A prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord God after eating food. Prayers at meals. Bishop Athanasius - elder and novice

“Bon appetit”, “Have a good day” - the diners exchange standard phrases with each other, because that’s how it’s supposed to be, and they don’t particularly delve into their meaning. For Orthodox Christians, meal and prayer are inseparable: it is customary to bless food at the stage of preparing food, before and after eating it.

Why is this necessary? Where did the custom come from and how to properly consecrate your daily bread? According to Orthodox traditions, eating without praying is tantamount to gluttony, which is considered a sin. . Therefore, every meal, and not only - accompanied by prayer. The Holy Scripture tells about the earthly period of the life of Jesus Christ, in which he blessed food before eating it every time. And today Christians, following his example, out of a feeling of love and gratitude to Christ, who feeds their souls, as usual, sit down at the table and offer a prayer to the Creator, asking him that the food on the table will benefit those present for health and not harm.

What does prayer give during the cooking process?

Believers believe that food that begins and is accompanied by prayer is tastier and healthier, but without the word of God it loses its taste. Therefore, cooking must also begin with prayer. IN modern society Stomach and intestinal diseases are diagnosed in every third person, and young and elderly people suffer equally often.

Poor appetite, indigestion, heartburn, overeating, problems with taste buds - as a result, food causes discomfort, and problems cause harm. In Orthodox literature there is a simple explanation for this - the reason is intemperance and the fact that food, our daily bread, is not sanctified by prayer. After all, what is prayer?

This is an appeal for the blessing of the bread that a person eats. This personal relationships believer with the Creator.

How to bless food?

How to bless food during its preparation? First, you need to remember that food that is being prepared can heal, or it can turn into a slow-acting poison that will destroy, drop by drop, cell by cell. physical body and soul.

What will the finished dish be like?

It depends on the mood and thoughts of the person preparing it. When there is love in the heart, and thoughts are occupied with prayers and joyful thoughts, food becomes a life-giving balm. There are several prayers, one of them sounds like this: Lord Jesus! Bless the gifts sent to me today as a manifestation of your love, and imbue them with the life-giving spirit. Amen. Thank you words are optional learn by heart - they must be sincere, come from the soul. In them you need to thank God for the bread given before the meal and bless the Creator - Co-Publisher.

What to do before eating?

Before the meal begins, you need to say words of repentance, and then offer a prayer of gratitude to God. She illuminates the food, recognizes it as a gift sent by God, and thanks him for this grace.

It is important, when offering prayer before meals, to say the words from the heart, and not mechanically. It is read aloud, but in some cases priests allow you to deviate from this rule and pray silently.

This is allowed if a believer eats in a cafe, dining room and friend public place or is among foreigners who profess a different faith. Words of gratitude are said in a sitting or standing position - as it suits you, by all those present in unison or by repeating silently the words spoken by one of those present. If a clergyman is present at a meal, he blesses the food.

You cannot ask your table neighbor to offer a prayer, so as not to put him in an awkward position. Perhaps an unfamiliar person professes a different faith. In this case, it is better to pray silently before eating. Representatives of other faiths will do the same - no one’s spiritual feelings will be offended. It's never too late to thank the Creator and ask for blessings. Those who forgot to pray before eating should stop, concentrate, say prayer words and continue with breakfast or lunch. Deeply religious people turn to the Lord by reading “”. This is a universal prayer for all occasions.

How often should I ask for a blessing before eating?

Orthodox Christians must turn to God before breakfast, lunch, dinner and non-statutory meals.

Should you pray before snacking?

Everything except lunch, dinner and breakfast with certain reservations, in the Christian tradition is considered, which, as is known, is a sin. Harmless tea parties with friends, a snack in a cafe or fast food on the go are considered non-statutory snacks. For such cases, there is a prayer of the Optina elders for the forgiveness of sins. Christianity teaches generosity; there are no strict requirements for the content of words of repentance before and after meals. An arbitrary form of appeal to God and any prayer speech that is appropriate in meaning is allowed.

Should I pray after eating?

Believing Christians do not get up from the table after eating until they pray. Prayer after eating food symbolizes gratitude to God for his mercy, for the fact that he gives food and strength to earthly sinners, protects them, and protects them from problems and illnesses. These words of gratitude contain a request that so that the Lord does not deprive a person of his protection during life and after death.

Orthodox Christians pray before the faces of saints, so it is correct if there are holy images in the kitchen or dining room. There are no holy images in the halls of cafes, canteens and restaurants, but believers always have small travel icons with them. You need to contact them. Prayers are usually offered standing, looking directly at the icon. You can say the words out loud or to yourself. Believers must be baptized before the prayer speech and at its end.

If several people are present at the table, the owner of the house says the words of thanksgiving to God. They do it out loud, but with eyes closed so that the actions of those present do not distract from the godly work.

The diners repeat the words of the prayer to themselves, and at the end they say in chorus: “Amen.” Everyone present at the table makes the sign of the cross. This is done, as mentioned above, before and after prayer.

How to baptize food correctly?

Orthodox Christians mark food with a cross served on the table after repentance and prayer, immediately before the meal. To do this, fold your index finger, thumb and middle fingers together, and press the two remaining fingers firmly to the palm.

The food on the table is marked with a sign according to the scheme: from top to bottom, from bottom to left and from left to right. The result is a figure of a cross in the air - the same as Christians make the sign of themselves in temples and churches, but in a mirror image. Movement from left to right is obtained relative to the person himself, and in relation to an object or food, folded fingers will point to them right side, and then to the left, as it should be in Orthodoxy.

Easter food is blessed according to special traditions. Dishes prepared for the Resurrection of Christ, Orthodox Christians consecrate in temples and churches. Priests and deacons have the right to bless it. The church minister sprinkles the food with holy water without saying a word, after which he invites parishioners to pray at the Holy Sepulcher. The all-night service begins on Saturday evening on the eve of the Bright Resurrection of Christ. You can also bless holiday food on Sunday morning. This ritual ends the Easter fast - believers return to their homes and sit down to festive table. On this day, instead of traditional prayers, toasts are heard: Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!

Christians congratulate each other with these words and praise the Lord. There must be eggs consecrated in the temple on the table and Easter cakes.

This food symbolizes new life, the new birth of Christ and his immortality. This is where the meal begins. Before starting other dishes, those gathered at the table pray to themselves - there is silence for several minutes. After this, the elder or owner of the house turns to God with words of gratitude and a festive meal with wine begins.

  • On the evening before the Nativity of Christ, churches serve the Divine, followed immediately by an evening service.
  • Only after it’s finished can you taste the luscious, sweet porridge made from rice, barley or wheat.
  • The meal is preceded by words of thanksgiving to the glory of Jesus Christ. The dishes must be lean, because Christmas Eve is the last day of fasting; you can break your fast only on January 7 in the morning, not forgetting about holiday prayers.

The words of thanksgiving and blessing that Christians offer to God and the saints literally mean approval and wishes for success. These wishes are fulfilled when the believer makes the sign of the cross over the object he is blessing, food.

Who do Orthodox Christians ask for blessings from? The Heavenly Father, the Mother of God, has angels - where there are angels, there are saints, to Saint Nicholas. The holy scriptures describe examples of how the poisons with which the servants of the devil intended to poison God's saints lost their deadly power after applying the sign of the cross to food.

Prayer before and after meals, baptism of food is a confrontation with such church sins as gluttony and overeating. The priests are sure that the Orthodox, who offers words of repentance and thanksgiving to the Higher Powers before the meal, is much less susceptible to these worldly weaknesses. Therefore, the risk of obesity diabetes mellitus and other diseases caused by poor nutrition and the habit of overeating, their incidence is several times lower than that of others.

In Orthodox life, a special prayer must be read before meals. It is she who is considered a reminder to a believer that man does not live by bread alone and spiritual values ​​are of greater importance to him. In the prayer before meals, people thank the Lord for sending them food and for the fact that they can share it with their household.

The Orthodox faith implies that food should not be used for gluttony, which is a sin. But if it is blessed by prayer, then it will provide enough energy for the health of the body and mind. This means that a person will learn to correctly set life priorities and live righteously.

Orthodox prayers before and after meals in Russian

As a rule, in Christian families, household members gather around the table, and a prayer is said in the form of a simple and understandable blessing. At the same time, an icon must be installed in the dining room. The prayer is usually said by one person, and all other family members say its words to themselves or in a low voice. But each family can set its own rules. For example, prayer is often carried out in the form of chants.

The Holy Fathers, revered in Christianity, claim that prayers before and after meals are very important. Many of them believe that the cause of many human ailments is that the custom of blessing food has been lost. IN modern world Many people sit down at the table in a bad mood with negative thoughts and anger in their souls. Food absorbs negative energy and negatively affects the condition of the human body. Negative Impact The quality of food is also affected by quarrels and conflicts in the kitchen.

Prayer before eating food

For prayer before eating food, there are special rules that should be followed. All participants in the meal should hold hands or fold their hands in front of them, bowing their heads. Before starting the prayer reading, you need to sit in silence for some time to get into the right mood.

The text of the prayer before eating may sound like this:

“Bless, Lord, this food for our body, and allow us to keep faith in our hearts. We pray in the name of the Savior Jesus Christ. Amen".

Another version of prayer before meals can also be used:

We thank You, Lord, for our daily bread and food, which You have given us for our bright good. Do not allow us to succumb to the sin of gluttony and do not send us hunger to atone for our sins. Amen".

After saying the prayer words, you can start eating. But you should remember that if there are invited guests at the table, then the prayer should be said silently. This will avoid an uncomfortable situation if there are people of a different religion at the table.

Prayer for the blessing of food and drink

Food and drink are necessary for a person to live a full life. But in order not to succumb to gluttony and to get the most out of the food you consume, you need to bless it. After reading such a prayer, the food must be crossed. It is very important that in this case the prayer text is pronounced sincerely and in good mood.

The prayer for blessing food and drink is:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, bless our food and drink with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, the Virgin Mary, and all Your saints. Amen".

Prayer after eating food

Prayer must also be read after eating food. After everyone has eaten, the head of the family quietly recites a special prayer text. All other household members should repeat it in a whisper. It is also permissible to sit in silence with your head bowed and your hands folded in front of you.

The after-meal prayer goes like this:

“We thank You, Lord, Savior of the human race Jesus Christ, for satisfying all of us on earth and bestowing Your blessings. Please do not deprive us of hope for Heavenly Kingdom Your. Come to us, save and preserve us. Lord have mercy (spoken three times) and bless. Amen".

In Islam, food intake requirements are very strict. For example, only utensils that belong to a Muslim should be used at the table. Otherwise, it should be washed for a long time and thoroughly under running water. Islam requires cleanliness, neatness and moderation during meals. In addition, prayer before meals is a mandatory ritual.

Before eating, Muslims say Arabic special duas.

Translated into Russian they mean the following:

“In the name of Allah, the most merciful and merciful.” “Great, Allah! Your food is good for us, protect us from evil forces and from the devil.”

Moreover, the first phrase, that is, the dua “Bismilyakh” is pronounced before each change of dishes. If it happens that for some reason a Muslim forgot to say special duas before eating, then after eating he must say a phrase in Arabic.

Translated into Russian it means:

“I begin and end with the name of Allah.”

Before and after eating, Muslims must wash their hands thoroughly. Moreover, it is noteworthy that hand washing is performed directly at the table. The youngest members of the family bring a basin and a jug to the household member, from which they pour water onto their hands. After this, a towel is offered. If there are honored guests at the table, then the owner of the house brings a jug with a basin for washing hands directly.

What prayer should you read before eating?

Prayer before eating food should become a mandatory custom for every believer. Big role This ritual also plays a role in raising children. It has long been noted that when it was customary in the family to say prayers before meals, children began to respect the work of their parents and food. In addition, the importance of praying to God before meals is that such a ritual ensures the preservation of the integrity of the family. After all, prayer implies that all household members should gather at least once a day at a common table.

Prayer before meals should be clear and simple, its meaning should be understood by everyone gathered at the table, regardless of age. At its core, such a prayer represents a grateful appeal to the Higher Powers. It is allowed not to use standard texts, but to pronounce a couple of lines from yourself. Moreover, in this version the prayers sound more sincere, while the texts proposed in prayer books can create the impression of pretense. Each family can come up with their own words of gratitude that will be understandable to everyone. Sometimes prayer before meals is replaced by reading a very strong prayer, known to every believer, “Our Father.”

It is important to understand that the prayer before meals should not sound “by the way”; it must be read with full concentration. To do this, there must be an icon of the Savior in the dining room or Holy Mother of God. It is very important to sit down at the table in a good mood. If unpleasant events have occurred in life that have disturbed your mental balance, then you need to throw away negative thoughts through an effort of will. If you can’t do this, then it’s better to postpone your meal for a while. Moreover, all household members should try to restore peace of mind to their loved one.

Being a Christian is not just about going to church once a week. A person's whole life must change. Every task must be covered with prayer; they read it before meals. This is a very symbolic action, which, according to the faith of Orthodox priests, makes food especially tasty and healthy. What prayers are said before meals?

Why bless food before eating?

Eating seems like the most ordinary thing modern people They don’t see anything sacred in it. However, it is not. The message before lunch is very significant:

  • sanctifies food;
  • expresses gratitude for all God's gifts;
  • protects from the sin of gluttony;
  • helps not to lose grace in the future.

Today's rhythm of life has turned lunch into something not so significant - you need to have time to “throw something tasty into the firebox”. We don’t think about what benefits or harm products can cause, much less remember God. And completely in vain. According to Seraphim Vyritsky, many diseases arise from this.

Previously, our ancestors did everything with prayer: they sowed, plowed, harvested and cooked.. Today we do not know what swear words were spoken over the food, what energy the cooks put into what we eat. Therefore, food must be sprinkled with Epiphany water and prayers said over it. Then you can safely eat.

A variety of dishes is a manifestation of the Lord's care for us people. This is how His blessing is manifested. Nature itself, and through it, they carry out God’s instructions, making sure that man receives his food. That is why it is customary to express gratitude by reading - the most main prayer which has a deep spiritual meaning. It wouldn’t hurt to sing too - after all, everywhere there is grace.

Not only clergy, but also ordinary people- laymen. For this purpose, a special short petition has been drawn up, which is read before eating.

Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, bless our food and drink with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, for He is blessed forever and ever. Amen. (And cross food and drink)

Educational meaning of prayer

The modern world does not teach children anything good. They see around them only the propaganda of entertainment; they are told that to be happy they need to buy expensive clothes and have a luxury car. And only the family can resist this flow of godless heresy.

If a child sees from an early age how parents pray before lunch or dinner, they begin to perceive events differently. They treat products with care and respect the work of their parents. The child gets used to having lunch at the table leisurely, communicating with the whole family - grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters. Communication between generations is maintained and traditions are passed on.

Prayer before meals - text

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Option for prayer before meals:
The eyes of all trust in You, Lord, and You give them food in good season, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every animal’s good will.
“Prayer for the blessing of food and drink for the laity”

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless us with food and drink through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, for blessed are You forever. Amen. (And cross food and drink).

How to pray before eating

Each temple has a refectory. Anyone who has at least once helped in a church, worked in a monastery, has also been to the place where the clergy and clergy (lay employees) dine. When the time comes, everyone gathers in the hall and faces the images. The senior priest (this could be a bishop or rector) reads a prayer. Before meals, it is also customary to sing “Our Father” and holiday troparia. When the confessor blesses the food, everyone sits down and begins to eat.

Another pious Orthodox tradition is to listen to the lives of saints while sitting at the table. In this way, the service continues. If lunch is held at home, then everyone gathers in the kitchen. There must definitely be an image there, possibly of holy saints, of the Mother of God. The head of the family says a prayer, everyone repeats after him out loud or silently, whichever is more convenient. Of course, it is not necessary to read the lives, it is optional.

After eating, a prayer is also said -. At the temple it can be read (sung) together or privately. A person who needs to leave early stands up to the images and says the text to himself and crosses himself. Then he wishes everyone an Angel at the meal, only then leaves. You can start a similar tradition at home. In some families, appeals to the Lord are pronounced in turns.

“We thank You, Christ our God, for You have filled us with Your earthly blessings” - this is how the prayer begins, which is read after getting up from the table. A person expresses gratitude to the Savior for sending food. What follows is a request that the Lord not deprive the Kingdom of Heaven, but appear invisibly among those present and send peace in the soul, saving from hellish torment.

Prayer after eating

"Prayer after eating food"
We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast filled us with Thy earthly blessings; Do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as You came among Your disciples, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.

Prayer as spiritual food

The habit of constantly turning to the Creator is very useful for the spiritual state. A person who is incapable of giving thanks is actually very far from a prayerful state of mind. After all, this is the first sign of humility, without which one cannot receive forgiveness of sins. Pride is a direct path to hell. Anyone who does not consider it necessary to pray before eating refuses to recognize the sovereignty of God over himself. He attributes everything he has to his own talents, forgetting that they are also a gift from above.

Think about how a farmer gets his harvest. The Lord sends rain from heaven, and when necessary, the warmth of the sun. None of us would be able to work if God did not provide physical strength. The Creator generously endowed each one with talents - one is capable of acquiring knowledge, the third helps others. Thus, through common efforts, people receive the fruits of their painstaking labors.

It is necessary to saturate not only the body, but also your soul; this is precisely what prayer serves for. You should also read Bible chapters as often as possible, so as not to turn into a mundane being, but to be truly a Christian, sanctified by the Spirit of God.

The tradition of praying before eating food shows that a person lives in the Word of God. He thanks the Creator for all good deeds, including the opportunity to eat his daily bread. He who loves the Creator will not hesitate to do this even alone. According to the apostle, any deed must be done for the glory of God.

Prayer before and after meals (Orthodox) - read and listen was last modified: April 20th, 2018 by Bogolub

Independent prayer before meals is the basis of Orthodox life. It's designed to get people to sit down dinner table, ate, while avoiding overeating. This strong prayer makes food holy and reminds a person that he does not live by bread alone. It brings particular benefit to children, as it teaches them that before starting any task, they need to pray. Children for whom Christian prayer before and after meals familiar, it is easier to get accustomed to Lent and serious prayer. There are prayers before and after meals in any prayer book.

Prayer of thanks before meals

The Orthodox prayer for the blessing of food is said before dinner or lunch begins, it is also called thanksgiving prayer before eating. In some families, the prayer is said in chorus, and in others they are read silently, repeating after the one who reads the prayer out loud. If a clergyman is invited to a meal, he is usually asked to bless the food. It is not customary to ask invited guests to read this, this action may make him feel awkward, maybe he is not used to it. If there are people of other faiths at the table, it is better to refrain from prayer, or first discuss this situation with him. After finishing the meal, the Orthodox prayer after the meal is also said, in which gratitude is offered to God. When a prayer of thanksgiving is recited after a meal, people usually cover their eyes with their palms to increase concentration.

The order of saying church prayer before and after meals

You can pray before eating while sitting or standing; they often pray with their palms resting on the edge of the table, or with their hands on their knees (it is advisable that there be an icon in the dining room or other place for eating). Prayers before and after meals help the family to be more united, to be a small church. The order of saying the Orthodox prayer before and after meals can be different in each family; in one they sing it, in another they read it aloud, and in the third they only make the sign of the cross. But it is important that this prayer be a common, family prayer. Young children are baptized while participating in prayer, and if they cannot be baptized themselves, then it is better if their parents help them with this. During the family meal, you cannot leave the table before the thanksgiving ceremony, and you cannot continue eating after it, since reading the prayer means the end of the meal.

Texts of Orthodox prayers before and after meals

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord have mercy. (Thrice) Bless.

Orthodox prayer for the blessing of food and drink for the laity

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless us with food and drink through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints, as Blessed be unto the ages of ages. Amen. (And cross food and drink.)

Prayer after eating food

We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast filled us with Thy earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your heavenly Kingdom.

(We thank You, Christ our God, that You have nourished us with Your earthly blessings (food); do not deprive us of eternal bliss.)

Cha- You; satiated- nourished; Your earthly blessings- Your earthly blessings, that is, what we drank and ate at the table; Your heavenly kingdom- eternal bliss, which righteous people are awarded after death.

In this prayer, we thank God that He fed us with food, and we ask Him not to deprive us of eternal bliss after our death, which we should always remember when receiving earthly blessings.

QUESTIONS: What prayer is read after eating food? What do we thank God for in this prayer? What is meant by earthly goods? What is called the Kingdom of Heaven?

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Prayer after meals We thank You, Christ our God, for You have filled us with Your earthly blessings; do not deprive us of your Heavenly Kingdom, but as you came among your disciples, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us. We thank You, Christ our God, that You have nourished us

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Prayer after breakfast We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast filled us with Thy earthly blessings, do not deprive us of Thy Heavenly Kingdom, but for Thou hast come among Thy disciples, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us. Through the prayers of the saints, our father, Lord Jesus Christ

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Prayer after dinner Be Thy belly the Holy Table, having the Heavenly Bread, Christ our God, from the Unfitness of everyone who eats poison does not die, as everyone says, the Mother of God, the Nourisher. The most honorable cherub, and the most glorious without comparison, the seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, the existing

From the author's book

After eating the food, We thank You, Christ our God, for You have filled us with Your earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but because You came among Your disciples, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save

From the author's book

Prayer before eating food The eyes of all trust in You, Lord, and You give them food in good season, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every animal good pleasure. You can also read “Father” instead of this prayer.

From the author's book

Prayer after eating food We thank You, Christ our God, for You have filled us with Your earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your heavenly Kingdom, but because You came among Your disciples, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save

From the author's book

Prayer after eating food We thank You, Christ our God, for You have satisfied us with Your earthly blessings. Do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as you once came to Your disciples, giving them peace, come to us and save

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