28th Guards Rifle Division

Formed on 05/03/1942 from the 180th Infantry Division (I). The division included (this new numbering of division units was assigned on June 14, 1942) 86th, 89th, 92nd Guards. joint venture, 61st Guards. ap. At the end of April 1943, the division was transferred from the North-Western Front to Kursk, became part of the 53rd Army of the Steppe Front and took up defensive positions at the line near Kastorny in the second echelon of the army. In July 1943, units of the division fought heavy defensive battles on the Kursk Bulge. By July 29, 1943, the division was concentrating north of Smorodinno and preparing for the offensive. In August, the division as part of the 53rd Army went on the offensive and acted in the direction of the main attack, with the Kharkov highway as the axis of the offensive. 23.8. In 1943, by order of the Supreme High Command, for the courage, heroism and courage of the personnel in the battles for Kharkov and in the Belgorod-Kharkov operation, the division as a whole was given the honorary name “Kharkov”. Until September 17, the division is replenished with people and military equipment, conducts training and moves to the Dnieper, where it participates in the offensive to liberate Left Bank Ukraine. In mid-November 1943, the division became part of the 82nd infantry regiment. On January 18, 1944, after bloody battles, the division was withdrawn to the second echelon in the Sergeevka area for rest and replenishment. From January 29, 1944, the division, consisting of the 82nd infantry regiment of the 37th Army, went on the offensive with the aim of breaking through the enemy defenses at the Vysoko Pole - Avdotyevka line. Having completed the task, the division goes on the defensive. On January 31, 1944, units of the division took part in the Nikopol-Krivoy Rog operation, diverting the main fresh enemy forces to themselves. On February 13, 1944, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. From February 17th we again launched an offensive against Novo-Zhimtomir and Krivoy Rog. On March 4, 1944, units of the division were deployed in the area of ​​heights 115.9 and 106.0 south of Ossovina. Since March 6, the division has been participating in the Bereznegovato-Snegirevskaya operation. Here, as part of the 37th Army, it operates in the auxiliary direction of the front, aiming at Voznesensk. On March 16, 1944, the division, consisting of the 82nd Infantry Division, delivered the main blow in the direction of Vishnevo, with the task of capturing Petropavlovka, Bereznegovatka and reaching the Vishnevo-Zlatokol line. On March 21-24, 1944, the division fought for Voznesensk. Having completely cleared the city of Germans, the division's regiments reach the Southern Bug River. Having crossed the river, the guards advance to Razdelnaya, following Pliev’s KMG and Akhmatov’s 23rd Tank Corps, who are developing an offensive towards Odessa. On April 5, the division, covering the left flank of the 37th Army, came close to the village. Zhelepovo and Lozovoy farm (near Razdelnaya station). Throughout the spring and two months of summer, the 28th Guards fights for the liberation of Moldova - battles on the Kitskanovsky bridgehead, in the area of ​​​​Bender, Hadzhimus, Lake. Babai. August 1944 - conducts battles to destroy the Chisinau group of enemy forces (Iasi-Chisinau strategic operation). On September 3-7, 1944, units of the division crossed the Danube and reached the Romanian-Bulgarian border, concentrating in the area of ​​​​the village of Darabansh. Since September 24, 1944, the division as part of the 37th Army has been stationed on the territory of Bulgaria, where it remains until the end of the war, guarding the southeastern borders of the fraternal power.

First 28th rifle division was formed during the years civil war. Its full name: 28 Iron Tsaritsin Order of the Red Banner named after S. Ordzhonikidze Infantry Division. The division commander was Azin Voldemar Martinovich (1895-1920). The division under his command fought on the Eastern, Southern and Caucasian fronts. On November 7, 1918, the division's fighters broke the fierce resistance of the Whites and stormed the powerfully fortified city of Izhevsk. The division commander proved himself to be a smart tactician and an excellent organizer of a complex battle. He was one of the first awarded the order Red Banner. On February 17, 1920, Azin was captured by whites and killed after brutal torture. A monument to the brave commander was erected in Izhevsk, and in high school No. 12 in Izhevsk the museum of V.M. was opened. Azina. Then this division wrote many glorious combat pages in the history of the liberation war on the Eastern and Southern fronts, in the North Caucasus. For three years she stubbornly fought against the enemies of the young Soviet Republic. It was then known from its military exploits as the 28th Iron, Mountain, Tsaritsyn Rifle Division. The future marshal took part in the battles in its ranks Soviet Union Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, as well as many commanders who later became prominent military leaders of the Red Army. Among them we must name Army General N.F. Vatutin, Chief of Staff of the 2nd Baltic Front, Colonel General L.M. Sandalov. Of course, the commanders and political workers told us, the recruits, about the fighting traditions of this glorious unit. This inspired the personnel.

After the Civil War, the division was renamed the 28th Mountain Rifle Division and was stationed in the North Caucasus. In 1941 In battles with the Nazi invaders, the division was defeated and disbanded.

In December 1941, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the Arkhangelsk Military District began to form a new division. Its first commander was Colonel Grigory Ivanovich Sherstnev. Most of the fighters, commanders and political workers arrived in the division from Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov regions and the Komi ASSR, there were many former prisoners from the Gulag system. Stubborn combat training went on all winter, the fighters studied the material part of the weapons, regulations, and went to the field and forest for tactical training.

Udim school No. 1, where the 28th Infantry Division was formed.

The fighters received good training and became reliable, disciplined warriors. By order of the People's Commissar of Defense, the division was assigned the number 28 Rifle Division, and on March 12, 1942, the personnel took the military oath. On April 9, 1942, the 88th Infantry Regiment was the first to board the wagons, followed by all other units. Before loading, a meeting was held where the regiment presented red banners. The warriors swore an oath to carry these banners with honor through all battles and return home with victory. In April 1942, the 28th Rifle Division arrived at Kalinin Front. Soon, on the near approaches to the city of Velikiye Luki at the Stupino-Kuryakovo-Porechye line, the division received a baptism of fire. The division took part in the Velikoluksk offensive operation. At the end of July 1942, the 28th Division under the command of Colonel R.I. Sherstnev replaced the 24th Infantry Division and occupied the line of defense of the right echelon at the Stupino-Kuryakovo-Porechye line. In front of the division was the heavily fortified Martyanovsky enemy defense center with Laptev strongholds , Stupino, Senkovo, Martyanovo, Kuryakovo, Porechye, which were integral part German defensive line. In the Martyanovsky line of defense, the Stupino height was dominant. From it, the Nazis had a clear view of the territory occupied by Soviet troops for several kilometers and continuously fired at it with targeted fire, causing significant damage. In this regard, the division command decided to push back the enemy and take control of the heights. On German maps, Stupino Height was called “Bastion” (“Stupino Bastion”). All German sectors were well fortified. Resistance node German troops consisted of numerous communication passages, shelters, bunkers and pillboxes, and wire barriers were erected in several rows. In many areas of the neutral defense zone there were minefields, and there were also anti-tank installations.

It covered the railway and highways leading to Velikiye Luki, Nevel and Velizh and formed the core of the entire enemy defense in this sector of the front. The division command set the task for the 88th Infantry Regiment to master the heights. On August 23, 1942, the division entered battle. The fighters managed to drive the Nazis out of the villages of Pasinoi Pechukino, but failed to take the heights. Machine gunner Grigory Ostashev recalls: “Our company took up an attack position in a lowland, in a former enemy trench. No matter how hard the Nazis tried to knock us out of the trenches, they failed. Then they decided to drown us by draining water from a nearby lake. More and more people were killed and wounded. The water in the trench turned red with blood.” The commander of the sanitary company of the 88th State Infantry Regiment, Rossov, recalls the first battle: “And then the wounded began to appear. None of us have ever seen such terrible wounds.”

Scheme of military operations for the liberation of Porechye (from Knyazkov S.A.)

In September G.I. Sherstnev was assigned to another division, and the 28th was taken over by Colonel S.A. Knyazkov, an officer with extensive combat experience, a participant in the battle of Moscow. And then the long-awaited day came - November 24, 1942, when the Velikiye Luki offensive operation began. The 88th Infantry Regiment was again given the task of storming the Stupino Heights.

In the second half of November 1942, at the direction of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, preparations began for the Velikoluksk offensive operation. The plan to encircle the Germans and defeat them in Velikiye Luki was developed at the headquarters of the 3rd Shock Army, taking into account the comments of Army General G.K. Zhukov. One of the difficult tasks of this plan - to storm the Stupino Heights - fell to the lot of the 88th Infantry Regiment.

The diagram was compiled by I.D. Ostrovsky.

The regiment commander was Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Semyonovich Likhobabin, the chief of staff was Vasily Mikhailovich Zvontsov. Likhobabin first decided to use the “barrage” method when the infantry movement began immediately after the start of artillery and mortar fire. A separate penal company of Senior Lieutenant Kopytov took part in the assault. After the assault, out of three hundred fighters, only 6 people remained alive, among them Sergeant Nikolai Derkach. The battle continued until darkness. The next day, the enemy brought up fresh forces and tried to dislodge our fighters from their occupied positions, but they were unable to regain the heights. The divisional newspaper “Forward” wrote about the feat of machine gunner G. Ostashev. Senior Lieutenant Galkin fought heroically and was seriously wounded. In a heavy battle for the Pogonyalinskaya Heights, a group of soldiers under the command of Captain Shutov died - 28 people. All fighters were posthumously awarded orders and medals, and captain Shutov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. For these battles, the division received gratitude from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, division commander Knyazkov was awarded the rank of major general. In March 1943, Major General Knyazkov received a new appointment - deputy commander of the 3rd Shock Army, and Colonel M.F. Bukshtynovich took command of the division. In the fall of 1943, battles for the Holy Mountain began; on September 12, tanks with an infantry landing assaulted the Holy Mountain. The commander of the 3rd battalion of the 325th regiment, Captain Abanshin, who was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, skillfully led the combat operations. But during one of the enemy counterattacks, battalion commander Abanshin died. By the end of September 1943, many were liberated settlements Nevelsky district. At the beginning of September, the front commander, Army General Eremenko, gave instructions on the preparation and conduct of the Nevel offensive operation. The plan was approved on September 27, 1943. On October 6, at dawn, at 5 o'clock in the morning, units of the 28th division went on reconnaissance in force, which made it possible for the artillerymen to determine the location of enemy firing points. From 7 to 9 o'clock, artillery and mortar batteries along the entire front opened heavy fire on enemy positions. At about 10 o'clock a salvo of Katyusha rockets was fired, and the aircraft inflicted bombing damage in the immediate depths of the enemy's defenses.

Scheme sent to the Porechensk school by I.P. Konyukhov in 1975.

At 10 o'clock the rifle companies quickly went on the attack behind the "barrage of fire." 88th Infantry Regiment I.S. Likhobabina captured the village of Praborovye. Army Commander Galitsky K.N. led the 21st Guards Rifle Division and the 78th Tank Brigade into battle. At 15:30 our tanks burst into Nevel. Their actions were so swift that the confused enemy was unable to offer resistance. The capture of Nevel in one day was a complete surprise for the Nazi command. The 28th Infantry Division was awarded, among others, the honorary name “Nevelskaya”. The Germans did not want to come to terms with the loss of Nevel, who opened the way for our troops to the Baltic states and Belarus. Heavy fighting began, in which the regiment's Komsomol organizer Lieutenant Koblov, Sergeant Kislyakov, and Lieutenant Rykunich distinguished themselves. The fearless commander of the rifle company G. Galkin was wounded, and the commander of the machine gun company B. Balin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The crews of the mortar battery of sergeants Kuznetsov, Rozhkov, Oblat, Yurchenko, Revurko fired tirelessly. Hundreds of wounded soldiers and commanders were provided with medical care by doctor G.N. Syroezhkina, G. Rossova, paramedics T. Koblova, M. Rudnykh. Our fellow countrymen, sisters Nina and Katya Kovalev, voluntarily joined the ranks of the 28th division. They brought ammunition, bandaged wounds, and repelled enemy attacks with weapons in their hands. Maria Fileva was an ordinary Red Army soldier and served as a typist at the division headquarters. Sometimes I had to print when shells were exploding all around, and a stump or a fallen tree served as a table. I had to perform the duties of a nurse and orderly. Valentina Makarova - Chulina served in intelligence, was a communications operator. On October 10, the Nevel offensive operation ended. At the beginning of November 1943, the former Bryansk Front became the II Baltic Front, which included the 3rd Shock Army and one of the famous divisions - the 28th NKSD. The 28th division took part in the battles for the liberation of the Pustoshkinsky district and Novosokolnichesky. On March 20, 1944, Colonel V.P. Fedorov became division commander. Until the summer of 1944, the division was in active defense, then it took part in the liberation of the city of Polotsk and approached the Latvian border.

At the beginning of April 1945, our division was withdrawn from the battles to the Dobele area for rest. However, on April 16, its units were loaded onto railway trains and sent south. Soon our formations arrived in the Romanian city of Bucharest. We unloaded about 60 kilometers from this city, in the so-called “Royal Forest”, and set up camp. Here we celebrated Victory Day. In early July, an order was received to return our division to its homeland. The Nevelsk people entered settlements and cities in a solemn march with unfurled battle flags. And everywhere we, the winners, were greeted by jubilant crowds of people.

Veterans of the 28th Red Banner Nevel Division in Porechye. (photo 1985)

The Red Pathfinders, under the leadership of teacher Lyubov Alexandrovna Vasilyeva, and then geography teacher Maria Vasilievna Petrova, searched for participants in the battles for the capture of Stupino Heights. We found them, corresponded, and invited them to visit. Meetings were also organized with veterans of the 28th Nevelsk Division.

Throughout 1966-1967 school year Students of grade 9-A, under the guidance of class teacher L.A. Vasilyeva, conducted an active search and correspondence. The students collected a lot of material. And now the long-awaited meeting with the participants in the liberation of the village. On May 8-9, the following people arrived at the meeting: Likhobabin I.S. – Colonel from Orienburg, Vorobiev I.E. – former battery commander from the Kursk region, Karagodin S.I. - captain from Moscow, Khrapenkov - from Novosokolnik, Ostrovsky I.D. - from Chernihiv region.

Participants in the battles for the liberation of Porechye.

(from left to right), Ostrovsky I.D., Karagodin S.I., Likhobabin I.S., Vorobiev I.E.

From May 7 to May 10, 1969, a meeting took place in Porechye. Teachers and students of the Porechensk school were preparing for this meeting. The Red Pathfinders were especially worried, writing letters of invitation to the veterans, eagerly awaiting answers, and preparing souvenirs. Our fellow countrymen also met with veterans of the 28th Nevelsk Division: participants in the Great Patriotic War, with Hero of the Soviet Union Bochenkov I.A., with the chairman of the collective farm "18th Party Congress" Chuprov S.E. Together with the guys, the veterans walked through the battlefields and talked about the battles. On May 9, together with residents of Porechye, veterans participated in a rally that took place at a mass grave.

Throughout the 1971-1972 school year, tenth grade students worked to study the combat path of the 28th Infantry Division. They receive many letters and parting words at the end of the year. The best 5-B class was awarded a free trip to the Pushkin Mountains.

On the 36th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the 28th Nevelsk Division met again on Velikolukskaya land.A documentary film was made about this meeting"28th Red Banner Nevelsk Rifle Division", which was shown on Channel One (You can watch it on the Internet at the linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFotd0yDvlI ).

On June 8-11, 1982, for the first time in the history of the school, a tourist trip of the 1st category of complexity was made. The route passed through the battlefields of the 28th Nevelskaya Red Banner Rifle Division.

In 1985, Veterans of the 28th Nevel Division arrived in Porechye, were guests at the Porechensky school, met with students, recalled episodes from the war years, exchanged souvenirs and gifts, walked together to the sites of military battles, and took photographs as souvenirs.

Veterans of the 28th Nevel Division at the Porechensk school. (photo from 1985).

Another meeting at the Porechensk school took place in 1990. Veterans of the 28th Nevelsk Division visited the Battle Glory Room named after K.S. Zaslonov, listened to speeches from the guides, a report on the work done by the Red Pathfinders, and left feedback on their visit to the museum.

On May 4, a teleconference "Syktyvkar-Velikie Luki" took place. About its implementation and a photo report can be seen in the section “Work of K.S. Zaslonov’s room.”

All collected material about the 28th Nevelsk Division is in K.S. Zaslonov’s room.

28th Guards Rifle Kharkov Red Banner Division.
Created on May 3, 1942 by transforming the 180th Rifle Division (I f) into a guards formation.
180th Rifle Division (I f) in the active army from June 22, 1941 to May 3, 1942.
On May 3, 1942, for combat valor, it was transformed into a guards unit - the 28th Guards Rifle Division (later - the Kharkov Red Banner) Division.
28th Guards Rifle Kharkov Red Banner Division in the active army twice:
- from May 3, 1942 to March 28, 1943;
- from July 9, 1943 to May 9, 1945...

Combat composition of the 180th Infantry Division (I f):
21st Infantry Regiment
42nd Infantry Regiment
86th Infantry Regiment
627th Artillery Regiment
629th Howitzer Artillery Regiment (until 10/04/1941)
15th separate anti-tank fighter division
321st anti-aircraft battery (150th separate anti-aircraft artillery division)
90th reconnaissance company (90th reconnaissance battalion)
33rd Engineer Battalion
137th separate communications battalion
9th Medical Battalion
182nd separate chemical defense company
383rd Motor Transport Company (until 10/10/1941 383rd Motor Transport Battalion)
440th field bakery
46th Divisional Veterinary Hospital
787th Field Postal Station
467th field cash desk of the State Bank

The 180th Infantry Division (I f) was formed in August-September 1940, after the annexation of Estonia to the USSR, as part of the 22nd Rifle Corps on the basis of the 1st and 2nd Infantry Divisions of the Estonian people's army. The division's personnel remained in the uniform of the Estonian army, but with Soviet insignia. It must be borne in mind that until December 31, 1939, there was another 180th Infantry Division, on the basis of which, in particular, the Yeletsk and Oryol infantry schools were created.
In the active army during the Great Patriotic War from June 22, 1941 to May 3, 1942.
On June 22, 1941, it was stationed in Võru and Petseri, but did not take part in the border battle.
From July 1, 1941, it was transferred by rail to Porkhov; from July 2, 1941, it was concentrated in the Porkhov area; on July 3, 1941, three echelons of the division arrived; there were 9 echelons on the way.
180 RIFLE DIVISION (28 Guards SD).
Fund 1110, inventory 1, file 7.
OS No. 022. 07/06/41. 19.00. Shtadiv 180, Naverezhye. To 100,000 and 50,000.
1. The division is approaching the defensive zone.
2. 1/21 joint venture is on the march and by 24.00 07/06/41. concentrated in the reserve division in the Trubetskovo district. The remaining units have not yet arrived from Staraya Russa.
3. 42 joint venture with 6 LAP guns is ready for defense from 16.00 07/06/41. on the Shakhnovo site, lake. Beloe, lake Luchno.
4. 3/86 SP with 2 LAP guns 15.30 07/06/41. passed Naverezhye and is approaching the defensive area (claim) of the lake. Beloe, Vybor, Veska, lake. Chernozerye.
5. 8 guns of 627 LAP are located at the location of 42 and 86 joint ventures.
6. 15 ODPTO occupied the OP in the north-east. and southeast shores of the lake Naverezhskoye, covering the high district. 260.1, Naverezhye.
7. 157 OBS and 33 OSB are concentrated in the forest 700 m southwest. Naverezhye.
8. 90 ORB is concentrated in the forest to the southeast. Sidorkovo and from 15.30 conducts reconnaissance in the direction of Nazimovo.
OS No. 023. 07.07.41 19.00. Shtadiv 180, Naverezhye. To 100,000.
1. The division concentrates and occupies a new defensive line.
2. 1/21 JV at 12.30 left the Trubetskovo district and moved to the Podberezye district. 2/21 SP unloaded at the station. Porkhov, from where it proceeds in marching order to the Podberezye district.
3. 42 joint venture with 6 guns of 627 LAP organizes defense in the Shakhnovo, Bukhara sector.
4. 3/86 SP with 2 guns 627 LAP and one PA platoon at 15.30 07/07/41. set out from the Veska district and follows marching order to the Makhnovka district. Two PA platoons at 11.05 07.07.41. set out from the Naverezhye district to the Podberezhye district.
5. 150 BACK 07/07/41 arrived at the station Porkhov, where he unloaded and concentrated in the forest 4 km southwest. Art. Porkhov. The division is transferred in marching order to the Medvedkovo district.
6. The army headquarters is located in the forest 6 km east. Naverezhye. Units of the 21st MK were on the march and 07/07/41. by 13.00 they concentrated in Kashino, Usadishche.
The task of the 21st MK was to finally throw the pr-ka from the state borders, with a blow in the direction of the Houses.
In the district of Vybor, Yakovlevskoye, 331 OSB intensively carried out defensive work with the local population.
07/08/41 Units of the division came into contact with the pr-com. The 42nd joint venture on its left flank is fighting with pr.
OS No. 26. 07/09/41 18.50. Stand 180, forest west. Zakryuchye.
1. The division is fighting with the pr-com at the front: Sorokino, Kuprovo, Repshino, Kurtsovo, Sidorovka, Molofeyevka.
2. 2/42 SP on the front of Shakhnovo, Demidy, Trofimovo, the pr-k is passive. 3/42 SP 6.00 07/09/41 attacked by the pr-com and by 12.00 withdrew the left flank, at 17.00 the onslaught of the pr-com increases.
3. 386 SP from 5.00 07/09/41. retreated to the districts of Kiselevo, Rozhnevo, put in order.
4. 1 and 3 21 SP from 12.30 was sent to a counterattack in the direction of Makhnovka. By 15.00, units of the 21st joint venture reached: Tyaglitsy, high. 213.3. At 17.00 from Sorokino district, high. 203.0 pr-to tanks attacked 21 joint venture in the north-west direction. end of the lake Luchno. 21st joint venture retreats to the north-east. in the Repshino district, being put in order for a second attack on Makhnovka.
5. 2/21 joint venture in reserve, concentrated in Kiselevo.
6. PTD in reserve, in the western forest region. Zakryuchye.
7. BACK to the OP in the Medvedkovo district, high. 254.5.
8. OBS in the western forest region. Zakryuchye.
9. OSB in the western forest region. Zakryuchye.
10. ORB in the region of high. 260.1.
10-15.07.41 Units of the division occupy a defensive sector, according to the order, Stadiv moves to Dubnik in the western forest. Ostrovno at 13.00 07/03/41
16-17.07.41 1. Advance detachment 42 Sp 9.30 07/17/41 was in Long Field, from where reconnaissance was sent to Kamenka. The task of the detachment is to go to the Kamenka district and take up the northern defense. Kamenka.
2. Advance detachment of the 21st joint venture 7.30 07.17.41. occupied Gasteny and with three companies in the 1st echelon defends the front to the north. Opposite him on the southern shore of the lake there is a pr-k with which fire is being exchanged.
18.07. - 02.08.41 There are no operational reports.
Fund 357, inventory 5971, file 13.
Sheet 34. OS. 07/30/41 Shtapolk 28 Kreksha village. To 1:50000.
07/22/41 The regiment was assigned to the 180th SD.
At 8.00 the regiment reached the village of Gorki, where it immediately entered the battle. Regimental commander Major Sherazadshvili was killed. The regiment lost 60 people killed and wounded. The battle lasted from 8.00 to 20.00. At 21.00 the regiment reached the village of Tsivilevo and took up defensive positions. 07/24/41 marched in Tsivilevo, Voln. Dubravy, Retno, Kamenka, Zapolye, Gorodishche. Battle in the Gorodishche region. The regiment retreated to the Retno district. This loss includes 30 people. Near Retno 20 people. 40 people were also killed. wounded. Free Dubravy retreated. In the Zhgutikha district there are 7 people. 15 people were also killed. wounded, went to direction to-w"Red October". Losses in the battle: 25 people were killed, 45 people were wounded. Concentrated in the village of Kreksha.
Fund 1110, inventory 1, file 7.
OS No. 37. 08/03/41. 15.00. Shtadiv 180, Muravyevo. To 100,000.
1. Division with two regiments 21 and 86 Sp on the night of 08/03/41. replaced the 1st and 2nd battalions of the 936th joint venture, 42th joint venture, in the second echelon continues to strengthen the cut-off positions in the southern sector. env. Bokochino, Bol. Orekhovo, exclusively by accident.
2. 21 SP strengthened in the area at elevation. 59.1, Khutynka. Exclusively elev. 50.4, 51.1 86 SP fortified on the Gruzovo section, railway, which is 1.5 km south. Elevation 45.9, High. Lipovets.
42 joint venture in the second echelon took positions in the south. env. Bokochino, Bol. Orekhovo.
4. GAP in the Vys district. Lipovets, Sarai, north-east. 1 km Alt. Lipovets.
5. PAWS - elev. 46.0, which is east. Dubrovka and further in the region of the Kreksha River, in the southwest. Petrukhnovo 1.5 km.
7. VET in forest positions north-west. 1.5 km Kreksha.
8. stand 180 from 1.00 03.08.41. in Muravyevo.
OS No. 39. 04.08.41 15.00. Shtadiv 180, Muravyevo. To 100,000.
1. The division defends with 2 regiments (21 joint venture and 86 joint venture) in the Petrukhnovo, Gruzovo sector, 1 km north. Elevation 38.2 and High. Lipovets. 42 Sp without the 1st battalion in the second echelon defends the Bokochino district.
2. 21st joint venture defends the area at elevation. 42.4, bushes, that zap. 1 km Alt. Lipovets and Vys. Lipovets.
3. 86 SP defends district north. Gruzovo, 1 km Gruzovo junction of roads north. Elevation 38.2.
4. 42 joint ventures without 1 battalion defended the Bokochino district and the crossroads of roads in the region of elevation. 37.2, which is north. 1 km Empty Chernets. From 13.30 he went on the offensive on the front of Nagovo, Lyadiny, Pustoy Chernets.
5. Headquarters 180 in Muravyevo.
5-12.08.41 There are no operational reports.
DB No. 1. 08/13/41 19.40. Shtadiv 180, north. Mukhino 1 km. To 100,000.
1. By 21.30 08/13/41. I am taking up defensive positions in the area you indicated:
a) 21 joint venture - section of the railway bridge (claim) Konyukhov, (claim) Mukhino, consisting of 50 people.
b) 86 SP - Mukhino. Island, Ghanaians consisting of 62 people.
13-15.08.41 There are no operational reports in the case.
08/16/41 The pr-k retreated in the direction of Staraya Russa, offering resistance in small groups.
2. By 20.00 the 180th joint venture captured the line of Lipovitsa, Nov. Lipovitsy, Goroshkovo.
3. The division commander decided to capture Staraya Russa during the night and reach the 2 km north line. and north-west Staraya Russa.
17-18.08.41 There are no operational reports in the case.
08/19/41 Units 259 (or 254?) SD during the day of 08/19/41. continued to complete the assigned task. 936 Sp tried to cross the river three times during the day. Polist in the Kocherinovo region, but each time was thrown back to its original position (losses of 35 people)
08/19/41 There are no operational reports of 180 SD in the case.
DB No. 21. 08.20.41 19.00. Stadiv 180, 2 km southwest. Lipovitsy. To 100,000.
1. The pr-k stubbornly defends well-fortified bunkers to the west. bank of the river Porusya and r. Travel to Staraya Russa.
2. Advancement of 28 joint ventures and 21 joint ventures to the river. Polist. The division's position did not change and attempts to advance were unsuccessful.
3. To the right, to the north. There are no parts of the city, which is why the avenue flanks the banks of the river. Polist.
285 SP lies to the east. outskirts of Staraya Russa.
21-25.08.41 There are no operational reports in the case.
08/26/41 180 SD occupies defense in the east. bank of the river Lovat, on the front of the lake. Sitnoe, (lawsuit) Messengers. Division CP - forest east. 1 km Zaostrovye.

A memorial sign at the site of the battles of the 180th Infantry Division.

27.08. - 3.09.41 There are no operational reports in the case.
04.09.41 180 SD, moving from 6.00 09/04/41. on the offensive, fighting at the line from the river. Kolpinka (700 m north. Bol. Volosko), Zapolye, north. outskirts of Derglo. CP - 500 m east. Olisovo.

5-8.09.41 There are no operational reports.
09.09.41 From this date, the 180th SD comes under the operational subordination of the Novgorod Army. groups. The basis is a cipher telegram from the commander of the 11th Army No. 1224.
OS No. 43. 09.10.41 11.00. Stadiv 180, forest 1.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoye (northern). To 100,000.
1. 180 SD, completing the assigned task, by 11.00 10.09.41. holds the border of the lake. Babie, Krutets, edge of the forest 1 km north. Tarakanovo, Gostovets, Veretye ​​(south).
2. 140 SP by 11.00 09/10/41. holds the lake Babiye, elev. 18.2, in front of the regiment's front in the Bol region. Volosko, Mal. A hair's breadth to the infantry ave. For 09.09.41 the regiment had no losses.
3. 21 SP at 11.45 09.09.41. under the pressure of superior forces, the pr-ka left Zapolye and by 11.00 on September 10, 1941. holds 1 km north. Zapolye, Krutets. Losses for 09/09/41: 5 people were killed, 14 people were wounded.
4. 42 SP by 11.00 09/10/41. holds (claim) Krutets. edge of the forest 1 km north. Tarakanovo. In front of the regiment's front in the Dreglovo and Tarakanovo districts.

5. The combined company, 1 SR 140 SP and OPTD divisions hold Gostovets, Veretye, Mal. Butchers. Up to two companies of infantry, reinforced with mortars, defend Tsyblovo, Sopki, and Gorodok.
6. 41 SP from 16.00 09.09.41. defends the area of ​​Stary Dvor, Bor, Bol. Buchki, Pavlovo, Kolihovo, having: 3 SB in the Star district. Dvor, Konstantinovo, Viliny; 2 SB in the district (isk.) Konstantinovo, Pokrovskoe (northern), Podborovye; 1st SB - in the second echelon of the regiment, northern forest. Terebusha.
7. S 119 ORB 128 SD, 1/155 canvas. regiment, 34 MTSP.
8. KSD checkpoint - forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoye (northern).
11-22.09.41 180 SD maintains the same level. (Maps - l. 64, 67).
OS No. 22. 09.22.41 24.00. Station 180, forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoe. To 100,000.
1. 180 SD occupies the line (claim) of the lake. Babiye, elev. 18.2, Zapolye, Krutets, edge of the forest 1 km north. Tarakanovo, Gostovets, Veretye ​​(south), Yazvische, Mal. Butchers, improving the line of defense.
During the day the pr-k showed no activity. at 10.30 there was a 2-minute art-min. fire on the Ryabutki - Gostovets district.
2. 140 SP occupies and improves the previous defense area.
3. 21 SP on the night from 21 to 22.0941. occupied Zapolye. In the rest of the defense sector, it occupies the same position and continues to strengthen the defense sector.
4. 42 joint venture takes its previous position and continues to strengthen the defense sector.
5. Combined battalion, 1st SR 140 SP, 1st and 2nd companies 41 SP, PTD defends the line: Gostovets, Veretye, Yazvische, Mal. Butchers.
6. 41 SP (without 1 SB) occupies its previous position and continues to improve its defense sector.
7. 3 SR 41 SP occupies the defense line along the shore of the lake. Ilmen from the river Break before Zaitsa.
8. 1/155 CP occupies defense along the shore of the lake. Ilmen from the lake Deaf to Palmino.
12. KSD checkpoint in the same place.
DB No. 27. 09.23.41 10.10. Station 180, forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoe (south). To 100,000.
1. The pr-k in front of the front did not show much activity during the day. at 10.30 09/22/41 led art.-min. fire in the Gostovets district, Veretye. At 6.00 09/23/41. led the bullets. and min. shelling at section 42 SP. During the night he conducted reconnaissance in small groups.
2. 180 SP by 10.00 09/23/41. occupies the previous line of defense and continues to strengthen the defensive line:
a) 140 SP - (claim) lake. Babiye, elev. 18.2.
b) 21 joint ventures, occupying 09/22/41. Zapolye, defends (claim) elev. 18.2, Zapolye, Krutets.
c) 42 joint venture occupies (claim) Krutets, edge of the forest 1 km north. Tarakanovo.
d) The combined battalion (1 SR 140 SP, 1 and 2 41 SP, PTD) defend Gostovets, Veretye, Yazvische, Mal. Butchers.
e) 41 joint venture occupies the Old Dvor, Drovni.
f) 3 SR 41 SP occupies defense along the shore of the lake. Ilmen from Pererv to Zaitsa.
g) 1/155 canvas. The regiment defends the shore of the lake. Ilmen from the lake Deaf to Palmino.
3. Artillery - GAP at the OP in the forest to the west. Pokrovskoe.
4. KSD control center in the same place.
DB No. 60. 09.24.41 12.00. Station 180, forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoe. To 100,000.
2. 180 SD, striking with its left flank, from 5.30 went on the offensive on the front (claim) Lake. Babie, Zapolye, Krutets, Gostovets, Veretye, Bol. Myasnitsy, by 12.00 captured the following units:
a) 140 Sp, having the task of attacking in the direction of Bol. Volosko, Sorokino, Antipovo, north. river bank Katinka, north Bol. Volosko.
b) 21st joint venture, having the task of attacking in the direction of Zapolye, Kulakovo, Manuylovo, is fighting 400 m north. Navellie, Kulakovo.
c) 42 SP, having the task of advancing in the direction of Tarakanovo, Luchki, Shcheglovo, captured the first line of trenches of the northern avenue. Tarakanovo and is fighting.
d) 41 joint venture, having the task of attacking in the direction of Lutovnya, Shkvarets, Ryabnikovo, Bol. Yablonovo, fighting to the north. outskirts of Sopka, north. env. Town, 1 km south. Elevation 66.6.
e) 1 SR 41 SP and 1 SR 140 SP - KSD reserve, having the task of occupying the same position at the beginning of the offensive.
e) 3 SR 41 SP and 1/155 canvas. the shelf is in its original position.
3. KSP KSP - in the same place.
OS No. 24. 09.25.41 14.00. Station 180, forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoye (northern). To 100,000.
1. 180 SD by 14.00 09/25/41. continues to fight on the northern line. river bank Kolpinka north Bol. Volosko, 0.5 km north. Bykovo, Kulakovo, 0.5 km north. Tarakanovo, Gostovets, south. outskirts of Sopka, northern and north-east env. Town, high. from elevation 64.8. The pr-k offers stubborn resistance to fire.
2. 140 SP is fighting in the north. bank of the river Kolpinka, north Bol. Volosko.
3. 21st joint venture is fighting 0.5 km north. Kulakovo, Navelye, Bykovo.
4. 42 joint venture is fighting 0.5 km north. Tarakanovo.
5. 41st joint venture is fighting in the south. env. Sopka, north and north-east env. Town, high. from elevation 64.8.
8. The checkpoint is in the same place. (Map - l. 76).
OS No. 25. 09.26.41 14.00. Station 180, forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoe. To 100,000.
1. Carrying out the assigned task, 180 SD by 14.00 09/26/41. fights on the line: Bol. Volosko, Kulakovo, Dreglo, Tsyblovo, Gorodok, Lutovnya.
2. 140 SP met stubborn resistance from Bol. and Mal. Volosko, had no success and is fighting at the turn of the river. Kolpinka.
3. 21st joint venture is fighting in the region of Kulakovo, Bykovo, where it met strong resistance from the pr-ka and is fighting at the turn of 1 km south. Zapolye.
4. 42nd joint venture is fighting in the Dreglo region, Tarakanovo, under the influence of strong resistance, is fighting at the line 500 m north. Dreglo.
5. 41st joint venture is fighting at the line Tsyblovo, Gorodok, Lutovnya, where it met stubborn resistance and reached the line: mark. 43.1, north. Tsyblovo, Sopik, forest edge north-east. Town and elevation 64.8, his left flank battalion reached the heights. 71.4, which is south of Lutovnya.
8. KSD checkpoint in the same place.

27.09. - 03.10.41 There are no operational reports in the case.
04.10.41 The 180th SD by 24.00 occupied its previous position and was preparing for a night attack from 2.00 on 10/05/41.
OS No. 30. 05.10.41. 24.00. Station 180, forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoye (northern). To 100,000.
1. 180 SD, completing the assigned task of the day, by 24.00 05.10.41. is fighting on the northern line. river bank Kolpinskoe north. Bol. Volosko, 0.5 km north. Bykovo and Kulakovo, 0.5 km north. Tarakanovo, north-east outskirts of Gorodok, northern and southeast env. Lutovnya. The pr-k in front of the division's front offered stubborn resistance to the artillery-min. and bullets. fire and counterattacks were the task of units of the 180th SD on the night of 5/6/10/41. - former.
2. 86 SP, during the day trying to master Bol. and Mal. Volosko had no success and by 24.00 he was fighting to the north. bank of the river Kolpinka. The combined company of the regiment, bypassing Bol. and Mal. Hair with zap. with the task of attacking from the south to capture Mal. Volosko, by 24.00 reached the forest 1/4 km southwest. Small Volosko.
Regimental losses: 6 people killed, 16 people wounded.
3. 21st joint venture, during the day trying to capture Bykovo, Navelye, Kulakovo, had no success and by 24.00 was fighting 1/2 km north. Bykovo, Kulakovo. Regimental losses: 5 killed, 14 wounded.
4. The 42nd joint venture, as a result of a daytime battle, reached the northern flank with its left flank. and north-west the edges of the forest between Dreglo and Luchki and captured one bunker and three line trenches of the pr-ka, had no further success and by 24.00 was fighting, gaining a foothold at the achieved line. Regimental losses: killed - 9, wounded - 76.
5. 41st joint venture, during the day trying to capture Sopki, Gorodok, Lutovnya, repelling 7 counterattacks from the district of Gorodok, Babki, had no success, by 24.00 he was fighting: 1st SB - northern. and north-east outskirts of Gorodok and forest to the south; 2 SB - (claimed) road (3638a), elev. 64.8; 3 Sat - mark. 64.8, elev. 71.4. Regimental losses: 3 killed, 37 wounded.
6-8.10.41 180 SD continues to fulfill its task. He has no success in advancing; he is fighting at the northern line. river bank Kolpinka, 1/2 km north. Bol. Volosko, 0.5 km north. Bykovo and Kulakovo, 0.5 km north. Tarakanovo, north. and north-east env. Town, north and southeast env. Lutovnya. (Map - l. 102).

9-12.10.41 Position of units of 180 SD at 14.00 on 10/12/41. former.
DB No. 70. 10/13/41. 9.00. Station 180, forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoye (northern). To 100,000.
1. Pr-k from 2.20 to 3.15 led art. fire on the district 21 and 42 SP and bullets. fire on district 86 SP.
2. 86 SP finished shift 21 SP at 4.30 and occupied the defense sector: north-west forest. Bol. Volosko, (law) Luchki, began engineering strengthening and equipment of his site.
3. 21st joint venture, shift 42nd joint venture finished at 7.00 and occupied the section from Luchka to Gostovets, strengthening and equipping the section.
4. 42 SP did not finish shift 41 SP due to daylight hours.
5. 41 joint ventures occupy the same level. The shift of the 21st joint venture is disrupted by the approach of dawn and bullets. fire (Map - l. 128, 143.)
14-27.10.41 Units of the 180th SD occupy the previous line of defense, conduct reconnaissance of the avenue, and strengthen their lines.
DB No. 103. 10.28.41. 18.00. Station 180, forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoye (northern). To 100,000.
1. With the force of one company, with the support of 3 mortars and machine guns, at 14.00, the 9th SR 42nd SP attacked in the Pustynka region and captured Pustynka. During the day there was a rare art-min. shelling of 42 joint ventures from Babka, Gorodok and art. shelling of the 86th and 21st joint ventures from the Manuylovo region.
2. In the rest of the area, units of 180 SD occupy their previous position and are working to improve the defense areas.
28.10. - 01.11.41 Units of the 180th SD occupy the previous line of defense.
DB No. 112. 02.11.41. 9.00. Station 180, forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoye (northern). To 100,000.
1. The pr-k showed no activity.
2. Units of the division occupy the defense line: Tisva stream, west. edge of the forest eastern lake Babiye, sitting along the edge of the forest. R. Volozha, edge of the forest. Zapolye, according to app. bank of the river Volozha, 0.5 km north. Dreglo, Tarakanovo, Gostovets, Veretye, Yazvische Bol. and Mal. Myasnitsy, elev. 64 (northern Lutovnya), elevation. 71.4 (southern Lutovnya).
To ensure the junction of the neighbor on the left, 9 SR 42 SP was sent to the Pustynka district. To protect the east. coast of the lake Ilmen was sent 9 SR 21 SP to the area from the lake. Voitsy, shore of the lake. Ilmen, Khvoshchino, Palmino. To fight and destroy the landings of the pr-ka, a platoon of 86 joint ventures was sent to the Vdal district.
Reserve KSD - 2/21 SP is located in the Bor region, Mal. Butchki, (lawsuit) Podborovye.
(Map - l. 215, 237, 253, diagram - l. 259).
3-10.11.41 Parts of 180 SD occupy the former defensive line. Lead by Eng. work and reconnaissance of the pr-ka in front of the division front.
11/11/41 180 SD occupies defense at the line: (claim) forest north-west. Bol. Volosko, Zapolye, edge of the forest. Tarakanovo, Gostovets, Yazvische, elev. 64.8, high. 71.4, Pustynka. (Map - l. 435, 436.)
12.11. - 12/29/41 Units of the division defend the line: western. forest edge north-east Bol. Volosko, r. Volozha, Zapolye, Krutets, Ivashevo, edge of the forest 1.5 km north. Dreglo, Gostovets, Veretye, Yazvische.
30-31.12.41 Units of 180 SD occupy the same defensive line.
D village. Kushevery Krestetsky district. Monument to the soldiers who died in the medical battalion of the 180th Infantry Division.

Fund 1110, inventory 1, file 20.
OS No. 01. 01/01/42. 4.00. Station 180, forest 0.5 km north-west. Pokrovskoye (northern). To 100,000.
1. Units of the division defend the line: western. forest edge north-east Bol. Volosko, r. Volozha, Zapolye, Krutets, Ivashevo, edge of the forest 1.5 km north. Dreglo, Gostovets, Veretye, Yazvische.
3. 86 joint venture defends the line: zap. forest edge north-east Bol. Volosko, r. Volozha, Zapolye, Krutets, Ivashevo. The regiment conducts reconnaissance in the direction of Tulitovo. Bol. Volosko, Bykovo. Regimental losses: 17 people were wounded.
4. 42 joint venture defends the line: edge of the forest 1.5 km north. Dreglo, Gostovets, Veretye, Yazvische, (lawsuit) Myasnitsy. KSP KSP - forest 1.5 km north-east. Veretye ​​(northern). The regiment conducts reconnaissance in the direction of Tsyblovo. The regiment has no losses.
5. 21 joint ventures are concentrated in the Bol region. Tisva, Mezhniki. KP KSP - Mezhniki. Regiment losses - 5 people. wounded.
6. 627 AP - at the previous OP.
7. 33 OSB - 1 sapr. carries out mine clearance in the region of Rostani, Suchki, clearing roads from snow in the region of Lohini - Lazhiny. 2nd Sappr. - protection of minefields in the Bor-Pavlovo region, reconnaissance of the front edge of the avenue in the Tsyblovo region; 3rd Sappr. - protection of minefields in the Gostizha - Kushevery - Gorka region.
8. Barrier. The division's detachment is located in Palmino.
9. Will destroy. The detachment is located in the village of Mayata.
10 min. The division is located in the Kocheshino district.
13. KSD control center - in the same place.
2-13.01.42 Units of the division occupy the previous line of defense. They are fighting with the enemy.
DB No. 09. 01/14/42. 8.00. Shtadiv 180, forest 3 km north. Yuryevo. To 100,000.
1. During the night the pr-k offered stubborn resistance to 21 SP, 29 and 30 LB, advancing in the direction of Parfino with the task of capturing the latter.
2. 3/86 SP occupies defense in the east. on the outskirts of the Parfinsky Sleeping Plant. pr-k is led by art. fire on the defense from the forest area to the east. Konyukhovo and min. fire from the Fanern region. z-d.
3. 21 SP with 29 and 30 LB concentrated bushes that sowing. Parfino 1 km. The regiment fought from 17.00 to 8.30 to capture Parfino. The attack repeated three times was unsuccessful. The regiment, having suffered heavy losses, withdrew.
4. Yuryevo, Berezitsko, Sloboda are defended by 2 battalions of 86 joint ventures.
5. Barrier. division detachment - Yuryevo.
6. Art. regiment - at the previous OP. Fired at KSP statements.
7. 70 LB without 3 SR is located in the division command post area.
9. Division command post - forest 3 km north. Yuryevo.
OS No. 15. 01/15/42 16.00. Shtadiv 180, forest 3 km north. Yuryevo. To 100,000.
1. 21st joint venture - the advanced units of the regiment passed Ivankovo, the Anishino platform, continue to move in the direction of Kiev, Kryukovo; 2 Sat - on the move to Sychevo.
2. 3/86 joint venture with 29 LB defend the area of ​​the Parfinsky Sleeping Plant. 2/86 SP at 15.00 completed the delivery of the defense sector to 33 OSB and Himrota SD. The battalion is on the move in the Parfino district.
3. 42 joint venture carries out active defense of the area: forest north-east. 2 km Bol. Volosko, Zapolye, Ivashevo, Gostovets, Veretye, Yazvische, Myasnitsy. The regiment is preparing one page battalion for the KSD location.
5. 627 AP - at the previous firing positions.
6. 33 OSB, together with the chemical company of the division, defends the area: Sloboda, Berezitsko, Yuryevo, o. Sakhalin.
7. Barrier. The division detachment is located in the village of Yuryevo. fighter squad - Berezitsko.
16-18.01.42 180 SD occupies the same line of defense and continues to carry out its assigned task of pinning down and harassing the pr-ka in its sector of defense.
01/19/42 The division, with part of its forces, continues to carry out the assigned task of encircling and destroying the 290th Infantry Division, while pinning it down in the Bol sector. Volosko, Gorodok 42 SP.
20-22.01.42 180 SD occupies the same position.
01/23/42 The division carries out the same task, inflicting defeats on the 290th Infantry Division from the rear in the Pola region.
24-29.01.42 The division occupies its previous position.
DB No. 35. 01/30/42. 20.00. Shtadiv 180, forest 3 km north. Yuryevo. To 100,000.
2. The division, in cooperation with the 52nd and 74th Guards SB, continues to fulfill the assigned task of destroying units of the 290th Infantry Division.
3. Units of the division by 20.00 occupy the position:
a) 2/21 SP at 17.30 replaced units of the 7th GV SD, moving to the Shpalozavod district. 1 and 3/21 JV occupies the former district: Shpalozavod, art. Parfino, north-west forest Parfino 400 m.
b) 42 SP (without 1 SB) continued to fulfill the assigned task of attacking Bol. Volosko, as a result the regiment was not successful.
Regimental losses: about 120 people were killed and wounded.
c) 86 SP with 29 LB, in cooperation with a partisan detachment, occupies the line: western. river bank Pola, Home for the Invalids, railway bridge, Dubki, with the task of mastering Pola. In the region of Pola, according to the testimony of the prisoner, there is a garrison of up to 200 people, up to 4 machine guns, up to 3 mortars, one 75 mm cannon. According to the partisans, the convoys of the avenue are moving in the direction from Pola to Topolevo.
A group of reconnaissance officers, sent to communicate with the 254th SD, returned and reported: the 254th SD had left the occupied region, units of the 202nd SD were fighting on its line.
d) 1/42 SP at 8.30 was placed at the disposal of 52 GV SB for reinforcement.
e) 52 GV SB with 1/42 SP holds the agricultural Khmelevo (north), continues to move between Shchekotets and the settlement in the direction of Lukino.
f) 74th Guards SB, having no success in the attack for the capture of Tulitovo, retreated to the north-west. on the coast of the river Pola, one of the battalions of the 74th Guards SB, moving around Tulitovo from the west, reached the location of the 52nd Guards SB, from which it continues to move, fulfilling the assigned task.
g) 33 OSB, barrier. detachment and school for junior commanders occupies district of defense: Sloboda, Yuryevo, senopunkt and zap. coast of the river Vergot to the bend of the river that is sowing. 2 km of the confluence of the Lovat and Vergot rivers.
3) 627 AP - at the previous OP.
j) Intelligence. The company is conducting reconnaissance in two groups in the Lukino, Shchechkovo, and Manuylovo districts.
31.01. - 02/01/42 Units of the division continue to carry out the assigned task of destroying 290 infantry fighting vehicles.
2-4.02.42 180 SD - position unchanged.
OS No. 44. 02/05/42. 16.00. Shtadiv 180, Yuryevo. To 100,000.
1. Units of the division 02/05/42. at 9.00 they received a combat order to go on the offensive with the task of capturing: Parfino, Parfinskaya Luka, Zaklinye, Selivanovo, Zaostrovye, Pola.
2. The ship stubbornly holds on to the occupied line, launching counterattacks.
3. Position of division units by 16.00 02/05/42:
a) 1 and 3/21 SP - the same position. pr-k puts up stubborn resistance to the advance of units, conducts intense fire, units lie down. KSP KSP - forest 3 km north-west. Parfino.
b) 86 SP with 29 LB - the situation is the same. The combined battalions of the 86 joint venture are concentrated 300-400 m south. Borki, the offensive is delayed.
c) 52 GV SB occupies the district: Dubki, Home for the Invalids with the task of capturing and destroying the avenue in Karavashka. The next task is to master Paul. The offensive is delayed until the artillery arrives.
KP KSP - forest north-west. 2 km Home for the Invalids.
d) 42 SP (without 1 SB) occupies the same district: (claim) Bol. Volosko, r. Volozha, Gostovets, Yazvische. in the region of Bol. and Mal. Volosko has an all-round defense of the avenue; the attacks undertaken were repulsed by bullets. and art. fire.
The paths connecting the battalions with the regiment are cut off by the pr-k, the pr-k is trying to completely surround the advanced units of the regiment.
Regimental losses: 25 people were killed, 41 people were wounded.
e) 33 OSB with separate units of the 52 GV SB under the command of Major Popov, operating in the direction of Parfino, captured Zaklinye at 14.30.
f) The division's fighter detachment with two battalions 878 AP and two batteries 627 AP occupies the district: Sloboda, (claim) Selivanovo. at 15.00 they captured Selivanovo and continued to move to Zaostrovye.
g) 1/42 joint venture continues to blockade Shchekotets, Medvedkovo.
h) The junior command school is defending the former district.
4. The division's chemical defense company is located in the agricultural Khmelevo.
7. KSD checkpoint - Yuryevo.
DB No. 39. 02/06/42. 8.00. Shtadiv 180, Yuryevo. To 100,000.
1. pr-k continues to hold settlements along the river. Lovat - Parfino, Mukhino and along the river. Pola - Tulitovo, Pola, Bol. and Mal. The hair provides stubborn resistance.
2. Units of the division continue to carry out their assigned task, destroying the pr-ka in populated areas along the river. Seize and firmly hold their position in other sectors of the division's front.
3. Units of 254 SD by the end of the day 02/05/42. concentrated in the districts of Yuryevo, Anukhino, Putoborodovo, agricultural Khmelevo with the task of capturing and destroying the plant in the settlements of Parfino, Zaostrovye, Konyukhovo, Plywood Plant No. 2.
4. Position of division units by 8.00 02/06/42:
a) 21 joint venture (without 2 SB) - defense district: art. Parfino, Shpalozavod, edge of the forest in the north-west. Parfino. With the arrival of units of the 254th Infantry Division at the line: Art. Parfino, Shpalozavod - concentrate in the area of ​​the station. Parfino for action from the south to Mukhino.
b) 1st battalion 42SP occupies the same line: defends the defense district (claim) Shchekotets, Medvedkovo with the further task of blocking Shchekotets, Medvedkovo, preventing the advance of the defense from Shchekotets. Medvedkovo in the west. and southwest direction.
c) 42 SP (without 1 SB) - district: (claim) Bol. Volosko, r. Volozha with the task of firmly holding this line. KSP KSP - forest 1.5 km north-east. Bol. Volosko.
d) 52 GV SB with 86 SP occupies the district: Dubki, (claim) railway bridge, Home for the Invalids, firmly holds the district with the further task of capturing Pola and destroying the pr-ka. KSP KSP - forest 1.5 km north-east. House. disabled people.
e) 74 GV SB (without 1 SB) - the same position and occupies forest district from elevation 2.0, with the task of covering the Shchechkovo - Lukino, Lukino - Zaostrovye roads, preventing the vehicle from moving along these roads. The rest - advance to Plywood plant No. 2. after capturing Plywood plant brigade subordinates to the 1st GV SK and independently follows to the Pola district.
f) The extermination squad occupies the Slobodka district and firmly holds it.
g) 2/52 GV SB in motion. Route: Selivanovo, Slobodka, east. agricultural Khmelevo, Rudnevo, with the task of concentrating in Rudnevo at 13.00 and then advancing on Mukhino.
h) SR/52, PR/52, MR 52 follow the route: Pustoborodovo, Yasnaya Polyana, Krasnovo, Kiev, Rudnevo, in the area of ​​the station. Parfino are placed at the disposal of the commander of the 2/52 GV SB.
j) 1/74 GV SB follows the route Selivanovo, Zaostrovye at the disposal of the 74 GV SB.
k) 33 OSB occupies the Zaklinye district and firmly holds it.
5. The division’s chemical defense company is located in the agricultural district of Khmelevo (south)
6. The school of junior commanders defends the coast of the river. Vergot from the confluence of the Vergot - Pola rivers to elevation. 20.0.
02/07/42 Units of the division did not conduct active operations during the night, defended previously occupied positions, conducted observation and reconnaissance, units on the right flank were preparing to capture and destroy the avenue in Komarovo, Mukhino, Plywood Plant.
02/08/42 Parts of the division hold the line in the region of the river. Lovat Yuryevo - Mukhino.
OS No. 50. 02/09/42. 16.00. Shtadiv 180, Yuryevo. To 100,000.
1. The division continues to fulfill its assigned task of destroying units of the 290th Infantry Division, capturing successively populated areas.
2. During the day 02/09/42. pr-k is resisting the advance of our units and continues to hold settlements in front of the front of the division’s units.
3. By 16.00 02/09/42. units of the division occupy the position:
a) 21 joint ventures and 1/42 joint ventures completed the task of capturing Shchekotets, occupying the Shchekotets district and the edge of the forest in the north-east. Shchekotets, river bank Paula, that sowing. Shchekotets 400 m. They are preparing for mastering Antipovo. KP KSP - Tickler.
b) 42 SP (without 1 SB) occupies the defense line: lake. Long, r.r. Kolpinka, Volozha, Zaklinye, Krutets, Ivashevo, Gostovets, Yazvische. Separate groups of the regiment of 16-20 people. conducted reconnaissance in force in the direction of Bol. Volosko, Kulakovo, Bykovo, Gorodok.
KSP KSP - forest 1.5 km north-east. Bol. Volosko.
c) 86 SP with 29 LB - location area former. CP KSP - 1.5 km Home for the Disabled.
DB No. 46. 02/10/42. 20.00. Shtadiv 180, Yuryevo. To 100,000.
1. During the day the pr-k showed stubborn resistance to the advance of our units.
2. The division continues to fulfill its assigned mission. By 20.00 units of the division occupied the position:
a) 21 SP, 1/42 SP, will destroy. and barriers A detachment of the division attacked Antipovo at 16.50 and captured it.
b) 42 SP (without 1 SB) occupies the same line. pr-k is active. From the Zapolye district he launched a counterattack, but was unsuccessful. Conducted by a disorderly art-min. fire from the Bykovo, Sorokino districts.
Regimental losses: 14 wounded. KSP KSP - forest 1.5 km east. Bol. Volosko.
c) 86 joint venture with 29 LB occupies the district: railway bridge, west. coast of the river Pola, Home for the Invalids.
KSP KSP - 1.5 km north-west. Home for the disabled.
DB No. 48. 02/11/42. 20.00. Shtadiv 180, Yuryevo. To 100,000.
1. Units of the 290th PD pr-ka, showing stubborn resistance to the advance of our units during the day after the fighting, abandoned the settlements of Lyubokhovo and Sorokino. while suffering losses in manpower and swearing. weapon parts.
2. Units of the division continue to fulfill the assigned task of destroying the 290th Infantry Division, having overcome the fire resistance of the pr-ka, they captured: at 14.00 02/11/42. - Lyubokhovo and at 18.00 02/11/42. - Sorokino.
3. By 20.00 02/11/42. units of the division occupy the position:
a) 21 SP, having occupied the Sorokino district, continues to move to Mal. Volosko with the task of capturing and destroying the pr-ka in Mal. Volosko. KSP KSP - Sorokino.
b) 42 SP (without 1 SB), fulfilling the assigned task, slowly moves forward, passed the 2nd row of wire fence.
The pr-k is led by a barrage of rifle bullets. and auto. fire. Art leads from the Bykovo district. fire.
Regimental losses: 13 killed, 25 wounded. KSP command post - the same.
c) 86 SP, 29 LB at 20.00 02/11/42. left the Pola district and are marching to the Zaostrovye district east. Parfino.
d) 33 OSB carry out work to strengthen settlements. 8 OT were built in the Anukhino district and the Khmelevo village (southern), 4 OT Pustoborodovo, carries out mining in the Lyskovo and Yasnaya Polyana districts.
d) Exterminated. The detachment concentrated near Tulitovo and straddles the roads: Tulitovo - Lyubokhovo, Tulitovo - Mal. Volosko.
f) The school of junior commanders holds the same line, preventing the advance of the pr-ka in the north-west. direction from Tulitovo.
My checkpoint is Yuryevo, the additional one is Shchekotets.
DB No. 49. 02/12/42. 10.00. Shtadiv 180, Yuryevo. To 100,000.
1. Pr-k continues to hold Bol. and Mal. Volosko and eastern locations along the river Kolpinka, creating a perimeter defense and resisting the advance of our units.
2. Units of the division carry out the assigned task of destroying the 290th Infantry Division. as a result of the battle on the night of 02/12/42. our units captured Tulitovo.
3. By 10.00, units of the division occupied the position:
a) 21st joint venture concentrated in the north with the forces of three battalions. edge of the forest to the south Small Volosko and continues to bypass from the east. sides Mal. Volosko, having the task of surrounding the latter. KP KSP - high. 28.3.
b) Exterminated. squad, reconnaissance The company, having captured Tulitovo, continues to move to Mal. Volosko with the task of mastering Western outskirts of Mal. Volosko.
c) 86 SP with 29 LB - on the march, with the task of concentrating in Shchekotets.
d) 42 SP (without 1 SB) - the position remains unchanged.
e) A barrage detachment with 2 45-mm and 2 76-mm cannons, an anti-tank rifle company, 1/42 joint venture (consisting of 2 platoons) and a sapper platoon occupies the Kraskovo-Sloboda district, creating a strong tank defensive line.
5. My control point is agricultural Khmelevo (northern), additional control point is Shchekotets.
02/12/42 By 16.00, units of the division continue to fulfill the assigned task of destroying 290 infantry fighting vehicles. During the day they attacked Mal. Volosko. At 12.00 they attacked and captured the last one.
02/12/42 by 20.00 they captured Bol. Volosko.
OS No. 54. 02/13/42. 18.00. Stand 180, elev. 28.3, south. 200 m Sorokino. To 100,000.
1. Units of the division continue to carry out the assigned task of capturing and destroying the avenue in the populated areas: Bykovo, Navelye, further to the north-east. along the river Kolpinka.
3. by 18.00 units of the division occupy the position:
a) 21 SP fulfills the assigned task in mastering the south. the outskirts of Bykovo, bypassing it from the southeast. and is concentrated in the forest 1 km southwest. Bykovo. Conducting reconnaissance in the direction of Bykovo.
Regimental losses: 24 people were killed, 22 people were wounded.
b) 42 SP continues to move in the direction of Bykovo with the task of capturing the northern. env. Bykovo. Regimental losses: 10 people were killed, 22 people were wounded.
c) 86 SP during the day replaced 929 SP and occupied the defense line: Manuylovo - Lukino. KSP KSP - Manuilovo.
d) Intelligence. The company occupies the Tulitovo district. Two groups conduct reconnaissance in force in the direction of Navellier.
d) Barrier. The detachment is located in Antipovo.
f) The division's Khimrota is located in Sorokino.
g) 29 LB is concentrated in the Zaostrovye region, eastern. Parfino.
h) The school for junior commanders occupies the defense district in the east. coast of the river Paula at Tulitovo.
4. A barrage detachment with the forces of 2 platoons, 2 anti-tank guns, 2 76 mm cannons, an anti-tank rifle company and a sapper platoon occupies the Sloboda, Kraskovo district. The detachment's command post is Sloboda.
8. KSD checkpoint - forest 200 m south. Sorokino.
02/14/42 By 16.00, the division continues to fulfill its task of destroying 290 infantry divisions, having successively captured the settlements of Bykovo, Navelye, Kulakovo, Luchki, Dreglo, Tarakanovo.
02/14/42 by 20.00 21 joint ventures and 42 joint ventures are fighting for Dubrov.
02/15/42 During the day, units of the division successively captured the settlements of Sopki, Gorodok, and Kotechki.
02/16/42 By 16.00, the 21st joint venture captured Babki and continued moving to the southeast. in the direction of Turiy Dvor. The 42nd joint venture is concentrated in the Baryshevo district, with the task of capturing and destroying the avenue in Baryshevo.
02/16/42 By 16.00 86 SP, Armenian. exterminated The detachment fought for Zaostrovye, but was unsuccessful. Leaving a barrier at Zaostrovye, the regiment's units concentrated at Bol in a roundabout way. and Mal. The Lovasitsy took control of them with a fight and firmly held them.
Exterminated. The division's detachment captured Bychkovo and continues to move to Bol. and Mal. Toloknyanets - the further task is to master Borki, Herenka.
21 SP captured the Palace, Bol. Yablonovo, the further task is to capture Seltso.
OS No. 58. 02/17/42. 6.00. Shtadiv 180, forest 1.5 km north. Shchechkovo. To 100,000.
1. The division continues to fulfill its assigned task of destroying 290 infantry fighting vehicles, consistently capturing populated areas.
3. By 6.00 units of the division are in position:
a) 86 joint venture captured Zaostrovye. The regiment's units concentrated north-east. Dubki in the Baraki region, with the task of capturing Baraki, Art. Paula.
b) Arm. exterminated the detachment is fighting for oak trees.
c) 42 joint venture has captured Baryshevo, is moving forward with the task of capturing and destroying the pr-ka in Teterino, Bol. Ladyshkino.
d) 21st joint venture captured Vypolzovo during the night and is fighting for Seltso.
d) Exterminated. detachment with a reconnaissance group. companies reached the railway east. Seltso - Barracks, conducting surveillance and reconnaissance in the direction of Obsha-3.
f) The school for junior commanders occupies the defense district: south. coast of the river Pola in the district of Lukino, Shchechkovo and firmly holds.
g) Rota chem. The division's defense occupies the Bychkovo district.
h) Barrier. The detachment is concentrated in Zaostrovye.
02/17/42 By 18.00 - 86 joint venture captured Dubki at 17.00, and Flax Plant at 18.00. Conducts street battles in Baraki.
02/18/42 By 20.00, parts of the division occupied their previous position.
DB No. 56. 02.19.42 20.00. Shtadiv 180, forest 1.5 km north. Shchechkovo. To 100,000.
1. The pr-k continues to stubbornly resist and hold on to Art. Paula, Mal. Ladyshkino, Seltso, creating strong points and all-round defense in them.
2. Units of the division, in cooperation with the 26th SD, 52nd and 74th Guards SB, continue to carry out their assigned task - to encircle and destroy the remnants of the 290th Infantry Division in the Pola region.
3. by 20.00 units of the division occupied the position:
a) 86 SP with 2 SR 627 AP during the day tried to attack and capture the railway bridge across the river. Paul, the attack was unsuccessful.
KP KSP - Small. Lovasitsy, observant - Dubki.
b) 21 joint ventures from the concentration area - Flax plant led the attack from the north-east. Art. Pola on Pola, reached the southern boundary. river bank Larinka, is fighting to take possession of the north. env. Paula.
c) 42 joint venture with two guns 627 AP reached the river line during the day. Larinka North Small Ladyshkino 300 m and north. edge of the forest eastern Small Ladyshkino, is fighting for Mal. Ladyshkino. KSP KSP - Teterino.
02/20/42 At 6.00 - units of the division continued preparations throughout the night for further execution of the task of destroying the pr-ka and capturing Pole.
02/21/42 At 6.00 - 42 SP fought throughout the night for Mal. Ladyshkino. At 1.30 he captured Mal. Ladyshkino and fortified himself at the occupied line.
02/21/42 At 20.00 - units of the division continue to carry out their assigned task. During the day they fought for the capture of Paul, as a result of a successful battle at 13.30 on 02/21/42. took possession of Paul.
At 20.00 units of the division are in position:
a) 86 SP, pursuing the retreating pr-ka, reached the Borik line and is fighting for Borki. KSP KSP - south. env. Paula.
b) 21 joint ventures as a result of a daytime battle after capturing the east. the outskirts of Pola continued to move forward and reached the western line. env. Obsha-2, leads the way for mastering Obsha-2. Regimental losses for 02/21/42: 14 people were killed, 18 people were wounded.
c) 42nd joint venture led the battle for Seltso during the day, at 17.30 it successfully attacked and captured Seltso, pursuing the remnants of the pr-ka, reached the Obsha-3 line, is fighting for Obsha-3. Regimental losses: 14 people were killed, 23 people were wounded.
6. KP KSD - Bol. Lovasitsy.
OS No. 66. 02/22/42. 6.00. Shtadiv 180, Bol. Lovasitsy. To 100,000.
1. Units of the division completed the assigned task. During the night they continued to push the avenue to the southeast. and after the battle they captured: Borki, Obsha-1, 2 and 3, firmly holding the occupied points. After night battles they clean themselves up.
2. The project withdrew in small numbers in the direction of Herenka and Berezka.
3. Position of division units:
a) 86 SP at 1.30 on 02/22/42. captured Borki, firmly entrenched himself and took up defensive positions. KSP KSP - southwest. outskirts of Pola.
b) 21st joint venture fought for the capture of Obsha-1. At 5.30, after stubborn resistance, the pr-ka captured Obsha-1, gained a foothold and firmly held the occupied point.
c) 42 SP captured Obsha-2 and Obsha-3 at 0.30 and firmly holds it.
d) Barrier. detachment, company 33 OSB, junior com school. and a chemical defense company occupy Paul and firmly hold the south. and southeast env. Paula.
OS No. 67. 04/24/42. 6.00. Station 180, forest 2 km north-east. Penno. To 100,000.
1. After the march, the division concentrated in the Sychevo region. During the night, I replaced units of 41st SB at the line: the edge of the forest, southeast. Bol. Kozanka, north edge of a separate grove to the south. 2 km Goroshkovo, saddles the road southeast. 2 km New Lipovitsy.
2. The project was led by art.-min. during the night. and bullets. fire from the district of Mednikovo, Lipovitsy, Bol. and Mal. Kozanka, Kotovo.
3. At 8.00 units of the division occupied the position:
a) 86 SP occupies the line: zap. edge of the forest eastern 500 m Kotovo, east. 1.5 km Derevkovo. KSP KSP - forest 1 km east. Chirikovo.
b) 42 SP occupies the line: the edge of the forest to the southeast. 1 km Bol. Kozanka, north edge of a separate grove to the south. 2 km Goroshkovo and saddles the road southeast. 2 km New Lipovitsy. KSP KSP - forest east. Kotovo 1.5 km.
c) 21 SP - reserve KSD - 2nd echelon, located north-west. 2 km Sychevo.
4. Artillery: 1/627 AP is located on the left flank and supports 86 SP. 2/627 AP is located on the right flank - supports 42 joint ventures at the same time preparing data in the north-west. direction Mal. and Bol. Kozanka.
5. Barrier. The detachment occupies the north-west region. 1 km Sychevo.
6. Intelligence company, school ml. commanders, exterminated detachment - located in the area of ​​the KSD checkpoint.
7. The rear of the division is located in the region of Bragino, Nakhodno.
10 checkpoint KSD - forest 2 km north-east. Penno.
02/25/42 Units of the division continue to fulfill the assigned task of capturing and destroying the avenue in Bol. Kazanka, Chirikovo.
02/26/42 Units of the division are fighting for Bol. Kazanka, Chirikovo.
02/27/42 Units of the division, fulfilling their assigned task, continue to fight to capture and destroy the avenue in the settlements of Chirikovo and Bol. Kazanka.
02/28/42 Units of the division firmly hold the occupied line.
02/29/42 The position of the division's units remains unchanged.
1-10.03.42 Units of the division firmly hold the occupied line.
OS No. 87. 03/11/42. 6.00. Station 180, forest 3 km north-east. Omychkino. To 100,000.
1. 180 SD with attached formations continues to carry out the assigned task of destroying the Zaluchsko-Naluchsky group of the pr-ka.
2. Units of the pr-ka continue to provide stubborn fire resistance to the advance of our units, holding Nalyuchi, Vasilyevshchina, Maklakovo, Yudkino, Byakovo.
3. Position of division units by 6.00 03/11/42:
a) 86 joint ventures with 272 OLB occupy the district: east. edge of the forest 500 m Iyudkino. During the night, the units prepared for the attack.
The pr-k is active, at 20.00 the group of the pr-k is up to 70 people. The right flank of the regiment counterattacked from the agricultural direction Ustye, the counterattack was repulsed. KP KSP - forest southeast. 1 km Zakorytno.
b) 21 SP with 234 OLB - initial position southwest. edge of the forest 700 m Iyudkino. During the night, the units put themselves in order and prepared for the attack.
c) 42 SP - the same position, occupies the edge of the forest, which is north-east. 1 km Byakovo. There were no offensive actions during the night; the units were putting themselves in order and preparing for the attack on Byakovo. Regimental losses for 03/10/42: 50 people were killed, 109 people were wounded. KP KSP - fork in the north-west road. 2 km Byakovo.
d) 271 OLB is reassigned to 42 SP.
e) 240 OLB - reserve of the KSD, located in the district of the KSD KP.
f) 74 SBR occupies the defense area: the edge of the forest north-east. 1.5 km Nalyuchi. During this time she conducted reconnaissance in the direction of Nalyucha. Has no losses. KP KSBR - Kutilikha.
g) 52 SBR occupies the southeast. edge of the forest 700 m Tochkovo, having the task of mastering Tochkovo. KP KSBR - forest east. 1 km Maklakovo.
12-16.03.42 Units of the division occupy their previous position.
DB No. 68. 03/17/42. 18.00. Stand 180, in the same place. To 100,000.
2. Units of the division fulfill the assigned task, having captured Byakovo at 6.30, they concentrated in the Vasilyevshchina region, preparing for the upcoming offensive, continuing to blockade Iyudkino with one regiment.
3. By 18.00 03/17/42. occupy the position:
a) 86 SP with 272 OLB, 2 guns 627 AP, part of the forces continuing to blockade Iyudkino and cutting the Iyudkino - Uchny road, with the main forces by 6.00 03/18/42. concentrates 1 km west. Maklakovo with the further task of capturing Maklakovo.
b) 21 SP with 234 OLB concentrated in the region of elevation by 17.00. 30.6 - forest southwest. 3 km Vasilyevshchina. Losses: 34 people killed, 96 people wounded.
c) 42 SP, 271 OLB, 2 guns 627 AP, part of the forces concentrated in the west. Vasilyevshchina on the edge of the forest. Losses: 37 people killed, 34 people wounded.
d) Sumin’s detachment is concentrated in the forest 1 km southwest. Vasilievshchina. Losses for 03/16/42: 19 people were killed, 42 people were wounded.
e) 52 SBR is concentrated in the southern region. 1 km north-west Vasilievshchina.
f) 74 RRF concentrated in the area 1 km north-west. Vasilievshchina.
g) Tank group - in the forest 1 km east. Byakovo.
03/18/42 Units of the division continue to carry out their assigned mission. By 18.00 03/18/42. occupy the position: 86 SP with 272 OLB as a result of the battle at 13.30 on 03/18/42. captured Maklakovo and took up a perimeter defense. The position of the remaining units by 18.00 remained unchanged; they were conducting reconnaissance and surveillance in the Vasilyevshchina - Uchny region.
03/19/42 The division with attached units, continuing to blockade Iyudkino with one regiment, concentrated its main forces in the Vasilievshchina region in readiness to launch an attack on Vasilievshchina.
Units of the division went on the offensive from their initial position at 9.30 and by 14.00 reached the line of 150-200 m near Vasilyevshchina, where, under the influence of heavy fire, they lay down and had no progress.
20.03.42 Parts of the division were preparing for a surprise attack on Vasilyevshchina by creating special units. assault groups. At 6.30 03.20.42. They attacked the avenue in Vasilyevshchina, but were unsuccessful.
Units of the division firmly hold the achieved lines, with part of their forces blocking Iyudkino from the west and east. and sowing directions, cutting the road to Uchny.
21-23.03.42 There are no operational reports in the case.
DB No. 74. 03/24/42. 15.00. Stadiv 180, forest 2 km southwest. Ramushevo. To 100,000.
1. At least an infantry company with 4 tanks, with aviation support, captured Shapkino. The units occupying Shapkino retreated to the east. direction.
2. 180 SD with reinforcement units reached the Bol line. Gorby, Velikoye Selo and during the first half of the day 03/24/42. was preparing for an offensive in the direction of Mavrino.
3. By 15.30 units of the division occupied the position:
a) 21 joint ventures with 234 OLB and 4 T-60s went to the Bol front. Gorby, Ozhedovo.
b) 86 joint venture with 272 OLB, 4 T-60 and 6 armored vehicles went to the front of Kudrovo, Kolyshkino. A separate detachment consisting of 272 OLB with 2 45-mm guns was sent to defend the Velikoye Selo, Onufrievo district.
c) 42 joint ventures with 271 OLB and 240 OLB in the second echelon, concentrated in the eastern forest. Ozhedova.
4. In the afternoon, 21 joint ventures and 86 joint ventures received orders to attack with the immediate task of reaching the Mavrino-Zubakino line. The offensive was disrupted by continuous bombing of the battle formations of the 21st joint venture and 86th joint venture by aviation.
03/25/42 The division held Bol with part of its forces. Gorby and fought for the capture of Gorushka 1, Ozhedovo.
03/26/42 There are no operational reports.
03/27/42 The division with the previous reinforcement units from 3.30 was preparing for an attack on Ovchinnikovo, Bol. Humps. The division with two regiments went on the offensive at Ovchinnikovo, Bol. Humps. The advancing units of the pr-ka were delayed by heavy fire from the east pr-ka. and southeast Ovchinnikovo, Bol. Humps.
03/28/42 Parts of the division are holding the same line. During the day they engaged in a firefight with the advancing enemy.
OS No. 105. 03/29/42. 3.00. Stand 180, in the same place. To 100,000.
1. The division with its attached formations continues to carry out its assigned mission, defends and firmly holds the previously occupied line.
2. Units of the project continue to hold the line: Ulcers, Bol. and Mal. Gorby and settlements of the south. along the river Redya, Velikoye Selo.
3. By 3.00 units of the division are in position:
a) 21 SP with 234 OLB defends and firmly holds the edge of the forest, which is 1 km east. Small and Bol. Humps. During the night the pr-k from Ovchinnikovo conducted rare machine-gun and machine gun fire. KSP KSP - forest east. 1 km Bol. Humps.
b) 42 SP with 271 OLB and 240 OLB defends and firmly holds the edge of the forest to the east. 2 km Gorushka, Ozhedovo. KSP KSP - forest 2 km east. Kudrovo.
c) 86 joint venture with 272 OLB and 248 OLB defends and firmly holds the edge of the forest to the east. 1 km Kudrovo, Kozlovo. KP KSP - forest zap. 500 m elevation 40.3.

03/30/42 Units of the division firmly hold the previously occupied defense line along the edge of the forest to the east. R. Redya. During the day there were no offensive actions; they conducted observation and reconnaissance of the project.
03/31/42 The division with attached units continued to fulfill its assigned task - to defend and firmly hold the previously occupied line along the edge of the forest to the east. R. Redya.
Fund 1110, inventory 1, file 27.
OS No. 111. 04/01/42. 3.00. Stand 180, in the same place. To 100,000.
1. Units of the division in the same composition continue to firmly hold the previous line of defense along the edge of the forest to the east. R. Redya. There were no offensive actions during the night. During the night, our aircraft bombed the resistance centers of Borisovo Avenue. Small and Bol. Gorby, Ozhedovo, Kudrovo, Kozlovo.
2. The avenue continues to hold Borisovo, Mal. Gorby, Ozhedovo, Kozlovo, Kudrovo. During the night there was a rare art-min. fire from Mal. Gorby and Ovchinnikovo.
3. Division with attached units by 3.00 04/01/42. occupies the position:
a) Zakhvataev’s group consisting of 84 SBR, 62 SBR, 50 SBR, 2 GV SP, 14 GV SP in the amount of 911 combat bayonets occupies the same position, during the night there were no offensive actions on both sides, the war was led by rare artillery - min. and bullets fire from Borisovo, Mal. Humps.
b) 21 SP with 234 OLB consisting of 228 combat bayonets occupies the same position.
c) 42 SP with 271 OLB and 240 OLB consisting of 388 combat bayonets defends and firmly holds the edge of the forest to the east. 2 km Kudrovo.
d) 86 joint ventures with 248 OLBs consisting of 185 combat bayonets - the situation is the same.
e) Ryabchenko’s group consisting of 272 OLB, 2 platoons of a reconnaissance company, two platoons of a junior school. n/s and sapper company 33 OSB defends and firmly holds the edge of the forest to the southeast. 2 km Kozlovo.
2-3.04.42 The position of the division and attached units remains unchanged. The units were sent an order to go on the offensive in the morning of 04/03/42.
By 15.00 04/03/42. Parts of the division in separate sectors are fighting for the capture of Bol. and Mal. Gorby, Ovchinnikovo, were not successful.
04/04/42 The division with attached units defends and firmly holds the line along the edge of the forest to the east. R. Redya 1.5-2 km. During the day there were no offensive actions; they conducted observation and reconnaissance of the avenue in the directions of Borisovo and Mal. and Bol. Gorby, Ozhedovo, Kudrovo, Kozlovo.
04/05/42 Division and Northern group of parts - position unchanged.
06-07.04.42 There are no operational reports in the case.
DB No. 83. 04/08/42. 18.00. Station 180, same location. To 100,000.
1. The aircraft is supported by bombards. aviation and artillery continues to develop an offensive in the direction of Borisovo, Ramushevo. During the day I tried to go on the attack several times, but had no success.
2. The division with attached units continues to fulfill its assigned task. In certain sections of the division's front, units put up stubborn resistance and repelled repeated attacks by the division, holding the previous line.
3. Position of division units at 18.00 04/08/42:
a) North a group consisting of 84, 62, 50 SBR, 2 GV SBR and 14 GV SP, after the delivery of the 384 SD section, following the order of the NWF, they were withdrawn from the occupied defense line to form in the Gridino-Zagoska region.
b) 116 RRF, consisting of 3 battalions, occupies the defense area of ​​the north-west. 1 km elevation 34.3, highway Borisovo - Ramushevo and the edge of the forest north-east. 500 m number 6 on the road Borisovo - Ramushevo.
c) 21 joint ventures consisting of 2 battalions occupy the defense area: the intersection of the trail with the Borisovo - Ramushevo road north-west. 400 m elevation 34.3 and the edge of the forest, going to the southwest. to the bend, which is 0.5 km southeast. Elevation 38.2.
Regimental losses: 25 people were killed, 40 people were wounded.
d) 42 SP with 240 OLB occupies the defense area - the edge of the forest to the east. 1 km Gorushka-1 and south. 1 km along the edge of the forest. Regimental losses: 31 people were killed, 62 people were wounded.
e) 86 joint venture with 272 OLB and 248 OLB, reconnaissance. a company of the division and one company of the 33rd Special Operations Brigade occupy and firmly hold the edge of the forest to the east. 1.5 km Kudrovo and further south along the edge of the forest.
g) 41 RRF received combat orders directly from the march to occupy the defense area: the fork in the roads Borisovo, Ramushevo, Redtsy, elev. 34.3, southwest 500 m elevation 34.3, clearing and north-west. 1 km.
04/09/42 180 SD with attached 41 and 116 SBR fulfills the assigned task, defends and firmly holds the edge of the forest to the east. Ozhedovo, Kudrovo, Kozlovo and saddles the road Borisovo - Ramushevo, north-east. 500 m elevation 34.3 at the fork in the roads Borisovo - Ramushevo - Redtsy. During the night, units in separate sections of the division's front prepared to carry out combat orders to restore the previous position on the right flank.
10-12.04.42 The division firmly defends the previously occupied line. In certain sectors of the front, division units launched an offensive.
04/13/42 Units of the division consisting of 21, 42, 86 SP and 14 GV SP continue to fulfill their assigned task - defending and firmly holding the previously occupied eastern line. R. Redya along the edge of the forest and in the region of elevation. 35.9. 41 and 116 SBR in accordance with the order of the commander of the SZF on the morning of 04/13/42. left the 180 SD and became subordinate to: 41 SBR - com. 397 SD, 116 SBR - com. 384 SD.
04/14/42 Units of the division occupy their previous position, firmly holding the edge of the forest to the east. 1.5 km Ozhedovo, Kudrovo.
15-16.04.42 Units of the division hold the previously occupied line.
04/25/42 The division, with its right flank in the 42nd joint venture sector, launched an offensive on the stream at 15.30. Tarakanovsky (overhead stream). In other sectors of the division's front, units occupy the same position.
26-29.04.42 Units of the division (during the night) continued to hold the same line.
DB No. 102. 04/30/42. 20.00. Station 180, same location. To 50,000.
1. The pr-k in the previous grouping in front of the division front did not show activity during the day. In the 397th Infantry Division, a group with the strength of up to a company of machine gunners infiltrated at 8.00 into the junction between the 447th Infantry Division and the 448th Infantry Division and launched an attack to the south along the stream. Gusinets from elevation. 28.7. During the day, observation revealed the movement from Shapkino to Ozhedovo of 60 loaded carts, 5 vehicles, 2 guns and separate groups of infantry. The aircraft bombed and shelled the front line of the defense units and the division command post.
2. Units of the division continue to carry out the assigned task, holding the line: on the right flank - the edge of the forest to the west. Elevation 27.8 per 1 km along the stream. Gusinets. Elevation 35.9 and zap. to the swamp with a front to the north-east. and to the north; left - holds the edges of the forests to the east. Kudrovo and southeast. Kozlovo with the task of allowing the avenue to advance along the stream. Gusinets to the south and from the west from the direction of Ozhedovo, Kudrovo, Kozlovo - to the east.
3. At 20.00 units of the division occupied the position:
a) 42 SP, fulfilling the assigned task, firmly holds the previous line at the edge of the forest along the bank of the stream. Gusinets from elevation. 27.8 and north-west. to the clearing. During the day he conducted reconnaissance and surveillance in the direction of elevation. 27.9, and also carried out work to strengthen the occupied line.
b) 21st joint venture occupies its previous position, holding the line of defense in the area of ​​elevation. 35.9 facing north. On the right is an elbow connection with 42 joint ventures, on the left - 86 joint ventures, communication through patrolling.
c) 86 SP, company 457 SP continues to hold the previously occupied line: the edges of the groves to the east. Kudrovo and southeast. Kozlovo, saddle road Kozlovo - Ramushevo.
Fund 1110, inventory 1, file 31.
05/01/42 Units of the division are fulfilling the assigned task and continue to hold the previous line in readiness to repel possible attacks from the direction of Mikhalkino, Ozhedovo, Kudrovo, Kozlovo. In the 397th Rifle Division, units fought for the capture of Kobylkino. Division CP - forest east. 1 km elevation 38.5.
2-11.05.42 Units of the division are holding the previous line of defense.
05/12/42 Over the past 24 hours, units of the division carried out combat order No. 02 - they regrouped and with the main forces occupied the defense line: elevation. 32.1, elev. 36.5, edge of the forest east. and southeast Kozlovo front left, north-east. and north-west, with a total length of 7.5 km. A military outpost has been left at the previous line of defense.
13-17.05.42 Units of the division occupy their previous position.
05/18/42 Units of the division, fulfilling their assigned task, stubbornly continue to hold the front line of defense along the entire length of the division's front. In the 86th joint venture sector, units have been fighting the advancing pr-com since the morning.
05/19/42 Units of the division continued to fulfill their assigned task - they held the previous line of defense from the stream. Gusinets and to the north-west. the edges of the grove, which is southeast. Kozlovo. During the night they conducted reconnaissance and surveillance of the avenue in the direction of elevation. 21.5, 40.3 and Kozlovo.
05/20/42 The division holds the previously occupied line with the front line of defense from the stream. Gusinets (overhead creek), elevation. 32.1, north. 200 m, north. 400 m elevation 36.5, edge of the grove southeast. 1.5-2 km Kozlovo and saddles the Kozlovo - Kobylkino road.
Right: 397 SD border - stream. Gusinets, number 8.0 on the road Onufrievo - Cherenchitsy, elev. 35.3 and south. Elevation 36.3. on the left - 15 SBR, border: (legal) Kozlovo, ledge of the forest, which is south. 800 m elevation 38.5, elev. 38.8 and elev. 40.7.
21-27.05.42 Units of the division hold the previously occupied defense line.
OS No. 39. 05/28/42. 4.00. Headquarters 28 GV SD, former location. To 50,000.
1. Prospect after reconnaissance in force with the support of artillery and mortars with a force of up to three companies at 8.00 on May 27, 1942. went on the offensive on the left flank of the division's front from the grove on the east. Kudrovo on the road Kudrovo - Ramushevo. As a result of the battle, the pr-ku managed to capture 3 bunkers in the area of ​​86 joint venture and push back the right flank of 86 joint venture and the left flank of 42 joint venture to elevation. 36.5. The fight continues.
2. Units of the division are engaged in a stubborn battle with the commander to restore the previous position.
3. At 20.00 we occupied:
a) 42 SP holds the line of defense from the stream. Gusinets (overhead creek), elevation. 32.1 and further 600 m to the west. During the day, units of the regiment fought with the commander to restore the previous position of the left flank of the regiment. The fight continues.
The pr-k, providing strong fire impact with artillery and mortars from the direction of elevation. 40.3, pushed back the left flank of the regiment to the east. Elevation 36.5. Approximate losses of the regiment: 17 people were killed, 20 people were wounded. The regiment's command post is in the same place.
b) 86 SP, as a result of an intense battle with the enemy, retreated with the right flank to the area at elevation. 36.5. The regiment is fighting with the task of restoring its previous position. Regimental losses (estimated): 2 people killed, 16 people wounded. The regiment's command post is in the same place.
c) 21 joint ventures from the reserve of the division came to reinforce 42 and 86 joint ventures. During the day he fought with a pr-com in the area of ​​\u200b\u200belevation. 36.5. The regiment's command post is in the same place.
29.05. - 06/03/42 Units of the division hold the previously occupied defense line.
06/04/42 Units of the division occupy the line with the front line of defense south of the Kudrovo - Ramushevo road from the stream. Gusinets, edge of the forest to the south. 200 m elevation 32.1, elev. 36.5 and further along the north-west. edge of the forest, southeast. Kozlovo to the Kozlovo - Kobylkino road.
5-11.06.42 The division's position remains unchanged.
06/12/42 Units of the division carry out the assigned task in accordance with order No. 083, hold the previous line of defense, and monitor the project. Rear divisions, units and special forces. units on the march to the concentration area. Unit headquarters began reconnaissance of the area in the Cherenchitsy region.
06/13/42 The division continues to carry out its task in accordance with Shtarm's order No. 083. During the day of combat, units of the division did not surrender and were preparing to surrender the occupied defense line to the newly arrived units of the 47th RRF. The rear areas of units, special forces and the Headquarters are concentrated in the Novye Degtyary region.
33 OSB serviced the crossing of the division's rear to the river. Lovat in the districts of Lipno, Veryasko.
OS No. 74. 06/14/42. 16.00. Station 28 GV SD, northern forest. 1 km New Degtyary. To 50,000.
1. We have no information about the project.
2. 28 GV SD from 22.00 06/13/42. began to retreat to the east. river bank Lovat along the route: Cherenchitsy, Lipno and south. in the area of ​​concentration of Degtyary, Nikulino, Gadovo. By 8.00 06/14/42. the main forces concentrated:
a) 86 GV SP in the forest area between Nikulino-2 and Gadovo. The 3rd SB is reassigned to the commander of the 47th SB and takes up defensive positions on the previously occupied line.
b) 89 GV SP, consisting of one battalion, marched during the night and by 8.30 on June 14, 1942. concentrated in the forest region of the southwest. Ordinarily.
c) 92 GV SP during the night covered the withdrawal and crossing of division units to the east. river bank Lovat.
3. Special units (reconnaissance company, division chemical defense company, junior research school) - reserve com. divisions. During the night we marched along the division's route to the concentration area - the northern forest. New Tar.
5. 36 GV SB part of the forces ensured the crossing of division units across the river. Lovat in the Lipno, Veryasko district.
DB No. 43. 06/15/42. 18.00. Headquarters 28 GV SD, forest north-east. 2 km Lebedinets. To 100,000.
1. There was no information about the project.
2. Units of the division continue to carry out the assigned task in accordance with the combat order of the Headquarters of the 1st UA for No. 78 and during the night from

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