 38-40 cm, with an arm length of 41 cm - 37-39 cm, with 40 - 36-38, with 39 - 36-37, with 38 - 34-36, with 37 - 33 -35, at 36 - 32-34 cm.

The vertical angle (steepness) of the stock depends on the distance between the collarbone and the shooter's eye. It is measured from the extension of the aiming line to the front edge of the ridge of the butt and from the extension of the aiming line to the heel of the butt.

With a distance from the eye to the collarbone of 22 cm, the die at the beginning of the ridge should be 41-43 mm; at the butt plate 65-69 mm; at a distance from the eye to the collarbone of 21 cm, respectively at the beginning of the ridge 40-41 mm, at the butt plate 64-68 mm, at 20 cm at the beginning of the ridge 39-40 mm and at the butt plate 63-65 mm, at 19 cm at the beginning of the ridge 37- 38 mm, at the butt plate 60-62 mm, at 1 cm - at the beginning of the ridge 35-36 mm, at the butt plate 58-59 mm, at 17 cm - at the beginning of the ridge 34-35 mm, at the butt plate 57-58 mm at 16 cm - at the beginning of the ridge 33-34 mm, at the butt plate 56-57 mm.

You can check the compliance of the vertical loss in a practical way. The shooter aims at a point at a distance of 5-6 m at eye level. When he takes aim, place a match on the gun's rib across the barrel, 20 cm from the breech. If the shooter cannot see the front sight through the match, then the bend of the stock is too big for him. If the shooter sees the front sight and part of the bar, then the bend is small. If only the front sight is visible through the match, and the pencil placed instead of the match covers the front sight, then the bend is normal.

The touch of the cheek to the comb should be uniform. The cheekbone protrusion on the butt lifts the shooter's head away from the comb and thereby eliminates a blow to the cheekbone, allows for consistent shooting, and prevents the gun from falling off. The protrusion must exactly match the lower part of the face, otherwise it will only get in the way. For fast shooting, a straight and fuller comb is desirable. If the ridge is too high, the cheek will be pressed tighter, and hence will receive a stronger blow. The gun will rise up.

The shape of the stock can be English (straight), without a protrusion at the bottom of the neck. It is believed that with such a stock, the shooter’s hand moves more easily to fire the second shot (with two triggers). There are stocks with a projection and soft outlines - this is a half-pistol stock. In a stock with a pistol-shaped neck, the protrusion slopes down steeply. I don't recommend taking a stock with a very "cool" gun.

For ease of control of the gun, it is important that it be maneuverable, that is, most of the weight of the gun would be concentrated between the left and right hand arrow, and the ends of the gun would be as light as possible. The posadism of a gun is judged by the posadist coefficient (KP). It is defined like this. The weight of the receiver with the butt is divided by the weight of the barrels with the forend. It’s good if the CP is equal to one. Posadism can be judged by other criteria. For removed barrels with a forend, the center of gravity should be at a distance of 11-12 cm from the breech.

The balance of the gun is also important for shooting. For high-end shotguns, the center of gravity is located 45-50 mm from the breech, for ordinary shotguns - 65-75 mm. If the center of gravity is located 80 mm from the breech, then it will be difficult to shoot from such a gun at moving targets (it may lower it). The balance index (BI) is defined as the ratio of the weight of the gun to the weight of the barrels. For a double-barreled shotgun it is usually 2.0-2.3, for a three-barreled shotgun - 1.8-1.96, for a fitting - 1.75-1.8. The smaller the PB, the more difficult it is to shoot offhand at moving targets.

It is advisable to pay attention to the pitch - the angle between the extension of the aiming bar and the plane of the butt plate. If the butt to the toe is longer than to the heel, then when thrown up, the barrels will be directed higher. And, conversely, the protrusion in the toe of the butt fixes the position of the butt in the shoulder.

The butt plate can be made of plastic, rubber or steel. For successful shooting in winter and autumn/spring, it is advisable to have replaceable butt pads. For winter - thinner butt pads, taking into account warm clothing.

Pitch is expressed in linear measures. If the barrels (along the sighting bar) are located at an angle of 90 degrees to the cut of the butt plate, the pitch is zero; with the ends of the barrels lowered down, the pitch is negative. And when the trunks deviate upward from the vertical, the pitch is positive. The normal value for a universal shotgun with barrels up to 720 mm in length is considered to be a negative pitch of approximately 3 cm.

Most hunters consider a double-barreled shotgun to be the best shotgun. A novice hunter will sooner or later also want to purchase a double-barreled shotgun. And he will inevitably face the problem of choice: what is better - a horizontal arrangement of trunks or a vertical one?

It’s a matter of taste which gun to choose, but you still need to know how these guns differ in real hunting, despite the similarity of the main characteristics and design solutions.

Indeed, the stock, the box, coupled with the trigger mechanism, and the weight of the gun are almost the same for both. Yes and main characteristic- combat - they have basically the same. The difference is rather external, so to speak, “profile”.

The silhouette of one looks more elegant or subtle in the horizontal plane, the other - in the vertical. Probably, the latter was the reason why, when buying my first gun, I, without hesitation, gave preference to the then not very widespread over-and-under. So it is possible that with all the desired impartiality on my part, a certain “lobbying” of this design will still be noticeable.

I think that I liked the over-and-under first of all because when raising, aiming and firing, it is practically no different from a single-barreled gun. Well, one barrel, and from which, in addition, you can fire two or more shots in a row, is the best option from the position of a shooter, a designer, and a commercial hunter. The latter evaluates the gun exclusively from a utilitarian point of view.

A single-barreled gun, and after it an over-and-under, is good because when the gun is aimed at a target, its barrel covers it to a minimal extent. Two horizontal gun barrels significantly block the shooter’s field of view during the lateral movement of a bird or animal.

It would seem like a trifle, unworthy of attention, but it even has a purely psychological effect on the hunter, who can look for the reason for his unfortunate mistake in this very thing. As for athletes, they, of course, cannot waste a split second searching with their eyes for such a fast-flying target as a plate.

The forend of a gun with vertically paired barrels almost covers not only the lower, but even the upper of them, so the shooter’s hand does not touch the metal, which can cool down greatly in the cold or become hot after many shots.

And this handguard is more comfortable to hold with your hand than the horizontal handguard, which is narrower in the vertical plane. To somehow smooth out this drawback, the designers came up with a specially shaped forend, known as a “beaver tail”. Perhaps it has become more comfortable to hold, but it is unlikely that this handguard gives the gun a more aesthetic appearance.

One can understand the connoisseurs of elegant, light and practical English horizontal guns with a classic straight stock. These guns are really good and will forever remain examples of the most advanced hunting weapons. At the same time, it is unlikely that an English stock will be appropriate for a modern gun intended for use in real hunting conditions.

Still, a pistol stock is much more convenient when you need to suddenly raise the gun before shooting, or hold it in your hands for a relatively long time, pointing it at an approaching animal.

Photo by Anton Zhuravkov

It is believed that after the first shot from a gun with a straight stock, moving your hand slightly along it will allow you to press the rear trigger faster. Such a need arises infrequently, and hunters cope with such a difficulty. For athletes, the designers found an obvious solution - they offered them a gun with a single trigger on two barrels.

Experienced shooters have found that with the vertical, due to the closer location of the center of gravity to the axis of the lower barrel, from which the first shot is usually fired, after that the nod of the gun in the vertical plane is weaker than with the horizontal. Recoil also decreases. This means that the fastening of the barrels with the block does not loosen so quickly, and the durability of the gun increases.

In conclusion, I would like to cite a statement by weapons expert V. Kholostov, made back in 1975 in relation to the sideflint - this is also the name for a gun with vertically paired barrels: “Even conservative hunters, defending their double-barreled shotguns with horizontally coupled barrels, could not attribute anything more to the “sides” serious, as less stability in the hands, since, they say, their support area is smaller, and the center of gravity is higher than that of “traditional” double-barreled guns.

And the second drawback, in their opinion, is the increased lateral surface of the barrels, paired vertically, due to which, in strong winds, the guns, you see, float. The universal acceptance of guns with barrels “over” and “under” by both hunters and shooters is the best confirmation of the inconsistency of these attacks.”

For a hunter, a weapon is a faithful assistant and friend, so it is very important to choose the right gun for you. Today, the options for choosing shotguns are varied. There are copies of both Russian and foreign production available. Domestic guns have proven themselves to be reliable and of high quality.

The choice of weapon for hunting is an important point in equipping a hunter. But the variety of guns can sometimes even make it difficult to choose. In order for a novice hunter not to get lost among the huge variety of types of hunting weapons, we suggest that you first figure out what they are like.

Types of guns

All hunting rifles can be divided into three types:

  • rifled or bullet;
  • smoothbore or shotgun;
  • combined or bullet-shot.

Rifled ones include fittings, rifles, carbines, which are used for targets at long distances. This type of weapon is suitable for more experienced hunters. Before you buy it, you will still have to use smoothbore models for some time. The legislative norms of the Russian Federation allow the purchase of rifled weapons only if you have owned a smooth-bore weapon for at least five years.

Shotguns are suitable for use by beginners. They are used for targets located at medium distances. They can be used to fire shotgun and buckshot shots.

Slug and shotguns or combination shotguns can fire pellets at medium ranges and special slugs at longer ranges.

Number of barrels in guns

Depending on the number of barrels, hunting rifles are:

  • single-barreled;
  • double-barreled;
  • three-barreled;
  • four-barrel.

The disadvantage of a single-barreled shotgun is the inability to quickly fire a second shot. Your prey may escape you. This factor will be especially felt by a novice hunter. The positive characteristics of such weapons are their low price, ease of operation and lightness. A common single-barrel model is the hammerless IZH-18.

Traditionally, a double-barreled shotgun is considered a hunting weapon. This type of gun is very common. The muzzle openings are usually different for each barrel. This expands the capabilities of the weapon. Barrels can have different shots, which makes it possible to select weapons for specific hunting conditions.

Three-barrel and four-barrel models are equipped with smooth and rifled barrels. But they are rarely used for hunting.

Single-barreled shotgun MP-18M-M. It's also IZH-18

Gun barrels can be paired vertically and horizontally. Horizontal guns are more common among hunters. Which barrel arrangement to choose is subjective. Many experts claim that there is practically no difference. But there is an opinion that vertical guns have a clearer combat, since horizontal models contribute to a narrower view.

Gun systems

Weapons for hunters are divided into two types according to their systems:

  • with folding trunks;
  • with non-retractable trunks.

The most common group is hunting weapons with folding barrels. There is another name for them - “fractures”. This type of weapon is easy to use and durable. To load such a weapon, a cartridge is inserted into the chamber of the barrel. In "breakdowns" there is no mechanism for feeding a new cartridge into the chamber, but this is not a problem, since the cartridges can be easily replaced.

Maintenance of a drop barrel is easier compared to shotguns that use a different system. That is why such models are very popular among hunters.

The group of “fractures” has its own internal classification:

  • External trigger guns. They are characterized by reliability and wear resistance. Recently, many manufacturers have discontinued them. A small number of companies continue to produce such models for hunting in small batches. Their cost is estimated at several thousand dollars.
  • Hammer guns. This type of gun is more complex than the first group, but also more common. Among them there are three groups:
  1. The mainsprings are pumped and the hammer is cocked when the weapon barrel is lowered.
  2. The hammer is cocked when the gun is opened using the mainspring. The mainsprings are inflated by raising the barrel.
  3. The mainsprings are pumped and the hammer is cocked using the bolt key, which is located behind the trigger guard.

An ejector or extractor is used to remove spent cartridges from hunting weapons. Each of these devices has its own advantage. The ejector ejects the cartridge case using a spring, and the extractor only pushes the cartridge case out of the chamber, so you can pick it up by hand.

The ejector mechanism of a gun is faster, but it is more difficult to operate, prone to breakdowns and more expensive. For hunting on water, an extractor mechanism would be preferable, since it makes it possible to save cartridges.

Shotguns with non-retractable barrels have in their design a barrel, a magazine with cartridges and a mechanism for extracting cartridges, which is activated by recoil force or manually by the hunter. Such models are quick-firing and have great power.

Their downside is their finickiness during operation. They require professional adjustment, do not tolerate contamination and need proper lubrication. If you do something wrong while leaving, you can’t avoid problems during the hunt. It’s commonplace that the grease can freeze in the cold if you apply more of it than you should.

Hunting enthusiasts prefer pump-action shotguns among weapons with non-retractable barrels. Although they do not have the ability to fire a second shot, since they only have one barrel, they provide the opportunity to reload without changing the position of the hand. With experience, you can achieve high reload speeds. This type of gun is easy to maintain and can fire a variety of cartridges.

Guns of all systems can be either smooth or rifled. Each system is manufactured under Various types cartridges. The weight of guns can also be different, differ in modification and model.


The model of a hunting rifle, like all types of weapons, is produced by a specific enterprise and is designated as an index.

Typical single-barrel models include hammer-operated IZH - 17 and hammerless IZH - 18.

Double-barreled models with vertical barrels are embodied in such models as TOZ-34 and IZH-27.

Each weapon model can have its own modification. IZH-27E, unlike IZH-27, is equipped with a mechanism for ejecting the cartridge case. TOZ-57K is used for a round stand, and TOZ-57T is used for a trench stand.

Let's look at models of hunting weapons with a folding barrel:

  • Double-barreled shotguns with horizontal barrels are available with one, two hammers or without hammers. They are equipped with either ejectors or extractors. A typical hammerless model is IZH-58, and a hammerless model is TOZ-54.
  • Double-barreled over-and-under shotguns may also have one or two internal hammers and be equipped with an ejector or extractor mechanism. Less commonly, the trigger may be external. Typical models with an internal trigger are TOZ-34 and IZH-27, and with an external trigger - IZH-56-3 “Belka”.
  • Three-barreled shotguns are combined. Most often, the upper trunks are smooth, and the lower one is rifled, or vice versa. It is rare to find three trunks located vertically or horizontally. The design of tees provides two or three triggers. A typical representative of tees is TOZ-28. There is a hammerless three-barreled shotgun MTs 30. But this model is not common.

Models of hunting weapons with non-reclining barrels are also varied:

  • Single-barreled, single-shot shotguns have little distribution. A typical representative of this can be considered TOZ-16.
  • Single-barreled multi-shot guns that can be reloaded manually are popular among hunters. Typical representatives are TOZ-17, TOZ-18, “Bars”. They are equipped with a box magazine of two to five rounds.
  • Single-barrel self-loading hunting rifles include the TOZ-21 carbine and MTs18-2 and Ts18-3, which are manufactured to order.
  • A representative of a single-barrel self-loading gun with a movable barrel, which is loaded from recoil, is the MTs21-12 shotgun.
  • A single-barrel self-loading model with a reloading mechanism using powder gases is represented by the “Bear” carbine model.

Carbines Toz-17 and Toz-18

Classification of guns by purpose

Sporting and hunting rifles are divided into two subtypes:

  • sports;
  • hunting

The systems they use are the same, but in practice their models are very different. Sports models have specialized parts. There are weighted models with a significant narrowing of the muzzle, special stocks and an orthopedic handle, and only one caliber. Such models cannot be used during hunting. They can only be used in a specific sport.

Sporting shotguns MTs7-12S

Models for hunting are much more diverse, their weight is lighter, and the calibers and muzzle constrictions used may be different.

Within their section, they are divided into two groups:

  • hunting;
  • commercial

The difference between their characteristics is insignificant, but there is. Given the same system and caliber used, fishing weapons should be lighter. It is used more often than hunting, and therefore is more susceptible to wear, which makes it necessary to replace it. Fishing guns are made from the most durable materials with a simple mechanism, since their operation must be uninterrupted and trouble-free.

Classic fishing weapons are IZH-17, IZH-18, TOZ-16, TOZ-17. Hunting models include IZH-27, TOZ-34, MTs21.

Shotgun production class

Hunting weapons can be handmade or mass-produced. Handcrafted guns are often of very high quality, made to order and only made in small batches per year. The price of such models is high.

Mass-produced weapons are divided into subtypes:

  1. Luxury class.
  2. Middle class.
  3. Ordinary weapons.

Luxury shotguns have high cost thanks to the rich exterior finish. These include models MTs109, MTs9, MTs111. In all three classes, IZH-27 and TOZ-34 are performed.

TOZ-34ER, one-piece, 1976

Shotgun selection

Having figured out existing types weapons for hunting you can start using. Your choice should definitely fall on a universal weapon that will give you the opportunity to hunt any animal or bird. Universals include:

  • weapons with two barrels of twelfth and sixteenth caliber;
  • twelve-gauge pump-action shotgun;
  • automatic store.

The choice may depend on Money, which you have and your preferences.

Double-barreled guns are more versatile, lighter and have a good price. And “pump-action” weapons are quick-firing and powerful, but will be heavier and more expensive.

Whatever model you choose, you should always remember these rules:

  • Before purchasing a weapon, you must carefully inspect it. Don't trust words, check everything with your own hands and eyes.
  • The weapon should be the perfect weight for you. If you choose a heavy model, you will not enjoy hunting because the weapon will tire you out. Therefore, before purchasing, calculate the ideal weight of your weapon and do not exceed it in any case. The weight of the gun should be no more than twenty-eighth of your own weight. Lighter models are always comfortable. But you need to find a middle ground as the lighter weight may not be suitable for some calibers.
  • The weapon must be checked for usability. When thrown, the hunting weapon should not ride up or look down, it should easily rest on the shoulder, and the line of sight without significant adjustment should coincide with the direction of view.
  • Take a close look at the inside and outside of the trunks. There should be no deflections, cracks, or swelling on them. On the muzzle side, the cut should be perpendicular to the axis of the barrel. If the standard is not met, the bullet will deviate from the sight during flight.
  • Check the triggers carefully. When cocked, a sharp and loud click should be heard. It is also necessary to check the impact force of the firing pin. To do this, you need to put a cartridge case on the firing pin and pull the trigger. The sleeve should fly off half a meter.
  • The wood of a hunting weapon must be free of defects and must fit tightly to the metal.
  • Read the product data sheet. The actual product must correspond to it.


Take your choice of hunting weapon seriously. The gun is usually selected for long time, so don't rush into purchasing. Having chosen a specific model, weigh the pros and cons, trust your feelings. Make a purchase only when you are completely sure that the weapon meets the parameters you need. By putting our advice into practice, you will be able to choose the gun model that is right for you.


In conclusion, watch the video on the topic “TOP 10 domestic smooth-bore hunting rifles”:

Today we want to tell you about the MP-213 double-barreled shotgun, as well as its features...

What is a double-barreled shotgun MP-213

The MP-213 double-barreled shotgun is a modification of a shotgun known to hunters with a horizontal barrel arrangement, which has the ability to easily separate the trigger mechanism without the use of a special tool, but only by pressing a latch located in the rear part of the trigger mechanism. This property of the gun allows you to safely leave the gun in the hunting lodge, where the hunter has stopped for a while, and hunts in the surrounding area. By removing the trigger mechanism from the receiver of the gun and putting it in your pocket, you can safely go about your business without taking all the guns with you. In addition, such a device allows you to more often care for the mechanism, cleaning it and lubricating it, which contributes to more trouble-free operation of the gun.

Moreover, the hunter can exchange it for a universal trigger mechanism, which consists of two single-trigger mechanisms connected into a block with different sequences of shots (its index is MP-213B). There is also a version of a single-trigger mechanism with switching the sequence of shots (its index is MP-213A).

So, having one gun and three different trigger mechanisms, you can change them depending on the shooting situation. This is especially convenient for training, but in serious hunting conditions it is best to have two triggers with separate firing mechanisms. The modification designated MP-213 has such capabilities. This gun, firstly, has an ejector, secondly, one trigger mechanism is universal, and the second is single-trigger with a variable sequence of shots.

Artemis double barrel fitting

Recently, on the basis of this gun, they began to manufacture the double-barreled Artemis fitting, which was previously made on the basis of the IZH-43 gun (fitting index MP-223). If the removable trigger mechanism has two triggers, then the front trigger has a special trigger. If you turn it on, the force of pressing the trigger to fire a shot will decrease from approximately 1.5 kg to 0.25 kg while simultaneously reducing its stroke. All this will increase the accuracy of the first shot. The open rear sight is adjustable horizontally, and vertically, the accuracy of the hit is adjusted by the height of the mouse due to its rotation. The base for installing the optical sight is made on a barrel coupling with a width of 11 millimeters. The fitting can be made for cartridges 7.62 x 51 and more powerful, up to cartridge 9.3 x 74R.

Today we looked at the main characteristics, features and advantages of the MP-213 double-barreled shotgun. We will be interested to hear your feedback about it. Perhaps one of our hunters uses such weapons. We are waiting for your comments regarding its characteristics and interesting stories about hunting.

The article was prepared based on materials taken from free sources.

For the Italian arms company Perazzi, MX8 guns have become one of the main keys to success and prosperity. This weapon was originally conceived as a sports weapon, and, accordingly, was made from scratch precisely as a sports shotgun, and not a sports modification of one of the universal shotguns. With the advent of the MX8, Perazzi gained worldwide fame as a manufacturer of excellent sports double-barreled shotguns with vertical barrels (although there is also a single-barrel version in this line).

Not so many hammer-fired Tula guns have been produced throughout history. But among them there are models that cannot be ignored, since their production honed the craftsmanship of the manufacturers and improved the guns themselves. One of these models is TOZ-BM, which replaced its pioneer ancestor TOZ-B

The trigger double-barreled "horizontal" TOZ-B became the first model with external triggers, which was produced by one of the few large domestic arms enterprises, namely the Tula Arms Plant. In 1902, the first series of these weapons was released.

IZH-12 is a fairly old representative of Soviet hunting and sporting rifles; these weapons were produced from 1962 to 1974. This weapon is one of the first serial Soviet-made sideflints, and, perhaps, one of the best to this day, if we talk about mass-produced inexpensive domestic double-barreled over-and-unders.

IZH-43 and its modifications are the next stage in the work of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant on the production of mass-produced smooth-bore hunting weapons with two horizontally paired barrels. It was created on the basis of the IZH-58MA, which, in turn, was a reworking towards greater manufacturability and low cost production of the high-quality, but expensive double-barreled shotgun IZH-54 for the Soviet hunter.

IZH-54 was developed at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant in 1954 by seriously reworking the IZH-49 model, which, in turn, was a copy of the Sauer 8. Initially, the goal of production was to provide Soviet fishermen with reliable and mining weapons, but in the 60s it was well the proven model was also exported, marking the beginning of the USSR trade in inexpensive hunting rifles.

Nowadays, there is an increase in hunters' interest in old Soviet guns. The fact is that the quality of modern weapons is inferior to the quality of weapons produced during the Soviet era. IZH-58 is a classic double-barreled horizontal shotgun produced by IZHMEKH, which is still popular among hunters today. In terms of finishing and basic design, this is an ordinary hammer-operated double-barreled shotgun, similar to the modern IZH-43, only more carefully made using higher quality materials.

The internal hammer double-barreled shotgun - "Bokflint" (with a vertical barrel arrangement) TOZ-34 was first noticed by the world community in 1965 at the Leipzig Fair, where this Soviet-made weapon was honored with a Gold Medal. The TOZ-34 hunting rifle is the work of Tula gunsmiths; the basic ideas of this model were developed by designer N.I. Korovyakov, as well as Tula designers Paramonov, Ochnev and Ferapontov took a noticeable part in the creation of the gun. Initially, since 1964, these guns were made exclusively in one-piece versions at TsKIB, but later production was transferred to the Tula Arms Plant (TOZ), and since 1969, these double-barreled guns began to be produced serially, in large quantities and, of course, at a completely different level quality, an order of magnitude lower than TsKIBovsky.

This interesting model was created on the basis of the hammerless Hawk gun at the German plant J. P. Sauer & Sohn in Suhl in 1902, and in 1906 the “eighth” model began to be sold in Russia, where it became widespread. This double-barreled modification was produced in 20, 16 and 12 calibers, with chambers 70 mm long, and had a horizontal barrel arrangement. The length of the barrels in most cases was 720 mm, and they were made of special barrel steel, most often the so-called “three rings” and “four rings” grades.

IZH-27 belongs to the most common class of shotguns with vertical barrels (“over-and-under”, “side-flint”) among hunters and stand-up athletes. Becoming a continuation of the series of verticals produced by the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, IZH-27 replaced the earlier produced IZH-12 in 1973, which served as the basis for its creation. Unlike the IZH-12, the IZH-27 received a ventilated sighting rib on the upper barrel. The IZH-27 shotgun block has smaller dimensions and weight compared to its predecessor. Many changes have affected production technology in the direction of its simplification, and, as a result, reduction in cost.

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