Metelsky Andrey Nikolaevich biography. Andrey Metelsky. An old-time deputy with a very rich mother. War games

Andrei Metelsky can safely be called an old-timer of the Moscow City Duma.

For the first time, a veteran of combat operations in Afghanistan won elections to the city parliament back in 2001. Since then, he has not left his parliamentary seat.

At one time, Metelsky sued Dmitry Rogozin and proposed to restore the monument to Dzerzhinsky in Moscow, calling him a controversial figure.

At the end of 2017, on the eve of the mayoral elections, Metelsky called for maintaining a monopoly on the municipal filter so that not a single vote of a municipal deputy would end up in the “treasury of the “white-ribbon liberals.”

War games

Andrei Nikolaevich Metelsky was not born in Moscow. His small homeland is Kaliningrad, where he was born on June 5, 1968. Then he said that as a child he was interested in weapons, fortunately the boys had no shortage of them. Once upon a time there were fierce battles here, and in the 1970s, a variety of weapons from World War II, from cartridges to unexploded aerial bombs, were still literally lying on the surface literally two kilometers from the city, in a forest belt.

The boys did not rely on fate and approached the matter responsibly, using homemade metal detectors. The weapons found were used in action, that is, in games. “Of course, it was dangerous, but it was also interesting!” Metelsky later recalled.

Naturally, the local police officer watched these games with caution, confiscated the weapon if possible and advised him to come to his senses and go to Suvorov, since he was so drawn to weapons. In 1983, after the next confiscation of finds, Metelsky did just that. He passed the exams with flying colors and was accepted.

Russian Afghan

Andrei liked it at the Leningrad Suvorov Military School. He fell in love and future profession, and playing sports - I wasn’t into it before, but those who didn’t meet the standards weren’t given a leave of absence, but I wanted to go for a walk, especially in such a city. He became independent and was determined to continue military education at the prestigious Ryazan Higher Military School. However, after college he was assigned to the Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Metelsky was to become a military translator. He studied neither English nor Spanish, but a much less common language - Pashto. It is spoken by the majority of people in Afghanistan.

Usually to the faculty foreign languages They were taken after completing military service, but an exception was made for five Suvorovites.

Then there was an eight-month special course and war. Already real. Andrei Metelsky went to Afghanistan. By that time, a limited contingent of Soviet troops had been fighting for several years. fighting in this country. Metelsky spent several years there and was wounded.

Appreciate life

In 1989, Soviet troops left Afghanistan. They left ingloriously. By that time, perestroika had been going on for three years, and the concept of “international debt” had lost its significance. The introduction of troops into Afghanistan began to be considered a mistake. Two years later, the USSR collapsed.

Former "Afghans" were left alone with problems and needs after for long years in war, get used to peaceful life again. Many of them succeeded - both in business and in politics. Metelsky graduated Russian Academy civil service under the president and defended his dissertation on philosophy, but its text is not available on the Internet.

“After returning from Afghanistan, I realized that human life is so fleeting and vulnerable that the main thing is to be able to appreciate life. Both ours and others,” he told reporters.

What exactly did Andrei Metelsky do after demobilization? official biographies not reported. It is only clear that he quickly went into politics.

We will not allow anyone to politicize

Andrei Metelsky became one of the activists of the Unity party, holding the post of chairman of the political council of the Moscow city organization of the party (then, of course, joined United Russia). He first won elections to the Moscow City Duma in 2001 and since then, for 17 years, he has been defending the interests of citizens, as he understands them. Since 2005, Metelsky has been the permanent deputy chairman of the Moscow City Duma. He also heads the Moscow branch of the party " United Russia».

“As long as United Russia has a majority, we will not allow anyone to engage in politicking in the Moscow City Duma, but we will legislatively work for the city and Muscovites,” he defined his credo back in 2006, and apparently, it has not changed.

Sued Rogozin

During his service in Afghanistan, Metelsky was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the "Hero of Afghanistan", as well as orders and medals of the government of this country.

And in 2005, Dmitry Rogozin, then co-chairman of the Rodina faction in the State Duma, actually accused Metelsky of appropriating someone else’s Order of the Red Banner. “You used the trust of Muscovites to once again, under your name, elect to the Moscow City Duma all sorts of black Metelsky lieutenants who stole military orders from front-line veterans,” he wrote in an open letter to the then mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov.

The case of the bath

In 2012, members of the Council of Municipal Deputies suspected several Moscow City Duma deputies of conducting business activities. Metelsky also attracted their attention. Researchers claimed that he bought the company “Eastern Baths” LLC from his mother, Eldibitta Metelskaya. However, Metelsky explained that he received the company’s shares as a gift and appointed a principal. Deputies are not prohibited from owning assets.

It is interesting to note that Metelsky met with activists.

“It’s normal: when people have questions, they ask them,” he explained, calling the meeting fruitful.

How is Dzerzhinsky? Why not?

In 2013, Metelsky advocated the return of the Dzerzhinsky monument to Lubyanka Square. He stated that Dzerzhinsky was honest, courageous and ascetic, and that he sees nothing wrong with current officials and leaders being the same ascetics.

“Honest, courageous ascetics like Dzerzhinsky,” said Yulia Taratuta, host of the Dozhd TV channel, with irony. "Why not?" - the deputy responded, compared Dzerzhinsky with Stolypin and, as usual, called Felix Edmundovich a controversial figure.

Don't let white ribbon-eaters in

In 2017, RBC wrote that Andrei Metelsky called on municipal deputies not to give their signatures in order to help candidates of opposition parties overcome the municipal filter in the 2018 mayoral elections in the capital.

None of the potential candidates from the democratic opposition managed to overcome the municipal filter.

Got rid of property

Andrey Metelsky is married and has two children. In 2012, he declared several apartments, in next year the apartments disappeared, but a big one appeared land plot of 2667 square meters and a house of more than 500 square meters. And in 2014, all this disappeared from the documents.

From then to this day, the Moscow City Duma deputy and his wife have not declared any property at all. Only service housing - a cottage, as well as apartments, which are used free of charge by members of the Metelsky family.

On each of the three days at the skating rink from 12:00 to 20:00 (including a technical break from 15:00 to 17:00) the “Christmas Wishes Days” campaign will be held. In four rental pavilions, VDNKh guests will be able to leave postcards for strangers and receive anonymous messages with kind words in return.

The watch will go on sale in souvenir shops of the Moscow metro. The issue of producing the first batch is currently being discussed with manufacturers. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow Maxim Liksutov.

This is 1.6 times more than for the entire previous year. Most often, citizens paid bills for public utilities. In addition, Muscovites paid off fines issued by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, AMPP, MADI and the State Public Institution “Transportation Organizer”.

After processing, New Year trees will turn into wood chips that can be used in agriculture or for arranging enclosures where animals are kept, as well as for improving streets and creating ecological trails.

The most popular were the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, the Darwin Museum and the Moscow State United Museum-Reserve. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced this on his page on the VKontakte social network.

They will help passengers choose a route, fare zones and fares. In addition, metro employees will help you create the optimal route that will save travel time.

In honor of the New Year Department cultural heritage The city of Moscow has prepared a new walking route that will help residents of the capital create a festive mood.

This was announced by the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexey Shaposhnikov. As part of the raids, their participants will check to what extent federal legislation in this area is currently being observed.

In Moscow, a separate waste collection program started ahead of schedule. According to federal legislation, the capital had to switch to new system waste management only from 2022. However, the Moscow Government decided to do this earlier.

On December 31, you can visit the animals from 09:00 to 15:00. From January 1 to January 8, the zoo will be open daily from 09:00 to 17:00. Visitors will be able to purchase a ticket at the ticket office and enter the park until 16:00.

They will continue to work on weekends in special mode. What city services will receive visitors in holidays, can be found on

This was reported by Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for urban planning policy and construction Marat Khusnullin on Facebook. He noted that to date, about 932 km of roads have been built, which has increased the road network by 16%.

This is due to the construction of the metro. From January 1 to December 31, 2020, traffic on Sokolnicheskaya Square from Sokolnichesky Val Street to Rusakovskaya Street will be blocked. The closure will be in effect 24 hours a day. Also, from January 1 to December 31, traffic on Rusakovskaya Street from Sokolnicheskaya Square to the Sokolniki metro station will be limited to one lane.

On the night of January 6–7, the metro and MCC will transport passengers until 02:00. Also, until 02:00 on New Year's and Christmas night, Moscow Central Diameter trains and commuter trains will operate. And on the first night of the year, travel on Moscow public transport will be free.

Metelsky Andrey Nikolaevich

Metelsky Andrey Nikolaevich - political figure. Secretary of the Moscow city regional branch of the United Russia party. Deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth convocations. Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Duma (since 2004). Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. Member of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party. Head of United Russia in Moscow.


Metelsky Andrey Nikolaevich, born 06/05/1968, native of Kaliningrad.

Relatives. Mother: Metelskaya Eldibitta Vasilievna, born 02/17/1944. Metelskaya owns real estate and business, both in Russia and abroad. It is believed that Metelsky thus owns his assets through his mother.

Wife (former): Knyazeva Elena Georgievna, born 10/09/1958, Knyazeva previously taught at the Moscow State Regional University and the Military University. Owns an apartment of 288 sq. meters in Izmailovo.

Son: Metelsky Andrey Andreevich, born on June 30, 1993. Together with his grandmother, he owns companies and real estate in Moscow.

Awards. Awarded the Order of the Red Star (1989), medals “70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR” (1988), “To an internationalist warrior from the grateful Afghan people” (1988), Order “Star” 1st degree of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (1988), medal “In memory of 850th anniversary of Moscow" (1997), the honorary badge "For services to the development of legislation and parliamentarism" (2010). Has a Presidential Commendation Russian Federation(2012) and Gratitude from the Mayor of Moscow (2013).

State. In 2019, he became the hero of Navalny’s investigation, which claims that Metelsky’s mother, son and friend are registered with significant real estate in Russia and abroad, which is not mentioned in his declarations. He himself denies his relationship to this property.

On July 1, 2019, an investigation by Alexei Navalny was published, which claims that a number of real estate properties in Russia and abroad are registered to the 75-year-old mother (Eldibitta Vasilievna Metelskaya), son (Andrei Andreevich Metelsky) and friend Metelsky (Ivanovsky Pyotr Sergeevich). Metelsky did not declare. According to the real estate registers cited by Navalny, Eldibitta Metelskaya is the owner of a hotel chain in Austria. Thus, Navalny claims that in her name in 2007 the Maximillian Hotel in Austria was purchased worth 5 million euros, a year later - the Tirolerhof Hotel (together with the restaurant costs about 3.5 million euros), and in 2012 - the Mozart Vital Hotel worth approximately 7 million euros (transaction value minus debts). In 2010, the Strudlhof Palace in Vienna was purchased at a cost of approximately 20 million euros. Also, according to Navalngo’s investigation, in the name of Eldibitta Metelskaya and partly in the name of his son, companies and real estate properties in Moscow, estimated at hundreds of millions of rubles, were registered, in particular - 30% of Obukhov auto centers, two Tanuki restaurants, Eastern Baths (VAO), non-profit real estate in 600 million rubles, several apartments in Moscow, 3 houses in Razdory on Rublyovka, a house in Kaliningrad.

Metelsky himself claims that the real estate mentioned in Navalny’s investigation has nothing to do with him personally and belongs to his relatives (although the investigation also refers to relatives).

Hobbies. Motocross, sporting.


  • In 1983-1985 he was a cadet at the Leningrad Suvorov Military School.
  • In 1992 he graduated from the Red Banner Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense with a degree in “Reference Translator”.
  • From 2001 to 2003 - student at the Faculty of Political Science of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, qualification “Political Scientist”.
  • In 2003 he defended his thesis and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences.

Labor activity

  • From 1986 to 1988 he was on a business trip to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
  • From 2000 to 2003 he was deputy chairman of the political council of the Moscow city organization of the All-Russian political public organization- Unity Party.
  • He was elected as a deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth convocations.
  • From 2003 to 2016, he led the faction of the All-Russian political party “United Russia” in the Moscow City Duma.
  • From July 2004 to the present, he has been Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Duma.
  • In December 2016, he was elected Secretary of the Moscow city regional branch of the All-Russian political party "United Russia".
  • In September 2019, Metelsky lost the elections to the Moscow City Duma.


Vinokurova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, born 06/02/1985, member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights. Vinokurova is a resident of the Golyanovo district and criticizes the work of Metelsky, who represents this district in the Moscow City Duma.

Ivanovsky Petr Sergeevich, born on August 15, 1960, advisor to the deputy chairman of the Moscow City Duma. Ivanovsky is a close friend of Metelsky. Through Ivanovsky, Metelsky owns real estate in Russia and abroad.

Nikolaev Andrey Ivanovich, born 04/21/1949, former director of the Federal Border Service of Russia. Metelsky began his political career in the electoral bloc of Nikolaev. But after Nikolaev began to be “squeezed out” of politics, Metelsky defected to the Unity party.

Rogozin Dmitry Olegovich, born December 21, 1963, General Director of the State Corporation for Space Activities Roscosmos. During the years when Rogozin was the leader of the Rodina party, he accused Metelsky of conferring the Order of the Red Banner.

Shaposhnikov Alexey Valerievich, born June 16, 1973, Chairman of the Moscow City Duma. Metelsky is the deputy speaker of the Moscow City Duma Shaposhnikov. In many ways, Shaposhnikov relies on Metelsky in matters of control over deputies of the Moscow City Duma.

To information

Andrei Nikolaevich Metelsky was born in Kaliningrad into a military family. Following in the footsteps of his father, he graduated from the Leningrad Suvorov School, and then entered the Red Banner Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense. As a cadet, Metelsky was sent to serve in Afghanistan as a translator of the Dari language. He even received state awards for fulfilling his international duty.

However, when Metelsky received his officer's shoulder straps in 1992, dramatic changes took place in the country, and a military career no longer seemed as attractive to him as before. Therefore, he left the service that same year and went into business. His business mainly concerned security companies. One of these was the Ranger private security company, in which Andrei Nikolaevich received income for some time. Later, law enforcement agencies conducted an audit of the financial and economic activities of Ranger and found that the director of the security company presented a fake diploma of graduation from the Moscow Region to the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region. high school police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the qualification of a lawyer. Thus, he illegally obtained a private security license.

True, at that time Metelsky was no longer related to this private security company, but was the president of the M and B charitable foundation. All of Andrei Nikolaevich’s activities were indirectly connected with retired and current generals. As a result, these connections brought him to the general’s electoral bloc Andrey Nikolaev and academician Svyatoslav Fedorov, who participated in the parliamentary elections, but received only 0.56% of the votes. Despite such a modest result, it was believed that Nikolaev himself was presidential elections could fray the nerves of his opponents. Therefore, as a politician, he was soon destroyed, and Metelsky managed to defect to the Unity electoral bloc.

At the same time, Andrei Nikolaevich had a very good position, and when Unity was transformed into United Russia, he received the position of first deputy chairman of the political council of the Moscow city organization. In 2001, Andrei Nikolaevich entered the Moscow City Duma for the first time, and since then he has received a deputy mandate with each new convocation of the city parliament. And since 2005, Metelsky also became deputy chairman of the Moscow City Duma, at the same time heading the Moscow branch of United Russia. He also retained these statuses permanently with each new convocation.

Andrei Nikolaevich closely followed political trends and clearly followed his senior party comrades. It was he who responded to the statement of the then Speaker of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov that “parliament is not a place for discussion,” with the phrase “as long as United Russia has a majority, we will not allow anyone to engage in politicking in the Moscow City Duma.” At the same time, Andrei Nikolaevich himself was no stranger to either politicking or cheap populism. Each time before the next Moscow elections, he made loud statements, which his party colleagues clearly did not strive to comply with.

So, before the next elections to the Moscow City Duma, he stated on one of the TV channels that “it would be nice for current officials to be like the revolutionary figure - to be just as honest, courageous and ascetic.” At this point, the TV channel’s presenter could only note that the members of the party, to which he himself belongs, represent rather the opposite image. And before the 2017 mayoral elections, Metelsky, without blinking an eye, declared that with the help of a municipal filter it was necessary to prevent opposition candidates from participating in the elections.

Andrei Nikolaevich himself is allegedly not completely honest with his voters. Questions arose for him even regarding his scientific degree, since journalists, no matter how hard they tried to find his dissertation, did not find it even in the database of the Russian state library. Not everything turned out smoothly with Metelsky’s military background. His personal registration card also included military awards. According to these data, in 1989, Lieutenant Metelsky was awarded the Order of the Red Star No. 3824183, and in December 1991, the Order of the Red Banner No. 511553. Concerning the latter, doubts crept in.

At the moment when the award cards of all the recipients were checked, it turned out that the card of one of the officers contained an order, the number of which clearly did not coincide with the award period. The fact is that orders with such numbers were awarded in the early or mid-1950s. The statute also did not coincide, since the Order of the Red Banner was awarded only to officers who performed feats that led to serious successes in military operations. Junior officers in Afghanistan, awarded the order There were only a few of the Red Banner.

Upon further inspection, it turned out that the Order of the Red Banner No. 511553 belonged to a completely different person. It was awarded on November 5, 1954 to Ivan Ivanovich Golovko, a front-line officer who went through the war from the first to the last day. The direct question of how Metelsky is listed as the owner of the order was asked by paratrooper Major General Yuri Popov, which also went through Afghanistan. United Russia responded that he did not receive such an award and did not sign the award card for receiving it, and associated the disseminated information with the deliberate discrediting of his name. Back in 2005, Metelsky was accused of appropriating someone else’s order. opposition politician Dmitry Rogozin. True, then United Russia sued a representative of the Rodina party and won the case.

And yet, on the photocopy of the card it was Metelsky’s signature that was visible. In addition, on the line about the award of the order there was a stamp “verified”. At the same time, for some reason, in Metelsky’s personal file there was not a single note about the injury that he wrote about in his biography. And even in award list, signed by the chief military adviser, it was not mentioned, although usually in such cases such a fact was always emphasized. In addition, people who know Andrei Nikolaevich say that he loved to remember his “special forces” past, and many were even sure that he served as the commander of a special forces group. However, judging by combat documents, in Afghanistan he was in the office of the military adviser to Colonel General Mikhail Sotskov. The award list does not mention Metelsky’s “special forces” exploits. In addition, the submission itself was signed by the chief military adviser, although if Andrei Nikolaevich had served in the “special forces”, then most likely the signature would have been the commander of the corresponding unit.

If non-existent awards and a special forces past could have been attributed to Metelsky by his enemies in order to later debunk them, he did not consciously share information of a slightly different nature with his constituents. In 2012, opposition municipal deputies drew attention to the fact that Andrei Nikolaevich had a share in the company Eastern Baths LLC, which was worth more than his annual income. The deputy then explained that the elected representatives of the Moscow City Duma have the right to own assets, and he received the share itself as a gift from his mother. And yet, just in case, Metelsky finally “threw off” all his assets.

But before the elections to the Moscow City Duma in 2019, an investigation of an oppositionist was published Alexei Navalny, which claimed that his son, 75-year-old mother and friend Ivanovsky Pyotr Sergeevich were registered with a number of real estate properties in Russia and abroad. According to real estate registers cited by Navalny, Eldibitta Metelskaya, the mother of a deputy, was the owner of a chain of hotels in Austria. In her name, in 2007, the Maximillian Hotel in Austria was purchased worth 5 million euros, a year later - the Tirolerhof Hotel, which together with the restaurant cost about 3.5 million euros, and in 2012 - the Mozart Vital Hotel worth approximately 7 million euros . In 2010, the Strudlhof Palace in Vienna was purchased at a cost of approximately 20 million euros.

Also, according to the investigation, companies and real estate in Moscow, estimated at hundreds of millions of rubles, were registered in the name of Eldibitta Metelskaya and partly in the name of his son Andrei Andreevich Metelsky. These include, in particular, 30% of the Obukhov auto centers, two Tanuki restaurants, Eastern Baths (VAO), and non-commercial real estate worth 600 million rubles. Residential real estate was also discovered in their ownership - several apartments in Moscow, including a mansion on Chistye Prudy, penthouse with an area of ​​600 sq. meters, apartments near the Patriarch's Ponds, three houses in Razdory on Rublyovka and a house in Kaliningrad.

Metelsky threatened to sue because of the Anti-Corruption Foundation's investigation and linked it to the upcoming Moscow parliamentary elections. He emphasized that the real estate referred to in Navalny’s investigation has nothing to do with him personally and belongs to his relatives. He also explained that the Austrian hotels were purchased with money from banks in Austria and Russia and belong to his mother and a group of people, among whom there are citizens of Austria and citizens of Russia. However, he did not answer why the relatives of the “patriotic deputy” prefer to invest money in Europe and withdraw it to offshore companies.

The story continued. After Metelsky placed in in social networks report on her meeting with war veterans from the Golnovo district, Moscow, local activist Julia Kamran in the comments, she asked whether the Moscow deputy spoke at the event about his businesses and why his son did not serve in the army. Metelsky Jr. himself unexpectedly reacted to the comments, complaining that people have time to write comments on social networks because they are not busy enough, do not earn “the required amount of money for a good existence,” and are therefore “dissatisfied with life.” At the end, he added that he was not going to get involved in politics, since this was his father’s business, which he “copes superbly.”

After this, Andrei Nikolaevich was nicknamed “new Olga Glatskikh" At the same time, journalists found out, based on SPARK data, that his business is not going well enough to teach others how to work. All three of Metelsky Jr.’s companies are unprofitable: the SPORT LINE CLUB fitness center brought a loss of 3.9 million rubles in 2018, a company specializing in entertainment, VOLGA-KEM, brought a 3.8 million ruble loss, the company WARP, which is associated with rental housing - 15 million rubles of loss.

It is obvious that it was no coincidence that Metelsky’s name began to be inclined before the elections to the Moscow City Duma. But he himself remembered his voters only when he needed their votes. But in reality, during the entire time that he was elected from Golyanovo, he did almost nothing for the residents of this area. Member of the Human Rights Council Ekaterina Vinokurova, living in this area, claimed that Andrei Nikolaevich never took any useful actions.

Thus, United Russia did not help in response to a request to solve problems with the old inconvenient walkways near the built overpass, did nothing to resolve controversial situations during the implementation of the renovation project, and did not help in any way with the completion of the church in Golyanovo. According to a resident of Golyanovo Maria Kaplan, for four convocations in the Moscow City Duma, Metelsky, who is now convening for a fifth term, did not particularly appear in their area, but before the elections “he began to go on weekly Saturday rounds with the head of the council.”

However, such problems of interaction with voters before the September single voting day arose among almost the entire United Russia faction, which for Metelsky, as its chairman, became an additional headache. But at stake is the largest budget among all subjects of the Russian Federation - 2.7. trillion rubles, which are formally approved by the Moscow City Duma. That is why it is so important for the City Hall of the Capital that, as in the future, United Russia members receive an absolute majority. In addition, a municipal filter is established through the Moscow City Duma, thanks to which a government candidate can “choose” “sparring partners” for mayoral elections.

In the upcoming elections, the party in power has no choice but to formally refuse to nominate its candidates. All candidates, both current members of the faction and new faces, publicly and secretly supported by the Moscow government, will run as self-nominated candidates. All this happens for an understandable reason: among the people, the “party in power” is not only unpopular, but is one of the main irritants. Therefore, some pro-government candidates will go to those districts where voters do not yet know them, while they are allowed to criticize the mayor’s office. Metelsky himself even tried to hold a preliminary vote in United Russia, but a signal came from the mayor’s office that this was not necessary, since the party as such would not be in the elections.

Andrei Nikolaevich Metelsky has been heading the United Russia faction in the Moscow City Duma for many years. However, not only ordinary Muscovites, but also residents of the Golyanov district, in whose constituency Metelsky won the elections, for a long time had no idea about this policy. Now, before the next elections, he became known to the general public thanks to the business of his closest relatives abroad. However, Andrei Nikolaevich’s colleagues also have plenty of “skeletons in their closets.” That is why their political strategists are frantically preparing new cunning schemes to obtain a majority for the party in power in the upcoming Moscow parliamentary elections.

Andrey Metelsky is Russian politician, who has been a deputy since the beginning of the 2000s. Metelsky’s biography shows that for 18 years he has not left his seat as a deputy, and is considered a “long-liver” in this area. In addition to politics, Andrei Metelsky is engaged in business, has a personal life and is raising a son.

The politician’s biography begins with his birth on June 5, 1968 in Kaliningrad. Andrey's parents are successful people: mother - Eldibitta and father - Nikolai Metelsky. Given his mother’s name, the question of nationality always haunted Andrei.

He was born and raised in Russia, so he only has Russian citizenship. The politician’s biography is not replete with information about his childhood, since no source contains information about Andrei’s first hobbies and achievements.

The only thing we could learn from Andrei Metelsky’s interview about his childhood was his increased passion for weapons. Like all boys, in his youth Andrei loved to find weapons from the Second World War, studied their details, and was interested in their features. During his school years, the boy was open-minded, knew how to quickly find a common language with his peers, and chose dangerous games.

As a teenager, Andrei’s parents send him to the Suvorov School, where he not only goes through a decent school of life, but also discovers his love for sports. Metelsky’s increased desire to play sports was caused by the strict rules of the school: whoever did not pass the necessary sports standards was not dismissed.


Immediately after graduating from college, Andrei wanted to continue his studies at a higher military educational institution in Ryazan, but was assigned to the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense. During times Soviet Union this university was considered one of the best for getting a decent education. It provided full-fledged training for military personnel, and there was an opportunity to receive military-legal and military-philological education.

The educational institution allowed Andrey to master the language spoken a large number of residents of Afghanistan. As the politician’s biography shows, after graduating from university, he was sent to Afghanistan, where military operations took place.

Andrey graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration, and in 2003 defended his dissertation in philosophy. It was this school of life, as well as a good education, that allowed Metelsky to realize himself in politics.

Political career of Andrei Metelsky

Metelsky's political career began in the late 90s, but only in 2001 did he become a deputy. After returning from Afghanistan, Andrei Metelsky realized that the most important thing in life is life. He no longer wanted to deal with war and weapons, and he went to realize his ambitions in politics.

At the end of the 90s, Andrei became an activist in the Unity party; in 2001, it received the name United Russia. Then he almost immediately wins the elections to the Moscow City Duma, after which his main political career, which continues to this day.

Andrei Metelsky holds one position in politics and, working actively, achieves great success in his career. During the first 13 years of his practice he held the following positions:

  • 2001–2005 – deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the third convocation;
  • 2005–2009 – deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the fourth convocation;
  • 2009–2014 – deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the fifth convocation.

Business and fortune

Besides political activity, Metelsky manages to earn millions of dollars from his business, which is available not only within the country, but also abroad.

According to FBK, despite empty declarations, Andrei Metelsky is building a personal business on hotels purchased in Austria.

Metelsky bought his first hotel, Maximilian, which is located in the village of Serfaus in the Austrian Alps. This is a large-scale ski resort, which is visited by many tourists every year. The place is popular both in summer and winter, which is why the hotel is worth its costs.

The purchase cost the politician 5 million euros. Exactly a year later, he acquires a second hotel of the same type, which is located 500 meters from the first. It is somewhat smaller in volume, but is located in a good area, so it is also popular. The second hotel cost 3.5 million euros.

In order not to arouse any suspicion towards himself and not to endanger his property, the businessman registers ownership of the hotels in the name of his elderly mother, Eldibitta Metelskaya, as well as his son, Andrei Metelsky. The mother, born in 1944, has been retired for many years, but this does not prevent her from managing a fortune of 7 million euros according to documents.

Journalists also managed to find out that Metelsky owns another 30% of the Obukhov auto centers, whose total profit turnover is 3 million rubles. In addition to these properties, Metelsky also owns:

  1. Two Tanuki restaurants in Moscow;
  2. Fitness rooms;
  3. Real estate companies;
  4. Hotel in the Moscow region;
  5. Eastern baths in the Eastern Administrative District.

The businessman also owns non-commercial real estate with an area of ​​1,700 square meters. m, the total cost of which is 600 million rubles. In addition, there is also an apartment in Moscow, a personal penthouse of 600 sq. m. m, several dachas on Rublyovka, as well as a large house in Kaliningrad.

If you add up all the politician’s possessions in Russia, the amount of money spent is about 5.7 billion rubles. All these possessions are not documented in the name of Andrei Metelsky, therefore, according to the law, there are no grounds or evidence to charge him with theft of public money.

The politician’s second wife also has personal property: two apartments in Moscow are registered in her name, the total area of ​​which is 360 square meters. m, as well as 2 parking spaces. The family drives two cars – a Honda CR-V and a Volvo S 40.

Personal life of Andrey Metelsky

Metelsky's personal life and family attracts less attention than his possessions and business, but still arouses interest. The first woman Metelsky lived with was his ex-wife Elena Knyazeva, who gave birth to his son in 1993. But almost immediately after his birth, the marriage broke up.

Now he lives with his second wife Tatyana Velikanova in a spacious apartment in Moscow, the couple are raising their son together. The deputy does not like to talk about his personal life and prefers to keep all information secret, but photos and videos with his youngest son sometimes appear on the Internet.

The eldest son is already an adult, he rarely appears in their photos together and does not participate in his father’s public life. Family comes first for the deputy, so he does not try to talk about it to journalists, and in every possible way avoids any interviews on this matter.

From latest news one can understand that Metelsky still loves to play sports and free time spends time in the gym. Despite his active work, running a business and family, the deputy finds time for personal hobbies.

Andrey Metelsky today

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