0 ending. What is a zero ending in Russian?

Termination or inflection(lat. flixio- bending) is a significant part of the word that changes and is formative. The ending serves to connect words in a sentence or phrase and indicates the relationship between words, expressing grammatical meaning.

The grammatical meaning of the endings of different parts of speech.

  1. Noun . Noun endings

    river - rivers - rivers

  2. Adjective . Endings of adjectives indicate their number, case and gender:

    beautiful - beautiful - beautiful

  3. Numeral . Endings of numerals indicate their case and number:

    second - second - second

  4. Verb . Verb endings Present and future tenses indicate person and number:

    read - reads

    The endings of past tense verbs indicate their number, person and gender:

    Looked - looked - looked - looked

  5. Pronoun. Pronoun endings indicate first of all the case, then the number and gender, if any:

    he - his
    yours - yours - yours - yours

  6. Participle . Participle endings indicate number, gender and case:

    read - read - read

The ending is exceptional formative morpheme, which does not give the word any additional meaning.

The endings can be materially expressed or zero.

Zero ending- this is the ending of modified words, which is not expressed by sounds during pronunciation and letters in writing, but at the same time conveys a certain grammatical meaning. The zero ending can be an indicator of a certain gender or case, for example:

  • Nominative and accusative case of nouns. 3 declensions singular: daughter, oven, mother, rye;
  • Nominative case of nouns m.r. 2 declination singular (for inanimate - nominative and accusative case): friend, chair, reeds;
  • Genitive case of plural nouns of different genders: countries, soldiers, windows;
  • Short forms singular m.r. adjectives and participles: cheerful, readable, kind.
  • Nominative case of possessive adjectives m.r. units: brothers, mother, fox;
  • Imperative mood of verbs in singular: watch, teach, watch;
  • Indicative and subjunctive mood of singular verbs. m.r.: wrote - would write; looked - would have looked; walked - would walk.

There are unchangeable words and forms of words that do not have endings and a system of grammatical properties. These words and forms include:

Indeclinable nouns, usually of foreign origin: taxi, coat

Possessive pronouns that denote belonging to a third party: her, him, them

Indeclinable adjectives: burgundy, khaki


Such words have connections with other words using semantic relations, and the zero ending is not indicated in writing in any way.

Such as root, suffix, prefix, ending. In Russian, a word may not have any of these components, except for the root. It is the main bearer of lexical meaning. The remaining parts of the word only clarify it or express its grammatical meaning. A special place in this list is occupied by endings, which are not necessary for independent words.

Independent words with endings

The parts of speech of the Russian language are divided into independent and auxiliary. The latter include conjunctions, prepositions, particles and interjections. They have no lexical meaning and act only as an addition to the meaning of independent words or to connect them in a phrase or sentence. Therefore they are unchanging and have no endings.

They consist of morphemes that can change, expressing belonging to one or another grammatical category. Most often this is the ending.

Almost all full-valued lexemes have it. The simplest structure + ending. The root is almost always unchanged. The only exceptions are complex language processes, such as the alternation of sounds. The ending always changes.

The role of the ending in a word

The ending is the minimum significant part of a word, expressing grammatical meaning and serving to connect words with each other. Full-valued words with endings can change according to cases, persons, genders, numbers and other grammatical categories. This ensures grammatically correct combinations in phrases and sentences.

The ending position in a word is absolute end. True, in the Russian language there is a verbal postfix -sya, which is located only at the end of the word. Therefore, the ending may be in front of him. But this is an exception to the rule.

To highlight the ending, you need to inflect the word into any of the known grammatical categories. For example, changing the number shows which sound will change: dog - dogs, green - green, she - they. As we can see, in all these words the last letter (sound, morpheme) has changed. This will be the end.

Unchangeable full-valued words

In the Russian language there are full-valued words without endings. Examples of them are known to many: high, taxi, sing. These are full-valued parts of speech, but due to historical circumstances and grammatical features they do not change, and therefore do not need endings. The grammatical connectives for these words are prepositions.

The expression of gender, number, case in such words is determined by their dependent ones. For example: green-eyed taxi- the last one is singular. This is evident from the adjective name, which is also in this form.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows what words without endings are in Russian. These are nouns borrowed from other languages: kangaroo, coat, Mississippi. Verb infinitives also have no endings: sing, dance, tumble. Adverbs act as full-meaning, unchanging words: high, hot, fast. Last sound-o is often called an ending, although it is a suffix characteristic of adverbs.

A special form of the verb - the gerund - also has no ending, since it incorporates some adverbs: after reading, running away.

Null endings

Also in the Russian language there are words without an ending, examples of which actually have an ending: horse, table, door, night. It appears when case or number changes: horse - horses - horses - horses, table - tables - tables - tables, night - nights, door - doors.

This phenomenon in philology is called zero ending. IN initial form it has no physical expression. In the Old Church Slavonic language, such an ending was expressed using the letter ъ, which was not readable, but indicated that this word could change: table, floor. Over time, this letter was lost, and the ending in such words ceased to be physically present.

Therefore, you should be careful when defining this morpheme in full-meaning words.

Words of foreign origin

Language interactions are an invariable part of the process of lexical enrichment. Depending on the time of borrowing a word and the activity of its use, it can be strongly integrated into the grammatical system or not very much. Long-borrowed words are already perceived by many native speakers as native: mast, accountant, telephone.

There are a number of lexemes that have never become a full-fledged part of the language: taxi, metro, kangaroo, coat, coffee.

In these words at the end there is which is perceived by many as a variable part. In fact, these are words without endings, examples of which we meet every day.

Therefore it is grammatically incorrect to say: conversation over coffee, girl with a coat, arrive by meter, by two taxis. There are no grammatical justifications for such changes in the Russian language yet. Perhaps over time they will become full-fledged inflected words, but at this moment in the development of language they remain only in one form.


To the question of whether there are words without endings in the Russian language, every philologist will answer in the affirmative. Indeed, there are also many native lexemes that do not change, and therefore do not have a whole range of grammatical categories.

First of all, these are infinitives. The system of verbal forms of the Russian language is quite extensive and diverse. The fact is that these forms can exist as independent parts of speech, while possessing the main feature - indicating an action.

Infinitives are Their main task - to carry lexical meaning: action as such without reference to the person, time and method of its implementation ( read, write, run, sing).

In this form, they can appear in sentences both as a verb and as a noun. If the infinitive has an ending, it becomes either a personal verb or a participle.

Another unchanging form of verbs - the gerund - indicates the process of performing an action and is formed not by an ending, but by a suffix characteristic of this part of speech.


The adverb has never acted as a changing part of speech. These are precisely those words without endings, examples of which show that connections in phrases are possible without changing the grammatical category.

The role of adverbs in language is to indicate additional circumstances of the execution of an action. Although they have a lexical meaning, in fact they do not have full independence.

For example, " slowly" or " fast" talk about the pace of performing an action. But without a verb it is not clear what we are talking about. The same applies to any other adverb.

Therefore, it does not have the wealth of grammatical categories, like a verb or a noun, and is not required. After all, the main semantic load is expressed by the lexical meaning and the suffix characteristic of the adverb.

Own foreign names

Among the unchangeable words, and therefore without ending, are the majority of foreign proper names: Rio de Janeiro, Mississippi, Peugeot. These words have poor prefixes, roots, endings, and suffixes.

The reason for this is the peculiarity of the system foreign language. Some moments seem quite similar to the Russian language to the uninitiated, although in fact we are faced with interlingual homonymy at the level of specific morphemes.

There is, of course, a whole array of similar words that have long entered our language and become part of its grammatical system: Sahara - Sahara, Andes - in the Andes, Rhine - on the Rhine. But in such lexemes the endings are exclusively Russian and have no relation to the native languages ​​of these words.

Morphological richness

Philology knows many words without endings, examples of which are used daily in speech by all native speakers. The possibility of the existence of these lexemes is ensured by the richness of morphemes and their grammatical meanings.

Not only the ending can change the form of a word, but also suffixes. In addition, it is more often observed when the ending of one word acts as an indicator of grammatical categories in the second. That is, the main word requires from the addict exactly the form that is characteristic of himself: a gray coat, in a gray coat, with a gray coat, a gray coat.

In the same English language Most words have no endings at all, and grammatical categories are expressed using prepositions, which causes great difficulties in learning by native speakers of Slavic languages, in which the paradigm of endings indicating one or another form of a word is quite developed.

Schoolchildren very often have questions about how to distinguish words without endings from words with zero endings. Confusion with this comes from a lack of understanding of what an ending is and what role it plays. And this question is both simple and complex. Simple because the understanding of this linguistic term is absolutely accessible to the student. And it is complicated because its study requires knowledge of what a word change is, how a word differs from a word form, and therefore, ultimately, knowledge of what the grammatical meaning of a word is.

What is ending

So, let's start with the fact that there are words with endings and words without endings. Examples of words with endings: house-a, cat-a, dad-a, well-a, window-u, beauty-s, earth-e, yam-ah. Examples of words without endings: tasty, fun, not, for, hoping, working.

The first group of words ends in sounds or combinations of sounds that change if the form of the word is changed: houses (houses), cat-u, dad-oh, window-a, beauty-oh, earth-yah, yam-e. More precisely, precisely because the ending changes, the form of the word changes. If the word “cat” has -a at the end, then we will understand that we are talking about one cat: “A fat cat is sitting on the fence.” If at the end of the word -i, then, depending on the context, we can talk, for example, about the absence of a cat: “There is no longer a fat cat on the fence,” or about several cats: “All cats love to sit on fences.” In the above sentences we used three forms of the same word “cat”: in the nominative case singular(the cat is sitting), in the genitive singular (there is no cat) and in the nominative case plural(cats love it).

We can also, for example, change the word “world”: world-a, world-e, world-ohm, world-y.

Grammatical and lexical meaning of the word

Let us note that this is exactly the same word, since we are talking about the same phenomenon of reality, which is characterized in the same way. If we wanted to characterize this phenomenon differently, we would use the possibilities of numerous affixes of the Russian language: cat, koshunya, koshulya, koshusya, koshandra... By adding emotion, assessment to the word, we formed a new word: cat and koshusya are different words, not forms of the same word. These words have different lexical, but the same grammatical meaning: nominative case, singular. We can form other forms of these words: cats, koshusei. These are different words in the same form, that is, their lexical meanings are different (with the word “cat” we neutrally indicate an animal, and with the word “koshu” we affectionately call it), but their grammatical meanings are the same (genitive case, plural).

We can do the same with the word “world”. Forms of the same word: house-a, house-u, house-ohm, house-ami, house-ah. Words derived from it with a different meaning (the same meaning plus an expression of our relationship or clarification of size): house-ik, house-in-a, house-ish-e.

Word-forming and form-building morphemes

As you can see, the lexical meaning here is changed by the suffix, and the grammatical meaning by the ending. But this does not mean that a suffix can only change its lexical meaning. For example, in the word “god-l-a” the suffix -l- is a past tense suffix of the verb “godit”, that is, it does not form a new word, but forms its form.

Thus, there are parts of the word with the help of which new words are formed - these are word-forming morphemes, and those with the help of which the forms of the word are changed - these are form-forming morphemes. The ending (inflection) is a formative morpheme.

What words can have an ending?

From here we can draw the following logical conclusion. If the ending is a formative morpheme, that is, a part of a word that changes its forms, then it can only be in those words that change. Going through a random series of words in search of words with endings is irrational. They need to be looked for among words of certain categories, namely, among certain parts of speech. Let's say that nouns are mostly inflected, which means they have endings.

Words without ending. Examples

However, there are words that do not change their form. This means that these are words without ending. Examples need to be looked for among words of certain grammatical groups. For example, these are adverbs. As you know, this is an unchangeable part of speech, which means that adverbs have no endings: cheerfully, patiently, resourcefully (the dog ran after us cheerfully; the mother listened patiently to her daughter; in arguments, this man always dodged resourcefully).

Adverbs should be distinguished from short forms of neuter adjectives: “This sentence was resourceful and witty.” Here the final -o is a neuter and singular ending.

Checking for ending

It is easy to prove that in short adjectives -o is the ending. The word needs to be changed: “This remark was resourceful and witty.” The final -o has been replaced by the final -a, which indicates the feminine gender. The adjective has changed its form to agree in gender with the noun.

Accordingly, there is only one way to define words without endings. If it is impossible to form the forms of a word, then the word does not have an ending.

Zero ending

Words with a zero ending are just as easy to “compute.” The rule here is simple: if a word has forms (changes), and in place of a “silent” ending there appears an ending expressed by sounds, then the visible lack of inflection is a zero ending.

Let's say the word "world" ends with a root consonant R, after which nothing sounds in the word. However, it is worth changing this word: worlds, worlds, worlds, worlds, as we see that after the root a sound ending appears. This means that its absence in the nominative singular is imaginary; in fact, instead of pronounced sounds, there is an empty window, an empty cell that can be filled at any moment. Moreover, it is precisely because it is not filled in that we determine case and number. This is an example of a minus sign. The muteness of the ending in this case is no less significant than its specific sound.

There are many examples of such significant absences in life. For example, a sign with its name may be lit above the entrance of a cafe during business hours. Then, if the lights are not lit (silent), for potential visitors this means that the cafe is closed. If the green light of a traffic light is not on, this does not mean that it does not exist at all, its “silence” is significant.

A dash or omission where the price is indicated in a restaurant may mean that the specified dish is not in stock.

If you enter home and shout: “Who’s home?”, then silence will be a sign to you that the family is not yet there. A dark window can indicate the same thing.

Zero ending and no ending

Thus, the zero ending is a kind of "off" morpheme. It was turned off in order to express a certain meaning through its “silence.” In the words “arm-(-)”, “leg-(-)”, “head-(-)”, “cloud-(-)” this empty, “non-burning” window means the genitive plural. In the verbs “walked-(-)”, “spoke-(-)”, “sang-(-)” - the masculine singular. All these word forms have an ending, but it is expressed by a zero sound.

Therefore, it would be incorrect to say, for example, that “ruk” is a word without a suffix and ending. There really is no suffix here, but there is an ending. The sound of a word ends with the sound “k”, and its composition, actual boundaries, end with a morpheme expressed by a zero sound.

The absence of an ending, in contrast to the presence of a zero, is a place beyond the boundaries of the word. It is not opposed to the "included" ending, since the grammatical nature of this word does not imply an ending at all. Well, fearfully, under, with, going deeper - these are all examples of words without endings.

Thus, during the morphemic analysis of a word, it is necessary to distinguish words without an ending from words with a zero ending. Variable lexical units will have an ending, even if expressed by a zero sound, and the composition of unchangeable words does not imply an ending, including a zero sound.

It is not for nothing that the Russian language is said to be the richest and most beautiful, but at the same time the most complex in the world. In no other language in the world does there exist such a huge number of rules and exceptions to them, and not one of them can boast of such a wide variety of not only words, but also their forms that can be formed if, for example, a noun is declined by case, or conjugate verbs. Endings are especially difficult because they connect all the words in a sentence into a single whole. Determining the null ending can also cause problems. We will try to understand in more detail what a zero ending is in this article.

What does ending represent?

An ending is one of the morphemes that indicates the connection of this word with other words in one phrase or in a sentence. The ending is most often found at the end of the sentence, but there are some exceptions. We will touch on them a little later. Endings, unlike other morphemes, do not affect the meaning of the word, since they are not word-forming. It is thanks to him that one can determine the gender, case, number and person of a given word. For example, in the word “mainland” the ending -a indicates that this word is singular, genitive and masculine, and in the word “thinks” the ending -et indicates that this construction is third person singular.

Cases when the ending is not at the very end of the word

Some people may have difficulty determining the ending because they are sure that it must be at the end of the word. Cases in which the ending may be in the middle of a word:

If there is a postfix in a word, the ending will be placed before it. For example: cleaning up, someone, SOMETHING, let's go.

In complex cardinal numbers, the ending is present both in the middle of the word and at the end, that is, the ending will be after each stem. For example: fiftyØtenØ, fourhundred. However, you should not confuse ordinal numbers or adjectives that are derived from them. For example: fiftieth, four hundred, thirty-five thousand, eight-story, three-year, first-class, heptagonal.

Grammatical meanings of endings

Endings are a very significant morpheme because they completely influence the lexical meaning of the word and the entire sentence as a whole. After all, sometimes the easiest way to identify foreigners among a crowd of people is precisely because the correct use of endings in words is very difficult for them.

All endings in words can indicate the following grammatical meanings:

Number, gender and case for such parts of speech as, for example, (for example: canvas - ending -o indicates that the word is in the nominative case, it is also singular and neuter); adjective (for example: clean canvas - the ending -о indicates the singular, neuter gender and nominative case); participle (for example: washed linen - the ending -о also says that we have a word in the singular, in the nominative case and neuter gender); some pronouns (for example: your canvas - the ending -е also indicates a word in the singular, nominative case and neuter) and some numerals (for example: one canvas - the ending -о indicates a word in the singular neuter and the nominative case) ;

Only case for some pronouns (for example: there is no something - the ending -о speaks of the genitive case) and parts of numerals (there are no seven - the ending -i says that this word is in the genitive case);

Only persons and numbers for verbs in the future and present tense (for example: I am writing - a first person singular verb);

Only numbers and gender for verbs in the past tense (for example: spoke - a feminine and singular verb).

What is null ending?

Also, some difficulties may arise when determining the ending if it is zero. In order to easily identify it in a word, you need to understand what a zero ending is. Words with similar endings are often confused with words without any endings at all.

The zero ending of a word is an ending that is not expressed either by letters or sounds. Despite the fact that this type of ending is not expressed materially in any way, when analyzing the morphological structure of a word, it is imperative to designate it as an empty square.

Types of words with zero endings

The following types of words have a zero ending in Russian:

First person nouns in genitive and plural. For example: birds, seals, cows, pets.

Qualitative adjectives, as well as participles in the short form of the singular masculine, for example: resourceful, individual, inclined, magnificent, detained, armed.

The zero ending of masculine nouns of the second type, as well as feminine nouns in the third declension. For example: cockroach, parkan, felt, oven, speech, night.

Possessive adjectives in the form For example: fatherØ, motherØ, cowØ, foxØ, SerezhinØ.

Singular verbs in the imperative mood. For example: teach, watch, help, translate, ask.

Verbs in the subjunctive and indicative mood in the masculine gender in the past tense and in the presence of the singular. For example: spokeØ - would speakØ, listenØ - listenØ would, voteØ - voteØ would, askØ - askØ would.

People often confuse words with zero endings with words that have no endings at all. To understand all the differences, let's consider which words have no ending at all.

Words that have no ending at all

The following unchangeable words and groups of words do not have an ending:

Indeclinable nouns, for example: taxi, coffee, auto, coat;

Indeclinable adjectives, for example: Bordeaux, khaki, marengo, netto, baroque, Esperanto, pleated;

Possessive pronouns that indicate belonging to a third party, for example: their, her, his;

All adverbs, since an adverb is an unchanging part of speech and, by definition, no longer has an ending, for example: bad, sad, noticeable, unclear, confused, colored, altered;

Words in comparative form, for example: stronger, smarter, faster, clearer, more beautiful, sadder, more majestic;

All participles, since this part of speech took its indeclinability from the adverb and, like the adverb, cannot have an ending, for example: having read, washed, understood, read, remembered, remembered, parsed, realized;

All auxiliary parts of speech, for example: so that, if, not, nor, despite the fact that, only, barely, just, without, over, under, in;

Interjections, for example: well, yes, yes, fathers, uh, ah, slap, bang, bang, those times;

The initial form of the verb in the case where -т and -ти is perceived as a suffix, for example: eat, accept, feel, understand, respect, worry, act.

Also, during morphological analysis, words that do not have endings at all should not be marked in writing with an empty square. One rule will help you easily distinguish words without endings from zero endings. Words without an ending are unchangeable, unlike words with a zero ending.

How to determine the ending?

To determine the ending in any word, it is enough to simply inflect it by case. That part of the word that will change is it. This is how it is easy to identify the zero ending. Examples of words with this ending, as well as words that do not have it at all, are presented in the following table:



Immutable word



Whom? What?


To whom? Why?



Whom? What?





About whom? About what?


On in this example It’s noticeable how easily you can identify a given morpheme in words. Since the word “plisse” is not declined according to cases, it is a word without an ending, and in the word “mirror” only the root and zero ending are represented, because this is a noun in and in the genitive case.

Morphemes with which the null ending interacts

In most of the examples considered, the most common words are words that use only a root and a zero ending among their morphemes. All other morphemes can be combined with a similar ending. For example, words that have a prefix, root, zero ending: story, transition, departure, exit, swim. There are also words, during morphemic analysis of which you can see a prefix, root, suffix and zero ending. For example: teenager, put, predicted, timed. Very often words are used that simultaneously contain a postfix and a zero ending in the Russian language. For example: put on makeup, cheer up, sit down, help, imagine, armed.

Soft sign in morphemic analysis

Please note that soft sign cannot be the end of a word. This sign does not indicate any sound, but only indicates the softness of the consonant that precedes it. If a word ends in a soft sign, then it should be considered to have a zero ending. However, this rule does not apply to immutable words. For example, despite the fact that in the designs just, away, gallop there is a soft sign at the end; these words should not be counted with a zero ending. They are immutable and have no endings at all.

Features of morphemic analysis of a word

The ending is the only part of a word that changes. All other morphemes together form its basis. In morphemic analysis, it is perhaps easiest to identify the ending in a word, since for this it is enough to only slightly modify the word.

Minor difficulties that may arise during correct definition endings - this is to distinguish words that have a zero ending, as well as words without any ending at all. Since in this article it was clarified what a zero ending is, then this morpheme will not pose any difficulties during analysis.

In most concepts, a morpheme is considered an abstract linguistic unit. The specific implementation of a morpheme in a text is called morphois or (more often) morph.

Moreover, morphs representing the same morpheme may have different phonetic appearance depending on their environment within the word form. A set of morphs of one morpheme that have the same phonemic composition is called allomorph.

Variation in the expression plan of a morpheme forces some theorists (namely, I. A. Melchuk and N. V. Pertsov) to conclude that a morpheme is not a sign, but a class of signs.

Thus, in the works of N.V. Pertsov it is stated that “in everyday life, even among specialists in morphology, the term “morpheme” is often used in the meaning morph” and that “sometimes such indistinction in word usage even penetrates into published scientific texts.” N.V. Pertsov believes that “one should be careful in this regard, although in the vast majority of cases it is clear from the context what kind of entity - a concrete text morph or an abstract linguistic morpheme - is being discussed.”

Classification of morphemes

Roots and affixes

Morphemes are classified into two main types - root (roots) And affixal (affixes) .

Root- the main significant part of the word. The root is an obligatory part of any word - there are no words without a root (except for rare secondary formations with a lost root, such as the Russian “you-nu-t (prefix-suffix-ending)”). Root morphemes can form a word either accompanied by affixes or independently.

Affix- an auxiliary part of a word, attached to the root and used for word formation and expression of grammatical meanings. Affixes cannot form a word on their own - only in combination with roots. Affixes, unlike some roots (such as cockatoo), are not isolated, occurring only in one word.

Classification of affixes

Affixes are divided into types depending on their position in the word. The most common types of affixes in the world's languages ​​are: prefixes, located in front of the root, and postfixes, located after the root. The traditional name of the Russian language prefixes is consoles. The prefix clarifies the meaning of the root, conveys the lexical meaning, and sometimes expresses the grammatical meaning (for example, the aspect of verbs).

Depending on the meaning expressed, postfixes are divided into suffixes(having a derivational, that is, word-formative meaning) and inflections(having a relational, that is, indicating a connection with other members of the sentence, meaning). The suffix conveys both lexical and (more often) grammatical meaning; can translate a word from one part of speech to another (transposing function). Inflections are word-modifying affixes. The traditional name for inflections in the Russian language is graduation, since they are mainly located at the very end of words.

There are languages ​​(Turkic, Finno-Ugric) in which there are no prefixes, and all grammatical relations are expressed by postfixes. Some other languages ​​- for example, Swahili of the Bantu family, (Central Africa) - use prefixes and almost no postfixes. In the Indo-European languages, to which the Russian language belongs, both prefixes and postfixes are used, but with a clear advantage towards the latter.

In addition to prefixes and postfixes, there are other types of affixes:

  • interfixes- service morphemes that do not have eigenvalue, but serve to connect roots in complex words (for example, forehead- O-shaked);
  • confixes- combinations of prefix and postfix, which always act together, surrounding the root (as, for example, in the German word ge-lob- t - “praised”);
  • infixes- affixes inserted into the middle of the root; serve to express a new grammatical meaning; found in many Austronesian languages ​​(such as Tagalog: sumulat"to write", cf. sulat"letter");
  • transfixes- affixes, which, breaking the root, consisting of only consonants, themselves break and serve as a “layer” of vowels among the consonants, determining the grammatical meaning of the word (found in Semitic languages, in particular in Arabic). IN Arabic there are very few vowels, there are only 3 of them, since the language is consonantal:
Akbar- biggest. Kabir- big. Kibar- big.


  • A. A. Reformatsky. Introduction to linguistics
  • Modern Russian language (edited by V. A. Beloshapkova)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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    Same as flexion... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ENDING, I, Wed. 1. see finish, sya. 2. The end, the final part of something. Prosperous Fr. stories. O. novel in the next issue of the magazine. 3. In grammar: the same as inflection. Case o. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ending- radio channel The physical location of the radio equipment antenna (ITU R F.1399). Topics: telecommunications, basic concepts Synonyms of radio channel EN radio termination ... Technical Translator's Guide

    ENDING- (termination). The part of a word added to the stem when the word is grammatically modified, both in Latin and in Greek languagesTerms of botanical nomenclature

    ending- wait for the end modality, wait wait for the end continuation, modality, wait wait for the end modality, wait wait for the end modality, wait for the end follows the subject, approaching / moving away (not)… … Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

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