What to work for without education - a short list of specialties for which you are not ashamed. Manager is a profession in demand. "Management": description of the specialty, pros and cons, reviews. What kind of work can you do? Where can you work with education?

For example, why not a lawyer who works for an oil producing company write an article or blog about the legal issues of oil and gas or environmental protection. In the context of international law, there are many topics worthy of the attention of fresh and talented legal minds. It is very useful for a lawyer to maintain connections with his former professors and teachers of international law. From time to time you need to compare new ideas and developments with the wisdom of the old scientific school. A letter, blog, essay or article in an online legal publication is the best option maintaining such a connection. You can continuously improve your level, and it is equally important to be able to present yourself and remind yourself of yourself in a professional audience.

Faculty of International Relations: who to work with?

For a thinking lawyer, it is very useful to take an interest in international law yourself, regardless of day-to-day work functions. This is quite easy to do. You just need a desire to be aware of the latest agreements and new scientific developments, articles and books.

The openness of public international law allows anyone to keep track of all the new developments, political and legal events. It is very useful to write articles on international legal topics yourself.


It is now much easier to try your hand at the international legal genre than before, when this was the lot of only a narrow caste of initiates - those who were allowed to publish their works in the scientific press. There was also a reason for this, since stupid and unreliable information was not allowed into print.

But now the situation has changed - any Internet user can share their scientific research with the entire audience of the planet.

International lawyer

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Specialty: International Relations

This is important to clarify not only for students law faculties who are considering their future purpose, but also for teachers - organizers of legal education. International law, as a course and as a profession, has, relatively speaking, a certain dualism associated with the natural hierarchy of legal tasks of society, commerce and statehood.
On the one hand, international law is positioned as fundamental component jurisprudence, and on the other hand, it is perceived as a kind of lining for the more important narrow departmental focus of legal work, for example, in the judicial system, diplomatic, financial, tax, police, oil and gas or other services, as well as in law schools, according to the staffing schedules of which the optionality, if not the absolute unnecessaryness of the international legal component, is quite clearly visible.

Where to go to work after graduating from the Faculty of International Law?


Law appears when circumstances please, and not when individual lawyers need it. The best legal ideas have always been dictated by the circumstances of society.

No ideas would have entered the law if it had not been preceded by the need to settle the matter fairly. A lawyer-researcher of international law must also come to terms with the risk that accompanies any scientific work - not obtaining an understanding and application of his conclusions in practice. You can be an excellent practicing lawyer and never write your own line in an interstate treaty. However, it would be a mistake to believe that this is the case only in international jurisprudence. No industry can do without scientific invention, without an original brilliant idea.
Who should I work with? Reviews indicate that most of them no longer face such a question. Reviews So, you have set a goal for yourself - to graduate from the Faculty of International Relations. Haven’t figured out what to work with yet? Pay attention to comments from graduates of various universities in this specialty. They will tell you how they achieved success in a particular field, using the skills acquired over the years of study.
And tell me - believe me! - they have something to talk about. So, what information can be gleaned from the reviews of yesterday’s students, and now famous (and not so famous) personalities? It often happens that the question of where to get a job after graduating from the Faculty of International Relations, who to work and what to do, is decided by future graduates during their internship.

The graduate can participate in legal support for the filing and consideration of complaints to the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg, France), as well as carry out legal activities related to the subject of regulation of international humanitarian law. In addition, the graduate can carry out professional activity in the legal departments and services of public authorities at the federal and regional levels, to protect the rights and legitimate interests of these bodies and organizations participating in international legal relations, as well as in law enforcement and judicial authorities, in the legal departments of commercial and non-profit organizations, any organizational legal forms, teach legal disciplines, including international legal disciplines in educational organizations average special education.

Where can you work after graduating from a specialty in international law?

Each specialty is identified digital code, including international relations; specialty code - 41.03 05. International relations is a humanitarian specialty that provides educational qualifications as a specialist in various areas of interstate relations.

Form and duration of study The duration of study for obtaining a bachelor's degree is 4 years, for obtaining a master's degree - 1 year. The qualification obtained corresponds to the level of a specialist in international relations with knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Most universities provide students with the opportunity to choose full-time, part-time, full-time, evening, distance, part-time training, as well as obtaining a second higher education.
In practical life, where a modern lawyer, diplomat and politician operates, a good idea plays no less a role than in art. This is a misconception that the legislator comes to an error-free result, because underneath him are the links and gears of the state mechanism, which does not produce any misfires, blunders, or mistakes.
Of course, in meaning and result, state foreign policy legal work is completely different from the fantasy of an artist or sculptor, it is qualitatively different, but the thought process of cognition and generation of ideas is the same here. Scientific legal inspiration is an undoubted gift of a sense of truth and justice.

It plays a primary role in the emergence of strong state laws and international treaties. Modern world, worshiping the ideals of profit, popularizes the cult of personality of those in power - rich and influential people.

There are thousands of specialized websites, blogs and magazines on the Internet. Any international organization and the foreign policy department of each country considers it its responsibility to maintain its own website.

For a thoughtful lawyer who cares about his scientific growth, this opens up unprecedented opportunities. The Internet directly connects very serious audiences and publications with the generation of talented researchers.

The only thing left to do is to produce high-quality and readable products. And then you will definitely be noticed, you will take your respectable place among the authorities of international law.

The best way to improve your scientific and practical level is to try your hand at writing on the Internet. Many lawyers waste their time, including chatting on social networks, but it is very convenient to conduct professional dialogue with a client and business discussions on legal topics using the Internet.

Although international law courses are taught in all law schools around the world, the actual position of this course indicates that it is quite firmly relegated to the margins and is considered as a kind of soft law, occupying a clearly secondary place in the curriculum and staffing tables. In this sense, the International Law Faculty of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia compares favorably, where a truly unique microcosm of the science of international law has been preserved to this day, where a small bastion of its development has been preserved, capable of producing successful specialists - masters and bachelors, who are necessary and, undoubtedly, will be are in demand not only by state foreign policy institutions, but also by the entire legal systems of Russia and countries in the territory former USSR and friendly countries far abroad.

Finding your calling is an integral part of life. With the existing variety of professions, each of us faces the problem of choice. After all, you want all the “puzzles” to fit together - and the work is to your liking, and there are certain abilities for it, and so that it brings real income.

Today, the labor market shows that the most in demand profession is a manager. The relevance of this type of activity lies in its versatility. Graduates of the specialty “Management” receive a complex of fundamental knowledge, skills and practical skills in various fields, in particular in economics, marketing, advertising, etc. Moreover, any campaign focused on active development business. The moral follows: there will always be a demand for effective managers.

Despite the fact that all professions are needed, all professions are important, today we will talk about the specialty “Management”. What to do as a manager? You will find the answer on this page!

New generation manager. Who is he?

The challenges of the new millennium, caused by globalization and integration, place new demands on the manager as a specialist and person, in particular, on his way of thinking, skills and professional qualities.

A manager of the 21st century must combine several roles:

  1. Manager - develops the strategy of the enterprise, delegates authority, sets specific tasks for employees and involves them in joint decision-making.
  2. A leader leads, inspires, gives confidence, charges the team with optimism and enthusiasm.
  3. Coach - arouses interest, encourages the generation of new ideas, helps to unlock potential, and promotes the personal growth of colleagues.
  4. Diplomat – establishes business contacts, concludes deals, plays the role of mediator and intermediary.
  5. Innovator – fluent in IT technologies and able to implement them into production.
  6. An entrepreneur is looking for opportunities to increase company profits and is not afraid of reasonable risks.
  7. The individual is educated, has a broad outlook, has organizational abilities and moral qualities.

Having examined the modern traits of a manager, we can come to the conclusion that society now needs competent and creative manager-leaders who are able to work productively in a dynamic business environment.

Management: who to work with a relevant diploma?

In the process of formation and development, management was divided into functional activities. They are united by common tasks, the implementation of which is necessary to achieve the goals of the organization.

Let's look at the main areas of management and, concurrently, the positions that a specialist manager can hold.

So, management, who to work with?

  1. In the field of marketing.

The responsibilities of a marketer include market research, modernization of old and development of new products/services, formation of pricing policies, and promotion of goods.

For example, a vacancy for a BTL manager for those who want to organize advertising campaigns at points of sale to promote a brand.

A brand manager is responsible for the promotion, positioning and recognition of one or a number of brands using accessible methods. To do this, you need to have broad knowledge and a creative streak.

The profession of sales manager is widely used in the field of wholesale trade. The main task of the specialist is to fulfill the sales plan. This is a very popular occupation today, since not only the organization of sales of a specific product, but also the expansion of the client base and maintaining relationships with current partners depends on the quality work of the manager.

  1. Internet management.

Social Media Marketing is a specialist in product promotion using social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Google, Yandex, etc.).

In addition, the SMM manager establishes communications with Internet users, conducts competitor analysis, and manages projects.

It should be noted that the profession involves career growth. Having started working as a group administrator on a certain platform, and having gained experience, you can open your own SMM agency.

The position of Internet project manager will be of interest to everyone who is familiar with modern Internet technologies. The profession is considered very promising, and also provides unlimited opportunities for the implementation of creative ideas. Responsibilities include creating, administering, developing and promoting websites.

An anti-crisis manager, who is also an economist-manager, conducts an analysis of business processes, on the basis of which he forms a set of measures aimed at restoring the organization in a crisis with minimal losses.

The arbitration manager is also involved in crisis management. But it is appointed arbitration court, and depending on the bankruptcy case, helps the borrower repay the debt to the creditor.

  1. Motivational management.

A business coach is responsible for training and developing company personnel. Using special techniques, it helps to unlock the potential of employees, which has a beneficial effect on a particular organization.

  1. Real estate management.

The profession of development manager in the post-Soviet space is more familiar to us as a developer. The activities of such a business development manager are aimed at making a profit from the creation and sale of real estate.

The position of event manager is suitable for those who know how to organize events. All kinds of events for customers, partners and employees are held to promote a product or maintain corporate culture.

  1. Innovation management.

The profession of innovation manager is very relevant, since the implementation innovative technologies into production affects the profitability of the product.

The manager solves problems of various kinds, from market research to determine the need for a new service, technology or product to concluding contracts with suppliers.

  1. Personnel management.

HR manager, better known as personnel manager. Such a specialist performs recruiting tasks, the actual selection of personnel; maintains personnel documentation and draws up training plans for the organization's employees.

A head hunter performs a high-quality search for successful specialists. This could also be luring a specific executive or top manager to another company. This vacancy is one of the highest paid.

  1. International Management.

A person who wants to work as an international manager must know a foreign language and the legislation of the country in which he intends to develop the market. And, of course, understand cultural characteristics and the mentality of foreign partners. The success of the activity will directly depend on the level of intelligence and erudition.

  1. Quality management.

The quality manager is responsible for introducing new work methods that will improve the quality of management, which in turn is important for helping to improve product quality.

  1. Management of the tourism industry and hotel and restaurant business.

In the entertainment industry, such professions as tourism and hotel management stand out. The scope of responsibilities depends on where the manager works.

Often, the job responsibilities of a tourism manager are established in accordance with the area of ​​activity and specialization: someone is responsible for booking tickets, someone works with clients, someone issues visas, etc. Although there are generalists who can organize a trip for a client from A to Z themselves.

The manager of a restaurant or hotel is responsible for the coherence and quality of work of the entire team. Its functions include distributing tasks among colleagues, monitoring their implementation, and coordinating the activities of related services. You can learn the specifics of a manager’s work in the tourism and hospitality industry through practice.

  1. Financial management.

A financial manager is a person who manages a company's financial resources to increase profits. Many enterprises need competent managers, so it will not be difficult to find a job in their specialty.

  1. Transport management.

The profession of a transport logistician is to ensure the rational movement of goods. The logistician chooses what type of transport the cargo will be moved and along what route. A specialist must have an analytical mind, as the specifics of the profession require it.

The legal profession does not lose its relevance; many applicants still submit their documents to faculties of legal specialization. However, after graduating from university, former students are faced with a logical question: what can they do after law?

A lawyer is a specialist who has legal knowledge, knows how to use it and even teach others. Without legal experts, society would have long ago plunged into chaos.

Types of specialization

Absolutely all specializations in the field of jurisprudence allow you to occupy any position in the field of law and teach. Get higher education possible in the following areas of law:

  • forensic examination;
  • jurisprudence;
  • law enforcement;
  • legal support of national security.

Prospects for a young specialist

Despite the crowded labor market, a qualified lawyer can count on high salaries. Beginning specialists can count on 30 thousand rubles, provided that they work on improving their professionalism and are ready for long working hours. But we are talking about lawyers who want to realize themselves in the field of protecting the interests of an enterprise. What other jobs can you do in the legal field? Standard positions include the following:

  • advocate;
  • judge;
  • notary;
  • prosecutor.

However, it should be remembered that these professions are potentially dangerous and carry risks, even a threat to the life of such a specialist.

Non-standard approach to choosing a profession

Are you interested in law? What kind of work can you do? The overview of professions that you will find in this article will allow you to look at the issue much more broadly.


The mediator is a fairly new phenomenon for our country. This is a legal specialist who acts as a mediator in disputes. The main goal of a specialist is to resolve a dispute that has arisen in almost any branch of law, in labor or family legal relations, economic or financial. In this case, a lawyer can conduct his activities on a professional basis, that is, obtain an appropriate qualification certificate or act as an individual.

The mediator does not have the right to disclose information obtained during the resolution of the dispute. The cost of the intermediary's services is determined by agreement of the parties. It is worth remembering that while holding a public post, a lawyer cannot act as a mediator.

The main advantages of the profession include a flexible work schedule, high wages and interesting acquaintances. In addition, a specialist in this field should not directly resolve the dispute, but is only obliged to establish communications between the parties.

But, having received an education in the field of jurisprudence and what kind of work you can do - having decided on choosing the profession of a mediator, you must remember that such a specialist is obliged to compensate for moral damage, losses if they occurred for the parties as a result of the actions of the mediator. This is not to say that clients are constantly knocking on the door; you will have to look for them. The services of a mediator who has not received a certificate cannot be advertised in the media.

The average price for specialist services in one dispute is about 170 thousand rubles.

Patent attorney

A patent attorney is another specialist in the field of jurisprudence who you can work with.

The specialist carries out his activities in the field of intellectual law and interacts with government authorities. The main goal of the profession is to protect and preserve the rights to the results of the customer’s intellectual activity, namely:

  • inventions and achievements in almost any field, literature and art, culture;
  • trademarks;
  • useful industrial models and samples;
  • innovative inventions;
  • phonograms, video sequences.

To professionally engage in such activities, a lawyer will have to pass certification for knowledge of intellectual property law and have at least 4 years of experience in this field.

The main functional responsibilities include the following:

  • on the instructions of the principal, analyze documents;
  • interact with the patent office;
  • carry out examination of documents;
  • represent the interests of the principal in authorities and courts.

The quality of work of a patent attorney depends 95% on experience. A specialist has the right to independently carry out entrepreneurial activities.

The profession has a number of advantages, first of all, it is a highly specialized expert, who has many more advantages over an ordinary lawyer, especially if he has a qualification certificate, and minimal competition. The country's accession to the WTO gives a chance for the development of the intellectual industry in the state, therefore, there will always be work.

The disadvantages include monotony and uniformity of activity.

The average salary of a patent attorney in the country is 40 thousand rubles. If this is a private practice, then the earnings are much higher, but irregular.

Credit lawyer (or anti-collector)

We continue our review of professions in the field of jurisprudence. What kind of work can you do and what will the salary be? Let's consider anticollectors. A relatively new profession and associated with the rapid development of lending. Naturally, not all people know how to calculate their capabilities and end up in debt. Against this background, collectors have appeared who, violating all the rights of the debtor and not neglecting any collection methods, practically collect debts. It is logical that people appeared to help protect their rights - credit lawyers.

The specialist will also help at the stage of concluding a loan agreement, so that after some time it does not turn out that the borrower still needs to pay some commissions and hidden fees. But still, the main task of the anti-collector is the legal optimization of debt by reducing penalties and interest. A lawyer can represent the interests of his client in court, give recommendations and objections to the actions of the bank and collection agency.

An anti-collector can work for hire or conduct an individual practice. It is desirable that such a specialist has practical experience in the banking sector.

Salary is about 40 thousand rubles if you work for hire, in other cases it all depends on the client and the size of debt obligations.

Private detective

Who else can you work in the field of jurisprudence? It is worth considering the profession of a private detective. Usually, when mentioning this, only one association arises - Sherlock Holmes in a dark hat and with a pipe in his teeth. In practice this is usually former employees The Ministry of Internal Affairs, who were engaged in operational-search activities, or investigators. Although such experience is not required for this job.

Today, the work of private investigators is fully regulated regulations, and lawyers who want to master this profession will have to obtain a license.

Main functions:

  • investigation of crimes;
  • search for missing property;
  • verification of a specific identity, even during employment;
  • observation;
  • intelligence activities in business.

The amount of remuneration in this case depends entirely on the client and the complexity of the task.

Arbitration manager

Another area of ​​jurisprudence where a lawyer can work is an arbitration manager. To become a specialist, it is not enough to just have a law degree; you will have to undergo special training. The position does not imply career growth, but it is one of the highest paid. But for unlawful acts, a specialist can be disqualified and even held accountable. The arbitration manager has the right to simultaneously engage in any other activity. The essence of the work of an arbitration manager is conducting bankruptcy proceedings.

Who can you work in law? Reviews recommend several other professions:

  • in Rosreestr as a specialist in registering property rights;
  • As an international lawyer in any company, you will naturally need knowledge of a foreign language;
  • in the police.

The conclusion is that becoming a lawyer is still promising; there will always be work.

“If you don’t study, you’ll go to work as a janitor!” Many of us as children were scared by our parents or teachers with this phrase. Perhaps this is why the professions of janitor and cleaning lady are In second place by “unpopularity” among Russians. At the same time, these are perhaps the most famous professions that can be mastered without even graduating from a technical school. This category also includes work as a loader, courier, newspaper delivery person, cloakroom attendant, watchman, watchman, conductor, promoter, car washer, dishwasher, call center operator... But this is not a complete list.

Despite the fact that the profession of a salesperson, cashier, seamstress, baker, painter, waiter, for example, can be obtained in college, technical school or courses, it is possible to perform duties in these professions without vocational education. This is evidenced by numerous job advertisements for applicants without experience and without special education. The fact is that such blue-collar professions can be mastered directly on the spot, especially if the organization is ready to train a new worker in the necessary skills.

Those with the talent of a musician, singer, artist or photographer (with talent, not just a camera) can also start earning money without graduating from college or university. You can start building a career right after school or even while studying. At the same time, thanks to your creative abilities, you may be able to achieve great success in this area. For example, world-famous actors Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Bill Murray at one time dropped out of college (in specialties far from acting) for the sake of their first roles.

However, talent alone is not enough for all creative professions. In order to build a career as a journalist, television or radio presenter, it will not be superfluous to obtain a higher education, even if not in your specialty. After all, these people must be erudite and be able to correctly and harmoniously express their thoughts orally or in writing. The same applies to the managerial profession.

Judging by the advertisements on specialized websites, most often employers post vacancies in the following professions marked “without specific training” or “without education”:

  • loader,
  • cleaner/janitor,
  • courier,
  • secretary (administrator, personal assistant),
  • sales manager, customer service manager,
  • shop assistant,
  • Sales Representative,
  • call center operator (taxi dispatcher),
  • driver,
  • waiter,
  • security guard
  • copywriter
  • promoter
  • finisher

Apparently, due to a shortage of personnel, some organizations are ready to hire even nurses and educators “without special education.”

Most of us study in order to find then Good work. In turn, every self-respecting university is interested in the position of graduates in the labor market and their assessment of the education received. One of the latest research HSE Internal Monitoring Center. In the spring of 2011, 1,748 graduates were surveyed who graduated from the university in different years (2004-2010).

“We study not for school, but for life” - this is the motto High school economy. “HSE is trying, first of all, to provide students with an analytical tool,” explains the rector of the principles of education at the Higher School of Economics. - It is impossible to teach the entire body of knowledge in any branch of knowledge; you can teach how to extract it. It is completely unknown what our students will earn in five years; technologies in material production, computer science, and social life, and in financial life they change so quickly that if we teach everyone today well-developed tools for making money, it is not a fact that they will not lose tomorrow. It seems to me that he is a graduate research university should be able to master any technology independently, and this sets it apart, distinguishes it from a standard university.”

That is why HSE places emphasis on teaching theory and developing personal skills that facilitate adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions. A survey of graduates shows that for the majority, the knowledge and skills acquired at the university within the specialty correspond to their employment in the labor market. Thus, respondents were asked to evaluate how their current job corresponds to the specialty they received. Ratings were given on a 7-point scale, where 1 is “not at all consistent” and 7 is “completely consistent”. The majority of graduates rate the relevance of their current job to their specialty as 5-7 points (55%). It is worth noting that among those who have completed two levels of education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (bachelor's and master's degrees), there are almost no people who talk about the discrepancy between their current employment and the education they received.

Speaking about the acquired competencies, the majority of respondents noted that they learned to cope with a large amount of work, independently master new areas of knowledge, clearly and clearly express their thoughts in writing, developed creative abilities and general erudition, learned to work in a group on joint projects , developed the skills of oral presentations and presentations, improved their knowledge of foreign languages, expanded their ability to use basic computer programs, and acquired practical skills for work.

Answering the question about what benefited most from studying at the university, 55% of graduates noted that they gained confidence in the possibility of self-realization, 48% indicated that thanks to their studies they received a profession in demand in the labor market, 46% formed a circle of like-minded people and loved ones according to the spirit of people, 27% have a professional network, 20% have acquired the necessary connections for employment.

How do graduates find work?

As a rule, HSE students found their first job on their own or on the recommendation of students and teachers: 30% - through specialized websites, 19% sent their resumes directly, 14% were approached by company employees themselves, 12% were recommended by HSE teachers or employees, 11% got a job through students or HSE graduates. Those who found a job through relatives or friends were 23%.

It is worth noting that during a subsequent job change, the percentage of those whom representatives of a particular company approached on their own was significantly higher - 30%, which indicates an increase in the demand for HSE graduates in the labor market as they gain experience. And the more time passed after graduating from university, the smaller the proportion found employment on the recommendation of HSE teachers or staff (4%).

How quickly do HSE graduates find jobs?

Only 6% of surveyed graduates were not working at the time of the survey. Considering the fact that specialist, bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates participated in the monitoring, it should be noted that many of the respondents do not work precisely because they continue their studies at the next levels. However, there were those who simply did not need constant income. In numbers, their number is most likely close to a statistical error.

The vast majority of respondents (94%) are employed. At the same time, 48% of respondents started working before receiving their diploma, the rest got jobs in the first months after graduation.

First job after university

93% of graduates work for hire in various companies and organizations, 3% are engaged own business, another 3% become freelancers, that is, they carry out projects for various clients as “freelance artists.”

IN last years The share of hired workers among graduates is gradually decreasing. If in 2004-2007 their number was 96-98%, then in 2008 the share decreased to 94%, and in 2009-2010 - to 91%. The year 2008 was a turning point. Until this time, the share of entrepreneurs and freelancers was 1-2% for each category. And among graduates of 2008-2010, those who started their own business accounted for 3-5%. The number of freelancers over the years has reached 4-6%.

How much do graduates of the Higher School of Economics get paid?

The most interesting here are the starting salaries of 2010 graduates. So, last year’s graduates started their careers with salaries ranging from 25,000 rubles after a bachelor’s degree to 35,000 rubles after a master’s degree. The highest average monthly starting salary for graduates of all levels in 2010 (after taxes) was observed at the Faculty of Business Informatics (38,000 rubles), the smallest - at the Faculty of Sociology (28,000 rubles). It is worth noting that the analysis did not include data on faculties in which less than 20 respondents indicated their starting earnings.

In the future, the salary of former students increases. If we take into account that almost half of the respondents worked before graduation, then the start of their careers for graduates of 2010 occurred in the spring - autumn of 2010. The next “measurement” of their salaries took place in the spring of 2011, when monitoring was carried out and when they were asked not only about their starting salary, but also about their current one. So, a year later, the average earnings of graduates of 2010 increased and ranged from 30,000 to 55,000 rubles. The leader here is the same - the Faculty of Business Informatics with a salary of 55,000 rubles. Also, graduates of the Faculty of World Politics and World Politics turned out to be the highest paid - 45,000 rubles. It is noteworthy that the least paid former students of the department of business and political journalism did not go far from the leaders in terms of salary - 33,000 rubles.

Where do HSE graduates work?

We can say that former HSE students work all over the world. Of course, the vast majority (94%) are employed in the Russian economy. But there are also those who work in European countries - Germany, France, Switzerland and others, such 2%. 1% of respondents work in the UK. The share of other countries, such as the USA and China, is less than 0.5%.

The areas of activity of graduates are quite predictable, given the main focus of the university. Most often, monitoring participants noted the following: banks, investments, leasing, finance (11%), IT, Internet, telecom (10%), PR, marketing (9%), trade (9%), education and science (6%) . It should be noted that the humanities faculties - history, philology - do not yet have graduates. And as soon as they appear, we can expect that the list of areas of activity for HSE graduates will expand.

The distribution of graduates of individual faculties by field of employment is quite natural: in the banking sector, graduates of the Faculty of Economics, ICEF and World Economy and World Politics predominate. The majority of those employed in the field of information technology are graduates of business informatics; in marketing, graduates of the faculty of sociology and applied political science, as well as the department of business and political journalism, clearly have an advantage. Trade seems to be a more diffuse area, however, it can be noted that 16% of management graduates are employed in it.

Comment by Tatyana Dubova, Director for Partnerships at the Higher School of Economics(The Directorate for Work with Partners maintains the university’s connections with other universities, as well as with HSE graduates. - Ed.)

How do you evaluate the results of the survey?

First of all, I am very glad that a successful start has been given to a new, important monitoring study for the School, receiving feedback from graduates. We all understand that the success of graduates is an objective indicator of the success of a university. If we evaluate the results obtained, then what interests me as a psychologist is not the integral indicators, but the specific people who stand behind them. The study not only gave us interesting data, but also raised new questions. For example, why do some of our graduates not immediately find a job? Agree, if a person cannot get a job within several months after graduating from university, this can be serious for him personal problem. Of course, the reasons can be very different. More often than one might expect, when talking with graduates, we come across the following formulation: “I wasn’t looking for a job, I wanted to take a break from studying.” If a person can afford to meditate for six months - this kind of pause can be very productive - all that remains is to be happy for him.

But the most typical situation that graduates face is the reluctance of employers to hire specialists without work experience. This partly explains the fairly high percentage of our students who combine study and work. On the one hand, upon graduation, they receive a comparative advantage over those who have just studied. The flip side: such a combination is not beneficial to studies, since the leading activity for the student was no longer study, but work. Because the survey was anonymous, we cannot look at correlations with academic performance. Or is the reason that the graduate failed to demonstrate his competence in the interview situation? Agree, the conclusions that follow from this one figure are completely different.

Or let's take a job in our specialty. It seems to me that the importance of this indicator should not be emphasized. A person can work in his specialty all his life and hate it fiercely. In my opinion, it is much more important that a person never stops looking for himself and moving towards his ideal occupation. It would be good if he immediately found a place to his liking, but in practice this happens quite rarely, given the perfection of the non-existent vocational guidance system in the country. This is confirmed by Grigory Kantorovich based on the results of the current admission of documents to the master's program - an increase in the number of those who change the direction of study after four years. I think this is good; we need to actively use the range of available opportunities. In the meantime, the typical situation is when an applicant (or rather his parents) choose a university rather than an educational program.

According to expert estimates, in the next ten years, 80% of existing technologies and equipment will be obsolete, by which time 4 out of every 5 workers will have an education received more than 10 years ago. What does this mean? Only one thing: there is no alternative to lifelong education. Sorry for the truism. That is, learning ability becomes a mandatory (but not sufficient) condition for success in life. The university’s goal is to help graduates quickly fill the identified gap in knowledge or competencies by offering flexible professional “tuning” programs. Therefore, HSE’s slogan takes on a new meaning: Through life with the School!

Monitoring showed that graduates are generally satisfied with their education. How satisfied are employers with their knowledge?

It’s best to ask this question to the director of the HSE Career Development Center, who maintains contacts with a wide range of employers. But, as far as I know, systematic studies of employers’ opinions about our graduates have not yet been carried out. I saw the results of a small study conducted by the Rus State Financial Institution on graduates of sociology departments, but it was purely pilot in nature. This kind of research is quite complex and time-consuming. We are currently launching our first employer survey with the Faculty of Management. One of the goals of this study is to obtain international accreditation of the Master's programs of the Faculty of Management. In the fall, we will be able to compare the opinions of graduates about the education they received at HSE with the opinions of employers about our Masters in Management. It's very interesting to see what happens! In the future, we will be able to conduct similar surveys regularly. I am sure that the results will be useful to the university, especially to the educational unit for the correction of educational programs.

The quality of the research started directly depends on the collected contact database of graduates and employers. Believe me, this is a very difficult task. Just imagine how difficult it is to find contacts of those who graduated from HSE many years ago. It is very pleasant that the response to the questionnaire was higher than we expected - almost 50%. In this regard, I would like to appeal to all alumni to help us update our contact information by registering on the website. Stay in touch - we are interested in you! And we hope that the interest is mutual.

The head of the HSE also answered questions about the employment of HSE graduates.

Olga Aleksandrovna, how easy is it for a HSE graduate to find a job?

Overall, it's easy. This situation is explained by a combination of a number of factors. Firstly, of course, the prestige of the university and the high level of education that students receive at HSE. Employers are in active demand for such graduates in many areas. In particular, the active partners of the Career Development Center include more than 700 companies and institutions, including representatives of the financial sector, civil service, consulting, FMCG, oil and gas companies, research companies and others. Moreover, employers are trying to attract HSE students through various recruiting and HR branding events, and companies also participate in educational process, starting from the third year. The competitive struggle of leading Russian and foreign companies for potential employees unfolds already during this period. Students are invited to undergo an internship, industrial or pre-graduate practice, or take up work on a flexible schedule. So, for example, during 2010-2011 school year HSE hosted about 100 recruiting, career and educational events with the participation of 150 companies, and about 40 new employers were added to the number of active partners. IN next year, according to our forecasts, the activity of companies will be even more intense.

Secondly, this is explained by the active position of the students themselves. HSE students attend career events (career fairs, career days, master classes, presentations, trainings of employing companies), seek career and career guidance consultations, and follow labor market news in the field that is relevant to them.

Thirdly, by combining work and study, and students completing internships with potential employers. According to annual monitoring of the careers of graduate students, which was carried out by the HSE Career Development Center from 2005 to 2010, it is not uncommon for a graduate to already hold a leadership position or have at least 3 years of work experience (in their specialty!) by the time they receive their HSE diploma.

Fourthly, the presence at HSE of special services and departments for students and graduates that assist in personal and career development, close interaction between faculties and company representatives, and active cooperation between the university and business in various fields.

What difficulties do you encounter when looking for a job?

It is often difficult for a graduate to decide which field to choose, since the education received opens up a wide range of opportunities for him. Some resort to consultations with specialists, others study the market on their own, and others (if they did not do this during their studies) advance by trying themselves in various areas of the economy.

Also, employers note somewhat inflated career ambitions and salary expectations of graduates (however, the economic crisis has corrected this situation, the self-esteem of young specialists in the labor market has become more adequate), unpreparedness for “working with their hands”, for rapid, but still gradual growth and advancement .

All this can be overcome and belongs to the category of disadvantages that can easily be turned into advantages. Thus, a multifunctional specialist can easily move between areas, mastering new areas, working at the intersection of areas, thereby having great innovative potential. Inflated ambitions are adjusted over time and become “healthy”, turning into an effective “engine” for graduates on the career ladder; they stimulate continuous learning and self-development, which is what is initially ingrained in university students.

Elena Kalinovskaya, HSE Portal News Service
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