Green chakra. The colors of a person’s chakras - their meaning and filling oneself with energy. They take an active part in controlling the flow of energy circulating in the body, changing their strength and information content

Psychologists have long noticed that the color content of the environment has a strong impact not only on the emotional, but also on the physical state of a person. The science of “color science” is studying this phenomenon, and based on the observations of specialists, a sufficiently effective method alternative medicine - color therapy.

However, to this day, the mechanisms of the effect of color on the human body have not been fully studied, although theories on this matter appear with enviable regularity. One of these theories was the assumption that colors are nothing more than natural food for centers of spiritual energy ( chakras). In other words, if a person gives preference to a certain color, then the chakra of the corresponding color is “starving” and strives to be satiated by absorbing colors from the environment.

How to restore the energy of the chakras using color

According to the theory put forward, using colors that correspond to the body's systems, emotional mood and parts of the body, one can easily restore the energy of the chakras and achieve harmony in the aura, body and consciousness. In this case, not only the colors characteristic of the chakras will work effectively, but also those opposite them (especially if the bioenergy centers are overexcited).

But first you need to understand what colors and chakras correspond to this or that system of the body, physical and energetic body.

Correspondence of color and chakra to body systems

Sahasrara (7th chakra) - purple or White color. Responsible for spirituality and affects the nervous and skeletal system. The lack of violet color manifests itself in excessive shyness and the need for sympathy. When there is an excess of this color, there is a feeling of loss of connection with the inner world and a feeling of outside power over oneself. You can balance the chakra using blue or yellow.

Ajna (6th chakra) - Blue colour. It affects the endocrine and immune systems, ears, eyes, face, pituitary gland. The lack of blue color manifests itself in forgetfulness, excessive superstition, constant doubts and envy. Excess can manifest itself in feelings of anxiety and fearfulness, depression and fear. You can achieve balance by using yellow or orange.

Vishuddha (5th chakra) - blue color. Affects the vocal apparatus and throat, mouth, teeth, esophagus, respiratory system and thyroid gland. Lack of color manifests itself in a lack of ability to express oneself and ease of communication. Excess is characterized by harsh, categorical statements, fanaticism and resistance to everything new. You can solve the problem using yellow and orange colors.

Anahata (4th chakra) - green color. Affects the lungs and heart. Responsible for the connection with nature and is the energy center of the body. Lack of green color can cause envy, jealousy and loss of self-esteem. Excessive saturation with this color leads to feelings of fear and apathy. You can achieve balance with the color pink.

Manipura (3rd chakra) - yellow color. Controls the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and liver. Responsible for the work of all nervous system and intelligence. Obvious signs of a lack of yellow color can be low self-esteem, nervous disorders, intoxication, and depression. Excess may be indicated by fear and anger. You can balance your chakra using blue or blue color.

Svadhisthana (2nd chakra) - orange color. It affects the respiration and spleen, as well as the reproductive, digestive, muscular and lymphatic systems. Distributes energy throughout the body and is responsible for emotions. The lack of orange color manifests itself in a lack of love of life and depression. Inappropriate heroism and frivolity may indicate an overabundance. Blue or blue color will help solve the problem.

Muladhara (1 chakra) - red color. Responsible for the lower spine, genitals, legs and reproductive abilities. Affects all major aspects of life (finance, work, family) and the ability to maintain clear judgment. Lack of red color can cause disappointment and resentment. But its excess often leads to uncontrollable aggression and anger. Green, yellow and blue colors will help you achieve balance.

The universe is permeated with energy. Every second the subtle body participates in energy exchange. Chakras vibrate and rotate, attracting and transmitting energy into the body.

The initial vibrations of the Cosmos are so strong that they can destroy the human body. Disturbed functioning of energy centers is a source of illness and anxiety. Energy accumulates and does not come out. How to normalize the functioning of the subtle body and improve the quality of life?

In this article

Location on the body

According to Hindu philosophy, a person has two bodies: material and subtle. The subtle body affects:

  • spirituality;
  • state of mind;
  • awareness of the world.

Energy – prana – moves through the channels of the subtle body. The places where prana accumulates are called chakras. They are correlated with the nerve plexuses that are located along the spine. There are seven main energy centers: from Muladhara (at the tailbone) to Sahasrara (at the crown).

Chakras: location and symbolism

For most people, energy flow is disrupted. Accumulated negativity interferes with natural energy exchange, creating blocks and clogging the subtle body. Once awakened, the energy center changes the life of its owner. Vibrations of cosmic energy fill the spirit with strength and endow the personality with new qualities.

Yogis believe that prana imbalance is characterized by:

  • nervous breakdowns;
  • emotional problems;
  • depressed states.

Working with the subtle body will awaken hidden reserves of energy, called by ancient practitioners the power of Kundalini. Awakening is like a flash of lightning - this is how the process of releasing divine power is described in the ancient Indian epic “Bhavad Gita”.

Kundalini is compared to a sleeping snake that has bitten its own tail.

Having passed along the spine, the power of Kundalini will untie the mental knots and free the person from the coming series of rebirths.

The video explains what chakras are, what they are responsible for and where they are located:

What they look like on a subtle level

In ancient India, yogis devoted their entire lives to spiritual quest. The masters paid for their superpowers by renouncing worldly goods, choosing asceticism and hermitage. Main role purification of the spirit played a role in practice. The work of the chakras and the development of knowledge of the divine nature depended on this.

Yoga is a legacy of ancient Indian philosophy

Descriptions of the sages have been preserved, in which each energy center corresponds to a color, sound and image. A person who has not worked with chakras has a clouded subtle body. Without spiritual practice, a bright aura looks like a clot of dirty, sickly color. This is a tone of negativity and worry.

The true colors of the chakras are bright

The more black colors of negativity a person has, the more life is filled with suffering and pain.

How to see them

Use entering an altered state of consciousness. This implies complete relaxation and concentration on something.

Do not listen to those who advise taking alcohol or drugs to enter an altered state of consciousness. Taking large doses will cause addiction, while taking small doses will not help at all.

Color and meaning of chakras

Bright clothes will have a beneficial effect on energy exchange with the Cosmos.

To normalize the functioning of energy centers, choose plain clothes in the desired colors.

1st chakra Muladhara

The color of the lower (root) chakra is red. When open, Muladhara glows fiery red. Ayurvedic symbol is the setting sun.

Muladhara - four-petalled lotus

Connects a person with the material world. Through it, the energy of the Earth enters the body, which gives the feeling:

  • stability;
  • security;
  • confidence.

The root chakra is located below the tailbone

With an open Muladhara, a person approaches life with complete confidence. The root energy center teaches the value of protection, prosperity and sustenance.

When working incorrectly, a person becomes locked into own desires. Unconsciously, he does not see the needs of others and is not able to live in harmony with the body: eat moderately and rest peacefully.

  1. Aromatherapy. Cedar oil helps to accumulate earthly energy and feel peace.
  2. Kundalini yoga to awaken dormant forces.
  3. Contemplation of the blood-red sunset sun.
  4. Meditation on the tip of the nose.

2nd chakra Svadhisthana

The chakra color is orange. Svadhisthana is located above Muladhara, in the genitals. The energy center is a source of sexual and creative energy.

Symbol of Svadhisthana - six-petalled lotus

At open chakra merging with a loved one becomes a cosmic dance where an exchange of feminine and masculine energies occurs. The principle of exchange underlies the Universe. Lovers feel belonging to the energy of the Cosmos. Their actions are inspired and full of passion.

The disrupted work of Svadhisthana is expressed in:

  • sensual rudeness;
  • lack of physical intimacy;
  • tense relationships with the opposite sex.

Aspect of Swadhisthana - the impulse to create a new life

The following will help cleanse the energy center:

  1. Contemplation of water. Bathing will cleanse the soul and remove blockages in the subtle body.
  2. Color therapy. Orange color charges with vitality and awakens sensual experiences.
  3. Tantra yoga. An ancient practice will help you deal with sexuality problems and tune in to your partner.
  4. Meditation and visualization of the god Vishnu. You will get rid of lust and greed.

Ascending from Muladhara to Svadhisthana will bring awareness and peace.

3rd chakra Manipura

The color of Manipura is golden yellow. The chakra is located in the center of the solar plexus. IN physical body it affects the pancreas: the organ that maintains blood sugar levels.

Manipura – ten-petalled lotus

The element of Manipura is bright sunlight. In the human body this is a place of power where emotions, likes and dislikes for others are born.

Manipura controls the functioning of the lower chakras. When a person achieves harmony in feelings and desires, the third energy center opens. In this case, the color of the chakra changes to gold, corresponding to wisdom.

When Manipura is open, life is filled with harmony. A person accepts himself and respects others. Manipura fills the soul with the light of wisdom and protects against negative vibrations.

Manipura is full of solar energy

When the energy center is not functioning properly, a person feels uneasy. He gets easily irritated and loses his temper instantly.

The following will help in cleaning Manipura:

  1. Staying in nature: contemplating the sun, a wheat field, a sunflower.
  2. Color therapy. Yellow color will return to active life if you are apathetic.
  3. Aromatherapy. Lavender oil will relieve negative memories.
  4. Meditation and yoga classes.

4th chakra Anahata

The main color is green. In the physical body, Anahata corresponds to the heart.

Anahata - lotus with twelve petals

The energy of the subtle body flows into the fourth chakra. She is sensitive to the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world. The purpose of the heart chakra is to unite through pure love. Anahata is full of knowledge about unity with the Creator and divine grace.

The fourth chakra is the center of spiritual stability

An open heart chakra transforms people. Green healing energy flows from the energy center. This is the color of harmony and sympathy.

When all chakras are open and interact with Anahata, a person becomes a conductor of Divine love. Energy grants reconciliation and freedom from quarrels. With discovery comes an understanding of the value of life and a desire to merge with the Divine aspect.

With undeveloped Anahata, a person suffers from softness of character. He is unable to accept the love of others and withdraws into himself.

To cleanse your chakra use:

  1. Walking in nature and watching the clouds.
  2. Color therapy. Wearing green clothes gives confidence and heals the soul.
  3. Chanting the mantra YAM. The sound “a” helps to feel the presence of love everywhere.
  4. Bhakti yoga. Classes will strengthen the senses and fill the soul with divine presence.

5th chakra Vishuddha

The fifth throat chakra, Vishuddha, controls the production of hormones in the thyroid gland.

Vishuddha – sixteen-petalled blue lotus

Through the fifth energy center a person expresses feelings and thoughts. The element of Vishuddhi is ether, a carrier of information and a mediator of sound.

The chakra is responsible for awareness of the subtle worlds and a person’s understanding of his own perfection at all levels of the Universe.

Vishuddha gives a sense of wholeness

With developed Vishuddha, a person expresses thoughts freely, without fear of showing the world strong and weak sides. The state of the chakra affects the strength of the voice and clarity of speech. A person with an open Vishuddha is independent of people’s opinions.

Impaired functioning will lead to blockage of the chakra system. Fear and guilt will settle in your soul. A person rejects the true “I” and lives under someone else’s guise. This happens to manipulators and people who throw words to the wind.

To cleanse Vishuddhi:

  1. Take frequent walks under cloudless blue skies.
  2. Wear blue clothes.
  3. Chant the mantra HAM. Vibrations will bring thinking to a new cosmic level of knowledge.
  4. Learn transcendental meditation to relieve mental stimulation and unlock mental potential.

6th chakra Ajna

Color blue. The ancient masters called the sixth chakra the third eye.

Ajna – 96 petal lotus

The sixth energy center is located in the middle of the forehead and affects the work important glands in the body: pituitary gland and pineal gland.

Memory, thinking and will of a person depend on the state of Ajna. In the chakra, unconscious processes of creation and destruction of reality occur, affecting the material world.

The third eye creates its own reality

With the development of Ajna comes an understanding of the world order. Premonition and intuition become more acute, and it becomes possible to look into the astral plane.

With undeveloped Ajna, a person lives guided by reason. This deprives you of a holistic vision of the world. A person tries to influence people with the power of thought and authority, which leads to social isolation.

Suitable for cleansing Ajna:

  1. Contemplation of the starry sky.
  2. Sound therapy. Mantra OM.
  3. Color therapy. Blue color will open up a new subtle perception of the world.
  4. Aromatherapy. The scent of jasmine will awaken hidden images in the mind and sharpen intuition.
  5. Yantra yoga. With the help of practices you will gain the ability to see.
  6. Chakra meditation.

7th chakra Sahasrara

Color purple. The last chakra corresponds to the brain in the physical body.

The symbol of the seventh chakra is a lotus with a thousand petals

Through Sahasrara the Divine enters the subtle body. The spiritual search and development of a person begins and ends in the chakra. Here there is an awareness of things and an understanding of the world on an intuitive and intellectual level.

In Sahasrara there is unity with the Higher powers

When the chakra opens, the blocks of the subtle body are destroyed. The practitioner is filled with the energy of the Cosmos and resonates, reaching a new level of cosmic vibrations. Consciousness acquires depth of perception and spiritual enlightenment occurs.

If Sahasrara is closed, the development of other energy centers will not occur. Fear and a feeling of purposeless existence will appear.

How to cleanse the crown chakra:

  1. Contemplate the boundless distance from a high mountain.
  2. Perform the mantra OM or listen to silence - the music of Sahasrara.
  3. Wear purple clothes - it transforms consciousness and mind.
  4. Meditate on Sahasrara. Without opening the chakra, it is impossible to achieve samadhi (the state of supreme bliss) and gain superpowers.
  5. Use incense when meditating - this way you will quickly achieve a state of trance.

Chakras and diseases

When the functioning of the chakras is disrupted, the energy stagnates in the subtle body. Departments are blocked and negativity accumulates in them. This leads to poor health and illness.

Malaise is a signal that the functioning of the subtle body is disrupted. By remembering the location of energy centers, you will establish energy exchange and prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

Video about the relationship of chakras with diseases:

Interaction between the chakras of men and women

Male and female chakras work differently:

  • some receive, while others give energy;
  • differ in energy content;
  • rotate in different directions.

Energy exchange is the key to long-term relationships

Harmonious love relationship- a sign that a man and a woman match each other in at least three chakras: Svadhisthana, Anahata and Ajna. Couples where fewer energy centers interact break up. Except for those cases when the participants embarked on the path of joint spiritual development.

In people who have achieved enlightenment, the functioning of the chakras does not depend on gender.

Physical sensation of chakras

To physically feel the flows of cosmic energy, you need to prepare:

  • learn to control your own body;
  • improve health and increase muscle tone;
  • cleanse the body of toxins.

By learning to recognize signals from the subtle body, you will take the first step towards realizing your true Self. Don't be afraid of painful sensations. This suggests that mental blocks are being destroyed. You will feel:

  • pressure;
  • pain;
  • numbness;
  • goosebumps;
  • chills;
  • vibration.

These are signs of normalization of the flow of energies. For example, if you are pulled to the side, this indicates a distortion of the subtle body. This is a sign of future illnesses. By working with the chakras, you will heal spiritually and physically.

And in conclusion

Many health problems can be avoided if you do not forget the main rule of spiritual practice - listen to your own feelings. Don't be afraid to think outside the box. Mindsets hammered into long years living in a society with material values ​​will initially interfere with the spiritual path.

Understanding the worldview of the East and merging with oneself is a difficult task. There are no universal methods for achieving enlightenment in a short time. Yoga, meditation, breathing practice are just ways to awaken what is hidden in a person.

Working with chakras will reveal human potential

Everything we seek in life is hidden within ourselves. All that remains is to listen to your intuition and choose the Path that suits you. After all, all roads lead to one goal - to enlightenment.

Video about pumping the chakras with energy and their impact on a person’s life:

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. During your lifetime, step into the fire that opens the gates of immortality and find true freedom.

Human chakras and their meaning is a topic that has always aroused keen interest among people who are interested in everything related to mysticism and self-knowledge. The very definition of chakras came to us from the experience of Hindu spiritual practitioners, according to whom, these are centers of consciousness and power located in the internal bodies of a person. Modern Hindus believe that different chakras refer to different glands and nerve plexuses.

Speaking about human chakras, their meaning and everything connected with it, it should be said that there are seven main such energy centers.

1. Muldahara

It is located in the perineum area, near the genitals or the base of the spine. This chakra is instinctive and connects a person with the earth. Its color is blood red. Muldahara is responsible for the formation of personality with all its characteristics, fears, worries and a sense of security, the ability to survive, the ancient instinct of self-preservation, physical and spiritual endurance, strength. If the state of this chakra is unbalanced, in addition to emotional manifestations (feelings of fear, uncertainty, lack of something), there will also be physical manifestations (pain in the lower back, problems with the kidneys and adrenal glands).

2. Swadhisthana

When considering a person’s chakras and their meaning, they usually pay special attention to them. The approximate location is between the top of the pubic bone and the navel (most often 2-3 cm below the navel). Svadhisthana is associated with the element of Water and the color orange. And she is responsible for receiving pleasure, the ability to enjoy life, the formation and disclosure of sexual and creative energy.

3. Manipura

Many people are interested in where a person’s chakras are located, which are responsible for self-control, willpower, development and resistance to outside influences. Manipura, located in the solar plexus, connects all other chakras. Its original color is considered yellow.

4. Anahata

Anahata (as it is also called, the heart chakra) unites a person’s soul and his ego. Her colors are green and pink. Anahata is responsible for a sense of inner harmony, love for oneself and the people around you, compassion and the ability to forgive. This chakra is located in the middle of the sternum, that is, in the area of ​​the heart, which explains its name.

5. Vishuddha

The next thing that should be said when talking about human chakras, their meaning and other aspects is the fifth chakra, Vishuddha, located in the throat area. When compared with the color sky blue, it allows you to reveal your potential without being embarrassed, to express yourself, to show your true self.

6. Ajna

This chakra is especially interesting because it makes it possible to renounce the real everyday world and find a thread of connection with the Universe, expand your worldview and personal value system. This is where the development of the so-called observer consciousness occurs. Since ancient times, this chakra has been associated with intuition and the development of the “third eye.” The color of the chakra is blue, and it is located, as you may have guessed, between the eyebrows, that is, in the middle of the forehead.

7. Sahasrara

The seven chakras of a person are closed by another one, located in the area of ​​the crown. Its colors are white and purple. Sahasrara is the center of insight and enlightenment, the purest cosmic energy.

Chakras and diseases: table and psychology. Description of human chakras. Chakra-related diseases: treatment

There are theories that claim that any physiological changes in the body occur due to disturbances at the energy level. For example, negative thoughts can lead to the accumulation of negative emotions, as well as deterioration in the performance of the chakras. In some cases, they may become completely blocked, resulting in illness.

What are chakras?

Chakras are information and energy centers. U healthy person they are always open, which allows energy to circulate freely and correctly throughout the body, as well as influence the endocrine and nervous systems. There are three main chakra states:

  • normal;
  • excited;
  • oppressed.

All conditions, except normal, indicate a violation of energy exchange, which means the risk of developing diseases increases.

When the chakras are functioning normally, a person radiates happiness because nothing bothers him. In some cases, when the functioning of the energy flow is restored, the diseases themselves are eliminated. The body is filled with the necessary amount of vital energy, which can lead to the development of psychological abilities.

What are chakras for?

Functions of chakras:

  • release of energy and received information into the environment;
  • providing communication with the outer shell of the body;
  • responding to changes in mood and feelings.

In addition, each chakra has its own color, rotation speed, layering and heterogeneity. Despite the lack of physical embodiment, it is characterized by pathological changes, as well as the possibility of training, preventive measures and treatment. In other words, chakra is the same brain of a person, but located outside his body. Moreover, this has been indirectly proven using a frame, a pendulum, some kinesological tests, as well as pulse diagnostics and Voll’s methods.

What can disrupt the functioning of the chakras?

There may be several reasons for the dysfunction of the energy flow. The most common are:

  • wrong attitude towards life;
  • the habit of being offended by the whole world because of failures;
  • wishes of evil to other people (wishes of evil to relatives are especially strong in terms of destruction of chakras);
  • self-condemnation, which is constant;
  • a large number of desires that a person does not know how to control.

Any negative thoughts and emotions affect the energy flow and provoke illness. However, disturbances at the energy level can be easily corrected, but only if there is no physical manifestation yet. Another important condition: a person must believe in his healing; a skeptical person is much more difficult to treat. This may be due to the fact that old beliefs cause his subconscious to completely ignore any flows of energy. As a result of this, the body rejects any impact, which means recovery is inhibited.

Main energy chakras and diseases (table) and psychology

There are special tables that correlate physical illnesses with the problem of a specific chakra. Why is this addiction the way it is? It's a matter of their relative position.

Today, there are 7 main human chakras, each of which is responsible for the health of certain organs and systems.

Root chakra (muladhara)

Sacrum, reproductive system, pelvis, large intestine, rectum

Sacral (svadhisthana)

Female and male genital organs, bladder, part of the kidneys and renal pelvis, ureters and urethra, ovaries, uterus, thighs

Solar (manipura)

Stomach and gastrointestinal tract(except for its upper part, as well as the large intestine), upper part of the kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, pancreas

Heart (anahata)

Cardiovascular system, lungs, thoracic spine, ribs, arms, lower bronchi

Throat (visuddha)

Thyroid, ears, larynx, trachea, esophagus and upper bronchi

Frontal (ajna)

Brain, eyes, maxillary and frontal sinuses, nose, upper teeth

Ventsovaya (sahasrara)


In addition to this, the so-called small chakras are also distinguished:

  • The plantar muscles are responsible for the function of feeding the child.
  • The knees regulate movement and the ability to maintain balance.
  • The chakras at the base of the brain allow a person to survive in modern conditions.

Since each chakra regulates the functioning of a specific organ or system of the body, it is possible to determine from the diagnosis which correction is recommended.

Muladhara chakra and diseases associated with it

The problem of infertility, both male and female, is directly related to disturbances in the functioning of this chakra, since the chakra is responsible for the functioning of the prostate gland, ovaries and uterus. Besides, typical disease which is associated with this chakra is hemorrhoids. The main reason for the development of this unpleasant disease is greed. During this, a person displays chakra fields on things. If you are worried about an attack of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to throw something out of the house - and relief will come instantly.

Muladhara is also responsible for the functions of the large intestine, adrenal glands and musculoskeletal system. That is why the following diseases are associated with disturbances in its work:

  • obesity;
  • injuries, including fractures;
  • bowel disorders;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypersensitivity.

Other chakras and diseases are also associated, the table of which is given above. If we talk about muladhara, then it is tied to the element of earth, which is why you should not refuse its help.

Sacral chakra

Or svadhisthana. This chakra belongs to the element of water and is located just below the navel. She is responsible for human creativity, sexuality and childbirth. It has an orange color.

The reason for violations in her work is a constant feeling of guilt, hopelessness, or unfulfilled promises. When there is a blockage in the chakras, what diseases occur? The following disorders are associated with svadhisthana:

  • Infertility.
  • Miscarriages or stillbirths.
  • Birth with hereditary diseases, deformities.
  • Marital infidelity.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Dermatitis is a disease of the svadhisthana chakra.
  • Frigidity (impotence) or the other side, promiscuity.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (fibroids, cysts, prostatitis).

Finding out the cause of the guilt will help remove the blockage. Once you understand yourself, ask for forgiveness from those to whom you are guilty, sex life will return to normal immediately. Relaxing massages in the pelvic area will also help, and most importantly, you need to get satisfaction from sex.

Manipura chakra

The yellow chakra is located in the navel area. Regulates immunity, protective and cleansing functions, as well as absorption functions. When the chakra is full of energy, the body is able to receive and absorb all the microelements and useful material. In addition, energy can be obtained from the mental body. In the absence of blockage, chakras and diseases (the table of chakras is presented above) do not develop. Such a person is successful, has power, and good luck in business. In addition, he is characterized by a healthy psyche and developed intelligence. This chakra requires increased consumption of magnesium in case of disturbance.

The causes of violations may be:

  • lack of responsibility for one's actions;
  • permanent debts;
  • inability to defend one's own interests;
  • aggression and anger.

When a chakra is blocked, the energy goes to other people. The following diseases are associated with disturbances in the functioning of manipura:

  • psychological stress (constant feeling of anxiety, fears);
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • ulcer;
  • stone formation;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • infertility.

The peculiarity of this chakra is that when its work is disrupted, there are also external manifestations of this, such as redness of the face, thinness.

Anahata chakra and diseases associated with it

This is the chakra of love, which is why it is located in the very heart. She is truly considered central. Although its color is green.

It affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as the lower part of the bronchi and lungs. The main signs that the chakra is not working are:

  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • heart attack;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • mastopathy.

The reasons for blocking are grief, feelings of pity, regret and injustice. A depressed chakra also affects the psycho-emotional state, which is expressed by depression and constant resentment.

The cause of pulmonary diseases is a lack of joy and constant melancholy. Bronchitis is a consequence of dissatisfaction with one's own life.

Unblocking anahata is very difficult, because such a person is apathetic and is not able to assess the problem soberly. However, everything is real. A person with a blocked heart chakra needs to cry, and then relief will come.

Features of blocking the throat chakra

Vishuddha is a chakra that is responsible for a person’s energy potential. It is blue in color and is located in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. This chakra is directly connected to the umbilical chakra; they can weaken or strengthen each other.

The main field of action of Vishuddhi is a person’s personal space and time. If there are no disruptions in work, then the person is characterized by sociability, ease, good self-realization, a sense of personal freedom, and creative ideas. As for physical health, when chakras are blocked, illnesses (there is a table in this article) arise in the functioning of the throat, mouth, ears, thyroid gland, and are caused by understatement or criticism. In particular, this can be expressed as follows:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • goiter;
  • acquired deafness;
  • stuttering

What are the dangers of blocking the frontal chakra?

The ajna chakra and the diseases associated with it occupy a special place. This is due to the fact that it is she who is responsible for the work of the so-called third eye. This chakra is located between the eyebrows. For some people, the color in this area is predominantly yellow, while for others it is predominantly purple. She is responsible for reason, sincerity, understanding and compassion. At the physical level - for the work of the brain, eyes, maxillary sinuses and upper teeth.

When there are no violations in it, a person has well-developed intuition, memory, logical thinking. If oppression, excitement or blocking occurs (the reason for this, as a rule, is “getting stuck” on a certain problem, constant grumbling and criticism), then the following diseases may develop:

  • headache;
  • fainting, dizziness;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • diseases of the upper jaw.

Crown chakra or sahasrara

It is located at the very top of the head, in the so-called crown. It is characterized by a purple color. This chakra is directly related to the spiritual body and divinity. Gives a person wisdom, intelligence, spirituality, insight. It is this chakra that forms the aura that some people can see.

If there are disturbances in the functioning of the sahasrara, constant headaches are observed, as well as diseases of the nervous system and mental state disorders.

In addition to the main ones, there are also so-called subchakras (or small ones), which, in turn, also have branches. Moreover, they are all closely related to each other. If a person feels unwell, then it is worth thinking about the correctness of life and emotions. A description of human chakras and illness can be seen above in the article.

Possible reasons

Chakras and human diseases are interconnected. The main reasons for this are the lack or excess of energy in the chakra, its insufficient or excessive activation, as well as the presence of prana in the chakra, which is unusual for it. If chakras and diseases are connected, treatment should occur exclusively at the energy level.

Rules and methods of correction

The work of these energy fields is directly related to the state of the human body. That is why the use of even the most effective, according to doctors, and modern methods treatment does not help relieve symptoms. Remember that diseases associated with the chakras cannot be eliminated using conventional methods. With obesity, diet and exercise will not always help, because a person will still lose his temper, because he has energy disturbances, which control his actions.

At the moment, there are certain methods of spiritual self-improvement that will help activate the functioning of the chakras or normalize it. For example, Yoga of the Arhats, whose meditations restore a person’s energy without harming him.

The meaning and color of chakras in spiritual practice.

Quote from lisamiha

Chakra (Sanskrit चक्र, cakra IAST, lit. “circle”, “wheel”, “disk”) in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is one of the centers of power and consciousness located in the internal (subtle) bodies of a person. In modern Hinduism, it is believed that in the human body, chakras correspond to various nerve plexuses and glands.
In the spiritual practices of Hinduism, chakras (or flywheels that regulate the mechanism of the body) are the intersection points of nadis through which the human body flows. Vital energy(prana, qi).
In addition to Hinduism, the concept of chakras is used in some systems of Buddhism and especially Tantra and Yoga, in many modern occult systems, as well as in special symbolic images (chakra yantras).
There is also a mention of chakras in Islam.
The concept of the existence of chakras is characteristic of traditional Indian medicine and some other types of alternative medicine, however modern sciences, in particular biology and biomedicine, believe that there are no physical or physiological structures in the human body with which chakras can be identified.
Chakra literally translated from Sanskrit means “circle”, “wheel” or “disc”. In the context of yogic practices, this word is often translated as “vortex,” which reflects the idea of ​​chakras as vortexes of mental (cosmic, vital) energy - prana. The word “padma” (lotus) is used as a synonym for the word “chakra”.
Different Indian sources indicate a different total number of chakras in a person, but traditionally seven of this total number are distinguished:
Muladhara (Sanskrit: मूलाधार, mūlādhāra IAST) - sacrum, base of the spine. Red.
Svadhisthana (Sanskrit: स्वाधिष्ठान, svādhiṣṭhāna IAST) is a point three fingers below the navel. Orange.
Manipura (Sanskrit: मणिपूर, maṇipūra IAST) - solar plexus area. Yellow.
Anahata (Sanskrit: अनाहत, anāhata IAST) - heart. Green.
Vishuddha (Sanskrit: विशुद्ध, viśuddha IAST) - throat. Blue.
Ajna (Sanskrit: आज्ञा, ājñā IAST) - forehead, “third eye”. Blue.Indigo.
Sahasrara (Sanskrit: सहस्रार, sahasrāra IAST) - crown of the head. Violet. White.
In the yogic tradition and even earlier in the Upanishads, chakras are associated with the nadi system (a kind of analogue circulatory system, in which prana circulates). Nadis are conductors of prana, while chakras are centers of its concentration and peculiar “relays”, the process of “opening” or “cleaning” of which accompanies the stages of human spiritual development and bodily healing. The tantric concept of Kundalini is closely related to the chakras, the “awakening” and “ascent” of which along the chakras, from lower (Muladhara) to higher (Sahasrara) is accompanied by radical spiritual evolution.
Other chakras
Some sources also recall other, “minor” chakras. Among the most important of them, one should remember both the Lalana chakra and Bindu, and, for example, the Manas chakra and Soma chakra, which are located near the Ajna chakra, Yonishthana, which is located near Muladhara, etc.
They also consider five more so-called “unmanifested” chakras, which do not have their location in the physical body and are “above” the Sahasrara in terms of their level of spiritual development. They are centers that unite the Consciousness of the Earth (and all its inhabitants), the Consciousness of all planets solar system(including Sun Consciousness), etc. Individual schools of meditation and tantra, ancient and modern, can consider their chakra systems, including small centers, sometimes their number reaches dozens.
Other definitions
In Buddhist cosmology there is a concept of “chakra”, which differs from the generally accepted “energy” version and is associated with a very broad symbolism, which in Buddhism fits into the idea of ​​the wheel. This, in particular, is the “wheel of law” (dharma chakra), which symbolizes the four truths of the Buddha, the “wheel of life” (samsara chakra), which reflects the cyclical processes of death and birth, the “wheel of time” (kala chakra) and etc.
In the Tibetan tantric tradition, five chakras are considered (Sahasrara is absent, Svadhisthana and Manipura are combined into one center), these chakras are actively used in meditation practice.
In the so-called "left hand tantra" the concept of chakra is associated with specific rituals that are performed in special groups, where group members are placed around a specific symbol.
Chakra location diagram
Mention of chakras as centers for concentration in spiritual practices or centers for the concentration of psychic energy can be found already in the later Upanishads, in particular in the Yoga Tattva Upanishad and the Brahma Upanishad, as well as in some Puranas.
The concept of chakras was developed in sufficient detail and diversity in tantric texts and is closely combined with Kundalini and the process of its awakening. However, in these texts there is still no stability either about the number of chakras and their location, or about the corresponding symbolism.
The concept of 6 (7) chakras can be considered well-established in the West today, which is set out in a fairly complete form in the texts Shat-chakra-nirupana and Paduka-panchaka, translated by J. Woodroffe in the book “Snake Power”, published under the pseudonym Arthur Avalon.
Concepts similar to the chakra system can also be found in other religious and therapeutic traditions. In particular, in Chinese medicine, we can draw certain analogies with some active centers in acupuncture. Sufism has a similar concept of six subtle centers in the human body (lataif). In Kabbalah, sefirot are sometimes associated with parts of the body. In qigong, the energy centers are the dantians.
The number of petals on 6 chakras is 50, the qualities and abilities that these petals carry are identified with the daughters of Daksha.
instinct of preserving life, all types of aggression and negative reactions, survival, safety, health, instinct of procreation; the root of Kundalini energy.
color dark brown, red, gray, burgundy, cherry
element earth
musical tone C
Skt. मूलाधार mūlādhāra IAST: mūla - root, base; adhāra - foundation, basis, support - the first red chakra of energy potential (kundalini), located in the perineum area next to the genitals. It is believed that the most important nadis depart from Muladhara: Sushumna (passing through other chakras), Ida and Pingala.
Symbolically represented as a dark red lotus with four petals and the Sanskrit letters vaṃ, śaṃ, ṣaṃ, saṃ on them. In the center of the lotus is a yellow square, the emblem of the element “earth,” into which is inscribed a triangle with a vertex pointing downward, the symbol of Kama-yoni. In the center of the triangle is a lingam (svayambhulingam, lingam as such, or dhumralingam - smoky lingam), which wraps three and a half turns around the sleeping serpent-Kundalini. Sometimes an elephant with seven trunks is also depicted here as a symbol of strength and strength.
Inside the yantra you can see the letter bija (seed) - mantra laṃ.
Muladhara is associated with the inert, vain world in its lowest manifestations (self-preservation and comfort).
Muladhara is responsible for survival and is blocked by the feeling of fear.
According to other sources, Muldahara represents the will to live, the desire to live. In traditional Indian literature, this chakra is called the root chakra, since the growth of consciousness begins with it
In the physical body, it is responsible for regenerative processes and the immune system.
Organs: colon, bladder, prostate, uterus, legs.
Endocrine system: kidneys, adrenal glands.
Crystals: ruby, garnet, obsidian.
Other names
In Tantras: Adhara, Brahmapadma, Bhumichakra, Chaturdala, Chatukhpatra, Mulachakra, Mulapadma
In the Upanishads: Adhara, Brahma, Mulakanda
In the Puranas: Adhara
emotions, sexual energy, cheerfulness, spontaneity, desires, pleasures
color orange, scarlet, pink, lilac
element water
tone D
Skt. स्वाधिष्ठान svādhiṣṭhāna:sva - own; adhiṣṭhāna - housing; literally - “own housing”. This chakra is also called jalamandala (jala ​​- water; svadhisthana is associated with this element) or medhradhara (medhra - penis).
The chakra is located approximately between the upper edge of the pubic bone and the navel (in the Chinese tradition it corresponds to the lower dantian, or xia dantian).
The Svadhisthana Yantra is depicted as a lotus with six petals of light red color. The Sanskrit letters baṃ, bhaṃ, maṃ, yaṃ, raṃ and laṃ are inscribed in the lotus. In the middle of the lotus is a white crescent, mystically associated with Varuna and the element of water. Varuna is depicted riding the white crocodile Makara. The bija (seed) mantra of this chakra is vaṃ. On some yantras you can also see the god Vishnu in an embrace with the fierce Chakini Shakti.
This chakra is associated with motives for obtaining material pleasures, such as food, sex, alcohol and the like. While at the level of the muladhara chakra a person is concerned about his safety in the world, creating the basic comfort of existence, at the level of svadhisthani the world and all things in it are considered by it as a source of certain material pleasures. The level of svadhisthani is also correlated with the activation of samskaras, subconscious and unconscious desires.
Svadhishthana is responsible for cheerfulness and is blocked by feelings of guilt.
According to other sources, Svadhishthana is a center through which flows of sexual energy flow. But in addition to sexual function, this chakra is focused on creative self-realization, on processing sexual energy into the energy of creativity.
In the physical body, it is responsible for the speed of metabolic processes and the movement of “fluids”.
Organs: genitals, celiac plexus, appendix.
Endocrine system: gonads.
Crystals: carnelian, amber.
Other names
In Tantras: Adhisthana, Bhima, Shatpatra, Skaddalapadma, Svadhisthana, Vari
In the Upanishads: Medhra, Svadhishthana
In the Puranas: Svadhishthana
power, control, freedom, career, confidence, insight, intelligence
color: all shades of yellow.
element fire
tone E
Skt. मणिपूर maṇipūra IAST: mani - jewel; pur - city - the umbilical chakra of power, wealth, intelligence and willpower. It is generally accepted that manipura is projected into the area of ​​the physical body where the solar plexus is located.
Manipura is depicted as a bright yellow lotus with ten petals. On the petals are the Sanskrit letters Dam, Dham, Nam, Tam, Tham, Dam, Dham, Nam, Pam, Pham. In the center of the lotus is a red triangle with swastikas, in the middle of which is a red Rudra on a bull (or ram-Agni) along with Lakini Shakti “whose chest is red with the blood that flows from the mouth.” The element associated with this chakra is fire. The bija mantra of this chakra is the letter Ram.
At the level of spiritual evolution of the Manipura chakra, a person begins to be interested in such questions as the meaning of life, its place in the general scheme of existence. In tantric traditions, it is believed that when Kundalini reaches this chakra, true spiritual evolution begins.
Manipura is responsible for the intellect and is blocked by feelings of anger.
In the physical body it is responsible for the digestive system.
Organs: stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver.
Endocrine system: pancreas and liver.
Crystals: amber, yellow tourmaline, citrine and topaz.
devotion, love, compassion, empathy, joy, kindness
Green colour
tone note Fa
element air
Skt. अनाहत anāhata IAST - inviolable, unimpaired, divine sound - the heart chakra of love.
The Anahata chakra is depicted as a green (or golden) lotus with twelve petals and the letters on them: Kam, Kham, Gam, Gham, Nam, Cham, Chham, Jam, Jham, Jnam, Tam, Tham. In the middle of it are two crossed triangles. A triangle with an upward apex symbolizes the spiritual path of development (Shiva), and a triangle with a downward apex symbolizes the path of material decline (Shakti). Crossed triangles symbolize the “midpoint” of spiritual development. There is a shining banalingam in the center. Above him is Ishvara with the red Kakini Shakti "in a garland of human bones, whose heart is softened by drinking nectar." Bija mantra Anahati - letter Yam. In the drawings you can often see a white antelope, the symbol of the element of this chakra is air.
Anahata is responsible for love, blocked by the feeling of grief.
In the physical body it is responsible for the circulatory system.
Organs: heart, lungs, circulatory system.
Endocrine system: thymus.
Crystals: aventurine, rose quartz.
communication, self-expression, creativity, harmony, “inner voice of truth”
blue color
element ether
note tone Sol

Ajna (Third Eye)
intuition, mental functioning, higher level of awareness, extrasensory abilities
color blue, indigo
element light
tone note A
Skt. विशुद्ध viśuddha IAST - cleansing - throat chakra of harmony.
The chakra is depicted as a sixteen-petalled lotus with the letters Am, Am (aspirated), Amh, Aam, Im, Iim, Um, Uum, Rim, Riim, Lrim, Lriim, Em, Aim, Om, Aum
In the center of the lotus is a drop of nectar, which flows into the vishuddhi from the bindu. The bija mantra Ham is written in the drop. Below her is Akasha in white robes on a white elephant. It is believed that divine nectar flows to the Vishuddhi chakra from a place located a little higher and called Bindu (Sanskrit: बिन्द bindu IAST). This symbolic nectar represents truth, satchyananda, and is formed in the Sahasrara.
This is the center where Shiva absorbs nectar and poison. This means that all emotions, both good and bad, are considered as manifestations of one whole.
Lalana chakra is a minor chakra, closely related to Bindu and Vishuddhi chakra. It is localized in the spine at the base of the tongue. After the nectar leaves Bindu and before reaching Vishuddhi, it is stored in the Lalana chakra. In this chakra, nectar either becomes poison or becomes bliss, depending on how awakened and active the Lalana and Vishuddha chakras are.
Vishuddha is responsible for the truth and is blocked by lies. It is also called the will chakra.
According to other sources, Vishuddha is the chakra of purity and communication.
In the physical body it is responsible for hearing and breathing.
Organs: larynx, thyroid gland, vocal cords, upper lungs.
Endocrine system: larynx, thyroid gland.
Blue color
Crystals: celestine, aquamarine, chrysoprase.
connection to the cosmos, complete liberation, nirvana (in Buddhism)
purple;white; perhaps takes on the color of the dominant chakra
element unmanifested element - Purusha - higher consciousness - metal -
tone note B
Skt. सहस्रार sahasrāra IAST - one thousand. She is depicted as a lotus with a thousand petals, on which are all possible articulations of the Sanskrit alphabet of 50 letters (50 × 20), although this is probably only a metaphor for the actually infinite number of her petals. Inside the lotus they depict full moon, which encloses a triangle. Symbolically, here the complete fusion of Shiva and Shakti is achieved, the ultimate goal of the spiritual evolution of the Soul in the bodily shell; here Kundalini ends its path, passing through all six chakras.
There are also differences in interpretations of Sahasrara. According to the generally accepted version, Sahasrara is activated when the other six chakras reach their maximum. In this case, it most often appears as white, containing all the colors of the spectrum. Its main function is to unite the superconsciousness of the Soul with the Supreme Consciousness. The opinion according to which the Sahasrara chakra can reach maximum development independently of the others, and its full disclosure enhances certain abilities for power and creation, contradicts the opinion about its highest spiritual function. Weak activity of the Sahasrara chakra often manifests itself in the form of a violet glow, which changes the color of the Ajna chakra to blue, and the Vishuddha chakra to blue.
Sahasrara reflects the connection of the Soul with the higher mind, astral and Spiritual consciousness, and is blocked by lower spiritual entities that connect the Soul with earthly attachments, passions and desires.
In the physical body it controls the mind and higher mental functions.
Endocrine system: pituitary gland.
Crystals: transparent diamond.
Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Chakra colors and their opening...

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Chakra colors and their opening...

Colors of chakras, chakras and theirs


Chakras are energy centers, a kind of receivers and transmitters of Universal Energy. This energy circulates within us and fills us with the energy of life. Life is energy. A person is a complexly organized energy structure. There are seven main chakras, each of them is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life. Blocked chakras lead to problems not only with health, but also in many areas of life. With the help of magical influences, it is possible to influence a person using numerous practices and techniques, one of them is influencing a person through the human chakra system, causing a person to have any desires, or changing behavior and forcing him to perform actions that are not typical for a person. Many love spell practitioners use influence on a person through the chakras.

Blocking the chakras can lead to a breakdown of the body’s systems and the person becomes ill, or suddenly “out of the blue” a feeling of discomfort appears, loss of strength, fear, or the person “suddenly” becomes emotionally unbalanced, starts drinking alcohol, although he had not used it so often before . Also, by blocking chakras, more serious results can be achieved at the level of human consciousness, and complete blocking of chakras can lead to physical death. But it is difficult to target a person who has a strong biofield, who systematically cleanses it of dirt and radiates the energy of love and confidence. magical manipulations. This is possible, but not every magician can do it. Moreover, by systematically cleansing the biofield, a person not only strengthens his health, but also removes and removes all negativity and magical effects. Disbelief or non-acceptance of certain phenomena does not protect a person from outside influence and interference in his life.

Having learned the influence of each human chakra on the human body and life, you can direct and distribute energy the way you need it, improving and changing your life and health. Failure in the functioning of any chakra leads to one or another disease associated with those organs of the body for which the chakra is responsible. To achieve harmony with the surrounding space, it is necessary for vital energy to flow smoothly through our body. Energy flows through the human body along energy lines (meridians), and is concentrated in energy centers - chakras. Each chakra has its own color, and each chakra is associated with a certain part of our body, as well as an aspect of our life. Chakras are located not on the physical body of a person, but on the astral body.

MULADHARA The human chakra corresponds to the color red. This chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the genitals, excretory organs, legs, procreation, and the birth of offspring. The survival chakra, the source of our existence - money, protection, food, etc. – this chakra is responsible for these areas of life. Through this chakra we receive the energy of the Earth. The normal functioning of this energy center is facilitated by spiritual purity and pure thoughts, wisdom and chastity, love and mercy. Problems arise in this center from aggressiveness. If a person shows anger towards children and loved ones, adultery, greed and hypocrisy, lies and betrayal. If a person begins to feel a feeling of anxiety and fear, this indicates that he is beginning to have problems in this energy center. Therefore, you must pay attention to yourself, your actions, thoughts, words and attitude towards people and the world around you. And take all measures to eliminate problems in this center, otherwise you will increasingly feel the presence of fear, insecurity, and some kind of guilt. And being in this state, you will begin to attract corresponding situations to yourself. Problems will begin not only with health, but also in the areas of life for which this chakra is responsible.


I receive support and cooperation from other people.

My mind is at the center of Infinite Intelligence, which helps create my well-being.

I attract the people I need, a waterfall of positive events that will lead me and my loved ones to happiness, success and well-being.


SVADHISTHANA The chakra corresponds to the color orange. It is located below the navel. The chakra of communication, it governs emotions, self-esteem and sexual energy, the ability to create, and acquire knowledge. Controls the functioning of the pancreas, spleen and kidneys. This chakra is associated with the physical condition of the lower intestines, and the lower back and all the organs located here. It helps you feel the joy of life. Failure in the work of this center is caused by - hard work, without rest, excessive zeal in study, dependence on habits, promiscuous sexual relationships, an irrepressible thirst for pleasure. The ability to appreciate what you have, enjoy what is available to you, and the ability to be grateful to the Creator and the Universe for everything you have, will strengthen this energy center and quickly change your life for the better.

Meditation on the color orange: Try to see an orange disk in front of you - it looks like the sun. The energy flows emanating from it give you a feeling of lightness, freedom and well-being. You feel yourself freeing yourself from fears and complexes and opening access to the secrets of the Universe. Nothing is impossible for you! You are confident in yourself and your abilities. You are filled with the energy of youth, you experience a feeling of delight and gratitude. To consolidate the result, repeat verbal formulas:


Today is a day of great achievements. Today I start new life. Through effective actions I make my dreams come true. I enjoy every new day, every new opportunity. I am the standard of success and prosperity. Money flows to me in a wide stream.


MANIPURA The chakra corresponds to the yellow color of the chakra. This center is located in the solar plexus and controls the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver, and all organs associated with them. Controls the mind and will, as it determines the path that we choose in our lives. Affects our level of well-being, success in business and career, family relationships. Gives a person a strong will and self-confidence.

Failures in the work of this center are caused by stinginess, irresponsibility, low morality, disrespect for loved ones, adultery, theft, alcohol, drugs, passion for profit and a consumerist attitude towards life and the world around us.

This center is strengthened and purified by spiritual generosity, contentment and hospitality, peacefulness and love for the world around us, and increased spirituality.


With each exhalation I get rid of all false ideas and imaginary illnesses.

Every moment of life is an opportunity for me to start a new life right here and now.

For me there are no prohibitions or restrictions on joy and happiness.


ANAHATA The chakra corresponds to the green color of the chakra. From this center comes love for yourself and for the people around you, the world. This center is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart, and regulates the functioning of the heart, lungs, and bronchi. Failure in the work of this center is caused by smoking, lack of spirituality, low morality, selfishness, cruelty, heavy physical activity, disrespect for loved ones and one’s parents, disrespect for others, arrogance and pride, painful attachments to someone or something.

This center is strengthened by spirituality, love and compassion, mercy, the manifestation of tenderness and warmth of feelings towards family and friends, respectful attitude towards people around us, and caring attitude towards the world around us. When a person goes through life with love and joy. Without criticizing anyone, without judging, It is always pleasant to communicate with such a person and feel comfortable around him. This center gives a person a feeling of confidence and security, good health, good immunity, calmness and the ability to love and cherish love.


My heart spreads joy throughout my body, nourishes its cells.

Now new joyful thoughts are circulating freely in me.

I feel and express the joy of life.


VISHUDHA chakra blue. This center is located at the base of the neck at the level of the jugular cavity, on the physical plane it is connected with the throat, face, teeth, eyes, ears, neck, and is responsible for the ability to sing and speak. Failure in the work of this center is caused by rudeness, foul language and scandalousness, smoking and drunkenness, arrogance, anger, aggression, gossip, intemperance in behavior and words. People who have strengthened this chakra with the help of a strong belief in religion, but are not spiritually ready for this, become religious fanatics who do not recognize the freedom of choice and opinions of others, who do not recognize any foundations, rules and laws. The consequence of such fanaticism is aggression, which develops into extremism, lawlessness, we all know what it is and how it ends.
This center is strengthened by spirituality, self-development, kindness, prudence and a good attitude towards the world around us, not imposing one’s vision of the world, and tolerance of the opinions of others, freedom and manifestation of oneself as independent of anyone, a free person who has his own view and opinion on everything . This center gives a person in a pleasant voice, ear for music, sociability, attractiveness, opens an understanding of the beauty of the world around us.


I am this magnificent Sacred Expression of Life.

I internalize this thought and turn it into truth for myself.

I give up everything I no longer need.


AJNA chakra blue. This center of intuition and inner vision is located in the middle of the forehead, on the physical plane it is connected with the temporal, occipital, and frontal lobes of the brain. Failure in the work of this center causes selfishness, illusions about one’s successes and capabilities, building “castles in the air,” desire for revenge, failure to accept the reality of events, failure to forgive, and uncompromisingness.

This center is strengthened by purity of thoughts and determination. Mercy, willingness to help others. The desire to know the truth, the desire for knowledge. This center gives a person the ability to foresee future events; a person has the gift of seeing the future and the distant past.


I choose thoughts that fill my whole life with joy.

I have a healthy, happy, normal spleen.

I'm completely safe. I choose the sweetness of life.


Sahasrara chakra is purple. This center is located at the top of the head, in the crown area. A malfunction in the functioning of this chakra causes atheism, denial of the Creator, cruelty, and lack of faith.

You can cleanse energy centers by reading prayers, practicing forgiveness of yourself and others, and realizing your mistakes. In addition, energetic cleansing of the chakras is indicated; this work can be perfectly performed by a psychic or healer. You should not consider turning to a psychic as something sinful and punishable. There are many cases when healers helped people. I'm not anti-medicine. It is necessary and thanks a lot to our doctors for their work. But true healers, psychics, who received their gift from the Creator, also work quite a few miracles, and sometimes where medicine is powerless, a psychic is the last chance to save a person’s life. Therefore, there is no need to scold and anathematize everyone indiscriminately. Many of our saints, during their lifetime, were ordinary people and healed and healed people with the help of energy. And it is not necessary to go to a monastery in order to work miracles with the help of the gift given by the Creator. A person with a pure soul, pure thoughts, whose heart radiates love and mercy, will not turn his gift into evil; for him, the most important thing is to have a connection with the Creator. But evil does not come from God.

I do not condemn black magicians who openly declare that they can do anything, bewitch and zombify, and punish and take to the grave. This is their choice and they must answer for it before the Lord. Knowledge has no color, no color. Strength is also without color. This is the essence of man. It’s scary to live in a world in which a person can be bewitched or zombied at someone’s will. To live in the world, trusting no one, and fearing everyone - no one wants this for themselves. Why do evil to others? Not punishing for anything, but precisely at someone’s whim. Show your strength, or power over people? But a strong, intelligent, confident person and his Power will not prove to anyone that he has Power; power gives him wisdom. This is most likely the lot of ambitious people. In this world it is better to live in peace, give love, radiate kindness and prudence, without violating the Laws of Good. And treat the people around you the way you would like to be treated. And have responsibility for your “I want” and “I can”.


I love my looks. In this life, she completely suits me.

I chose my appearance before I was born, and I am happy with my choice.

I am a special, unique person. Nobody else looks like me.


Meditation has a very beneficial effect on the body; in this book I present meditations for each chakra, and you already know that the normal state of the chakras contributes not only to good health, but also well-being in all spheres of human life.

© Lyudmila-Stefania


Alex Series of messages "MAGIC":
Part 1 - Magic ritual SOLARA bookmarks.
Part 2 - A conspiracy that gives joy.
Part 24 - Runes on your own skin...
Part 26 - Chakra colors and their opening...
Part 27 - Clean and protect your home...
Part 28 - Practical magic. Step one - Supreme Enlightenment in 5 minutes.

Aura/Chakras Message Series:
Part 1 - Asanas, meditations and mantras for the root chakra
Part 2 - Audio mantra "Om Shanti Om Shiva" (tantra yoga)
Part 6 - Essential oils and aura
Part 7 - Video meditation (chakras)
Part 8 - Chakra colors and their opening...
Part 9 - Chakras
Part 10 - Ways to gain energy

It is an energy center that controls the development of a specific spiritual quality of an individual. The chakras are located in the second part of the body - they stretch along the spinal column. Each chakra has its own specific characteristics - frequency, symbol, stone that promotes opening. In this material we will look at the colors of the chakras.

Color is a specific energetic vibration. Therefore, when purchasing items of clothing of one color or another, we find ourselves filled with the energy of the shade we have chosen.

If you have problems with certain chakras and want to improve their functioning, it is important to sort the chakras by color and add items to your wardrobe of the exact shade for which it is responsible.

1 chakra (Muladhara)

Blue energy is inherent in creative people, since it provides the expression of one’s thoughts, desires, and feelings. It is also the chakra of truth.

The flow of blue energy of Vishuddhi comes from higher levels. Its associations are trust, belief in the existence of higher powers.

6th chakra (Ajna)

Knowing all the colors of a person’s chakras and using this knowledge in practice, you can not only harmonize the work of energy centers, but also develop in yourself those qualities and abilities for which the energy of a certain color is responsible.

Chakras are human energy centers. The colors of the chakras indicate certain vibrations of energy and help to conduct effective processing. In this article I will tell you about the chakras by color and name, and give recommendations for meditation and contemplation of each of them.

Red muladhara chakra

The root chakra is associated with the color red. This color is considered sharp and saturated, it carries low energy vibrations.

Bright red is associated with sexuality. Dark red - with aggression and fear, with those emotions that interfere with a person’s spiritual development.

Also, the color red has associations with:

  • warmth;
  • masculine energy;
  • procreation;
  • rebirth;
  • survival.

This color has different cultures great importance. Thus, in India and China, the bride dresses in red, which symbolizes fertility and purity. In Christian culture, color is a symbol of the blood shed by Christ, and as a result, a symbol of love for people.

People whose energy is concentrated in the first chakra think mainly about survival. A person begins to worry that he may be insulted or offended. At the same time, he himself can harm others.

If there is a lack of energy, a person does not have enough vitality and will to achieve goals. He has little self-confidence and no sense of security. He often experiences anxiety and anxiety.

In this case, working with the root chakra, in particular contemplating the color red, is especially important. Read also about other methods on our website.

Meditation on red

Meditation on the red chakra will help transform inertia and negativity into strong, positive energy, increasing love for life and overall satisfaction.

Find a warm and private place. Sit on a chair, straighten your shoulders, breathe calmly. Concentrate your attention on the soles of your feet. Mentally imagine that you are standing on a bright red long-pile carpet.

Move it thumbs on foot. Try to feel the texture and softness of the carpet, the warmth it emits and the energy of the red color.

Visualize your feet filling with red light, which then rises up your legs to the muladhara chakra. Think about how this chakra and the color red are connected.

Bring your attention to the root chakra. Imagine that pure pulsating red light enters your aura and travels down to the soles of your feet.

Continue doing the exercise for at least 5 minutes. As a result, you will feel that your feet have become warm, you feel good, and your body is filled with energy.

Orange chakra svadhisthana

The sacral chakra is associated with the color orange. The name of this color comes from the Arabic “naranj”, which translates as “fruit”.

Orange color is associated with:

  • sexuality, but softer than red;
  • joy;
  • happiness.

This color helps overcome depression and depression, it dispels heaviness and opens the body for natural, free movements. This color invigorates and improves mood. To achieve this effect, you can, for example, wear orange clothes or admire orange objects.

Meditation on the color orange

Take a comfortable position with a straight back, relax. Imagine in your mind how you are sitting on the edge of a cliff on the seashore. Admiring the sunset.

Listen to the sounds of the sea surf, feel its rhythm. Adjust your breathing to this rhythm. Inhale as the waves arrive and exhale as they recede.

Look at the sun, it sinks below the horizon, acquiring a bright orange hue. This color spreads across the darkening sky and reflects in the water.

Visualize as you inhale how orange arrows penetrate your svadhisthana chakra, rotating around its center clockwise, revitalizing and cleansing the chakra.

As you exhale, discard all the negative energy indicated by the orange rays. Think about where it came from and how you can eliminate it. Perhaps the negativity is caused by memories from the past. Allow the rays of orange light to dispel all negative energy.

Look to the horizon again. The night twilight descended on the sky, the space was plunged into silence and peace.

Yellow chakra manipura

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow. This is the color of sun and inspiration, which:

  • responsible for intellect and reason;
  • has a stimulating effect on humans;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • strengthens the nerves.

According to the laws of physics, any yellow foods absorb all colors of the spectrum except yellow. And what objects absorb yellow, are saturated with it? These are purple products. It is advisable to use them to strengthen the solar plexus chakra. By the way, I already wrote about.

By the way, if you are working with the 3 lower chakras, then you should choose food that is blue, cyan and violet. And when working with the 3 upper chakras - red, yellow and orange.

Meditation on the color yellow

Find a picture of a bright, large sunflower flower in advance. Sit back, take a meditation pose. Look at a photograph of a flower, study the shape and color of its petals and stamens.

Closing your eyes, try to restore the picture to your inner gaze. Let the flower be in your solar plexus area. Its petals will be the petals of the manipura chakra.

Turn your attention to the black core of the sunflower. Think of the heat, the fire, that comes from digestion and helps you maintain your body temperature.

The yellow chakra is our emotional center. To balance it, you need to learn to manage your emotions. In addition, to move along the path of spiritual development, you need to overcome your fears.

Think about the fact that a person is a small part of existing reality. In our consciousness, we can realize only a small part of the overall picture of the world.

But by sharing our knowledge with others, we expand our own consciousness and help others do the same.

Finally, move your gaze from the center to the yellow petals of the sunflower. As you inhale, direct pure yellow light to the third chakra. Continue until it is saturated with bright yellow color.

Green Anahata Chakra

The heart chakra is associated with the color green, which is located in the middle of the spectrum (the middle of the rainbow). Therefore, it is the color of harmony and balance. Also, green color:

  • balances negative and positive energies;
  • calms the mind, body and spirit, bringing them into balance;
  • causes a feeling of peace and relaxation;
  • bestows the ability to love and be loved.

The green chakra is associated with love, not physical, but unconditional. When in order to love, no conditions are needed. When a person is able to accept others with all their strengths and weaknesses.

If you notice a tendency to judge or condemn other people, then you are probably not attentive enough to yourself. Understanding our own shortcomings gives us the strength to understand and accept the shortcomings of others.

Meditation on the color green

Take any meditation position and relax. Perform several cycles of rhythmic breathing on a count of 5.

Then bring your attention to the fourth chakra. Imagine it in the form of a pale pink lotus flower set on green leaves.

Watch as the pink rays from the lotus petals surround you, creating a mood of pure love. Look around the flower, it is surrounded by green rays of light reflected from the leaves.

Follow the green path just below the heart chakra. Directly below it is another, smaller energy center that emits a pale green light. It symbolizes the tree of life, and its altar is decorated with precious stones. On the altar you will see the fire of life.

Look at the tree of life. Its roots have spread across the ground, and its branches reach out to the light and sun. In a similar way, a person must combine earthly and spiritual life within himself. In this case, he will find harmony with the world around him.

The branches of the tree symbolize various trials that must be overcome on the spiritual path. Then look at the fire of life burning on the altar. Its flames flicker, and air currents help it burn stronger.

Reflect on your own inner fire. How to make it stronger, brighter and more persistent so that your fire does not go out at the first difficulties?

After this, visualize that the fire has become brighter.

Blue chakra Vishuddha

The throat chakra is associated with the color blue. This is the color of peace and quiet, spiritual devotion and inspiration. It is believed that it creates space, therefore everything reflected in it seems larger than it actually is.

Blue color meaning:

  • causes relaxation, therefore it is recommended under heavy stress - both physical and emotional, including stress;
  • encourages creative self-expression and reminds of the spiritual path;
  • Long-term observation may cause depression.

Meditation on blue color

So, lie down on the ground or on the grass, you can also lie on a bench. The selected location should be protected from direct sunlight. Look up at the endless blue sky. Do you think space is infinite or does it have an edge? Think about the fact that we are surrounded by numerous galaxies, but we know almost nothing about them.

Man and even the entire planet are negligible on the scale of the Cosmos, like drops in the ocean. However, the ocean is made up of drops. If they weren't there, the whole ocean wouldn't exist. Moreover, each of the drops is unique in its own way.

Likewise, every person is special. Each of us has our own mission or role in the overall cosmic plan.

Now direct your attention to the sun, but do not look directly at it (this is dangerous for your eyesight). Think about how important its role is in the life of our planet and each person in particular. It warms us and illuminates the Earth. Without the sun we would be left in complete darkness.

Look at Sunbeam emanating from the sun and going into the endless distance. Imagine that you are moving along the beam, moving further and further into Space. The heavenly blue light envelops you in a protective blanket of peace and tranquility.

Mentally look back, look at the planets and stars. Listen to the sounds coming from them. Their combined sound merges into a single beautiful melody. Feel how these sounds resonate with your body, with every muscle and every organ.

Find the sound that resonates with the blue chakra. Feel its vibrations throughout your body, they spread through your neck, shoulders, and down your arms.

Now you are experiencing a sense of inner peace and listening to the music of the planetary spheres, all this allows your body to restore its original integrity. Now it’s easier for you to follow the path of spiritual development, nothing slows you down.

When you feel ready, find a beam of golden sunlight and head back to Earth with it. When you return, feel your body. Think about what has changed in you?

Blue chakra ajna

The brow chakra is associated with the color blue, or more precisely, the color indigo. This is what the sky looks like during twilight. The French call this moment l’heurebleu, which means “the romantic hours,” when lovers visit each other.

In ancient times, before artificial dyes were created, the blue color was obtained from a plant called indigo. This color indicates:

  • dignity and devotion;
  • intuition and clairvoyance;

It immerses a person in an ocean of peace and quiet, treats insomnia and helps relieve pain and muscle tension. Take a look at the material about.

Meditation on indigo color

Sit in a suitable meditation position. Imagine evening time, twilight. The sun is hiding behind the horizon. Night falls over the whole world, enveloping it in dark blue.

Birds are preparing to sleep on tree branches, they are remembering the past day. Pets are also going to bed. And only night animals and birds do not sleep, they are going to look for food. Flowers close at night, retaining the warmth of sunlight.

You are in silence and silence. Think about your life, what joys and what failures have befallen you?

Take it as life experience which will help you in the future. Throw away everything that is alien to you, that is imposed by the environment or stereotypes.

Man can be likened to a garden. In the garden we sow seeds to see shoots and grow plants. In the same way, the seeds of wisdom sown in the soil of the mind are sure to sprout. The experience and knowledge gained in life are necessary for understanding ourselves and the laws of life.

If you meditate before going to bed, allow the dark blue cover of the night to envelop you in the haze of sleep. You plunge into the night, into a deep and renewing sleep. And in the morning you will wake up full of energy and strength.

If you perform the exercise during the day, then visualize how the dark blue cover dissolves your fatigue, gives a feeling of calm and equanimity, gives peace to the mind, improves health, and gives rise to a sense of well-being.

Violet chakra sahasrara

The crown chakra is associated with the color violet. It is sometimes confused with the color purple, as both are a mixture of blue and red. However, purple has more of a blue tint.

Violet has the shortest wavelength and highest energy level among the colors of the rainbow. After it the ultraviolet region begins.

We can see natural purple in the violet flower. Its oil is perfect for scented candles and perfumes.

The color purple has associations with:

  • spiritual consciousness;
  • religious devotion and humility;
  • chastity, modesty and other virtues.

The violet chakra sahasrara is the last door that a person passes through, striving to merge with the Divine essence.

Meditation on the color purple

To conduct meditation you will need an amethyst stone. If it is not possible to use it, then print out a photo of this mineral from the Internet.

Translated, the Greek word "amethistos" means "without intoxication." It is believed that wearing the stone can prevent intoxication after drinking alcohol.

Amethyst in light shades is used for spiritual and mystical insights. And a stone of dark shades affects energy; it is used to raise kundalini.

The symbolism of amethyst contains important meanings of inspiration and humility; it seems to reflect Divine love.

Sit in a meditation position and place an amethyst or a photo of it near you. Look at the shape of the stone and the variety of its shades.

Each of the stones is unique. Think about the qualities that amethyst symbolizes: humility, love, inspiration.

Remember the moment when you decided to follow the spiritual path. Perhaps you were inspired by one of your friends. Or you read the book. Or maybe you felt this desire within yourself and you wanted to engage in self-exploration.

On the path of spiritual development, obstacles and obstacles await you. To overcome them, you need strength and self-confidence. But in addition, you will need humility, without which you will not be able to achieve the state of Divine love. Think about what qualities you need to develop.

Now mentally look at the sahasrara chakra. It emits a gentle purple light. This light envelops you. It will dissolve any pain and trouble, filling the vacated space inside you with spiritual love.

Feel what emotions hinder you on your spiritual path and constrain you. Let the violet light of the chakra take them to a higher level.

To summarize, the colors of a person's chakras are symbolic. Each of them corresponds to its own color, which changes according to the colors of the rainbow.

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