10th lunar day in August. Health and emotions on Thursday

August 1, 2017, Tuesday

9-10 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio

A good day for usual daily activities, but fresh projects should be postponed for more favorable time. The first half of the day is fraught with conflicts with colleagues and unfamiliar people, but after lunch you can allow yourself to relax and call those people who are always happy to hear your voice.

August 2, 2017, Wednesday

10-11 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

The happiest day of this year, when any activity goes well, and your charm allows you to easily get out of quite difficult situations, both at home and at work. Feel free to plan the most significant events and romantic dates for this day - Fortune will accompany you in everything. On this day

August 3, 2017, Thursday

11-12 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

A perfect day to go to the bank for a loan or to court in order to get the truth. Transactions for the acquisition of real estate and other major purchases will also be successful. Today your head is working clearly, and the people around you are friendly. Long-distance travel is successful, and all financial investments or commercial acquisitions will yield good dividends.

August 4, 2017, Friday

12-13 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn

A neutral day when you need to slow down the pace of life, smoothly going with the flow and not making desperate attempts to achieve hasty results. For the second half of the day, allow yourself to plan get-togethers with friends or a trip with the whole family to an entertainment venue. The stars foretell that you simply need rest now to recharge your energy.

August 5, 2017, Saturday

13-14 lunar days, waxing Moon in Capricorn.

Today you need to carefully analyze all the facts that have happened to you over the past five to seven days and draw conclusions for yourself. Feel free to make plans and enlist the help of more authoritative people. The process of unhurried conversation will allow you to relieve stress, gaining new ones for the development of individual talents.

August 6, 2017, Sunday

14-15 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn

On this day, family values ​​and adherence to traditions will come to the fore. When dressing, give preference to the “classic” style, and when communicating with people, give preference to restraint and practicality. Tonight, communication with children and loved ones will bring joy and bring only positive emotions. Enjoy life and try to find reasons for joy even in small things. In response, you will definitely hear a kind word from your loved ones or receive valuable advice that will help you move forward more confidently.

August 7, 2017, Monday

15th lunar day, Full Moon in Aquarius

On this day, the second partial eclipse of the Moon will take place, so it is better not to take any responsible steps. gives advice to take care nervous system, consciously avoid communicating with people who are ready to provoke conflict. Don't get too tired and stop taking it alcoholic drinks. In the sphere of love, unexpected changes may occur in the form of a meeting with a new life partner or a sudden separation.

August 8, 2017, Tuesday

16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius

On the day when the Moon passes the South Node, the emotional sphere is unstable, and the desire to change the image and appear before colleagues at work in a new role will be stronger than common sense. Do not take unnecessary risks and resolutely refuse to participate in dubious adventures, no matter how beautifully the prospects are described to you. Protect your inner world from excessive interest from strangers.

August 9, 2017, Wednesday

17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces

The day is not suitable for active labor activity, but he is good at making profitable acquaintances, as well as organizing sociable gatherings. Communication in an informal setting will be more beneficial than serious formal meetings. Today, people who owe you something may unexpectedly repay you a debt or remind you of themselves. Try to find positive aspects in all events and remain calm.

August 10, 2017, Thursday

18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces

An unfavorable day for weak individuals who do not know how to cope with difficulties on their own. Trials await the timid and lazy, but people with the makings of a leader will be able to reach new heights in their work. 24 hours is not a suitable day for marriage or going to important events. government agencies. Beware of deception and two-faced people: they will try to use you trivially.

August 11, 2017, Friday

19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries

The main problems of today are haste, as well as the desire to achieve everything by force. Failure to show flexibility and diplomacy in communication can result in disappointment in your business partners and depression. Don’t rush to relieve stress with alcohol; it’s better to devote this evening to watching a good movie.

August 12, 2017, Saturday

20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Aries

Don't plan to move or start a responsible business trip for today. Everything will not go according to the scenario you had in mind, and you will have to literally get out of it on the fly. Intuition and the ability not to reveal true feelings will provide tangible help. Romantic dates scheduled for the afternoon will bring interesting news.

August 13, 2017, Sunday

21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries

A conflicting day when the best thing to do is just rest. All types of vigorous activity at home or in your garden will benefit. Air baths, a sufficient amount of sleep and solar energy will return you to a cheerful mood, allow you to relax for a while, forgetting all the bad things.

August 14, 2017, Monday

22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus

A positive day full of news, encouraging you to move forward, boldly achieving your goal. Working as a team will allow you to more effectively build a business or make useful financial transactions. Today is a great day to start a diet and fight any bad habits. You can begin a series of cosmetic procedures aimed at acquiring more elastic facial skin.

August 15, 2017, Tuesday

23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus

On this day, the star does not recommend starting new things, as well as being frank or gossiping with unfamiliar interlocutors. The consequences of any activity will be unpredictable. The first half of the day should be devoted to hard work and work for the future. In the evening, be sure to cleanse the aura of your apartment from negativity. Clean water will come to the rescue, as well as the fire of lit candles.

August 16, 2017, Wednesday

24 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

A great day to start new projects and conclude long-term deals. Today, work is simply in full swing in your hands, and the desire to be on time everywhere is compensated by an excess of temperament. Use this day to expand your business, find new supporters, and solve large-scale work tasks. Your authority will increase if your words sound convincing and your actions look noble.

August 17, 2017, Thursday

24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

A good day for business and the development of any kind of creativity. Your energy can only be envied, and your active drive will help you overcome any difficulties that come your way. However, do not forget that for such active work You need to get enough sleep and follow a diet.

August 18, 2017, Friday

26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer

A critical day when you will need to concentrate all your willpower to carry out your daily duties. You will find support in your family, among your loved ones. Do not neglect their help, encourage children with your attention. Analyze your dreams and find clues in them to solve complex issues. Intuition will tell you how to get out of any difficult situation with dignity.

August 19, 2017, Saturday

26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer

A good day for relaxation and “heart-to-heart conversations” with your loved ones. The ability to get along with children will bring new positive moments in life. recommends active recreation that promotes mental and physical health. Even leisurely shopping will relieve stress and distract attention from sad thoughts.

August 20, 2017, Sunday

27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo

An ideal day for shopping and fairly large acquisitions. Be sure to consult with your relatives on how best to develop your business or creative career. Try not to force things and go towards the goal forward movements. Make an action plan for the upcoming seven days and enjoy your vacation.

August 21, 2017, Monday

28-29-1 lunar day, New Moon in Leo

An unfavorable day when unexpected breakdowns of agreements or business meetings are possible. Today, your business partners may let you down, so you need to stop spending money for a while. Be content with little and do not rush to draw categorical conclusions, then the losses of this day will be minimal. Today is the longest solar eclipse in history. this phenomenon It will be good to watch in the USA.

August 22, 2017, Tuesday

1-2 lunar days, waxing Moon in Virgo

A suitable day for work that does not involve haste and intense thought processes. All mechanical activities go smoothly, but this can make some people depressed. Therefore, allow yourself a little holiday in the form of a cup of exotic tea and a sincere conversation in the company of a true friend.

August 23, 2017, Wednesday

2-3 lunar days, waxing Moon in Virgo

A positive day that attracts promising events with prospects for active development soon. Business activities and signing of important papers go well. If you have scheduled a business trip or trip for this day, feel free to hit the road: circumstances will work out in your favor.

August 24, 2017, Thursday

3-4 lunar days, waxing Moon in Libra.

A happy day for business development and expansion of business connections. Your authority among like-minded people grows, and the opportunity to help people makes you happy and allows you to realize your desire to be in demand and loved. All financial transactions will be successful, and trips to government agencies will pass with a positive result.

August 25, 2017, Friday

4-5 lunar days, waxing Moon in Libra

Today you shouldn’t hope for luck and trust strangers too much. Debt obligations can be violated, and planned events can be disrupted due to everyday trifles. Beware of food poisoning and eat in moderation.

August 26, 2017, Saturday

5-6 lunar days, waxing Moon in Scorpio

A great day for any activity and contact with people. All new business and the beginning of large business trips or trips are progressing successfully. You can trust dreams, and good omens today will definitely come true! advises you to make the most of this day for your personal benefit and be sure to visit a beauty salon.

August 27, 2017, Sunday

6-7 lunar days, waxing Moon in Scorpio

A favorable day for romantic dates and the development of your personal life. Today you can meet your Destiny or significantly improve existing relationships. It is enough to show diplomacy and smile at your interlocutor more often. Your charm can conquer any heart and give you a chance to become happier.

August 28, 2017, Monday

7-8 lunar days, waxing Moon in Scorpio

good time for work in the long term. By laying the foundation for new business today, you bring closer the prospect of becoming richer and more successful. All business ideas will receive 100% implementation, and financial investments will bring stable profits. Listen to the advice of influential people, this will allow you to quickly achieve success in any endeavor.

August 29, 2017, Tuesday

8-9 lunar days, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

A good day to start a new stage in life: whether it’s moving or moving to a more promising position, everything will work out well. The first half is a favorable period of time for resolving all business issues and actively working in a team. Today, activities related to jurisprudence, construction and signing of important papers are developing well. But the second half of the day should be devoted to taking care of your health and communicating with your family.

August 30, 2017, Wednesday

9-10 lunar days, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

An unfavorable day for any new business or important meetings. Dreams and omens today are deceptive and bring disappointment. Be patient and just float through life without reproaches and ambitious desires. Luck will smile only on patient and hardworking people who know how to work in a team and listen to the opinions of management. Avoid overwork, alcohol abuse and overeating, take care of your health.

August 31, 2017, Thursday

10-11 lunar days, waxing Moon in Capricorn.

A rather calm, smooth day, when you can easily turn to a more influential person for help and receive his support and blessing. Successfully passes any trip, both short and long distances. The positive energy of the lunar day will recharge you with vigor and give you the opportunity to show off your talents. You will be able to find new reliable friends and business allies.

In contact with

Today the world will be ruled by energy that is heavy and unfavorable for all living things. People can suffer greatly from negative lunar influence. Recommendations from astrologers will help you protect yourself.

August 11 is an energetically difficult day. Consistent actions, combined with astrological recommendations, will help you fight back against the negative influences of the moon. Today it is advisable to weed out negativity and look at life through the prism of optimism.

Moon phase: The 19th lunar day will be associated with moral cleansing and getting rid of addictions. The waning moon will visit the constellation Aries.

Magnetic storms: the likelihood of a magnetic storm occurring on August 11 is minimal. According to the forecast, solar winds will not cross the line of moderate impact.

What will bring good luck:

  • getting rid of illusions and lies;
  • creation;
  • inner and outer calm;
  • prudence and composure;

What will scare away luck:

  • New acquaintances;
  • uncontrollable excitement and anxiety;
  • pride;
  • other people's advice;
  • new ideas and innovations;
  • collective and social activities.

Finance and career on Friday

A dangerous day for career and business activity. Negotiations, meetings and deals can be disrupted due to nonsense. Astrologers advise not to make new partner contacts: there is a risk of falling under the influence of others and getting entangled in a network of lies. Today is filled with negative energy, pushing people to rash actions, lies and betrayal.

Money, like work, should be treated carefully. It is best to refrain from large purchases, money transfers and group activities.

Household chores according to the lunar calendar

Today, home is your castle in the truest sense of the word. You should not get into conflicts with household members; it is best to improve relationships, laying a solid foundation for harmony and well-being in the family. It is useful to light candles or lamps and walk around dangerous areas in the apartment with them. It is believed that the candle flame will absorb all the accumulated negativity.

On this day you can get rid of addictions, lies, worries and pretense. Practices aimed at bringing positive thinking into life will be especially useful.

Wardrobe August 11

Astrologers do not advise attracting attention on the 19th lunar day. It is advisable to choose loose-fitting clothes in light or pastel colors. Shades of green will give you a feeling of inner and outer peace. The color scheme from apple to olive shades speaks of the desire to live, grow spiritually and share joy. This is the color of youth, a symbol of kindness and openness.

Today, negative energy can seep into your biofield literally from everywhere. Protecting yourself is vital. Stones-amulets, talismans and amulets should be present in your image as decoration. They should not be hidden behind clothes or left at home.

Love and relationships on the 19th lunar day

The day is most favorable for singles and reserved people. The 19th lunar day calls for composure and prudence, especially in love and friendly relations. If circumstances allow, it is best to stay home and not have contact with people. The risk of succumbing increases negative influence. New acquaintances during this period may have Negative consequences: It is possible that you will become emotionally or financially dependent on a person.

Relationships built on lies or self-interest can collapse today. The secret will become clear. If you value your partner, be completely honest with him. You should not provoke your loved one into conflict and kindle the fire of jealousy, especially for the sake of your own satisfaction.

Health and emotions today

On Friday, the main danger is internal uncertainty, anxiety and unfounded suspicions, which can prompt rash actions. Advice from psychics will help you get rid of negative thoughts.

The emotional background will be affected negative impact Moons in Aries. You should control your emotions, strive for calm and direct them in the right direction. Spiritual practices, aromatherapy and meditation are useful. You should weed out negativity and strive to harmonize feelings.

Tune in to a positive wave, drive away negative and disturbing thoughts, avoid unpleasant and evil people. Subject to these simple rules you will successfully spend the coming lunar day. Take care of yourself, be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

Useful tips

If you follow astrological events, you already know that two important moments await us in August 2017: lunar and solar eclipses. Eclipses indicate a rather tense period, which is not recommended for starting new important affairs, concluding important contracts, getting married, etc. The negative effect of eclipses can occur a week before and after the eclipse itself, that is almost all of August.

Best of this month relax and unwind, get rid of the old and unnecessary, plan for the future, but serious matters should be taken up a little later. This month's recommendations will include more routine and daily affairs, not things that can change your life.


- Conclude marriages;

- Conclude very important contracts;

- Start building a house, complex repairs;

- Transfer important cases to court;

- Invest large sums money;

- Register and open companies.

More about this can be read in the article Large general astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for AUGUST 2017

ATTENTION! The weakest Moon of the month will be observed during the following periods:

3.08.2017 until 11:00

6.08.2017 20:00 – 8.08.2017 07:00

10.08.2017 until 17:00

20.08.2017 23:00 – 22.08.2017 08:00

08/23/2017 until 12:30

08/25/2017 06:00 – 08/27/2017 17:00 (especially 08/26 from 15:43 to 17:40!)

08/30/17 to 17:30

Periods of the MOON WITHOUT COURSE when you can’t start new things, go shopping and wait for important events:

01.08.2017 to 15:01

04.08.2017 0:38 - 04.08.2017 3:37

06.08.2017 12:22 - 06.08.2017 15:15

08.08.2017 22:07 - 09.08.2017 0:56

10.08.2017 16:38 - 11.08.2017 8:22

13.08.2017 11:01 - 13.08.2017 13:40

15.08.2017 4:15 - 15.08.2017 17:06

17.08.2017 16:38 - 17.08.2017 19:13

19.08.2017 18:17 - 19.08.2017 20:55

21.08.2017 21:30 - 21.08.2017 23:25

23.08.2017 23:02 - 24.08.2017 4:04

26.08.2017 8:39 - 26.08.2017 11:53

28.08.2017 12:38 - 28.08.2017 22:47

31.08.2017 7:42 - 31.08.2017 11:18

MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH: The 1st lunar day in August 2017 will begin with solar eclipse, which will be complete. Typically, total eclipses do not particularly affect individuals and are most considered in the dynamics of global events and phenomena (especially those countries and cities in which they will be observed), yet its significance cannot be denied. On the 1st lunar day We advise you to stock up on candles, sit alone and make wishes: August 21 from 21:30 to August 2205:45 . It is especially useful to make plans at this time; they are more likely to come true.

Symbols of the day

This day can be filled with illusions and self-deceptions, we see only what we want to see, and we are easily deceived. The day is not suitable for trips to the water: there is a danger from the water. We especially do not recommend traveling by water. Even if nothing serious happens to you, your body will be very sensitive, and you may experience unpleasant sensations, such as seasickness.

If you still want to go on a trip, it is better after 19:00. Beware of scams! This is an unfavorable time to resolve some important issues that may relate to construction and land work.

After 19:00 Dating is acceptable, including with foreigners. In general, communicating with foreigners at this time can be beneficial both professionally and personally.

What not to do : It is better to postpone trips (especially long-distance ones) - until 19:00, start construction, believe the promises.

Purchases : small purchases. Today it is especially not worth spending money. It is dangerous to make purchases on the Internet: there is a high risk that you may be deceived, or you make the wrong choice of size . There may be monetary losses.

♐ 3 AUGUSTA, Thursday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:19.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth), bowl (heart).

Today the Moon will still be located in the cheerful sign of Sagittarius. At 10:37 she will connect with Saturn, who is visiting the same sign, so on morning hours do not plan important things that require dynamics and development: they risk colliding with serious obstacles. Saturn is like a stone, a wall that holds back the best qualities of the Moon and does not allow things to move easily and simply.

After 11:00, when the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn is behind, it is good to study something, for example, foreign languages. Optimism will increase at this time, and there will be a desire to start some new business. Can contact your superiors with requests, but for now you should refrain from serious legal matters. In the afternoon it is also good to sign some documents, but it is better if these are not some very important agreements.

What not to do : it is better to postpone trips (especially long-distance ones), until 11:00 It’s better not to do anything important: for example, appealing to your superiors may not bring the desired result.

Purchases : only small and insignificant. We do not recommend buying real estate and land. You can buy some inexpensive things for future trips.

♑ 4 AUGUSTA, Friday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 18:12.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 03:37

Moon without course from 00:38 to 03:37

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel).

The Moon has entered the business and practical sign of Capricorn, but it is better today to continue any professional affairs started in the past. Resolving money issues may cause trouble in the first half of the day. After 12:00 It’s good to demand debts, deal with organizational issues, but not legal ones: since there may be obstacles and problems in solving them. It will take you a long time to achieve the result you want.

What not to do : go on long trips, engage in complex banking transactions, meet people and start relationships, plan weddings and celebrations (especially if they are numerous and should be fun and bright), deal with important financial issues; iron, remove stains from clothes, take things to the dry cleaner.

Purchases : better go shopping after 12:30. Today you can buy something durable that should last a long time.

♑ 5 AUGUSTA, Saturday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:58. CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : wheel (distaff), pipe (call).

Today is a bad day for anyone legal affairs, we especially do not recommend filing applications to the courts, going to authorities, or contacting bosses and officials: there is little chance that you will be listened to at all or your applications will be accepted. You can consult with specialists on any issues. The day is suitable for continuing some routine tasks and cleaning the house.

What not to do : go on trips (especially long ones); resolve important legal issues; engage in capital investments and enter into financial transactions; ask your boss for a promotion; iron, remove stains from clothes, take things to the dry cleaner.

Purchases : You can buy large items that will last a long time, such as furniture. But it's better to go to the shops after 15:00, then the risks of wasting money are reduced.

♑♒ 6 AUGUSTA, Sunday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 19:37.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 15:16

Moon without course from 12:22 to 15:15

Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fiery serpent (jackal with wings).

The day before an eclipse is also usually considered quite stressful. Today is Sunday, so you have the opportunity rest and relax. Don't overload yourself with work. In the first half of the day, you can do some simple cleaning work at home or in the country. In the afternoon you can read, take a walk, and spend time with friends. Be careful, watch what happens to you on this day. Unpleasant news or surprises are possible.

What not to do : going on trips (especially long ones), ironing, removing stains from clothes, taking things to the dry cleaner.

Purchases : Don't go shopping during the Moon without a course! Today you can buy something that is not too expensive, but practical. In the first half of the day it is good to buy things that will last a long time, for example, shoes. Even if it is not expensive, it promises to last quite a long time.


♒ 7 AUGUST, Monday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 20:09.AQUARIUS

FULL MOON at 21:11

PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE at 21:11 - 15°♒ 25′

Symbols of the day : fire snake (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove).

An unfavorable and rather busy day on which you will have the chance to watch a partial lunar eclipse. But it’s still not worth doing this. Spend this day and evening in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. In the evening, be alone and think about what should you get rid of so that something new and happy comes into life. Today is a good day to give up bad habits.

What not to do : start any important tasks.

Purchases : Better to postpone.

♒ 8 AUGUSTA, Tuesday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:37.AQUARIUS

Moon without course from 22:07

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells).

This day after the full moon and lunar eclipse will not be easy either. And although most of the stress is over, you may be tormented various thoughts about your past as well as your future. You shouldn't do anything serious just yet, especially if you can wait. In the next two weeks, follow the events and signs that will take place in your life, it is likely that they will give a hint whether you are going through life correctly, or whether something still needs to be changed. During the days of Aquarius, it is good to communicate and gain new knowledge. Now they will be especially valuable!

What not to do : change jobs, contact bosses and officials, take computers, phones, tablets and other equipment for repair.

Purchases : We don’t recommend buying anything important for now. But you can buy inexpensive ones Cell phones, computers or other devices until Mercury goes into retrograde. If you have the opportunity to bargain, bargain! Sellers will be more willing to reduce the price by next 2 weeks(before the new moon).

♒♓ 9 AUGUST, Wednesday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:01.AQUARIUS , FISH from 00:56

Moon without course until 00:55

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice).

Despite the fact that the Moon will be in the sign of Pisces and will make favorable aspects with Venus, you can sign documents, but you should do it with caution. If possible, it is better to postpone signing the papers until a more opportune time. On this day there may be disputes and disagreements, but not too serious. You may not notice annoying mistakes. Dating may be enjoyable, but continuing communication may be difficult.

What not to do : draw up important papers, write important statements and letters, move to a new place of residence or a new office, submit reports without thorough checks, begin important undertakings, contact fortune tellers, mediums and healers.

Purchases : You should make purchases with caution, and it is better if they are not too large purchases. You can buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics.

Lunar calendar 2017: favorable days

♓ 10 AUGUSTA, Thursday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:23.FISH

Moon without course from 16:38

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider).

Not a good day because defeat of the Moon by Saturn. Your hopes may be dashed and your plans may not work out. This day is suitable for continuing what was started in the past. Since Venus and Mercury will converge in a favorable aspect on this day, it is quite possible that you will have to resolve matters related to money and finances. In the first half of the day you can get acquainted.

However, we do not recommend starting important things, as they may encounter difficulties and obstacles, despite the fact that other people will understand you well. Negative aspect of the Moon and Saturn can be softened and tension will be minimal. A great day for doing a big laundry or cleaning window frames.

What not to do : enter into important contracts, engage in home canning, risk money, make serious promises, lend money.

Purchases : Do not make purchases during the Moon without a course! You can buy various things, which, however, are not intended for long-term use. There is a risk of unexpected expenses, so save your money!

♓♈ 11 AUGUSTA, Friday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 21:44.FISH , ARIES from 08:22

Moon without course until 08:21

Symbols of the day : web (spider), eagle.

Attention! Static Mercury! Today and in the next few days (especially until August 14 inclusive) Mercury will hover in the sky and will appear as if it is not moving at all. This astrological event should be taken into account by everyone who is engaged in trade, intends to draw up documents or conduct important negotiations. All of these activities may face serious obstacles.

What not to do

Purchases : with caution: there is a risk of purchasing problematic goods! Buy only essential goods.

♈ 12 AUGUSTA, Saturday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 22:25.ARIES

Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot).

This is the day to decide quick and not too serious things, for cases that require good reactions and quick decision making. But too much haste can lead to mistakes. Be confident in your abilities in any endeavor! Starting long-term tasks can lead to you finishing them quickly, but the fuse may not be enough, and the tasks risk remaining unfinished.

What not to do : go on travel, draw up documents, negotiate, start learning something, enter into trade deals, make large purchases, start long-term projects.

Purchases : with caution: there is a risk of purchasing problematic goods. Buy only essential goods, go to the store with a list, today there is a chance of impulse purchases that you will regret.

♈♉ 13 AUGUSTA, Sunday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 22:58.ARIES , CALF from 13:40

Moon without course from 11:01 to 13:40

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key).

The transition of Mercury into the retrograde phase will indicate some difficulties in all matters related to it, for example, there may be problems with documents, transport, trade operations, etc. Today is a bad time for paperwork. It is good to continue things started in the past. After 14:00 you can return to some things that you started earlier, but did not finish, for example, it’s good to continue renovation work. You can do cleaning in your apartment, office or workplace.

What not to do : go on travel, draw up documents, negotiate, start learning something, enter into trade deals, make large purchases.

Purchases : Better to postpone. Mercury retrograde indicates problems with shopping. For example, the product may be of poor quality or defective, so it will have to be returned.

♉ 14 AUGUST, Monday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 23:01. CALF

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile.

The day is unfavorable due to the approaching change of the lunar phase and due to the defeat of the Moon by Mars. In the morning hours of the day you can do studying some documents, for phone calls and various negotiations, holding planning meetings for discussion current financial affairs. You can also discuss with your partners the distribution of finances, profits or family budgets, etc. Intuition will work well today, so you will most likely have a sense of what you should do to benefit yourself.

What not to do : start any important business and projects, make quick decisions, work with fire or metal, sort out relationships, put a lot of physical strain on yourself, go on trips, draw up documents, negotiate, start learning something, conclude trade deals, make large purchases.

Purchases : Better to postpone. On this day there is a risk of losing money, as well as spending on unnecessary pleasures. It's better to postpone shopping trips.

♉♊ 15 AUGUSTA, Tuesday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 23:25. CALF , TWINS from 17:06

Moon without course from 04:15 to 17:05

III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 04:13

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear.

The negative aspect between Venus and Pluto makes this day not very successful for resolving financial issues. Besides most Today the Moon will be without a course. Don't start new things! Today you can continue cleaning or do crafts and other creative activities for soul and calm the nerves. Avoid casual relationships: high risks of sexually transmitted diseases!

What not to do : make important decisions, especially related to money, property, solve financial problems, start new ventures involving risk, make acquaintances.

Purchases : Do not make purchases during the Moon without a course! Money on this day may be wasted. After 17:00 You can buy small things, especially those that will be useful to you to make everyday life easier. It’s good to buy, for example, any stationery.

♊ 16 AUGUST, Wednesday. 24th lunar day from 00:00.TWINS

Symbols of the day : bear.

Today you may feel distracted and lost, there may be all sorts of mistakes, especially during the period of negative aspects - until 15:30. It is better not to assign any tasks at all to this day that will require serious concentration, perseverance and accuracy from you. There is a possibility monetary losses or improper cost planning.

What not to do : in the first half of the day (until 15:30) - deal with important papers and documents, schedule negotiations and meetings, conclude contracts and agreements, engage in commerce, conduct stock exchange transactions, borrow and lend money, apply for loans.

Purchases : today you can make small purchases, but better after 15:30, since in the first half of the day there is a risk of monetary loss. You can also waste a lot of money on nonsense.

♊♋ 17 AUGUSTA, Thursday. 25th lunar day from 00:05.TWINS , CANCER from 19:13

Moon without course from 16:38 to 19:12

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water).

Another negative aspect of Venus, this time with Jupiter, advises not to start matters that are associated with money and legal issues, at least, until 10:00. From 10:00 to 16:30 is a good time to do paperwork, you can sign documents, draw them up, and look for a new job. This time is also suitable for dating and expanding business connections. You can also go to bodies of water, but it is better if these are not too long trips. We do not recommend going to the mountains (for mountaineering or long walks at high altitude).

What not to do : starting important long-term affairs, getting married, proposing marriage.

Purchases : Do not make purchases during the Moon without a course! It is unlucky to buy works of art and jewelry on this day. Can be done small purchases(preferably from 10:00 to 16:30).

♋ 18 AUGUSTA, Friday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 00:55.CANCER

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp).

The Moon in Cancer activates questions that have attitude towards family and home. Today is a good day to spend with your immediate family and relatives. It’s good to give yourself health baths and various procedures aimed at improving your health. Spend the evening in a relaxed atmosphere and don't rush anywhere. You can cook something delicious for your family. You can go on trips to the water (but preferably within the country).

What not to do : start new important cases related to the legal field, submit applications to the courts

Purchases : any goods for the home, garden or family, food for the week. You can buy inexpensive kitchen equipment, but be careful: Mercury is retrograde now, so there is a big risk that you won't like something and will have to return the goods!

♋♌ 19 AUGUSTA, Saturday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 01:57.CANCER , A LION from 20:55

Moon without course from 18:17 to 20:54

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship).

Another day that is better to devote to the house: it’s good to do a big laundry, wash the window frames, take things to the dry cleaner, or try to get rid of the stains yourself. Have a good time with relatives. The day is favorable for family feasts. A good time to go on a trip to the sea (possibly abroad).

What not to do : starting new things and projects, especially protracted ones; move; start construction of any objects; make important decisions; meet and start relationships, give or borrow money, apply for loans.

Purchases : Do not make purchases during the Moon without a course! It's still good to buy dishes, bedding, any items for fishing, trips to ponds or family picnics.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

♌ 20 AUGUSTA, Sunday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:08.A LION

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma).

The day just before the solar eclipse is considered unfavorable for important decisions and starting new things. This end of the lunar month, when it will be successful to simply complete or continue everything that you did not have time to complete. The Moon in Leo will make many people more active and wanting to attract attention. This is especially true for fire signs.

This day should not be spent passively: good exercise or just spend more time walking. You can contact your superiors to discuss some matters that you will be involved in in the future. You can buy a lottery ticket.

What not to do : start any important business and projects, engage in capital investments or large commercial transportation, draw up paperwork.

Purchases : You shouldn’t make particularly large purchases, but you can buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, you can’t buy real estate or cars.

WANING MOON, Waxing MOON from 21:30

♌♍ 21 AUGUST, Monday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:26, 1st lunar day from 21:30

Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth).

This day after the new moon and eclipse is associated with a favorable aspect between Mars and Saturn, so you can feel a surge of strength, the desire to act and make efforts to achieve your goals. The day is good for not too important routine tasks that require concentration and accuracy. You can sort things and put them in their places. You can solve some matters related to accounting, budget planning, compiling lists and databases. Any routine today will not be a burden.

On the night of August 22-23The sun will move into the sign of Virgo, so today you may have very important, memorable dreams. Although they will be very difficult to decipher, you should memorize them or write them down. It is likely that their true meaning will be revealed to you a little later.

What not to do : making homemade preserves, meeting people, starting romantic relationships, getting married.

Purchases : small purchases. Be careful with your spending! There is a risk of monetary loss. You cannot buy real estate and land.

♍ 23 AUGUST, Wednesday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:04.VIRGO

Moon without course from 23:02

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard).

There will be a better time after 12:30. In the afternoon, it is good to engage in commercial activities, you can write advertisements for the sale/purchase of something, do databases, write letters, look for a new job, or replant house plants.

What not to do : buy real estate and land, start traveling on water, get married, make homemade canned food.

Purchases : small purchases, better after 12:30. Good to buy casual clothes and shoes from the basic wardrobe.

♍♎ 24 AUGUSTA, Thursday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:21.VIRGO , SCALES from 04:05

Moon without course until 04:04

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge.

Venus and Uranus will be in disharmony on this day, which means, despite the sign of Libra, it is better not to get acquainted or get engaged on this day. Agreements and negotiations may be accompanied by unfavorable surprises which will give undesirable consequences. In general, it will be much more difficult to agree with anyone on anything today than it seems. Partners will suddenly change their decisions, hesitate and may simply let you down. Don't count on other people on this day.

What not to do : borrow and lend money, solve financial issues, make investments, argue and sort things out.

Purchases : It’s better to postpone: there may be a lot of unpleasant surprises.

♎ 25 AUGUSTA, Friday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:36.SCALES

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn.

ATTENTION! WEAK MOON! This day is more successful for routine negotiations and not very significant acquaintances. It’s good to visit any cultural events with or without partners, you can go on trips by rail. You can plan for this day celebrating long-planned engagements, you can organize a party for friends. This day promises to be very positive and will leave good impressions. However, it is better not to plan important things that can change your future life for this day!

What not to do : quarrel and sort things out, start important things.

Purchases : Today is a good day for shopping, you can buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics, etc. But be careful: on retro Mercury there is a chance to buy inappropriate things that will have to be returned is much higher. Therefore, if you are buying clothes or shoes, it is better not to buy them from online stores, where you cannot try them on before purchasing.

26 AUGUSTA, Saturday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 10:48.SCALES , SCORPION from 11:53

Moon without course from 08:39 to 11:52

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane.

ATTENTION! WEAK MOON! The Moon will be out of course for several hours, so be careful not to start anything new or important during this time. They can expect you in the morning unpleasant surprises or news. Moodiness in women may increase, and the mood may not be the most rosy. But the second half of the day is more successful. After 12:30, your ability to work and confidence will increase, you can solve various issues that are related to real estate. You can continue to look for work. A good time for cooperation and teamwork. You can start searching for lost things. Do not plan to start new important things, especially during the period the faintest moon - from 15:43 to 17:40.

What not to do : abuse alcohol, go on long journeys, borrow money or take out loans (especially before 12:30, but also all day).

Purchases : Don't go shopping during the Moon without a course! It is better not to buy anything in the first half of the day. The best time for shopping is after 12:30. You can buy cars (after 18:00), but remember that now is the time of the waxing moon, so sellers will be reluctant to reduce prices.

♏ AUGUST 27, Sunday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:57.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys).

ATTENTION! WEAK MOON until 17:00! In general, this day promises to be quite positive, despite the sign of Scorpio. Performance today will be at a high level. Can solve many problems, especially if you haven’t succeeded in them before and seemed complicated and confusing. Also, a favorable aspect between Jupiter and Saturn. This day is well suited for any active actions, intuition will work very well, so listen to it. You can solve issues related to the family budget.

What not to do : borrow money or take out loans.

Purchases : You can buy cars and any equipment, machines. This day is not suitable for buying clothes and cosmetics.

AUGUST 28, Monday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:05.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 22:48

Moon without course from 12:38 to 22:47

Symbols of the day : rod (wind rose, keys), phoenix.

The first half of the day is not the best time to sort things out with neighbors or close relatives. Anything you have to do today will require maximum effort. Due to the fact that this is the first week of the lunar month, you should have enough strength. This day is not suitable for dates and meetings, negotiations and concluding important agreements.

What not to do : draw up important documents, conduct negotiations, sign contracts.

Purchases : Don't go shopping during the Moon without a course! It’s better not to buy anything important or large today. Trips to markets can result in unpleasant emotions and quarrels with sellers. It's difficult to agree on a price.

♐ 29 AUGUSTA, Tuesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 14:09. SAGITTARIUS

First quarter, Second phase of the Moon from 11:14

Symbols of the day : phoenix, milky way (bat, mother's milk).

This day may not be the most favorable due to the fact that The Moon and Sun will be in disharmony. It is better to give up important things and make important decisions. But it is quite possible to continue what has been started. You can plan a trip for this day, but it’s best to start it after 11:30, but if these are not trips to bodies of water!

You may not feel too good on this day. Try not to take anything at face value today: there may be deceptions and disappointments. Today you may look at the world around you somewhat distorted, become more gullible, so scammers can easily deceive you. Sudden changes in mood can lead to undesirable consequences, for example, quarrels and misunderstandings with loved ones. This day is more suitable for thinking about future affairs and relaxing.

What not to do : make important decisions, start new businesses, trust unfamiliar people, invest money (any kind).

Purchases : Better to postpone. There is a risk of monetary loss, theft, and fraud.

♐ 30 AUGUST, Wednesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:09. SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus).

This day is not suitable for solving important matters due to defeat of the Moon by Saturn, but it may turn out to be very positive. The Moon in Sagittarius in a favorable aspect with Jupiter will bring you joy, good mood and positive emotions, even if things don’t work out. Today it is important to include optimism and a positive outlook on the world, then any failures will turn into positive events. After 17:30 get to know each other well and establish different relationships, including romantic ones. In the evening, you can also make requests to your superiors.

What not to do : decide important things financial difficulties, enter into financial transactions.

Purchases : any small purchases that will make you happy. We do not recommend buying or selling real estate or land.

31 AUGUSTA, Thursday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:04. SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 11:19

Moon without course from 07:42 to 11:18

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth).

With the transition of the Moon into the sign of Capricorn, feelings may become aggravated. duty and responsibility, so now you are getting things done that you didn’t have enough perseverance for in previous days. This is not a time for rest, but for work. If you get started today after 11:30, There are more chances to get a good result. During the Moon period, you cannot start new things without a course, but it is better to continue what you started in the past.

The last day of summer usually brings sadness: the last day of school holidays, the holiday seasons are ending, and the days are getting colder, autumn is approaching. Do not be sad! Better get busy with the things that bother you really captivating, then there will simply be no time to be sad!

What not to do : move, get acquainted, start a relationship, register on dating sites, move to a new job, make requests and suggestions to your superiors.

Purchases : Don't go shopping during the Moon without a course! After 11:30 It’s good to buy things that will last a long time: you can buy real estate, furniture, everything for renovation. But it's better if you chose all this even earlier, before Mercury went retrograde.

Various things and favorable days for them in AUGUST 2017

Cleaning:4-6, 13-15, 22, 23
Wet cleaning:13-17
Wash:9, 10, 17-19
Washing windows and glass: 8. 11-13, 16, 17, 20
Dry cleaning:8-20
Start of repair:27
Start of house construction: No
Moving:2, 8, 15, 16, 25
Signing of documents: 3, 17, 23
Looking for a new job: 17, 22, 23, 26
Appeal to the authorities: 3, 20, 30
Transfers and receipts of money, loans, debts: 8, 9
Dating, dates, engagements: 2, 3, 9, 10, 17, 25, 30
Recreation trips to bodies of water: 10, 17-19, 30
Trips to holiday homes and sanatoriums: 9, 10, 17-19, 29, 30
Trips to the mountains:31
Business trips: 22, 23
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 8, 9, 13, 14, 19-21, 24, 25
Banquets and celebrations: 3, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 25
Judicial and legal issues: No
Solving financial issues: 22, 23
Investments: 9
Commercial activity: 17, 23
Winnings from gambling and lotteries: 20
Exchange operations: No
Preparation of documents: 3, 17, 22, 23
Making wills: 22, 26, 27
Insurance:22, 23, 26, 27
Advertising:2, 3, 8, 10, 20, 26
Small purchases:2, 3, 16, 17, 22, 23, 30
Large purchases: 26, 27
Shopping for cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, jewelry: 9, 20, 23, 25
Real estate purchases: 31
Buying a car: 26, 27
Probability of unexpected expenses: 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19, 23, 25, 28, 30
Loss of money, deception, scam, fraud: 2, 9, 16, 22, 29
The most successful and favorable days of the month: 22, 23, 25, 31
Dangerous and unfavorable days month: 6-8, 14, 21, 29
Welcome to the calendar lunar days as of August 2017. We hope that it will be convenient and easy to use. Lunar calendar data is calculated by special astrological scripts, which were written with the help of professional astrologers. The maximum error of the lunar day is 25 minutes. The error when calculating the Moon's zodiac sign can be about 40 minutes. We are trying to improve our lunar calendar for August 2017, so with each update of our site it becomes more accurate and has less calculation error. Living on the Moon is great! We sincerely wish you successful implementation of your tasks with the help of our lunar calendar.

Aug 1 2017 15:18 - 10th lunar day

Nice day. It will be good to get up early and do what you would always like to do. In other words, today is a good time to develop healthy habits. Avoid routine and do things that make you happy.

Moon August 1, 2017
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Aug 2 2017 16:21 - 11th lunar day

One of the most energetically powerful lunar days. Today you can burden yourself with any tasks and be sure that they will be completed. Well suited for fasting and cosmetic cleansing procedures.

Moon August 2, 2017
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Aug 3 2017 17:19 - 12th lunar day

A very pleasant lunar day. It’s good to pray on this day, to become open to everything that comes into your life. Avoid fuss and dissatisfaction with life.

Moon August 3, 2017
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Aug 4 2017 18:12 - 13th lunar day

Internal reserves are activated, a second wind appears. Passivity is not allowed - all efforts must be made to implement current tasks.

Moon August 4, 2017
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Aug 5 2017 18:58 - 14th lunar day

A very powerful lunar day on which passivity is not allowed. Our thoughts and actions are now rapidly being realized, so we need to be directed in the right direction.

Moon August 5, 2017
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Aug 6 2017 19:37 - 15th lunar day

Usually there is a full moon on the 15th lunar day. Avoid conflicts and keep inner peace. The moon today gives you a chance to show your talents, but only if you direct your energy to them, and not to base desires.

Moon August 6, 2017
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Aug 7 2017 20:09 - 16th lunar day

A well-deserved day of rest for those who lived in harmony with the Moon and were not lazy during the period of activity (the first half of the lunar month). Now your affairs are in the direction specified from the 1st to the 15th lunar day. Do something that makes you feel happy.

Moon August 7, 2017
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Aug 8 2017 20:37 - 17th lunar day

A day with wonderful energy, which is intended for relaxation, and more active than passive. Go ice skating, go to the pool, sauna, springs... Have a party, rejoice with your family or friends. Do not drink alcohol or other psychoactive substances.

Moon August 8, 2017
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Aug 9 2017 21:01 - 18th lunar day

The symbol of the 18th lunar day is a mirror, so it is not difficult to guess what influence this day has. Everything that happens in your life today is a reflection of yourself. If you have been rude, most likely you yourself are inclined to abuse it. Look at yourself from the outside and analyze your actions.

Moon August 9, 2017
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Aug 10 2017 21:23 - 19th lunar day

An unusual lunar day, on which all your strength must be spent on maintaining balance. The moon today tests us for strength and fidelity to our ideals. Don't waste energy on conflicts, mind your own business. Don't change the direction of your business.

Moon August 10, 2017
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Aug 11 2017 21:44 - 20 lunar day

Today you need to complete your business to its logical conclusion. Perhaps this will be just part of one big plan. Look at what is happening to you from the point of view of an observer. The Moon can reveal to you the true state of affairs and show you the way forward if you follow this advice.

Moon August 11, 2017
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Aug 12 2017 22:05 - 21 lunar day

Great day for creativity. The day is good for holding any events related to creativity and art. The energy given today must be spent wisely. Spend your day the way you would like to spend your whole life: - do only what you would do, even if you weren’t paid for it.

Moon August 12, 2017
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Aug 13 2017 22:28 - 22 lunar day

The symbol of the 22nd lunar day is Ganesha, a deity who brings harmony and prosperity. Great day to implement any complex tasks, including business and financial. The main condition is not to be lazy. Improve yourself, get rid of unnecessary things and become closer to the divine!

Moon August 13, 2017
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Aug 14 2017 22:54 - 23 lunar day

Today you need to handle your energy very carefully. The fact is that the moon today puts a lot of pressure on our shell, and for those who are not used to distributing energy correctly, it will seem that everyone around is extremely unfriendly. The main thing is not to let the energy stagnate - then you can safely avoid all the negative outcomes of the lunar day.

Moon August 14, 2017
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Aug 15 2017 23:25 - 24 lunar day

A pleasant lunar day, intended for active activities. Keep moving towards the finish line, don't be lazy and create! The moon is very generous with energy today, and if you don’t spend it, your energy shell will feel uncomfortable. Do what brings you pleasure. Avoid routine and haste.

Moon August 15, 2017
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Aug 17 2017 0:05 - 25 lunar day

A very interesting lunar day. Today spiritual revelation and wisdom come to us. Spend this day as you see fit. Try not to get involved in active events, it is better to focus on the internal. Any spiritual practices and study of holy scriptures will be of great benefit today.

Moon August 17, 2017
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Aug 18 2017 0:55 - 26 lunar day

Today there is a chance that you will be undeservedly proud of what you have achieved. Try to prevent this from happening, and remember that you are no better than other people. All people different fate and the degree of confusion about what one should do in life. Treat people with compassion and understanding.

Moon August 18, 2017
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Aug 19 2017 1:57 - 27 lunar day

A magnificent day on which reason and intuition combine best. If you have problems, it will be easy to deal with them and find the source of their origin. Any crazy ideas are welcome. Feel like a child and boldly step towards your destiny!

Moon August 19, 2017
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Aug 20 2017 3:08 - 28 lunar day

A pleasant day that opens up a view of the current state of affairs. A deep inner understanding of the situation comes. The moon today gives us back what we deserve during the lunar month.

Moon August 20, 2017
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Aug 21 2017 4:26 - 29 lunar day

Today you need to gather all your strength in order to remain in a balanced state. The moon today is very powerful in its energy and it may be somewhat difficult for those who are not ready to accept it. If you have lived the lunar month in harmony with the rhythms of the moon, do not worry - this will not affect you.

Moon August 21, 2017
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Aug 21 2017 21:30 - 1 lunar day

The day of laying the foundation for the whole month. You should not start work and take active actions. All you need now is to think about what you want and how you can achieve what you want. If you are planning a global goal, try to break it down into stages and highlight the first - the most important. Don't worry if there is no such goal on the horizon, you still have time to think about it.

Moon August 21, 2017
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Aug 22 2017 5:45 - 2nd lunar day

Quite a passive day. In general, if you already have a goal defined, you can think about how to start implementing it. For example, if you are going on a trip, think about what things you need to pack for the trip, who to entrust with caring for your pet

Moon August 22, 2017
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Aug 23 2017 7:04 - 3 lunar day

On the 3rd lunar day, everything planned begins to be fully realized. Today the energy of the moon is powerful, and even somewhat aggressive. If you spend it wisely, focusing all your efforts on creativity, the day will be very productive. Finally adjust the direction of your movement and implement your plans.

Moon August 23, 2017
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Aug 24 2017 8:21 - 4th lunar day

The 4th lunar day is a continuation of the path chosen for movement for the entire lunar month. Follow the voice of your intuition and don’t be afraid to do what it tells you. Today the moon generously provides the information you will need to realize your plans.

Moon August 24, 2017
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Aug 25 2017 9:36 - 5th lunar day

The 5th lunar day is a day of global internal transformation. Try to channel your energy into becoming a little wiser. Meditation and walks are useful fresh air, preferably in a calm environment. the main objective lunar day - do not let external stimuli drown out your inner voice. More details

In that lunar calendar you can find out which days are favorable in August 2017 and which are not so favorable. Please do not treat data with fanaticism. This is only information that should not predetermine the course of your actions. If you see that difficulties may arise on some day, just try to approach the difficulties with more enthusiasm. There is no need to deliberately program yourself for bad results. Believe in yourself and trust what comes, everything will work out!

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Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 08/1/2017 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Characteristics of the Moon on August 1, 2017

On the date 01.08.2017 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 9 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Scorpio ♏. Illumination percentage Moon is 67%. Sunrise Moon at 15:18, and sunset V --:--.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 9th lunar day from 14:12 07/31/2017 to 15:18 08/01/2017
  • 10th lunar day from 15:18 08/01/2017 until the next day

Moon influence August 1, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio (+)

Moon in a sign Scorpion. The time has come to make the most important decisions. Improved mental activity, an increased ability to concentrate on the essence of the problem and a high level of self-criticism make it possible to separate the truly important from the superficial and insignificant.

You can safely take on new endeavors, develop business plans for new projects, and assign yourself all sorts of obligations that will be within your power.

9 lunar day (−)

August 1, 2017 at 12:00 - 9 lunar day. Critical day. You need to be prepared to fight seduction, deception and illusions. You must try to restrain yourself and not let the emerging negative attitude towards the people around you come to the surface.

Exacerbation of the conflict and confrontation will not benefit either side. It is better to pay attention to the continuation of long-started tasks that require routine execution.

Waxing Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The second lunar phase is the interval between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the Moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, and strongly expressed activity.

In the business sphere, a favorable time begins for carrying out planned activities, solving difficult issues and problems. Things that require a lot of activity will not be difficult.

In the second lunar phase Physical activity can be useful; it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Changes in absolutely all areas of activity are favorable, both in relationships on a personal level and in business.

Not a bad time to move, travel, change your activity. Vital energy gathers more and closer to the full moon, its peak is noted. This period is characterized by emotional outbursts, increasingly frequent conflicts, and the emergence of traumatic situations.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Tuesday, this day is under the protection of Mars, so it is full of energy. Good luck awaits strong, strong-willed people in whom energy is in full swing.

If you develop vigorous activity on this day, success awaits you. However, on Tuesday it can be difficult to concentrate and choose the right path to solve the problem. But if you have thought about everything in advance, then go ahead, without a shadow of a doubt!

This is the right day for physical activity(athletes and summer residents should take note of this). The energy you expended will be easily and quickly restored. For those who are engaged only in mental work on this day, it is useful to alternate intellectual exercises with exercises.

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