M Butovskaya. Vivos voco: m.l. Butovskaya, “the evolution of man and his social structure.” Participation in conferences

Marina Lvovna Butovskaya(born June 27, Cherkasy, Ukraine) - Russian anthropologist, doctor historical sciences, Professor.

In 1982 she graduated from the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. In 1985 she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Ethological mechanisms of some forms of group behavior of primates as a prerequisite for anthroposociogenesis.” In 1994 she defended doctoral dissertation on the topic “Universal principles of organization social systems in primates, including humans."

Member of the Association of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia, European Anthropological Association (English) European Anthropological Association ), European Primatological Society (eng. European Primatological Society ), American Association of Physical Anthropologists (eng. American Association of Physical Anthropologists ), Society for the Study of Human Behavior and Evolution (eng. Human Behavior and Evolution Society ), International Society for the study of aggression International Society for Research on Aggression ), International Society for Human Ethology (eng. International Society for Human Ethology ) and the International Primatological Society.

Areas of scientific interest: primatology, ethology of humans and primates, evolutionary anthropology (including evolutionary prerequisites for homosexuality), anthropology of gender, conflictology, cultural studies, cross-cultural communication, hunter-gatherers of East Africa. Conducted several seasons of field research among Hadza hunter-gatherers in Tanzania.

Main publications

  • Butovskaya M. L., Fainberg L. A. Ethology of primates ( tutorial). M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1992. 190 p.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Sexual dimorphism in the social behavior of brown macaques (in connection with the evolution of hominid behavior) // Woman in the aspect of physical anthropology. M., 1994. pp. 102-109.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Plyusnin Yu. M. Principles of organization of spatial behavior in humans and higher primates ( comparative analysis) // Modern anthropology and genetics and the problem of race in humans / Ed. THEM. Zolotareva, G.A. Aksyanova. M.: IEA RAS, 1995. pp. 91-143.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Biology of gender, culture and sex-role stereotypes of behavior in children / Family, gender, culture. M., 1996.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Formation of gender stereotypes in children: sociocultural and sociobiological paradigm - dialogue or new confrontation? // Ethnographic review. 1997. No. 4. P. 104-122.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Artemova O.Yu., Arsenina O.I. Sex-role stereotypes among children of Central Russia in modern conditions // Ethnographic Review. 1998. No. 1. P. 104-120.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Aggression and reconciliation as a manifestation of sociality in primates and humans // Social sciences and modernity. 1998. No. 6. P. 149-160.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Evolution of man and his social structure // Nature. 1998. No. 9. pp. 87-99.
  • Butovskaya M. L. The Evolution of Human Behavior: The Relationship Between the Biological and the Social // Anthropology. 2000. V. 38. No. 2.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Korotayev A. V., Kazankov A. A. Variabilité des relations sociales chez les primates humains et non humains: à la recherche d "un paradigme général // Primatologie. 2000. V. 3. P. 319–363.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Guchinova E. Men and Women in Contemporary Kalmykia: Traditional Gender Stereotypes and Reality // Inner Asia, 2001, N.3 p. 61-71.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Boyko E. Y., Selverova N. B., Ermakova I. V. The hormonal basis of reconciliation in humans // J. Physiol. Anthropol. Appl. Human. Sci., 2005, 24 (4), p. 333-337. (summary)
  • M. L. Butovskaya, A. Mabulla. Hadza in conditions of intercultural interaction: features of social behavior of children and adolescents studying in the school of the village of Endomaga // Interracial and interethnic relations in modern Tanzania: Proceedings of the Russian complex expedition in the United Republic of Tanzania (season 2005) / Responsible. ed. A.V.Korotaev, E.B.Demintseva. M.: Institute for African Studies RAS, 2007. pp. 138-167.


  • Butovskaya M. L., Fainberg L. A. At the origins of human society / RAS. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology named after. Miklouho-Maclay. M.: Nauka, 1993. 255 p.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Body language. Nature and culture (evolutionary and cross-cultural foundations of human nonverbal communication). M.: Scientific world, 2004. 437 p.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head. sector of cross-cultural psychology and human ethology of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of the department. Ethnology, Faculty of History, Moscow State University, Professor, Educational and Scientific Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities

Questionnaire “Marriage and quality of family relationships” by Russell and Wells (Russian version translated by M.L. Butovskaya)

In 1982, she graduated from the Department of Physical Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University.

In 1985, she defended her PhD thesis at the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the topic “Ethological mechanisms of some forms of group behavior of primates as a prerequisite for anthroposociogenesis.”

In 1994, she defended her doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the topic “Universal principles of the organization of social systems in primates, including humans.”

In 2004 she received the title of professor in the department. theory and history of culture.

Main scientific interests

Evolution of human social behavior; traditional societies of East Africa. Including: nonverbal communication and human spatial behavior: the interaction of biology and culture; universal models of human social behavior; factors for the development and maintenance of social connections at the intragroup and intergroup level; aggression and post-conflict interactions; evolutionary basis of sex and gender differences in the choice of a sexual partner in humans in traditional and industrial societies; distribution of resources and marriage partners among hunter-gatherers, pastoralists and farmers of Northern Tanzania; socio-psychological adaptation of a person in a new cultural environment; psycho-social adaptation of Russians and immigrants from the CIS countries in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa; behavioral genetics.

He is among the top 100 most published and cited scientific historians in our country according to the RSCI - 2016. To date, 96 publications have been published in journals included in the Web of Science database, 310 in the RSCI. The total number of links to publications is 2402.

Teaching activities

Professor of the department ethnology of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University and the educational and scientific center of social anthropology of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Worked as a guest lecturer in Russia: at the Faculty of Political Science High school economics (2010), at Tomsk State University (laboratory of social anthropology) (2015-2016).

She worked abroad as a visiting researcher and lecturer: at the University of Kassel (Germany (1999), the University of Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France) (2000 - 2001), the Institute of Human Ethology of the Max Planck Society (Andex, Germany) (2003 ), Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) (2007), University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria) (2009), University of Chronengen (Netherlands) (2011 - 2012), University of Wroclaw (Wroclaw, Poland (2013), Yerevan University (Yerevan, Armenia) (2014 – 2016), University of Göttingen (Göttingen, Germany) (2016).

7 candidate's dissertations were defended under his supervision. Currently supervising 3 graduate students and 1 doctoral student at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • Butovskaya M. Anthropology // Text book: Evolutionary Science of human behavior: An interdisciplinary approach/ P. LaFreniere and G. Weisfeld eds. N.L.: LINUS Learning. 2014. pp. 89 – 114.
  • Morozov I.A., Butovskaya M.L. Social space and spatial behavior: methods of representation, universals and cultural differences // Subject and problems of ethnology and anthropology. Lectures for graduate students. M. 2016. P. 304 – 334.
  • Anthropology. Ethnology: textbook and workshop for undergraduate and graduate courses / V. A. Tishkov [et al.]; resp. ed. V. A. Tishkov. - M. Yurayt Publishing House, 2017: under the authorship of 5.5 a.l.
  • Organizer of two international summer schools on human ethology (Zvenigorod, June 19-26, 2001 and Pushchino, June 30-July 7, 2002).
  • Member of the dissertation council for the defense of doctoral and master's theses at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in specialties 07.00.07, 03.00.03, the Scientific Council of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Scientific activity

Membership in scientific societies :

International Society for Human Ethology, International Society for Research on Aggression, European Anthropological Association.

Member of the editorial boards of domestic and foreign scientific journals:

“Ethnographic Review”, “Social Evolution and History”, “Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace”.

Grants :

Research grant from the German Academy of Sciences (1992-1993) (R);
Research grant from Soros "cultural initiative" (1993-1994) (R);
Research grant from the French Academy of Sciences (1999-2000) (R);
Open Society Research Grant, Research Support Scheme, (1999-2001, No. 138/99) (R);
RFBR grant, 1996, No. 96-06-80405 “Lifestyle and social strategies of early hominins according to primatology” R;
RGNF grant, 1996, No. 96-01-00032 “Culture and gender: the formation of gender stereotypes among children in various regions of Russia” R;
RFBR grant, 1999, No. 99-06-80346 “Models for maintaining social balance in hominin communities: aggression and post-conflict behavior in humans and primates” R; RSS grant, 1999, No. 138/1999 “Beggars of Eastern Europe: ethological aspects” R;
RFBR grant, 2004, No. 04-06-80166a “Mechanisms for controlling social tension and social status in children and adolescents in an evolutionary perspective” R;
grant of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Ethnocultural interaction in Eurasia” “Behavioral ecology: universal ethological mechanisms of human adaptation to the environment”, “Behavioural ecology: universal ethological mechanisms of human adaptation to the environment” 2003 R;
RGNF grant, 2004, “Choice of a permanent sexual partner in modern Russia: gender differences in an evolutionary perspective" R;
grant of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Adaptation of peoples and cultures to changes in the natural environment, social and technogenic transformations”, 2006, “Sociality as a factor of anthropological changes in the past and present” R;
RGNF grant 2006 “Russian complex expedition to the Arusha region, United Republic of Tanzania” R;
RFBR grant 04-06-80166a “Mechanisms for controlling social tension and social status in children and adolescents in an evolutionary perspective” 2004-2006 R;
Medium-term target program "Multinational Moscow: the formation of civil solidarity, a culture of peace and harmony (2005-2007)" I;
RGNF grant 04-01-00244a “Choice of a permanent sexual partner in modern Russia: gender differences in an evolutionary perspective” 2004-2006 R;
RGNF grant 07-01-18009e “Choice of a partner in monogamous and polygamous societies: Russian complex expedition to Northern Tanzania” 2007 R;
Federal target program “Multinational capital of Russia (2008-2010)”, “Multinational Moscow: the formation of civil solidarity, a culture of peace and harmony (2005-2007)” And;
Program of fundamental research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Adaptation of peoples and cultures to changes in the natural environment, social and technogenic transformations” Adaptation as a factor in the formation of the anthropological originality of ancient and modern population Eurasia. Social factors of anthropological changes. 2006-2008 R;
RFBR grant 070600078a “Aggression: biology and culture (genetic factors of aggressive behavior and cultural models of control of social tension in humans)” 2007-2009 R;
RGNF grant 08-01-00015a “Partner choice and marital satisfaction in modern and pre-industrial societies: a biosocial perspective” 2008-2010 R;
Fundamental research program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Historical and cultural heritage and spiritual values ​​of Russia”, project “Cross-cultural analysis of social space and mechanisms for regulating social tension: from tradition to modernity” 2009-2011 I;
Program of fundamental research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Basic sciences for medicine”, project “Development of molecular markers for the study and diagnosis of predisposition to deviant forms of aggressive behavior” 2009 R;
grant from the Russkiy Mir Foundation “Russian language and Russian culture as factors of socio-psychological adaptation of Russian migrants and their descendants in Africa” 2009-2010 R;
RFBR grant 10-06-00010a “Behavioural, morpho-physiological and genetic components of aggressive human behavior (taking into account the cultural and environmental context)” 2010-2012 R;
RFBR grant 11-04-96565-r_yug_ts “Anthropogenetic study of athletes in various sports: establishing complex characteristics that determine the body’s adaptation to high sports loads (morphological, physiological, psychological and genetic characteristics”) 2011-2013 (I);
RGNF grant 12-01-00032 “Man and woman in traditional society: acceptable forms of aggression in conditions of monogamy and polygamy on the example of the Hadza and Datoga of Tanzania”, 2012-2014 (R);
RFBR grant 13-06-00393 A “Identification of adaptive morpho-psychological complexes in modern human populations as a reflection of evolutionarily stable strategies”, 2013 – 2015 (R);
RGNF grant 15-01-18077e “Interaction of models of conflict and altruistic behavior in children and adolescents in a traditional society (using the example of Tanzania)”, 2015 (R);
RGNF grant 15-36-01027 “Comprehensive study of morphological, genetic and psychological markers of aggression in humans”, 2015 – 2017 (R);
RFBR grant 16-06-00223 A “Reproductive success in men and women in traditional and industrial societies: anthropometric and molecular genetic markers”, 2016 – 2018 (R).

International scientific projects currently

Currently, joint scientific projects with prof. G. Weisfeld (University of Detroit, USA), prof. P. Sorokovsky (University of Wroclaw, Poland) in the field of cross-cultural anthropology and psychology; in the field of evolutionary psychology together with Dr. B. Fink (University of Göttingen, Germany); in the field of biological anthropology and human evolution together with prof. L. Schafer (University of Vienna, Austria), prof. J. Manning (Swansey University, UK) and prof. A. Mabulloy (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania).

Field studies

Expedition trips: to Kalmykia “studying gender stereotypes in Kalmykia” (1993 – 1995); Adler, Russian Primatological Center (1994 – 1999); Study of the ethological and hormonal basis of the regulation of aggression in children and adolescents (Moscow, Elista, Yerevan) (1997 – 2007); studying the problems of urban beggars in Eastern Europe - Czech Republic, Genmania, Romania (1998 - 2005); ethological studies of pedestrian behavior in urban environments and the perception of movement as an indicator of personality traits - Austria, Germany, Armenia (1999 - present); study of morpho-psychotypes in modern urban and rural society - Central Russia, Moscow, Yerevan, Armenia (2014 - 2016); study on aggression and reconciliation in children and adolescents - Ussuriysk (2015); expeditionary trips to Tanzania to study the social organization and behavioral characteristics of traditional societies of hunter-gatherers, pastoralists and farmers (2004 - present); studies of marriage preferences among modern students - Tanzania, Zambia (2004 - 2005); studying the socio-psychological adaptation of Russians and their descendants in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa - Tanzania, Zambia (2010), Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia (2015).


Grant award from the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the program “Outstanding Scientists, Young Doctors and Candidates” 2000-2001.

Main publications

More than 380 publications. Including:


1. At the origins of human society. M. Science. 1993. 255 p. (together with L.A. Fainberg).

2. Body language: nature and culture. M. Scientific World. 2004a. 437 p.

3. Secrets of gender: man and woman in the mirror of evolution. Fryazino: Century-2. 2004b. 367 pp.

4. Systematics and behavior of primates. M.: Encyclopedia of Russian villages. 2004. 272 ​​p. (together with M.A. Deryagina).

5. Homosexuality and evolution. Fryazino: Vek-2 2005, 62 p.

6. Butovskaya M.L. Power, gender and reproductive success. Fryazino: Vek-2 2005, 62 p.

7. Aggression and peaceful coexistence: universal mechanisms for controlling social tension in humans. M.: Scientific World. 2006. 275 p. (together with V.N. Burkova, V.M. Timenchik, E.Yu. Boyko and others).

8. Wandering among us: Beggars in Russia and European countries, history and modernity. M. Scientific World. 2007. 275 p. (together with I.Yu. Dyakonov and M.A. Vanchatova).

9. Baring language: a cross-cultural study of the semantics of an ancient gesture. M. Languages ​​of Slavic Culture. 2008, 318 p. (together with I.A. Morozov, A.E. Makhov).

10. Anthropology of gender. Fryazino. Dynasty. 2013. 254 p.

Articles in journals and collective monographs:

  • Butovskaya, M. L., & Kozintsev, A. G. (1996). A neglected form of quasi-aggression in apes: Possible relevance for the origins of humor. Current Anthropology, 37(4), 716-717.
  • Butovskaya, M. L., & Kozintsev, A. G. (1996). Gender‐related factors affecting primate social behavior: Grooming, rank, age, and kinship in heterosexual and all‐male groups of stumptail macaques. American journal of physical anthropology, 101(1), 39-54.
  • Butovskaya, M. and Kozintsev, A., 1999. Aggression, friendship, and reconciliation in Russian primary schoolchildren. Aggressive Behavior, 25(2), pp.125-139.
  • Butovskaya, M. L. (2000). Biosocial preconditions for socio-political alternativity. Civilizational Models of Politogenesis, 35-54.
  • Butovskaya, M., Ljungberg, T., Lunardini, A. and Verbeek, P., 2000. A cross-cultural view of peacemaking in the school yard. Aureli F, de Waal, editors. Natural Conflict Resolution. Berkley, California: University of California Press. p, pp.243-258.
  • Butovskaya, M., Salter, F., Diakonov, I., & Smirnov, A. (2000). Urban begging and ethnic nepotism in Russia. Human Nature, 11(2), 157-182.
  • LaFreniere, P., Masataka, N., Butovskaya, M., Chen, Q., Auxiliadora Dessen, M., Atwanger, K., ... & Frigerio, A. (2002). Cross-cultural analysis of social competence and behavior problems in preschoolers. Early Education and Development, 13(2), 201-220.
  • Rohde, P. A., Atzwanger, K., Butovskaya, M., Lampert, A., Mysterud, I., Sanchez-Andres, A., & Sulloway, F. J. (2003). Perceived parental favoritism, closeness to kin, and the rebel of the family: The effects of birth order and sex. Evolution and Human Behavior, 24(4), 261-276.
  • Butovskaya, M. L., Boyko, E. Y., Selverova, N. B., & Ermakova, I. V. (2005). The hormonal basis of reconciliation in humans. Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science, 24(4), 333-337.
  • Butovskaya, M. L. (2008). Reconciliation, dominance and cortisol levels in children and adolescents (7–15-year-old boys). Behavior, 145(11), 1557-1576.
  • M.L. Butovskaya, D.A. Dronova, E. Mikhanjo Modern trends in the choice of marriage partners among African students and attitudes towards traditional attitudes towards procreation and large families Interracial and interethnic relations in modern Tanzania (works of the Russian complex expedition to the United Republic Tanzania (2005) M.: LEND, 2008 p.
  • M.L. Butovskaya, A. Mabulla Hadza and Iraq in conditions of intercultural interaction: features of social behavior of children and adolescents studying at a school in the village of Endomaga. Interracial and interethnic relations in modern Tanzania (works of the Russian complex expedition in the United Republic of Tanzania (2005) M.: LENAND, 2008 p.138-168
  • Safonov G.A., Butovskaya M.L. Perception of reproductive strategies of characters in British romantic literature based on materials from a Russian sample / Man in the past and present: behavior and morphology. Based on materials from the IV summer school at the Russian State University for the Humanities (June 19-20, 2007) “Human Behavior in the Present and Future” in Moscow. Rep. ed. M.L. Butovskaya - M.: IEA RAS, 2008, pp. 131-148.
  • Vishnevskaya V.I., Butovskaya M.L. School bullying in the memories of Moscow university students / Young Muscovites: cross-cultural research. P.ed. M.Yu. Martynova. N.M. Lebedeva. M. RUDN.2008, p. 491-519
  • Fedenok Yu.N., Butovskaya M.L. Spatial behavior of children and adolescents in multiethnic groups / Man in the past and present: behavior and morphology. Materials of the IV Summer School “Human Behavior in the Past and Present”. M., 2008. pp. 166-180.
  • Butovskaya M., Mabulla A. Processes of social transformation among the Hadza of northern Tanzania (based on materials from a comprehensive anthropological study) / Opus, Issue 6 2008, p. 121 – 140
  • Butovskaya M., Burkova V., Mabulla A. Sex Differences in 2D:4D Ratio, Aggression and Conflict Resolution in African children and adolescents: A Cross-Cultural Study // Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, Vol.1, issue 1, 2010, pp.17-31.
  • Vishnevskaya V.I., Butovskaya M.L.. The phenomenon of school bullying: aggressors and victims in Russian school // Ethnographic Review, 2010, No. 2. pp. 55-68.
  • Butovska M., Burkova V. Pislyapogolovo manipulations with the umbilical cord and afterbirth, ceremonies of drinking and scarring of mantles among the Datogi - livestock of Pivnichnoi Tanzania // Folk creativity and ethnography. Russian ethnology - Russian ethnology. 2010, 2. Pp. 69-73.
  • Butovskaya M.L., I.A. Martirosyan, V.N. Burkova, A.M. Kulikov, O.E. Lazebny, N.B. Selverova, E.V. Ermakova, A.P. Ryskov Polymorphism of androgen receptor gene repeats and its relationship with behavioral and morphological characteristics in Hadza men – hunter-gatherers of Tanzania // Man: his biological and social history. T.1. 2010. pp. 106 – 113. Moscow-Odintsovo. Publishing house of ANOO VPO “Odintsovo Humanitarian Institute.
  • Veselovskaya E.V., Butovskaya M.L. Study of the connection between fluctuating asymmetry and biological and personal parameters // Man: his biological and social history. T.2. 2010. pp. 155 – 160. Moscow-Odintsovo. Publishing house of ANOO VPO “Odintsovo Humanitarian Institute.
  • Burkova V.N., Butovskaya M.L. Finger index and its connection with aggressive behavior in adolescents // Man: his biological and social history. T.2. 2010. pp. 161 – 168. Moscow-Odintsovo. Publishing house of ANOO VPO “Odintsovo Humanitarian Institute.
  • Fedenok Yu.N., Burkova V.N., Butovskaya M.L. Individual distance and its connection with some morphological indicators in Moscow teenagers // Man: his biological and social history. T.2. 2010. pp. 169 – 176. Moscow-Odintsovo. Publishing house of ANOO VPO “Odintsovo Humanitarian Institute.
  • Dronova D.A., Butovskaya M.L. Gender differences in the assessment of physical characteristics when choosing a partner in Indian society // Man: his biological and social history. T.2. 2010. pp. 200 – 208. Moscow-Odintsovo. Publishing house of ANOO VPO “Odintsovo Humanitarian Institute.
  • Burkova V.N., Fedenok Yu.N., Butovskaya M.L. Spatial behavior in children and adolescents (on the example of Russians and Ossetians) // Ethnographic Review, 2010, No. 3. pp. 77-91.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Veselovskaya E.V., Prudnikova A.S. Models of human bio-social adaptation and their implementation in the conditions of industrial society // Archeology, ethnography and anthropology of EURASIA. – Novosibirsk, 2010. - No. 4. P. 143-154.
  • Vasiliev V.A., Martirosyan I.A., Shibalev D.V., Kulikov A.M., Lazebny O.E., Burkova V.N., Ryskov A.P., Butovskaya M.L.. Molecular genetic polymorphism of the promoter regions of the dopamine receptor 4 (DRD4P) and serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) genes in the African Hadza and Datoga populations. // Genetics, 2011, volume 47, no. 2, pp. 1-5. VAK, 05, p.l.
  • Butovskaya M.L. Reproductive success and economic status among the Datoga - semi-sedentary pastoralists of Northern Tanzania // Ethnographic Review, No. 4, 2011. pp. 85-99.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Veselovskaya E.V., Godina E.Z., Tretyak A.V., Silaeva L.V. Morpho-functional and personal characteristics of male athletes as a model of adaptive complexes in paleo-reconstructions // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series XXIII. Anthropology. 2011. No. 2: 4–17.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Burkova V.N. Anthropology of social change. P.ed. Guchinova E.B., Komarova G.A. Social status and reproductive success in the Hadza hunter-gatherer society of Tanzania. M.: ROSSPEN. 2011. pp. 365 -386.
  • Weisfeld C., Dillon L., Nowak N., Mims K., Weisfeld G., Imamog˘lu O., Butovskaya M., Shen J.. Sex Differences and Similarities in Married Couples: Patterns Across and Within Cultures // Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2011, Vol. 40, p.1165–1172.
  • Weisfeld G., Nowak N., Lucas T., Weisfeld C., Butovskaya M., Imamo’glu O., Shen J., Parkhill M.. Do women seek humorousness in men because it signals intelligence? A cross-cultural test // Humor, 2011, Vol.24, N.4, p. 435–462.
  • Prudnikov A.S., Butovskaya M.L., Veselovskaya E.V. Godina E.Z. Study of fluctuating asymmetry in athletes of different specializations morphological characteristics.// Bulletin of Moscow University. Series XXIII. Anthropology, 2011. No. 4. pp. 69-80.
  • Dronova D.A., Butovskaya M.L. The choice of a marriage partner in modern Indian society and sexual selection / East (Oriens) 2011 No. 6, p. 46 – 66.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Chalyan V.G., Meishvili N.V. Reconciliation in hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas): testing the relationship quality hypothesis // Russian Physiological Journal named after. THEM. Sechenov, 2012, Issue. 97, no. 8, p. 870 – 877.
  • Butovskaya M.L. , Karelin D.V. , Burkova V.N. Datoga of Northern Tanzania today: ecology and cultural attitudes, Asia and Africa Today, 2012, 11 (664), p. 51 – 55.
  • Butovskaya M.L. Wife-battering and traditional methods of its control in contemporary Datoga Pastoralists of Tanzania // Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 2012, Vol.4, N.1, p. 28 -44.
  • Prudnikov A.S., Butovskaya M.L., Godina E.Z., Silaeva L.V. Characteristics of developmental homeostasis according to the severity of fluctuating asymmetry of dermatoglyphic signs in athletes of different specialties // Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 2012. No. 1. P. 29-35.
  • Butovskaya M., Vasilyev V., Lazebny O., Burkova V., Kulikov A., Mabulla A., Shibalev D., Ryskov A.. Aggression, Digit Ratio, and Variation in the Androgen Receptor, Serotonin Transporter, and Dopamine D4 Receptor Genes in African Foragers: The Hadza// Behavior Genetics, 2012, Vol.42, p. 647 – 662, DOI 10.1007/s10519-012-9533-2.
  • Burkova V.N., Butovskaya M.L. Violent computer games and problems of aggressive behavior in children and adolescents // Questions of psychology. – 2012. – No. 1. – pp. 132-140. - Bibliography: p. 138-140.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Veselovskaya E.V., Rostovtseva V.V., Selverova N.B., Ermakova I.V. Mechanisms of human reproductive behavior: olfactory markers of male attractiveness // Journal of General Biology, 2012, Volume 73, No. 4, 299 – 314.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Veselovskaya E.V., Prosikova E.A., Kondratyeva A.V. Morpho-psychological complexes as an indicator of success in sports: women // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series XXIII. Anthropology. M., 2012. No. 2. P.29-41.
  • Butovskaya M.L. Lutsenok E.L., Tkachuk K.E. Bullying as a sociocultural phenomenon and its connection with personality traits junior schoolchildren// Ethnographic Review, 2012, No. 5, p. 139 – 150.
  • Sorokowski P., Butovskaya M. Height preferences may not be universal: Evidence from the Datoga people of Tanzania // Body Image, 2012, Vol. 9, N.4, p. 510 – 516. (Impact factor: 1,900)
  • Balasubramaniam K., Dittmar K., Berman C.M., Butovskaya M., Cooper M.A., Majolo B., Ogawa H., Shino G., Thierry B., Waal de F.B.M. Hierarchical steepness and phylogenetic models: phylogenetic signals in Macaca // Animal Behavior, 2012, Vol, 83, N.5, p.1207 -1218.
  • Balasubramaniam K., Dittmar K., Berman C.M., Butovskaya M., Cooper M.A., Majolo B., Ogawa H., Shino G., Thierry B., Waal de F.B.M. Hierarchical Steepness, Counter-Aggression, and Macaque Social Style Scale // American Journal of Primatology, 2012, Volume 74, Issue 10, pages 915–925.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Veselovskaya E.V., Rostovtseva V.V., Selverova N.B., Ermakova I.V. Mechanisms of human reproductive behavior: Olfactory markers of male attractiveness // Biology Bulletin Reviews May 2013, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp 196-208
  • Butovskaya P., Butovskaya M., Vasiliev V., Lazebny O., Shibalev D., Veselovskaya E., Udina I., Ryskov A. Molecular-genetic polymorphisms of dopamine, serotonin and androgenic systems as molecular markers of success in judo wrestling sportsmen // J Bioanalysis & Biomedicine, 2013, S 3: 005. Doi: 10.4172/1948-593X. S3-005.
  • Butovskaya M.L. Chapter 14 Aggression and Conflict Resolution among the Nomadic Hadza of Tanzania as Compared with their Pastoralist Neighbors. In: War, Peace, and Human Nature The Convergence of Evolutionary and Cultural Views. Edited by Douglas P. Fry. Oxford University Press. 2013. pp. 278 – 296.
  • Butovskaya M., Vasilyev V., Lazebny O., Suchodolskaya E., Shibalev D., Kulikov A., Karelin D., Burkova V., Mabulla A., Ryskov A. Aggression and polymorphisms in AR, DAT1, DRD2, and COMT genes in Datoga pastoralists of Tanzania // SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2013, 3: 3148. DOI: 10.1038/srep03148
  • Butovskaya M.L., Meishvili N.V., Chalyan V.G. Redirected aggression and consolation in hamadryas baboons // Russian Physiological Journal named after I.M. Sechenov, 2013, 6: 697-706.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Meishvili N.V., Chalyan V.G. Reconciliation in Hamadryas baboons: Testing Relationship Quality Hypothesis //Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 2013, 43(4): 492-496.
  • Dillon L., Nowak N., Shattuck K., Weisfeld G., Weisfeld C., Imamoglu O., Butovskaya M., Shen J. When the cat's away, the spoice will play: a cross-cultural examination of mate guarding in married couples//Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 2014, pp. 1789–2082.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Postnikova E.A., Veselovskaya E.V., Maurer A.M., Savinetsky A.B., Syroezhkin G.V. Finger index, facial masculinity and fluctuating asymmetry as markers of sexual selection in traditional African populations of Hadza and Datoga // Bulletin of Moscow University, 2014, 2, p. 18 – 28.
  • Nowak N., Weisfeld G., Imamoğlu O., Weisfeld C., Butovskaya M., Shen J. Attraction and spousal infidelity as predictors of sexual fulfillment without the marriage partner in couples from five cultures.// Human Ethology Bulletin, 2014, 29 (1), pp. 18-38.
  • Puga-Gonzalez I., Butovskaya M., Thierry B., Hemelrijk C. Empathy versus parsimony in understanding post-conflict affiliation in monkeys: model and empirical data // PloS one., 2014, 9(3): e91262. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091262.
  • Butovskaya M.L. Butovsky R.O., Veselovskaya E.V. Russians and immigrants from the CIS countries in Kenya today // Asia and Africa today, 2014, 12, p. 49 -61.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Postnikova E.A., Veselovskaya E.V., Maurer A.M., Savinetsky A.B., Syroezhkin G.V. Finger index, facial masculinity and fluctuating asymmetry as markers of sexual selection in traditional African populations of Hadza and Datoga // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 23. Anthropology, 2014, 2, p. 18 – 28.
  • Sukhodolskaya E.M., Vasiliev V.A., Shibalev D.V. , Shcherbakova O. I., Kulikov A. M., Lazebny O. E., Dronova D. A., Butovskaya M. L., Ryskov A. P. Polymorphism of the 3'-non-coding region of the dopamine transporter gene in men from African populations Hadza and Datoga. // Molecular biology. 2014. T. 48. No. 2. pp. 295 – 299.
  • Vasiliev V.A., Sukhodolskaya E.M., Kulidzhanov P.V., Kulikov A.M., Lazebny O.E., Dronova D.A., Butovskaya M.L., Shibalev D.V., Ryskov A. .P. Polymorphism of the 5-HTTLPR and Stin2 loci of the serotonin transporter gene in men of the African Hadza and Datoga ethnopopulations. // Genetics. 2014. T.50. No. 9. pp. 1098 – 1103.
  • Butovskaya M., Postnikova E., Veselovskaya E., Maurer A., ​​Savinjetsky A., Surojedjkin G. 2D:4D, facial masculinity and fluctuating asymmetry as a marker of sexual selection in African populations of Hadza and Datoga // Vestnik Moscovskogo Universiteta, Series 23 Anthropologiya, 2014, no. 2, p.18 – 28.
  • Dronova D.A. , Butovskaya M.L. Indians of Dar Es Salaam // Ethnographic Review, Moscow, 2014, 5, 175 – 185.
  • Butovskaya M., Burkova V., Karelin D., Fink B. Digit ratio (2D:4D), aggression and dominance in the Hadza and the Datoga of Tanzania // American Journal of Human Biology, 2015, 27: 620 – 627, first published online: 30 MAR 2015, DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.22718.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Veselovskaya E.V., Postnikova E.A. Facial symmetry and the severity of sexual dimorphism in its proportions among the Isanzu, traditional farmers East Africa// Experimental psychology. 2015. Vol. 8. No. 4. pp. 77–90. doi:10.17759/exppsy.2015080406
  • Prosikova E.A., Butovskaya M.L., Veselovskaya E.V. Facial proportions and behavioral features. Facial indices of masculinity // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series XXIII. Anthropology. 2015. No. 3. P. 59–70.
  • Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Butovskaya, M., Stulp, G., Huanca, T., & Fink, B. Body height preferences and actual dimorphism in stature between partners in two non-Western societies (Hadza and Tsimane "). Evolutionary psychology, 2015, 13(2), 455-469.
  • Sorokowska, A., Butovskaya, M., & Veselovskaya, E. (2015). Partner's body odor vs. relatives’ body odor: a comparison of female associations. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 46(2), 209-213.
  • Nowak, N., Weisfeld, G. E., Shattuck, K. S., Imamoğlu, O. E., Butovskaya, M., & Shen, J. Sources of Marital Conflict in Five Cultures // Evolutionary Psychology, 2015, 13 (1), 1 – 15.
  • Butovskaya, M. L., Meishvili, N. V., & Chalyan, V. G. Redirection of Aggression and Consolation in Hamadryas Baboons. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 2015, 45(4), 417-422.
  • Butovskaya, M. L., Lazebny, O. E., Vasilyev, V. A., Dronova, D. A., Karelin, D. V., Mabulla, A. Z., ... & Ryskov, A. P. Androgen Receptor Gene Polymorphism, Aggression, and Reproduction in Tanzanian Foragers and Pastoralists. PloS one, 2015, 10(8), e0136208.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Burkova V.N., Mabulla A. Manipulations of the Corpus in the Context of Life Cycle Rites among the Datoga Cattle Breeders of Northern Tanzania // Social Evolution and History, 2015, 14 (1), 87 – 104.
  • Butovskaya, P. R., Lazebnij, O. E., Fekhretdinova, D. I., Vasil'ev, V. A., Prosikova, E. A., Lysenko, V. V., ... & Butovskaya, M. L. The relationship between polymorphism of four serotonic genes (5-HTTL, 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, and MAOA) and personality traits in wrestlers and control group. Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology, 2015, 30(4), 165-172.
  • Butovskaya, P. R., Lazebny, O. E., Sukhodolskaya, E. M., Vasiliev, V. A., Dronova, D. A., Fedenok, J. N., ... & Butovskaya, M. L. Polymorphisms of two loci at the oxytocin receptor gene in populations of Africa, Asia and South Europe. BMC genetics, 2016, 17:17. DOI: 10.1186/s12863-015-0323-8
  • Sukhodolskaya, E.M., Vasilyev, V.A., Shibalev, D.V., Shcherbakova, O.I., Kulikov, A.M., Lazebny, O.E., Karelin, D.V., Butovskaya, M.L. and Ryskov, A.P. Comparative analysis of polymorphisms of the serotonin receptor genes HTR1A, HTR2A, and HTR1B in Hadza and Datoga males. Russian Journal of Genetics, 2015, 51(11), pp.1129-1134.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Burkova V.N., Fedenok Yu.N. Finger index as an indicator of prenatal androgenization and its relationship with morphological and behavioral characteristics in humans // Ethnographic Review, 2015, No. 2: 99 – 116.
  • Butovskaya M., Burkova V., Butovsky R. “I am proud to be a Russian”: socio-psychological adaptation in the countries of Eastern and Southern Africa // Bulletin of the Russian Nation, 2015, 2, p. 139 – 159.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Buzhilova A.P. Morpho-psychological complexes as evolutionarily stable human strategies in the past and present // Proceedings of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences 2015. Ed. V.A. Tishkova. M. Science. 2016 p. 94 – 117.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Mkrtchan R.A. Finger index and personality traits in Armenian students: gender differences. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 23. Anthropology, 2016, 1, 76 – 85.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Veselovskaya E.V., Levina K.V., Rostovtseva V.V. Mechanisms of human reproductive behavior: visual markers of male attractiveness, their relationship with olfactory markers, sexual experience and phase monthly cycle among female experts // Journal of General Biology, 2016, 1, p. 63 -77.
  • Butovskaya M.L., Rusakova G.S. Bullying and bullies in modern Russian school // Ethnographic Review, 2016, 2, pp. 99-115.
  • Fink, B., André, S., Mines, J.S., Weege, B., Shackelford, T.K. and Butovskaya, M.L. Sex difference in attractiveness perceptions of strong and weak male walkers. American Journal of Human Biology. First published July 7, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.22891.
  • Ribeiro, E., Neave, N., Morais, R.N., Kilduff, L., Taylor, S.R., Butovskaya, M., Fink, B. and Manning, J.T. Digit ratio (2D: 4D), testosterone, cortisol, aggression, personality and hand-grip strength: Evidence for prenatal effects on strength. Early human development. 2016, 100, pp.21-25.
  • Hilpert, P., Randall, A. K., Sorokowski, P., ... Butovskaya M. L et al. (2016). The Associations of Dyadic Coping and Relationship Satisfaction Vary between and within Nations: A 35-Nation Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 2016, 7, 1106. Published online 2016 Aug 8. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01106
  • Butovskaya M. L., Burkova V. N., Karelin D. V. Vameru of Tanzania: Historical origin and their role in the process of national integration // Social Evolution & History. - 2016. - Vol. 15, no. 2. - P. 160–180.
  • Znazen, H., Slimani, M., Miarka, B., Butovskaya, M., Siala, H., Messaoud, T., Chamari, K. and Souissi, N., 2016. Mental skills comparison between elite sprint and endurance track and field runners according to their genetic polymorphism: A pilot Study. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2016, 56 (6), p. 724 – 730.
  • Znazen, H., Chtara, M., Butovskaya, M., Siala, H., Messaoud, T. and Souissi, N., Association between angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism and competitive anxiety in Tunisian athlete. Sport Sciences for Health, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 233–238.
  • Znazen H., Mejri A., Chatara M., Briki W., Nassib S., Butovskaya M., Lazebny O. The relative contributions of ACE genotypes on personality traits in Tunisian athletes // Medicina dello Sport, 2016, 69 (1 ), p. 1-12.
  • Fink, B., André, S., Mines, J.S., Weege, B., Shackelford, T.K. and Butovskaya, M.L., 2016. Sex difference in attractiveness perceptions of strong and weak male walkers. American Journal of Human Biology, 28(6), pp.913-917
  • Butovskaya M.L. Universal human morpho-psychotypes: adaptation to environmental conditions and optimization of reproductive success // Bulletin of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2016, 3 (91), p. 92 – 99.
  • Hilpert, P., Randall, A. K., Sorokowski, P., Atkins, D. C., Sorokowska, A., Ahmadi, K., Butovskaya M., & Błażejewska, M. (2016). The associations of dyadic coping and relationship satisfaction vary between and within nations: A 35-nation study. Frontiers in psychology, 7.
  • Butovskaya, M., Sorokowska, A., Karwowski, M., Sabiniewicz, A., Fedenok, J., Dronova, D., ... & Sorokowski, P. (2017). Waist-to-hip ratio, body-mass index, age and number of children in seven traditional societies. Scientific Reports, 7. (published online 9 May 2017): 1622 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-01916-9.
  • Sorokowska A., Pellegrino R., Butovskaya M., Marczak M., Niemczyk A., Huanca T., Sorokowski P. Dietary customs and food availability shape the preferences for basic tastes: A cross-cultural study among Polish, Tsimane" and Hadza societies // Appetite, 2017, 116, 291-296.
  • Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Hilpert, P., Cantarero, K., Frackowiak, T., Ahmadi, K., Butovskaya M. & Blumen, S. (2017). Preferred Interpersonal Distances: A Global Comparison. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(4), 577-592.

Participation in conferences:

Grants for attending scientific conferences with reports from Soros (1994, 1996, 1997, 1998), from the International Society for the Study of Aggression (2000), from the Colloquium on the Study of the Brain and Problems of Aggression (2000), from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (2000), from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation ( 2002, 2003).

Burkova M., Butovskaya M. Individual distance and aggressive displays in Russian adolescents. /Human Ethology Summer School, July 17 – 21, 2007, p.10. Max-Planck-Institute, Andechs, Bavaria, Germany.
Burkova V.N., Butovskaya M.L. Spatial behavior of a person and its connection with manifestations of aggression (using the example of Russian and Ossetian adolescents). / IV All-Russian Conference on Animal Behavior. Moscow, October 29-November 1, 2007. Collection of abstracts. M.: Partnership of scientific publications KMK.2007, p. 349-350.
Butovskaya M.L. Sociality as a leading human adaptation / VII Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia. Saransk, July 9-14, 2007. 2007, pp. 14-19.
Dronova D., Butovskaya M. Permanent partner choice in modern Russia / Human Ethology Summer School, July 17 – 21, 2007, p. 45. Max-Planck-Institute, Andechs, Bavaria, Germany.
Prudnikova A., Butovskaya M. Models of different morpho-psychological adaptations in males and their representations in modern sport / Human Ethology Summer School, July 17 – 21, 2007, p. . Max-Planck-Institute, Andechs, Bavaria, Germany.
Burkova V., Butovskaya M. 2D:4D ratio, aggression and personality in Russian adolescents / XIX Biennial Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, July 13-18, 2008. Bologna, Italy. P. 130
Butovskaya M., Burkova V. 2D:4D ratio, aggression and conflict resolution in Hadza children: school and bush compared / XIX Biennial Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, July 13-18, 2008. Bologna, Italy. P.86-87.
Safonov G., Butovskaya M. Cads and dads in Russia // XIX Biennial Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, July 13-18, 2008. Bologna, Italy. P.
Butovskaya M. Coping conflicts in egalitarian and non-egalitarian societies: the Hadza and the Datoga of Tanzania / XVIII World Meeting International Society for Research on Aggression, July 8-13, 2008. Budapest, Hungary. P.34.
Butovskaya M., Burkova V. 2D:4D ratio, aggression, leadership, and reproductive success in Hadza men / 21st Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, May 27-31, 2009. Fullerton, California, USA. P.39.
Burkova V., Butovskaya M. Gender and age differences in aggression, 2D:4D ratio, and body measurements in Datoga / 21st Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, May 27-31, 2009. Fullerton, California, USA. P.39.
Butovskaya M., Burkova V. The psycho-physiological portrait of the leader in an egalitarian society of hunter-gatherers: the Hadza of Tanzania / Fifth international Conference"Hierarchy and power in the history of civilizations." Moscow, June 23-26, 2009. Moscow, Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009, pp. 5-6.
Butovskaya M.L., Burkova V.N. Social status and psychophysiological characteristics of men among the egalitarian Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania / Abstracts of the VIII Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia, Orenburg (July 1-5, 2009). Orenburg, Publishing center of OSAU, 2009, p.450.
Butovskaya M.L. The body in children's and adolescent rituals life cycle Datoga Tanzania / International scientific and practical conference "Corporality as a sociocultural phenomenon: experience of interdisciplinary analysis." April 28-29, 2009 Abstracts of reports. M.: Parallels, 2009.
Dronova D., Butovskaya M. Choosing a partner in modern India as a reflection of the caste system / Fifth International Conference "Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations". Moscow, June 23-26, 2009. Moscow, Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009.
Vishnevskaya V.I., Butovskaya M.L. The problem of school bullying in modern Russian society: sociocultural and anthropological aspects / Abstracts of the VIII Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia, Orenburg (July 1-5, 2009). Orenburg, Publishing center of OSAU, 2009.
Dronova D.A., Butovskaya M.L. Choosing a marriage partner in India using the example of the press / Abstracts of the VIII Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia, Orenburg (July 1-5, 2009). Orenburg, Publishing center of OSAU, 2009.
Fedenok I.A., Butovskaya M.L. Spatial behavior and body orientation during the interaction of partners: the influence of culture and environmental conditions / Abstracts of the VIII Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia, Orenburg (July 1-5, 2009). Orenburg, Publishing center of OSAU, 2009.
Dronova D, Butovskaya M. Partner choice preferences in Indian diaspora in Tanzania (Dar-es-Salam) / Summer Institute in Human Ethology. Prague, Czech Republic, 5-9 July 2011. P. 80.
Postnikova E., Veselovskaya E., Butovskaya M. The study of asymmetry and sexual dimorphism on Hadza teens facial images / Summer Institute in Human Ethology. Prague, Czech Republic, 5-9 July 2011. P. 64.
Fedenok J, Burkova V, Butovskaya M. Individual distance and some morphological parameters among Russian adolescents / Summer Institute in Human Ethology. Prague, Czech Republic, 5-9 July 2011. P. 37.
Butovskaya M.L., Burkova V.N. Ceremonies for cleansing the “boma” from damage among the Datoga - pastoralists of Northern Tanzania / IX Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia. Abstracts of the report. Petrozavodsk, July 4-8, 2011 Petrozavodsk, 2011. P. 288
Veselovskaya E.V., Butovskaya M.L., Kondratyeva A.V., Prosikova E.A. Sport as a social niche for women with a masculine style of behavior in modern culture: biological and personal indicators of success using the example of girls from the Russian sambo team / IX Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia. Abstracts of the report. Petrozavodsk, July 4-8, 2011. Petrazavodsk, 2011. P. 289.
Dronova D.A., Butovskaya M.L. Marriage preferences among representatives of the Indian diaspora (Tanzania, Dar es Salaam) / IX Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia. Abstracts of the report. Petrozavodsk, July 4-8, 2011. Petrazavodsk, 2011. P. 290.
Vasilyev V.A., Sukhodolskaya E.M., Kulidzhanov P.V., Burkova V.N., Mabulla A., Butovskaya M.L., Ryskov A.P. Genomic variation of Dopamine transporter (DAT1) and Dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) genes in two traditional East African groups: the Hadza and the Datoga. / 23rd Annual Conference of Human Behavior and Evolution Society (June 29 – July 3, 2011) Montpellier, France. P. 152.
Vasilyev V.A., Sukhodolskaya E.M., Kulidzhanov P.V., Shibalev D.V., Burkova V.N., Mabulla A., Butovskaya M.L. Genomic variation of Catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) and Monoamine oxidase A (MAO A) genes in Hadza and Datoga males. / The 4th International IMBG Conference for young Scientists “Molecular Biology: Advancts and Perspectives” (September 14-17, 2011) Kyiv, Ukraine. P. 104.
Fedenok Yu.N., Burkova V.N., Butovskaya M.L. Spatial behavior and its connection with some morphological parameters among Russian schoolchildren / International scientific conference "Modern problems of human ecology", dedicated to the memory of O.M. Pavlovsky and V.P. Volkova-Dubrovina. December 7-9, 2011 Abstracts of reports. M. 2011. p. 65-66, 0.1 a.l.
Burkova V.N., Butovskaya M.L. Finger index and its relationship with aggressive behavior in children and adolescents (on the example of Russians and Ossetians) / International scientific conference "Modern problems of human ecology", dedicated to the memory of O.M. Pavlovsky and V.P. Volkova-Dubrovina. December 7-9, 2011 Abstracts of reports. M. 2011. p. 101-102. 0.1 a.l.
Butovskaya M.L., Vasiliev V.A., Lazebny O.E., Burkova V.N., Kulikov A.M., Mabulla A., Shebalev D.V., Ryskov A.P. Finger index, aggression and genetic polymorphism in the androgen receptor, serotonin transporter and dopamine D4 receptor in African hunter-gatherers / International scientific conference "Modern problems of human ecology", dedicated to the memory of O.M. Pavlovsky and V.P. Volkova-Dubrovina. December 7-9, 2011 Abstracts of reports. M. 2011. p. 27. 0.1 a.l.
Postnikova E.A., Veselovskaya E.V., Butovskaya M.L. Environmental factors and the severity of sexual dimorphism and facial symmetry in Hadza children and adolescents of Tanzania / International scientific conference "Modern problems of human ecology", dedicated to the memory of O.M. Pavlovsky and V.P. Volkova-Dubrovina. December 7-9, 2011 Abstracts of reports. M. 2011. p. 92 0.1 a.l.
Butovskaya M.L., Fedenok Yu.N. Communicative behavior of migrants in school groups: the path to adaptation / Third All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Practical ethnopsychology: current problems and development prospects” “Worlds of cultures and culture of the world” March 11–12, 2011 M. 2001. p. 23-26. 0.2 a.l.
Butovskaya M.L., Burkova V.N. On the conservatism of magical rituals in the everyday life of the Datoga - pastoralists of Northern Tanzania (using the example of the ceremony of cleansing the boma from damage) / XII All-Russian International Conference of Africanists “Africa in the context of a paradigm shift in world development.” Abstracts of the report. Moscow, May 24-26, 2011. Moscow, 2011. pp. 225-226.
Butovskaya M., Burkova V., Mabulla A. Aggression, digital ratio and reproduction in African foragers: the Hadza men//XXI conference on human ethology. International society for human ethology. Vienna. 13 - 17 August, 2012. p.197-198.
Butovskaya M.L., Vasiliev V., Suchodolskaya E., Burkova V., Shibalev D., Lazebny O., Kulikov A., Mabulla A. Ryskov A. The relationships of aggression and polymorphisms in AR, DAT1, DRD2 and COMT genes in Datoga men // XX Meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression, Luxemburg, July 17 - 21, 2012.
Butovskaya M.L. Aggression and conflict management in Hadza today: age and gender differences // Conference of Hunters and Gatherers Society, Liverpool 2013, p.12.
Butovskaya M.L. Cross-cultural research in the urban environment // X Congress of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia. Abstracts of reports. M. July 2-5, 2013. p. XXXV - XLI
Butovskaya M.L. From tool skills to culture in chimpanzees and the problem of human evolution // Fundamental and applied aspects of medical primatology. Materials of the Sochi third international scientific conference. T-2. Sochi-Adler. August 8 – 10, 2016. p. 244 -249.
Butovskaya M.L. Maasai Ngorongoro: the paradox of legal restrictions on economic activity and better preservation traditional culture in a protected area // Anthropology in search of a new language of description (abstracts of an international scientific conference). September 15-17, 2016. Tomsk. pp. 93 – 94.
Butovskaya M., Fink B. How universal are age, health and attractiveness perception of skin images // Seventh International Conference on Cognitive Science. Svetlogorsk June 20 – 24, 2016. P. 670.
Butovskaya M.L. Spatial and bodily interactions in Russian culture // Collogue “Sentio, ergo sum”, INALCO, Paris, 7-8 Novembre 2016, p. 2-3.
Butovskaya M.L. Finger index as an indicator of successful competition in men: new data // Evolutionary continuum of the genus Homo (VIII Bunakov Readings. October 17 – 20, 2016. M.
Burkova V.N., Butovskaya M.L., Fedenok Yu.N. Anthropometric indicators as indicators of reproductive success in Ob Ugric women. // Evolutionary continuum of the genus Homo (VIII Bunakov Readings). October 17 – 20, 2016. M.
Butovskaya M.L., Fedenok Yu.N., Mkrtchyan R.A. Cross-cultural analysis of aggressiveness and personality traits in students // Fourth International Scientific Conference "Theoretical Problems of Ethnic and Cross-Cultural Psychology". Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on May 27-28, 2016. Smolensk, 2016. pp. 215-218.

Humans and primates, evolutionary anthropology

Marina Lvovna Butovskaya(born June 27, Cherkassy, ​​Ukraine) - Russian ethologist, anthropologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor.


Main works


  • At the origins of human society / RAS. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology named after. Miklouho-Maclay. M.: Nauka, 1993. 255 p.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Language of the body. Nature and culture (evolutionary and cross-cultural foundations of human nonverbal communication). M.: Scientific world, 2004. 437 p. ISBN 5-89176-240-4.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Secrets of gender. Man and woman in the mirror of evolution. Fryazino: Vek-2, 2004. 367 p. ISBN 5-85099-148-4.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Deryagina M. A. Systematics and behavior of primates. M.: Encyclopedia of Russian Villages, 2004. 272 ​​p.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Burkova V. N., Timenchik V. M., Boyko E. Yu. Aggression and peaceful coexistence: universal mechanisms for controlling social tension in humans. M.: Scientific world, 2006. 275 p. ISBN 5-89176-349-4.
  • Butovskaya M. L.. M.: Iz-vo "Vek 2", 2013.


  • Butovskaya M. L. The evolution of group behavior of primates as a prerequisite for anthroposociogenesis // Soviet ethnography. 1987. No. 1.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Fainberg L. A. Ethology of primates (textbook). M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1992. 190 p.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Sexual dimorphism in the social behavior of brown macaques (in connection with the evolution of hominid behavior) // Woman in the aspect of physical anthropology. M., 1994. pp. 102-109.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Plyusnin Yu. M. Principles of organization of spatial behavior in humans and higher primates (comparative analysis) // Modern anthropology and genetics and the problem of races in humans / Ed. I. M. Zolotareva, G. A. Aksyanova. M.: IEA RAS, 1995. pp. 91-143.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Biology of gender, culture and sex-role stereotypes of behavior in children / Family, gender, culture. M., 1996.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Formation of gender stereotypes in children: sociocultural and sociobiological paradigm - dialogue or new confrontation? // Ethnographic review. 1997. No. 4. P. 104-122.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Artemova O. Yu., Arsenina O. I. Gender-role stereotypes among children of Central Russia in modern conditions // Ethnographic Review. 1998. No. 1. P. 104-120.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Aggression and reconciliation as a manifestation of sociality in primates and humans // Social sciences and modernity. 1998. No. 6. P. 149-160.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Evolution of man and his social structure // Nature. 1998. No. 9. pp. 87-99.
  • Butovskaya M. L. The Evolution of Human Behavior: The Relationship Between the Biological and the Social // Anthropology. 2000. V. 38. No. 2.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Korotayev A. V., Kazankov A. A. Variabilité des relations sociales chez les primates humains et non humains: à la recherche d "un paradigme général // Primatologie. 2000. V. 3. P. 319–363.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Guchinova E. Men and Women in Contemporary Kalmykia: Traditional Gender Stereotypes and Reality // Inner Asia, 2001, N.3 p. 61-71.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Boyko E. Y., Selverova N. B., Ermakova I. V. The hormonal basis of reconciliation in humans // J. Physiol. Anthropol. Appl. Human. Sci., 2005, 24 (4), p. 333-337. ()
  • Butovskaya M. L., Mabulla A. Hadza in conditions of intercultural interaction: features of social behavior of children and adolescents studying at school in the village of Endomaga // / Responsible. ed. A. V. Korotaev, E. B. Demintseva. M.: Institute for African Studies RAS, 2007. pp. 138-167.

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  • // “Russian Reporter”, No. 16, 2008
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  • (from the series of public lectures “Polit.ru”)

An excerpt characterizing Butovskaya, Marina Lvovna

Princess Marya, sitting in the living room and listening to these talk and gossip of the old people, did not understand anything of what she heard; she only thought about whether all the guests noticed her father’s hostile attitude towards her. She did not even notice the special attention and courtesies that Drubetskoy, who had been in their house for the third time, showed her throughout this dinner.
Princess Marya, with an absent-minded, questioning look, turned to Pierre, who, the last of the guests, with a hat in his hand and a smile on his face, approached her after the prince had left, and they alone remained in the living room.
-Can we sit still? - he said, throwing his fat body into a chair next to Princess Marya.
“Oh yes,” she said. “Didn’t you notice anything?” said her look.
Pierre was in a pleasant, post-dinner state of mind. He looked ahead and smiled quietly.
“How long have you known this young man, princess?” - he said.
- Which one?
- Drubetsky?
- No, recently...
- What do you like about him?
- Yes, he is a nice young man... Why are you asking me this? - said Princess Marya, continuing to think about her morning conversation with her father.
“Because I made an observation, a young man usually comes from St. Petersburg to Moscow on vacation only for the purpose of marrying a rich bride.
– You made this observation! - said Princess Marya.
“Yes,” Pierre continued with a smile, “and this young man now behaves in such a way that where there are rich brides, there he is.” It’s like I’m reading it from a book. He is now undecided who to attack: you or mademoiselle Julie Karagin. Il est tres assidu aupres d'elle. [He is very attentive to her.]
– Does he go to them?
- Very often. And do you know a new style of grooming? - Pierre said with a cheerful smile, apparently in that cheerful spirit of good-natured ridicule, for which he so often reproached himself in his diary.
“No,” said Princess Marya.
- Now, in order to please Moscow girls - il faut etre melancolique. Et il est tres melancolique aupres de m lle Karagin, [one must be melancholy. And he is very melancholy with m elle Karagin,” said Pierre.
– Vraiment? [Really?] - said Princess Marya, looking into Pierre’s kind face and never ceasing to think about her grief. “It would be easier for me,” she thought, if I decided to trust someone with everything I feel. And I would like to tell Pierre everything. He is so kind and noble. It would make me feel better. He would give me advice!”
– Would you marry him? asked Pierre.
“Oh, my God, Count, there are moments when I would marry anyone,” Princess Marya suddenly said to herself, with tears in her voice. “Oh, how hard it can be to love a loved one and feel that... nothing (she continued in a trembling voice) you can’t do for him except grief, when you know that you can’t change it.” Then one thing is to leave, but where should I go?...
- What are you, what’s wrong with you, princess?
But the princess, without finishing, began to cry.
– I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. Don't listen to me, forget what I told you.
All Pierre's gaiety disappeared. He anxiously questioned the princess, asked her to express everything, to confide in him her grief; but she only repeated that she asked him to forget what she said, that she did not remember what she said, and that she had no grief other than the one he knew - the grief that Prince Andrei’s marriage threatens to quarrel with his father son.
– Have you heard about the Rostovs? – she asked to change the conversation. - I was told that they would be here soon. I also wait for Andre every day. I would like them to see each other here.
– How does he look at this matter now? - Pierre asked, by which he meant the old prince. Princess Marya shook her head.
- But what to do? There are only a few months left until the year is over. And this cannot be. I would only like to spare my brother the first minutes. I wish they would come sooner. I hope to get along with her. “You have known them for a long time,” said Princess Marya, “tell me, hand on heart, the whole true truth, what kind of girl is this and how do you find her?” But the whole truth; because, you understand, Andrei is risking so much by doing this against his father’s will that I would like to know...
A vague instinct told Pierre that these reservations and repeated requests to tell the whole truth expressed Princess Marya’s ill will towards her future daughter-in-law, that she wanted Pierre not to approve of Prince Andrei’s choice; but Pierre said what he felt rather than thought.
“I don’t know how to answer your question,” he said, blushing, without knowing why. “I absolutely don’t know what kind of girl this is; I can't analyze it at all. She's charming. Why, I don’t know: that’s all that can be said about her. “Princess Marya sighed and the expression on her face said: “Yes, I expected and was afraid of this.”
– Is she smart? - asked Princess Marya. Pierre thought about it.
“I think not,” he said, “but yes.” She doesn't deserve to be smart... No, she's charming, and nothing more. – Princess Marya again shook her head disapprovingly.
- Oh, I so want to love her! You will tell her this if you see her before me.
“I heard that they will be there one of these days,” said Pierre.
Princess Marya told Pierre her plan about how, as soon as the Rostovs arrived, she would become close to her future daughter-in-law and try to accustom the old prince to her.

Boris did not succeed in marrying a rich bride in St. Petersburg and he came to Moscow for the same purpose. In Moscow, Boris was indecisive between the two richest brides - Julie and Princess Marya. Although Princess Marya, despite her ugliness, seemed more attractive to him than Julie, for some reason he felt awkward courting Bolkonskaya. On her last meeting with her, on the old prince’s name day, to all his attempts to talk to her about feelings, she answered him inappropriately and obviously did not listen to him.
Julie, on the contrary, although in a special way peculiar to her, willingly accepted his courtship.
Julie was 27 years old. After the death of her brothers, she became very rich. She was now completely ugly; but I thought that she was not only just as good, but even much more attractive than she was before. She was supported in this delusion by the fact that, firstly, she became a very rich bride, and secondly, that the older she became, the safer she was for men, the freer it was for men to treat her and, without taking on any obligations, take advantage of her dinners, evenings and the lively company that gathered at her place. A man who ten years ago would have been afraid to go every day to the house where there was a 17-year-old young lady, so as not to compromise her and tie himself down, now went to her boldly every day and treated her not as a young bride, but as a acquaintance who has no gender.
The Karagins' house was the most pleasant and hospitable house in Moscow that winter. In addition to parties and dinners, every day a large company gathered at the Karagins, especially men, who dined at 12 o'clock in the morning and stayed until 3 o'clock. There was no ball, party, or theater that Julie missed. Her toilets were always the most fashionable. But, despite this, Julie seemed disappointed in everything, telling everyone that she did not believe in friendship, nor in love, nor in any joys of life, and expected peace only there. She adopted the tone of a girl who had suffered great disappointment, a girl as if she had lost a loved one or had been cruelly deceived by him. Although nothing of the sort happened to her, they looked at her as if she were one, and she herself even believed that she had suffered a lot in life. This melancholy, which did not prevent her from having fun, did not prevent the young people who visited her from having a pleasant time. Each guest, coming to them, paid his debt to the melancholic mood of the hostess and then engaged in small talk, and dancing, and mental games, and burime tournaments, which were in fashion among the Karagins. Only some young people, including Boris, delved deeper into Julie’s melancholic mood, and with these young people she had longer and more private conversations about the vanity of everything worldly, and to them she opened her albums covered with sad images, sayings and poems.

Marina Lvovna Butovskaya

Graduated in 1982 Department of Biology Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov (Department of Anthropology).

From 1982 to 1984 she studied at the graduate school of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (IEA) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Researcher (1985-1992); senior researcher (1992-1995); leading researcher (1995-2002) IEA RAS.

From 2002 to present Head. Center for Evolutionary Anthropology, senior researcher Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS.

From 1998 to the present – ​​Professor at the Center for Social Anthropology of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, dissertation defended at the IEA RAS (1994).

Member international organizations– European Anthropological Association, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Society for the Study of Human Behavior and Evolution, International Society for the Study of Aggression, International Society for Human Ethology, International Primatological Society.

Scientific interests: human evolution; ethology of humans and primates (study of the structure of social relations in different species of primates, social relations in children's groups, reconstruction of the early stages of the development of human society, the evolution of laughter and smiling in humans) urban anthropology (study of the behavior of citizens in conditions of anonymous interaction on city streets, structuring of spatial behavior in different cultures, studying the structure of the urban population of beggars and the relationships of beggars with city residents), gender studies (studies of criteria for choosing a permanent partner in modern conditions, marital satisfaction in men and women, processes of formation of gender stereotypes in children and adolescents) conflictology and methods of peaceful resolution conflicts (study of the ethological and physiological mechanisms of aggression and its resolution in children and adolescents, aggression and reconciliation in various types primates, theoretical research in the field of the evolution of mechanisms of aggression and reconciliation in humans, studying the role of stress in post-conflict behavior) cross-cultural research in the field of problems of altruism (analysis of the formation of friendly relations in children in different cultures).

Gives courses of lectures: Human ethology and Methods of collecting ethological material; Fundamentals of Physical Anthropology; Specialist. course in evolutionary anthropology; Theory and practice of intercultural communication.

Scientific research experience: Field observations on the study of social behavior of primates at the Sukhumi Primatological Center (1979-1991) and at the Russian Primatological Center, Adler (1992 - present), research at the Primatological Center of the University of Kassel, Germany (1992-1993) and at the primatological center of the University of Strasbourg (1999-2001); expeditionary work to study gender stereotypes in Kalmykia (1993-1995). Study of the ethological and hormonal basis of the regulation of aggression in children and adolescents (Moscow Elista, Yerevan) (1997 - present); studying the problems of urban beggars in Eastern Europe (1998–present); ethological studies of pedestrian behavior in urban environments (1999 – present).

Organization and conduct of two international summer schools on human ethology (Zvenigorod, June 19-26, 2001 and Pushchino, June 30-July 7, 2002).

Grants and awards: research grant from the German Academy of Sciences (1992-1993); research grant from Soros "cultural initiative" (1993-1994); research grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (1996-1998, No. 96-06-80405; 1997-1999, No. 97-06-80272; 1999-2001, No. 99-06-80346) and the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (1996-1998, No. 96-01- 00032; 1998, No. 98-01-00176); research grant from the French Academy of Sciences (1999-2000); research grant from the Open Society Research Support Scheme, (1999-2001, no. 138/99). Grants for attending scientific conferences with reports from Soros (1994, 1996, 1997, 1998), from the International Society for the Study of Aggression (2000), from the Colloquium on the Study of the Brain and Problems of Aggression (2000), from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (2000), from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation ( 2002, 2003). Grant award from the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the program “Outstanding Scientists, Young Doctors and Candidates” 2001.


Evolution continues
What is needed for a truly objective study of a person? Unbiased view. It is possible if we consider human behavior in the context of the behavior of other living beings. And then it will be discovered that the similarity of images of predators on Aztec bas-reliefs, in the facial expressions of Polynesian masks, in the games of primary school children and baby chimpanzees is not just a coincidence. That love was not invented by man, but inherited from animals. That man is still in many ways a monkey - and thank God
M.L. Butovskaya

List of works by the author available on the site

To shave or not to shave?
Excerpt from the book “Secrets of Sex. Man and Woman in the Mirror of Evolution,” which explains how women perceive facial hair on men.
M.L. Butovskaya

M. L. Butovskaya

Anthropology of gender

Fryazino, 2013

UDC 572 BBK 28.7 B 93

The work was carried out at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy Sci.

The publication was carried out with the support of Dmitry Zimin’s Dynasty Foundation for Non-Commercial Programs.

Butovskaya M.L.

Anthropology of gender. Fryazino: Century2. 2013. - 256 pp., color. ill.

ISBN 978-5-85099-191-3

Photo by M.L. Butovskoy: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.7, 1.8, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 4.3, 7.1, 7.2,

7.3, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 11.7, 11.12

On the cover: female figurine - Chokwe tribe, Angola

Male figurine - Bena-Lulua tribe, Congo

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