Cleaning sewer pits. How to clean a cesspool using chemicals, the order of life. DIY cleaning methods

Cesspools are fairly common engineering structures used in suburban areas. Such pits are built not only as a sewer element, but also as a traditional addition to street toilets.

The pit requires regular cleaning of waste accumulated in it.. Pumping can be done on your own using pumping equipment or other available means. Cleaning work cannot be called an easy or pleasant task. Therefore, many owners resort to the help of vacuum cleaners, which use a special machine to pump out waste water and fecal matter. The procedure is repeated annually. And if the pit is actively used and has a small capacity, it has to be cleaned several times a year, which is an additional expense for the family budget.

Correct operation

The size of the cesspool should be determined depending on the intensity of use and the number of family members.

For a summer toilet, of course, the dimensions of the pit can be much smaller. Outdoor toilets are used exclusively in the warm season. No other sewage waste is discharged into them. The pit fills quite slowly. In order not to have to clean it, you can move the toilet a few meters and dig a new storage well. A bacterial preparation is thrown into the old pit to process fecal matter, and a thick layer of soil is poured on top. After about a year, compost will form - the place will be ideal for planting any fruit tree. On such fertile soil it will produce high yields.

If a pit is used to drain sewage water and fecal matter from a residential building, pumping must be carried out frequently. Particular attention is paid to siltation of the bottom and the appearance of fatty deposits on the walls. Solid fractions must be washed away with clean water and pumped out with a fecal pump, achieving maximum cleanliness of the cesspool. If this is not done, an unpleasant odor will appear. A pit that is not cleaned in time threatens the floating of household waste and even flooding of the bathtub or toilet.

Main pollution

The first sign of a pit overflow is an unpleasant odor and slow drainage of water from sinks, sinks and toilets. If you go to the location of this structure, you can see midges circling over the pit, and the smell of sewage has intensified.

Having opened the hatch, use a dipstick to assess the level of silt deposits at the bottom. A large accumulation of bottom silt can block the sewer drain if it is located too low. In this case, a blockage forms - a fat plug, and if used carelessly, anything can accumulate in the pipe - feminine hygiene items, toilet paper, hair, pieces of fabric, food waste.

Of course, such barbaric use of sewers is very rare. Any owner strives to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the sewer system.

If the pit has a sufficient volume, and all household waste is not thrown into the sewer, the main contaminants are:

  • fecal matter;
  • fat deposits;
  • hair caught in the shower or bathtub drain;
  • small particles of thread from washing machines;
  • a small amount of food waste washed from kitchen sinks.

Cleaning methods

Before carrying out sewage treatment work, it is necessary to clarify some important points:

  • what kind of waste flows into the pit;
  • is there free access to it (access area);
  • what is the total volume of this structure;
  • Is the tightness ensured (the pit is sometimes built according to the drainage type - with a filter bottom).

If the volume is small, the waste can and should be pumped out with a household fecal pump. A unit with a chopper will avoid possible problems– the pump knives can easily cut even pieces of cellophane or large pieces of paper. In addition, a fecal pump will help get rid of bottom sludge.

Extra caution appear when working with wells equipped with a bottom filter. When pumping, the drainage may be damaged, and this leads to filter replacement, which means additional work.

It is preferable to clean large holes using biological products!

However, this method also has its pitfalls - bacteria die from aggressive chemical substances(chlorine, phenyl, alkalis and acids).

If self-cleaning does not satisfy the owners, it is better to resort to the help of vacuum cleaners. These specialists will help you quickly and efficiently restore the sewer system.

There are three popular cleaning methods.


The easiest method to implement, but its use requires a sludge extractor or fecal pump. The sludge extractor is installed on the machine, and work with it is carried out by vacuum cleaners. Fecal pumps are suitable for self-cleaning, but they do not always cope with sludge deposits at the bottom. The disadvantages of the method include:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor during work;
  • and the mandatory installation of an access area.

The hose length of the suction pump is only three meters. For additional attachments, owners will be required to pay separately.

Sewage pumps cope more effectively with the task when stationary installed in a pit on special guides. The pump turns on automatically and pumps out the liquid into a pre-prepared container, which is regularly removed.

Vacuum trucks are called out from two to four or more times a year, depending on the size of the pit. The cost of the service is from 300 rubles per cubic meter. There are companies that offer to pay for the call of specialists, and not for the volume of liquid pumped out.

Chemical method

Involves the use of aggressive chemicals that adversely affect the environment. Such substances are designed to get rid of unpleasant odors and accelerate waste decomposition processes. They do not get rid of silt deposits. Chemical treatment almost always has to be combined with mechanical pumping of wastewater. The active substances used are:

  • bleaching powder;
  • nitrogen fertilizers.

Complete pumping of the pit is carried out depending on its filling, but at least twice a year (spring and autumn). Nitric acid costs from 60 rubles per kilogram. Regarding the amount of chemicals required to clean the pit, you should consult with specialists. Overdose is dangerous for environment!

Biological method

Today the safest and effective method cleaning cesspools. It consists in the use of special aerobic or anaerobic bacteria (usually a mixture of both types). Bacteria act quickly and effectively, destroying odors and turning waste into sludge and water that is safe for humans.

Part of the water is absorbed into the ground if a bottom filter is provided. The disadvantage of this method is the dependence of bacteria on oxygen and ambient temperature. At temperatures below +3 degrees, bacteria go into suspended animation, and without oxygen they die within a week. There have been cases of colony death within 6-12 hours.

The use of bacteria reduces the number of mechanical pumping of cesspools to once or twice a year.
  • powder - from 1,200 rubles per kilogram (French Septifos);
  • tablets - from 900 rubles per 85 gram tablet (Weist, USA);
  • liquid concentrate – from 600 rubles per 1 ml (“Weist”);
  • gel for toilet bowls - from 450 rubles for 750 ml (Septifos).

You can read how to properly dispose of such complex and large equipment as buses.

The problem with the drainage and disposal of domestic wastewater is easily solved in most private houses; a simple sewage collection facility is built on the site -. Over time, it begins to work less efficiently, fills up quickly and develops an unpleasant odor. This happens due to the fact that the bottom of the pit becomes silted, the walls become covered with fatty deposits or become washed out. At this moment, the owners are faced with the acute question of how to clean the cesspool.

The easiest way is to call special services that will do everything themselves. However, there are a number of reasons why this is not always possible: difficulties in paying for a sewer truck, there is no access to the tank or the container is small and calling a sewer truck is simply impractical. There are several ways to clean a cesspool without pumping.

Cleaning methods

Cleaning can be done in one of three ways:

  1. using biological products;
  2. chemicals;
  3. call a sewer truck.

Below we will look at all the options in more detail.

Video: How to clean a cesspool yourself

Cleaning the cesspool with biological products

The use of biological additives is an excellent solution to the problem. These preparations contain bacteria that decompose organic particles. After their work, all organic matter turns into a harmless liquid, which will go into the soil or can be used for irrigation.

For a container with a volume of 2 m³, it will be enough to dilute ½ cup of the biological product in 10 liters of water. Stir and let it brew for 2 hours. During this time, the growth activity of microorganisms will increase. After which, the solution is poured into the pit. The table shows the approximate amount of bioadditive for sealed pits and without a bottom.

Capacity volume (m³)Number of spoons
single dosemonthly
2 2 — 3 2 — 3
hermetically sealed6 12 3
12 16 4
18 20 6
without bottom4 10 3
8 12 4
16 16 12

See the packaging for more exact proportions.

Use depending on the type of dietary supplement:

Additive typeTabletGranulesLiquid
ApplicationCesspool and outdoor toilets up to 5 m³Cesspool and outdoor toilets with a volume of 5 to 15 m³Cesspool and outdoor toilets / Large enterprises
Mode of applicationApply to the contaminated area. Enough for 4 months.Dilute in 10 liters of water, add after 2 hours. Enough for 4 – 12 months.Dilute 1/200, after 24 hours use at the rate of 5 liters per 100 m.
ResultDecomposition of organic particles, as a result, there is no need to call sewage disposal equipment
Conditions of useTemperature20 – 45°C
PH level7,5

This method has quite a large number of advantages and disadvantages. Below are some of them.



  • cannot cope with inorganic material: plastic, household and construction waste, etc.;
  • work at temperatures from +4 to +30° C, bacteria die in winter.

Also, if you frequently use chlorine-containing products, for example when washing dishes or doing laundry, it is better to avoid this cleaning method.

Chemical cleaning

Since the microorganisms contained in biological products cannot withstand the cold, their use in winter is impossible. And if for a dacha this is not a significant problem, then for a private home it would be more advisable to use chemicals. These include:

  1. nitrate oxidizers - they contain surface- active substances(surfactants) capable of breaking down organic compounds and are also resistant to any detergents;
  2. ammonium compounds - cope with the task, but do not “get along” well with household chemicals, and their impact on the environment is practically unknown;
  3. bleach is almost never used, as it negatively affects wildlife.
  • resistant to low temperatures and sudden changes;
  • effectively process different types of waste and combat unpleasant odors;
  • resistant to household detergents and aggressive environments.

One significant disadvantage can be identified - they are not safe for the environment. The safest of all the above reagents is considered to be a nitrate oxidizer.

Cleaning with sewage equipment or pump

Pumping out a cesspool is the easiest way to clean it. A special machine equipped with a vacuum pump will cope with the task in a few minutes. Advantage this method is that all work on pumping, removal and disposal is undertaken by a specialized company. The disadvantage is that the pit stops absorbing moisture; it is advisable to wash the inside of the pit afterwards, which is an additional expense.

However, if the hole is small or it is not possible to drive a car to it, then you can pump it out yourself. For this you need:

  • fecal pump;
  • container for collecting waste.

It is also worth taking care of special clothing: rubberized clothing, shoes and gloves, a respirator or gas mask. The performance of the pump will depend on the volume of the pit; it is better to take a plastic container with thick walls and a neck and a drain hole located at the bottom.


Inside the cesspool there is a deadly gas - methane. Therefore, you cannot pump out alone; there must be a person nearby who can come to the rescue.

When to clean a cesspool

Cesspools, unlike septic tanks, are ordinary storage tanks. Therefore, they require regular cleaning; you should not wait until the “explosive mixture” formed there goes over the edge. The first signs that it’s time to clean the hole will be the appearance of an unpleasant odor, a large accumulation of insects and other “charms”.

Regular preventative cleaning, at least once a year, will help avoid all this. And in order not to take it to extremes, the cesspool must be cleaned when it is filled to ¾ of its volume.

Video: Caring for village sewerage. Application of bacteria.

Alexei 19.11.2014 Septic tanks

Homeowners living in places where there is no central sewerage system are forced to create autonomous treatment facilities on their plots.

And they know that any, even the most advanced, sewer system needs not only careful maintenance, but also regular pumping of waste.

Failure to clean the cesspool in a timely manner can lead to clogged pipes and filters. And this directly leads to ineffective operation of the entire cleaning system or even to an emergency.

Cleaning the septic tank and cesspool

There are several methods for removing waste from storage toilet systems. Which one will be used depends on the degree of contamination and the design of the plumbing fixtures. Using one or another option, you can maintain the equipment in good condition for a very long time and significantly extend its service life.

Let's watch the video, a little about the cesspool and septic tank:

Of course, cleaning a septic tank or cesspool is not the most pleasant task, but you can’t do without it.

The main methods of waste disposal include:

  • Calling sewage disposal equipment;
  • Use of pumps;
  • Use of biological products;
  • Cleaning an outdoor cesspool using improvised means.

The latter method is appropriate to use when the depth of the waste tank does not exceed the height of a person. When cleaning manually, be sure to protect your respiratory tract. In addition to a respirator, when performing work, you must also use thick rubber gloves, safety glasses, a hat, overalls and rubber boots.

Manual cleaning of toilets and cesspools is carried out using:

  • Veder;
  • Synthetic rope;
  • Shovel.

All tools and buckets must be durable.

Automated cleaning of the pit

You can also remove liquid waste from the sump using a pump. It is used when the septic tank is sealed and located at great depth. In addition to the submersible pump, you will also need a hose, an extension cord, and a sealed container. An electrical network is required.

We carry out cleaning with a vacuum cleaner

The easiest way, with sufficient availability Money, contact a specialized service to provide this type of service. In this case, the homeowner is only required to provide free access for the sewer truck. But access to the tank is mandatory and is planned during its installation. High-quality service for waste removal by machine is possible subject to certain conditions. For example, the depth of the container should not exceed three meters, otherwise the special hose simply will not reach the bottom. It is advisable to place the septic tank closer to the road.

Only those organizations that have permission for this type of economic activity have the right to provide cleaning services for street cesspools. You can conclude an agreement with them, both for one-time pumping and for systematic maintenance. Cesspool cleaning performed by specialists is the most profitable option, especially since the price for this service is quite affordable. It starts from 300 rubles, and the estimated amount depends on the volume of the septic tank, the number of flights, distance and many other factors.

Use of chemicals and biologicals

Nowadays, with the development of new technologies, more effective and less expensive ways to clean toilet drains have appeared. They are based on the use of various substances that can quickly break down organic waste. As a result, wastewater after processing is completely harmless to nature and can be used for various technical needs or irrigation.

Watch the video and consumer advice:

Chemicals for cleaning toilet cesspools not only process waste well, but also do not emit strong odors. And what is very important, they are effective even in cold weather.

High-quality cleaning of any cesspool is also possible with the use of biological preparations that contain aerobic microorganisms. They break down organic matter, neutralize unpleasant odors, and reduce waste by freeing solids and sludge.

It is of great importance that different types of septic tanks and cesspools do not have a destructive effect on the structures of treatment facilities. Biological products are also effective in the cold season, since bacteria do not die even in winter conditions. These products can be sold in in different forms. Basically, they are a liquid, immediately ready for use. Some come in the form of granules that must be diluted with water before use.

Wastewater disinfected with biological products is completely safe and has no odor. This cleaning method does not exclude pumping waste from the septic tank, but it makes it possible to do this much less frequently.

Typically, cleaning cesspools is not a pleasant task. Some summer residents cope with this task on their own, others hire sanitation specialists. Modern tools expand the capabilities of owners of this type of treatment facilities, making their operation and cleaning less unpleasant and safer. To solve the question of how to clean a cesspool, you need to find out its type, since this simple device can be very different. After this you can already select suitable way cleaning.

First of all, you need to find out a number of important factors such as:

  • Does the cesspool have a bottom or is it a leaky structure?
  • What is the total volume of the pit?
  • Are there access roads for vacuum trucks?
  • What type of waste is in the pit?

These and other questions will help you choose a strategy for further action. You can try to clean a small container yourself. But you need to be extremely careful. So, after cleaning a cesspool without a bottom, it may be necessary to restore the drainage system. And if you decide to use biological cleaning agents, you should consider chemical composition drains, etc.

After mechanical cleaning of a cesspool without a bottom, it may sometimes be necessary to restore its drainage properties. To remove solid deposits, you can use biological products for the final decomposition of wastewater

Note. Sometimes cleaning cesspools is not necessary, for example, if we are talking about a small container located under a country toilet. You can simply bury such a hole, after adding a means to accelerate the formation of compost. After some time, you can plant a fruit tree near the compost pit, which will bear fruit well. And the toilet is moved to a new place with a new cesspool.

Most often, the following is used to clean wastewater containers:

  • mechanical methods;
  • chemical methods;
  • biological methods.

When choosing a suitable method, you should take into account its availability, cost and environmental safety.

Method #1 - mechanical cleaning

The simplest, but not the most pleasant way to clean septic tanks and cesspools is mechanical. For this purpose, a special machine called a sludge sucker is used. The work of a modern sludge sucker is clearly presented in the following video:

Modern technology allows you to get rid of sewage, almost without feeling any discomfort from the characteristic odor of feces. Previously, this moment could ruin the mood not only of the owners of a private house, but also of their closest neighbors.

Modern sludge suckers can be used for mechanical cleaning of a cesspool with high efficiency. Wastewater will be removed quickly and accurately

If you decide to choose this cleaning method, then you should take care of two main points:

  • provide access roads for equipment;
  • take into account the length of the suction hose, which is usually about three meters.

If the depth of the cesspool exceeds this figure, you will have to find additional opportunities to clean it.

Note! If the volume of the cesspool is made a multiple of the volume of the sewage truck, you can save a little, since payment is made for the service, and not for the specific volume of waste removed.

Some owners of small dachas have figured out how to clean out a cesspool without hiring hired equipment. To do this, you can use a special fecal pump. Automatic models of such pumps are used constantly; they turn on and off when the amount of waste reaches a certain level.

Sometimes cleaning is carried out using a conventional water pump in combination with a special filter. However, it should be remembered that equipment not intended for such procedures will break down quite quickly.

It is important to know! Over a long period of operation, dense sediment accumulates on the walls of treatment facilities, which must be removed using special chemicals or biological products.

Method #2 - chemicals

Chemicals have been used as cleaning agents for cesspools for quite a long time. Among the popular drugs of this type are:

  • formaldehyde;
  • bleach;
  • ammonium compounds;
  • nitrogen fertilizers.

It should be immediately recalled that all these substances are quite aggressive. On the one hand, they cope with any waste and household chemicals. On the other hand, you should not use them in systems with metal pipes, since they also successfully corrode metal.

The least expensive chemicals are formaldehyde and bleach. These substances, especially formaldehyde, are extremely dangerous to human health, so at present they are practically not used for waste disposal.

Ammonium compounds are much safer, but they are sensitive to agents household chemicals, the presence of which in wastewater can cause a decrease in the efficiency declared by the manufacturer. With the help of ammonium compounds you can quickly get rid of unpleasant odors and speed up the decomposition of wastewater.

Nitrogen fertilizers, also called nitrate oxidizers, are quite expensive, but are considered the safest among chemicals used for wastewater treatment. It should be remembered that their impact on the environment has not been well studied.

Environmentalists are not enthusiastic about the use of such dangerous and aggressive chemicals in households. They are being replaced by new generation substances - biological drugs.

Method #3 - bacteria get to work

Biological products that are used to clean septic tanks and cesspools are becoming increasingly widespread. They are a set of aerobic or anaerobic bacteria that process wastewater. The processes occurring in this case are completely safe, both for human health and for the environment, since similar reactions occur in the soil where these microorganisms live.

More suitable for cesspools are sets of anaerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen to carry out their work. Aerobic bacteria are more often used in septic tanks or two-chamber cesspools. With their help, post-treatment of wastewater that has already been treated with anaerobic microorganisms is carried out.

It is necessary to specially inject air into the part of the treatment plant where aerobic preparations are used. This two-stage purification allows the water to be used for technical needs, for example, for watering plants. If the wastewater has been treated only with anaerobic preparations, it should be ensured that it slowly enters the soil through the drainage system. Bacteria in the soil will do the final cleaning. Purified water is pumped out of a sealed cesspool using a conventional water pump.

As a result of the work of bacteria, wastewater decomposes into water, disinfected sludge and carbon dioxide. The resulting sludge can be used as fertilizer

The procedure for using biological products is very simple. Usually the powder or liquid is diluted in a certain amount of water and poured through the cesspool hatch. Sometimes you can simply pour the drug into the toilet and flush it several times.

Most bacteria are very sensitive to aggressive household chemicals, such as products containing chlorine. However, in Lately More resistant sets of bacteria have appeared on the market, which are more expensive than conventional drugs. It is necessary to either stop using aggressive chemicals or plan additional expenses for the most effective biological products.

Purchasing a summer house or house in the village entails not only pleasant moments, but also some problems. One of these problems, which manifests itself in the absence of a central sewerage system, is the regular cleaning of drainage pits.

This procedure is not only unpleasant in itself, but also leads to constant financial costs, since it is very problematic to remove the contents yourself and you have to call a sewage disposal truck.

Some drainage pits on sites have been around for quite a long time. If the design is incorrect (or lack thereof), it often happens that cleaning becomes difficult.

They are located in such a way that the sewage disposal truck does not have the opportunity to drive up to the pit.

The smell spreads for tens of meters around, sewage seeps into the soil without cleaning, and the only means of removing the contents of the cesspool is a rusty bucket on a rope.

But one way or another, it is necessary to periodically clean the drainage pits from household waste.

Bacterial cleaning agents

Biobacteria "Vodograi" for drainage pits and outdoor toilets

In this case, in addition to professional vacuum cleaners, comes to the rescue modern science.

Biologists have long developed effective remedy for the destruction of human waste.

Bacteria for drainage pits do an excellent job of cleaning fecal and household wastewater, since fats, feces, starches, and proteins are a breeding ground for these bacteria.

Why are biological products needed, what exactly do they do?

  • Reduces the volume of sewage waste.
  • Removes unpleasant odors from cesspools, dry closets and other sewerage facilities.
  • Liquefy and process solid biological waste.
  • Feces are disposed of in drainage pits and septic tanks.
  • Deodorizes fecal sludge.
  • Thin the consistency of sewage.
  • Clean sedimentation tanks.
  • Cleaning sewer pipes from fatty blockages.
  • Clean drainage systems.
  • Prevent siltation of the bottom and walls of the cesspool.

In what form are these essential bacteria sold?

There are a large number of manufacturers of biological products on the modern market; they offer various means for solutions large quantity problems with sewerage.

Bacteria that clean drain pits are available in the form of powder, tablets and liquid.

Use of bacterial agents

Vodograi microbes for cleaning drains

How to clean a drain hole using bacteria?

Biological drugs are very easy to use.

It is necessary to dilute the product for drainage pits according to the instructions and pour it into the pit itself.

The result will not be long in coming. After two hours, the bacteria will begin to work in full force, “eating” the contents of the drainage pit or outdoor toilet.

After four hours, you will notice a decrease in odor.

When starting a new septic tank, it is advised to buy a biological cleaning agent, dilute it in water, prepare a bacterial liquid for drainage pits, and place it in the septic tank.

This will speed up the process of starting the septic tank itself. But you should pay attention that they need nutrition, therefore you cannot pour the product into empty containers.

In the absence of a nutrient medium, they will die and you will have to buy and prepare the drug again.

Additional benefits of using bacterial cleaning agents:

  • unlike chemical reagents, bacteria do not interact with concrete, metal and plastic, therefore, they increase the reliability of sewer structures by removing aggressive plaque from them;
  • anaerobic bacteria are harmless to animals, plants and humans and can be used both for cleaning cesspools and for decomposing in-pipe deposits when clearing complex blockages.

When using bacterial cleaning agents, it should be taken into account that this method cannot completely clean the drainage pit.

Bacteria decompose fecal matter and household waste, significantly reducing the volume of the contents of the cesspool. But periodic calling of the sewage disposal truck is still necessary.

But the frequency of these calls will be completely different - instead of monthly pumpings, it will be possible to call sewer trucks once every six months or a year.

If you have a septic tank or a drainage pit made of concrete rings on your site, the use of bacterial agents is especially justified if the concrete rings for the drainage pits have not been subjected to additional sealing.

The reason is that concrete itself is not airtight - liquid from the pit leaks through it, albeit slowly.

It is obvious that the liquid in the cesspool is saturated with substances that are not very useful for the soil.

The entry of these substances into groundwater, and then into neighboring aquifers and wells, can lead to their poisoning, which can have a very painful impact on your wallet.

Fines for poisoning groundwater very large. In addition, soil and groundwater pollution is a criminal offense.

The use of bacterial agents makes it possible to remove nitrates from wastewater, surfactants from detergents and decomposition products that can lead to groundwater contamination.

I hope this article helped you find the answer to the question of how to clean a drain pit.

By using bacterial agents, you will not only save significant amounts by reducing the number of calls for sewerage trucks, but will also help maintain the environmental cleanliness of your site and groundwater.

Finally, a couple of tips for use bacterial cleaning:

  • start using bacterial agents in the warm season, then the bacteria will have time to multiply sufficiently before the onset of cold weather and will not die from frost;
  • do not pour chlorine-containing liquids and acids into the sewer or cesspool - this will lead to the death of the bacterial environment;
  • do not use anaerobic and aerobic bacterial cultures in the same container - this will simply lead to the death of one of them.
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