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The art of healing has been known since time immemorial. Healers, healers, chiropractors, healers, doctors, physicians - they all helped people in the fight against illnesses. It is not for nothing that the medical profession is recognized as one of the oldest, and, without a doubt, the most useful. A person's whole life is closely connected with the good doctor. We even come into this world under the supervision of a doctor, and if trouble happens, illness comes, and a man in a white coat sometimes becomes our main support.

The profession of a doctor is necessary, it is in demand literally everywhere: in work, in sports, even on our appearance, the skillful hands of doctors work. Medical science has achieved undoubted success: diseases that claimed thousands of lives have been defeated. But, alas, nature presents new surprises: new viruses appear, new types of diseases arise. And again, doctors and medical scientists come to the rescue: they study the disease, look for new vaccines, analyze new treatment methods.

But here’s what’s interesting: the profession is ancient, and doctors found their professional holiday quite recently (especially in comparison with the experience of healing itself).

history of the holiday

In 1971, at the initiative of the World Health Organization and International organization Doctors Without Borders established International Doctors Day. And only 10 years later in the Soviet Union, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On Holidays and Memorable Dates,” the doctors of our country finally received their professional holiday. By the way, this day, both then and in modern Russia, is celebrated more widely than International Doctors Day.

When on the map Soviet Union Fifteen sovereign states emerged; Medical Worker Day, established in 1980, has not lost its relevance. In Russia, as well as in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia, people in white coats still accept congratulations on the third Sunday in June.

In 2018 Medical Worker's Day Russia celebrates June 17. Unlike many professional holidays, this day is remembered not only by those to whom it is addressed. Even the most healthy man cannot say that he has never seen a doctor. What can we say about those for whom the doctor is the only hope? People in white coats help us cope with the problems that we thoughtlessly give to ourselves.

Medical Worker's Day, like many professional holidays in our country, does not yet have any special traditions. Of course, on the eve of the holiday, medical teams hold ceremonial summaries and concerts, and at a higher level, state level government awards are presented. Grateful patients also do not forget on this day to congratulate their good angels - doctors. Warm words and flowers from former patients probably mean no less to doctors than certificates of honor.

Well, the holiday itself - Sunday - is most often celebrated among relatives and friends, because those who face pain every day need to replenish their mental strength and receive their portion of love, respect, and gratitude.

Our friendly team with pleasure and endless respect, happy upcoming holiday - Medical Workers' Day! The medical profession is without a doubt the most humane. This title requires not only the deepest professionalism, but also self-denial. Our sincere warm wishes of all the best to these wonderful, selfless people.

Health is the main component modern society. The science of medicine deals with the preservation and restoration of public health.

There is a profession that accompanies all people throughout our lives - this is the profession of a health worker. In fact, doctors have been with us since birth; when we are born, doctors deliver babies; when we are sick, we also go to doctors for help.

People trust these specialists with their lives and health, which is why the Medical Worker’s Day holiday is one of the most significant and revered.

This holiday is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other countries: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Latvia. However, this date is different in each country. Traditionally, in Russia, Medical Worker Day is celebrated on Sunday, June 17.

The medical profession is one of the most in demand in the world. Every person has visited a doctor at least once in his life. They saved the lives of many and preserved their health, so doctors deserve great honor and respect.

history of the holiday

The first time Medical Worker's Day was celebrated in Russia was in 1980. During the Soviet Union, the problems of the nation's health were taken seriously, and people respected and honored those who help maintain this health.

After the collapse of the USSR, Doctor's Day moved into the calendar of Russian holidays. But the importance of the profession has not decreased. To this day, society treats workers in this field with great trepidation.

Traditions of celebrating Medical Worker's Day

This holiday has gained impressive popularity in Russia, which can be compared with Teacher's Day, writes Since then it has acquired many traditions.

1) Traditionally, on this day the results of the work of hospitals, departments, and teams that work in this area are summed up. On this day, conscientious, responsible and professional medical workers receive gratitude, encouragement, bonuses and much more.

2) On their day, medical workers accept congratulations from their colleagues, patients and family members.

3) All institutions hold conferences, meetings, sessions that are aimed at highlighting medical problems in society. As a result, after these events, they find patrons who want to help some medical institutions, volunteers and other people who can be useful in this area.

4) The country's authorities strive to encourage individual workers and even entire teams on this holiday with bonuses, thanks, certificates of honor and others.

There is one special profession that accompanies every person throughout his life - this is the profession of a medical worker. Doctors and doctors are nearby when we are born, when we are sick in childhood, adolescence and throughout the rest of the time allotted to us, when our grandchildren... We trust them with the most valuable thing that every person has - this is life and health, so it is not surprising that one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in Russia is Medical Worker’s Day.

What date is Doctor's Day in 2018?

This holiday is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in many other countries, for example, in Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Kazakhstan, etc. But in each country the date of celebration varies. In Russia, Medical Worker Day is traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday in June. In 2018, the holiday falls on June 17.

history of the holiday

For the first time in our country, Medical Worker Day was celebrated in 1980. Back then, back in the existing Soviet Union, they took a responsible approach to the problems of the nation’s health and, of course, respected and honored those who help maintain this health. After the collapse of the USSR, Medical Day moved to, emphasizing that the importance of the profession has not fallen, and society still treats workers in this field with great reverence.

Traditions of celebrating Medical Worker's Day

Perhaps, this holiday in the Russian Federation has gained very impressive fame, which can only be compared with Teacher’s Day, for example. It is not surprising that it has acquired a considerable number of traditions, which we hasten to tell you about.

1. Traditionally, on Medical Worker Day, the results of the work of hospitals, teams and individuals working in this field take place. As a result, the most conscientious, professional and responsible medical workers are identified, who receive rewards and marks of gratitude from respected people.

2. Doctors accept well-deserved congratulations on their holiday and courtesies from colleagues, patients and family members.

3. Conferences, sessions and meetings are taking place everywhere, aimed at highlighting the problems of medicine in society. As a result of such events, patrons are found who want to help some medical institutions, volunteers and other people who can be useful in this area.

4. The Government of the Russian Federation also encourages individual workers and even entire teams on this holiday with bonuses, thanks, certificates of honor, etc.

Congratulations on Doctor's Day - video

The medical profession is one of the oldest in the world (Photo: Dmitry Kalinovsky, Shutterstock)

An eternal feat - it’s within your reach,
Your hands are sleepless and holy.
I want to bow low to you,
People in white coats.

Music by E. Kolmanovsky,
words by L. Oshanin
"Men in White Coats"

Every year on the third Sunday in June


Kazakhstan, Moldova and

According to long-standing tradition, they celebrate

Medical Worker's Day

(Medical Day).

The basis for celebrating this professional holiday is Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorable days”, as amended by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 9724-XI dated November 1, 1988 “On amendments to USSR legislation on holidays and memorial days." And this tradition continues today.

The medical profession is one of the oldest in the world, and nowadays it is in demand literally everywhere. Each of us at least once in our lives turned to a doctor for help and treatment. After all, even at the very beginning of a person’s life - at the birth of a baby - doctors are directly involved. And modern healthcare and the efforts of doctors are aimed not only at treating diseases and maintaining human health, but also at its development.

The editorial board of the Events Calendar project sincerely congratulates medical workers and veterans on their professional holiday. We are grateful to you for coming to the rescue in the most difficult moments and saving our lives. We wish you even greater responsibility, cordiality and concern for patients.

Other holidays in the “International Holidays” section

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Medical Worker's Day in numbers

Medical Worker's Day in other calendars

Medical Worker's Day

Russian holidays

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays of Ukraine

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Belarus

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Armenia

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Kazakhstan

Related holidays

Otolaryngologist Day

Medical holidays

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Medical holidays

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Medical holidays

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Medical holidays

See all related holidays from the “Medical Holidays” section. The holiday is presented by:

There is no more honorable work in the world,
More noble and more important!
A paramedic saves a life
He treats ordinary people.

I wish you good health,

Strong nerves, a lot of strength,
Personal happiness, good luck,
Faith, courage, love!

Diagnosis - accurate, anamnesis - quick,
Confident actions, correct thoughts,
More patients are very grateful,
Experienced colleagues, not untalented ones.

And the cardiograms are not straight, but zigzag,

May you walk through life with victorious steps,
High salaries, career growth,
Achieve everything with inspiration and simplicity,
Without tachycardia to climb up,
And so that you don’t need donors of happiness.

Work with a smile and normal blood pressure.

And be in excellent physical shape.
Thank you for your work, thank you for existing!
Happy Doctor's Day! Medicus medico amicus est!

Happy Doctor's Day, I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of your own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude from people. Good luck in your business and good mood.

People in white coats... bow to you,
Behind sleepless nights, works.
For the lives saved once upon a time,
For saving someone's dreams!

Your work is important and everyone really needs it,

After all, a person is nowhere without you.
May earthly blessings come to you,
Trouble passes by!

Health workers, angels of God,

Many lives are in your hands.
May the Lord grant you health,
Happiness, joy, all the best!

On Doctor's Day we wish from the bottom of our hearts:
Let gratitude flow to you like a river,
And may it continue for many years to come
This work remains the best.

We wish to cope once or twice

With any problem, no matter what happens,
So that there is 10 times more in your life
Goodness, love and happiness appeared.

There are many doctors in the world,
But I confess - you are from God!
To you, a good doctor,
I will take care of all your ailments.

Took the Hippocratic oath

And they are very faithful to her,
Feel free to treat illnesses
There is no more useful profession.

I want to wish you

Avoid all diseases
And good health, strong
Make us all happy consistently.

Your hands are golden

Many people were healed.
My bow to you to the ground.
Happy Professional Day!

Who proudly bears the title of “medic”,
He deserved respect.
Let the sun shine brighter in life,
I have enough strength to do everything.

Let the profession bring

Prosperity, joy and success.
Let all questions be resolved,
The boss appreciates it the most!

When you hear “Be healthy!”
You'll immediately remember the doctors.
Those who rush to our aid,
Whose advice is always ready.

Wear white coats

Nice guys.
Anatomy - A+!
We will congratulate them.

In general, magicians of medicine,

Like a shot of penicillin
We will write you a prescription.
And there is no more wonderful one:

Ten drops of kindness

Twenty drops of beauty
For a glass of happy life.
Stir until thick.

So that everything is fine -

From luck powder,
A spoonful of good health
We add with love.

A spoonful of sweet love

For the blood to boil.
Mix everything well.
Take daily.

Good for health.

What else have we forgotten?
They took a spoonful of the mixture -
Let's start the procedure.

Bitter, too small

Medical salary.
So that she grows faster,
We add yeast.
It will be lush, it will be sweet.
Everything will be fine with you!

Your work is not more important in the world!
Profession - from ancient times and forever.

After all, everyone knows, both adults and children,

That the doctor is the most important person!

We sincerely congratulate you on Doctor's Day.

We want you to always be lucky in everything.
We wish you warmth and prosperity,
Move forward, in spite of all diseases!

Happiness and peace to your families,
Good, sincere friends,
Limitless luck,
Bright and good days.

Grateful patients

And good health to you,
Many joyful moments
And all the best. Hurray for doctors!

Wish you health
Very important and honorable.
For all doctors I myself
I'll gladly take ten grams.
For the sake of such a holiday,
And Doctor's Day is once a year,
This is what I wish again:
May you be very lucky!
Who's talking about what - I'm talking about one thing:
Joy, good luck in everything,
You will have everything in a bundle!


Doctor's Day in Russia is already more than thirty years old. On this holiday, representatives of a complex, dangerous and noble profession are honored - medical workers: doctors, nurses, orderlies.

A doctor is a responsible, risky and unpredictable profession, vital and irreplaceable for any society. This is probably why, even on their professional holiday, doctors cannot afford a full day off.

When is Medical Worker Day in 2018 in Russia, what date is it: Medical Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June

Medical Worker Day was first established in the Soviet Union according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council “On Holidays and Memorial Days.” Subsequently, the idea was picked up all over the world, and now doctors are honored in dozens of CIS countries, Europe, Africa and America.

Doctor's Day is not the only holiday for medical workers. Thus, in some countries, May 12 is celebrated as International Nurses Day. The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance: on May 12, 1820, Florence Nightingall, one of the founders of the Sisters of Charity movement, was born. But nurses don’t have their own day off.

However, the servants of Aesculapius (the ancient Roman god of healing), regardless of gender, have more than enough reasons to celebrate: the Day of the Surgeon, Paramedic, Resuscitator, Therapist and dozens of other professional holidays are celebrated in Russia annually and on a large scale.


Happiness and peace to your families,
Good, sincere friends,
Limitless luck,
Bright and good days.

Grateful patients
And good health to you,
Many joyful moments
And all the best. Hurray for doctors!

Happy Doctor's Day, I congratulate you all!
I wish you patience and health.
So that everything is calm at work,
And so that you are always paid adequately.

For giving good things to people,
Because you care.
For your priceless, glorious work
Our deep bow to the floor!

There are many professions in the world,
Everyone is important in their own way
But to those who save the sick.
There really is no price.

Saints, wizards, gods?
People just like us.
Yes, only a few people can achieve this feat,
They are the pride of our country.

Your Day, medical worker,
Marked on the calendar
And life without grief and pain
We are obligated to you personally!

The smartphone wheezes, it’s all engulfed in heat,
Which, however, is symptomatic on this day,
After all, so many patients are in a hurry to see you
Congratulate via SMS, call or in person

Happy Doctor's Day! Thankful words
And the oceans splash with wishes.
I'll add a drop - let love
Relieves your fatigue constantly,

Health will never fail you
And nerves are like iron ropes
Let them be strong and grow exponentially
For the noblest work the salary

Everything will always be fine in the family,
And your pulse quickens on your wrist
May fate have magic powder
From a bubble with a bright “Happiness” sticker!

When is Health Worker Day in 2018 in Russia: beautiful postcards

The uniform of a medical worker appeared only in the 19th century. Before this, doctors and nurses wore ordinary aprons and gloves during operations.

The English doctor Joseph Lister stated that dirt is clearly visible on white, and every doctor should wear only a white coat for sanitation purposes.
That's how it stuck. Moreover, in the same 19th century, the professionalism of a physician was judged by a white coat. He was considered literate if during the operation he did not stain his uniform too much with blood.

There is no single established tradition for celebrating Medical Worker Day. Concerts and awards are held on this day. Doctors have two state awards: “Honored Health Worker Russian Federation" and "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation."

In our country there are two most honorable titles of medical workers, which are awarded on Medical Day to workers in this field for some outstanding abilities or breakthroughs in medicine:

Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation.

Award "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation" awarded by the Government to those doctors who have distinguished themselves in the best possible light and have at least 15 years of experience in the medical field.

Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation is the highest degree of praise deserved by people who have completely devoted themselves to their favorite profession: they have special knowledge and experience, have published their works, developed new concepts in medicine, or in any other way have demonstrated their extraordinary abilities and professional qualities. The awarding of this or that award takes place at the state level and is even broadcast on television. Each of these two awards is public recognition of the dedication and brilliant talent of a medical professional.

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