Calendar for December of the year favorable days. The magic of numbers. Lunar calendar of surgical operations


December 2016 for the most part it promises to be quite positive month, there will be quite a bit of stress, however, as in any month, you should pay attention to favorable days, when the risks of various ailments, diseases and health problems are slightly higher than on other days.

Crisis, turning points of the month: December 7, 13, 20 and 28, 2016. These days the Moon changes phase, which means it will bring emotional instability, nervousness, depression. Be careful, do not schedule important tasks for these days, do not overwork and do not plan operations: they may be unsuccessful or bring unfavorable side effects.

Operations are best planned during the waning moon ( from December 14 to December 27, 2016), Then recovery process will go faster. Except for unfavorable days.

Read also:Astrological forecast by zodiac signs for December 2016


♑ 1 DECEMBER, Thursday. 3rd lunar day from 09:43.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 11:51

Moon without course until 11:50

There will be no particular health risks today, but we still advise you to listen to your body. However, it is unfavorable to perform operations today, since the Moon is growing. With the transition to the sign of Capricorn, you will become less emotional and will be able to better control your emotions. You can carry out hardening procedures, but it is better to dress according to the season, since it is easy to catch a cold when the Moon is in Capricorn.

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable : liver, blood, thighs, veins, gallbladder, pelvis, hip joints, tailbone, buttocks, knees, bones, teeth, spine, skin, gall bladder, cartilage, tendons, joints.

: proteins, salt. It is better to observe moderation in diet now, since the risks of gaining extra pounds during a waxing Moon are much higher than during a waning Moon. In the afternoon it is good to include in the diet dairy.

♑ 2 DECEMBER, Friday. 4th lunar day from 10:32.CAPRICORN

Moon without course until 11:50

This day can be quite tense and stressful, but if you are prepared for all sorts of surprises and don’t get nervous, everything should go quite smoothly. Dress warmly, do not go out into the cold undressed, and also do not sit next to open windows and vents. It is unfavorable to perform operations due to the fact that the Moon is in its waxing phase. But you can start treating any stomach diseases.

Dangers and Risks : various unexpected injuries, fractures, exacerbation of chronic diseases, poisoning, headache, dizziness, nervous breakdowns, overeating, colic, trembling in the body, electric shocks, numbness of the fingers, increased blood pressure, imbalance of the hormonal system, overeating.


: salt. On this day, we advise you to observe moderation in everything, as the risks of health problems are higher due to negative aspects of the Moon. You should not drink alcohol at all, as it will be difficult for you to stop. Excessive eating can lead to overeating.

♑ 3 DECEMBER, Saturday. 5th lunar day from 11:14.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 13:16

Today it is better not to put heavy loads on your knees, for example, you should not go for long runs, and it is also better don't lift weights. In general, the day is quite favorable: a lot of positive emotions from the very early morning. Try to plan the most enjoyable activities for this Saturday. Still good to treat various gastrointestinal diseases.

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable : knees, bones, teeth, spine, skin, gall bladder, cartilage, tendons, joints.

Best absorbed today : salt. Treat yourself to something especially tasty today, but don’t overindulge in high-calorie foods, as it’s easy to gain weight now. This day is suitable for pickling cabbage. By the way, it's already ready sauerkraut Today it will be an excellent side dish for various meat and fish dishes.

♒ 4 DECEMBER, Sunday. 6th lunar day from 11:50.AQUARIUS

Another positive day, but with a completely different energy. If yesterday it was easier for you to restrain your emotions, now they will break out, you want freedom, hence the nerves. However, these nerves should not harm you. You shouldn’t burden yourself with complicated homework today; it’s better to spend the day in good friendly company and get creative. Your mood and well-being will be excellent. It is unfavorable to perform operations; if possible, wait until the days of the waning moon.

Dangers and Risks : No.


Best absorbed today : fats. Today your appetite may increase, especially in the evening and before bed, try to restrain yourself and not eat more than normal, since with the waxing Moon this will quickly affect the figure.

♒ 5 DECEMBER, Monday. 7th lunar day from 12:20.AQUARIUS

Moon without course from 14:23

Now your sensitivity will be higher, there may be nervous tension, and by the end of the day it will accumulate unwanted stress. To get away from stress, we recommend going for water treatments, for example, you can go to the pool, take a bath or shower at home, and it’s also a good idea to visit a massage parlor to relieve stress.

Dangers and Risks

Vulnerable: joints, eyes, legs, nervous system.

Best absorbed today : fats. Today it is better to avoid too hot and spicy foods. Eat the right fats: olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado etc. Light salads will be well digested and will not leave a heaviness in the stomach. To calm your nerves, you can drink soothing herbal tea.

♓ 6 DECEMBER, Tuesday. 8th lunar day from 12:47.FISH

Today is a rather dangerous day in terms of appearance allergic reactions , it is better not to deal with various chemicals, stay away from any allergens. The body is very sensitive to food, so poisoning is not uncommon. Take medications carefully, especially strong ones and new ones.

Dangers and Risks : poisoning, infectious diseases, allergy attacks.


Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. Watch very carefully what you eat, what the expiration date of this product is and what its composition is. If possible, prepare your own food at home. Check your refrigerator and throw out anything suspicious. Remember that it is easy to get poisoned today.

Moon calendar health 2016

♓ 7 DECEMBER, Wednesday. 9th lunar day from 13:11.FISH

Second phase of the moon from 12:04

Moon without course from 17:05

The first half of the day is quite unfavorable: a change in the lunar phase can affect quite sensitive people, as well as people with chronic diseases. It is better not to schedule any important events, operations or the start of treatment on this day. In addition, a negative aspect with Saturn can lead to risks of colds, including quite severe ones.

Dangers and Risks : decreased physical strength, nervousness, exacerbation of chronic diseases, colds and flu.

Vulnerable: skin, feet, toes, ligaments, lymphatic, endocrine and immune systems.

Nutrition : post. Today is a pretty busy day, so try to keep your diet very gentle. Eliminate any heavy food, for example, it’s better not to eat meat, dairy products. If you adhere to fasting, this will not be a problem for you; we advise everyone else to also think about lenten dishes on this day.

♈ 8 DECEMBER, Thursday. 10th lunar day from 13:34.FISH , ARIES from 13:15

Moon without course until 13:14

The risks of getting sick from viral and colds today are slightly higher than usual, so if possible spend less time in public, or take measures to protect against problems. Hardening cannot be carried out. Surgeries are not recommended today as the Moon is still waxing. But you can start treating invulnerable organs: kidneys, bladder.

Dangers and Risks : colds and viral diseases.


Best absorbed today : proteins. It is important to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. Today you may be in a hurry to do all the necessary things, but quickly swallowing food can give unfavorable sensations in the stomach.

♈ 9 DECEMBER, Friday, 11th lunar day from 13:57.ARIES

Today it is important not to commit impulsive and rash actions. You should think about every step, as there are risks unexpected injuries. Today you should not overstrain your eyes, for example, you should not watch TV or sit at the computer for a long time. It is unfavorable to perform operations.

Dangers and Risks : heaviness in the stomach, various injuries, exacerbation of chronic diseases, poisoning, headaches, dizziness, nervous breakdowns, electric shocks, overeating, colic, trembling in the body, numbness of the fingers, increased blood pressure, imbalance of the hormonal system.

Vulnerable: head, face, brain, teeth, upper jaw, liver.

Best absorbed today : proteins. Include both animal and plant proteins in your diet today. There is a risk eat more than normal, so watch your portion sizes carefully.

♈♉ 10 DECEMBER, Saturday, 12th lunar day from 14:22.ARIES , CALF from 15:40

Moon without course until 15:39

It is unfavorable to perform operations (especially on vulnerable organs and plastic surgery), so if possible, postpone them until have a better day. Today it is better not to start anything new, at least with the Moon without a course.

Dangers and Risks : binge eating.

Vulnerable: head, face, brain, teeth, upper jaw, liver, throat, vocal cords, lower jaw, neck, ears, thyroid gland.

Best absorbed today : proteins, salt. Moderation in your diet will help you feel better today. Can you afford it? a little sweet, but better in the morning. Good to include in diet homemade pickles.

♉ 11 DECEMBER, Sunday, 13th lunar day from 14:50.CALF

Take care of your throat: it’s better to refuse cold drinks, ice cream, jelly and other cold dishes. You should also be careful with drafts, as it is easy to catch a cold. An approaching negative aspect with Mars can make you nervous and irritable, so try today don't accumulate stress, do what you love, don’t overwork yourself. If possible, engage in only enjoyable activities today.

ABOUT dangers and risks : cuts, injections, burns, exacerbation of chronic diseases, colds.

Best absorbed today : salt. Today you can include it in your diet sweet fruits, but when losing weight it is better to limit yourself to sweets, since the moon is still growing. Eat sweets only in the first half of the day. It’s good to include any roots.

♉♊ 12 DECEMBER, Monday, 14th lunar day from 15:25.CALF , TWINS from 15:40

Moon without course until 15:39

The Moon will be out of course for almost the entire day, which suggests that you should not start new treatments or undergo surgery. In general, the day is successful, there are no stressful aspects, although the body may be quite sensitive to various allergens. If you have allergies, be especially careful.

ABOUT dangers and risks : poisoning, infectious diseases, allergy attacks (in the evening).

Best absorbed today : salt, fats. It's good to cook over an open fire today. Also, do not forget to include in your diet roots (carrots, beets, radishes). By the way, radish is a very useful root vegetable, which is often used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. In winter, it is able to replenish the lack of vitamins and mineral salts.

♊ 13 DECEMBER, Tuesday, 15th lunar day from 16:07.TWINS

Try to rest more on this day and do not overwork: this can affect your health. It’s good to spend it in nature, or at least find time, to take a walk in the park. This is very important precisely on the days of the Moon in Gemini, since on these days people are very vulnerable lungs, and the dust and dirt of big cities can negatively affect their health right now. Take care nerves, stay away from stress today: the full moon is approaching.

Dangers and Risks : exacerbation of chronic diseases, colds and flu, nervous breakdowns.

Vulnerable: lungs, arms, fingers and nails, shoulders, forearm.

Nutrition : post.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations


♊♋ 14 DECEMBER, Wednesday, 16th lunar day from 17:00.TWINS , CANCER from 15:10

FULL MOON at 03:05

Moon without course until 15:09

In general, the day is not dangerous, as there will be a full moon late at night, so the negative aspect will have dissipated by morning. Today you can schedule an operation, but since the Moon is still most days without a course, it is better if this is not the first, but a repeat operation (except for operations on vulnerable organs).

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable: lungs, arms, fingers and nails, shoulders, forearm, stomach, chest, gall bladder, upper liver, ribs, chest.

Best absorbed today : fats, carbohydrates. After a day of fasting today, you shouldn’t immediately attack heavy food, because the Moon, moving into the sign of Cancer, makes the stomach vulnerable. Today it’s good if your diet contains foods that have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach: broccoli, apples, bananas, kiwi, seaweed and others.

♋ 15 DECEMBER, Thursday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:04.CANCER

This day is quite dangerous, especially for those who suffer various diseases digestive system, in particular, various types gastritis etc. The stomach is very vulnerable, so do not overload it with fatty, fried and any harmful products . Operations are acceptable, but not on vulnerable organs.

Dangers and Risks : various unexpected injuries, exacerbation of chronic diseases, poisoning, headaches, dizziness, nervous breakdowns, overeating, colic, discomfort in the stomach, trembling in the body, numbness of the fingers, electric shocks, increased blood pressure, imbalance of the hormonal system, overeating, colds and viral diseases.

Vulnerable: stomach, chest, gall bladder, upper part of the liver, ribs, chest.

Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. Give up today alcohol, since it can have a very negative impact on overall well-being and cause digestive and stomach problems.

♋♌ 16 DECEMBER, Friday, 17th lunar day.CANCER , A LION from 16:16

Moon without course until 16:15

Today is a pretty positive day. You can have a good rest after a week of work. It's good to spend more time on fresh air . It is better today to refuse complex physical work, and those who play sports should be more careful: in case of any ailments in the area hearts It’s better to postpone the workout. Operations are allowed.

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable: stomach, chest, gallbladder, upper liver, ribs, chest,

Best absorbed today : carbohydrates, proteins. Still vulnerable stomach, so try not to load it too much. In the evening you can indulge yourself a little high-calorie foods, alcohol. This is the time of the waning moon, so excess weight will not appear too quickly.

♌ 17 DECEMBER, Saturday, 18th lunar day.A LION

Overall the day was quite positive, at least its second part. Since the Moon and Venus will make a negative aspect today, it is better not to do any complex anti-aging procedures, as you will not be happy with the results. It's better to spend this day in relaxed state. It's good to go outside the city to nature. Refrain from plastic surgery in the first half of the day. In general, the day is good for surgery.

Dangers and Risks : binge eating.

Vulnerable: heart, diaphragm, blood vessels, back, thoracic spine.

Best absorbed today : proteins. Today we advise you to observe moderation in food and drink, since the risk of overeating is quite high. Especially try not to eat at night, do not abuse fatty meat and fish. Remember that our intestines cannot properly handle large amounts of animal products at once. Try not to consume more at one time 100-150 grams meat or fish.

♌ 18 DECEMBER, Sunday, 19th lunar day.A LION

Moon without course from 19:55 to 20:52

Today your nervous system may be somewhat overloaded, you may be more irritable, impulsive than on other days of the month. It is better to stay away from piercing and cutting objects. Surgeries are not recommended, as there is a risk of unwanted side effects increases greatly.

Dangers and Risks : cuts, injections, burns, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Vulnerable: heart, diaphragm, blood vessels, back, thoracic spine.

Best absorbed today : proteins. Try to eat less now salt. This especially applies to those who have cardiovascular diseases.

♍ 19 DECEMBER, Monday, 20th lunar day.VIRGO

Static and retrograde Mercury can bring mess in paperwork, so if you have to take tests, draw up any medical documents and certificates, you should check everything very carefully, as there is a risk of confusion, misunderstanding, incorrect results and other problems. Operations are acceptable, but it is better to exclude operations in the area spine, knees and abdomen.

Dangers and Risks : poisoning, infectious diseases, allergy attacks, intestinal infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases, colds and flu.

Vulnerable: digestive organs.

Best absorbed today : salt. In the next few days, pay special attention to your diet, as the risk of developing digestive problems. Choose dishes that will not harm your digestive organs. It is better to exclude alcohol and any fast food.

♍ 20 DECEMBER, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.VIRGO

The morning can be quite unpleasant: the Moon is approaching a negative aspect with Saturn. Operations to do highly undesirable, as the Moon is also approaching a phase change. In the morning you may not feel your best, and patients may experience a worsening condition. An emotionally difficult day. Don't overwork yourself, don't burden yourself with household responsibilities and difficult tasks at work. Engage in relaxing practices today, and it is better to postpone sports.

Dangers and Risks : exacerbation of chronic diseases, colds, nervous strain.

Vulnerable: digestive organs.

Nutrition : post. Today we recommend including in your diet bran, cabbage, carrots, beets, garlic, figs, prunes. These products are especially good for bowel function. It is better to exclude food of animal origin on this day.

Lunar calendar of operations 2016

♎ 21 DECEMBER, Wednesday, 22nd lunar day.SCALES

The fourth phase of the moon from 04:55

After a rather stressful day of changing the lunar phase, this day promises to be less stressful. Today you can perform operations and begin other complex health procedures. Including doing well plastic surgery. These are some of the best days of the month to visit the dentist.

Dangers and Risks : decreased physical strength, nervousness, colds and viral diseases.


Best absorbed today : fats. Today you can afford a little more high-calorie dishes and sweets. For example, you can choose pastries and cream pies from natural cream. But we advise you to consume only home-made sweets.

♎ 22 DECEMBER, Thursday, 23rd lunar day.SCALES

Contradictory day: on the one hand, today there will be positive aspects with Venus and Jupiter, which give some relaxation. On the other hand, voltages from Pluto and Uranus will give nervousness and impulsiveness, so it is easy to get injured. Be more careful on the roads and don't overexert yourself nervous system ! Today is a good time to go to sauna or steam bath, you can sign up for a massage. Operations are allowed (except for vulnerable organs).

Dangers and Risks : various injuries, exacerbation of chronic diseases, poisoning, headaches, nervous breakdowns, increased blood pressure, hormonal imbalance, overeating, electric shocks.

Vulnerable: bladder, kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, pancreas, lumbar spine, sensory nervous system.

Best absorbed today : fats. It's better to give up alcohol. Today it’s good to include foods that are good for you in your diet. kidney: rosehip tea, pumpkin, apples, plums and other products.

23 DECEMBER, Friday, 24th lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 17:33

Moon without course until 17:32

Quite an active and positive day, but it’s better not to start new things. For example, you can't undergo first surgery, or start complex treatment, since the Moon will be “idle” for most of the day, and you will not get the result you hope for. But today we can continue what we started earlier. For example, operations can be performed if they are repeated or if it is one of a series of operations.

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable: bladder, kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, pancreas, lumbar spine, sensory nervous system, genitals, rectum, prostate gland, seminal glands.

Best absorbed today : fats, carbohydrates. Better give up alcohol today. In general, there are no other dietary restrictions. Eat what you feel like.

In that lunar calendar for December 2016 year you will find information about the position of the moon, its phases for each day of the month. When are favorable and unfavorable periods?

December 1– at 9:43 - the beginning of the 3rd lunar day
It is best to start the day with exercise; in the future, do not avoid exercise. Before lunch, aggression is possible, be restrained. Business meetings will be successful.

December 2nd– at 10:32 - the beginning of the 4th lunar day
Unfavorable day for working in a group. In general, it is better to limit contacts. Do not make decisions spontaneously - most likely, they will turn out to be wrong.

December 3– at 11:14 - the beginning of the 5th lunar day
A good time to start long journeys. At the beginning of the day, do not start serious tasks - doubts will prevent you from solving them. Move important tasks to another day.

December 4– at 11:50 - the beginning of the 6th lunar day
A good time to work with information and educate yourself. Be sure to check the information received today - there is a high risk that it will turn out to be false.

5th of December– at 12:20 - the beginning of the 7th lunar day
Day of active actions. Suitable for any endeavors and solving old issues. Avoid open spaces and drafts - the likelihood of catching a cold increases.

December 6– at 12:47 - the beginning of the 8th lunar day
The period is suitable for work that requires high concentration. Intuition becomes sharper. The evening is good for creativity, going to the theater or concert.

December 7– at 13:10 - the beginning of the 9th lunar day
It is not recommended to start new things, but it is good to do everyday work. Favorable time for business trips - they will bring success. It is better to devote the evening to meditation.

December 8– at 13:33 - the beginning of the 10th lunar day
The business you have started will be a waste of time. It’s better to take part in some adventure with your friends and treat yourself. End the evening with a family dinner.

9th December– at 13:56 - the beginning of the 11th lunar day
You will easily cope with financial issues. Established business contacts promise long-term cooperation. Flirting is possible. Creative activities are the perfect end to the day.

December 10– at 14:21 - the beginning of the 12th lunar day
High risk of injury. Be careful in everything. Take on only short-term tasks and be sure to see them through to completion. The day will be rich in love experiences.

December 11th– at 14:49 - the beginning of the 13th lunar day
In the morning you will feel inspired and energized, and fresh ideas will appear. But you shouldn’t immediately start implementing them - not all of them will be useful. Take care of your throat and neck.

12 December– at 15:23 - the beginning of the 14th lunar day
Feel free to plan business meetings and negotiations for today. If there are complex tasks, then it’s better to postpone them until the second part of the day - then your performance will increase.

December 13th– at 16:06 - the beginning of the 15th lunar day
In the morning, set yourself up for a positive wave. The energetic atmosphere of the day encourages action. But be careful in the evening: seemingly minor troubles can easily ruin your mood.

December 14– at 3:07 – full moon, at 16:59 - the beginning of the 16th lunar day
On this day it is not easy to find mutual understanding with others, conflicts are possible. A favorable period for household chores. It is recommended to carry out a general cleaning of the house.

December 15– at 18:02 - the beginning of the 17th lunar day
Day of harmony and balance. It is very important to be restrained and patient with loved ones. It’s good to diversify your routine work today, otherwise you’ll quickly use up your energy.

December 16– at 19:13 - the beginning of the 18th lunar day
A favorable period for active communication. Both business contacts and meetings with friends will be successful. Trips planned for today will be successful.

December 17– at 20:28 - the beginning of the 19th lunar day
Exposure to emotions will prevent you from solving complex problems today. It's good to do physical exercise to release pent-up energy.

December 18– at 21:42 - the beginning of the 20th lunar day
It is recommended to limit contacts. Clear your thoughts of negativity, analyze your actions. After lunch, avoid quarrels - the consequences will be unpleasant.

December 19th– at 22:55 - the beginning of the 21st lunar day
Unfavorable time for active actions. It's better to do your homework. A good day for new acquisitions. In the evening, disagreements with colleagues or friends are possible.

20th of December– 21st lunar day
The day is suitable for active physical work. Start it with exercise - it will fill you with energy and have a good effect on your well-being. Expect good news in the evening.

21 December– at 0:06 - the beginning of the 22nd lunar day
Creativity and the ability to introspect will increase. It's better to spend the day alone with your thoughts. Avoid routine work - this can lead to overwork.

December 22– at 1:15 - the beginning of the 23rd lunar day
Rethink day. Don't start new things - it will be difficult for you to complete them. You will look at many old problems differently, and new ideas for solving them will appear.

December 23– at 2:22 - the beginning of the 24th lunar day
Conflicts are possible in the morning, as you are too demanding today. Responsibility and discipline will allow you to complete the work without errors.

December 24– at 3:28 - the beginning of the 25th lunar day
Judgment and rationality will have a good effect on your work. Thanks to them, even spontaneous decisions will be successful. A good day for active activities and travel.

December 25– at 4:34 - the beginning of the 26th lunar day
Control your emotions, otherwise a lot of energy will be wasted on trifles. Conflict increases, so it is better to be patient with others.

December 26– at 5:38 - the beginning of the 27th lunar day
Increased stress can negatively affect your well-being. Curb your desire to brag and show off in front of others. Forgive others and yourself for small weaknesses.

27th of December– at 6:39 - the beginning of the 28th lunar day
The day will pass in small worries. Avoid contact with unpleasant people - there is a high probability of conflicts. Relatives and friends will turn out to be valuable advisers.

December 28th– at 7:37 - the beginning of the 29th lunar day
Don’t rush to take on a new business - put the old ones in order. Avoid excess food – the risk of developing stomach problems is higher than ever. Stop shopping.

December 29th– at 8:29 - the beginning of the 30th lunar day, at 9:54 - new moon and the beginning of the 1st lunar day
The period is endowed with powerful energy. Hard work will pay off. If you have done something wrong for a month, expect trouble. In the evening, take a relaxing bath.

December 30th– at 9:15 - the beginning of the 2nd lunar day
A favorable period to start putting your body in order. Be active, move more. Avoid expressions of anger - this way you will avoid stress.

31th of December– at 9:53 - the beginning of the 3rd lunar day
The luckiest day of the month. Interesting trips and acquaintances, and pleasant surprises are likely. On the personal front, new tempting prospects may arise.


Favorable days: 3, 4, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28 and 31 December.
Days when you should refrain from making important decisions. Unfavorable days : 2, 7, 8, 10, 14, 17, 19, 23 and 26 December.
days, favorable for active work. You can plan complex and difficult tasks on them: December 1, 5, 6, 12, 13, 24, 29 and 30.

New Moon - December 29 at 9:54.
Full moon
- December 14 at 3:07.
Waxing Crescent: from December 1 to December 13 and from December 29.
Waning moon : from December 14 to December 28, 2016.

December is a magical time of waiting for a miracle, making plans for New Year, farewell to the current one. The holiday is in the air, burning with lights on the streets of the city and in the heart. The lunar calendar for December 2016 will help you not to lose the magic of every day, making them as productive and positive as possible. You need to try to maintain the right mood for the important New Year's Eve.

A complete picture of the lunar calendar for December 2016 and its cycles is presented by the following critical periods:

1st – 6th of the month– the waxing moon phase begins;
December 7– the moon enters the first quarter phase;
December 8 – 13– the waxing phase of the moon continues;
December 14– full moon;
December 15–20– the moon enters its waning phase;
21 December– the third quarter phase begins;
December 22 – 28– the waning moon phase continues;
December 29th– new moon;
December 30 – 31– the phase of the waxing moon begins.

General characteristics of the month

In general, the upcoming lunar cycle will bring many positive aspects to daily life. Since the critical points are not as pronounced as in the previous period, the lunar calendar for December 2016 will proceed calmly and measuredly. Only towards the end of the lunar cycle will fatigue and perhaps slight irritation appear. This can be easily avoided if you maintain your health in time and prevent a breakdown.

The month perfectly combines moderate days and days of vigorous activity, which helps the body tune in to work and gives time for rest. That is why the influence of the moon will not have such an impact on your internal state.

In the sphere of career and personal life, the month promises to be successful - things will go uphill already in the first half of the lunar cycle. The main thing is not to miss your chance, to react in time. The rest depends on your actions and decisions.

For more convenient navigation in the cycles, the lunar calendar for December 2016 is presented in the table below.

Lunar calendar for December 2016

Once you've decided on a specific day, you can also look at more detailed characteristics of this date, located below.

December 1– The lunar calendar does not advise changes. Unfavorable day for haircuts or dramatic changes appearance. It is undesirable to make important decisions at this time; it is better to postpone all problems and matters requiring responsibility to another day.

December 2nd“Perhaps today a long-forgotten missing person will be found.” The lunar calendar suggests that this day is favorable for outdoor recreation, cleansing the body, and health procedures. You can visit a bathhouse or sauna - this will improve your health.

December 3– The lunar calendar indicates a very suitable day for planning and preparing for any events or meetings. During this period, you can safely go on a new journey or trip, as it will bring a lot of pleasant sensations and will also help you find new friends.

December 4– Mental work, working with documents and information is useful today. There is a chance that today's information will be very helpful in your relationships with colleagues. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to add clothes in sunny yellow tones to your wardrobe.

5th of December– The lunar calendar showed a responsible and important day. During such a period, you can not be afraid of anything, act decisively. Changes, on the contrary, will only contribute to success and raising your own self-esteem. Changing your image - a haircut or a new style will add self-confidence.

December 6– According to the lunar calendar, today is an emotionally unstable day, so it is very important to be able to control your emotions. The day is suitable for household chores, communication with loved ones and friends. It is advisable to spend time with your family.

December 7– A favorable time to start a new trip (perhaps just going out of town). It is necessary to monitor your health; nervous disorders or depression are likely. It is better to avoid visiting hairdressers and beauty salons.

December 8– On this day, the lunar calendar suggests that it would be desirable to avoid unpleasant situations and conflicts. It is better to spend it in a calm, friendly environment. The right moment for hospitality, as well as for starting your own business.

9th December– It is undesirable to be in dangerous places today; there is a risk of injury. The lunar calendar says that you should also refrain from cutting and coloring your hair, as this can lead to disastrous results.

December 10– Until now, it is necessary to try to complete all the work started. The day is slightly relaxed, unhurried. You can take a moment to recover vital energy, finding inner harmony.

December 11th– The lunar calendar for December 2016 suggests a hearth day. At the moment, it is not advisable to go on trips or business trips; it is better to stay close to home. Cosmetic procedures are beneficial, but haircuts and coloring should be avoided.

12 December– In the lunar calendar, this is an active and energetic day, suitable for physical and mental work, decisions important issues, questions. You should be very careful about mood swings and avoid attacks of sadness or apathy.

December 13th– The lunar calendar is sounding the alarm - today is a dangerous day in every sense. Injuries, illnesses, and emotional mood swings are possible. It is important to control your emotions and actions, to focus on one thing. A strict classic suit will help with this.

December 14– If you devote today to your appearance, changing your image and improving your body’s health, then there is a high chance of meeting your soulmate or improving an existing relationship.

December 15– The lunar calendar gives the joy of communication, do not miss this opportunity. Today is conducive to a pleasant time in the company of friends, and is also perfect for holding and organizing various events, holidays, meetings, parties. Today you can take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle and be yourself.

December 16– A balanced day for analyzing your own actions and behavior. It is advisable to spend time alone, working on your own mistakes. This will allow you to become a full-fledged person and achieve greater success.

December 17– The lunar calendar asks you not to overexert yourself. The day is absolutely not suitable for a decision global problems and questions, as well as for working with documents or securities. Today it is recommended to stay in the fresh air as much as possible; a trip to nature is possible. The main thing is not to forget about comfortable and practical clothes.

December 18– The lunar calendar showed a favorable day for haircuts, since the hair after today’s manipulation will retain its shape for a long time. A good period for everyday activities and spending time at home with your family.

December 19th– This is a very opportune moment to change jobs – it’s important not to miss it. A day for joint work, group work. It is highly undesirable to do everything alone today; it can seriously undermine your health.

20th of December– Today is an active day that does not tolerate laziness and passivity. Therefore, it is important to keep yourself in good shape throughout the day. You can treat yourself to useful shopping or a change of image, as well as enjoy various spa treatments.

21 December– The lunar calendar for December 2016 indicates an excellent time to start studying or self-education, gaining useful skills and invaluable experience. Unfavorable time for business or business negotiations. The people around you will really like the radical change in appearance. Experiment, it always charges you with energy and new emotions.

December 22– The lunar calendar suggests that household chores are not expected. They will need to be dealt with today. Attending public cultural events is highly undesirable - there is a risk of harming your health.

December 23– A favorable day for going to the hairdressers. Today's plans may not come true, since today is a day of surprises. It is better to resolve all questions and problems as they arise.

December 24– Since the moon is waning, it is now important to pay attention to your own health. You can contact specialists, undergo diagnostics, start herbal medicine or take multivitamins. Meditation and yoga will help. Pastel shades in your wardrobe will not give stress a chance.

December 25– Today the lunar calendar has switched to passive mode, which is what it advises you to do. Moderation is needed in everything; the day does not require haste, overexertion or excessive stress. It is important to turn on the “energy saving” mode in time to preserve vital energy.

December 26– According to the lunar calendar, today is an unfavorable time for any undertakings. However, you can safely go on trips and trips. Visiting salons or hairdressers is also favorable. It is important not to forget to update your wardrobe in addition to this.

27th of December– Today the lunar calendar shows the day of harmony. It is necessary to abandon any negativity and try to hold on to emotions. A good day for large and useful acquisitions, as well as for global, significant matters.

December 28th– This time is only for ordinary everyday affairs. Under no circumstances should you engage in planning or new projects, as this may turn out to be completely useless.

December 29th– The lunar calendar indicates a time for solitude, working on mistakes, summing up and analyzing the work done. It will also be very useful to plan for the coming period. A model haircut done today will increase your self-esteem and give you self-confidence.

December 30th– In the lunar calendar, the day has come for creative projects, conflict resolution and reconciliation. This period is not suitable for solving financial issues and business activities. A trip to a stylist or hairdresser will be favorable.

31th of December– On the eve of the coming year, it is important to restrain negative emotions and treat the people around you with understanding. It is also important to pay attention to your own health, visit a bathhouse, swimming pool or sauna, or use the services of a professional massage therapist.

Despite the fact that the lunar calendar for December 2016 helps in planning any events and meetings, and also puts you in a certain mood current day, you can always try to change the situation in your favor or at least soften it. Everything depends on you.

See forecasts for lunar calendars for other months:

Lunar calendar for 2016

(select the month you are interested in and follow the link)

Since ancient times, astrologers have monitored the influence of the Moon and its cycles on human behavior and emotions. You can find out favorable days for December using the lunar calendar.

Confidence in the future and positive perception are important components on the path to achieving your goals. The energy of the Moon can help, but it can also harm those who incorrectly distribute their forces. Advice from astrologers and knowledge of favorable days in December will be a good help in making plans for the near future and choosing the time for active work.

Sunday, December 4th - Day of Peace

The influence of Aquarius on the waxing Moon is favorable for any mental activity. On the sixth lunar day, creative activities and organizing various meetings and conferences are recommended. But astrologers advise avoiding long business trips and long-distance trips: they can tire you and cause headaches.

Sixth lunar day filled with the energy of water and air, which intertwine with each other and require composure and balance. Tibetan astrologers believe that at this time it is best for a person to step away from everything that exists and engage in self-knowledge through meditation. Some detachment from everyday responsible affairs is permissible and welcomed.

It is believed that this day can open the gift of clairvoyance to magically gifted people. Some people will have prophetic dreams on this day and will have the opportunity to influence their destiny. Despite some lethargy, do not miss the opportunity to get rid of stagnant energy in the house and improve your condition through magical cleaning and clearing the room of negative energy.

Monday, December 5th - Word Day

Words on the seventh lunar day gain power and can improve your life. You can achieve success using the power of words using affirmations. Astrologers do not recommend getting involved in quarrels and conflicts on this day - words with a negative message will have consequences for energy and health. If possible, avoid important projects and public events.

The element of air is favorable for poets and writers. The power of the word, especially prayer, increases and becomes reality. Enlist the support of the Higher Powers and ask them for health and well-being for you and your loved ones. Those who go on a long journey will be helped by a “parting word” spoken from the bottom of their hearts.

The energy of creation flows into a person and must be directed towards the implementation of plans and mental activity. It is not recommended to carry the energy of destruction and negativity, even tearing paper or flowers on this day.

Tuesday, December 6th is a day of rethinking

The eighth lunar day corresponds to the element of fire. The trials of this day transform a person and transform his condition. At this time, people experience emotional instability and nervousness. A positive attitude and self-confidence will help restore inner harmony.

Personality transformation at the energetic level goes through sudden mood swings. Having coped with his emotional component, a person will soon realize a different side of himself and discover new talents. Take all the changes that happened to you on the eighth lunar day for granted.

The day is favorable for preparing healing decoctions and drinks that enhance immunity. A leadership position is not recommended in the workplace. Take advantage of the energy of this day to implement things and plans that you could not implement earlier. In household chores, the Stars are favorable to replanting plants and preparing your home for the upcoming holidays.

Tuesday, December 13th – active day

The influence of Gemini on the growing Moon continues, and the accumulated energy requires release. There is some kind of energy recharging. A fruitfully spent day guarantees a quick recovery and good luck in future endeavors. A favorable time for the implementation of plans and new business connections.

The patronage of Mars will allow energetic and ambitious people to achieve success in all areas of their activities. Satisfaction will come from your favorite activity and an evening spent in the company of like-minded people.

For those who care about their health, now is the time to physical exercise.
Astrologers recommend not entering into conflicts and spending energy on working and promoting your bold ideas and projects. Luck accompanies those who are not afraid of change and actively defend their point of view.

Tuesday, December 20 - passive day

The waning Moon is in the Zodiac Sign Virgo and makes the twenty-first lunar day less active. Energy together with lunar phase decreases. The stars recommend leaving things that require activity and mental stress, and focusing on current issues and long-term planning.

People who enter into conflicts and pull the blanket over themselves fall into the risk zone. Disputes and disagreements weaken energy and cause headaches and deterioration general condition. In order for the day to pass with maximum benefit and impact on the energy level, use a talisman for your Zodiac Sign. It will protect you from rash actions and will not allow negative energy to affect your mood and performance.

It is beneficial to use unspent potential for spiritual growth. This day is created for prayers and cleansing. Sincere faith and the power of your word will help you realize your plans and enlist the support of Heavenly forces in fulfilling your innermost desire.

Wednesday, December 21 - day of rest

It's a good time to rest and rethink your actions. The Moon in the Sign of Libra is favorable for communication and discussing plans for the future. It is better to postpone making important decisions for another time. Cooperation will bear fruit if you do not enter into confrontation.

Astrologers consider this day optimal for transferring accumulated experience and learning new information. On the twenty-second lunar day, you should not indulge your laziness and spend time in inaction. Moderately active rest will allow you to find a balance of energy and give you vigor. Clearing the mind of heavy thoughts is recommended for those who have a long journey ahead. Signs and conspiracies will protect you from troubles, and will also give you confidence in the well-being and safety of your trip.

Monday, December 26th - day of intuition

Zodiac sign Sagittarius in the waning Moon contributes to a decline in energy and takes thoughts into abstract thinking. The day on the twenty-seventh lunar day is best spent in search of new knowledge and self-improvement. Intuition during this period intensifies and helps to make the right decisions. In case of an insoluble problem or doubts about making the right choice Astrologers recommend listening to your sixth sense.

Try not to pay attention to everyday trifles, and the true meaning of the actions of your colleagues and loved ones will be revealed to you. There is a hidden meaning in everything today: in words, actions, views. It is possible to develop psychic abilities and fulfill your cherished desire with the power of thought. Healthy image life and moderate physical activity have a beneficial effect on the condition as a whole and give strength to move on.

The Stars recommend sharpening your intuitive abilities to receive additional knowledge and gaining experience from wiser mentors. Don't try to understand with your mind everything that will happen today. People's emotions and feelings are naked, their actions may seem meaningless, so try to avoid conflicts and quarrels that can lead to separation and bitterness.

Tuesday, December 27 - mystical day

The twenty-eighth lunar day is a time for summing up and evaluating your actions. The motto of the day is: “What goes around comes around.” The troubles that occur will be a consequence of your unseemly actions in the past. Surprises and rewards will be received by those who led a correct lifestyle and worked on their spiritual body.

Astrologers recommend not to relax and continue to work on yourself so that luck does not turn away, and also consider this day favorable for work in almost all areas of activity. The main task of today will be to take for granted everything that will happen and do correct conclusions. With the correct distribution of forces and capabilities, you will achieve the favor of the Stars and enlist their support for further success.

(Waxing Crescent).
At 07:08 the period of the Moon without a course begins
At 10:40 the 3rd Lunar day begins.
At 11:52 the period of the Moon without a course ends
At 11:52 the Moon moves from Sagittarius into the sign of Capricorn. 2nd Lunar day continues until 10:40

The symbol is a cornucopia.
On this day, the appetite awakens, so diet has a beneficial effect. It is recommended to do prokshalana (rinsing) in the morning gastrointestinal tract according to the yoga system). The cleansing process is helped by a bath and heavy physical activity. You can also use dry fasting or a mono-diet (eat only one food all day). Good results are obtained from cereals cooked without salt and oil. On this day, your instincts will not deceive you - you can very accurately determine by your feelings which food is good for you and which is harmful. What you want is what is useful. What you don't like is harmful. This applies not only to products, but also to people. On this day you will feel very keenly who you need to communicate with and who you shouldn’t. Do not let greed appear on this day, but on the contrary, show generosity. Give someone a gift, give away things you don't need - everything will pay off and come back in full. You can lend money. Avoid conflicts and violent outbursts of emotions. There is still no need to start new serious things; continue to think about your plans and accumulate strength to implement them. It’s good to start a cycle of physical exercises on this day or start learning new knowledge.
Divination. Only for a month.
Dreams. Dreams on these lunar days are, as a rule, not serious; you don’t need to believe them. If in a dream you cannot overcome some obstacle, then in reality you will easily overcome it.
Medically You should pay attention to the mouth, teeth, upper part of the palate.
This lunar day is especially successful for conceiving a girl and procreation. Brings abundance and fulfillment of desires, success and protection.
Those born on this lunar day will grow up prosperously.
They have a strong physical component. They do not need any special diet. Rarely are they full. They have a worldly mind. They become attached to loved ones and property. On the “good” side, this develops into devotion and thriftiness. The “bad” one can develop into greed and predatory behavior. at 10:40 the 3rd lunar day begins

The symbol is a leopard or leopard.
From this day on, a crescent moon appears in the sky. This is a period of active struggle, action and aggression. The tasks of the day are liberation from your negative emotions, from disrespect for yourself and other people, but this is also a time of confrontation with your pride and jealousy. Passivity on this day is contraindicated and even dangerous. All passive people on this day are vulnerable, they can suffer defeat and even get injured - both physical and mental. The internal energy of the body is especially strong on this day, so you will have enough strength for both self-defense and starting new things. It is advisable to give yourself a lot of intense exercise on this day. physical activity, go to the sauna, otherwise your energy, being unspent, will harm you and you may suffer internal organs, illness begins. On this day they work with metals and sharpen knives. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries). It is bad to spill oil on the third day of the Moon (this means that you slipped, went out of your way).
Divination. Don't guess.
Dreams. Dreams on this day rarely come true, but they can become a kind of test of your strength. If you suddenly pass in a dream, you can wake up and play the dream again in your imagination, so that it has the ending you want.
Medically You should pay attention to the area of ​​the back of the head and ears.
This lunar day is only good for conceiving a warrior, fighter, revolutionary or hooligan. Passion and activity will possess the person conceived on this day.
Those born on this lunar day, in the absence of strong positive aspects, especially from strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, will not live long.
I can be good athletes, military and also to succeed in any area where pressure and determination are needed.

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